Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1897, p. 4

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FOR INSTÂiiZ j. Mo If et U 0 thnir DSGo.c Cold Cvenm,_____ Camphor I, ksWaasS sa E The fifteentb annual meting of the West- Càmphor and, ern Bank of Canada wasbheld at the. bead of- ]Roth Camphor, luat. Tbere was a'lamgesttendatoe of tle sharebolders, and bMn. John Cowan, the 'bon- These and a niumber of Toilet prepara- ered president, occupied the. chair. The re- tiens are right in season now and Port of the officers muet b. highiygt _tylug then there are a hoat of things ta3 al l nterested iu the welfare e enstitu- tion. Its record bas beeu one of unbrokten that clain» alit easonz for their progrese £romnthtei.tart. The report shows own and which we can supp1y the net earuîugs of the past year to bave bottr thn a.y oher toreiiibeen *38,511i, or about 1o09 per cent. upon bette tha anyothe stoe inthe paid up capital. Two dividendae o 3 t.own. We wight mention among per cent. were p aid, amounting to ff6,404, these iand 87,000 added te the Reet accoqnt, whÎch now stands ai $i za,ooo, or about thlrtypr flair, Tooth, Nail Md Iffa4h cent. of the paid up capital oi tic bank. Te cashier, T. H. MIcMlllan, Ebq, te whose un- Brushs, Toth Pwde î tilng energy aud akilful devotion te duty Oombs, spougos, Etc. ibis excellent showipg la largely due, wlub thce ther officers of the Institutiou, msy look witb pardonable pride upon the aunual ex- hibit. It rellects ithe higiest credît upon lA/Il beir sagaclous managemeni. Tii. deposita d. E.# YYIL LISael/g,8, dng$,69 4, n hec . ent discounts reach $î,o7'6,884, ahowlug ac- CHIEMIST & DRUGGIST, readiy avallable assets reaciz 9go6,547, le a very strong féature, inasmuci as it evinces M EDICA L HALL, strength euough te meet the rcquirements of large business prospects, and, if need be, BRO K B., HITY.the pessibility of an emnergency. The pro- graiulatcd upon its efficiency, stability and -standing. Anser The sQiasmaiem ~ (~f~ tnnt1t. Are you any better off since departmeuîal stores werc siai ted? Do you kuow anybody cisc who la betters WHJTBY, APRIL 23, 1897 0"?a la there any chance for cither you or any body else to get better oit while t bey con Short Notes. aiue %Vas V'an Hotne thinking of a general 11 you bu y you r wares away from home de tj you -expect to sell your producta or manu- a Furop)ean war when he prophcsied ihat factures at home ?h wheat would be $2 per bushel beforé two 1<yug wyfo oet o d Te voostca nRta'tnv. who will psy the cost bh ways? ' & i- ruic ui u'-', in* LU twnsiCij, hav'e for seven years been without a licena- ,d taveru. 0f course there have been taverus ai Mauchester sud Epsom, eaci two tmiles distant, but 10 the Utica people a homie iust.tution of the kiud bas bee» a lougfelt wanî. No wouadcr ihey signcd an aIrneat unanimous petiticn for a tavera license. Two miles is a long wSy 10 go for unes *'tetheglin." Tbey abould have a taveru at borne. The CESONICLE, Oshawa Vindicator, sud Pickerng News have taken a slrong stand againat departmental stores, bound that the whole ceunît-y shall net be ruind by tier». Ou tice ther baud lie Whitby Gazette aud Oshawa Reformer feeling tiaitichy will be expectcd te aay sometbing, take a which-~ aud-touer-a sort of Good-Grod-Good -Devil1 stand in thi alter, tryiug te adduce argu- mecuts LiaI will please beti aides of lie question, snd thus escape the frowns of tic merciaut on one baud and et tic bat-gain lioga on the otier. Suci a course is fat- worse than keeping quieL Will thc mer-- chiants et Whitby, Oshawa aud Pickering uow turu round sud sua port tbeir enemie.r as libcrally as udir de tenders ? If tiey do ticy may expeet tle figit eut tic remainder of the trouble wiîieut newepapcr support. War bas broken out at asat between Tut-- key aud Greece aud the armies et the two If you are a bat-gain hunter, will rmt ali tic rest have te take Up bargatu bnntiug ? Who wil furnlah ail at lese than cost ? 19 tic abandoumeut et me many tarmisthe resuit of the agitation carried on by Grangers and Patrons tu kilI off ail classes but the (armer? Didn't Ibis spoil lie local mar-ket for smali produce, wlîhout making a correspondiug market elsewhere ? Wouidu't 1: b. better tolilve snd let live ? If you niggar al the wiile te cnt ethera douvn dont you think they will have to nig gar ail tic while te crul you dowu. If cveny pet-sou l a askilfiuî boss ll any- body get te be better off ? Would you be wiiiug te, allow others a good price or a good wage if yeu could gel the amre yourselt ? Ia there auytig but bog in yen ? What sert of s pet-son are you anyway? Answerlîhcse questions trnly, for tic lu- teresis of this counut-V sud your future prt-s- perty arc at stakre. To-day everybody is hunting aftcr cents where tiere weuld be dollars Iound if uhey werc net aIl se, mean. Wltby Town Locais countries are atitai ammner and tonga. I ze Rodar n Turkls made s pretence of kccpiug thc pesce as long as the great possers of Europe telt disposed te de fighiin l ber behaîf agaiust (,recc, but the Greeka vould beat- et noti- ing but war Tic powers have bccu unable te prevcut bludhetd, sud it la more titan hiuted that Get-uany sud Russia have been ptayiug tic double gamne e on okiug for pesce witicth powers whlst belping Tut-- key te get lu shape for wax-. Tic fit-st bat- tieb were on Sait-rday sud Sunday last andi appcarcd 10 demoustrate tie superior sîreugi or lacîlcs et the Gre-eks. Tic scene efthle frontier hune beisseen tic twe ceunît-tes, sud the geucral opinion is tiat thc Greeks vilI net be able te beld ber own againat the unspeakable but valet-es nsud beter-equpe .Tank. Britstun, France, Italv sud AusI ia appear te lavor Greece, wtitle Germany and Russla will lilkely take sides with Tnnkey. Nobody need be sur- prised if millions of men snd aIl Europe at-e sterped in bloed betome a menti. A Whitby man vie spent a week in Chi- cage during tie recent cily clection aya liaitich Chicago newapapers carry ne in- fluence witb tic people. Tic reasoS of tibs is tint caci papcr has a line of pelicy whici will suit ils own intercala best. Like potiticlana, tic7 preeud te be dying to serve tic public ; but ticir end la gain.i That ia exactl> vat ails tic presa&l oveir- tht world Very (cw nessapapers maie a slndy et public inicrests 1 because ticy yl net receive any extra patronagc or even thanka for dolug so. Au bonest journal usually has tic mertification of icariug ils motivea queitlioned muci eftcner than those ef timze-servers. Because an up. nigit journal yl set deffeet from duty ho ietp Ibis rogue'a scieme or thal fool'a am-1 bition or lie ocher ctanis hobbylit la con- deued by them ail and kuited at every tom., lu muet git ail these classes fromi fitsIte is. Noue but sensible aud honest men bave auy use for an honest nevepaper, and that clama ot men latoo scarce te keep up even a Sunday achool pape. Thia venld la tee selfieh for an% paper te Sund it vorti villle obe stralihtL Consequently when great public questions have te be dec- clded tierc îa ne use ln looking teuse pub- lic ptess for uupnejudiccd views. The con- sequeuce la exactly wbat eut- Whitby ftiend- uoticed la Chîcago-peolple cau no longer reiy upon thc nevapapers for suppotbe- cause thc uewapapers cannot rely upon the public for s returu ef the compliment The thang la easily understood wien explained. Since the legilature et Nevada opened thc doors ef that state te a prix. figit be- tween Fitzsimpions and Conbett, a vave bi.e swc$t over the United States lu tavrroe wbt they eaul "Wide Open" laws, hiat is, lava wbîcb viii permît et figbing, gambîing, unrestricted liquor seiiing. sud prostitution. Dorlng the. Celusfibian exposition Chicagoj 1ad auci a reglnee-under Carter Harrison, and TIrmîayuy vs nanlog New Yorkt on like Ipdnlciples. - A sp.sin 0f<*virtue tien eised botcies after sente avful exposures had"bea made, and tup-till 00w îiey bave bCs r grr 0goverument Thec li 4bas Aiartie Or relapslnglntcrvice, and . >uat- cartr farnisen bas been elected mat« ut Cbi=agoby sa mejorkg of oue-roue-I hei'to4alirot , Ilitl nv . mm Ibat Do youf gardening. Sping, summer, auîumn and vinter tuis week. Monday merning opeucd eu viii a mne blizzard,* Menday's blizzard led up thie beautifu weaiict-. Beys' school boots enly 85c. at Burna' new cash sucre. M r John Nott, J.P, vas heme Monday ou legs! business. Master Vîctor Matin is borne firom Trin lty college Pet-t Hope. Hlgb grade et gents' tan boots, Agnerican maie, aI Burna' ocu cash store. Mrs Cameron ef Toronto bas been in tovu wlîh ber mohier Mn. Banchard. Mise McLarry et London vas lu tevu ou Monday tic guet of Miss Clsypole. 4adies' sprlng capes at $:.a5, $1-50, $1-75, $2, black or ceons, au W G Walters. Lay away your snow shovel. Menday finished tic beautiful for tic season. Mn Wm Spence, Manciester, thc efficient township cieri ef Reaci, vas lanlevai Tues- day. Au attempt was madc te buthti Garden City steamet- at Su Catharines on Friclay nigit lasi. Nev stock lace cnttalus te select fron t e W G Walicra'. Prices at 2,, oc, 75c, Sa t10$7 Per Pair. A apecialist lu spraying fruit trees viii operate lu R. J. 1fack-fc'a orciard e Oshawsa ucxt Tuesday. Tic trouible vith thiI tovn la that Ibere are net hatit enoughUlicycles and pedesunlans, h o Ouru- aika. Mrt-jos Blgeiow bas been laid np fr a veci viti grp, ad on lMonday vcnt te hhmeberne at Port Peny. Miss Maud Pillipo leaves tuis veek fer Wannens Business Coliege, Toreuto, viere aie inteuds taking a short course, "iTic question is, " sald a mn on Men- day, "vielLer bneaking thc atones on Brock mizeet meti made them larger or smaller."1 The Eser Tea at St- Andrev'a chut-ci on Xouday Plgit vas velI fairly vdll attend. cd and passed off pleasantly. A god pro. gramme vas given. Good FrIday vas a very quIet <day lu tevu. Tii. mirzltng nain kept people ln- domrsaIl lhe aflennoon and the trtt-cla ere almoat 4eserted. The Rev. Dr. Lambly pt-caches in the tab- ernacle next Sunday miorning. lu tic, even- ing seve1alpensonsaviilb. baptised vieo bave lat*united vit thechut-ci. Dr j j Ur, Mr WJ GeenvoMn W W Tamilyisand Mn A G lieudcron vere lu Toronto Ibis- week atteudinig tic annuel ineeting«the Ontario Eduçaloleui Assoc- A lovu Usat lts cova t-un ut lgw.ç*naW.11 &fiord te drop l ol itbI- cm A -ageaeraltblng tics.wboiiave -besa stroug. est frrcows te t-unate i.botsast qelfojit. . 1 î9t 1 - w sf- séfOLIt la eay to distlnguthb betweeu the. two maples,, alhougb mre "màli ;bêt If eber-m planted cloue together they' -becoue oeeand more ulmilar by a pnbea The. CHRGNKCLX <$I),, the Weekly Globe (Si), and large picture of Lîberal Cabinet, (c)-alfor $i te new subscribers. Saap:for oit. .The CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe to Jan i. r898, and large picture et Launier's Cabinet, ail fer Si to aew subscribers. Pamps AIl kinda of pumps repaired. Chain pumps for sale. Wlud-mllls sold and re- paired. I.buy direct from the manufactur. ers, net (rom second-baud dealers. W H Piper, Whktby. The Wabash Ralfroad. If you are ceutemplatiug a trip to the Gold Xining Country, please ceusider the menits of the Wahaab Rallroad, tihe *or and truc route via Detroit, Chicago anS Paul, to- ail points ln the Kootenay tâsîtrict. Pas- sengers leaving Whitby, snd points west by early moruiug train, reach St Paul neit day at noon, where direct connections Ia made for ail points lu the Gold Fields. Quickest and beet route te Hot Springs, Art., Old Mexico, Californta snd ail western points. rlcketsand lime- tables of this great rail way i romn any R. R. agent, or 1. A. Richardson, Canadian Passencer Agent, N. E cerner King sud Yonge strerts, Toronto. The Carfew Bell on Thursday nlght lasît th New Cunfew was fit-st tolled in Oshawa at 9 o'clock. The childrcu looked upon it a,% an eveut of gresi importance ilu heir lives, and took care t(, be inside whcu It rang. It limite those who may frequeut tie streeta aflter that heur to people over 14 aud zS rears rcspcîively 0f couime tiere are many wbo object on general prinjciples te Ibis or auy other mes- sree dealgned 10 laprove public morals; tnd such people always dlaim that such laws are S (allure if certain parties boldi> dcfy or evade tbemn, or if nobody gels iut< ail througb the operation of thc law. Tht same parties aiways object to any restriction bhat is belug plsced on the liquor tratlic, and îhey invariably argue in favor of lettinv houes of prostitution take ther course lest lriving them out of one locality wîll scatte, hem ever many. We believe the curfevt will bave a good educative tendeuc . i will suggest a proper bcdtime (or ail hild- ren and young people. It wlll ulgbtli pro- Ilaim against lmoeorality. It wlll mark the hont wheu ail people should become quiet i order that tiere may be rest. Whitby's curfew migbî bave rung this weelr only thai )ut- council did nothing but rau a bear gar- cun on Mouday ntgbîutil it wa-s too late tir :ss any unuecessary legislation. We hopt 1e bylaw may pas at next meeting. hi d, Mr. and Mrs. lames Gibson spenît Suuday out of town. Miss Ella McDonald speut Eastei holidays with her parents and tnieuds. Misases A. and L. Adareson at-e me- coveriug fror» au atack of the mumps. A numbet- froro bere attended the ueral et the late Mrs. J. Coultice on Tuesday. Mr. F. L. Green puchased a fiue team of herses fnom Mn. R. Wilson, oi Mt. Zion, one day aset week. Miss M. Jackson bas gone to keep bouse for ber brother Geo., who has moved unto bis farm near Wbitby. Mr. Geo. Law is keeping bachelor hall nov, bis wife being away attend- ing hen mothen, wbo is seriously Ml. Mr. M. Gleeson was coufiued 'to his borne witb tic mumps last week. Glad te, hear he is able te attend business again. There is likely te be a change in the creamery belore long. Tic preseut manager baviug secured a better situa- tion elsewhere, is expected to leave in a week or twe. Mrs. Wagner, of Brougham, as an- uounced, conducted the league meet- ing last Wednesday. Tiere was a good attendance and everyone received a teat in the paper on '<Temperance' Mrs. Wagner- had pt-eparcd for tic oc- casion. Hforse and R/g for 8aIe. Bay bot-se 9 yeans old, iumr mcml buggy almeast new, nev baruesa. Wil l e sold aI a t-casoaable price. Apply aI uthe CHatoNIcLE office. Whitby Aprîl 13, '96-21n. WANT Dd it«"x wt good~~CMM obree odjoeochool edncauoc, cmo obtan emply*t for two montha 4 this cooemulnty. M. FRY,Tooo, Ont. la E. -J. JOHNSON, LEADIUNJERAKI 00CK STREET, WHITBeY.1 j WaIdapr Spring is here, Mnd so iq4Â. C. WliLSON'6 new stock'of A47ERICAN ?AND CNDA WÂLL :PÂAPERS which ipsu n 'Ontiéy xw -1iu troma~u ül ~w 0nou look atI Wo~ in ---'-~---~ --w-- i -i ~ ~ 'Oarrpets. ] i -t y r Congo Ca- H%-#IbPatterns to Select- From. ~-No other SILVERMONt + A Il the Newest Designs»-- South '- Ontario will We reShowinYo1u We have the Newe8t Patterns iii ÂLL WOOL CARPETS, UNIO) CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETI; TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS BORDERING, TA-PESTRKY STAIR OCARPETS, HEMP STMIR CARPETS, ALL WOOL STALiR CARPETS, and CAIRPET LININOS. Alsoa Fine Assortment of LACE CURTAINS. Our Tailoring Dopartiient mal We have secured the services of Mr. Win. Skitcb, a gentleman wbO bas had large experience in Port Hope and Belleville and who is favorably and well-known asaa First-class Cutter. He is now in charge of our Tailoring Depariment, and we Guarantee every garment to please or no sale. Leav e yonr order with us for a Suiti ANDRE-1 at $10, $11, $12, $13, $14 or $15. M. a De FRASER, ~Merchant Tailor. New Business. New Goodsi, New Equipmont The Subseriber has started a new Merchant Tailoring bouse in Philp's Block, and ie prepared te, execute orders. Having fitted the people of Whitby writh Suite for over 20 years, he looke conf6dently forward te, a liberal share of patronage. Goods will be what are represented a.nd at as low a price as possible. A, D. FRASER, Whitby, April 8th, 1897. Fancy Whitby.l China, A Large Stock of--nw Dinner SoUts, Tea Setts, 4 Chamber Setts, Full Line of*Fresh Groceries. Alway8 Reliable. AT GI.BSON'S,. fTar HEas Broken Out ~=Hostilities Deelared At ROSSÀt Hero 18 a Good Thing. Variely the Largestl Quality the- Choùest! Prices t/he Lewest are the three points which Iead the FUIRNITURE trade. Re-upholstering done on shortest notice. jE J. JOHNSON, Brock St., - Whitby. TePhrenoline MOdicines THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIASIE PREPARAT IONS ON THE MARKET. Pleasat Pure and INelthful. PIIoul Guaratced to Cure Rheusatism, Sciatca, Lumbago, -Gout, and A sure ture fer Hedaceeflui- Dea,Consfipation, ilndlgeaeoi. Biios Us, Brwwbs Dis- «se% Diabtes, 1fifOn e m - rtDis- Maaafaetured on Ntoeand It slurseit, 1 uId in Wblîby o-tly -1by - A. K. ALUN, Cuft AN D NEW -A T- J.S.Barnarl Offcii Cuny r ouitares tieu of any local paver-in Ca LOCAL LACONIC-1 Eser Viuitors. bdiss Roge rs at j no Dra per. Mr and Mrs John Wiilis, Barrie. Mr Clarence Burnhamn of Peterh, Miss Blanche Nicholson, Coldw Miss Burk, Port Arthur, at Mrs - Miss Bella Smith, Toronto, ai - Miss A lice Field, Toronto, ai ters' - Miss Bengougi of Toro'nto, ai son's E W Knowles, Torontlo, at Mr j sen s. Misa Joues, of Port Perry, ai She ton's. Miss Fulier, Toronto, a Rev J hal Ps. Miss Bogue, Bowmànmville. at braith's. Mr and Miss Shepherd. Mun." Carson 'e. Miss Bella Daw, of Manitoba, ai Bail Dow's. Mr and Mrs Wmn Madil, Pete jas Madill's Mr aud Mrs Frank Hayward, Toi E R B Hayward's. .Miss Bella Nicholson, of west Toi Mr jas N icholsous. Misses Be"asnsd Kate Adair, ville, at Mr Thoýinpson's. Miss N Saunders sud Mr F Burd nianvulle, ai Mr C Tod's. lirs McGillivray sud daughter ston, at the Misses Donaldsou s.- Mfr and Mrs jas Turner, Sr., auj Turner, Jr-. ai Mrs jas Tbompsouîý Miss Howden of Muskegon. Mi la attcuding the Presbyleriau Lad lege. Toronto, aI Mr 1 D Howdeu'i Miss 13 Dartuell, Miss Brougi. Mr B D Saunders, Guelph,' Mr ( neli, Toronto, Mr Bert Dat-tutUl, Falls, atjudge Dartneli's. Mesers W S Oriniston, jas Hall, Hall, Rebt Mcklurney. Robi Hold Tiompson, Samu sud Ed %lartin, ,Gregor, Alez Chisholîn, Fred Brow Smith ef Toronto. Btrths At Whttby. ou Mouday, April iç tie wife of Mr M Colline (noa th wa -daugbter. Sporting Notes Tie collegiate football tcam went mauville ou Good Friday to play sciocl tearu et that tewu. lley cer victers, haviug defeated tie homec a score of 2-o. -rh. Wbtby Cho"a Socecty. Tic Wiitby Choral Society will g St-st cencert.iu aie music hall Wl lVednesdsy eveuing 5111 May corn au 8 o'clock shap. Tic Society * ha great pt-ogres.uder the aile lesd Prof Hqrrison snd vilI give tic muai communlty à! rare treat censisting ci Par. songa, quartetesud-soles. The lias becu pSeparedviitictheviev cfi ing the Quccn's diamond jubilee.* iety should b. acrvcd with a ful Look eout for postersansd programn -rwe way& te get rid of hlm Dep ity Rccvc et-orneSemt is that~~ teCatosC pctsix aht council board sel eiuasd election te take thse voie of téIIdl the tou as te ticir coudnctsice We- tesgly advecate tIse marn vil! guarauqe tIsaI if they de 0 lock lu conseilllbe brken. ,be-wortheic tpeuseof as eWcetio ëf u tht Six. Pre>vldcd Use Six ap4St ogo eut of publie lite wuc =send EDeP9tY Sctt le accPt Cous challenge te boUs resign and taIsea thse 4c1,tyzeeveship. Thtis yul sa utýF Scotamy fmazthr trouble about - ates - One Of the -UoMU ho1" blen WeM rver CafledUPPU te ord toc b gS ct o n P r d a : s g t i - a zesi4çuc y Miss Mtyaynrd,bis 1 W .I u - h a v k n o w n fa ýçerelkîM. Rosa' stor,haitd ta~itýor Use cildren &ad h ad p doeao cool, Aftcra Urne s 'lsiP and - vent dev 10brug U 'Amn.-m-'acendiog the stairsrnisebi lamoJ»r has, cauung ti .dpoulet- re sad andht-oit #eebut ýpbeaxe Watez culd be - b=pmfreme r ~4wom etlia-al -4 - 3~KUGGI8T. FOR BEST BED OLOD~'~ Terrible BSlaugliter of &Hl Dry Gom ,:odeom eeeo ,Sâturdlay, Next, Ai'p,1 1 hý '11 tucwebare b=e rics iut sg -dowa 4 r 1 1 1 1 m Onie Haif the Assortment That 1 1 1 19 1- 1 j iý i 1 1 BRI 1 1 .f , ! ý ffl. «Ch- Show You H.ouse in GarimwooD 1 ýýmm m -C uuc. me

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