These'are many things to bougyht in FOR INSTANCE Cold Cream, Camphor Ice, Camphor and Moth Camphor be, These and a number of Toilet prepara- tions are right in seasan nom and then there are s hast of thinge that claim ail seasons for their awn and whichi we can supply better than any other store in town. W'e might nmention among - these Hair, Tooth, Nail and Bath Brushes, Tooth Powders, comba, sponges, Etc. J.E, WIL LIS,1 CHEMIST & DRUGGIS MEDICAL :: HALL, BROOK ST., - WHITBI ~f~r~nîc1e. WHITBY, MAY 7) 1897 Short Notes. Canada contnibuted aver 5:01,000 ta il Iudia famine fund. The distress prevailinl there bas been almast wbolly rernoved. 3T, Y. be ig Birley is a great Canadian pt-oduct, and corn is a great United States product. Wouldn't it be soon euough ta let corn into Carrsda fre mhen bariey la aIiomed juta the United States ft-ee, buabel for bushel ? If auytbing met-e manting Lo makre the uem Canadian tariff popuhar mith the rnajority ai Canadiaes itle the fact that it is a it-for-Lai rieasure agaluat the ucm United States tariff. Aud if anything met-e mantiug ta encore tise final passage ai the uew United States tarif! it is the fact that the Domîunion ai Canada is passing a measore of reprisai lu may ai pt-e- ferential taifi rates mith Engiand. Both cauntries are playing pot-headed about it, and the remuit mili 6e an iujury ta botis. After ail the enthusissm over Fitzslmmonus defeat of Corbett, it nom tomus out that Fitz- simmons bad so little hope ai winning the batîle ibat be sold his chances af the purse for a percentage ai the gate receipts, which would makre hlm sure of winning something. f tie mot-Id had known what a farce the thing mas there would nat have been a hall holiday ta, celebrâte St. Patrick and bear the particu lars about the flght. Altbough flgbtiug in thse namne of liberty the Greeks are aaid ta be very littie better thian the Tur-ks, and the Armenians are said ta be the warst ei aIl oriental abomina- tions. The Jew ai the East la krnawn to be a terrible skinflint, but it is a commnon re- mark amnong ariental travelers that it takes two Jews ta equal a Greek, and three Jews ta equal one Armenian. These are probably fac.s that have samne beariug in preventiug the nations of Europe frorn iaining in their eastern bt-ils. The mare civilized nations feel that no real Christian blood should be spilt aver such a harde af humnan. robbers and pirates. The annual report of the Ontario Agri- cultural college is out, and shows that On. tario county has o111Y 3 pupils there, none of whicb ta taking the course in dairying. i i Bachelors af the Science of Agriculture were graduated last year, not one of wbom iè, from Outario caunty. The residents of tbis county do flot appear ta ake inuch stock in the agricultural college, and it is aCpparenti y a waste af i înd tca alk much about it ; b ut this colleg e is a fine institu- tion. It costs a great dleal af money 1tut-un it, and would flot cost any more if twice as snany young farmers were taking advant. age aifLise opportuuity iL offers for an agri- cultural educatian. One would expect ta see amrog the list ai students at leasat a from n Otario caunty, with one or Lwo gi ad uates. Two Cannington lawyers and the Can- nington and Beaverton uewspapers have been carrying on an acrirnoniaus uewspaper discussion for a month past in wbich they have made use ai His Honor Judge Dart- neli's name in a most uncalled for and dam- aging way. During lasi >ear somne young sproots ai the law in the northeru part ai this county took il into their beads that as their tùeagre knowledge af law was flot in accord with Judge Dartnell's holdings, a new judge was a necesaity. Tbey accord- ingly set la work ta impeach Judge Dart- riell, and beld a few secret confabs over the niatter. 01 course the plat died the marnent any experieuced lawyer mas cansulted an the question, but befare long it mas ah a matter ai common talk. Nom tbe Caning- ton lawyers are carrying an a newspaper war as ta their respective connection with the schemne tu injure tbe coiuty judge, each trying ta deny bis connection with the mat- ter; and thre editors ai the Canniugton and Beaverto n papers have found cause ta join in the Ecrimmage af personaliti<ts. The wbole cry La for war. lu every coue- try ibere is a surplus population pining for sometbing ta do, and preferring war t a ah ather occupations. Every man one meets expresses the opinion ibat war wilI bring good, urnes. Iu the United States th -re are p--obably ihiee million men who wauld- re- joice ta enlilt to-morrow. In London, Eng- land, bhl a million volunteers ccild be booked iu tweuty-four bours. Thzze are probably imenîy-frve -ý* :on men lu the world who have nothing else ta do. It bas been- a common remnark ibat ibase who cause mat sisould do thee ighting. On ibis occasion it la flot the statiesmen but tise populace thai demands mar, aud ail for tise seffisb purpose ofmaliing, as tbey suppose an inaprovemeet In business. If war coul<I be sîirred np the nations mould have ta o,- row immense sums to bear thse expense, and with millions of men destroylng lustead pf produclarg price. WOIi1 bave ta go up. *Borrivlnt et thse eXpeeme qf the future reakes a t=rPosay bopni -sUdtite als ýofhunwi blood is-rwgrid as noth lg by1 thbe w*hO fftis-e f pr<ug large" by thse otbem 0 w rie feeling g.- vor of ageessr 1in iu ll~ and tisai féeling w111 beysw 44a As the . Ure f« 4eiq 4* e-T- d3-apros~est Fin. spiration seizes mankIed ta miake it a mark- lng' point ie thesebttry of tise world. 1Lokr W cz m ea 'and every 8sidjýsr th ;zM*e 'èf *oa4erful interegt4e çxtraordinary length' af Her rule, the sur- passlg progresa made le spreadinq ahi-ta tianiy, education, love of hnmanity and worldwide progres-ibe hope ti a lainr- spires. Her throne isas been tise centre of gravity toi- that wonld tend to make thse *orld beiter, and whicis would bend humait aspiration upwards, nearer to God. Her reigm has made i mcm passible ta adopu jeans Cisrist'a lufe as a modiel. Ta the islanda cf tise remotest seas, ta thle un. kuowu fasinesses aofLise darkesi continents Her came and graces bave been borne-Her love, goodwifl, and solicitude understoodl. The savage bas cast away bis nature an bearing of wisdom and goaduess, and isas gladly sougbt ber protection aud lawsi the tyran t bas learned from Her course tisai lasting power and security af gaverement can only be establisbed and carrxed oui by a gentle baud. rnakiug lave the instrument of enforciug its decrees. The ses ackuom- ledgrea Her nndivided smay, withoni tise firing af a gun : tise msny millions of armed saldiers af otiser powers are kepi in check by ber glorlous precepi and erample. Wisat might bave been tise state ai the world today isad Victorias aixty years been devoted ta evil ? Wbat if iustead ai tis loug midowbaad of aweet sot-rom this Wornan had chosen abaedanrnent and licetiananessa? Not anly tise Britishs Em- pire but the misale eartb bas reason ta t-e- joice. Tise nnd oajune promises to be a day ai universai joy. The Conty .Tudgeship. EDITOR CHitONrCLE: SrR,-The appoint- ment ai a second judge for Ontario couuty, made possible by the amendmert af the statutes af the Province at the recent session ai the Ontario Legisîsture, la one about -which there surely can be Little diflerence ai opinion as ta the Kentlernan who, at least, should bave the offer ai the position, pro- vided anc element ai uncerraiuty ik cumin- ated lt-rn the malter lu question. Tisat cIe- ment ai uncertainty la whether the goveru ment of the Han. Wilfrid Laurier and bis as- aoristes miilbre able toa dbere ta the policy, m'aich it is understood the new Liberai ad- ministration St Ottawa are endeavaring ta adopi, lu the appointmeut ai county judges, is carried out lu the case ai Ontario county. This policy is the appointmeut af practition ers lt-rn mor e or less distant places autaide the county where the vacancy accura. As ta the wisdom aif this course 1 do not uow pro- pose ta consider. It la sufficient ta point out that -the fit-st appointment made. that af M r. A. D . Hardy, of Brantford, as judge ai Brant county, points ta Lise proba- biiity that the Laurier gavernmeut, bowever desirable such a course maybe, miii not 6e able ta adhere tafit. If the office lu Ontario county la ta 6e fil!ed L'y a citizen ofithe coun- ty, tbe three members mha represent Ibis monstrausly dismembercd eonrty as the t- suit ai the infarnous gerryrnandering it un- derwent, namnely-the Hon. J. D. Edgar, Speaker ai the Flouse ai Commons of Can- ada sud M. P. far West Ontario ; Nr. Leon- ard But-nett, M.P. fat- South Ontario; and Mr. Duncan Graham, M.P., for North On- tario, by mhose advice the gaverumeut miii be guided in nsaking tise appointment, have an easy s( lution ai an aitimes difficoît ques- tion ta decide lu tise dispensing ai patronage, -Who? They can unite upon one mha, lt-arn bis extended profiessionai experieuce ual ouly in aur cou nty courts but in the high- et- amena ai the provincial courts, is such as to warrant the belîi that ise mould adoru the beucb ai the Judicature of Ontarito. Mr. J. E. Farewell, Q.C., L.L.B, la onquestiou- abiy thse leadiug practitioner lu this couuty. I-Iis reputa&lon as such wss recognized years ago by anc mbose political proclivities wouid bave lead hlm ta bave svoided such action. 1 refer to Major Faremell being made a Q. C., by Sir John Macdonald. That be is up. ta-date eveu mben piîîed against an antag- onist of more than pravincial fame ss an advocate le the coul-taofi iis country mas praved lu bis couduct ai the great Alger trial. Witbout marning. Mr Farewell mas cailed upon lu tbsî famous prosecutian, the Queeu's Counsel appointed for the as- sizes bsving becu takren suddenly 111, ta act alone sud, mitb thai vet-y able criminal Lam- yer. Mr Rager Clute, Q C, as bis» oppanent, secured a conviction uinonaio the most novel aud ertraordina-y cases iu the histary or crime lu this or any other country. By bis chat-acter and the many social aides of his active aud vigorous temperameni Mr. Farewell bas duriug bis residcncc amangat us shomu bis suitability for ibis most digni. fied and honorable position. Tbaugb I do not kuam ibat he mould accept it mere it oflered ta him, yet, mithout the aligbtest disparagemerri ta the other gentlemen who are aspirants, I amn, as a layman, ai thse opin- ion that an undeserved aligb î miiihave been given ta anc Who professiona]ly and persoually la moat emiueutly qualified to 6il it if Mr Faremell la ual given the refusai of the vacant place on tbe bench of Ontario couuty. Faiîbiully yorîra, F. HOWAD ANNES. wit Pui hrtby, May 6, 197 Wlrttby Town Locais Bicycle fever, eps AIl kinds i om pap repaircd. Chain pomnpa for sale. Wind-milis soid and re' paired. 1 buy direct lt-arn the msanufactur. crs, not from second-haed dealers. W H Piper, Wiitby. The Maya?. vote good Çoun. Crosby mas so anxious ta disfran. chise Mayor Rntiedge iu couecil that be mrate tise Mail-Empire asking if tise presid- iug officer in councilisas a rigbt ta vote. Tbe Mail-Empire repiied te the affirmative. Wlhy sisouid Mr Crosby bc so anxiaus ta diafranchise tise mayor ? Does he test- that bis marship may do wrang, or doca he flnd tise nayor's vote a hiudrance ta tisose misa would do mrong ? Tise Wabash Railroad. If you are cautemplating a trip ta the Groid Miuieg Country, plesse consider the mertus ai the Wabasb Railroad, tbe short sud truc route via Detrait, Chicago and St Paul, ta- ail points le the Koîenay - District. Pas- sengers leaving Whitby, and points mest by early morning train, reacis St Paul next da) ai noon, mbere direct connections ls made for ail Isoints iu the Goid Fields. Quickeet sud berri route ta Hot Spiings, Ar-k., Old Mexico, Califorula sud ail mestern points. Tickets sud li me- tables ai ths greai raimay from any R. R. agent, or 1. A. Richsardson, 1Canadran Passenger Agent, N. E corner King and Yoege streets, Toronto. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting ai the member-s af the public library was held on Monday eveeing.' rhere mas a fair atteedance. The ibrarian's repart shomc<['Lare are. 2387 volumes in the library; z26 merebers; thai 131 voliC mer-e purcbased dnring the yesr;, tisat 434 vols. mere lssued, sudtisat about zoo vols are be- ing re-bound. Tise treasurer rred a smal balance le haed. TheJlmlnrg oardl ai management mas electçd for tise ensang year: Messrs. Brougisali, Bramn, u-ay Farewell, King, OrtitonWAi a " ud il- lils, Mms. 'Caton and Wss lakatme n,-wth Chas, King, prt s.;LWllsviep. 1, Ortiston, tcs.,rrer; J. A. Browýn, ertr MissF-srwlbaln > cù,gudtor,. For iu hlfi ie PrÃ" ffy l M «dtl&a. ~raln du Frlday niglut and>i bad b txunmp frotu Torgnis>1-0 Whil On-a re W p .amino bman&.The Carpets, Always Reliab le. AT GIBSON'S. War Declared At Carpets, * J 'i I -~ -~. crc urtsttea. iese points ftnisbed be bad*goadm<>rk upoo whlch ta <çonsider IPbacko9w'a wrltlegs;, -He read several pu M srom bis booký, and diseussed min- utt iievety striklng pa-d is lterarymarkt. Thoxwso atcbed and prayed until the Prof. Caine Were amply repald for iheir trouble. Dled. At Toronto, April 26t1,, 1897, Pamelia K Brown, beloved mufe af Wm Armitage and youngesî daugbîer ai the laite Sylvanus Brown, aged 5o years 4 montha and 3 days. The funeral taok place ai 26 Wilton Avenue 29 lest and praceeded by train ta Newmarkeî Cemetery for interment. Deceased was melI known betre, isaving lived in this ueigbbor. haod lt-rn chiidbood until ber marriage La Wm Armitage iben af Newmat-ket, Ontario, but later ai Tarauto. For years she has iougbî agaînat that mach dreaded disease, Consomption, wiîh su rprising success but about a yesr aga it seemcd ta gain s fi rr bald upon bier already frail constitution since which Lime she bas been slowiy but surely going down ontil early last Manday motin- iug thesurnons '<La corne up higher" came ta lier. "A loved anc has gane from aur circle, On earth me shali meet ber no mat-e She bas gone ta ber home iu Heaven And ail bier afflictions are a'er." Much syrnpathy la felt for her sorrowing husband and relatives in their bereave. ment. Oh for Manitoba, Europe ad thse rold Fields Sec Stephenaic.n, Wisitby, for cheap tick- ets toand from England, Scotland, It-eland, British Columbia, Manitaba, CaIllot-nia, ail ULnited States and Canadin points, anywhere everywhere, boat, rail or ocean. Rates guaranteed right. Thraugh tickets from Pickering, Taronta, Myrtle, Brooklin and Whitby. Cail an Stepehnson before travel- ling, and get your choice af ten best acean lises and ail railway t-otutes. Bsggage checked throogh ta destination. Sa'" for $St. The CBRONICLE (Si), the Weekly Globe ($I), sud large picture of Luberal Cabinet, (,,oc)-all fat- Si ta new subscribers. Snap faor $1. The CHRONICLE aud Weekly Globe ta Jan z, 1898. and large pictore or Laurier's Cabinet, ail for $i ta nem subacribers. Cbeapest Ever Knawn. Sec the frant windows of M W Coilin's tmo large stores, mbere $2 and $3 boots and shoes are marked down ta 4.5c and 65c. Choice in cither wiudow at the prices narn- ed. Who will maire the fit-st bicycle record between the CHRONICLE office and the lake? The roads are now in pretty fair order for a fiy. It---era aad Carriers (Mark 6 :54-56.) A sasi A sailI! The beach is ail astîr, And esger eyes descry the well known boat, And joyous throats the mighty Healer hail. Run! run to yonder hamliet on the hili, And down the gltn, and 'long the winding shore Shout with redoubled joy : The Healers Corne! Mothers, bring here your sickly ones-strong men, Rig Up your roomny bammocks, and convey The long afflîcted ones ta Hlm wbose power: .ixiven af God, in infinite ta heal. Fie tarries for a timne; corne sufiering ones, Toucb but the hem of garments whicb he wears And virtue will flow out ta heal your juls, Imparting health, and life, and peace untold, None ever yet who touched have touched ini vain! REv. H. T. MILLER. News Notes. One of the greatest horrors for a tkuarter or a century took place at Pari4 ï,raî. 0 o Tuesday night, when abodi d*o nobleme and ladies ai high degree were burned ta death at a bazar. The building caught fire, and there was no escape.-The only great battle foughi between Turkey and Greece this week was won by the army of the latter. -The arbitration treaty between Great Britain and thse United States, aller being rnutilated in every fatrn, has been rejected in the Arnerican Senate by about a twa* thirds vote.-ULeut. - Gov. Kirkpatrick has arrived back frorn England, somewhat re- cruited in bealtb. Bicycles & Ride thse Beat, and only the Bcst. High Grade The Maasey-Harris is in itise Fit-t rnnk, and is fitt- ed with aIl thse latest im- provements;; ta strictly High Grade, and Guaranteed. Cheaper Grades Duke and Duchesu, a.nd Prince and Prinoeaa. WoodWzmo - The Oamicw*,aISpecial Grade and Guat-nted. PraLower ThmAm Ây.. J. W. BRANT, WHITBY., ONT. OLUNTEER8. ATTENTION î -A.y-V A.. ? D 3,s u There are a few vacancies for good Mn in No. i and 2 Co's. Wbt Battalion. The regiment camps ai Niagara in june. A. G. HENDERSON, Capiain No i. T. A. McGILLIVRAY, Captain No 2. WANTEO A gaod general servant at once' Apply at I this office. E. J. JOINxSON, BRCK8TREET, -WHITSY.' New Business. New Equi m nt. the FUJINITUR] Rle-upholstering done The Subscriher has started a new Mercliant Tailoring house in Philp's Onl sho: Block, and is prepared ta execute orders. r H1aving fitted the people of Whitby with Suits for over 20 years, he looks confidently farward ta a liberal share of patronage. E J OI I China, Terrible Siaugliter of ail Dry Qoods -commaences on Saturday Carpets. -A Congo SILVER M ~t75 4l" -*Oeb'Patterns ~w-No other + AIl the Newest Designs».*- One Haif the Assortment That Ontario We have the Newest Patterns in ALL WOOL CARPETS, UNION will Show You s'- $1. TAPESTIRY and BRUSSELS BORDEIJG, TAPESTRY STAIR CARPETS, HEMP STAIR CARPETS, ALL WOOL STAJIR CAIRPETS, and CARPET LININGS. A180s a Fine Assortment of LACE CURTAINS. Our Tailorillg Dopart1lldnV-~ We have secured the services of Mr. Wm. Skitcb, a gentleman wLo has had large experience in Port Hope and Belleville and wbo la favorably and well-known as a First-class Cutter. He is now ini charge of aur Tailoring Department, and we Guarantee every garment to please or no sale. Leave your order with us for a Suit at $10, $11, $12, $13, $14 or $15. me a De - FRASERi ROS s. Haro is a Good Thing. Varie/ythe Larges/I Qua/i/y the C/ioicest ! Prices the Lowes/ - are the three points which lead tracas will oe wnat are represented andi at as 10w a price as possible.1 A. D. FRASER, Whitby, April 8th, 1897. Fancy Brock St., Etrade. )rtest notice. NSON, Whitby. ALMOST A 'MIRACLE. OTTAwA, Sn-P'. 9th, 1896. To the Phrýeno1inc Medicine Co., Liii., Ottawa: GENTLEME-N,-I bardly keow how best ta express my appreciation of your valuable rheumaic remedy, Plireno- line. My son Gordon, miso is 9 years old, bas been a sufferer froro iniflamma- to,-y rheumatisin for tie past 2 years; mas sobad at ti mes that he had 'ta 6e carried about an a mattrass; was at- tendedLbv tmo city doctors. apparejstly withaut thse slightest benefit; spent ta days at Caledonia Spirings, came home with no tnarked improvement; took 3 boules of la Homeopathic -remedy now being extensively adves-tised, which did not relieve him in the Ieast I was be- ginning ro give up ail hope of bis r-e- covery, wlsen by chance 1i xntioeed the case to a friend- who stroegly- ad- vised me to iVe Phi-enoline a trial. 1 did so, with t-le resuit that wb!4m my boy hati taken only hali a boule lie [vas able to get on bis bicycle and ride like any other boy around tse block. 1 ces-îainly feel that I cannot say-too muc in t praise of your. medicine,, and chall do ail 1--canl to -malte keown us value to others YoUrsveyý siucerely, (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. Manufacurd on Kfonor su d sold on merit, sold in -Wituib ouly by A.9 ..A U N bacii CAR L& fnpus-eWINDSOR SAL.- icar, load Mausmoth -Soutwer Ensilap-e SE.[>CORN See 1 car çoad -ýS G R7,O ý u 'Tis truc me have been sellin« goodsverY tceaP, but eow cornes tse tI of-mar. The-matterle if we don't seli the gbods some other felow Pricesmnut odma - lower and lover.'until we are sold out- Bicycle Twr e dsfor ladies, 4t 1, al o l $ 1. i25,. for -55c r~i7! ,471n, ail wool, 40c. to 5oc., for 30e. and 44-i55 -iI 30c-tQ35C-,OtOý 5 Trweeds for 1adiçs' ansd childrens Cape -S D oif&r 6ëo AI 4olCsbhoeerroes .5oc to 30ci, for-18Ca"=ce '3/ J. S. Bar iïl2e Q: omoIs.l Cotinty Organ. tan afany loal1ps FRIDAY, MAI LOCAL L Mr E H Pudy, Port ut-day. WVell this has been'a enaugtr. Miss Hoprns hbasre-_ Junctiou. Mrs Saunders of ( Judge Darineli's M-r J T McGceary waç atteudinv the bot-se shu*). Mr Wmr Foy (,f thte been indîsps"erifor'a 1ev FoIom the crowd an cash storelot- your bîcvc Our ice cream pstlot- day aternoon. the SMb n creamn. D. Matbîson. MrJohn Blow, jr., T,, iug the farnily. He h meather, but wilI soon bi Au rnteresting gamre playel here on the aibir- ut-day alternoon, May - tie colegiate institute with Prt Perry hgb scr Manager E. D. Wa bauk lost a valuabie dia ahd at once bad dodger reward ta the finder James Sad 1er soon saw ajelivered it taots awuer mithis St, *hich more sud mas but a fair tribu inbhandiug aver the valu Boathe=re sud Boat±frt With carpets, cusioni Burnbam. Appiy zo V by. May 5th, 1897. 2 Make Camparison Dôn't mereiy take ou at Bures' uew cash si, B-tos., and see if they ha sortîment of footwear s, cheaper there tkrau anyv j Mre BicyclLlta bhere met-e severai list of 128 tomu cyclisU wecek: John Barclay, Ju Hatch, Fred Hatc, à M Henderson, Miss MIcCi ney, Walter Shaw, Jas. John Acheson, commi awa recnty, died of hi ker on Wednesday moi son snd Chtef Costable performs its dtyby est the poor. Tise followit cf jurors : John Ballan- Weu Wbetter, P Ryn, Hodge. A Ellis, E Rit Jous, Wm biorcombe, Wbitelam, S Hughes. notes Of ith e ua. S- T he drîli miii open Oe June 7th. An appli ,hae the S4th drill e -beard ayhing leadinî 'milbêstuccessfuL On« Imliosm iii be proviý future. Major John A.: NGlllvry ent to the uMotidayto take a 6i fore guing ta the front. ly cauwefront miitary ei tise Uth baîtalion bas ns for %ctive servkbe of IL RHesys the boys are ta driflliii thse ol ridle 'iibe'a nuisane n I beaumisen they tkei fobrdsà . MjorHenderth ukc*ddtas que f the o mn ny Premier Lana AD.Ihucclub Thse uTiîcmbe club' j ld a -%Ius<bow tiegut IMt.'A few o0 -mmbled to-bld adieu ta - who ialbdute veri -~ -lfiecookuonofte ý'îxe rnuii pot Ne~ b- Io Select Prom. ANDREW Merchant Tailor. Whitby.1 A Large Stock of-'ý Dinner Setts, Tea' Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh G roceries. Has Broken out i Next, Aptri1 17th, 1897.* i .- 1 -i 1 aw- House in South We Il CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Bi se Hostilities ep 1 BRUSSELS CARPETS)