Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1897, p. 3

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[ié Archer wore )n the l4th. Thés ton, Lindsay; e)rrbort M r. Mor- ;Mrs. eo. Boa- IÂi acIffued off thé 108day ýae4. Thé -14 N iblo sorvices of r 18,uti!l infant -prid 131h. The. 11011, to Salemu it 010j-r MRO.S t1i c'tv Ilit aîîl 8tirinuer IIni-î ho- a large n thé f .-win- ri-uv ablé t -r-r, Went .1 t itis il, hi r.r>bride in r-4 II- us-.. H ta 1'l- welcome -.jr;-ný fatL t, ' 1.4- wtoI.k A MILY Vl THAT 14 liq i resT il lir t or i~i i-*:t W ( ATO N -'p r' OYEARS' )E8ICNa, 'R'cFHTS atc. lerî alvetil D . recfly nieutaandos a Adtfresa Years Js ER FRIEND ANADA. t pr $19M AWAY WBICYCLES mo Durlng the Year I189T. Fot flli particutan, se advertisements, or apply ta LEMERBUOS., LT!>, 23 SwonrS-., TORO Snake Under His Shirt An Unpleanant Foaturé o! SleepiLng Out of Doorn in Colorado. "It was iin the San Juan country, in Colroradu, in 1876, that 1 had an expori- :,ence that few imon would hé lîkely Io for- t get ini a ltfetimé'" said J. E. Lantry. -lt vas one, ntgbt toward the end o! Séptember that vs vere in camîp in the open air, overy mantIlying rollod up in bté blankétés, for the ntghts wére gétttig cold and froéty. Next ta me wus a mani natned Adâms, from Illinois originally, i béhievé. About thé middle o! the night hé woke nie by calling rny namé. " 'W4hat'i% thée<atter, Bill ?' I asked. "4Ho ans§wéred me in a muet peculiar tone-it vas aseif hé vere trying lu @Peak without breathing or movtng a muscle a! his body. " For Gode8 sakie help me, Lantry, hé said. 'There's a enake crawlîmîg uti under my sîhirt.' "I1 camne up on mny eibow and 1luuked aI Adams. Thé moonovas shînitig brighitly, su t.hat 1 could see everything atiusýt as well as If it had been daylight. Adlams was lyîng un hie back as etuh as a etouie, and hie face wua like the face o! a c<rpse. Hé had taken hie boots off befuré turnîîug io, and hie stockinged feét stock orut b>. low the bottom o! his blankets. A1I<-ng atde ane o! them, paasit1ns inede i. truusers leg, was thé last twelve iluches o! a raflesnake-a big one--curlitîg t<) and fro, like thé end o! a whip, as t vent upout o! sîght. 'For Godassake, h urry " sa Id Adams. 'Hia head saitn my chest now, and he's ct'riing hîgher &Il t-be time. ('ut my clothes off me, and dunt vaste tîm)e ! -'Kt.ep still, Adams, snd dont veke the canî)p, I1 cautined hîm. 'If there gels <o be- a racket round itîIl st.art the sii ake uip. He wont get iostile if be let alune. Nov hesa quiet and let me v or k. tit vas an easy mater to pull the blarîkets off Adam&. That léft hîtti lying in hie shirt sud trousers, wîth the> stake itoit hie okîn, Thon 1 set <e work ta cut away hie clothes. O! course, befure 1 hé- "'Nev, Bil,' I said. sud pulléd shirt and trousers log aven me, léaviug A dams' body bai-e, vitb thé inaké in full viév. Thé reptile vas a big, dark-coloréd monu. tain suake, fuily five feét long. As it lay in soaiething of au 8 shape its tail was at Adam&s' huée, whilé its héad rest- in thé hollov of bis throat. "At aigbt of me thé suaké drev batik iLs head and veut bal!ino coi] on Adama' sromach. Thén, isééing tbat I did net on effertote ttack il, thé suaké tnrnéd and cravléd off (rom Adamosud made for thé sheitér o! a plant a haif-dozen steps avay, "6'Ail rigb t, Bil; h'. goe,' I said, 411t vat liké touching a spning. 1 hé- hèrve that vbeu Adamus came op (nom the ground hé vent four feet straigbt into thé air ; sud thé yell hé fetced made the boys thiuk, as they volte, that thé Utes vête upon us. Thé sigbtof a balf-naked1 man, jumping sud yelling, vitheut tho seéming 507 cause. for it, vas nather stattling as iL vas, But Adams quieted dova in a minute or tvo, about dt Lne I bail matters éxplaiuéd. Tvo o! cs wet rout and killed thé suaie-bis rat- tlinq gavé bise away-aud thé test bélped4 Adams geL his ciothos patébed tagétheri ta do tillI ronng." For some monthe"past Mr R Gunn,1 butcher, bas bec-à i.-nissing several o! bis best fowt, andthe othen Morni ng be noticed a large black havk pounce dowo into his-yard, antd carry off lonei cf bis choice« t>rdsHe nCc>nlingly -.set a mrnk trâp,, sad- beide ttied a he n x isite 4 t ht >lçn ocry le fou nd hakk 0 targedimensions (ast iW the trap, hvn encaughtbl lq nc toc. n TIw bird. was, f4IickIy rtmq4eiyt4 toa, cae, and lý iedain teme, The Name and Reputa t/on Imply Much.1 Paine's Oelery Compound Es. tablishes Sa.fety, Health and Strength. Never AIlow any Dealer to Per- suade You to Take Some- thing Else. Paine's 1 ',Glanions talismauic naine <bat spéaka a vealîh of hope and bealth <o thé theusaude of diséaae-bw-déned mien sud wvenn! "Painé'S! " M ar-velIons béaler %bat cures vbén ail otber médîcinés fail 1 "Pain's 1" Thon bright loadatar af thé clespoudent that bringeat a worîd o! joy sud néw lifé aften thé doctors have déclared thé casé Lo hé incurable. Now is thé time te usé PainesCéléry Compound if you woald hé veli, happy sud beatty. Thé heant, kidusys, liven, stomach- aIl thèse gmest organe w-î..h thé majority o! people are ont of eider in thé Spsing titis, and call for aid sud repairinig 50 that théir worm-cy hé pneper-ly dons. If you havé any o! thèse orgauseout of repsir yonr vhole nervous aystém is out e! Rear sud yeun lue is in pérl. Paine's Celeny Compound gives perfect action te thé béai-t sud othén important organe ; iL makes pure blood, giveper feet digestion, Svoaeet P. sud pute yen in a condition of vigon and stéunguhthat enablés yen to batlé againat thé béat o! sumamer sud ail thé épidémies tisaS may arias- Reémben that 6"Paine's'* is thé kind that cures. Refuse the someshing "6jugt as gwood" that gseédealers vould offér you. Ask for Peine'@ Ceiery Compound sud a"e that you ar-e suppliéd vith it. TIMONS Rev H E Curts reports a successfui time with bis exams, though suffering fromi jl heaith ail through. Being reconsidered it has been de- cided te have a S S anniversary as formerly ôn May 23rd and 24th. The Sabbaiis eveaiug service con- ducted by the junior League unden the supervision o! Miss E M Werry,,vas very entertaining and instructiye throughout. A tboneugh iaterest lu benevoleut and missionany ptojects bas evideutly been instilled in tise minds of the chridren and tise foundation of an aIl round Christian manhood aud wom- enhood prayer!ully laid thtougis thé untiring efforts o!f'tise leader, -Miss Werry. Suckers vere caught iu abundasict- on Saturday, the water haviag -been let off freai tise zilI pond for the pur- pose of repaiinug the watcr-who.tl Mn R A Pbilip came borne on Wcd- uesday from Whitby, By a miafotunate a&8iderrt Weling- ton Hamlcy, son of l ir W Huly contracter, vas struck om thth wit a crow bar and ËDt 1 !U W ald> Mitchell wene -called tic> npIIvt te crusbed skuîl iaud,~e ~4aI The wouud tje l "0 g acefr,noP flarnation havàg ýýOpf é--' We congratsiatéM- Mr!4rtatÇ11eý- viso is a native of -ù w 45Jth neruankable -nr«ord- ,h >1 final examiatrions a t-,t aces College. TM**'O'M .uiuaUy oI4l1o council delegation to Ottawa. While ini the citY the Parties. were invited wo attend a Meecting.-Oi-theyoung Mens Conservative Assoéion and speak. but by mistalce tbey got into the hall Of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. The transparency at the street corner intiunated that a grand 'rally meeting was to be held, and it was a misinterpretation of the Y M C A which led the visijors astray. They did flot discover their error until one of them was well into a red hot tory speech. When called to order and told that the mneeti ng was a religious and flot a poli- tical one, the pair felt as if a blunder- buss had exploded, and left the hall feeling as if they could easily crawl through several lengths of stovepiping. -Watchmnan. Deatb or Dr. Kempt. Lindsayites were surprised and shocked Monday to learn of the sudden death of Dr Wm Kempt, of Peterboro, but formerly a resident ogÎhis town for some 35 vears. About a year ago lie moved ta Peterborough, securing the practice of the late Dr Yelland. Shortly after going there his eyesight began ta fail him. He consulted the best medical skill in Canada and the United States and only a week ago had returned from New York. The New Vork physicians gave him little hope. This and the fact that he had flot been I'n good health for some uionths must have hastened on his death, which took place Monday morning owing to heart faîlure. Kra Smyth de&&. Mrs Smvth, wife o! Mayor Smyth, expired Thursday morning about eight o'clock, atter a long and wasting illness o! many years. Mrs Smyth nee Miss [rew, came o! a fammily of eight in which her death makes the first break. She was born 49 years ago in Clarke township, where she met her husband who was then teaching school in the community. 'They moved ta St Ken-1 dal, wherc Mr Smyth was in business.9 Twenty two years ago they came to Lindsay. A husband and four sons,1 -Sid ney 'of Lindsay. Fred of Toronto, Albeit of Fenelon Falls, and Stanley of! La Crosse, Wisconsin. are left ta mourn her loss.-Warder. Anmotbêr bai-n ru This mor-uing at lot 9, concussion 9, .Whitchurch, occnpied by John Wiliams sud ovnéd by Mir@..fiée Brown, Stouif ville, a conflagration took place. - Mir. Williamsa, havîng s sie horse, wsée t- téuding thé animal sud had a lantéru hung safely on s vire sud thé aick animai béing un îied backed eut cf thé stail and thréw thé hantera off thé vu-e, IL fell aud broké under a hersé in anether atail sud thé animai jump6d about so that Mn. Williams vas unablé to quéncb thé flamés. Hé by great exertien got ont bie borses aud ail bis stock sud soeéo! bis vehiclés, but lost his bludér, moeé, cul tîraten aud semée thér impleménts. The suspéoding cf a isoLera as in ths casé, is thé usuai vay sud is eonsideréd to bé pérfectly aafe sud va bave neyer beforé heard of a similar accident, but wé woald recoaméond as an additioas safégurd, te havé attached te thé wiré a sliing suap that cauDaL bé rémoved vithent taking down thé vire. bnsurancé 8809 on bar-n sud 81000 on contents. NEWCA5TLE Mr and lire C Olar-ké, of Tor-nte, spent Snnday at Mir J K Âlliu's. St George's cburch vas veny taetefully decorated vith floyers ou Eastér Sun- day. Mr H Wright and Mn D Hastingé, Toroato, vête in tevu ou Sonday lut. Mn A Woldon visited Torntgo lut véok. Dr Farncombeofo Reduereville paid a riait te bis mothén on Friday luét. Mrs R Varcoe is on thé sick liât. M-Ruaio, o! Orone,vas in toeruon Bat- arday lust, Mr EBurrevsisilaid up vuth a bad cold. Thé Chrfldreu's collections te missions vas $7., Miss Scott is home for thé holiday.. Miss E Tisonne, o! Taoronto, is at hon &uat's, Mn- Butchand's. Sua4éseia Mise Eus Vauzant, of Stouffviie bas nturned home suter a pleasant vist vitis ber frieud Miss Gatb Keonan. Miss B Rusu, et Toronto, spent her EBator holidayff at home. Mrs T Shannon; of Toronto, is vieiL- ing ber mothor àMn J S John. Mm 0 Kline, -as visitng ben daughten lin. J W Thompson. Mar sud lins C Baikez, of, Toronto, spént Banday viitt MrW Brethour. fr and UnsPicLevii,&'e vismswg at J Bretbour. Mr and Kre H Qbandinid~upé"Ut Raister in- Toronto. .000,0o... e : Rdlief for- 0 11f LIOJI e e 2h.Oraut in the Gràan Iild. Amotig théesseatial conditions tc Sue- cesaful germination eofmeeti grain iu thé soul are beat, moisture, sud air. Thé tva former may ho présent in sufficioncy, but if, as (rom *thé effeet o! a bealy show-or o! nain falling upon a fiuely pul- vénîzéd surface o! dlay soil, a crnst be forméd, !olloved by drying vinds sud sunabine, vbich shuirs ont thé circulation o! air-, genmination o! seéd iis séniously retardéd if net m-ndered impossible, sud if iL bas comaiénced, vili make littié, if auy, progrée in grovtrh w-ilé thé cruât reimains uubroken or until iL is sofe! éud by a subsequént rainfali réhieving thé pressure upon Lise peut up plants. To avaid los o! imé sud losa o! strréngth in thé crop under sncb circumetances, w-e ar-e fnliy persuadéd, as thé resnIt a! ex- peniencé and observation, it i@ vise and profitable tu apply thé barrav vigoroualy as seau after a héavy rain as thé surfacé <s snfficiently dry in ordér ta break up the ci-nat sud thus alov thé circulation of air. This may appear to, bé hernie treatment, sud many persans yl béai- t-sté to sdopt iL, fear-tng that thé tender sprouls niay hé broier off thé grain and tbhe crop thus injured, but the fact is that in most cases seed <s sovu mors 1hickly than is necessarv, sud if a fév plants are spoiled the relief that is given Lo thé Inany others mars than cempensates. Thé wniter bas practiced harrowing pèe, w-hicb are cousidéred especislly tender in thé ésmly stages e! grovth, aftér héiug savu a week or ten days sud being bouud by a crust formeci a! ter a héavy nain, vith entirely satisfactory résulté. This treatmént as g énerahly neéded anly ami the teops sud sides o! bills or knohls vhicb are o! dlai sud w-ich dry quickly a! <or rain unden thé effect o! a strong sun, sud w-here from being packed or bakéd thé cnop fallé bébind thé avérage o! thé field. 'Hésitation may hé éntertaîned about bar- rawing a ci-p that bas héén sééded te ciovér snd grasse@, but it sbauld hé me- membém-ed that thé conditions w-hich pr-- vent thé grovîh o! grain vilI also, in al pr-obability, prove fatal to trhse mallor seeds as velI, and that thé pr-ces o! bar- row-îng is likely toie pr-ové thé lessr o! tvo évils! if iL is flot s real bléssing. 'iut t! eue cannot tind courage te appiy thé méats propoaed, ou accaunt o! thé dangAr to yctung clover plants, iL vili he hut littIé expénsé te sow- a ittié moe claver seed on thèse spots and caver with a struké o! thé bars-ove or- a bnh.- Farinera' Advocaté. AUDLEM' Frank McBrady bas been home for bis, vacation.- Mr. sud Miss Short, o! East Whitby, have been visiting et Mna. Smith's. Rey. MoDoaid déhivénéd a fine sermon hère on Suuday last. His thème vas ou thé evil of the tangué, A msan W-ho vii say mean thinge muaetcde mean thinge. Wé (ergot te mention that hast w-eek much thank va due thé ladies vise lent thé beautif ni floyers fer thé lisera-y even- ing o! thé léagné, sud te the young ladies w-ho se, tastily arngéd thein, Thené la soe talk o! a land agéucy boing stanted in our midst. Ruinons of s boom in vacant, lots fill tisé air and since Mica bas béen discorerod on Lise fartm of John Bell snd où in eut éréok taa sud thouglis. of gold as-e rotui-uéd ou thé postmnan's lot no wooder a haut- hung tradé vilI' hédoué bore. Thé Ageucy have opeued np tisé sale of &auses aS bc eaéb but will b. insésed as tise fiert issue for ou- own ressens. Boom.& 8pc, isoie agente, office opposite tise MTtropolitan cisureh on Rbin ts-st. Visitors :-Miss Hopper sud Doble at their unclo'., Mr-. Y. T. Smuith ; lir. J. B. MadRI, of W.O.L ; Mies Ohristena Bell, of Toronto,st ber Parents', bore; Mus. PoiL, of Bufalo, Visifed hors s-. Herbent Penkins drové te the éity se- compauied by Misses Doble Mud *Bootré- eently. Wé are mon-y te mem t hbie oyats areon à slow vsy te o very but vo hope hé msy tomn me o méehange for* thé botter. Mmns K.Puokiin hasbeenaiWd ofl,%i au attack eofPléudM e lat he havutg éaught eoId on - hé* vay-froin Mywtleon tisa winter lienùy. We as-egladti t note improyemnit thougl. Non 8Sonday ta quai-toly meeting et Greén otd stenodoubt Il m fet méethiodia suanfot s uéViliak- tend, Consoquéntly BSanday sohool, wWi hé sit 3 o'çioek. .Gri-élu luup in ou- localmsd grat, faU i w-béat snd i-yeare loekiu-g iefu anti gir. prmisé of au abundïbt Jiroèot, TIsà lat ri- Iàvhae iwe- élgisdrow*ed out notuS M theêw lai,-- (roa -a heévy alt " ci,.1 epidemio--a grippé. ,Wo. » = s beèr*eut aga n ad ehoe tb,ýb. Mri. Pardon Mi hai g M.Iw>vn ,Up -nd romaelal mo,, ltoltw-milthei aeOf lits7 towepaartea- ap l, iew- : o WbStby PresbytSy. The ?resbytery of Whftby met in Whitby on 2Oth iut., the Moderato- Bey. B. Wbitemau, B A., ithé ohair. There was a good attendance. la conuection witb the Home Mission report, Rev. Mrt. MoKeen, Convenor e1 PresbytenY's Commnzue, vas authoried te communicate with the Young People,& qocietiea of the Préabytery in regard to increased support for the Glénora Mission. Rogsrdiug the remit on S. S. publica. tiens Presbytery approved ef the proposai to appoint au edfitor to také charge of the saine. Commi&sioners te Général Âssemby, te, meet in Winnipeg in Jane, wér-é appoint. ed as followa-Revs. G. B. MeLeod, B. »., J. Abraham, and J. A. mqgeen, B. A., ministers, snd Méén. C. Pililipa, J. Reid and T. Morris, éldera. -Bey. J. Abraharn wus appoiuted te nepresent Presbytery on Assembly's business coin- mitLle, and Messrs. Eastnan aud Ander. son wéré appointed te nréséent it on thé Synod's business comiuée, te, meet in Lindsay, llth of May. Rév. A. McAuley preéented thé report of thé commiîtee on eburch lifé and w-ork, whioh gave évidence et a healthy condi- tion of things. i resbytery agreéewena phasizé thé need cf greater attention te religion in thé home and thé importance of securing as fnlly as possible thé attend- ancé of the children at the public services of the church. Presbytery aise, agreéd te express grati fication at thé récent Legisiation of the Ontario Légfislature, in effeot prohibiting thé running of électrie car-s on thé Sab- bath day, ezcépt w hère eîthér a Snnday car service, or thé nigbc Le instîtute eue, alroady exigtu. Rev. R. Whiteman, B.A., presented an éncouraging report on Young i'eoples Sociéties, shbOwing a total memberahip o! 542 in thé Prestytéry. Thé contnîbu- 'ions for thé achemés of thé church, were $168. For congregational objecté $203 For running expénses $52. For otheri objecta 8127. Total $545. Presbyteryi >greed te SugRe8t that théeiders showi their symptthy witb thé Young People's1 Secieties by attiending their meetings asi trequently as practicablé. A comairnication wsrécived from a committe eof Peterboro Pnesbytery né. garding thé ré-arrangement of thé limita of thé Préshyteriés cf Peterbono, King- ston and Wbitby. Mesurs. Fraisen, Abra- ham, Pbalén and Anderson were appoint- ed a cemmtée te operato with commit- tees frein thé other Presbytériés conceru- éd. Rer. R. M. Phaleu4 B.A., presented ai gratifyng réport on Ssbbasb sebools. Thé amonut raised by thé Sunday schools in thé Presbytéry dnrnig 1897 was $718, of wbich $842 wéné given te, echemés o! thé chui-ch. lu addition to this amount, congrégations ceutnibuted $99, for Sanday sobool purposes. Prea bytery récoaimended definitonesOf doc- trinal and spiritual teaohing, that ongré- gations support thé Sunday saooms liber. ally, that the Sunday schools be urged te contribute as libenally s possible to, thé schéme. of thé church. Présbytery will utéét ini Bowmanvifle, thé Brd Tuesday in July. A Difficult Problem Batisfactorily , olved. In thé past the ladies bave hsd thons- suds of dollars worth of valuable goode rained throngb the use of inferior snd adulterated dyes prepared for home dye- ing. The greateat bas that we can point to is ini the coloring of mixed gooda- fabrios composed of cotton and wool, cotton and uilk, and silk and wool. The manufacturera of Diamond Dyee put up specia.l dyes for the coloring of afl mized goode, giving colore that are fast te soap and sunlight.. Diaoeond Dyes for mixed goode are the onty reliable dyes in the world, and are ail guaranteed to do ponceSt work. Every draggist and daler of any standing in canada eau suPPIY YOD with Diamoud Dyea for mized goode. Do not accept imitations or subatitutes; compel your dealer te give YOD thé "Diamond." Halpton Visitors: Miss Ethel Stevenson, of Oshawa, at Mr. E. Trenouth s; Mr. B. Ferguson, Miss A. Cryderman, Black- stock, at Mr. M. B. Cryderman's; Miss Ida Trewin, Bowmanviile, at Mr. J. Salter's. Miss Laura Salter bas returned froin Greenbank. Mis. W. Allin is stili confined to her room. Oven i oo new books are being added to the Sunday school libnar. PYNY PEGI-OKAL Positiveiy Cures COUI18 and COL.D8 .utilo tied m i usao <b W. C. MCounu& so Ibala tis. al 9 XuOUu bog4béd or DASh L SLEeee-.Lmss ANTI- BOOZE TH ORENA * REMEDY,.m*- The New, Safe and Sure Cure for Drunkenness. :T REATMENT by the new redy: *to a sanitarium. It can be admnâi *tered, without the patientsa know: I dge, with bis food and drink.Vie- t iais are cnred without their know a * edge, rediting the change to the force, of their own wiI. ANTiBozE in p-t uSin on-er *venient oiadslaa810pe :box. Three boxes $2.5o. it vill be~ :forwarded prepaid, sealed and i a: :plain wrapper, by remitting the1a :amount te Eorientai Chermiosd Co, S20 St. Alexie' Ste ,Montreal : Cultured Ladies wil of ebaracter, needing ta sain money, can lest bow to do so mi a Rood oense. Adcirms )ABEZ GALLOWAY, Toronto, Ont. JH. SCOTT, PUMPMÂKBBR WHITIBY, The Subseriber lbas again opençd business., bere. His office wilI be -at FL R. Blow's telegraph office, factory at lits. Newbery' s bouse on Brockr Street, souili. New Pumpa tnanufactqred and. old Puinps repaired. Fitat clss materlal used and work warrant - ed. Wells dug or cleaned ont.Orders sollcited.1 Hf., SOOTTi Feb. 14, 1895. . Wliltby atid ObIaawa f~.*eDURe NEWII, LE Riecbw tTir"s Cost Mo"e uasu OMMe~, bit Fini Cou h Lagi to. The Pebbledà Tread Electric. asd u t is new ffit nSt only prcvShets i trfrosi= plng but "dàto ts wer- TS 15 THE TALINGABOUT. S Neithr werk nor experiseas b= spred l ln rw crMt& cTiresto their Porýesent high «standard. They aretimade of t tbet Sea WndCotte and abqolutecàly f.pure Para Guin, and are fittedth utmproved valves that work perfecty. These tir art ar dl e. srnriist and vu stand wwdht aid. Wc rie fiTHE BRANTFORD BICYCLE SUPPLY GO., Ltd1., BRANTFORD, ONT. Dar ugeton oe @Bgn4agu4gannn@@o onem i j' r Mulk of différent températureashsould neyer hé mixed. With cowa long in milk thé butter will ce aslowly. Thé only vay ta keep cava is te kéep theai pet! ectly cdean. An absorbent o! soe kind should be képt te rétain thé valuablé constituents o! the droppinga, both soiid sud liquid. Uncle John Pattéreon says that dairy. ing goes wéll with fruit gnowing. We vaut créai with our ber-ries. " Thé gréat advantagé in dairing is that iL buds up thé fanai. Theré is manure for building np poor spots sud thé land can hé iai- provéd every yéar. Watér cools thé milk mueh more rap- idly, asys a witer, than air vill do, sud on this account thé vater setting must be used in thé vinten as eU ilas thé sum- mer. It would hé a simple maLter te set thé vater te hé uséd eut ef dooru to, geL cold before patting iL in thé tank, wl

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