Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1897, p. 8

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Ot~rnuictc. OSHAWA, ÂPRIL 23, 1897 OSRA WiA PAGE OSHAWA. Miss E Rice spent Good Friday in Toron- to. Miss Alice King is visiting wîîh Toronto relatives. Mrs Hoover is visliug bier son, Chief Hoover. Leslie Harvey, of Toronto, visited ai home ibis week, M r and Mrs T Sheridan spent the holidays in Toronto. Miss 1, Hayes visited with Torouto rela- tiv-ii lasi wetk. Miss Maud Lyons visuted with Toronto re- latives last week. ý Mrs Le W~arren, of Toronto, is visiting witb relativec. Mrs Geo Homnles, of Parkdale, spent East- er witb friends. Miss J Goyne, of Toronto, visied with re latives ibis week. Miss Doil Marks visited witb bier sister in Toronto last week. The mnany frienda of Mr Swveenv were glad to see bim last week. Mr deo Martin, of Toronto, visiied with bis father last week. Miss Bertie Pollard, of Myrtle, ks spending thot hotidays borne. Mirs T James, Toronto, ks visîting ber mother, Mrs D Drew. Mrs E Cawker visîted witb Bowmanville friends uluis wesk. Mr and Mr1s Elloît, of Brookîju, visited with relatives last week. Miss M Arnoti, Enfield, is tbe guest of her autut, Mrs E Saundtrs. Mis Geo Gray 'disied with lier mother, MIrs Saders, Toronto. Mrs Wesîbrooke, London, is tbe guest ol bier daugliter, Mis F Pdttie. M"s Gibblons, Toronto, ks the guest ol Misses Jones and Caughlln. Miss Gertît Cook, of Toronto, visited wjth ber parents over Sunday. Mr sud Mis Shaw, Toronto, speut lasi week witb Mayor Hart. Miss Ettie Redmond, of Parkdale, visited witb ber mother over Sundair. Miss Rose Pattie left on Saturday lot Londun to visi witb ber aunts. Dan McLean, of Cote St Paul, spent the Esier bolidays wîth relatives. Miss Eliza Sberidan, of Toronto, spent the Easter bolidays witb relatives. Miss Watson, of Kingston, spent Eser witb bier lriend. Miss E Morgan. Miss Haitie Undtrwood is spendiog tbe. Ester vacation witb bier parents. Misses Davies, of Toronto, were the guestt, of Mis Colliney for Easter Sunday. Messrs Norma Burnett and Horace Wil liamson leit Tuesday for Winnipeg, Mdan. Miss Nettie Dyer, wbo bas been visiting bier amter, Mis Holmes, bas returned borne ' Mr snd Mis S H Grabam apeni a few of th ÏEaster holidays with Mr and Mis Wake ly. .Rev H Pethie, of tbe Immanuel baptisi chiurch, Syrace, viaiLed bis muother last week. Fred Foley, Frank Powers and Miss E Powers, of Mapie Grove, spent Sunday with friends. Miss Ella Whittney, of Pickering, is spend ing the Ester hulidays biome with bier mothler. The tepori that Jonathan Flurt was killed wbilsî ridiug ou the car bumnpers near Buf falo is dtnied. The ladies' aid of Metcaif-st cburch are making arrangements to give a social in the near future. Mr Edward Carswell bas returned from bis lecîuaring tour ini Micbigan, snd leaves siei week on anutber trip. Messrs Geo Plaskeît and Geo Whitelaw snd Misses jennie Barnett sud Martha Soutbwell, of Whitby, Sundayed here. Mr Donogbue, Misa Annie Walsh and Miss Zella Brimcoiribe, of Bowmauville, wrre tht guesis of Mrs Wm Brimcombe litre over Sunday. Mr Chatipe, and ail of bis family, rnoved to Toronto un Satueday. Mn Chaussie was one of tbe oldesi ahoemakers in Osnawa and we are sorry to lame bim. Ou tht 3rd aI May tht meaihers af the Sans ai Temperauce s'ill give a box social lu their hall. Ater the busutness part af the losige ha aven ahi outsiders ailI be welcorne. The yauug ladies provide tht boxes sud lbey are thtu auctioned oi ta the biglitt bhddee. Tht siugiug by the choies aI tht difféent churches Eassen Suuday, s'as excellent. Mauv af the churches, especally the Eimg- liali churcli, was beautîluli y decoraied witb palams sud Easter lihies. Altmtu, whethet good or bad, are sure titaitliey couîd be liciter sud bappler lu orue ailier atate af existence t-ban iu the doctrine aI tht resue- rection. The central idesaI tht Easter celebration la tht muai comlortlng promise that modernliumaniîy tan cheriali. Tht Vindicator aya '*il the CHRONICLE tbinka Chiel Hoover bas no Iaw te back hlm up Ici hlm block up thse walk as an experi- ment." Tht CHRONIÇLE neyer said there wss no las' that i-baover sbould be gnided by. It neyer lield Usai anybody couhd block up tht aaik. Wbaî ave have maïquiaintd vas iia t is wbolesale buslling of everybody vas 'in- aine cases eu tei ilîhegal, sud if bath the Vindicator man's eyts did not camne oui ai oee ble bis beahu would bave grasped t-he Idea long ago. MrJ S Lick lias beefi advieed tsai owiug ite fil health is lmson-in-Iaw, Dr Thompuon, in on bis wa bhorne from- ladin. lt wiIh be rentbered that Mlle LtcI, who formerly tauglit elocutîon ai Wbîtbv L4es (lellege, veut ent -0 ladin leunt-hàascar ago apsa mhslonryIrw t-e resbyterlan Womnas Foeehga.,Mlssloisry- Society. Dr Tbonq>. sm on # aaeits ansos.ysd lied been iu théli bld a ytar befôm Miss LIcIt vent out., They w.ee maruled upons ber arrIvaI, and now cornes teuunweicosne neya of bis broken lipaith. Thetir lat-est- loer was dated in MP44=. sot-bat îse t-bey iee on t-hei way bomse.. Vhundctor: The FscbW oti esd meeting en M(Mday ev"int às Ùext plaises tebeapm 1 mpot ose.- slos l.c kiug athoot Jw~çh~Jl~.~ eodisçusd, M B&i#d&0ý jIIJ> utÀnft'ploüanud tendersi- Miess)4 Polleit la vlsltlng lan Bowtanville. Mrn j Mitchell la vilslting Pickering rela- tives. H Porter spent Good Fniday witb Toronto friends. Mns J Varcoe visited witb Bowmanville re- latives ibis week. Ed Wbiting, af Monîreal, spent the bh'i days with bîis relatives. Fred McDanmide, Lindsay, nenewed aId acqualutauceitat wtt-k. Messrs Adamsansd Hungerfard visited in Weston Easier Sunday. Mrs C W Irwin, Toronto, is vlaiting ber mother, Mrs Wm Warren. Mes W C Phillipsansd Mn Harry McMti- hian are visiiing Mis T H McMlian. Jake McKiveu leaves Ibis week for Mont- resi ehere he bas secuned a splendid situa- tion. Succesajake. Tht hop given by the 341h bail, baud lasi Thursday dîd not dnaw sucb a large crowd as was expecîed. Lent kepi a good many away who otherwisc svouid have attended. Tht Si Gregorvas club dance ou Monday uigbt was aîtended ly s good crawd, ai though not as large as on previus occa- siens. Music was Iurnished hy tht Kyte beothers, Ou tht afiennoon sud eveuiug o? April 29th tht e ouuig ladies oý tht Sodatity wili hotd their "At Home/lu tht town hall. Faucy articles wlli be disposed of andre freshmeuis servr-d. Admission ioc. It is smnusiug to i-ar thteyouugsters scampi-ring home when the çuriew be!. ring" ai nîne o'clock. Somne of lhernsece tr0 imagine it wîlt hi- death of themn if they don't reach home before the 1ai ding. Tht lecture given by the Rtv S G Rorke. Enniskillen, tui Sîmcetrmmcci mthodisi church, waa tel! atieuded, cousideritîg tht weaiher. Ht explained very cleaîly tht class of agnîculturat impiemenîs used W Palesaine, sud also tht habits of tht pi--pIe Tht lecture vvas under tht auspices of tht ladies' aid. Thetîown bas been infested hy pedlars e' laie, who pestern the housevife heyand en durnce Onteteho had s preparaîlun tc mitke bain grow on polished granite called ou J S Murray. This peddler bad been im- bibîng s litte sud hlm vision s'as somewhaî blurned so that be took the high,«intelIeiua- forehead of tht taîtor for a bsld head sud h)egaq bis nicitation oi how mucb more it specti ble it woîîtd be for s man wîîh a fant il> ta have a roof ou bis hi-ad. Mn Murra% tried to couvince the man that he had mad'e a mistake but it ouly agzgravagaied the ped dl-n teho felt that hi- sas being advised cou trary te hui-tiese of sighî. Ht nefused te tet np an Mn Murr?y had ne alternative thar te kick hum outinmb the trmniet. Chu-t Hoover esconîed him ta tht base hunesud on tht wsy dewu the peddher înied to sel him a bottle of bis medicinetot makre hi- whlskers gros', but from 1ai accounis b was folowiug tht sun as it saak te rest, anc had muade no sales. Tht chidren of thetîowu were iu a grea! stat et expccîaucv on Tbursday nighî ai ami week ai q o'clock, wben for tht irai trne thetotwîî bell pnoclairned the ixurd lueur wheu boys Of 14 arud under sud girls o' î5 sud under muaithiave the t a:i-etaunies!. iccompanied by gnown people-. Tht ring îug of this bedîlme bell marked s uew erý ofgood bonis. qui-mness sud ni-st, sud it i- haped ihat tht autherities cf tht towu wil, si-e 10 h that not ouly childreu keep quiti after that heur, but almo ihat eider piepicde the ami-, wheîhur on the miit on etacyhere. sud Ict people bave peace sud ni-st. Be- vond doubi wbaî la geod lonr tht childeen i- aIma good for eider people, sud the sugges tion ai tht curies' bell us that thet ture of da% for exîremne quiet sud resi bas areived Tht ides is a acned eue, sud uliosi- wh- wouid violate h sbhouid be mna e tu accounut for their conduci, be iheir Veans many oi les'. A las' whicb la applied te the youth & the land hould in ike degree spply teolderu people wbo have notiig te do after 9 p. mr It usually accw'a lu Oshawa ihai abou ivice s week orne youug men gel drunk sud raise cain up sud dowu until lwo ai tre-e o'clock in the moeniug. ,Ilf tht cunfew wil beni-fit young childeen ibere are other isws wbicb apply te uoisc'makuns of greaten yesrs, aud ail these lawasbould be put iin lorce. Items frein tht Vindicaton: Mn Tho-, Covari, aur wtahlhii-st Canadian citizen, bought 73 acres of wld ducka aise eveing oven 85 ytrars aga, sud intended îo have titern sisugbîened te provision a trip e s'as then contemplating overland Irom bere tcû tht norîh pole, frnm whence he expecîed ta be able la use siedm aven tht frozen ataiaa- tubeetolathe south pale af the north star Wha wasa bis surprise next morning alier tlut purchase tehen be ohscrved t-bat hit- whoe oulfit af docks bad vaniahed. - An early niai-n in the ueighbonhaod iuloem- ed Mn. Caunanat that tbe docks had gant uorth an the coniemplated expedition about Ibret a'clock ibai moeuing, sud bad left word for their owner ta folios' an. avetake thern ai Northi Cape. Item No 2: Mn T Canarîy bas sten long study decided Ihait tht muai senioua drawback in tIhe world is tht babil people bave aI sleeping nights. Hie figures t lu this wsy : Il Inotu 6 ta 15 per cent can be ecured Ion boans wltb peo- ple wonkiug ten hours a day or less, wbat percentage would accrue ta capitahisis il boreowes worked 2o houes per day. Ht reckronm that 4 bours a day wouhd be suffii dient ta devote ta intervals af test sud est- ing. Ht believes the tirne a rpidly comiug wben by a systena aI reflection tht raya of the sun msy be keptinluIl lanoce ai night. Item NO 3: Mn Tlios Couver bas alte mauv fruiîless attempts discovertd thai if a keenel af indian coru be plsced lu fertile mil il wilI gros'. Ht finit tehed tiIs 96 yeaes ago, clioosing s nice day duning indian suminer fon tht opeabion, that bting lu bis judgmenî the proper tinte ta plant indian corn. Ht waiched Ion 38 ytars, but ît neyer carnecap. Mtanttme le tritd thetsame ex.- perituent every auturn. Lasi year it oc- cureed te hin tot plant s few rows In the spring, sud lie was gratlied ta Sund Usai it sprouted almost immedhately. Ht harvest- cd ilirec stocks aI il, tht coba fillihg a toy wagon. Hetrecommends eveeybody ta plant cocu lu the sprlng lime, If lhey wanî ht ta grow for aune Item NO 4: Mr T Con- science, lu bis recetl tour round the vorld, saw a spectacle iu ceniea) Australia, whlcb lie uow ettalîs as coutaîning s uselul sug- gestion foi celebeathug tht <2neenasJtsbiee. Tht aboriginai population af Austrahia lives ivery economlcal style as rgreclothing, wearing mare than a brescisciotis. But they decorate their bodies lu briliaut hum it-h coloring mnade by thensslvas. fr oskte, herbnansd wihd fruit. Mr C la of opinon t-liai these dusky aborigînes do îdot 's' ta welh wben painted as woglhd eut aibe. skinned Canadiaus, and be sugests--thsat Instead af thtelieavyuifais up aCnadlsw voîunnîers wear Usai the jublMe. cçrps of »o which la golug le o lsd9p tWîe h be decbrsted vitla ?ia'ond die. ip -rate secrtary bas koomm"lcat*d th1iq*Ive 9#ggestl or li!er M y-n »ý 1é sa autograpyiaSpd -er sugein wth thanfra bà m 1* POU UrCtbig-bo a.Llwi b&iqF4Wed, taby berow Hsrry J=chsn upet Good Frldsy wih bis parents, J Dunlop and W Oakley were la Orlî aven Suuday.1 Mn Haggerty, of the Western bank, was in Napauce over Sunday. Mn sud Mes True, oaf Milbrooke, visited tbeir son, Sarn, aven Sunday. Miss Wrigbt, Toronto, waa the guesi of Miss Emily Sobeny avec Snnday. T. G. Hawthorne was buuting up aId friends bene dnnlng tht holidays. Steve Joues, of Toronto, sud Arthur, af Exeter, visited with thein parents hast week. Boru Iu Oshawa, on the aoth inat., tht wife af W. J. Burns, ofaIsmou. At Port Ho pe, on the îotb i.,t Fred. A Garfai, sou of Wrn Ganfat. (former)y of Osh- awea snd Whitby), aged 2o yes sud 9 mos. Ou the s9th of Apnil the Wornan's Guild will give a social lu thein St George's achool biouse-. Mns J W Lawrence, Torouto, will asiat witb the programme. Admission ioc. Deathu Suddenly, et Monireal, April 8rh, Ellen Sophia, beloved wi<e af Jas Lang, (formrnel) nf Oshawa.) of tht Laug Manufacturnia Co , aged 28 years sud 8 mos. Ou Tuesday afternoon Mn Ted Saiut was working ai ihe jeinter, lu the McLaughlari c.-uriage wonks. wheu by somemeans hi. htuud gel under 1t. resîîiing in the bs oi hiis îhumib sud index inger. Some tfme sigo hi- bat îwo ingersansd enly startcd te work on the 9ih. A postal fromn W M Orn, wbo ta couduct- ing experimneutal prayiîug threugh this pari )f the province sud Kiving intuctions uni the preparsiion aud application af insect- cides aud fungicides, witl be iu Oshawa or r'uesday next. Apnil 27th, and ai 2 p.mn îpnay R J Mackie's orchard. AIl iuîeresîed parties wili couduci thematîlves accondiugly St George's cburcb achool bouse wat. crowded to ils uimeost capariiy on Tuesdsn fight witb peuple who felt a desine te beli syveil the Indus famine fund. Tht pro- gramme sias composed of local talent sud i,vas aheadof mauyof the 25c and 35c Ton nuto talent concerts wbicb bave been giver hiere at ochd tintes. The programme was a!. ollows: Chorus by s c'ass of rnaîl girls readungs, P Punshon sud Miss S Scot iolos, Misses M Thomas, G Luke, V Leek. %leusesJ P Owens sud T Cansweil. Litl Olive Varcoe sang sud was encored tbret imes. ThteIit.le mite respoudcd ini s man lier which did ber credit. Miss Nellie Sîniti zave two selections ou the violin which de- ighîed the audience. A quartette was rien- lei ed hy Misses H Woon. G Pedlar, E Mon ,an sud G Talbot, recitation, Mn R Babbitî Mnr Pushon brought tht affain ta a succes ul close by s uitile sang wbicb be composeq irmatîf. We didn't quite catch ail th4i icorda. but the curIes' bell, policeman, sud he CauRONICLE man wene ail jumbled ut ogethen lu il. Oeb.wa - siness Dlrsotory. L. VICKERY. barber. Simoos street. 4 ROOKS' LIVEBY, Simca. street, north. i-M. ROLPR. harnêsa makar, Simca. street. C. B. MlOTRERUL L butolser, KIzag St., West. )a. PATTaasoN, Dentisi; ofilice over Boweu stars. k.. J. Arzars-Dominion pianos and organe, dimeoe street. y. 9. D'eus, Generm.I Agent Ontarlo Mutua;, Life Amureune Co. Ageut-i wanied. VILLLÂM J. Dz&as Dominion anid Onta.rl' Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer, Box 57Z, Gal ave- oMMEcIAL HOTEL-J. C. Woon, proprietar Ninden i ostetry, usai .and comfortabi3 equlpped. ). li. To.-Catsrer for Battu, &semblen, Wed dings, Suppers, etc., etc. Also ali kinds oi floyers. os. HlouLDzu - Whîtby-Oshaws stage tine Leaves Oshawa et 8 asni sud 2 p meao Whlthy et 10 a m and 4 p in. lomSpa Casse, manufacturer of fine cerclages cente, wagons, a.nd aIt kinda of cffers and alelghs, Bepalring a .peciaty. ions - Buuwua, paiater sud decorator. Dealea in watt pprs, ceiiing decorations. paint. oit, varnishines, brushes, wincow shades, etc r&uzs PuLLww, deale lustaves, furuacea, tUt vae, etc. Large stock kepi constantly or baud. Jobblng s specJl.ty. Fixaca. street 1.K. Musao, B, A. - Barnister, Solicitor, Noiary Public, Conveys.ucar, &o. ltotey t tend. Olffce ovr Dominion Bank, Iimce Street, Oshawa. I'ELT Bues - Wetchmakers and Jewelmr Deelers lu vetchea. docks, jewelery, silver- ware, spectale, etc. Engrving, galîl and ailver phatfng, sad d rings nade over. Fine watch, cluok, and Jevetsry îeps.irl.ug t opeciaty. OWXtaNVUILE Tht Bisley Rifle Team wiII saii june ith on the Parisian. Me W C King is agin on thetftam. Rev j E Davis, who has been since Decenqber hast iu Winnipeg and tht North West, has arrived home. Ht finds a great difference betwten the climate of the Prairie Province and ludia, 'wrhere he was for some years. Easter Sonday was fittingly~ observed in tht methodist church: Tht floral decoratsons-.-white hïiles and other flowers-were very fine, the sermons and siaging vert good and appropriate and the audiences vert large. Tht iight at night was a fright. A speciai evangelistic service vas held in the Sabbath school. Tht attendance vas only 400, many scholars being out of town.j Mr W S Given, editor of the -Mill- brook Reporter, bas been elect.ed president of Last Durham Sunday Schooi Association. His confreres Uroughout the Midland d&strict are Pheased to learn that one of tbeiramn- ber possesses such high moral char- ter as ta be worthy of this bonor. No doubt this recognition of- worth vil ce- suit la giving a stili higher moral status t-o tht Midlaad press. The Rat -Portage -News says: O(p Tuesday mornng ljgst vhen Mrc-C E Neads, of h a oraeHrware Copny ent ta bhis office Ile dis. Covered'that the ssrç h4d been enter- cd by tbIc rear inidowanid that-snme $40o,wOrth of goàds vert missîrg. A4 dry gonds store vas robbed thea-ame the usual tea and anniversary was voted away by motion at a meeting Wednesday night. The funeral of Mes W N Pascoe ont Wednesday week was veey largely at-i tended, there being over one hundredr vehicles in the procession. Rev J B McLaren, Columbus, officiated. The Sons of Temperance and Loyal Cru- saders each sent a beautiful floral weeath to be placed -on the casket. Deceased was an energetic worker in the Sons of Temperance and her de- mise is deeply eegretted in the order. The htxsband bas the heartfelt sympa. thy of the entire community in this sad bereavemnent. BO0WKAU V]IL LE Suckers are *very plentiful this spring. NAm. Trenough spent Raster lu Toronto. Seul Jeffery, of Toronto, spent Rabter in towii. R. H. McClung, of Stneetsville, was iu town for Raster. Mrs. H. Jeffery, of Toronto, will reside in town for the future. Mrs. N. S. Young, Toronto, spent Easter ai Mrs. R. Dtimas' Mies Smuith, Myrtie, is visiting ber broth- er, Thos. Smith, bere. Mr and Mes Chas,, Gowet, of Sparta, have moved ta town. Welcome. Miss E. IE. Haycraft spent the holiday with her parents at M yrtie. Misses Doil and Mable Wrig'ht, Toronto, were home for the holidays. ,jas. Henry, of Oshawa, spent Suuday wsth relatives and fiends ini town. Iu Bowmanville. on Friday, Apnil 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey, a son. Fred. Parker, ot Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph, la holidaying in town. Mr. A. and Miss Sophia James visited John James, Columbus. Good flday. Died, in Bowmanville, on April îug, Greta. daughter of W. B. and Mary Tapson, age i year. Rev. Dr. Henderson, of Toronto. will preach usissionary sermons in the metho. disi chnrch here Dcxi Sunday. W. S. McKowan, ouf the Statesman staff, visited bis brother George, ai Oakville Bast. er, and apeni smre Urne at the Gold Cure lustitute. Didu't knew he dank. Excelsior council, No. 48, RT. of T, beld :L special sespion ai the residence af Bio rhos. P. James, Ontario aireet. on Tuesday nigbt week, when bc wàà adinitted ta mem- bersbip by affiliation from Columbus coun- :il, where he bas been a memnber for several vears. He la eecovering nicely from bis re- -eut serions attack af pheurisy. TYVaONZ Tht sick asecimproving. Rev. H. E. Cuts is undergoing examsaa rrenon this week. Rev. N. D. Drew, Blackstock, prrached s, Fyroue Sabbaîh evenîng. Miss Mowbray ia spu-nding ber holidays at bier riome, Whitby. and Mia Putier ai O.hawa. r'he junior league under tht leadership af M is Erumna Werry conducis the church service Sain bath eveuing nexi, Easter visitors: Mie% Marie Wilson, Aihien 'ollege, Belleville: Ar Ed. Hawkey, White- .aie; Miss Jennie McLaughliu, Oshawa. Ai the rcgular annual mneeticg of Sunda) chiool teachers sud ufficers tht following wet' .ppointed for the ensuing yea.r : Supt., W R Jiemeus; assi. supi., A Anuis; Bible c'a,,- eactiers, W J R.q, Miss Mowhray; it class. 'iris, Mrs A C Wilsoin, Mrs 1 H Manning ;21Rt :lass, girls, Mrs Thos Creeper ; 3rd cas, girls s4îss Hodgson, Miss McLaughtin ; iticîs 'oys. A L Woodey, M Weîry; 2nd class, hoYvs \. Brout, A Annis; 3rd class, boys. Miss M Pot Pr; infant class, Mrs W H Hicks; trr-saurer, J F-i Manning. libraian, H Curtis; secretary, Mi ï Moone. assis;tant Fecreeary. W R'>v, jr; or taffisis, Miss R Walters, Miss L Saundsrs. I îas been decided to naise the required S.S. iund.r -)y subsciripiion again, COURTICE Very intenesiing educatioual tervices were con lucîed ai Ebenezen 'Sunday hy Rev 8 Taylor, Newcastle. Mr Futbeeingbam, manager of the D U C Factc.y,i geîîiug îhîîng, un shape for starîing -nperations Monda, s6th. Every patron shontd .tauà tnly t getàuît-bL.11 i LEsLiz--Ai Lot i, Con 7, ?ickeffrg, On Sunday April 18th, Ellen Leslie, relici cut tht late John Coultis, gged 67 Yeats. HAaRon-At lot 14, Con 9, East Whitby on Udondsy. April xtb. z897, Anie Ireue, youagest daugbter oft El! and Alice Ham-. den, aged 5 Yeats, 3 montha and-2,5 daysi OitassTot.-A.t bis ,lîscle'»a., h Owèn' Sound, w Ton dyArlsotli, 189, WusL OeIuitn;, ged 4o Years and à montho. To Buildfers. The undeealgned bave received Instruc- tions ta ask fur plans sud specificatlons for atone cattle sud horse stssbllug, under bulld- ings on lot 2, gth cou., Picke ing, ta accom1i modate 4o bead nt cattle and îo homses, witb sufficteni root cellar, sccompànied by teniders for the work and matenials. Apply for in. formtion ta DOW & McGILLIVRAY, April x5tb, r897. Whiiby 4000 Spruce Trees Fan sale. From 2 ta 5 f<t high. Twice tnansplauied. $15 per 100. Also 2000 applet 'rites 2 yeans I nom the graft. moçtly impnoved vaities. Appîr ta S. C. WILLSON, Home Nurseries, Puckering, 21j Miles west of Whilby town. Whitby P.O. March 29th. '97-18 6în. Your Price and Size That's ahi we wani to know Bath Foot snd Punse can be itted salis- faciorihy. sud il in impossible ta gi-t beti-n values than we give. See These Prices :40'- Beys' Heavy Laoed Boots, pegged isoies, aizea 1 ta 5 ............... 95C Boys' Pegged Laced Boots, iued round loe, aiea 1 ta 4 ....75C NMen's Fine Oelf Needît Gaitrs ... $1.25 Childa' Button Boots at 35c, 50c, 750 -:aoo:*. JOHN BAL El Simcoe Street. Os I3IA-W A. c a .1 at PELLO.W S, and se is Wrought Steel EA~GEMS -AT- $ 50.00. Also bis COAL OIL a.nd GÂS STOVES -FROM- $p5.5o to $25-00. ThisMn- VOL. XIL. Spring Time YOU WILL WAI Ras a Dose of PRINTZB'8 INEL In HMa Eye. We hire a space ini this paper and pay the printer for putting ink on it. Then if the ink strikes your eye, we have accomplished our object. The more printer's ink we get in your eye the better for our business. You sec the point. We want you to read our ads., and we want youn trade. Get our prices, we are offerinig BARGAINS in ai]l unes. See our large assortmefit of RINGS ini ail styles. at all prices, for aIl people. You are wanted by The Jeweler and Watch speeiwâms. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, N. B.-Watch oun Window for Snaps. Grand Trunk IRy. Easter Iiolidays FARES-Single First-Class. GOING DATES-Tickets may be sold Tuesday, April :ih, ta Monday, April I9th, 1897, inclusive. FINAL LIMIT-AIi tickets good ta retern leaving destination flot later tissu Tues- day, April 2oth. î897. SCHOOL VACATIONS-Tickets wiIl be issued 10 pupils and teachers of schools aud calleges ai first-class return tickets between all stations in Canada at one way firai -clasa lare sud ont third, on- surrender af standard certificates form 26io, signed by the PrincipaL ÏIýckets good going from Saturday, Mdarch a7t, ta Sainrday. Apr X7th, 1z%7, inclusive, and guod ta returu Ieaving destination nal late than Tnesday, Aprts2'th, 1897, 1 inclusive. BAGGAGE Arrangements bave been mmdc ta cbeck baggage tbrongis frin Thse Osbhawa Ry Station ta aIll points. For aIl information cal on or write to Diamond Dyes, Turkish Dyes, Edipse DyE Tht latter at 2 cts. a packaEt Moth Camphor, Gum Oamphor, Household AÂmni Large Bottie lOc., full stre: A. H. ALLII CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTI W INDMIL] WIRE FEN( Belle the Genuine MOTOR, of Chicago the Kotalemran Wirel1 Iuteuding puechasers shouhd tram mihI before placing thein onden., Do au agent put au imitation ou yen wh can get tht Genuine Atîtuotor, tho galvaîîized, snd warrauied, for hesa More ai ibese milîs aold in Canada than any other make. The Aerm< dlaim tbey selI ont balf the number i milh outfius sold li the worid, ai tht ime. sale. Any information rcganding tbhs will be freely given by writiug ta Fcb 7', I897--6mfo. OSHAWA» R. C. Carter,. Agt. A WELL PAINTED. vusfgh always ccaa. itlu 7=soç lieyor ah sd your paience.,:A(t th aah oa t s leu titan a carpe. "Xits cenr bealtbd u a y ar ttae moL- tells, tht diffrence ivel tertees, cuphoards, site. "dt «u u lsand- iebard usema vih b.nsaledfree taponsapiex. ia plalia-Psutiaù alk cmPMl s GEO. ALLI W&STERN BANK 0F CA Capital Âuthorized .$1,0 Surplus --i BOARD 0F DIRECTORS JOB w CowÀw, Esq., President, Rzuami S. HAML1t, EsQ., Vice T. H. UCUILL&N, - - - General Banking Busi*ness trd Drafts issued, payable in ail par ada, -Utsited Siates, and on La land, payable ln aU parts of Eu: per cent. allowed on Savings Bank and creditedlslf yearly. speci a uetlo to coU.k Farýmr' sale notas. FI. D. WÂBI Manager of Wbitb, WAÂITED-BKVERÂL FA' Mon or Women ta tray Sslny $80,payble$zS,- veekl, penss ton oapetuisuent. Enlsetef4d&e»éed. stmped The National, Star Building,-Chic Nstablished.184e. ~OI4UA acoe. 1 1 1 1

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