Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1897, p. 6

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M ~b* 1~vIiI*~- #P'flWtB .mV~*Uw "' - short589 PU$ l4ô .oIted x. anelMmi hpâÏscu, Sôlia,' The mumps seemâ to be quite fash- oUE ~OqÂJ 80 To ~for îetgfand the maut Iv.hl-bOadd spent Snnday at Mr jas Moore's. joabe i an sroudigooitst TOreslly b.i.ed w. had gos b.youd 6br Mr E T-Siemon, B A, Oshawa, is E. W. Wice loaded bis car on Mon-_Ief ~ w u- mdniWibCe CUre Urnes" mil..fore'er. $'But sisal thosa duas .,~e.8 arh;Pf2 a Couraendn. Ws pa ~ . spending vacation here. day last and left for Wabagoon Tues-Jaa en i 2; uly7 ep 1;.ct.f; a il ~ B.HEUclard an mtagUO iWbusDi uol Miss Edith Mountjoy is home. day morning. His family will remain Ju ________________________ 9uc.eded the world over. Those wbo Miss Ce.mpbell is visiting at PortinKsaefrahotim ti oe refused *2ê for W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~beat sold u6 r ioe necessary preparations atre made for 87 nclel ffIhdcif e.. DC)MoeWlbCei theircomig.4MrJWicobas ved6 or 9 ca0rM to Ibet &dcb;Ari8M 4 inontbs for 75 cents. lu '57 and '68 ii Hpe. teir cmJng.Mr. Wce ha lp.e 8n; Ocmt. B;n Mioi. 4Ja wau estiated thast liera were mOreMs lc ree, yoe svstn and around Kinsale for nearly twenty a SUflCruaJuoe ; ui u ban kruptoies in the world in igeneral ber uncle W H Creeper. years and is acknowledge to be by ai] more esacalW dceas0 gera-f_ Dec.( B s ban bad evar beau known in the smre Mr and Mrs H Banbuay, Bowman- who knew hime one of the most in- the air, m«uda & M U b1c1lc<c4 BOUH - .(leufGelw< lengh of Lme telora. Brooklij shared ville, are visitlng here. dustrious, hard-workirîg men, accom- fan iin die; Multitudes <scape. cierk-~ ;Mrb;I~ > il . S AR S AP AR IL LA in the depression. lu a few years the Mrs T Ashton visited at Mr Rowe'9s, panied with a straighr-forward and TIICse nussegers of:. i51Ido~Sp ;~Vb . ~Pr railroad was built whioh carried the pro Providence, recently. perfectly reliable character. He bas not exIrt for i;IIIOnsL Wly ict? Peir 1r~a~2; ac ;KYl IT 15 ducs past and business Vent in au n To ilsui ca ordn i be ormn easaladn ebe eaueteiaeI8.h n trn PRMTtireiy different ohannel. stitinotwiLh TooGfes sci thdnv i e fo chor mnyye r e ad ebr e caste -Jî ; e.lb lJ R ELi ABLE standing &Il lthose influences the village house. m'o the chuch choi ere and hW i re- are DC is "' gB.GOtnstTJ clge AND NEyER FAILS. bas held its own and compares well, yep Taffy and program at the school moa îlbesvrl fl.W o n . a. it ôj tCe 4 ; De.e14 bete ta te ot f ilaesthtThrsayatenonwa wllatede.in wishing him success. gnsht t lis tlo6AC who f 1 Cto --o Most of the farmers have sold tiefr watCd, the hnbO&(wofi; Ç1~lOO~~Snt afi~~ IThave gone thirough similar eiiptiieflces Mr Jos A Montjoy, B A, and comp- stahî-hodhcattle oters are sdI] hold i lu lookig over memr'.pge Beany ten he High School concert o awairing btte; er re ti holdon & og o dd_1 of catcho pdaseastleWh on aot catch etter re26;rMsy 21; Juby 90 ; Oct. su pAg ainy Broikho'sframa*u payr in Bowmanville.flot the Maymarket will be somewhat vclops Into graver dise.a-se-We ler OUt n_____ sorae.adthaedWh otCaChD WTU M ELL& wi.Te ae&lgnBon nsac bette r. Dlai18. t Hrt, UpteYPO? of greprner pastures, others have fallat Most of the sufferers from lagrippe health ?Ve cla do it by alwaYS UvssVTO ay1 c.1 AI. xour Druggisl, or Dealer for iL t.hrotigh the trap door in the areinowconvalecent. Ms. SaNE,. & iastaining Our halthy' weighlt. cl1~.Irh s 2 _______________ insatiable --who was aniong the worst sufferers, UeiotefSE or t thest o bd e is wlaer.in i . .F RE E this fuiso about superiority and preceuience ail Ottier Remedies l'aiL Mr. jas. Ledgett. Greenwood, pass- of Çod-I1velr Mis CMndC four- cobr71 86 Siruce Do one is indispeusable, and thF P -- ed through here a few davs ago lead- ish=<nt; food for the building UP trap dor inateride*wtn BRIGHT'S b/BLASE NOT IN- îng an excellent young horse he pur-oftestm to resist the attacki >sioptr sone o ltr URBEchse narWhtb.of diseaue. it should 1> 1 A GaIN'18 Liluo Rambling ReminisCenCes- The brave pioneeris are faë% passeiog CRB Mrs. Tomlinson, Toronto. is visiting reaso»ub doses al 'surn=m long thv vtsr n d E~ aaan ilsohaebcueaRnrHer mhe is. oiebleaSteshencmsonl.hs hs egh sblW "QeuVcOi cmis.oI --ation of Lthe past. Let their names be But theres Only Que Cura in the World, H er hmotheris. Noeble andephenson y i hsewoewegti blw- (WR n ~ ine î~ .. r spokeu revently. Among the remaîniný: and that we bave Natued.-Uudreds whcre FcR1H 1F u it h ualdsrc t euc-the standard of health* If you an8t< 0mk y otasdiy ' oues utsy ha wentioued Mrs Mawv, wbù Testity Lo Cure.-Never a Failure ot.interuraltstricy t r ecuper - 15n rud r otenw ((<fi/i settled tin her home early in the thItrtieg Recorded. aFe. W"trust he maysteadil imt lstng andE BRA on the seventb concession weesha bas --prove. %o- ON- eLvnOt Some May rernember a terrificestorni resîder] evier since. Althougit abe je 86 Lt uned to ha said, "If you have Mr. James Coultice, one of our old- sOT&BWE eisO.Ot of18,haladrinwihi hetoe years of age site cuLs and uiskes by baud Bnigbt's Disease, iL wont ha long before est and most respecter] citizens. who __________________Wmnt rvlfrl the province on the nîorîig (f the bý . eses - YV M en ort e pl re w l in l w e in o ."h s i e f r t e a t af ce t r of Aprl. l1857 ;it was s day of public sehool. snd wbiio compara well with the Bright,s Disease affects brainy men within about two miles of Kinsale, was r .lr oiinpraet RfV!~ tbanksgiviig whîch the writer cari Ssoci- dresses of otbar girls of ber own age. partictularly. The brinier sud more se- taken sudr]enly 111 a few days ago. and Ii.pue 70 aal 1 ekYadc ate aviit uo other event than te close of She bas knit several pairs of double mit Live a in, temore lal e1 ûatrasotlns faoitredv the. Russian war. building@ avare ontons this wutar, and eaun mmd a gar. lrigtsô Disease. Brîgbt's Disease is " he succumbed to the hand of deart. -TE NtoaSa uli doavo, fnce@ lavelled adwnoi ms-ret or damn stookings 80 uastly as Lu disease cf tb. Kiduays. It is tbe name His obsequies were conducted at the JONE.I&KW LL .c.,- -- ed i. A Nigar thee w grat am-put many a youuger person to the bInait gîven to the fatty deganeration of those old Salemn cemetery by Rev. McDon- age dune Le several buildings. ýsecLl wlben sit ecao flur]ber spectacles abs Organe. Lt la cauaed by excessive ueciCouTen:y wsfolwd ya &rStr oct rcQifuAoE~rnoan une or Lava factories suffored. On that pute teon hn she cannot site sewsa alcohblie drinks. It je csnsed b>' exces- large concourse of relatives and friends Courty oliec~it. O__________ DENTIST.0 memurable morning without the alightest without them, and there je lîttie differ sive eatiug cf ricit food. It may Coudsitusliopnnngthei%4at repecs t regard tsi the ruleis of etiquette the wînd b eioso aigterls epcst took the roof off Mr. Wm. Kerr'a bouse, eucesi hewr. She bas good mnemnory caused b>' expoeura t.o cold aud moiêture. a departer] fellow traveller. Mr. Coul- JA31 Et UTLjEDGEi, sout.h-east of Brooklin, sud landed iL tina aud can suterLain ber friands by Lh. heur IL May 8e oaused by impropar living. ice was a man respecter] by al. being arse t.O efre)'ocuîdCr ig&yne~.TrnO wth bar axparieuces in sbanty lifa, te But it's nôt witb the causa va have to arseec fic OmTYOCPe field near b>'. Somne of tb. famnly v@e bowling cf titevolves, logging tha fallow dasi. It is witb tb. cura. a man of sound întegrity and spotles'. by y&reaveli & Rutiedge, oieiL ioyal Hlotel, not yet up sud they waers left to the and general experiences of the early set IL used te ha tboniht thlaL Bright's Di. reputation ; a kind father and a friend Brock St., WNhitby.secaatxtO eptinsfrm d- mercy cf the peltiug bail. W. neyer tiers life. Sha telle of a narrow escapte seasa was iucurable. We kuow botter to one and aIl. We tender our sympa- So---r- 1 îîîi 1O odan ivr Iii heard whittier thsy turner] over for au-aa dviiaboiusspm Ltebs owatoeLte"day ob.alth, thy te the bereaved family. DVI R ITN9B e othar uap or net. Mm. Anderson (moth- h c lob auinttre bat in tbprs sud yeaasto tye nyiawert a strckr cout ecuh iebti brpoaadyumyet htyulkw sAttoeruy-ai-Law, Slcioun Chaucei7, couxzb xtC55oeaos& er of Mr. Wm. Anderson) was muilking eneo idse roiled in tite nearert bard or be as; active as; yen lîkeansd bid ovyne t.Ofii nteOfc randerer] ber an invalir] for if e. lu ouran saved herself from wbat might bavt sage. ____ ___BrookStreet,________ home va stili retained soreaof tite primm- bar] serions rersilti'. No one 'l bettei But vea to Lb. man who doen'L taire PPMaWl nw iiea attie st.dou lthe nte ra b 1 aesd t.es n il rienu or naigibthorcars cf bis kidueys1 Whau t.>' cause «M dngbterPoil y, bsfor more than a me ouG.teYOhNGI nake ne ex charge stive cuatemaon theoe eheoubhitits vin rieyLL. B., Kienvars Tnge Bts.,oforoXitO sentthesoo dou te cimny wth uchto vtoun site extaude a hearty valcomne. to ilter thbe bloor], the blood reeke witb isesit e boa; constaut ana soute Paineinu dariter, sto.,-Money te Loanu. Isouie She a >justi>' be ca uîda hom e body. poison. U rin a actua iy f6ev. in the b r and a he an in be. fr e quw et l of M a mniage Lice ses. off ce - Sm ith's avthschSiebe and k.oT uendpaLublei roqaad vas fru locSuho akt ýokS. ht vlence that tb. porridge for breakfast as site bau not beeu bal a mile from veine. Yen die a lingering deatit. The euted ber from attending school,and the fouDdBocStheMaie.okStWib va ssometimes completely 1spoiler]. home in forty years. epine aud extramities iret, Lb. brair sindy&athomepracticaly imposmible. SitebaS opeie n i oue vU Tep.nDW&lcILVAd To aaynetbing of our evu Brobkîin, of Thea sarI>' ettlerg vere stronngmiudad, IusL. Dyuug st the bottominitle livingnova veysever&ar i od b er l.Thd aDO vas4LLVR aviicit ever>' trus citizen n proud, in titis self reliant aud iudustrieua, wbose almin baiLite top 1 mucb troublaS atb flutteritig and palpitation Barriutars. Solicitors iu Chancair>, etc. împi>' sct avilgea a db. ie nai-cmu eOe oityvstobLe ia Briet es a n> e n. Ytrd and dvwy ail71Z.tinte. Ber mother Ofc uMttsu&Bve' e lc te ocae vllae mde ea coudition. Thte great matjorit>' cam'- DODD'S K1DNEY PILLS, viticit re- eud myseif became serioualy alarmed as ite Brook St., W hitby, sonth of Ontario baxuk. ELE the prenant site of Francia' mill. There from eonutrias wbicb avare alraady over store teKiçlueya, makiug tbam filiter ta s-t uy mydet tamSrat atahe n A the iret log achool-bua h idsa-pû>lîd Ttr a eauasccession Lb.e bloor] properl>'. DODD'S KIDNEY the Public Scboel at KIngavili, Ont., came W. B. Y ARNOLD, D. L. S.9 ible averu sud several private bhouses ci ar] cropa , imes wame dapreas.d suni PILLS are tbe oui>'ecfi for Brigitta borne to apend Lber vacation, and finding ber LM ER nothingbefore apacOr i&e auter in snob a diatreasing sud dangerous Ocunt>' Sur-rayer&aid Drainage Engineer, avae uit ut it mrssutrpiuii 01(5Lby eul sa utiugbeor tentorDieue.Tha>' vere compounidar]juet &n±to.su.iantking Desas udey PortPerry, Ont. cOuid se a beotter location woeBro-tueur cuî,ùreu but poverty ancoconudortatppitiocu~cih n .Puis s d, 1 amB ta]E~I v bers Brooko- hat prpose.The asv ue u- il n e ndigme mucb eood, I bave___________________ cases.Tha> h. dil. By the tinte PoIly baS finished tbe percouapicuoualy un corinection vitb the rabelied. The new country effered theut of cases. Tha>' viii cure yonr kidneys. balf box ber improvement in . bealth was village waasMm. John Campbell. Heansd homes cf Lbeir owu, at tha expeusa cf a Tr>' tbem. Frfty cest a box. For sala 0Frs.elgsdrugst Iore mr ro r Mr. Peter Perry escit belr] seats in par- fewvyears of ptsLsl uiiigparataI rugits er t nil restoreo.tialis.dprtvu . 1antent aud reuider] nortit of Kingaton. Sevsrauce, vitere tuer. enir]dba uo W m G Wade, 940, Qen eauset, To- raipid sud continuons, She baieDO nouanoeof Da Whs Lis>'cae t TooaomteatenodTaorofoeeinga fowiattenddrd enorays:-" bae ser thrt>' ix ar orer augros. ainulsudand resin s en r OOF. A EN dra o eeig ronnglndod oto ay:"lhveuedtirysi idytroubles. beae suad @Jeeps avel, 5and Dits. WarreornhMoore.E' tite session ts>' aers convincer] of te upon eut day whan tuiey bar] net bh. boxes cf Dodd'a Kidue> Puis and amn for moestuban a étub bas eujoyed Lbe meut Whity whrewih tomee it.And eare atii erelaf Brghg D u bealth. site bas net lest a day a&t superiorit>' of te land in West Wbitbywberewieb to eetliL.Aur] darer en curer cf Briitt's iseuse .ft»0 hPelleoci ar aind soIr] out and came up bers un 1882. te titeir beartus was the right te dlaim tbe bar] failar].,,and bas se mucb fait i n tubent ince tbey J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M .C A OT R N O Mr. Campbtell pnrcitaed several bur]- priviiegaeof citizensbip without fear or T )ri,78QenEaTroute mestered ber te fuil bealt ittat site vanta me Breekilu rada cf acres on whiihba part o Bc lnf avran r] b . àya:--'Never expectiniz a cure ef cse they aboîud be neeSed and net available. hur111 Oce heurs Il amnOfeadYrdjS ato nos stands. M r. Perry locatiig at W bit- "Thea bouestu man teo' e'er se puir Brigbt's Diseuse, 1 hava beau sq2reeably Her cure bau been so vonderful site thinks tubey officehus90 b>' Mr. Campbell never sas tse nL l u mananfra ta. xepon b'afw oa f odsailcure sny compîmit It heille uSbaS cosu te il a.=. te 2p.mn. po nSain let gasgo ne 1 et tcomne a ohnT0 h tth ie;KdnyPle"money. The msoaticu of rmy daugbter tefull rual e e itcomnmuniction~ 194 grssgrs ndr isfee at. I a'uoligoftbIat h iesKde' il.heslth sud stroug girlhood. from 7ter fermer _________________________ WityOc..LSuh frei god athoit> tlît ti. irst yair ud otierup<aar]in tube early part of Mioza Manda Cottaral, Belleville, Ont., seinsauicas. etc., ha& maSe hermoter, cburoihLtePreabyflerianu aorsiipper] Canada. lunLb.heog homes ver. taugbt tera for man>' >ears, until the proeut the fear cf Gor] aud principlas cf rigbt CT_ _E3. àI 2DE TI T cbarcb vas butin 1862. Dr. Hu nter's npou shicit our grand and gienous nation Break Up a CoId in Time hms n rgst rc treQi TB iG5l8" b7b. Agat38 83 lu 1844. About tube oldesL hous nos boundiesusud unlirniter future. The BY Opn IN Sa8tuerdo>' nigbt. standing in Lb. -ona occupier] b>'Mm. echool sytuen as inaiugurgàted in tube eami>' YNY-PCOA WHITBY. ~Foelg8almad88B John Cryderman. Ra in, vs ballave, the part cf the butor>' cf tube log achool bouse P1 ETRL_ _ _ _ _ oldest man ~iiD thte village, ncw bordering vas very ipe sct tili itu boasbeau ra- Tue1}gCd<ItU S. A f1k ueCfmlteforst-osltIO e See> on9.Mm. Crydemman bas beau asso- voluticnized aur] evolver] iteif into a>'- COuMs, oluvr, ISON- Otdo ugi en fhenep i-is-.Ie 0 ep e lna.Nm Tb1 cialer] vith thOe village since ts earliest tam cf avicb Canadians bouat holone CEUM-L% BOA tSfESS. e-cas ab"Ieelsve seulonicf perla*in infaic nd ud a always beau a consistent second place among tube systeuis cf tube MaS. Josvtui NoirwicF, .sd the individditY of maol bavêbeau parent XZ: iuetuhodistu. eH aaa ondarfuli>'rateut- vend, u I the lg churh sitars tube d ep o 6<i..-.n v, -rut, r h o th is agreeuîesitaby viticitthe asau& r f b ebuiba.ýOr b 4 ive me arnsd migit ujusti>' b. caller] an revorence for tub 4e "Oa bo bolds alin t s itsebeleshae eammeva8d0S ait lien and W.CWhvokbr ali "Encychopedia cf R.einiscences. - tube blles cf Ris baud" found expression curai i b« incSoou r faincua1petaana-h orelOflud- avrhiu sxbeotent il>'. fý olrayss Weefk, O.BRH T,-F À Inong tube auterprising citizeus sas ona in thba prayer anr] songe cf praie-iu susuOt=Adane-err5ldcong t efi',.Dm7 ,Ilustrationof whmcb trutitsad uevmr-sdw m otn ih e.diubuer>.Ar-,xg' btY PadyMcGuire, viiose reaidancevas strauge contrant fa tha vair vhoop cf tube £auiY-: 1 re~r 4&tOam air nodIcM*iÎe"m rseyx gnrld bon>' ud ager ddeo5__ IDEAS 'Co, BMf Ont. -01 whara Mm. Beal's bôuaa nos stands. indien or tbe bovl i cthbe coardl>' snd &Quiitfe in"'-au vth-init* viaolu- Tbere ho keptu a geneasistore. On tube treciereusa wohî. Te tbos brave o . BtassV$s, able fappW eimtltsDtll.ian6rnfrDM4o . SCOT T sixtub concession near tube tube crcek hopicusols se ove a debt cf gratitude o .. eRchr NB, tesWl*.antili lni;roevcumlstc. s,(oi ie L F Sj,- N couhd b. bouibt for flsouty-five confiaa mgntule snd pIrmetuadng tuba lamions cf . m em X ct »OLfiret diac«oecf the grea, t itqes e!Quittiase -et .aaouelt: btter qualit> than thatu no soir] atu a bave bqu'catuber]tu untht futherpas, a u&sAWENEed- intbeuof aoti mef e- --t"- M C#n. isuies a$g i higit pries. The distiîîery vas burned'tarit>' may reap a greater blessiug frin us riaecus Mousus. ýiI slaanoftl..çmotIS udlU' InnrmO Go, OiLiIO. psa _lpwlf3ekW t . . e>s dovu, but uatuhing dauntar], ha builtu a then ave have reaped -f rom therÎ4 or botnter lamffD~I l 11 nuISrouiçiO.iOP ,,t1lufrwsd0 iasb. ebOluac broyer>' uorth o! bis residauce shere expreaer]in lte vor].of Rev. Dr. Or- o b orlno ïaî. peo ôp lsO LQpls Bo .4*Iuusthee , CT beom vas made for minu>ye'ars. Rmi'bufl5OI Upon us it depeijiia viether in ý - vol1 e -ahiu6uL Nne 1 à ss~ uWl~.~ai.9 tub ffies nsiape vs tarer o- trenty yeara tis couanry sall ha pro. DmW-mMoOro.e Rrital.4s. eftherS t'41 «"Mir58O, o!Iýbier.AlplO&rk'iodUie due]"h teu tr" dtr]b geaIesd iet asm Lsotjst ss i hi-r.1 tiamcm. ieitnad~ ienu a~oo~» ~~O L E Meuei. R. T. Harrisou ndr]Calvin Cam p- place inte heraldry of nations sud have 'veq-lbave enuer] Du. mlq of,ait t.~ b4 defMai*V#ul euera - - J NO >N baIl wbicb comparer] sali viit auy local thbe prend boa"t of pouaing a (ked fear- aoQLl yfimiyft .tbee fysf;ti o 4a. sue1 o141<itha Oiaeu t l .j&POBmL oae fthie proent dty. It dir] nor zing paope; vbetuier i it al becorne a th eaui*of aueP .> l iV Wbtpattat , . e. !L1vst-AI$.l.,6'. 45$1~b -aAu ej ustulong, peritapa a fev menthe. Titrougit dark spotu inLthe geogrpit>'-of the ver tsm tbe Zftiea Brookiiu vas an euergatip hast- aud] b>' and by vAulih'slt«Oatr; or tseu eiuda.Of DT s"1àr4u0*u ontFmp*Wingslu WbitWSpt WM» ZIBe 1,1*6 ling bsy village. Noairl>' ail tube grain *betbar itllgnce sdidsr hl rsssAcea o efc tr.I~k rs ~ yWdy Irewn in tueba bak tôvnshipe vas tesutr] lac C nad utii.vangede aios"gefplessure tarin seid4l,<fl a a "ly ' thpougi thbe village Le tube vamehouse et RE a . t4N~8un~ adml*sdIwudmtbpvtotabl.~uua co gb5ê M TWoodi bar] noLu y lest itus virgin fer- ' Uap. CraeaB- t Fa44.WksaeoI ah Kalifas va.a f .-4ihitY.lte plid OU-fail viteat averager] ýfr. Chas. Âiford l enoait l il4ài b'ie.- <rm25- th 40 bushpls su acre. Tih ouse. Sprng lu fuila! tures to ai fl boq , t& frà uono do -suae ibe',Inuers e] s Ptge ss M. Fred. . Foley eu4têersed& bion in nothubi.eté!<r.Sst thse dd Ï.1 *ltRUS - -'l ued ihr*ns*t ti illage as vail. han Suina>' acleoël eas o&niy 6ki-OL.suts À ",ag11tn as«or], o,1 tbe uMuto-"if uesBordie ar-Ja son .To*t"! J40 as lii. Pagnpse im. .spenb 1t&r iteiiâajga t YPltHope. ,eu bm aspbl a auerthn beepeke Vis a Mn ati afq A '&-b. botter 25 ânte per poua nd ud eva~yIig Relit ]&Qom'e aea o~Viq 41.. » in h s";e Proportion., Neanly Reir. R f llz fWns us'40 or4t Md 1 .irri uone arabt i&e spirithof apeolataontdailil duptl Iýxwi~udj ~ e 4 s*4 aenoed ite ow.ting baswoul ne',î~le~ s-t ~4 Almost Passes Beï Mr. jas. B. Nicholson, Forcýnc- N. B, Struggles for Seven L: Yeauwith CANCER ON THE 11F ANIM .9CUR.D BY M r. Niî'hoison :;i, J*1 mi , tOrS wIî' r- il -1 - i l,. no purpose, t , .0 r gau to Eat into the Flesh, spresad tr) mîy rn ari, 1 r1 azoy for .IL: Ir~'~ r a week or týAi trtce1 Decided hnproveimeni Enrouragod by tli; r 1 varmui. 11::11in n i n t! uinder rmy Chilibegaiirh-!I mifOliha lv Iii) :. t. ;v, u3ing the tSarsaparila for s x ir the la.st trace of tue cacer db. pi, Ayeî's On'ySais apa A.dl-tted at theWo;rld'a P" .LrEB'8 FILLS Regutate titeà A CRIMPE FOR LU' S0 DOCTORS SAID CONCE] RICHARD B. C0LLlN:i ne Spent Moutha in the Toron' pital Witbout any BBnefi-Pî Cure Hîma After all Other IrE Failed.- From the Echo, Wiarton, (Ont. The Echo preseots to lua read following plain Btatenierit of fa( the simple comment tbat a Lu tbtc'an perforun so re arkabie a sirnply invaluable, and it is no that the aggregare of ls8 sales tbro the country is enorroons. I. Richard B Colline, bereby mi following statement, wbicb cau firmed by any uumber of witne thia section of the country. I fil gan to complain &bout five vears , Lad been working in a fiè;h ebantl was wet almoot the whole Lime, si andI winter. I w&8 then coofinefd bouse for tbree montlis. Ihis w frrst attack and on gatting better1 menced work auain the first oft Lt lowing FebrPary and continner] a: tii tb. neit Jannary, wheo I Look a worse attack. The doctors prone it rheumnatism and after tretiau that dieease until about the first of the>'diacover] titat ni>'troubla vi esse cf tube p joint, aur] advised ho an hospital. I veut te Toment s ayed l intae spital five woak tian returnad borne. 1,,bowevet net eoovem, suddvas compeller]r the folhowing snme go obackt hospital, shere I remainer] three mc gettlug .verse ail tube ima. I vasu aould net be enrer] and when I1lae ouly ahi. ta vwalk by tuba aid of cru I thon carne home and vas nof long before I vas taken te ni>' lE continàuer] lu tiis statue Until Jas folioving, viten 1Iwva dvisad b>' as friend. tootr>' Dr Williame' Pink PlN teck tubeir advice sud before I bar] E èder]tii f.fi -box I bagan tue lmprovE by titetine I bail complatar]a a bases I vas able te alak vi *rato1is& sud hava never user] tuen I vuale ta deoiigbt vrk lu a., time, sud in Januar>' lut (1897) 1 mun«d.,r] orklng-in te avoadsand ne trouble (rom the hiP unie»s cv, -emter. Durung tube luit three ye bive spent in(lludactomu' bille, medelestryin -evemytllnoe rn monder], but *it;hont an>' goor] rr untll 1 took- Dr Williamsa' Pink Pil wiiaiI cava mv rasterer] tur]iù the deosgaaspail bopes cf ave lng me ei f ber] aive sud avaiL-I - DB> ltaI bara Ibe.aa taklng Pilladb ýdùi'nguYlbtst au, I- pi Im~an. S ,nigit gote bar]ltI IuVî Wa" ks*a. " Ibillee.,

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