Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1897, p. 1

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VOL. XIL.WHITBY, ONTAIRI09 FRIDALY, APRIL 23, 1897. LETTER settled. The judgmen: of the court lg"clg5TBR branch of work. in the lecture room cf 1eFRTPRT LOCAL NEWS thTE S i e cwt rPoeiwie MrAlbert Christie, Zepblr, waa visiting methodist churcb this, Fniday evenlng. Te MsMjrHogo fTritO15vstf~ -ghe c MrPoenixto ple bere asat week with Mr Silas Fltcbett. public are cordlally invited. i MrNottwllhveth oss oPa, Mr GoKeleMran rsJo aid The executive cf the Wbitby townsips RsDNMCmapece aUbig and Mrs Thos Graham were visih morenghn theTo-wSàbbatb Scbool Association met bere l heisnSndy Sp rin g' Tinu e 01MONICLX ossexza anhdhwl e uhmoeta tecw M Gro KeleGraha MrsJo BairdTo is woieth. ronto tbis week. methodist cburcb, on Thursday cf lust week Generai business in connection with the ~ rCa îlnac eot a iiil TO N1IZAnumber f rom these parts went Miss Neilie Spence, of Toronto, and Miss8rimaiconvenition was transact, d. This gate i ahrGo rdy TOWN LINE ~down te Whitby on Monday last te Frankie Spenioe, leerboro, are spending erlng là te be beld in Amond's cburch, (vet TesemrSrnerîwdbrfrtIa YO IL W I Tere will be a 'reception service" in fight the grartting of a license to the the hoidayslà'h their parents here. oWîb, on iî uMy etw nWdedy YOU 14'IL 14>'A NT Alrnonds church on Su nday. hotel at Saintfield, but as Mr. Newton Me»sra Lff Bros have greatly improved Miiessjennie Ketchen :tarted for Nb isFoec ronwsavstra Mr John MCregor of Toronto, spent Gond failcd to cornply with terqiet the appearanceoftearab erecting aVork, o Monday, whr h ilgo bredrn strhldys Frdywih his parents, Mr and MrIs Walter ofth aw in respect ta ereqirement new lence along the road in front of it. training for a nurse in Flushing bospitl b aisc h ehda brbitn Fnidavnef the gettingga pet The principal îopic of conversation Long Island. Misa Ketchen bas for somc îtgasgrsca hsFia vntsi Mr \ebtc 'd aghter Reberca. have tion for a license signed by at 1 eas ttruhu the townahip ai present la the time bad ber beart set on this work andbe tebsen. T'u.rKlsn Dyes, rs v- b;etngnrnto au erdugtr',one-haif of the ratepayers in the P01- nomination on Tuesday, and the aurrnîaing friends bere wish ber everft succeas.Te MrNlndcMote!asviighr bi ppiaio astrwno wot gîg o fr-bPfic ofs ous closeoye o coe okwfterM oBdor n find uin b I sqielikely deputy. A number of names have 'been Mrjohn Vipond vIsited bis son, wboi str oias Iecipse Dyes, The- chriçslan endetitor met Monday night eut without debate. ItI ut 'trentioned as oncs likely te corne oui, but will be rernembered isata présent an laae Ms Grrd os fteO n e instead of TuevdiaY, so that the members that this is the last dying kick of theI we cannot vouch for the trutb of tbemn. The of the Cbildrenas Hospital, Toronto, on Sa-wJnso h ,Wibaesedn The latter at 2 ets. a akae. uld alttend, tht- Etster C E meeting held in 1-q uor traffic in titis polling division, only one we know if as actually i the field udy We regret te learn that the doctor hi oiasbre the tabernacle. gna and the seoner Mr Newton cornest ta isbr jas Lang, Prince Albert. Some few report la ratiier unfavorable ibis urne MisshdtbKerptbon lei o Mordaythat conclusion the hetter for himself. Ye8rs &go Mr Lang waai a memiber of oui Master John ia now able te bend tbekee SrtComsinr cKgbsdbs -- ~~aht rnoon to attend the Central Business township counicîl, but owing to pressure ofta a nuebtteeaphst e nnhv onecdt entesres Colleize, Toronto. 'Ne wsjh ber everv su>c R A business at hume he wa3 forced te with- lîttle hope that it will net be perrnantyanassulicensîetarthn- MothOamhorces-ý, but are very sorry to bac ber from our Rumors of a weddîng. draw. Eacb limne ibat he offered himacîf be siff hI is now known tbat the bene dis-isut blt a pomdiSohool ciosed ibis week on account of tbe was weli rcctivitd. Wi th the expérience of eased and a futher operation is found t1le Go ndywssetb u îiesi The Rt-v mr Wilson of Baltimore. preach- casier botidava. the municipal affairsa auained during his necessary.aquemanrrnyrcevgvitos Gum Oaxnphort-d last -,urdav st-n> acceptahlv. The choir Mn F 0 Boyle excbanged bis littie black driver term uof office, and beiiig known and well sang -orne Easter music rc-markrablv well,losceuthe respectcd tbroughout the township, we tbînk Five of our brswnie townsmen bave ene- hicalrenmrwetotftwne and the ~~~~~ ~î no mR eatflydc rtdfr hbu orse.i oro than fair tbat be abould be eiect- cd the service of tbe G T R ibis week, nsedierEse oias Houehld Ammoflia, tni t hie aittirwsbeuiidcraed r Ra a l b iî bsv.e ee d by acclammation. In doing se the ex-C Bouret isnangandMmersof R asRitouiBa nmdta etTedyi N1ondat 'rcold was bard on the farmers ging tw sprinig Ros.penses of an election would be avoided, and Cley setion gang and FMeshave gBiton, -dyo u pigFi.Ltueeb LreBtlO c., f lsrigl.wrii n thield îey weîe olgd T h Ie (timers wbo nicely began aeedtng carne ai the same lime the position would befil Chseyne, F Stater adFella avie goneo ag rw n unru nre fsok Lartre Bttie fo streuwli. speialodutyineubecravelcpt-a.mlriorhe swOvthingineccesary teaaneaalsecesrfu Wea -r h vy ied. ohliget ad ina ud scpo coa ttesvr rs db nal a.South ofbhere s lange qnantity of ballast 11 ar motts, and et-en then serne couid endure it Mn Sirt-ets lîttle boy *ho for sortieurne bas One of ort former Manchester boys, Mr be taken trom ibis pit this summrer and wl iiinoteSn fTmeac s molv part of the day. bren ufing wiîb oonjestidin ef the brain i5 Chas F Ewers, was marnied aI Ktineburg, be di awn oui in the negular trains daily -i isiuc uSilyo h 5hmt ~ atervîîtos n ad Ms estOCimproving. on Wednesday of iast week, 1tuh imat. The stead of by specials as has been the ciso ag ubrwn rmPr er n A tT ATTT1%T lo~~'A'. t e ltrttaîn , Mr and Ms SoWes tbof Mr Thomas Btack's turnitune paswl iboueh happy bride was Miss Ida Wursten, young- in ube past. Pic leidvsost sit h hr .±1. .IZL *...j.......L..J..L itn riainMt Mr an M ss in le, b er- frontGreenbank enroule 10 Ohawa thîs est daghler ef Mn Wurster of that place. Teateacette xritinith ledvson tnswthgodpset, at \Ir Trîîlis Mn and Mrs Hook. Oshawa, week. whene he bas leased a farta for s tenta of The cereftîeny was pertunmcd by the Rev seir. wtetoftesh nTu st Mr j Mc(;regor'S, Mn Wm Cs~~~~~~~~~~~~rrutheis Yeas-s Mr Leach at the résidence of the bride'aseirdptnc ftescoloThsdy avntet-trehrt m brs WaCr- Mis AandMnlob Mlhoin wee alld aibr. Mis Nemi wrs ssstea lasu was disappointingly saal, but l h Areotliireti onthts-ea CHEMIST à, I)Rl'(;-IST and dqitîghiers. Markbam, ai Mn D Wlar-sissweankMrtoh iehôune bedad fanier is , hîe n Emer ambly, asafternoon the roonaf was cr#wded byths paiearserngndboug k- ritthe's ,. Miss Brchard ai Mn Orvîs, home (rom Th itolas ek'otb didenofcoinf e bridesmiw eM i b'drm lw hid asqembled te enjoy tbe enterti-nnedrn h pwigsae.Sm WHITBY ONTARIO~. A (armer asho tîves a few miles un the Itheir father hwaq v-ny illwitt inimston & couin f te bidgîle acoengas biegen. ment given by the pupila. The programeote aebl o a btte elpr h f i r, ONcoupleheefu wa aa lengtbf euetaad consisteowcf sirging, fecelyasafe asiInsthcteruManiauplenewherfot nonrt aiest from bere, was driving home th ng iun fwtn iei lwyn-oe-Toronto and on Thursday evcning came t tsa ltiosdilouesad, nset. ofdaibtalese.Hw oudhoteakmrn'f _____________________________ nd ago Astbebonce erejoging Mrs Holiday was takten suddenly il]non Sain- Manchester. They remaincd bereutl ang.wa and A theCar se er e jgging ue dibv evning wih la grppe ad inflamaition. Tuesday tnornng, when tbey reurned te dill by a clasa of girls which was wel xqh lea ih r ys rrsIs e tr -w--a-T -w- -S!- -r-~ T ~ landacape n'en be suddenlv tumbled oui of er the sky fu rata isie of r ello o rt ' Tonobrndo. Mn wers b eng hor a ruade by a numben of pronainent citîes RvHMMnigc xndeo pe w 1-- N t) M IL J.j tie wagon. \\*en the (armer Rot onto his den h sîfu rctneic D eîo o or înbergofad ,a'wîalieetîyrea (or lew ho were present. Mr. Eddy la te be temtosipplIetSda. Tb (eeti the horst-s wene sarme distance awav, iubro er.willkl ean Wgatuuiaed on the excellent showing mmeso btcuc eepeadt - A ND- althougb ubey bad lowed up imb a walk. M W Lkeou ppuercapnarnasdt Mrijon l" urmay nind i wsbngM upaiiPia oii n hergala rin thinee berfome pstr.Hi srmn As tht- armer could tint rnit e could net reDovating Mr Hrzzîewo,.dt bouse of laie eaigadMs Ewens a happy and prosperuus wr n in the spécial exerciseseftheaCe-weplian paccaspcaybs -Il c;ttcfui!,ofoexcellenthesuggestionshiandaad ice, and NVIIXJFE CE shotiieti "whoa" He could do il withTb 'oronto bias bei-adoing the plastening. 1apen CGAHw The C. C. Social.a itndl eyaînieyb h ag begac elp rame Socin ; s young man hangine etci. Thînga préesa quite a mrake<t Prince Albert h oilhl yteDuheec h aipp dte oies ad be Came gl a improemeni both iward anid outwad. chesoceagatien pteresent.r stpd he o isewand tehe am ore W nis yTontoppesthat Mn Sor- Mn. R. O. Wbie le berne fer a visit. Cbunch ln the basement of he preabtian Tesnaletyeta fUccuc sober aid aiser man. i buriner bas again been successful ta bis suit with Mn. D. L. Williaoet, la home for holbdays. chuncb on Monday evening wanta U h seso was hedonEine Mn iiCPR.the court of appeal wene unanirneus Mr. Cmbl spent Meadlay in Toronto. RvJFece rsdn.Tehrb G~eo. AliiinC'tpe"eli tendance, but la otiier ways was a ver s ada nsae eyfvrberpr AUDEYin isCîvtr drmpny 05 on~~Y Iest Mrs. A. Brown speti las, week la Toronto, joyable alair. The extremely col, n Sells the Genuine .AER î'tow was Monday tonru pnn the-maPes. r onbugera aîy nedat Miss Kaîe Coas is t he guesi cf M is. H-. Coa. suormy weather of ibat day was respoib MOTOR, of Chicago, and Mn Bve bas finisbed seediag we believe. tohs comhs uait wereb ltlrsdeJ Mn. Chartes Bongard, cf Toronto, Ls borne on for keeplng maay ai borne who bad inteddeihntepeelgya.M lxne the Ketslema.n Wi-e Fence Ira A Lawrence, teacher of Ct-dan Creek, is On Tuesday of Isat week Mn W L Ormisicna sstit. 1 to be present. Those who as!sistedlate esrJKiinadjRopademn bol idaying hene. went te Owen Sound te attend the funeral cf a Miss Kate Wright, cf Coldwaten, is home on rRam were Misses Tamblyn nleaeJRlh lxBenadT idi lntendintg purchasers abouiti examine ibis Mr[ slcfBwavll sa i James relative. Wnhe a esrrived lie was taken very il c vwit. 1Woodcoc1C. of Whitby; the Misses Scitteaeti degese yd; earDJ Mr a)o oravleadMMisses Hanson. Miss Lick, Miss Lute n draadJRlhadtr.Vtse mill t)t;h)re placihe deectordili'Do hitliet hadlanaatia oncfrsla arippeeMn Fred Cae dpheiliet Toroalie.hspent Ftday oessrs.riPea tiaadeLuCampbcflshawaorant.thanke FwereyuMassrs.uelyt pnd Lukte Mn 0at- mnîagnt t L îan imthtimoder. ou titt ltt ru cledo1naCipts rcaly ich blas ine'- developed li ctyplioid feven anti ai bomne. Mn. George Holliday. Refresbments eeue saeadmmeac h hi can gel the Genuine Aei'notor, tboroughly livereti (nom oui netgbborboed. Puices are very 1perinaO h tnS r n ISOMS i5JlaMBin fTrno shm o evda ml als aniltl gabvatîîzt'd, anti waranted, or less monev. ti ton lefti ile fnllowing Mondai te cait on h mm.CecLy.araadbe dd bb le More i tht-se milîs sol i n Canada un day YMCara a enudrtewa rAi iurne c irwitiag lutile bote fiaentetaiaed o i cV B orbsbensdngaf wdasth prtey o vi wic . ex ain sriLds'Adfralbe than amnv othen maire. Tbe Aermotîr Co. FMCamalisbe nerii em e a esisunceHi cbash wrk. Te metis dam h'~sei it al uenumbýen m.l wtnd for sa(t-w dayà but se are glati to Sée hiuOt Temny(ineo naa r h a Torento. i of the itins-Cold Clapper (cold tanu> miii otfitsel!onehaltht e d iib rsltagain. Then-anis l nse rd isEonlieag Mies Pauline White, of Greenbank, le home Cordial Cheer (coflee), Crystal Clear 1wtraiu~do w ek oeev uios milotiss; ntenoia h rsrtgion wr otl ieîe bswe nbaigCounly Cousin's Com(orts dougb-us, eot liane. Eeslie Hall andi Walter Truti have ht-en I of the deaili et tht-jr litîle girl, Annie. af'er a for holiday.1 *Ail su' t-a oC Wood and ren Pompa fon speuding a few datys wîîb their Young (neatis Ibi'-f but painful iliness of about iwc ee with Miss S. Tewltabu cf Coldwaier, is houle or Cereal Comnpound tbread), Cold Cre atF~ybigahldyoftW sale. ctr.iftnto f the lu. The bet médicl--- ber hoias Creature (cold useate), etc. The prceecceeweetlafI o6suwres hto ear E-ne ofThe medha catMrhelidaya.d-u I amounted te about sî2. (ro t:teewsaîw .lwpo Anv informaitnrgr inZ these out filaMt masi îy a glM sea widcas procuneti but te no avail. and the littie sui- Mirs. las. Suicilf as been speading a few tpublic lry.b will be (t cel', giveii by writing Io rnidi in shape again and it nevelves quite grace- erer passed acay on the rgîli mai. The remauas days in Toronto. On Stundy arpeettv fteTn hhia iyl iea(o liIf, tully. einteidewialksen' cOnet Saturdday O rnorna a iprgsnsaivB fof cerinlmnti n araea cenery n edas- MmsBtiere underlaad, spent Stinday ente Bock Supply Ce met the membese hn eevdaseil niainîapa GEO. ALIN, Ms dt uhnebsbV padn wdyin uhe presence of a lage girentiîg ofson idL Feh i8r-do. \ ii va Midss wub iehtr în ihs sa ui f ht enwa wnad.Te ain une odumd MissJ.ed the committee appointed te select tis ok eeamaitaet hw as h le Lîne. ib~~~~~~~~te uneral services ai the churcli in a veny lm- MissJlia Ti1bs a, cf Darliagueu, sl visitîng for the new public llbrary and a purcaeofsoldorh adfrs-dgontsai- Mn Schah Orvis i5 le bave bis eyes epensueti pressive maniner We exteati or liart-fei witb Mia. J M-lioci. ilover 300 volumes valued st $1750wawlstedyprves vr n-n ian.vl-Iis.i aliorîli t rrnuevethe catr lVt Webote symyaiby te tihe afflicieti famiiy in ibeir oss. Miss Ida Son iger. of Toronto, in spendiag a mde. This ha a very interesting coleto lda w ougldc-cnwde MiTRlBN O A W pn has McClo eaen comaitit bs IyrI Ue Bume»DiWOtOr7 Miss S. Rogers, of Little Bnitaima, le speading travel and adveniure, reigous -mbet. h.ee ycesfc ahtl oa vsts fiction etc. The books from the cildtw-tascin nttUcpeo Iso by isiers; Ida anti IGuher of Whiiby, visiteti Our LxvxzuT CHAaxsoaving purchssed tbm Liv- saCt-w days sîlli Mss. Dura. si irr aebe okdo CaialAtorzd $10000 eau n eda vneg ry Business recentl'y crried on by the ltlc M. Walter and Misa Uxzie weir have ship séle aryohav bo en 25 oed vr u ayssmeaenyg totcci bm~sc Ospita Authotzed $,000,00 LMag1- In Mai set a ew f ig. 5Cm oi- éÎrBarraIt, I ams P?0pa15te d0iflhiid5te apcadiag a few day3 ia rorento. are veluable works cf neferenco. Ts e absees 41a0isc8~stsn Mn ilMadbi pen a cc f bs Eistr lcli travellers snd osiers wltb zigs ai ressccale Srls105.000 days cîihlis many finals bt-ne. Ht- favoncti rates. Commercial Men deal it Bh lbera.lyý Misses B. Camapbell and M. Madden hase books are expceted bore the firstf e ltn'fIe.atywo Sp ~~~~~~~~~the league wîtb a seng on Tmesday evening. Stabling for bornes. ad goi care givea been vtitîag frit-adsant Columbus. week and will ai once ho gel readyfrc- menp.giùgiçaneteis BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. Rt-y McDenad ailedti te acure aaiable ati m y tîs sag]e dem.es t nn & andaitb JOH OAEQPéieteveuing for lima lecture. We bote lie is net D.Ai-siASEM-eas. Mytie Saio.of Mr. Baird, ormeniy otcupied by Mn. Wiies. jupwarde of 6oo bocks e is st ltelves- eyfe u hnI ie litdts a l OHN CWANESQ. resienitdiecourageti anti may appear on sorie future We are pleased îo report tissu hte Emaienson creditable beglnlng indecd ho&wo lho'bc~ts aarteîa REuBrtN S. HÀMLî<, EsQ., Vice-Pres. t-veninz, do se aIsonce dn theiro'er-s Intetcr ensudtse of have notidtkeaou d ésa.eêlteabboI T. H. MCMILL.AN, ---Cashier. The iienary evcnag of tht-E. L. of C. Y. on dMcKea. dsotil sevng era atcke a ne nady erome atere hotlfielfstaebl4s?~ttCaN (tenenal lianking Business transacteti. Tucy lswaa Weil îsteaded. -Essavs o ic Mr. USDiplu liens. woth soaugbterly Mfs, cre access te Ibis mont interetltgi lc-tsfeigiatiecnan¶ es ut Tdu-ctia u.et eegve yMsr oieto F-9 mers.. PMr. Dan Itevian, of M i$uakok, onenl cf tiens ofîthe bea a-entas cf standard atos.pnh a od(oatslsctit Dratsisue, ayable in al parts of Car, Wrd f ncowsdLaince and 0Chapmaa . poni ensva if rom Dces Sot-ergeEle adaUnitd Sttes aadon Lndo, En- MnGcoLas f Grencoti akeschage rf th I w'llho h Celtabs eab Tusds Corthe . Sence DicLea, Sctt, eorgeEllot, h ldes etc-whl ptele (n Iung os tdateo lange barna euh tone cellans, herse stable, paper oevet? One certan magazine seat lus dresa; chorus, tise inapte lest', sciictoo-. bai, divig sc<i eu. Tereis an publication werk uxail the expiration of tht- line readinig, Arthur McAvoyi recitatiosi, Lets - epAgîcltu'ai College, is _spcndîigjl tp.mia 418apserq t ohabrndriingedt.Tesfar e S tb-oa-s t- ..-5 dSUa-bohe is- ocadof 125 tee.This r, a-hich a-bet-ne issue w returuedt thr it aArbuctle ;l, av ..n..t-.Hop soes- vacatibn on e. o Dw flsbond4btà,e e' aciiknow asone f tt- bsi a th tou- otiet cesse. Tbey mi11 conuaotinet-aud it tien, Ethel Wilson ; mcitto im. sEaffls M"ssDr P Rof f Prun~lI1O ban - ri iiuli 'Dfsî~owe~ slip of East Wbitby, is siîuated t 34 miles ant i ase a letton aakiag tht-p-aue t th mS-raiaIda McAvoy;-,rt-itatio't~nl irsulse Ira-lata patng avisitt'A", esi C ebmbs sd ~4mie nrteat fscribe au reduc-d rates. He diiinot nvptY nOn McAvey - chenus, Mrbn n-r~tise bèl- faîher, Mr A Keiclien.ý - btbi f5I#S 3tOe5 eiuSi oê ea8t ofAplmbus EI, ad t3le othalsucimtte nE of i"hnt elttc îg acsc;ilo OsBan;qat nat sgrgsnn. ycnp Oabwa.Posesson ive inIbefa! ofdeem a arepiy necesssry Wbat du ycu rlîink cf echool ; recitation, /.nuie RôesSrend mii-'Maple syiup,purosl aud best, --scoula pe«I, ai q5i~m P, d lP5Pi Oueaw.,Posssono allientresun0 iatih- oethe fait orredag osCofe;reltîO.1iilt R1- ut, ! ilhayBose itj~ the protection cf ou local papens? A pfr-teclca erSon; oe Mabel Eda-erds,1 recitatioti, Soil etrbricwrbl Mai. 24, t897--t7-4ia. of the pooples' igbts mise mus lai o, r4eter te Albert Tucker-,;,elo»tug chorus, Red, White 1 pèa daîe cms-ereald. te Sgainsa respect ier tsu. We tdila t hntcciigasd -Blute. -TItiscloses a ý s iccmu brso;tuday ýSevrtote,éàW but fair tlia spubliecs*Miidtei e om'i epo eufrts ~eaysociety and thé >pupili weredcrU ih16ersotbàýn- teciotaseCrnssu-bshuta e 1849. i tatare te lie om"naulated uponi tiebserty way Scesie ,ss nilk~~~ t:, -' - Etbihd14.Sap lte littie do"lantsaItisudlie gaven ta !which ,îliy reqéndeud ie g itslarge aumbors. Thefses e nh our local papos . Wbatdo yen samy, dr Editôi? annt-ra-jsd have broxtî ,bouse »iamny ten .lw5 GEUENDAM%-Tise foPlowlshgreport 01, SS. ^NO. 14, oIn IC tc trs î?d* Apiit 3h, w4w biesèd1- w WhtyMrs A-Gondon 1$ away oft ,a visil b>-W uo eamnnat1UMsss teIa-s-M Ra lil- Meeting ina-hiebthtoiarwilit& t--pQ Onifiha. -den î.52, Jadson EdÏ-rds 4sshca4 » e mlapupt tte ýbi ll- * 4 e S-« ,Mns j M Real aud y9uagliatchuld are Sm. I cem.-AlUr Mc.VO-V 41Ç.> IV hs ffday soua; ening' . M aitdou thesick lihet. 2cim"& 4cLiffI 50 Wm. Walker, of Torôtôt, n een nda"-Mat>l o vrd,8e ,Ida MC&VOY pîtî Granite Work ,viitin t JohnflEwCeLh, 34 vni '80911 07,ok-Pis o fl n dj Duda S.,fr-lin, lhovey -opetith 1»,J3lIP a thepr<steenu*tilui-d - ba 1tcà et7 W HITBY.. whe-,r _ -nt.adbrTxkr--isn1q) oi _________ d ed B it*att - t-. s- idt : t W ô1 ' t us larn anti deatirate1MAÎ. MONUMU%âd )4Ql4toý C as. Z knwragm~ ~ isn OIVStt' #~ ~juê -t -. t-.-4,.mk

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