1' XrMr e&owpn..* Ayer's Pis ý %.tiId liko to add my tales n f " cth.'r'swho have iiýi<m1 Ayerý1s m,~. i ~i tiai Ib1 av-e taken thein f ~*pP.lf PlS.anit alvrays derived Uhe N Sr i r Irrn iisU use. Uo)r Stomach V t- tiries. andi for thép<llz-o - týij.<-d ?y theec ' eraligeMent. ý' strint bc e'qsaled.jWilenl ~ nt3 a .,>ir'wha tIs te be4 or., :w- ti.rdrs of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, th'y ul*lreak u p % q hcp.e *Ick . evt"r.ail 4-- ,tlivm argas. They are, SAre Ille best !-ni r medl<ink- 1 âve -ef- Yo rkCity. A'-ýER'S PILLS t-"'hest Awvards at Worlds Fair. ,i1 ut r's sarsaprUaforthc blood. THE CIRCUIT RIDER. il RH1I'ST1 ITY ONVES MUCH TO îî:S /1 AI. .ANI) ENDURANCE. H.,îLife PIlrrR ibe Eariy Days cf à 4t-L t-r sn in Canada was Otten One ,%i t-tt Hardhuip-Tbe Story of One S l' ri ', mg a Iiipe ohi Âge. 1 rotw the Sjmunc' 'e Iltfortner. lu tho eariv laye utMethodismin i ant-ualit. .l.t-watt cpisud abroat ini trýe land bI i-Ne t'active exertioue et the t-n Ult r 1 t r-quired a man of no orlin-tr'î it-alti snd etrengtb ; an Ur c'-muvticrrauî 1unflaggîing datermina. rri tw f,11raile ardueus duties incuin i- u, t-im ltutuunderwok LW preecti - o.t tii. r nsliw men. h was no eâutv tt.-k itut tIti-sa men set theiemuseives i Ltut: iu -\ w-re alrong in thaîr faitlî t.u Ii t1wof i'i îîniate rewvzrd Idany full 1 V i1t1eth *VJ.- virile orhex-a struugied tri an I jr-'sç'ertee, anti a ev are to-day ri r tipe Listngreward wthe -u tt ttirs. Most tof Liese old timners are ru t'r it'w eugacted in active cburcb m -ri, l'ut have been piacéd ou the super- hunnaLriust, ansd are nov living a quiet t te rinlu'wn or on a tarin free tronithe tnur.-o of the vutril, they aaii ehe all to r rue up luiglier. 1Rt-V l),vîL Vid il]iariuq, vitelave& ivo litut,', socuduwAist or Nixon, Ont., in the t--Wutht1jt of '% undiiiinu, Norto k ('-uuty vbi, t n(- of these ear',- (ta % s(-irei t rdera lit- masa amian eofî-ugur,.us bealtih sud aitluoutzil witîtout many aii4vautageti in tute wa (il earIl- oulucatîon lue tucýeeded i v ulit o ahi-d aud coustant study ini J l'eng adwutted te tJie mznis.ry. He uth e flrst borninl the first boues buult :u Gien0 tWVllamane uai-Georgeîv wu, Mr- (isarize Kennedv tb. founder et George- tuvu, being a birother cf his mobor. 'l o-diay Lus as 70 yeare oid and 1er tite paat 26 y..are hasa hved in this couty Far m any years ha bad been a suifez-or tram kîdney anti kintireti isases. Ha tnied ail kinde o! ramnedies, andi althcugh Pometimes toznpors.rily rlijevet ha gi-ad- ualiy grav verse unuil iu October 1895 lie vas atricken vitb paralysie. Froin tbia b. pa.rtiahly recovered anti recovered bis powers of speech but bis mmid vas bsdly vrscked, anti bis msmery wê5 soi paor that hae couiti noir reniember tis nainscf the person to viora be vxslied ta speak wîtrbeuîtbiuking intently for saverai minutes. Oue day driving bo cerch ie ha iees! o speak of a neighbor vbo livet usît ho bhum for tventy years, but i. conîti oct recaîl the na s for an heur or more. In addition to hie menrtal trouble, b. hati intense boduly ouffring, pains in thie boad, soi-osa the forshead, in the temples anti behindti le ears, itoer@es tis lover part of tbe ekuil anti in ti-s joint cf the neck. H. bati great wsraknoeansd pains iu thc back, bipe anti lslu fact, ec much di ho suifer that à laep wva set an impossibility, and le fell avay in weight until Lo e eghes <niy 145 pountis. By tiia ime, Dec. 189~5, ho bocain, deepontisot andi feit tai if Lue diti not accuobtain relief, Le woulti soon biti adieu Le lbe Ihinae of %iai; vorld. On the 201h cf December he r'uad of s cure in the Reformer by Dr Williams' Pink PUis, sud beiug seizeti wth a sotten inspiration ait once vrole to Brockville for asupply of tuat mai-voi- lons remedy. Immediat.. gooti resulte fu'lowed their use sud bs bas imuproveti wondertnlly during the pasl yeut.. He lutt recovereti bis bodily healti anti streugth, je comparatively fi-se fi-cm paini andi bis memory is nosrly as gocti s it &'ve ava sas the improvemeut con-1 tin nesthie pr-ospect.s are very bright for1 cotupiete recovery. He bas gained 20i pounde in veigbî ince beinning the use cf Dr Williams' Pink PUis. Mr Wiliamesagys : "I eau hearîily endormea the. many goo t Iicousaiti cf Lise pis in the papers, andi strongly reconimenti thoin go any on. sufforng as I vas."1 Dr. Wîllisms' Pink Pilla are soIti euly in boue, bearing ItheIran'. Ide mark1 anti vrap or, (prinlot inlured «k. eU lu Mind JlaIDr. Wilhams' 'lnk, Pfliue _ meyver sold- lu bulk or , tlW &doue.osi hunduid an yde&a~Who f.sn fl Mad-Sbo. db. a&vfoldd.T1.n uU Aug 4140 UtOauloud aplausai oet î0ef l.Ioodbuidetm and itrve tienle, put ump ein oliar toru lntufl dte de- Oisive. They ame #11 unti"o who makers hopi t r.ap a Peeuniary advan. gage froua ILs vonderful reputaftou achieOved by Dr. Williams- Pink pilla. A.si your dealer for tbem. These -PWll are ma&hnfatrd by She Dr Wi'ltam'su Medicie .COIMpany Brook- ville, Ontario, 'Mdi Sobeneotaciy, N. Y., and are solti only in boxes bearîng thé rm's trade mari and vi-apper, nI 50 cent, a box, or six boxes for #2.50). Tbey msy 6e baa m-m any deaier, or yull be sent by mail on receipt cf pries. Dr. Williams' Pink PuiseMay be hati of val druggista or direct by mail frose Dr. Williams' Medicine Company frein either atidrees. The pie at which th@ Pille ame solti make a courscf tesat- ment omparatively inexpeasive as eompareti with other remedie or medical hi-atinent Fparffera Must tUse Theur Heads. To Rrow carrots and mnangels uccesa. tully, the land ebould be weli fitted in the fail. and i muai he cean, no as to plant as earlY in the. pPringasa condition cf soif viilailov. Turinpe are cur i-ouI crcp. Catîs are alwayu iu good bealtb vbor tbsy bave plenty cf turuipa. They kive the stock au appetit.. for auy ocher kind of foodi. W. vouid net like te gtive up the hurnips. Yet il viii noir pay te feed thetn ho ycur eovs viien you are makiuig buter for mearket Tbe Groysane turnip eau be fed t~o cova vhen making cheese vithout anv bad effect. and there in notb iug excepting gi-sou dorer vhicb eau beat tbei for a great flov o! milk. The vay we gi-ev lurnipa istot take the dirt isait field on the farm aud plov it in the hall, but neyer dr-ag it, leaving it se that the front snd air eau set upon the soil. tben earlin thelb.prine vs plov t again and then put on the caltivator sud vork it veil. W. Iben let alane until ve gsi through oui- spriug vork. We thon put the cultivator ou agnin and vork il up vaîl. After Ibis vs manin-. if weil, put- ting about thirty loade tote acre ; tien vs plcv in thbe manure, after vbieb ve put on the drsg aud work it dowx flne ; tben we put it uip lu drille tventy-.ight inches apart, aud 50w as fast as tbe drillat are made. putting one sud one-haif pountis cf sesti per acre. We eow frein eight to hvelve acre@ par year. We neyer tnov betore tie I5ti of J une. We have grown pumpkiua for cova, plauhina the oeed vitb ern, pnttinoz s eeti in every tourth bill sud in every fourti i-cv. I neyer coulti notie auy mrat i-sas. ein the flov cf milk. I lbiuk, unise tbe seeda are remnoved, they cause toc gi-est a flov of urine. W. do not feedti tem to pige, W. t.bink there in ouly one vay tc handîs pies at present prices andi make rnouey. Thiseii; te nover let tisin alack froim the limne the aov tari-ove theni un- tif tbev are rearIy te seil. Thsiseolti be' ah five menthe old, snd tthey shouldj average. Mfanageti in tbis way, yen eau tieu go ahiead. I tiuk if tari-ez-s viii nsé a little beati verk tiey cau malte mnoney s fast as they have at any time il, the past. A fartiier, to be neessfuil. Muat kuovthie abilîîy cf every thing h. keepg. The landi je able te do a lot of verk,ý but it isjusî like a cev, it von't do much wheu tin jehslf eîarved. Feed the land veil aud it viii fee oti ynsd i-un yonr maeaurs o ver. -Farmner's Ativocatte. Hlubby Wasn't Proud- Two of the sinalleat men in the cihy v ers standing at the curbetono vaihiug for a car. The conversation had been about the traditional feininine tendency to extravagance, sud the difficulty tbey had in keepiiîg their doniestie expeudi- turea down te vhat they conaîdereti a reasoîzabie Iinit. -Thsre Lhey ai-a nov '" exclaimed oe cf hein. "Oui- vives. Ant I lIIbei îhey've been shopping. " -Thsy seemn to be tsiking very esi-nest- ]y about espeuding eonrsthing.' -l'il bet 1 eau tili vhnt iuq vife in halk- iug about.»" -Are you a mind readgri r' "No. But 1 eau maks a gusua on that subject. l'il bet yen a dinner 1 cn, ny- 4,l'lIaks it."1 "An right. She's taà lking about spenti- iug meney. We'll go up behinti thein sud overhear vhat they are aaying te They crosset the strset, anti the engin.- stor cf the idesa amileti knovingly as bie vite openeti ber purse anti peereti mie iL. "My tsai," ahe said te ber cempanion, "have you sny change 2 "Yes, a littIs." -Weil. wvend you mmnd ieuding me a penny te buy a postal card 1"' "OCertainly, if I have cne. Oh, yee I Hers t iz." "Thsnk yen erer se much. I have 5 cents, but I hale le use it. A nickie ai- vnys eeme leogo eo fasî atter yen once break i." The man vbo effered Lb. vagor bati von iL, but for smie reason ho tiidn't tel Saved Ber Druken KRubande She Finally Administeres!-a Remedy, Wiîhouî bis Knowledge, andi Cureti Hini. A correepondea ntiis: I hatisncb a bappy home an& &a noble, big-bearted baband tiU bho teck fetiuiinkings Arett throngh soiability, Iben boses îLe fiendish tiesire would corne over him, crazing hlm for drink. -I vas heart-hroken. My happy home vas fut becomung oe eof misory tilI sý friendti tltime le t-y s iquor cure callet Anti-Bcoso. '1vas villing le lry a",- thing, se I sent $1 00, as-iL. suageeleti ta the Oriental Chemical Go., 20 I&t. AI.: is st., Moubreal, and by rolura mail 1 We ceiveti in s plain vi-apper a.ilIe'boi Of pub. I put oue cf rbesino7 is ooéie svewy aight snd miuu *UotbiS knovlag il, (se tboy' dabvIanda d> anitl s, ethsn à VOICIto myd- ~ihb. sppoidrmokiuor .sirély, "Anti Booi.71m *ebaod *MY *u- buebant" à oa br, h*uslroCshp a*~ 1 Ifepl SMy dt<i1e u* iL 'ît aeV in aa ~,~~ tîî'y, Clerk Il. L'Yut 4 P(L ~ TIhe membera of the baptiat choir vers invitas! ote resids ueeocf Adamu Speare, Atha, on Wednesdy evsurng vhen a splendid turne vas njoyed in a sociable way. Tisse litîhe gatherinRe have a very beneficial offet in a communitry. The "At Hotus" tenderedthelb membera cf tb. hockey club, by tbeir female ad- mirera on Wedneaday evening cf last veek vas sxeoediugly veli enjoyeti. The workman hall vas tube scene of the plea- eanîry. Besîdea the refreabments a splendid 'programme vas given. It wau in tact, tbe mosir notable socialeveul of tb. Besson in this village. Lut wveek vs reportedth le deati cf Jets. Conîtia, as iaving occurreti on Mou- day, tie l2th mest , ah tbe age cf 77 yeurs- vt as &asestates! Ihat bis bereaved widov vas in a critical condition. She con- tinned le sink anti on Suuday she toc suc- cumhed, haviug survives! ber iusband but six claysaiatbougb teu yesrs bis junior. Neither vers in fseble bealtb un tii a tev tisys before tbe cid geutleman's deati. Tbey leave tires daughters and one sou. Hov oten vs sec il the case vben a couple bave lived together for mauy yeara ths deat.h cf oesis eloeely folloveti by liai cf tie otier. PAST YOIJR PRIME Pei-h*ps not lu yees. but in energy. Your health le itot good. y-et y-on lird- lY kunow vhat is the matter vith you. Your bus, naa, toc. in on th. dee-line. People misetas lad lastic spiltvou showed in former years. The eecrel of ail Ibis in ttat y-env constitution is worxu out sud yeur blood is bad. set both rugb.t by the use of Chase's Kid- bey-IÀver Pille. One box viiicars y-ou IDsepiia E?. hgumarîam Caa-rh. -EJeadach& ..Aimente peouliar to yeuses. Sarofula. JE nervattion. Sciatica. 1'>oor bi ooci. Inudigestion. ILi-si- oin milat. .T-00" cf appetîta. Sever. kidnsv dimams Tbousan& sof sufies-seha"e pubUL2y tetifjed ho the efficacy cf Cbs.se's Kld- ney-Liver Pille. They are the baât, se use the best. Oma pi il a dose; oe cent a dose. 25 centsa a box. Fût mie by ail uealers, or iy the manufacturera. Edmanson. UBtes BCo-." Toi-cao&, Une Clavee'sL5uieedandi Tarpotnsfer aIl tl-os.t andl Jung troaubles. Laige bottie, oiasil dome, ma»lpri.Se. Seeding in prograsing ralier slo#ly; the f-oqueul aboweuter hât bav 1eon labels Lare inade 1ev landi yery wvol, The greator parth Le MU1 loeat 9issec- staon bave to-be resmrn, rye sà d ai- t akf lover Lave e odt heIL. ialer tins ve l. 1 - Mr- Tios I.snb liasmoyetito Wtok. belti uext -ladý,TM- pSqdon1ra" thon viii b. noe botughm*Iiiday. soboo viii b. at 8p inuinste ofet10.80 a an. Tih. Pev Mri- Jl.i "Of ri i d ta -pi-snobhm..à ave.k frua next Suauas'. ision ýisltd t aoxi lleealal meeting. Arr"~nemun. beiag 'asmad. le Lasve a -del*té 'btioîaten lb.dvmoe bei-e andth ule Gooti 1!em$ti- ef Gi-nevU in the nam- fLunr.; ~bp onkm~oio~toa J. 0t. nB OT l. Having moffed ileo r n»v pr2omie, v& "0e rpred to etezid Uk.rangeof buuinuu. AU worrpleto1hq harne s-makng and saddlery business viiib. don. le a"i- fato.Collars a sPsoiaY. Call ad/ se. My @hopand stock. W. OALVEBLEY, Second door yodt of old shop. Dundas Street,, Whitby I. Iailway Time Table 1'--co GBAND TBUNK ADMDAN nor wax, t g MissBil p~~ l anPo"r heath. W. Dovswlwu inagtihe eety on son. day vIta firilas. sTh. baP&lst choir have importedl a foul se Of ne, anthem books. Thomas Patteron was ini the city over Sunday oalling upon friendo. Albert RUnaeil sbipped a carload cf hoge to Toronto on Thursday. f, George Coates has Iesed hie father'. "sm and will move thereon at once. M188 Mary Macnab and Mrs. George Qerc'w apent the Sabbath with City friends. J. SPauling, of Mount Albert, vas witba N. Burton and faanily over tbe holi- day. Master Cashel Pringle, of Markbam, is will hie grandfather, Alfred Tracy, for a vacation. Robert Grahamn shipped another car of horsea bo Montreal on Satnrday, they be- ing for the Enghab oemarket. M osera. Lacey and MontRomery, of Toronto, are bers with Joshua Bundy snd other friende for a few daya. Mra. John Evans hes returned froin VÎ bitcburch. after spending a few wseks witb ber gistor and other frienda. Joseph Evans i. collecting maierial for the erectiou of a biandsome residence, whicb vill b. erected duricg the present sumsnr. Alfred Colline, o! ihe 5h concession of Uxbnidge, haq ipnrcha8ed the Yaks@ farin adjoininiz Stouffville and wiU move tiers- on at once. Mise AgRie, Walter and John McFar. lane, of Toronto, wers bers for a few day. laut wesk cal!îng upon their aister, Mr -. A. Rawson. as weli as other friende. Mms. Hyfield je recovering and jsex-z pected home from Myrtie in a few day. Sbe vent out Lo help nurse Romns sick foîka at Mr. Duiffs, vben aseberasif vau Lakten iil. Ira Powell found a paz-osi of niokie ail- verware on tbe sixîb concession the other (4ay, and the saine je nov in bie posses- sion awaiting au ovner, wbo cen identify &ATER SHOE POIJSH SUWSLE AGENT FOR WBIZ., M. W. COLLINS, W001& rflosPhO(lne.-Tke Great English eey In the resuit of over 85 years trestlng thousands cf cases vth ail kuowu ~~ druga. until aut at v have dlacoveros the true rsmedy and trestment,-a oomblnaUon that vii efect a prompt snd permanent cure lu ail stages cf &awoJd.O7It Az or £acssses, Net-vousWm'knsss, .Eua., Msa*l Worry, Fxcm&ze Use of OpiUM, Tobacco, or Âkokolit SizvJaa, aul cf which soon lead to Insanlty, Consamption and au esrly grave Wooda Befo r Tkln. Phosphodin. bas been nned sunceesfully by hudreda of cases that ssemed almnost hopeless-cases th"t had been treated by the miost talented physi ciaas-cases that vers on the verge cf ds.pe.lrand inaanty-oesss th"tvr tottering over the. grave-but vIth t.he Contiaued snd Permeverng Use cf Wooda Phoaphodine, these cans that ba" been given up to die, wur restcred to miudy vigor and hoalth-Reader you need flot de--no mat- ter who bas given y0u up as incwrable-the rsmedy la nov vithin your rsach, by linsnue yen cmn b. restored to a Ille of usefuinees and happines. Prie., one package, SI; six packages,$3; by mail free of postage. Ore ~Ukasri garaisd*0cue.PampWMlet e nyaddreu. The Wood Company, Windsorv Ont.. Canada. Wood's Phesphoinelà seld by resposlbl wholesale aud retail drogglst latdm Deminonm. prommenaou BsinssKMo et Peerbe"e Mr Thos Gladman, bokkeeper for Adam1 as., steve andti haaie daMer, Peter- br,vnrtete folowinq facto -"Ra&ve beau trouled for nia. years *fth Bassia on my log, a d d" l ti e lb. iiob u as me- thing terrible; tred niani-minient doctrs andi wus proume ncc balt. Ld given up al h p eof eerr b ig u rd vb en 1 vas rmoc- nedet by Mr Mdili, druggle. te try a box. of D r Ohassa O lt;ena, ai 1 mo appy tg bêeUal t a ster usiug tw a b oxes I ain om a- Prob4 b thelb. tha stvy te ravel in TSiLis i i y a ii be . t e b o y a n ilu s ira b os g uid e- bock IA4 say t omn.. uftA Mr Rybe Skinner Las- secureti s job at Brovuhili anti bas move tIere. Mima Visko Tripp, et Beaverton, vae the gueut et ber ruether on Sunday. Oui- teachersanare aving belitisys Ibis veck; Oneeofthbem in laepnding bis ime in Toi-ente. We velcome te oui- midaî-a nov resi- dent -vho has appeared ti atheb.ouse cof Mr- W J Black. No happier in in levaý tbis spnung thian thb.saisi Wl Mr Krest Slder, cf Orillia, bas been engogeti for tleIam viinrulaM Im- pheSy. Braie isean old Udera boy anti on, et baaebo lfase ant i avoacorvdingîs velcome hWxilbà ék ýagia Mr John T Brealti orrn ofy et »rokt ha. movet tub 5the bouse labels' vasabet- by Mr A nniud, :rÂ4bà à gone te the, bous. fe*uerly copet yP l Rynard, vbo bas«,,i ad.le bis a. xiü W spoaî.lm- .baiti,> aI ber bosue l - ha, ri) i- j 'lutLi jtio Ieae pDis r thsr é, -r-'lm' jTho baud gale ua pu t toisz nu B~tka'e ela r Éù 1ena~té b % ti a, ut l 8e-la' i 01 -M NU&~ of sure,"asd a 1 IMMP TRAINs soinve scTvAni. NQ 8, Express <Daly %Mai....... 5:48 a mi No, 5 Limited Express*......... 6:24 a ni No. 7, Local, exospt Sunday .. 9:08 a mi No. 18, Passenger 61 ..do 2:64 p nm No. 1, Expresa, Mail daly ...8:06 p Zn TBRAIWBS O0 iASTWAED No. 6 Expreps, dally, except Sun .. 8:12 aà nm No. 4 Express, Id 9:57 a mi No. 14, Passenger id 6 2:87 p ni No. 8, Local, - 0 i 6:22 p mi No, 2, Express, Mail. daily.... 10-07 p ms :stop on signal MIDLAND DIVISION GOINe NOT-uznLsAquSTATION Mail ........................82Oa m Mail .......................... 4:20 Pma Mlxed To Lindsay.............. 6:40 p m - OoffîeBOUTS Mixeti Prom Lindsay...... 4..... 8:50 amn Mail..........................2:86 p m Mail........... ..... .......... :40OPm DOMINION BANK. ampitlPs, up $,50,O Whitby A gency. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGO DBPÂBTMENT. Interest alo-wed ua ihbst urrent raies. No not4o. ct vfthdrawal requir.d E. J. TRORNTON, FAIRBANKS8 Real Es8fat e Column.- Small Pi-rmeBouse atbd Lot, corner of ohn and Byrn streets, Whity, WiU be sold very cheap. LorTs-To bcsosld, lots 324 and 258, north yard. ROUGH CAST HOUSK.-On Ash'street, north yard, wil be sold cheap. Cheap. ÂA fine tvo story brick bouse, vithbrc stables. Situated on Byron st., Whitby, the finest residential street lu the town, wîthin three minutes walk of the pest office. There are three lots of land vith an entrance on two streeta. Houa. Iln perfect- repair. For particulars apply to L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont. 'ViM, VIOBOR, and VITALITY RESTORED- IN 30 DA.YS. GOOID EFFEOTS AT QNÇ&s aled, eusoRÎMiobyetes oîei .ses Don'$ y eslorlng les t umuB&.4,l eltion CU" gvngtlEradUçu r ee mer eaksespreySo4 Oov.ftel-sskgo1 stm~ Ue ua, ndit- pqeal k CURE JO Q 111,11t'OEUOH v iiM 0.î Lusý I - A thin oily fibre-food fluid. which ' sinks into the pores leaving a velvety burn"slg film outside. Rub "hi friction coat a Mite, and Io 1- a briliant, basting, lustre dawns through it. Neithier varnish, turpentine, t - t - 1 1% n r - t r r r r(iL r 3ER. GLES. îWOOD, S, ETC 1 ,,~t (if eeds. t' . t '-r luu'et t~\ tO-c t-r t- 1- t-, i.ttct D TT, t,, 1l. %.r, itI 4-t rt-- anud t-of Uuqi jt udo, COt an v. "'cr@ ail -1 ý . ! 1 1, Vf $115M 000