Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1897, p. 3

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à Hat. y vath n Ter- Ille, 18 7 M away frS srtln pertlice 'i, Ilu rt ;rui nii ni'94 forstctr-~s saî i n 'm5 r Lapenirtnire i 'o leICs l r of su perintenidents salair, a-hi cva-, raîifort'wark r(A inOniîctirin andi lo-kný afrer stu(ilnits 7,."a Balan ce tin fasor r"f farni fort vear S1,747 Credt - 1896. lncrcase* in saine of stock on hand, sînce Jan st. '96. Cash sales of stock, grain, &c Fecd. fodder, teamnng. &c for other departments .... Expense of feeding and'look- ing after animais not need- cd on farm. but required fer educ.ationaî work ..... Loss from not being allowed to seil animais by private sale. and from, having to keep so many breeds thaL there aie flot enaugh ani- mals of any one breed ta make a good sale--------. Special work in reclaiming waste land-stumping. ston- ing. basting. gading. &c Time of superîntendent at Farmers' Institutes and with excursion ists... Amount paid in '96 for steers ta be sold in '97--------.. L1 rt, Oa. Ci- tere' iued idU relIand 1. ora in # r, undui- a.. av.u. st Ion Mal Cci.onW eoScyr >ln OMM orecW»i leRNI a ora 536 3.704 1,948 924 Oc 479 63 25o 6o 175 00 341 55 $8,359 43 351 92 7,400 2 2 7,752 141 Balance ln tavar of farm for year ; .................. $607 29 Tbe marked difference betveen '95 and '96 is due to the fact that a large crop of bay intended for feed lu tihe winter ot 1896, vas destroyed by irost on thre 2ist and,22nd May. 1893; andi the price per pôuud for becf cattîs aold. 'i 1896 was considerably less than lu EXT ENDITURE FQIL -ýBUILDJNGS AND ffQUlpldENT. A considerable anas lias becit sPent within thse IaStfew y~1IforbuiI4ItgS and equipmeut but iotbitsç unoere5- sary or extravagant- verlhing o ïthe plainant kind,-4bslutely. necesW7 10t - ' enable the insttution t*Q d9-Pisp*"1y thse vork for visicisit waS'iotiiddM4ý siot te be comspaed, in coSt-wit._$*â- n Prr~'-jar buildings aWda l= Oklurio Agiutal O le. THE FARM PROPER-DOES IT PAY. EDITOR CHItORICLE: SÎR.-l think it is due to our Farm Superintendent and to the Institution which 1 repre- sent that 1 should say a word in reply to the attacks recerrtly made tîpon ust ,fBecause of the intimate and peculiart lation which our farm bears to the ilege and the other uepartments of5 showing profits or losses of the Varli) Proper as distinct froin the other dlu partments. 1 have gîcen rirfly t lu cash revenue an(d experiditure. 'tltfl notes to indicate that the Crllekze .înr several of the outside rlepa;ti t euts tri largelv indehted to the farn for rnrlk, potatoes, feed, fodder, rirots, pasturre. tcafning. cirting. anrd or her t hing-Z which do not appear in the cash btate- My reason for confin ng msfto casn revenue and expenditure is Ill tact that profit and loss statetli,':ri s hased to any consîderable exterl() estîmates or valuatîens arc aw pcurre to question. because prrr)rfe <dir s nuch about the amour ts c'hiclhi mt be charged for the keep otfiainiais, the prices which shrruld be put on ri av grain, roots. &c. . and thre sumis ltîch shon Id be allowed for va r ios sert e 1 hope it does not fr i tw fram thr s that our book-keeping t. idert('er that we need a spcrial 10 urtrî put things in proper shape )ur farm is well tiled and rri weh mm aged-economrelciv rn 4nageri, arrd pat as well as such land can bc mamde t( pav in connection with a moree m under governrnent corîtrurl.1donuiro hesitate to afhirm titre publiciv timat neither the Cyocernrrrerrt inr tire (tp- position ean secrt a itan ithat . L make a better shoN-rng than iu madti by our superintendarî r NirVerine. ir the special and pectir i r rristarices under which he lias ta v. ark 1 give beîow al surtirirriy of facts arnd figu res. I wou mi ratiner g r ceth e de- tai Is. but t hrvc wau f1 Lo v o inl ch space for a nws ar rtule. FINAN. lAI ý1 -\r \11 1 b t i'iP\l Pk(- 'LR (36-' S 54 r Vu : 1 (,k Ir- 1ri t 5 Credit îS<s Cash sales ai -trc k'. tera in. &c S -,ri 1 Feed, fodder. teaiiiing. , for other departnieiins 1,8( Expense of feedirigatmid look- ing after airiîra-. mtir recri- eri on the hrrnr luit r(, rînîreri forerluat îoraf Pnu r- poses .r.. .. 1 Lrr's if rmirnot irrinv albmied t) .ell arirrrasirs ;rrat sale, an rir an it.r Ki. keep so many bru-c(i> tirat t1irere are flot enîmn-i am- mals of anv one Ireeu tir liaike al grrod sale r r (r1 T irn fliC uifS rirrntenrftirt a i e XCu i osi rSt s iii Iliine .r r Arnini r aiin fo~ rwsteer> sildmil i >'i JAMES MILLs, Agricultural College, Guelphs. April 9th, 1897. CHIASE' ITIN LMWII114Usthe vge f. oLUlw Prak-LOW oulm, the fB ehAmatssdo ta (erar s à Netsasi)ol~odo hib yoço ih e the dairy building at Madisot. isbon- sin, $40.000. voted by thle stâte ltW.r lature and raised by direct taxation; a dairy building at Corneli. $50.000, and a veterinary building, $îoo,ooo. also voted bv the state legisiature and rais- ed by a mîrect tax. MW14RK DUNE FOR THE PROVINCE. A large part of our annual expendi- turc is on accounit of work done. flot for the studeîîts in attendance, but for the province as a whole. 'rire safaries ut our professors. in- structars, anrd experîmenters are aIt ;aild f y rfa- ( .IIc ewsrile a consider- r1ble part Oion ettili i ue is propcrly fi argualfie tri tire provinrce. Tfîe pro- tu:ssors rrr g.îrrr;,d the farmers' inst- tutcs datîdmidm the greater part orf the ini r u"r rrrrî i.ith theun, iertur- rirr, ali r r. r'r thle çrrrî.' i e, ait bout a dlilar rtfi (cm r.rne:ninerat ion,-ffi- ter or clecr-î e 1 ihe travelling dair% fc.u- gun're ft rî rii one enid ofthle prov trie no the un1Ivr -n. large expense; but ail eirg fta rIo Ire if ege. Our ver)' ex- teiî ',crfccfrtand icosrîy frid cx- oýrr Hiet t, r rrex per ii enrs tn feed inrg th wrrr k ru rt'experirnental cîteese ife1r.rtirîe it f,-r nitic niontis of the ct-rt. And uiîr buitter departnrent for the rA niri n irs, etc., in the Iiorticuîturai 'lerrtnient -tlîe analysîs of ashes, tîrirfurs. snug.r beets. niilk, butter. fi et c', iin the chiîeîal labora- trN i. thbe stuulv iifthre contamination ot nmikr, tlwfi r-m--siigat ian r-ffoui brood Ini t' e. rr tire mîanufactuire of tuber- Cci n in tir hactet mologîcal laboratory; rr' i île rît'tir 'ution ouf ,c'.ert and î nsects, and thfe anrsa'riiig of ail sorti of ques- trans rrflAtiîig rhcreto by Professor PiXriu. frr ariiers tbroughout the provice ' the writiiig ut aur bulletins ind ei-rt aH this and more is for tIre pu)% irie ut large and accounts for ot'Ct hitf oanir expendirure for bulid- i:)rz. cquripîieit and airnual mainten- .1ir t'. Sbaii we have a cheap agricultural I fî.rc c niorobjection whar.ever to the crus,-t pr bcscrurîny of ec'ery teir ai aur eceîfrie but 1 cannot help irin ktingthat rianv a arthv anîd cselI iu- f r nitil îr(-)eriîrîLus cair cntirrciv wrurng cincer tîrîn of wai an ugrîeulturai cul- luýge shorîld be. It is verv nîuch to be reorcttcrittlmat i siiiiC excellent mer hâvcorrr i rne tîr r tc'clusion ihb.t serv large srr ris r4f)1ne'i care riecesSar'.'tI crîurî rrfrg andi unisersîties ta edmi r' cte fuir nr t srons and rutbers t ir t ht legali. mc lf.clerîcal and teaChîin1 prrnbi -srns.'frut thar chcap buildings, C hcalr arplrarnces and cbeap teacher, are ail thât the i-ourrv needs ta cdu. rc i r uutig tri-n for irfe(>una farni. inint r îrn thlîrîtwr-sh u id basve mrhue cxte[I-I'c'ecripirentItiar iltb nrrcricanri rîririte as large an annua iiic in-.rf c earc tir do (unr %ork pro- lienîS Ali that et needed ta tcaci t fs.Frernul, (rrmnan. Latin,. fie brecc tareek litai an. -)Ianish, hîstorv f irrat are, prire irratfernatics. in eta r luiSN sies. icrb -and several othe branr(behti f t1i c' cm ersits' rcounreis iprofessin orari (a îlass-iooriî fuir ecd 1-n an agrIýu utural cr>legc. we mus b acc thiis k miii cof cquipment for Eng. Si su ridtfirniat tes and ailier branches Ca'w eec isRo tfhe same laboratories a the uiversrtv for physics. chemistrs zeL)iagv andi birogyI -aird, in addrition 'C'cw rrquric xpensice equipment fo prai tial instruction in bacteriology lice strîr k. vetrrnary science. rlairying frîrtricnIture.- lrV nin- nagemnent. ani Orilia A mother called at this office one day lait week, to request the Packet to enter a strong proteat against the amnrunt of home work iinposed upan chiidren by school reacherai. 5h. Bava her ebtîdren, have flot time for proper relaxation, and their sleeping hou ru are serloualy en- croaehed uprrn. Then if this heavy task 4s not performed the youtig.teris are -kert in," whi. h adris the de!zradation of punishinerît, vwhite, like Pharoah, they by no ineans lensen the requirmrd birden. -Moher- and husband hauve tried the work impos@ed upoîr a child forr" an even- ng' anrd fcrund it took them iseveral hîrurs. thougb educated beyorid a public mchool cojurue. Mlanjy teachers evidently frail to recurize the magnitude of the imn posed task for a chiid*e capacity. Otherî ,%re impeiled U)r. îîîpose more than they dJeeni vise. hecause bot~h Departmnent and Tru&tees judge the abilîts of the teacher hy ther minorunt of cramming he ean acheive.- Packet. Mvurray& FLG-R[DA WATIER MOS;T 1- . 'T OTnt9S{ VI c cr'3OF AI.L P'-*FZVU.NIL3ý FOR THE HANDKEMjCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. 9L DRUPUC;STS, PERFUMERS AND The Vegetable Garden. The garden is the most productive acre of the tarm. If it is not. it should be made so. It is the most in- dispensable part of farm lite. I-alf of our Living should come from our gar- den ini summer. Not ane-hait the country people make an effort te bave a garden. There are some that start out weli in the spring. sew an abun- dance et seed and neyer look to, the garden until they think it. is time they should bave results. They take a look and cannet find any, for the weeds have covered the little plants. They say aIl sorts of things about thie seedmen and mow off the weeds and '.Nait until another spring. vheu they go through the same precess. New this is all wrong. To keep the garden dlean we should begin early and con- tinue thse cultivation until fall. Fertiliers for Raismng Potatoes. Thse use of i000 pounds of tertilizer an acre produced an increased yield 61, marketable potatoca, which at 5o cts a bushel, made a net gain of $27.-58 lu tyro vears. The use ç4 2o00 l&oundls of fériilizer yWeded ini enet increas« cf is- corne during the two years $712 lana than did ibe application of sooo ibs. In usina ioo' o- unds of fertilizer there were added to an acre of soi. on an average, 36.4 pouus4s Of eitrogen, 76. 9 pounida eof avalable 1phosphoricî acid, and 90.6 pounda of potah: and twioe thse amounts la using aooo lbs of f ertilizer. Adding to these thie amount ai plant'feod aiready known to be, preseut lu the soil and tlien deduct- iîsgtise quantities, removed by the twoô crops growna, - el-. tiat excessive amounts of nit'kgen, potash -and par-' ticislarly phospbonic acid, vere left unsm 'tsed Wheà -2ooo Ibs eof .ertilizer werm iaplied 4>m gui "a !tb. IW'ugwge~.hag* e 7 be tbings that people see ave inside of the.u t mud not outide. No two people ses the same thing ex;actly alike. One voman may looki outi ct a beautiful landscape sud ses aIl the beauty1 snd resitulnees and granduosa that tbere àe lu t. Arother oue viii look ut the same sane and ueo notbing Trho man who iu perfectly weii and vigrorouseanjoys hife tu the full. Dr. ierce'e Golden Medicai Diecovory makes peo- pie weil. Thore isn't anytching mxvncuoue about it-mt is the muaet natural thing lu Lbe wori. til sai ]y pute the digestive organu, th. sitomaeb,%te iver, the tiowela, la perfect arder and meeby maires tbe bhnod pure snd r'cb. Ait diseuses live and tbrive on impure îltyod. Keep a tresm of pure, rich, red blood flin irag m a diseased spot, aud the dises wil1 not say. A mua lives ou rich, pure Woaod, amnî diseuse dieu on it. 1) r. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlseovevy makee pure, rich bloo-i, Seud 31 conta in onf- cent sîannpe to World'a Di.îpensary %Medical As- sre-isîîon, Ruffalo. N. Y, and receive Dr. Pierce'@ 1008 page * Comîarnu Sense Medica] Adviaer,' protn.elY illunasd. Care of Rhubarb Roots. If your pie plant roots have ceased ta yield those large, tender stalks that are so desirable, there is some reason for it. Perhaps they were allowed to go to seed, or were depi ived of too mnany leaves. or rnanure vas withheld, or the roots of other plants or trees bave cncroached and robbed themn of food and water. Possibly they have stood too long in one place and have des-eloped too many eyes. If the roots are old the cuowns rnay be un- covered. and aIl the weaker eyes cut aut. Then put on plenty of manure. LET'S LIVE LONGER! Wby Die a Lingerng Death of Direful Diabetea ? DODDIS' KIBN[Y PILLS CURE lT, Otber Medisinos nover toncb It.-But Dodd's Pilla Infallibly Cure. Expel- linq Poison aud Pain. Pveaerving Suger snd Strongth. Don't Dis ; Get Well. Who vonld not live longer if ho cnld More men shorten their livea by aver indulgence in food sud drink than ever die from starvation. Hoalth cais. ho maintained Dy eating sud driakiug just wbRt le good for us--ne more, ne lesu. By mont of ns do't do thet. lu healtis the body expels whati i doesn't voqnire. sud reteins what ih needa. lu diseaso eitbev the body doesn't expel the poison or it doese netvtais vbaîs i uoeded ta nonvlah it. In the dlisease called Diabetes the kidasye oxpel sugar. IUa preaonce oa o desectid iu the uvine. The body needas uger. In Diabete tise suffever dies e liugeriug de4th. Until reontly Diaetos vasuuppouod te b. incurablo. The selense ef to-day sys that Diabetes may ho onrod. Thse kiduoys may ho veatorod te heslthY as-' tien. Sugar mey ho vtaîned in tise sys tens. lustoad of flltoring eut tise good chat la in the food tise kidneya may b. made te fiter oui the poison. Witb poison -geos pain. Wit agas sisys strength. Dlbeteâ dim --peeva kmagie befoft DODDS, 1KJDNY PILLO. Otisa, meèicinos àever -touchis i. Tias' the difevrenes- If you1 have Diabolos gel oured quifly. Don't boiser witis medi. due& tisat do stot seu». -msay vi stand up to bo oonuted amoag t"e.who have been çisred of Diabolo. by ta%- à DODDS'8 KIDNEY PILLS. Was FredStokes, Bguio. On$t,1smy 111 have bieon poSpl .tet heaitb by a fs-w boxe.-f o - 'sMl8*.î Pi]ul. Diabolos ha. zedue4 my ýwéahi Mv D Bobliis, Bandpssst Ont,sys :-"Oold for yêuhgeuo I.f for Diabbls vlse ts. dWul end my days. Six eo~s of! PeU.'KRa "eY piu. bave sered-Me." Me obus Qiloys.P rp, a ays i TePr ton ,yeamu a>vioe ofD "ssngwter.,,">y :p bu, fron tiklssg as f.< p s4 Inovey . - r' XSlifh'Sa Wrapper Com petit/on. TEBRUARY, 1897. The foilowing are the Winners in District No. 2, comprising Easternr Ontario: Winners of Stearna' Bicycles. MIr. Chas. Ski;ff Bann, flrockville. Miss H. F. Kerr, Farran's Point. Wrnners of Gold Watches. Miss Annie Milliken, Perth. \Ir. Rober-t P. Verts, Dept. Inland Revenue. O'ttawa. \Ir. T. C. Barrie, Box 286. Perth. Master Xill e Burgess, Fairknowe. Broc k -ille. Mrs. G. E. Vallean. 32o Giîmour-st., Ottawa. -Ze-%e bat-e ber-n ohlileul to di'.quaiif% s-verr.l comperiiors for Fr-inruarv fuor %end 11n9 coupfons îrriu.n frem CNSOLI) aoap ti uroceru çtoeb lsemrRule 3). LEVER BROS., LTDr. - Toronto. PALE GIRLS Wesk,I:anguitalusudfrý.: vonsness' stomsch roulasow WEAK WOUIE ba& kor limbe, lrobl4iw dizzius$, rsh et lood- t. the he.d, -fâAnt feelisg, -nabse'. tzy" Indien Womwne visa l for 88Ie by 4.' E. *I-lis l'iawee b WHITBYm-i.g- --o- £ O mue DiS Se* (J'.6*~d y NewW45 vins »d Mr Theoidoro &Itew visitiid their friends here this week. Mir& HB A bra's, of Darlington, after a brint aous psased .&aY Sonday morning. A E (Jiemeng Esq second deputy reeve Darlington vhile clippi gahoson day last week, vas kioked by the animal remaining unconcieus for seme heurs. Medical aid vas summoned, bo vas re* vived sud is nov doing vl. Mis Ethel and Mr W J Crydernian have been viaiting friends at Sutton, this week. Mir Frank Parr vas taken suddenly ill one night laut week. Dr Elliott of Toronto wvho was in the village vas called te re- lieve the sufferer. The wonsans nrissionary society wiii give a prr -X me and entertainiment in the chuaoiIs1.Friday evening. Mr Charles Seiby lot 24 con 4 viaited friedns here Sunday. Mr Wi Allun ha& been somevhat in disposed for a sew days and wau not able to be out on Sunday. Mrs H Elliott jr vas out te churcb 9unday eaening t.he firat time for about a year. Mr Herbert Short has purchased the north j lot 14 conceaiion 6, Darlington f rîm Mr Thomas Kelly of the township of Osborne,. ZEPIEYR The -als of farWe tock and impltnieutti; at Mv. Henry Cnvl's a b en canuelled. Mrs. Balfour, of Prince Albert. le visit- ing ber daughter, Mise L. Balfour, in thie village. Mr. Jas. MeKelvie has r oved out of the village te Mv. Harman's fanm on the second concession. Mr. Jesse Cook in bnoy filling special orderg for différent kinds of timber de lyored te firminu the city. Mr. W. O. Woose, cf Whitovale, vas in the village on Saturday and Rnnday. Mv. Wese reports business brisk in bis Mill. Mv. S. A. Foote, of Tuinit.y Medical Collégo. Toronto, aud Mrs. Foot.. are spendinu the holiday. at the bomne of Mv. Walter Ra. Mr. Chas. Ganîbrell bas parchssed thbe bouse and lot ou Main et. owned hy Mr Jas. MeKelvie. Mr. Gambroli purchased as an invosînsent, intending fa rantit; however, the fact romaine that hacbas got the cage. Marrled.-On Wednesday, ach 818t, ai the pareonage, by the Rev. 0. 'N. Dewey, Wm. Staley. of Halibnrl on. ta Savais Clark, eldeat daugbter of Mv Mark Clark of tbis place. May healtb and prosperity a;tend tbemn through lifs Mr.. Woa. Pickering, an old Zephyr boy, ie geing te start at hie business as barneesa maker in Chvisie'e aid standl, purehasing bis stock in the city an Satur- day. Theoe sbould b. soa bargains in harnais bore if campetition will scamn- pligh it, as vo h ave tva shape nov. Kostor's cireuler sav for cntting wood vas in opevation last voek on Mv. Hami Pickering's farts adjoining the village. It vas quite a ouviouity, a large nuzuber visitiu it taose it vovk du-iug the day. Scott'e tbvesbing englue furnisbed the power, cutting blocks upvards ta 12 inch - es as fast as tbree meu coula thvow thons avay. It is Mv. Keater's ovn invention. aud vhat ho can rot thvongh his head in tbat lino is a caution. * Mv. A. Conlt;on, wbo for s nuniber of vears bas badl pnssessian of Mv. Kester's 2M0 acre farm ou the 2nd concession. bau secnred a âne favus in -Markbaoe tovis s hip, near Unionville. aud took posses- sion an Tuosday, April 6tb On Wed- nesday, March 81. a largo numbor of the neigbbors and frieuda gatbovod ai bis vo- sidence bore aud presouted bum witb an arm chair sud hie vife vith a rocking chair, acconspaniod w-ltb au auidresa resd by Mr. W. Weîdon sud signed on behaîf of hie frieuda by Meue. e. Burahans and Wm. MoLsod, practically îeatiMyig ta the good vil! existing- tovard thons, sud tho esteero lu wbich thoy ave held by ain lihiis community. SCOTT) PUCMPMÂEB: WHITBY. (Samcccssov- Io H. 7UzmPson.) The Subscriber bas again cpened businez a here. Hi. office vil! be ai E. R. Blow's eelegraph office, factory at Mvi. Nevbery' s bouse on Brock Street, seuils. Nev Pums manufactured and old Pumps. repaired.. Firat clas materlal used snd vork warrant- td. Wells dug or cleaned out. Order.o sclicited. H. -SCOTT, Feb. 14,1895. Wbitby and Oîbava NEWW UiSÏ frMEE.TS L t r t a H. ,,i irf r n i iir li Debit- Amm(unt paid in '95 for steers sold in '96-------------. Expenditure fn '96, less haIt af superintendent's salary whic-h was paid for wark of instruction and looking after studenta-----------. R lEND, jr "PENY W'E PoND OOUISH. _ Md Pound o hèpoo waka tbn atdmaker dm caU veeriuymagasqanda porbicyclisa conutant sourceof revenue to the bikxrPab mrnaa.I&UlicycIes Eratford RED 9189, a carefuiy fraving the factory, tbtc ydcrepsir mam wS ould san b c xndt, bu4 unfo- tuately, they art oot and lic contimnu ot thrive and mudtiply in numbems To ride thecatir e ason withmut a cent for rpas is the rulcwfth RED BIRD rier. The Goolci]Bicycle Co., LtcL, - Brantford, Ont.* AICES orontco nt. St. John4NB. Syrdney, Australia. Montreai Que. Waipeg, Man. Capetown, S. Africa.* Poiihetture., C.un.O .iUGS adC ..ii eLnD ba. i in .a s o rt ii-W . Q. Mc mb. i- .C. . Hrrrv, h&nus,% 523 Y'onge St, Torounto, writes: -As a&tenea oîbsd lung .yn P I'y . Pm%" allmai=UL nvuiualA.fsaiou. i 111- thve l.utod*UsQU " tail wh. ha.411.m "flvIng ajakauum tO 8 of m benoûti dedr'd from Ilte uneittr farnIlla Ih ls wultalale for aid oryouug. beiug pimanut te tete. tstsuale wthe hanbemwandefni. and 1 =n aliwavscmtn I l s a n"tesuà reilabi. e gh medk.uino lamoae Ste. es c".. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO.. L-v. Sole Proprictoru MONTR".L It i.sRaid that nt the approabing eonvocat. ion of Qrîeen'a Uni versity, Lady Aberdn viii b. made au L L D). SG ive Th. enly food the that will build Baby up a weak cons- SChance allYbut sureiy i: Martin's SCa rdinal food~ ea simple, scientific and. highly4 *nutritive preparation for infats delicate chilcfren and invalids. 'W'W'lu, 'YW ATW O -00- -a.-us-a-

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