Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1897, p. 1

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1--be Chrornele. VOL. _____ WHITBY, ONTABI0O, FRJDAY, MAY 7, 1897. N.2 'Sping Time YOU W/LL WANTI Diamond Dyes, Turkish Dyes, Eclipse Dyes, The latter at 2 cts. a package. Moth Camphor, Gum Camphor, Household Ammonia, Large liottie I]oc., fuil strr-ngtli. A. H. ALUIN, Cilf5,1 I'T ,., hi RVG(,IST, W HITBY, ONTARIO. WID MIL L S WIRE IENCE. Sells the Genuîne AER- MOTOR, of Chicago, anad the Keteslemnan Wire Fence i h)te-n u mlilm prLi r (7ha sesr-,shsu,'ulMles-a iTiîte IlI s nii i l - i , îà i.i w l .irim -os-ms-r l l tii atmi a Keri i l.; atri: n iliaîil,-ri élt, ri i% u S elfi itL c- unr g et tirs- i , e-r-lai ris- %Xuî i il t u s-(1r î,u g hr N x a 1%is;uimjz ilas-rd usarrisi-til frtles nîrtres ,Nirt- tirm-enil', sid îinCaniada iira thira-i iv tr- niakt Ilîs , t ssilr s- i.r ('o liîri thIe% s,: ire- ial ime- rrurI'rîiî .t- i usîti rn-'i ouis -u1îd Int tc rî-d ai rihe prssrît his- mil sîs es ut wo-d and Ircun tum;is f-s- sale Any informlaation regardussg tirsse outfits w li ire fi es-, i %s îe-n tl- usrît itrg tc (El). ALUNý Fs-i r. i 5r4;-----+nto m% i!t r i WCSTERN BANK 0F A DA LOCAL NEWS LElTERS, CERONIcLE Coaxssspor<oarÇcE. -0:-- TOWN LINZ Ms- T N Dav-v iras, setus-ne-d to the City. Miss Addî e lhilîp has gune 10 Toronto to Mrs. Gibson ia some bettes- we are informed. We express ouir thanks for the present fine weather. Chas. Maclcey and wifî- visited fs-ends at En- field on Sabbati. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Ayers epent Sabbathirn1 Whitby wîirb frienda. Mr Josephr Has-bron is helping R W Mowbray Tie evr)- ar rechd AmodaIMiss Louisa- Stev enson ha@ ireen sPending a chTh ast SDr arepea. dinAmndsfew days in thre Queen City. chuih lst Snd«iy.Thre Inir wind of sate iiew part of rire roof off Mr Will D)unlop is in Toronto attendtng Josephr Stephenson's harn. thre Nliitary Cullege again. Walt Dens b ias purchaçs-d a wheel and 00w Mfr R G ;ke l'as hiulît a very nice poscir finds much enjoyvment the-refs-um. on rire front of Mr Ken;ltiorn's irtruse. Mr. Henry Hardy is now located in Wabagoon Tire7e are living nriune familv in thiç and Mfr, Scotti s wurking tire farm he left. neighh ,rthfod faur peopule wlruse cumbirnedI Mans, atied trie sale of tire- e-ficts of tire ager--. s 2S4 yeRtS I late James Couliîce on Wc-dnesdav of last week. Nirs. E r'w andl son, Mr Milton Brown Mr-. S. Mackry bas rented NMr. Gold's fifly atteridei The fîrne-rrl utMs-s Wm Armitage, acres on tire corner and iru commencr-d opera- ai Ne-wrnark-et last iveek, Mirs As-mirage was tuons therean. rer1 f isslate rowlvnus Brwn. dauh Our Sundiy scirools irere have decrded 10 in- terof he ateNIrS *vIvnusBron.ve-at in ancathrs-addition ta rireir 00W excellent i ?n accounit ofthie ireavy tains fiirrnrng stock of books. tiiere s rie are abt noatrastnd regritira bt M omîroson. who spent nearly a montir ther isý)ie peatcorolainn th grin hatwihr1relatives and frrends bere has returned to i- is ultO15 grwig. ssu tire grass vers- OicC es- hon,-in rire cîty. )N r os coining un sers, fas.t and is quickls' hs eiin it iitdKnaeo metinj tire tas-mets need... sh<i rre short of Mr. VrsNrlmdwf1rtedKnaeo feed- Ve itirrk t best tir kteepthre!stock tn Sairrday Liai. Thu-< se-cor qurre plea.s>ed with a- long as poc)sihle go as to lertirhe pastures hlr new surrouridir gs gel qirite long. tiren tire -tock ssiil Met fat and Mr- Wagzorr-r is tesribly crowded wîtir work. h s srnthmlng tia liell tirenu stanrd tire ds-5 [lut being able 10 ke-ep abri-ast wrrh r. lHe gers st-aç;,nn and *,le flics worm frini a I points for miles aroutrd, M r Fred I i se ebuilding iris haro on a ris-usSus-ic ltile lithIe east. Ms- SIl)u-m s s ->ngs--t s-hiýr iras ires-n s-srl(ussi\ ýl'ut i., s-lis-borme iretter. A ýne-u uattmrm irasire-en ef-sested in fs-mni mî th liePresimsres-ian cirur ushis-iris quiSe arr tOips-ose-ment rivertht e uld urre. Tire m;; k w a zggon 10 the Manchester iýht-tseefact tus-ssartec Its rutsor-rMondas- NI1 s- Pi.r-st v si%île drive-r anti a bettes- man forthie toi)courd rut ire tîîtnd. l airpears we have ire - rong in sas-m ig iil,r-eusas un1s une man onth ie lice-mss- s-m rsm ir.-.boîatmd Accus-ding tri ti(rs-s-owrr ;î-e-lîiail tire es-s-nr Mr. Robe-rt Mark-- me- asr-fJtiraipersasion, Vue have nu ofi iilrt as ttriu, ¶s-Bustîs tempes-ar-cs- li-i s-.it a tlois peak lt-udes- tran sotds ,-î tire ithie w-', if lire-, are temperaase- i-ntirv ,ts aetire- k-ndidr- oir me-n ceail- lî%e-, simd rhums- actins at tire buard mreting '.missssialthlirms- li-iesion 5 s ortit If tirsy as-e temps-rance me-n tire-ttirs lin-rJohin iras ruais- a mistAle-. nd ire dos-ao nt make- mis- tuk-s ofthtia kindL He knew tire me-nire %Vas appuintitiis-atnd us-at tirey expecte-d li do snd sire> have- filled thirll to prsfection. Th irs tense board ta a grand succs-sa rom an fitrs-tugoverîmens potnt ts-leus- Tire univ irîruiie will ire tu get tire lemrperance atmd wis rskey ms-n so vote togesher as rire BROORLIN - hirose- mss-d pickle, r1; cents ps--- quart, at unIclidas' B-o-- Ms-. Asthrs Kets-ien, of Whihv. iras bs-en vîsitinig fus- a tew days wîir iris uns-l, Ms-. A. Mrs. John 1haine-t itas-s-soves-mg ftoms a s-vers- lin-ss-omru Iics-hsieiras sutfs-red lfs- about tir-es-nseks. Mtr. and NI-s. S,1-F- Brandon as-e now serîled mn tirresi1dence ,-tire nos-tir iaif ef Miss Mttne's doubleiroisu-. Tire p-s t stise- de-prrtme-mut iras adve-rt-sed lot tends-s-sotus h,-ttansposration ut tire maut bag!) ieten tire posirilfice and sallway sation. Tire-annualme-ri'ng ai tire puies-librarv usili Capital Authorized $ 1,000,000o ir e-i-in 10the .s-nos-il rons-nxt toniaye e-en- rtsg, rorhir rsi .fos-tire elestran of u1ltce-rs and Surplus 10,5,000 othrirs-iusirie-s. A large atteerdance ut subss-rib- es-s ta dessis-. BOA ) (- ) lF Pi1 R EI-)bT ýS --- Fss-m sos-kiras besn sesrouais, nterfs-red with JON ythis-vytin f h psFut-k Mn JO R ,r - lsm i N, F icr r -vrireir r ear tainsu rir eirt s--k. Maus- mir eaue-aie- condmrioris as-e- niakinr tire- fi sainx T. H.Mc ttr-. - Casirs. ut. a long u(-nh. ;u)me hi-ds ot aps-tng sovin grain Genes-al Banking Bustness ss-aoesCL.ed. ias-e Iookrng s-es-v wse-l Drafîs ssued, payable- iii ali parts mîJ Cari. Tire boroks for tire publts- lrbras-y came ta hand ada. Unîtes- Stars-s, and un London, Engz- on Monday evenrng and are now s-aramagus-d and land, payabrle in al]parsafut urope .35t eady tus- driutrun. I bse- sarse surscs-ib ps-s s-et-t aliuwed on S;as-mga Bank Depositase---and evervirody sirouid bel catinuw ire sup an rcie atys-ary. Pasi ruiru an inds ofiiigoo re;iiIZii t itrisy - rnav desire, WVe- icpe ta se-e tire ps-tiviieges ai Special attention to collection of tire'libs-asy taken fuil advanrage af. Fart-ners' sale no<tes8. Trie Rosi Templars wtlt irold a publrc meeting in rire Masonis-hbail ne-s Tiruîsday s-vehrng, satir E. D. WARRIEN, mai, whicbrire-v adys-rîrse as "rire fis-st sirot in Manager ai Witby Brans-h. 1tire plebsatre campargn." A ve-ce attractive ps-o- - gramme iras bsen arrangs-d for. 0One of tre spes-rai fearures willire lire bs-oom drill irs, stsen AINTED-SEVERAL FAITHFtUL scirool girls, undes-rirhe direction of Ms-Eddy XAT I Res t) N MsCUamus of Port Pers-y. Dissts-ct w i MIen os- Wumen ta Iras-el forsrse- C ouncîbor aifsire R T of T, wrll grve an adds-ess spunsite estaralisired irouse in fOntas-io.or tirs Prorirbirios qrasttoo. Ms- Ms-Camus is Salas-y $-8o1, payable Siî we-ekIv and ex- well qualified ta discw.ss rus question. and ws- pe-sîes. Position permanent. Reret--is-e, hope rirai a large number will av-ail ire-mss-lys Eicîise selt-adds-esas-d atamped enveluv-e;r ai this oppos-buntty of ireasing hlm. Tie rs-sa Tire- National, Star Building, Chicago -17-8. ceedîng willire- enlrvs-nsd by pls-nty af vocal and _____ _____________ instrumentai muais-. Admission, siiver s-als-c- ion. Established 1849. MarbIe and Granitle wrs, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smith, (Fos-serly Wotfenden Was-ks j Inaporter and deal in MA RBLE ANs-mG(R ANITE MONUIS!ENTS. Etc., o ai aeaest ma- té-ral and designa. AIl kinds of s-ms-tes-y work. Ous- wos-k guaranree-d. «rSEND FOR DEsiG.NS AND PRtcD$ e FOR SALE A number of firs-t-casas stsawberrs' plants. Firat-clasa varicties. T. S. BRANT, Wii- by. w ANTED-SEVERAL FA ITHFUL Men or Womeu ta, travel for s-e- sponsible establisired biouse in OJntario. Salas-y 6780, payable 115 weekls' andi ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclase self-addressed stampesi envelbpe. Tire National, Star Building, ClsuCaga-17-8. W. A. H. BueinsaDtr.oory. BEALL, S. - Issues- of Marflags Licennes. Itecidemce opposite Town RaIl, Bs-aoklln. W A McNEELY, D V S.-Graduate of tire 0n. tarln Veteriasy College, Toronrto; Hoor-r inen ber of tire Ontario Medical Society. Treats art 4iseasets of the domesticated animale by tire mont approved method." Auso particuls.r attention to aurgical apers.tionu a.nd deritiotry Day or night catie proPt]y attended to. Office a.nd reaidence B5rooklx Ontario. We cars supply ail kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. either in bulk or package. Flower Seeds in great variety. Mammotir lb. Tus-olp Seesi. al standard About forsy of tire mensihessoatIre part Pers- varieties, roc.' lb, SPA DES, sans af Tempems-ac division came ont ta visnt HOES, RA KES, etc., as closest lur-division. We cujayesi udr visit ves-y muci prics.sud hope ittlisy soon ire repeatesi. prices.Tire principatl Indust"-ofa ans-villages-s as ps-c as-u appears ta ire stscke fising. HARVEBT 10 COMING T*Me votera ai ibis division as-e Dot s bit astis fied witi thre wsy tIrey bave been usesi b tire ffWWhat about Binder Twine ? commisoners. Mites-tire well signet! putiiy Fas-mers as-e respectfuily re- I wh rtley prcscuted sud theira esas*sy sbowed lu tise maties- taire caoUy refusedtlirir q tsested not to place liheir orderS Irequstat sd conpellesila bave a iceused irotel tillt hey have scen orvr sarnples inluthe ommuuty agains:tihe wisls of by fat sire and had our quPata1ions. Qual- latgeât jPortiona-Of tIre- pple, . la tiig *ub ity the bestandpnée.the ipwest. tie PctltiUn e scdelerarinesi ta tifi asM. - *uY iMae if a estmsfctory 5flBwci cnnas bu ir*tr4 Isves-v ima g iafooy reanîsulray r ele fs-anstriî part of Use oonnuy st raî&ta IQWDI~~~~T IL ~~* vbsstbepoapi. i appealed t-frtbi oe %s-. Routlpv had ira sheep attas-ked by dergs One -la; so laaqdiy disalîlr-d ire was forced ta kilI tire-sAme- and cniasge rt to tire rownsip. ,-ns- mi-fisrune happr-ned Mr-. Roge-rs' ns-w wîndmrlî cas-rang ru break r ir e gusas-tg. -Tins mmml s giinï! good satisfactuon we ondes-staned, iras-mg pienty uf pawer. bn ast wre-eks issue- wP were made Say in %ps-akrn£ of %s-. Ftank L.awton's ss-knss, to- sîe.-d of Lawron it rtad Salton. Ws as-e pleased la report iris r-sovery. Ms-s. Red .wiro iras bf-en vs-sv sick for some fs-w days i-as-k, is at tnme cf wntirtg a lite- bettes- and in a f-w days will, in ail probabulity, be re- trse-d again Io beairir. Ous- pt-disogie iras lefr iris boardtng place dtsinng tire sumnrer seasau and now oides s bike As lits home t, tn Brooklin r s jusr like so mucir re-Credtron ro ride to and from scirool daily. Mante of tieretsmers usmîh re-asv land have iren unairle ro coltivare lire tains owing tritire ws-î tesson Sirouid tire we-snher ps-ove favos-aire t1ig a-es-k srli se-e tire seeding ps-etsy well ctosed up fos-tire spning Of '07. Trie qmarrerly nme-e-ing at Greenwood was weli arreoded from ireecrînsidering tire wearirer and ioads. Re-v. Ms-Donald preacred anes- celle-ni ses-mon. S S s-as mss-sosding to annouce- ment ireld irs-eit 2 30 os-lus-k. Word iras ires-n rec-is'e-d of tire safe asrival of Ms-. E. WV. Wi-e and aff-c's in tire Wairagoon drstnct. Gloàing accaunts camnelrom tiratne-w s-ountr-y. An experience of a ye-as mas, show some sîas-îltng revelatrons but we irope thîngs wîîi tus-n out as-sosding ta tire mosi sanguine ex- pectations uf tho-se wiro laîs-ly locared hrirse. Ms-.%W. H. Greenwood. farmerly af Kinsale-, pass-dihrsougir s bus-g one day lasi wee-k e- sr-uts- for-Gre-enarrod, accompanied by iris aubes-. No change in iris appeas-ance scema ta h-ave taken place other than a vs-sy fine grawiir on iris upper lip. Ne is stili goiaZ in, thse universsry. Aftes- pasng hi& linal exans; e ir oll take np Iaw. Wm. issrer witir excellent sos-ce-sa, ns-ver farlito-inn iis exs; we cotgratulate hir arn iis gratrfvîng sus-cess. Owtng tatire- bre»ak in tire damaRt tire Green- wood mtll Peter Strsphensan iras been off du'y for a fs-w days. but tire bs-sas-h sotl soon ires-e- paired and rhings runn.ng as usual. Peter is conte-mplattng a -s-us-h betters- sesorhrs ye-ar, as u-vsrai farniers have promrse-d thirs supporita thir- astory. If tirentes-prise rs a paying one, as iros- enRag-d tleir-s-n would tempt you ta belte-ve, why donou i ahthe tas-mers r-s-n tir-at- tention ta tire dprsytnR business. Tirsano bs-Irs-wav of acquts-tni knowms-dge segardtîrg any tndusry iran Ly raking a brand in gtiig tire same a fais- trial, and if not sarusfacrary wiry of s-ourse drap il. Farmers are undoubtedly tire barde-s umen in Goda fais- ontserse to pOli 10- genhrs. We waumd like ro ses- aur las-ms-s tends st-y any entes-pose lîke ribs tsirougirty, sud tf tiot profitabble ds-up ut. Les-rtirelas-mers as-t tri tenrs-mus-e un maters af Ibis kind, and mus-h bs-uer rsssIrs wiml follow, MKANCHESTIE K Ms-s C Thompson la mus-h bettes- tirs week. Mtss Liriîs-Vs-mon la vasiing relatives in Ns-w- marks-t. Oui scirool teaches- Ms- Pers-y Fs-azer, bas pur. s-iased a buke, Miss Zclla Stonse, Vaughran, is visîsuog ire wit r e-pas-enta. Ms- 8 Bas-sett is oves-hauling and bris-ktng iris home On 4th con. Ms- Harry Wei-h, painter of Sundrland, iras bs-en irse for same ime assishing Ms- D 1 Me- L.ean. Ms- D F Nages-mais was iu Markir on Tues- day ats-bding rire f unes-Ial oirbs nies-e, Miss Hages-man, af Part Hope. Thre cies-es--actary commeuoed apes-ations on Monday. Thie quantity af mîlk is 001 very large but ns-st weck tire majarity will bs-gin ta seud. On as-caunofitire qui-terley meeting in Prince Aiberti on Sunday tire Rev Ms- Weasbe-all soili ps-cb irsssn tire evcning lnstcad aifsire mas-nîng - Tire election is ove- and Mr 1 Camplain la elected iry seventy-twa majoriry. 'Ibis mnay ire consid-s-d a vs-sy good oves-plus as sirse wes-e aniy su fs-w vases polled. For instance anly fos-ty-eigirt persans vat-d ire and tws-nty-ane itu U tica. This sirosostistire people drd not lhke tire idesai trhaving an etection tas-ccd upon ti-. We nasicsd many s-atepacs-s pessand s-e-pesa tire t'awn hall wisirout going ru ta vase. Asic thire wba air e master sud thrsy would say tirai siey would nos vote for tirai cause, sud besidea they tirnk aneiruared dalla-s could have been . put toa sbcts-s advantage if spcnt ou aur s-oasis. P CGRÂHAm. alUaumavE. Miss MeLean and ber little daughter Bas-bas-s ai Waadville as-e speuding a fs-w days in suis cammunity visitng relatives. An epwarnir beagire bas been atarsed ian con- ns-chou wiîb tire metisadiat chus-ch irse. Tie meeting ou Suuday evenig lest wasa svcs-y goosi BOUTE MYRTLEC Our general blacksmith bas his hands going both dry and nrghr at presetit. A trumber from }rere attenied the quarîerley meetnR held at Raglan on Sunday last, Mr Frank BriRkys has purchased a fine driving horse from Mr Asirtons livery stable C P R. Mr Edwin Brnggs s now superintendant of the Prospect Sqinday School. We are sorry to loose sucb an amiable freind but our ls 'yul be pros- pects gain. Mr Charles Hartel the new mail carrier bet- weerl Myrtie and Gien Major, made his iirst trip on -saturdav Tlhe weatrpr was not what could be desired for the first ttip. Having numnerous friedns, in tisri ocality who are co.r.stant readitrs of vour valuable paper, anrd who are deairnus or heiring frotTI iere occasion- allye, 1 would ask to correspond once in a while or week alter week if you see fit ro allow me space. Mtaster George Chisholm met wirh a very pain- fui accident on Vuesday of asat week. Whfle im hrsy4aYcoeme trom Claremont the horse became stled bv somne m--ans. Tire rrg was capsizrd rl4ýwing rire boy many feet down an emnbank- .pir, sprqining an sle and bnuising a lez badly. He has been confined to bis bed ever since. myrtie BBirresaDlrectory LJ 'By CHsANoE-Having pnreirased the Liv- 'y Bugxneait reeently cars-ted on by tire late *im Barrett, i am prepared to accomurodate travelleru and otirera witirriga at reasonable raste#. <'eTTmes-iai men dealt wIth liberally. Stabling for borues, and gond care given them by reliable mnen. rire Oshrawa, Whitby tué Myrtie otaae does nt rmn on Sundayw )àvir, AsieT'oN, Myrile Station. Mr. Iro. Jackson has purcirased a ncw hoTTe. Rev. Thoa Manning, of Wbitby, was on the laland last week Mrs. Io. Collins, sr., is recovering from a long serge of long trouble. Mis Charlotte Walters la very il, but under Dr. Ascirr cas-e we hope soon to see ber eound again. PORT PZ"LEJr. Division court will becireld ire next Tutclay, zît i nst. Geo Foy, Peterboro, bas been renewing Wl friendsiîps in this vicinity. Mr B F Ackernaan, of Peterboro, was in town last Friday making frieudly calls. Herbert Adams returned from Detroit on Tuesday, wirere ire bas been on a holiday Wos anfticeekshe. ili isacesta We .Dnterbv theOrIllifa disarches hat. uhobs. DanteGrandorCerl otistOwnha, lrom John Kennedy. Thre Y. P. S. E. of St 'johuns presbyterian *ehurch in Port Pers-y intend b-4ving a maple sugar social at Mr-. Jno Munro's, about four rbiles nortir of the towu tis, Fsiday even- tsrg. Teams will ire ready aStirhe churcir at 7,p in. to carry any wro desire to go for ior ]W acir. thre social is isc. ClFý £osung Tire clerks are agi agitating an early closig tnovemntt Up to a few daya ago nearly every merchant and business man had raily cotssented to close at 6.30 P.m. ons Ilorday, Wednesday and Friday even- ings of eachi week from May irsth to Augus 31s1.. Théý,clerks have agreed to pay any expeuse rui~n mection witl thre eoIy clos- ing. it shouid be rmade unaninsous on thre part of tire business mren. Wiry is it tirere are always saure wiro object to giving clerks a little time during tire summer tuontirs to bave two or tir-e evtnings, when tirey cao go out boating, cycling, or ta play lacrosse or football ? After thc public had becorne accustomed to it, tire early closing last year worked very satisfactorily to all conceru ed. Sifly Questions Souxe one in town itnpoped on Sam Hugires' good nature aud had hlm, the !zaid Samr. ask if thre Indian agent for Seugog bond could read or write. 0f course Sam thougit ire iad a plum and arase with all thre dignity imaginable in bis place iu the House of Commons last week and asked thre airove question conpled with another Tire answer given Sam was auything but satisfactory 50 tire parties interested. Thre questions were so silly that a schoolboy eigit years of age would be ashamed ta ask. For tire information of Sam and iris supposed friendai Port Perry 1 may say tirat tire present Indian agent cars read and write correctly, and was a deskmate of mine wiren we boti attended thre higir scirool, and ireiras a good Englisir educa- tion, as good at auy rate as tirase who are trying to find unnecessary fault with him. There are two or tirree men in tow-n wiro will soon bust if tirey do nat soon get a goverument situatron. W. J. No-r-. Worth Knowing Tirai aur pris-es are 25 ta 40 per cent. cireap- s-s-tiran any otirer undertaker lu tis dis- trict. Tirat we have tire Besi Hearse, and tire fin- s-st Caskct Wagou andi Casket Sielgir in tis county. Tiras we conucst funerals witb sicarum. Tirat we takre mos-, pains witb ous- work tissu do tire majanîty ai Undertakers. Tiras we use kid and hie glaves insteasi of cireap cotton glaves. Tisas we use apprapriate door sud arm drapes, fine floor uga, ireautiful pedes- tais andi draperies in black os- white.- Tirat we delîves- ail Caskelsansd Coffinua i aur Casket Wagon os- Casket SIelgir. That we gi ve eve-y as-des- autrso n prompt attention. psanbsd Whitby Town Locale. Whst about the Queen's jubilce here ? Mr M W Willcox, New York, is home Mrs Coflee moved her household fus-niture this wee.c. on Tuesday ta Toronto, wire sire wîll in It mas' not lead to a deluge, but there is future reside. good promise of it. Sprinig arsived a montir ago, and tire Thos. Moore, express agent at Midland, farmers have been busy ever since waiting apent Sunday in town. for seed time to corne along. MIr Guy Darîncîl, of tire Dominion Biink, The special apr".er for thre Ontario gov- Toronto, la spending a weelc or two of fioli- es-rnent wttl ire ai R j Mackîe's orchard, days irere. Osirawa, on Saturday May 8th, at 2 o'clock ofthe laces ptes havwers ntiwaeshotp.m tirem cao ire seen in various places. Ms-O'Brien çvili ire in tire 'vhitby photo galles-y every Tuesday, Fs-uday and Satus- day. O'Brien & Stediram, pirotograpirers. If it were oniy midsumnmes- no pes-son would require to go out of town to look for a wates-ing place. Tire streets are swimmning witir aqua. Messrs Jos Taylor, Thos Soutirwell and W S Gold are summoned before Police Magis- trate Harpes- for sirooting duckrr out of ses- son. Game Warden Willis is tire comp- lainant.~~~~~ ire a prcron MnaynxtS 4pm,1 detaciment of Highlanders under co m cn ecto i htie reproduction of tie mand of Major Hendes-son will pasa tirrougir Temple of Famne iere tire last week in May. irse on tire îast train îo-niZht on thirs way to Ail sirose taking part as-e specially requested takc part in some great militas-y events and to ire present for practice. Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. The Choial Saciety's Concert. Dr Gunn left somne grass in thsa office Ts-uly magnificent was tire spectacle of ryesterdav measirrng eigirseen inches ini nearly one irunds-ed vocalists ars-ayed on tIre lengrir, fs-om seed sent to him from Indian stage of tire music hall on Wednesday nigrit, Head, Nostiwest Tes-sitory, by Ms- Angus and tire audience was wortry of sucir à grand McKay. Tire Dr is of tire opinion that it is collection of singera: Tieres-ar of tire stage a fas- mos-e producttve grass tiran that wiricir i been built -np, and two pianos secis-ed us indigenous ta tire soul of Ontario. for accompanîmens Hung upon tire grase- At leRst 1t3oo,ooo barrels of apples have fui boughs of one af tire mimic trees of tire ireen siripped suis year in excess otf ans'ps-e- stage scenery and attire centre af tire pretty vious season froin Canadian and United scene which the chorus seated tier ahove States porta. Tire total figures aggs-egate lier ps-esented ta tire audience waa an almost fs-om 2,780 ooo bas-rels, wile tire best pre- lite size portrait of Her Majesty, Qucen Vic- vuous year was 189r-2, when t,450,ooo bar- toria. Thia picture was kindly loaned by s-cIa wcs- shipped. Ms-. Wmn. TitI. Tire was no annoying wait- The extreme bs-eadîir of<ýhe county of On- astirhe start which was made at a quartier tas-la ta about elgirteen mile, and ut extends paat cigiri. Tire programme s-an witiraut in- northward tram Lake Ontario a distance of tes-mission cantinuously ta tire end. That came a fcw minutes ta ten o'clock. Ds-essed sixry miles. Tire Population in 1854 wRs almoat altogethesin wiiteasta tireladiesand about 30,000; in 1861 it was about 31,535 ; tn in das-k as to tîhe gentlemen, tire snd 1871 it was about 45,8W0; in 1890. it wàimmes isr sceymace uan 45,007, and it 15 00w estimatcd at about mors ofmane s o ie soutr sted n- 48,000. odrymne rmh ot tg n tance and taok tireir places. Tire opening We have ta tirank Ms-. L. Bus-nctt, M. P., ntreber was tire sioging af Gad Save tire for copies of tire new tasiffsnd tire proposed Queen-sire second verse as publisired lu tire election law, tire latter of which measures CHROINIcLE Iast weekr being sung witir equai will be laid oves- until next yearr, in order force and vigar ta tirat witir whicir the fis-st shat tire business of tire session may ire made and bettes- knowu verse was given. Without as short as posible, tins enabling Premier srssîng down again tire humorous pas-t sang Lausrer andStsCiras-les Tupper ta visit Eng- "He tirat iratir a pleasant face," by J L. ]and for tire celeirration of tire Queen's jui- Hatten, was tire firat fais- trial af choral ing- lee. ing for a Wiritby audience. Wite tire. ap- Tire greatest cure-ail of thirtir century la plause accordZe it at tire close was bearty Ozone. It is a powerful tanic, a great cura. and general. expressive af tharolrgb-A4,fac- tive, a perfect antisepîic and a germ killer. tian and pleasure with tbus fora f*ii It cures rheumatism, cczemna, salt-rireum, expression, yet because of sore unfistunsate kidney disease, neuralgia, dyspepsia, cat- impression that became s cuITn t one as-rh, dipirîheria, leviers, croup, mesIes, amongst tire listeners that itwas useles té. chicken pox ; in tact ail discases wiricir ask for an encore, tire appiause ceased liée- iruman fiesir is heis- ta. A chcap course of fore tire point irad been rcacired ait whicb atre treatment cao ire iad by using Ozone. conductor felt was-rantcd lu repeating tire Sure cure guaranteed or money refunded. sang as- pas-s,of it as an encore. Tis erran- Ask for circsrlar fsrnm Wm Kirkland, sale loua impression worked lily for tire per- agent for Whithy and vicinity, wiro will ire formes-s as well as tire audience, for tire pîeased ta give you ail information regard- members of sire society warrld undoubtedly ing tis great rcmedy. have been inspirited ta sing even bettes- tisu To Rogr. tirey did bad sbey been given s good encore Two comfortable residences at 10w rentai ,astirhe begtnning. Tire vocal quartes, "Sur ta good tenants, witb smail familles. <G<>><j Knigirt," by Macis-one, was sung by Miss El. 1acg<ity. Apply ta J R Philip, Wbitby. DartnelI tirs place ai MIss G. Ty~r.b April 27, r897--sf. was incapacitaied aStishe ps osattt 30e0 Rails Wall Papes-. N. McKee, Ms-. R. E. Cas-sWeli and -Mi *R. Ove 3oo ols wllpaer s ein scr- S. Asbury. Then came Ms-. Allan Fair- ficed at and beow cosai R. S. Cormack i, beatifu introdctniyn. gair a faux pastc- for cash nly. In some cases two s-alla for bcurcd. T re aplaie wAas safgenesoan price of one, fisst-camera gets ciroiceat pal-cre.Teapas a ognru n ten.Also great bas-gains in baby cara- continued tîas sire singer came farwas-d and toes-ns. .Dul is heecanger, tire accampaniss wens irack wltis hlm lu ta cla2 hm u.Dnt istes ne. sucir a way as ta lead ail ta conclude tras ire The horl Soiet Conertwas ta respond witb anather sang. But it TireChasai Sclet Conertdidn't came. Just wiro was to blame, if any This saciety la ta be cougsatulated ou threoe couid noS ire determined but tire cf- success whicir attended their fis-st concert fect was not canducive ta tirat feeling- an Wednesday eveuing. To a laver afoi ieadtaewihaol music tire se emed ta ire auly ane fanît :of giend takre riciandaudeaT viz, that it was a little toa shirt. Tiree etenpras-m, er auCaudence."Tirt were fourteen items an tire priuted ps--nx a--snF-drcC us"ca gramme, wiici. witir four os- five encas-es, Sang" was sung as it irad neyes- been made a programme of nincteen items. Tire sa well befère ait tise saciety's reirearsals. CHRoNtcLE af last week made tire sugges- Tire appiause indicated tire genuine pleas- tion tirat tire ladies remove tiseir bats. Ail us-e it affos-ded but no encore. Miss B Dart- hooas-tatire noble onceirundred tirat did so nel , sang tise exquisite nocturne " In Bel- *e as-e charitable enougia ta believe tirat ]agio," iry Tiromas Bafley Alidricir, set to many whiro still followed tire aId custasm bad music iry Seymou-, in splendid styde> witir-a ovcslooked tire suXestion. It la ta ire dasir and spir-it wiricis won aUirearts. Sire, ircped tirat tire noble ciristissu exat le sang anotirsps-day sang fot. sn encore. fus-nrsied an tiras occasion may soan ge- Tire fis-st ai tire two pats-lotic part sangs ou came un usual. AN OrsEsvER. tire programme, tire octet and chorus, Great JubileNuorber. Ca.wen's '"Al hall thse gas-loua reignu. wva Tie Toronto Globe wiîî get ot a Jubilee wel doe bv Mss F Hach, Miss B Dartull5 Miss N McKee, Miss V R Camidger Mi"jJ number for June 9th, wirich will nunrirs 66 Lynde, Ms- J E Tisanpson,_ Mr W Gols pages. Tire fs-ont page wilî ire psinted in eauMs- W Ays-es, sud tIre Ciraacl. ty ten colora. Pictus-es ai tire Queen, sire Ms- W J H Richrardson sng Lelie Stewri Prince ai Wales, tire Duke ai Vos-k, and so «'Bandolero" witls fine effeet and-repue on down ta thre fous-tir generatian, wilI ire ta tire ves-y decldedcaa for encore with au prinsed lu thia number. In conuectian wiîb even mas-e acceptable sang. Thre piano tis great numbes- tire wilI be a beautiful quarte, oves-tus-e ta '"Oberon", by Weber, medallian picture of tire Qucen as sire ap- was rlayed by Ms-s Ayres, Miss L Wilson,. peared whcn cs-owned sud as sire appears Mr J WF Harrison and Miss McKee- ,Tire now wiIl bu psinted in 55 colos-s. TIre jubi- sentimsental part sang, tire sextet arid chorus' Ice nutubes will ire sald furs 15 çènts and it 'qIreas-tiresoft note," Ssr ArtIrrSisllisrp,4 aud lire medaîlion f01530 ceus. Os-dessMay by MssFHitch. MbsV R Caruidgiew]WMi bu Icft wltlr any agent ai the daily papes-s, N.McKee, Ms-JasHenM-yMsWJ H RkJi, and tis production will ire wcII wortir ten ardsoâ, Mr- H S Asbus-y, sud tire Choyai times tise money. - ScitW"s weeis-teled. Tire sang dSMéi Presbytes-ian Worne Pleased. P=eria," -Goumes, by MsUs Geô A Rosa, Tire menibers af tire W. F ML Society af W81 wai'tiy and wost'rdetiervedly àpp1srsd- tire Presbytes-ian chus-ch shonîd iresasfied ed, os -Ms-s Rosa never sang better. Sire wlth theres-portfth ie aunual meeting gisen I esponded wltir saibres-ciarmusng Song. in st weei's Canada Presbytes-ian. It ex- Pes-iapa tire best sulted o-f asay <if tire tends ta neas-ly five pages, sud affords a 1 partsangs' studWeý by tbe »oCIety t0 show comprehensive viewaof wiat appears ta bave tIre v"!arid nb"*utUll efeta imable by~ been tire.best imeeting oai sa igIriy success- 'Chas-at s;Bngiug Wus ire>S -ohe1 Vik- ful sociesy ireId in tire twenty. anc yea-sa E4tgaby EatotiFarsing, 15 was givesa 'fIh Ita existence. TIre Canada Presbytes-ala a a-swing and> & dash ira s-pialg welcanuctced journal, sud uses-itstise las-.. ar' ag TeMo# yoe,» >~ Fsiday, May 21St, is tie date set for tie Gar-den City to co-mmence irs-tsips frotu Newcastle, Bowmanville, Oshrawa and Wiu- by to Turonto. Tire rate fs-om Osirawa and Wiitby will ie 5o cents for eturn passage. To Rent On Euclid St., Wiritby. Good Brick House. Good garden. Apples and smaui fruit. Modes-n conveniences. j B POWELL. April 29-3tn. Temple of Faine. Jo88op Furniture (Go.f1 'Tir4ee d ob W.J. NOTT, MANAGERm. Port Perry, Ta* Voe sla iEaLb Statement sirçig led for cacir canîdidi divisons lu tire' t v4caucy conse4 by Yews. loasli go1 î t l oiý,,r f 1v le wes~ifftla Of' No il tg 41 ~S INK slip Ont. 1

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