Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1897, p. 7

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JE..-,%r. LAI, Almost Passes Bel ief Kr J".. E. Nicholson, Ploronce'rille, S. B-., trueglee for Seven Long TYeara vith CANCER ON THE LhP, AND IS CUM.ED Y A~TVYN,~-vSa rsa - M r. Nieliolson #4avq: 1 I ons:îilefi doc- m. i e o e i c tr Ifi', butL u no purposc, the caucer beg-aa Lu Eat into the Flesh, ýj-rrvîlt41 nrY rhin, as(ol si ffrred in ,N forsovyrl loiîz >.ai, -îî% 1 I ..îu takîîîg Ayvl sapa in. a %wee(k oi two 1 uoticed a Decided Improvement. Farl y thii rctîi1t, 1 pers<'. uin mnh ii ssu l,e sore "I e r zzy chin begani o lhon). I n lbee nlî i, v ln p b% Iho lit-al, and. afior Isiiiig the Sarsa 'rtils for six n i f, t1wiv ast trace ut te cancer dLsuppearr.' Ayeî' s -"llS rsa parillia Adinitted at the Worid'e Pai4r. À YliEU'â ,P1LL.Y Be.lte theti, owels. A CRIPPLE FOR LITE. P)IOCTORS SAID CONCERNING RICHARD B. COLLINS. Be Spent Mootbs in the Toronto Boa- PILAI Wîthout anyboet-Plnk Pilla, Cure Hîim After usîl Other Treatiment Feu led. l:rom the Ecl:o, Wîartoo, (Ont. The Echo prefes o L .eadars tbe f,îiIowîog plainî etateruent of facL, witb the simple comment that a medicine tmat cau perfurin su ru arkable a cure us situply nvaluable, and it is no wonder thbat the aggregate of 118 ales tbrougbout the cotintrv il; unormnons. 1, Richard B Collmns, hureby make the flîîeuiug ataternuent, wbîcb can bu con tîrmu<l by aoy outter of witnes8st.in1 tins section of te country. I first be ga4n tL comiplain about fivF years itgo. 1 lai but-n working in a fishh ubanty. and wagt wet almoot the whole Lime, sommer awt1 wîoter 1 vas then coofined tu tbe iorse for tbree inontba. This WBB my iirst att&ck snd on gettLng btter I coin- itoenced work again the irst of the fol- 1,)wing February and contîtmned at IL un til the oext, Janoary, whec 1 took a rnuch worsu atiisck. Tb@ doctors pronionuced it rheumatiam and after treatinR me, for thai dîseaseutil abolit tht- firat- of May, tlîey disoovered tbat my trouble was dis- oes eofthte hip joint, sud advised te go tu sn hospir.al. I veut te Toronto snd a4 &yod in the hospital fise weeks sud tien retuned home. 1. howeser, did nul ecover, sud vas compeîled during tiie tollowxing suaimec te go bsck ta the Iopital. where I rem1a&ined three montha, gstting worse ail the turne. I vas bold I conld nul b. cured sud wbeu I loftIvas caly able to walk by the aid ai crutohes. 1 then came home sud vas not libers long befere I vas takeni to nîy b.d. I Co-ntinned in tibias tate until Jsnixary folloving, vhen I vas advised by several fruenda ta try Dm Willias'a Pink Pilla. I touk their etivice sud before I hed finish eti the fifth box I began Vo improve, sud by the time I ied completed a dozen boires I vas able ta walk vithout cruaches, sud have neyer unee t em sace. 1Iwva ble to do igbt work in a short tiuan sd in Januerv hast (1897) 1 coin- menceti wocking in the voodusud hase nmo trouble (rom the bip nniseeaoer ex- orteti. Dnring thbe laot tibrue yeams T have spent 1800 iu doctors' bills, sud madici nus, tryiug evorythiniz reconi- muended, but without any gond reaulta until I cook Dr Willlame' Pink Pille, Vo which I owe mv reetored conditions ieî dortoirs gave a p ahl hopus of uver see- in& me ont cf b.d vlive and veli. I may sey that bofore 1 began tek ing Pink Pilla turing nay hst attack, I- put in msny a uigbt sa bad that I neyer ex pootcd ta b. alive in the morning. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are eold only in boxes beaning the firm's teste mark sud vrappeLltd un raiuhc). Bear in mind tiiet r. Willina' Pirik Pilla are neyer sold-ia bu*l or by the dozen or huudrod, mmdsauy demlir hooffers eub- stitutes lu thue forun la ryng te defraut you nd fshauLi be. voided. The public are 0u66<eautU0& u 'g*ànst &ahialer 80 0*hl.4 blqoa buUaers and norve tonica, put ù up lu it~ar tort u tendedtotade- esive. ?They'. am &H imitations vhose OPAi boi. ta, rap a pecunisry advau.. '~of*6n . heonderfal ruputation ole.d- by Dr. Williame Pink PM) Ask YOUr dealer for them. Théése PiMleare m&ftofotureta-b >i Dr W~i*am'a Medicine Oompsu7 Bro ville, Ontario, and 8oheneetWy, N. y sud are sold oulinl boxes bearlng ti firm'e trade mark snd veapper, at i cente a box, or si boxes for 02-51 They may b. haa floni auy dealer,c viii he sent by mae on reoeipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may b. ha of aIl druggists or direct by mail froi Dr. Willhams' Medicine Company froi etither addrese. The prie et whîch thi pile are sold make a course of tresi ment compsratively inexpunuive a oompared vith otiher remedies or modioi truatmen t Pickering Oouncil. The abuse council met in the tovuahil hall, Bmougham, on Mondsy, 1Qth mest Memburs ail prosent. Reeve in tih chair. Minutes of laut meeting resd an( appmoved. Commîunication (rom Hon Jno Dryden Communication (rom Municipal World Mm Jackson waa heard rW, renting o1 road allowance. Geo Philip waa heard re account ol Mrs Geo Palmer. Communication from Eruployees Guar sotes Company. Conmmunicatbon (rom A W Campbell provincial i'oad commisaioner. %V J Taylor waa huard me cutting down trues bot lot 28 and 29 in the 2nd cou. J as Taylor was huard ru grant on bonue (or wire fence on town lhou bot 8rd and 4tb con. Cotnun-eution (rom Wells & McMur- chy re purchasing moad alluwance, lots anîd 8, con,9. Pauition froin freehold Loan & Saving C,,(or bonus un wire fonce on aouth .îai, of lot 10, con 5. PetiLion presented by F E Jones and 12 others mu grant of 8110 for graveiling suderoad between lota 4 and 5, con 7. i'etuaon for a grant o( $50 to be ex- pended on south parts of lot 14 and là, cuncession 6, a'guud by Spencer Taylor and 12 ohors. Johin Kumion wua heard asking for pri vilege of uauug road allowanceuon soutl end of rosd between lots 80 and 31 in 4th con, for s Ian. Petîtion to grant a atim of money tc gravel sud grade rosd at lots t24 aud 25 in 2nd con, signed by Louis Gourlie and 14 otihers. Committee on Indigents reported and recommended as (oîlows :-MrsmeIl tyma for keep of Mary Jolly, bal 25c pur week for Il weeks and 3' dasa, #2.87; Ge Philp, two cord of wood t lu nm Palmer $6.()Ü. î Oui motion of Mm Beare, chairman, re- port wua adepted. The standing committee on coutigen- cies reported and meoonxmended as fol- lows -To W J Clarke, office blanks, quarantine notices. advertising sud 300 copies of road lista, $19.25 ; D R Heston on sslary, $40 ; Jas Bubbard on account, $3.00. lour conmuttee have moceit-ed a com- munucatiun from Mr Campbell P-rov road coniimissioner. that lhe cao coule to nur township on the 29th mnat. This being a busy tLine wtt would ask Mr Camopbell Lu iake hie vitsit some timue the st of May snd the c'erk be instructud lu cîîmmuuuî cate with him sud ascurtaîn the date. Oin motion of Mr Barnea, chaurman, report wa8 aduîptied. Standing eoimnittue on roada and bridges rapomted sud rucomniendud as folîows .-Kn8ale road, $25 ; A E How- lett, bruakuig 5to Lise of atone ou King& ton rosdi] n Dunbarton, $21.25; Juhii ilercy. supplyîg 5113(uet of plank and couvuyiag st 812 pur M, balance un full granted, pmovidud tihat the condition of by-law in that matter bu coînplied with. Yoor committee haviug rucoived a pu- tition (rom Louis Gourlie sud 14 othurs asking for a snm of money aufficient te repair siderosd between lots 24 sud 25 in the 2nd con., ask that the msuter be laid over util the nexL meeting in May. Your cormmîttee have considered the epplication of Museas Fotihergilil sud Fieldis, ru cotting roadway aPost Hill recommeuds tihat the chairtruai of tibi committos ho sud is hersby authorizuti rw arrange tihis matter in the intoreeta of tihe township. On motion of Mr Richards, report vas adopted. Mm UnderhilI, secoudud by Mr Boare, moved tihat tihe cesse grant hi& order on the treasurer in favor of the partie. re- commuendsd in the report. of tle varions standing committees as presented thie day. Mr Buscse, suconded by Mr Richrdea, xnoved that tihe clerk bu intirpcted to ask the several pathmatera L6'1nforni him as to the amount of gradiug.reqmre in their auveral divisions aud to alaýt&U wben they couiti use the road machins b advantage.1> Mr Bamnus, sucondsd by Me lUnderbili, moves that the asusswsnt roll for 189 as presented by the aseusor b. receivod and accepted snd that an ordar ho drawrr on the troau rer ' iii favor of Ë W )4ow.-ý bmay for tihe sura of $240 for hisesuriqes as asseseor for ssid- year. Mm Barnes, secouded ,y 1Mr Rihardu, intiroduced sud put, thvogh its ariouns ceadings, a by-lav to &S~end by.aw 'No. ship offiWr for 1897"i.4"ý As oNêi- suer of Dil 18 th,.L4 Rihards inetesd of WSu fLPbW; $V1%ça Nesl hin atead of. Sixon, trwlattý, g ILpRbt Ut- Brady inâtea4t.qoblin"-, $1,Jos Wohiom te onihsving been amd&ooi.tdwth the 1"6 eMr James Bult. and nogSod hie oe ee-,as a mombor oft- toar&Wsk k.pleur i in testifying to hia ability mas fublic man, vko in aIl Ihis acte was ai -e ~al and faithful repreeentative of" 50 t.he people, and had ho Cn spared no o0. doubt would have attained to tthe highest or rpaition in the gift of this township, and o ereby tender theur heartfelt syni- dpathy to Mrse But. and family in the aid ad bereavement by wbich they wers dopriv- M ed of a loving huband ad a kind and )t indulgent father and this municipality of i a faithful and trou citizen and represent- as ative, and that a copy of this reaolution ho engrossed and forwarded te Mms Bulte by the clerk. Mr Richards introduced and put througb its various readings a by law for the stoppihg up and sale of the original allowance for road between lots 2 and 8. P1 in tihe 9th con of tihe townehip of Picker- t.ing. la Mr Underbill. seconded by Mr Bprnes, la moved that this council do nnw adjourn to mieet again Tuesdav, t.he 25th day of May at the boum of 10O o'clock a al, for *the transaction of general business. 3f ff if E ds CLAREMONT. r R Fomsyth. who has been austicating in the country for a tew days. is again with us. There vas much business done at the market here un Tuesday. Eggs brought 7 cents and butter 15 cents. A number from here attended the Sons ut Tempemance- at home" at Mlyrtle on Monday evenîng. A splen- did tune is reported. The Brock oad south of here îs in a shockîng state, there beîng holes deep enough tu bury a horse at various places between here and Brougham. Mrs Thos Gibbons is with hem daughter, Mlrs A Spears, of Atha, toma visit. Her many triends wiIl be pleas- ed to know that she has so fam ecuver- ed as tu be able Lu leave home. A colomed missionamy visited our vil- lage and stayed over Sunday. He was in seamch uf a colomed settlement whemein Lu preach, and flot finding such here moved on next momning. The band boys ,taffied off" in James McFarlane's woods un Monday night, but the proprietor was theme tu assist them. A tew outiside tiends were also present to enjoy the sweets. - The young ladies ut the village gave the hockey boys a banquet on Wed- nesday evening when a fiat class ime was spent. The young ladies are te b)e congratulated upon their entemprise and toresight, even if leap year did flot st.ay Lu assist thein. James Coultis, who has esided sfDuth of Balsam for the past forty- eight years, died on Monday evening alter a few boums ilîness (rom pneu. mon ia. Deceaseti vas in bus 77th yeam and vas a hearty man al bis days. A native ut Scamboro. Eng.. he came out bere wben nine years of age andi has been a esident of the township ever since. He leaved'a widow arnd tour chiltiren. The latter are ail mar- mîed. while the bemeaveti widow is in vemy feeble he-alth. due to the sanie disease, andth ie sbock of ber sudden bereavement. The funeral took place on Wednesday, wben the remains were interreti at Salem cemetery. The boys organized -a lacrosse club in Rawson's hall Wednesday evening ut last veek. The followiug officers weme appointedi:-Hon Presidents, Messrs J D Edigar, M P. andi Jno Dry,- dien, M P P>; hon vice pies,. Dr East-. wood; president, D Happer; captain, D W Kennedy; sec. J D Forsyth; treas, W W Rawson; commite, , Messrs T Graham, Bowes, Kennedy, L Forsyth, Bicreli anti Gerow.t C a DNEY Large feet indicate abilitv, intellect, perseverance and integrxty. Scores of distin- guished mien have1 been as much noted for their big feet as for their large nuses. Asyourfool sAouldIlook. George Eliot, Madame de Stael and other supremely intelligent women had also very large feet. It is'not the size but the skape of the foot which makes it beautiful or ugly, and the shoe worn deczdes 1./s shapa els its comfort. pa ela There is more care used-more time spent-in skaping " Shater Shoes, " and ini taking the stretch out of the leather so it wil relain that shape, than in the entire making of ordinary shoes. The Goodyear Welt process admits of this fine modelling, and the stamp on the sole ensures to the wearer these hidden qualities. A tag on each pair of " Siater Shoes' te]ls of the leather i it. $3.oo, $4.oo and $5.oo per pair. M.W. COLLIN S, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. Stands for BLACKS, of "ll there's no doubt,- The bLac on these faces wifl neya5 washout; For wool, s&l and cotton, BlackcDa odDo Are used writhoui fear by the pueta~ ie Tii. aboume sttake= mx"xcWeRrA IW. Rei U*au" WJtubBD*ifortb Oumtds ea. ontfa sm AY~ The familiar faces -of Mr. Geo.;Ntg and sister were conspioeious at Qu cmr ,wlhs league meeting on Wednesday nigrh lait. They speak cncouragiigly cÎf their present surroundings., but ýft-id course have tender and cheîÎshtd, - gards StUR hovering around forilçinwcîai 9 and its old timne attracions. ...- W . CALYERLEY, RAS"»s NAKE, WIITET E~avIg mGedl urUI no Preulees, 1e aru prled to eztmnd the range ol buelauue jw orrr;l Diritothe havase- mq$mg and- salmr. busianee# ,<l Yb. doue 4tésa&MW lfaction. Collais bp.e"aty. CliMd e =y -$hop and stock' W. 0OALVEBLECY, Second door vest of 61«1 shop. Dun&as Street,WVhilby Iailway Time Table G&&ND TRUINK AND MIDLAND TRAiffe 0510 eUTA~ No 8, Express DaiIy Mail ....... 5:48 anm No, 5 Limited Express*.........8:24 a ni No. 7, Local, exoept Bunday .... 9:08 amni No. 18, Passenge, q4 di .:..2:54 P m No. 1, Express, Mail dally . 8:06 P n TIraànS 00110 UAgW.LaE No. 6 Express, daily, except Sun .. 8:12 a ni No. 4 Express, I 9:57 a mi No. 14, Passenger " " 2.87 p mi No. 8, Local, « 6:22 p m No, 2, Express, Mail. daily.... 10:(j7 p ni "top on signal MIDLÂND DIVISION 00110 NoaEH-miDLAvnDSTATIONR Mail .......................... 8:20 a mi Mail .......................... 4:20 p ma Mlxed To Lindsay.............. 6:40 p m 001110 BOUTS Mlxed Prom Lindsay ........... 8:50 amn Mail ..................... 12.86 p m Mail........... ..... .......... :40 P mi DOMINION BANK. Qapital Paid Up, SUrplUS, - » Wbitby A gency. General Bankixig Business Transaoted. SAVINOS DBPABTMENqT. luterait sflowed s higbest carrent rates. Nonaotle of vlthdraval required B. J. THORNT<>N,9 Mianage FAIRBANK'S Rieal E8tate Columne Small Frame House and Lot, corner of -on-d Byron streets, Whitby, Will be sold very cep LO TS-To be sold, lots .324 sud 258, north ward. ROUG H CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, north wsrd, will be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bouse, with brick stables. Situated on Byron et, Whitby, tbe finest residential street ln the town, within three minutes Walk of the post office. There are tbree lots of land wlth an entrance on two streets. Hanse in perfect repair. For particulars spply to L FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitb3t, Ont. Vlfvf, VIOGOR, aend VITALITT RESTORED IN 30 DA«YS. - GOOdIC FPRFCTS AT ONCE. CATON'8 vITLZER Cure gem'l or ap.ol debiity. valeta am. saoeuterzb.eà,au4mimnif~la, tp.- timeTIamues tee. Correct euot.al 41dessxW, eumal by sere r leue quickly reutorine lSt -auko.4 t.la '1Jor youn, gvin vigr sd sçug h ere toi- sie, efiectuld stud legitiatï. Don%, b. 4oe.$id by lafsîz". Iu1e Ou 25t, for à'eeu t 'tra lu"t. 1"Oniy n Mrm Reeti is rccoverigg low1y.f the severe colt andi wcaI' sped tt Stookmnuch hold of ber of lte Schoai loedfjlçjGo d Friday.,a wIllreopn Mnda th nst .Lt ont for thefamihrch~o b The sad inteigçcwq ip p lic at the sabhith service àf h death of Mrs. jpi C-o'gticé. 5)éq É loed hc h .hai t6 î~ Iworld, net iviiitawCkûe »um4 g,çI'ept ,«<t-i rby mm atal s m1 ta d .à. - 2..--. i-- $195009000 $19500 000 -,t.Ti4IlAIJ

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