Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1897, p. 1

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r WHJTBY, ONTAIRIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1897. S pring Time YOU WILL WANT Diamond Dyes, Turkish Dyes, Belipse Dyes, The latter at 2 cts. a package. Moth Oamphor, Gum Oamphor, Household Âmmonia, Large Bottle 10Oc., fuil strength. A. H. ALLUNi CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. W INDMILLS WJRE FE.NCE. 00-- Geo. Allin e SoUls the Genmine AER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and the Kotaleman Wiro Fonce intending purchasere should examine ibis miii before ptacing theioder. Do nos iet an agent pus an imitation oti4'ou vien you can geltich Genuine Aeî.uoior, tberoughiy gatvaiiized, and warrantcd, for teas money. Mare et these milleseld in Canada to-day than an>' otier maire. Tic Aerrnotor Ca. dlaim tic>' sei nue haifthte numbeir of vind- mîli outflts soid in tic vorîl, aitie prescrit time. AUl styles of Wood sud Iron Pumpa for- sale.- Att>' information regarding ibese outfits viii bc free>' given b>' vritiug te Feb 7, t897-6rne. GEO. ALLIN, V%.IHITBY. WcSTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Capital Authorized $1,OOOOOO Surplus BOARD 0F BIRECTORS. Joint COvÂN, E-sq., President REuBitN S. HAMLIN, E-SQ., Vice-Pi-es. T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Casiier. Goerah Bankiug Businese tvansaoîed. Drafts iseued, payable in al parts oflCan- ada, Unitedl Statea, sud on Landau, Eng- land, payable in a&l parts et Europe. 334 per cent. ailoweil on Savinge Bank Beposite sud credited hall yearly. Special attention to colletîon of Farmer8' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of WAitby Braucis. w ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL Mn or Womeu bo travel fo.r re- aponsible established bouse in Ontario. Salai>' $78o, payable $1,5 wecltlv and ex- penses. Position permanent. Refenence. Enclose selI-addresaed stamnped en vetope. The National, Star Building, Chicago.-I7-8. EstabliBhed 1849. whitbi stenm Marbie and Granite Woîks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chase HIL hh (y Woff > Importer = r n l uMARILE AtD RANITE MONUMENTS, Etc.. aithe lugesMa-- etdai and designe. AUt hindi ofCemetery voth. Ourlw«k fguraneed. OrSUND FOI DutsIoNts AND JPRICp4. FOR 8ALE A number of1lrt.as trawbrr pan by. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. INSALE1 We regret to announce Mis Reed as being OHEONXCLE Com»SPOsrussCu Quarterty meeting ai Greenwaod at 10.30 a.m. next Sabiath. _O: Rev McDoneti preacbed an excellent ser- MANOHSTERmon here on sabbath. Mr. . Sarks afRochste, NY, ~ Misses Glord, of Bowmanvilte, visitcd their visitîng thîs week at Mrs. John Grabarn's.sutMi.Bgnlaswek A nuniber frorn bei-e sttendegWrince Al- Mrs Wm Perkins presenîed ber busbnnd ber-t ch qch last Sunday evening ta bear fwiih a bouncing boy a few days since. Mns Dale, of xbridge, preach. The dis- Mi Frank Saison was suddenly taken ill course was grand. on Suniday,, but ia nov somewhat better. Master' Norman Ewes-s gave a biitbday A goodly number îurned out to thc sale cf party on Pt-iday aftei-aoon last. A large Mr Coultice's eflects on Wednesday lasi. number of schoolmates and frienda attend- God prices werc realized. ed, and ah bhad a very enjayable tirne. Lagrippe bas left off tormenîing mosi Mi-s. C. Thampsen went oun, te Wick lasi folks here, but has caused much suffering week ta viî b ei- daughter. She was takeni and some are flot yeî fulty recovered. quite sick, and la nov con fined te bed and J W Saiton la working the model, seuti of under care of Dr. Park, of Saintfield. Weth Kaeanh bsroahul ngv lui-h y on berne. adabetor ing the fari an extra toubh. We trust hie Misa home. apQakrsr-t.hdiemay have good return. isifortune on Suîrday last,. of falling over Metois BehtirMcBryan inow e iinoi a fence and wrencbing ber rigbt arn. ît asmehdscoi, roln. he it e needicas ta aay tisai ber arn is lrnpreving. doubt, prove quise an acquisition as sic ha-% Nexi lime she goea eut, she viii take her been under training Inr Borne ime. foirnan te assisi vhen needed. Mr. Chas. Mackey and vile are nov com- Ve-y ften osjj village is visited by people fôrtaby situaied in their new homne. Thev eh haen0 bdmtvel enu ee occupy the atone hon-se formerly occupied Tbey have n-al c oe i ngoing ta .by Alfred Saihoit, now of Wabigoon. disg-uise tbernselves. On Tuesday nigbt it Mr. Rodd camne from Toronito on Friday vas quise dark, aud a ciaracier flot ver>' night tast through the torrents of rain, but prernîaîng vas uoticed spying ai-ound. A be looks as if the trip did hlm no bodity respectable lady citizen happened te be i-e- harm. lie makes weekly trips to tic city. tui-ning borne --o -,lv allr .1 ..-l aan costed by the saine gent.« She rnanaged te get away Irons hlm, but flot before saine very insulting language had been ascd, sud aie had received quite a frigiL The lady repoied tic circumstauce ta ber hushand and s vatci is being kept- It la hardly sale for a varnan te be out sfter nighs if suci ruffians ai-e allowed te rua loose. A large number atieuded nornination ou Tucsday. Thc nominations vere as foi- leva Jas. Lang, Jas. MeCaiUogb, Jno. Jef- frey, Wm, Real, jas. Complan, Jos. Baud, T. E. CragR, Allan Stewart sud Jas. Muni-a. Mesura. Muroansd Cragiz witidrew and tic rest vere dechared l inte fild- Is looked as ifsa varin couîest vas brewiugr, but dur- ing tie next day, ahi bat Messrs. Camplin and jeise>'palled off, Tic atrife le there- foi-e beiveen tiese two gentlemen, tie fror- mer firn Epsomn, and tic latter firn Prince Albert. t ta gaiag te cost tise tvushbip quite a surn te carry ou ibis election. sud it is suci a busy tarne ihat tic farinera vii liai turn eut te record their votes. P C GRAHAm GEEUBANK Mr and Mrs John McLeau, af Columbus, were visitîssg tbir frîcuds in Egypt titis veck. A nev fence bas been erectcl around tic meibodisu citirci. We congrasulase the trusteea on is fiue appeaisuce. Tic Presb)ytcrian Sunduy-Scol have se- cured tic services of the cetebratcd Uxbridge presbytes-ian choir to give tic concert ai their anniversary on Ma>' 24i. This facs puts the success alibi anniversar>' heyond question Tic arrangements for tic Sunda>' serviîces wlii hi announcei soon. The residerits aI Seagrave poiting division are justi>' indignant at thc*a t ti>' have been trested b>' tic board ef liscence corn- missioners. Tv'ce bave pesitions aigned b)- tiree ftennis of b>' fan tise meat inteligent part of tic commrunAl>' backed up b>' large delegations appeaied hilare the board pna>'. ing that tie license of the Ocean Hoase be cancelleil, sud naturailly eneugi the people tookeil for fair treatrnan sd that tic aimosi uanuinseus public opinion sheutd be respect- cd But lu the face of this a rnajority of tie board lubie board appointei b>' the so-called temperance goverumeul) ceeu>' ignores the opinions and protesta af thecocmmunit>' and farces a ticenseil bouse dovu ubeir ibroats. lu is using but plain lauguage te sa>'tiatil is a ahameful outrage. As le vei kuovu tise censeiouers are net responsibl. lu an>- va>' te cpeople. sud the oui>' va>. lata, hoid lie pover tisat appointa uhens respon- sihie.. it outd b. veil foi Mr Dryden ta raice sud ex plain viieLier he approves aI tie ctcoleuofhie appointees. If bAth iuks bis fiends lu Seagrave sud udjoining poil- ing divisions viii quietl>' submit ta b. tram- pied on lu ibis shape, he does net ssnder- stand thc people be bas te: deal viti. We have a nev board ibis yesr, bus it la juat tic same otd star>', anc commisai--ner via viii voie wviake>' ever>' tue, eue teînpeiance man te please tie temnperauce people sud rope lu theit votes, sud the tburd man ou Use fence reail>'to a lItote liquai aide vîcu- ever uhere lusa potiticul pull, as everybody betieves Isu be-en donc lu tuis case. Thie lu iow aur great moral sud _"Tensperance" geverunent promotea lie temperance re- lorm. The C E iseid a song service Tuesday nigis. Mise Lilian Raveïiba taken Miss Kemîp- tiorn'a place as erganusith ie cbsarcis ser- vice. Tic pout faim islIying vacant. - seenia agreut puyv tuas s tarmi uin tioted as5. It laur ad duty tocbueuieJeb. à cf ou eue oI tihesM, shoùld lie vitisout 5an oea-c our ms:repeetedcililsensa, Mu. W. L Or-l paut. maustoSvisa psued *"~y on rîsesdçy Isat a Aa meeting of the. esecutive cesunittee bsucearesideisce a OvnS &und, Wvsce b. af the Whuuby township S S Association 1hbMd gire ho Attend te. fuseua fý* Moe sMd' vus decideilte bll tii.conventîou nl A-wvs tken uddiuly ni vîib c f ebe, mettd's churcb -on Juce 3rd neat. ng. eSstsli as secuvd blat Several las-mers bave bauapr lot aIuta ne avoil.Tiseir Cam atidmsse ai l 1 cultvatos ths sping -Tby ff th pinest: die. ait 'a miuqoie brqught b>'theb. culivaonsibi aplng - ise' ue liseP kR. ta bis nttev( Mis. G. M"neoi <'ua- baises generatî>' sol oea tenu tiegteund np, idcen nTuedo>'cvening. The. fammi oS ne mater bow Mucb Itala 1rua ltoitehsr. j teUIeiqey ietey asthse laipast Tic>' are su eeldlent -mmemnt id add Itis.ebas -tien pic eu- ior I mou>' aig tii>. much tte espeed. of s.el,. ie meesesiic ila.pebyoIchuncil Tie lainiersau tb. baillabadl>' ru tof aiwbicbha 'as a meusier wus çondüchi teda gether aine.e isce'rade. h licid e s. S>' tIse'Rets. > CM ý -, liê, ouo more wcrk. Seme fuel Ili Iel>' -haeto Te.apeinan atbe Cindiau Order of Foep* be savu agulespecyahi>' ser.crt fur- en *o bc h waa =ei Mrer, in a o c4y revu are vie wlayrpip btutiti osducsd ho e-vmn,esat tu-gr '-1a,.i filled sud-the.grouns.o 'o r. be, tinsiàiovs.s wee gw0oSethe nashet b>'di lig ter s aili fre ï t hatbe b- d s .sis o t hedu i Tie Gbld larm Istet>' vacateil b>'Mr. Neal's famity bas net secared an occupanît. As it ie a faim under a good slate of cultiva. Lion it aerna tee bad nat te flud a suitable tenant for tic camne. Tic ieavy nain of tast week Ilil conside, - abte damnage, washitîg nul ditches throtîgh somne of the new sown fields. 19 delaycil seedîng operatiane a fev ilsys. Sorne are nov tirougK sud others nearty se. Peter Stepýîenson, the aid and faitiful rmlk carrier. Starteil ils regutar route lor tic Greenvood fiactor>' on Monda>' rorning. Peter is ever ready ta do service if it can be m-de profitable. We trust bisirouie this seasen may be more satifacter>'. Rev. McDonald preacied an excellant ser- mon here on Sabbaîh last ; he le among the best preachers ever visited Greeuvood dir cuit. Next Sabbaîb viii be the regular quar- teri>' meeting ai Greeuvood , no service ex- cept Sunday echool iu the afternoon vîlI be beld tiere. The house and ltt ateiy occapied b>' Mr. Wmn. Newton is nov vacant. ILule niceiy aituated, and there le a good stable upon the lt. This properiy has since the deati of MNI. Ogatin been purchaseil by Rehb Brou Any person desirious af a nice tittie hbe cau secure the samne ai a reasonable rentaI Scioot vas resumed Monda>' morninir af. ter a veekr'e holidlay. Our trustees have had Mn. Lavrence doing some repaire in- aide as veilias auldoors. Oui trstîeboard claim te be ver>' eccuomicat. We tink it neait>' tirne tic lumber puicised b>'?4t. Rogers, for schoot parposes, shoutd be piaced lu the proper place. Man>' arc muci surpriseil au suci au unusualt hing as chool propert>' being set eut on tie aide et tic rosil for au advertisemeuî. Some are fud ay iag bard andl uncalleil for rernaîks aboc i persan via se exffoseil tice chool property as wei as himsef. We vould ecarcet>' ne- fer to ibis muaster ont>' beiieving if half tic people'& vieva vere made pubithis ma- tes-l would not grace thec roadalde an>' longer. Wbv net do tihe proper ihing even if eveî-v ether 'man su existence set the kuave ? Some ialk nf holding s cooceis lu tise division lu Use neai fusais, Mr. Bd. Hollidav. imerchant, vas in the cit>' aon Monda>' on business. Mies Jessie Ros lahome irons Orillia, visere she bas been eamong the dresamakîug for twe M.andM.is.e iBlcçS wr h Mi.s Mst frf. risoe, aiBastot, vre tich enst e er alier i.JhnMifi, uîu s Esate a iidse rmhr tene h os shuwin Panumrfion s erantrepodt ibo siovhe lutPora Peo Tam'sdrpr ts Mr.is Alet onmbe o fo>r svrlve. a Mu. lieup Orces. v-ia onievein vecs bas ie jn loup sith btadis o glubikbud 1%e a mantletainesubveme veîk. S o To ibis prtraias hate n aan anut aIp amodlu tus part, as laeit ieasd tin. s-p areh ookug er>u artis eust "by sylook Fi&aierthusruMrIn lakepugt vedha>' o. I ilDb afer ic fiaiointleike Sen isbea.1 ilg nbe hivr'go o ieeeh abek Mr. eise taw. o ntns lndgon n. Pocard eHis lgan c dhss pland et nwo ounread an iplace SsudOnias sur frsaie dus agent. Mr. Natiss rus W. are pleased te note KmisEHlflda>' ta mi provint,; aise, Mr. Wlhmmis fl e to ait up for a utile viie ever>' day. Ti t IM fuesbau Miss Starir la aay for a mouub's visît wîb friends ini Toronto. Hmeoklin loilge, A 0 U W, bad ten represeut. atives ai the funeral of the laie D Whiney a~ Whitby on Sunclay. Bicycles are bccomning munre and mnore popular bere. Already a number of newbchels are ln use and more are coming. Miss Darlington returned from ber wiuter Sa. toun in Buffalo, on Fniday evening last. aud bas been warmiy welcotued by ber mny friends. Mesra John Allens and D W Macdonald bave had awninga put np in front ai ibeibasi- eas places and Mr C Redman s aise ta bave eue. On Monday sixteen new pupits were received ini tie junior diision of he choot. Mrs at Btackrwater. Tbey aIse presented a petU- tien against the license signed by about two tide of the voters in the polling division. Their efforts bowever were unheeded and the license grantàed. Strange that tiquer men have more influence with ticense com- missioners than three times their unmber of Temperance men. POIST PERET, Dled ln Port Pei-ry on the 23rd April, Daniel Whitney, in bis 48th year. Thse genial face of John Brimble la again ta be .seen at the Whitney hoec. Mfr and Mis B Dyer of Cotumbus, have been visiting as Dr Arcber's ibis past week. School opened on Monday ai 1er the Easter bolidays witb a fuit compleinent of pupils. The first sprinq concert took plaoe, last Friday-' Pi&ss Lamfb>' bas been requested te give a paper an "Sysiemitic visitation" astbte opeaing session of tbe coming Internatiohal Epwortb League convention hîch opens in lrouta July rSt. We have just receivcd 1000 bars Beat snd Ecipse bomp ; 5000 bar@ Comfort sosp ; Amn- monta soap ; Dingmaa's Electric soap and ail other standard mjkcs. Close prîcea for box lots. Hollida>' Bras. Tic Jourdi quarteriy meeting servicet for the present couference ycar wîilhi held in the nwmihodîst cburch Dcxi S tbiati morusag. The officiai board viii mecs on the iollowîug (Mon- da») evemuig at 730. On Monday eveîsing s bad break occurred in tie dam ai tie pqnd nortb of the village. Mr Babcock, the ew Icsce of the miii, as going to have the breacs filied iu at once, and vii have a ibarougbîy goad job donc. Aý numnber of the local Oddfellows staried for Pickertag on Sssuday siternoon tai join tic breti.- ren there ln tiseir ciurcb &,ervice, but the beavy main liai zame up vas toc much for ihens, sud t hey anly vent as fai as Whltby. We bave pleasure lu cougratulaig Mr Chas Morrison on bis aucceas in passiug tise tirsi jear exaimmnations ai tbe Agricultural Coltege. He securcd second class honora lu Agriculture, Polr>, aud Grarumar and Histor>. Mrs H i- Spencer's "Rambllng Reminee- ces"~ ici bave been appeauîng in tise CHROsi. ICLE far sevetal veeks, have been îead wsti inucs interesi, sud we veie soir>' ta notice that ic>' had been brougbt te a conclusion in lait ISSue. Rev Du Lambl>' ebsirma ai the Bs>' ef Q ante Conféreuce hoarà et examinera, vas lu Brighton iree days ast eek, vice e piresid- ed over the analexazninatian oethticcandi- dlates sud paoationers for tie ministr>' la cou- neciion wiii the ahove Coufereuce. Die Rev Dr Lambly spent Tueeday snd Wed- esday in Toronto auteuding the annul meeting of tie Victoria university senate ofl vile he lasR member, Sud aise thc convocation for conferring degrees iu Ticology. ,Victoria bas ihe targeat nunîber of studenu in aiteudance ibis year aince the instituion vas tounded over fluîy yeais ugo.. Na Library yet. The boks ordered for the ibrar>' reacbd Tojenia fionsNew York au Frid-y of ait veeek -Wos one cliv toa late, as tie uev tariff regula- tiitru bad ibeac am e i e o frce sud b >' it som e fiîe or six, English capyrigbted books inctucted iu the ship seens vere ba red ou i,. as e see es not nov be recesycti fions tbeUnited States iat Canada ai ail. An effart vas made to have ibese books takc.s ont sud sent back so tiai tie rest ai tic lot couhd hi delivered, but officiai red tapelasm weald flot permit ai ibis sensible arrangement sud tie viole loi hsd ta go baék. Bv thue tic>' eyare agal luin is ceunry'the urne liit up tavich tic gveramet male their grants wili hi passed,. and as Ibis grant 15 being depedd on for blpig ta launc the library. the order for books vil bave ta hie au- celld unlesa some àpecila arrangement cau hi mide vus sice depasiment. There ta god reason ta hope ttai tis w iii be doue under tese unusual circumstances. Mr B Holliday was sent to Toronto on Thursda>' to la>' tbf mater hilre the proper authorities. sd au- W. A. H. Bud4 am »tr eo toelf . W A MNnELT, D V zi.-aduste ofthtIe 0& tana Vterinary Colfle.e Toronto; Knorar menhr ef the. Ontoaro Mdical Soietl;. Trete &L' *.iaeauâis of lb. dometlatid an m a s y b. ni itap p vd m tbod. A lsa psrlcle ate to e4. gol p tiona suddeulaty. ayor alS0catiCs rPUlY a te d d , . Of i e m r gdenO s r oql Ontaro.ç W.e au suppl>' al kinds of Field- and Garden Seeds. etiher in bulk or package. Flower Seeds in great - variety. Mamnmotti Long Red -Mangoil seed,. Ic. 1. Turn. Seid. ail sa dr varsttes, a oc - lb. SPADES.- HOES, RAKES,'etc., at closest Îâ'Wba: about Biader Twine? F arm ers are," s e tf iy r quçseswdnot-to placetheir orfe-rs tilt tiey bavesenouiv sam s~ audi ad«our -quotatioum. ~a~ h'th bestand~ctê. 42 M ILea - .- Tbe flue englue " Rescue' as eipped on Mou- day tua atlavailuthe norti vesi, vicis bas bougit it, Mi S Gra'iam bas muade a big Improvemenita the front ul bis pîopcrty by tie building ai s iandsome picket fence. Mr sud Mis A J Harringtios, vie bave been livin uToronto ibis pst vinter, returued lehst Faida>' ta uder ovn home. Bled lu the z2th con Reach, on the ir5th lst., Mation Hamilton. bclnved chitd off Mu sud Mis [W H Leask, aged 4-mus sud 17 day-n., During tie ieavy tbnnderstorm lest Frida7 [aticinoon the large calvert under Perry sticet became ctogged viii plank sud refase sud Use reani vas tic vater vasied ava>' part of tise roadvuy large enougi ta take s boise lu.. Tbomsas Mceemont le assistant flsieuy in- spectai ander Mr Veale fou Osesarea sud cuit shire of Scgog ; Janes Suîliff lu assistant under Inspecter Marinu for Lake Scngog ta htifoutai To make a concert s suoceas first clasa singera are necessar>'. We bave lu aur midat lu tse persan af Mr James Batfeur a pleasiug camic naer bose services are aeiited lai sud neur MîBallons always bas a gaod setection se ibas be la neyer at a tis ta suit tiase via ma>' have the piesure of icauiug hlm ; vienever be sp- peais hitore a Port Peur>' audience be is always sure ef su encore. Ou Manda>' faienacu Mi Ed White viha tati named George Silver teck seme tugs of grain ta Vickery's mli, Tie boy vasletin l charge ai the boise, vien tise chopper started, tis, baise junsped sud thse boy heing amati be could not contralt he animal wvici vent on a mad rua arouud the corner of Pcv,>' street tbrewing tse bey luto tise muddy ra&dose-vlseèt passed over bis tcfe log hruising ih cousideuably. Tme borse rau iute suciber horse tled lu front of tise Par- riab b!ock sud vas stopped sud pie eued fions doiugrsu>' turttier damage. Duiing Mouds>' nlgbt sud eau>' on Tuesday morning tbe avisings lu front of the Bruce bard- vare store becanse looseued sud tise ulid as se stroug tii.: tie avniag ire. vere pufld off the. front leuvlng thisIrons as Use mese>of thtie gaie sud wbich vas the meanioetbreaklng the Iwo large piste glass lu the front sud aise evo ligbts lu an apsWa irande, efthUe Maeouic Hall. Hait net been fthue tmehy belp of DûC L Wbitby, vio lies upatarsz lu the Blog blok, tic damage vauld bave lien more.As lIt tilu viii set omer*zoo9 horeplace bpiasaglass. Sprint Pair, ,147. The anual spding firi vas eld on Tucea> sud wus tieliesn ever ield b>' lhe saciel>' as vas le, lie seu luUse large number pasnd tise inter= t ake n utUe stock ani articles exiited- Tic prise Doialaas toltovi:-.Horn&s.Dangbs Stition, aged, 4 emnties, st F W Evanas 85;.sud Lamb & Bae$3 ; 3rd 1 F Boenug 82. Road mallon, showu lu harnas, 9ntis, l HMc- Kenzie$3 ; od W H mns Tboough- hi-ci stallion, 3 cuies, rat W Ward. $3 ; sud, S Graham Ï;. Span- draugit baises geiding or mares, sisovu lu baruesa, i ent>', Ms Ansuý Taylor, 8,. Span aguleubturat boises, getdlng or mares, lu haruess, a entriel, ast loba Me- Millaun3. Draugi: braod tmarei flu trni ital b>' ber aide, 2 entries, iat KIlpatlcs $3. Ag- cutna broot mare, lu al or (al b>' beraide 4 eutdul i.st EW Smîls$3;ud TbosWhite $2. Cardage brond mare, testoa or fosi b>' ler side, o ensies, ain W Ward 83; sud E W Seits$a. Single driver lu bernai,ç»be snd under 6 entrem ist PantonardAdmi 84 ; aud, Y;no MeMhlau $3;G a M umîla$.i Sîngkt driver id baises. ovS r a % bnda. 4 muierat- Jno MeNMan44; sud Gea o- b 3dPatsa. sud Andersao. $. rýàde.Durantbutta y" aid, z cuùy>', 4Jlez Ter. Durhuam bull, a ' . t , g oàoeudised 2 entrieo. atL Eeet#;sud- WR fauslz Veis. S&nge buggy«s o, etls, 4W Aioita; md jBaird x# te.sos- butter in x lb'riot 7 ti, zdsAOrcwAU ~Se; md Un G Wàîd $LSo; rd,ýA4W . un*ma$X. 20 11» butter ilu:xlbroills, emriehs Zit Mis, W Pearbas$3; and -A Oi"pit$;~ G3eo Real Si. 6 usbotter lua ilui 6esS4 tu A Orcbaid l;and MsWaad, Worthi Mra j McHasll iiproving niety. Mrm Bingbam bas returned home freas Toronto. The farinera are all bay doing ibeir spîing work- Miss Mande Parker aud ber mather, aie visitiug, friends in Columbus. We are glad ta sec Mr j Williamson around again, after bis accident. Mr Walter Oke and family, Port Peiry, spent Tuesday wxtb Mis R Freeboin, Sick.-Mrs Samuels, Mr C Williamson. and thse tva little chilidren of Mr John For- der. Mr lames Mann, aur excellent e*g gatb- eicr, made bis firet trip of thse season last week. One of Moore Brou matcbed team isl laid np wiîh inflamaîson on thse tubes of its Inga. Mis (Rev) Phalen aud chldien, epent a few days with ber sister, Mis (Dr) Mellow. Port Pesry. Qnite a tinie at thse raising on the prem- ises of thse Royal Hoteh. Thomas tieated bis men well. Biths: To Mi and Mis Wrn Fjtz, a son, te Mr and Mirs A Hooey, a daugbîeî, to Mi and Mis Sarn Woods, a daaghîei.' Another sa inl oui village lait week thse parties bsn iss Cur anSd Mr S Pies- coît, of Oshawa. TIsey were snarried aItIhe parsenagt. Rev Mr Drew chauged pulpits witb Uic Rev Mi Fawnworth, of Scugo Island, on The junior epwortb teague that was or- ganized bere a few weeks ago la doing nice- ]y. Mr. William,1'îarves bas made asime con- siderable improvement in the apperacec his lut by the new fence just erected. Somne of the members of the Od4fellow's lodge at Raglan, that live ber.,. a*teded the funerat of _Mr. Ormist on TbUrgday of isat week. Mr. Chartes Hartie, wbq secured the con. tract te carry the mail from here te Asbburn, Balsam, and Glen Major, la te commence bis werk an Saturday of tii week. ,- Part of a carload of aprouts for tii. Wbltby bedge fence company was uuioaded aitiihe C. P.R. station bere ou Friday cf lma wee'k. The sprouts or whatever you cati thein ce Irans tbe stater of Ohio. The postal authorities are askhng for te. ders for carrying te mail (rmnth. Myrtle. pot t office te ttie G. T.R, station bere twidi eacb day (Sunday excepted.) Duties te be gin On JÜlY îst, 1897. . .i .The. faurth quarterly meeting of tbW, cir- cuit will be hetd at Raglan on Sund«y Zsrt te commence at xo.,3e amo.,anid itheoffcia business meeting la te be beld bere on the. followlng Tuesday at a2 p.. Mr. F., W. HodgfsS*t'bipped a car lad' Of cattle frons ibis Point te Winnipegauwd ag(ai west as Regina. - The stock sent Wepoli. angeis, Gatloways, -anid,--ether: digereat breedu. Thie stock was foï$odlgpr poses. ý EYUh. Buaneas fliwoteSy LIVaur Oz u-Ravlssg piae4 l.00 i ery Businees rOOODeyarl on by l.tae SIs Barrait, 1 amn Prpeed tIo emod tma.eileisarti4-obs '11h 4sat racnble rates. Ceumnereai mmnaeul$do umiy glablng for bSes»&. gô&.~gvn them by re lable mem r sa.~wsu and yruema d * ot ràu , ySnd Jo. Tiionipsen,wlopett tul Jail for defiaudli M. E. ic-ardnoMit. of ber reot, laat arge agl d busfo paid the Pofin, b. -«tht o" He sboulM bc made te a o, aîn 1h t st thécoui-, IfisPector MCIBrienvi*kted' the. cunty tmw- Safturday, "Mipet ;aiàù,bhour Iià thse knowlédge depatime ut oh ibis journal, mssstlg l diposlng of the w? usion saUd noue othermuahthrtn ofgreat, lmfortuuct to thse world at lurge. fbShaCol!# Mr Wm Edvùds pleased te repa". liv W, Pqlagi wn On Tuewaby a eato l nisa luta, NO.22 VOL* aaooxLllq i , q .2ý-ILO NO* 22 105,0001

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