Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1897, p. 8

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tut0f tron tic.l OSHAWA, APRIL 9e,1897 OSIIAWA PAGE OS1RAWA- Fsrters will do well to cal at M. E. Msy's for boys' ready made clothing. Mise N Edmondson bas gone to Toronto to reside. MeusiLttle and Porter paid Toronto a ifiylng visit last week. Mr and Mrs S Woodford returned t0 their homo in Detroit on Saturdav. Miss Eva Wilson reurned from her Tor- 01110 visit last Thursday. Miss A Trenough, of Bowmanville, is vsiting rhiatives in iown. Mrs T Sheridan and MIrs Geo Stevenson visited la Toronto last week. Mr Thomas, of LRyton, visited with his aunt, Mis Rowvse. ibis week. Miss Tena Hobhs returned (rom bler Pet- erboro visit on Thursday night. Mie Geo Royce, Toronto, je visiting her parents, Mr and Mre j Mackie. R A j Litile hau îoo fishing poles like the ones in front of bis window. Mrs D Stewart, of Winnipeg. is the guest of ber mother, Mre W T Dingle. Mise Knight. of Brooklin, visited witb Mise Carnie Bales for a few daye ibis week. On the 251h of tisi month the Oddfellows of Oshawa wlll bold tbeir anniversary. Mr j Bennett, of Pickering, visited with bis father, Mr W Bennett, over SundRy. Miss Louis Thomas has returned to Porti Hope to take ber former position in N B Gyould's dry gooda store. The boys and girls are ail interesied in the goode in R A j Little's window. Bails, catching gloves, skipping ropes, fish lines, etc. We are glad to sec thst the town is having tbe treets cleaned up. This will maire it possible for bicycliets to travel witbout run- ning In tbe sidewalks. Chief Hoover han been instructed -by the counicil to prosecute ail those found riding bicycles on the. sidewalks, and we under- stand tbe chief will rigidly entorce bis in structione. Next Tbursday, l5th of April. tbe 34th baut. band will give another of their enjoy- able dances in their rooms over the Doniin- ion Bank. The orchestra bave secured sev cral new pieces wbicb tbey are practiing for the occasion. On Friday last Mr Mallory tcbok a ]nad of friende to the laite to hear and Fee Mr. Bisbop offer for sale a ten year privilege of the restaurant. A lease was not efiected and consequçntly Mr Mallory will again conduci the affair. Tbe firet biecIce accident of tbe season happened on Saturday night iast, the victim being a young son of David Farrell. He 'was run into and rendered uncoîîscious by a lady bicyclist. For some days the young lad was seemingly of deranged niind, but is now almosi oui of danger. Tbe town suiboriies bave been ver% lenient to bicycliste herefofore and the latter bave abused ail the privileges bestowed upon themn. For tbe recklessness of a few ail riders of wheels in Oshawa wilI bave ta suifer the consequences. Some people ap- iparently do not know wbeu tbey bave a good thing. We bave qlready îbougbt ibat every intel- lectual person took to composlng poetry in the spring, but the balmy weather bas acted on Bro. Munday's brain to such an degree ihat be Fbas sctually taken to composing con- undrums. Keep right on Bro Munday snd remenber practice maires pefct.L The ladies of Oshawa have re-organized the golf club for the present year. The ihto ilaîv. AThelIion -#re tho The wteelmcn met aittce Reformý club rooms lest Friday ta do sonie business con- eceted vitb the executive meeting ni Toron- toeon Good Friday. Chas Mundy vas ap- poinied representative and lnstructed ta vote for Chatham for tte annuel imeet for Dominion day. Ttc Vindicaton scribe vent up ta sec wtat kiud af an inquisition it vas ttc Grite kept up there. Thons vas no odor cf bnlmstonc but vs dld gsi a suiff lime as ttough there migbt be a cockroacb or tvo asut. Otherwi!w ttc indications verstat tbe Grits are fairiy gaod bouse- keepers.-Vindicator. The Ru-ChiefHaluan. Aa the business af ttc tewn council drew te a close Monday nigbt, Mn Punston.nee in bis place and said te bad a littii pocai te vwouid like ta read to Mn Halnan. Tte Mayor invitod ex-chief ta nau upper sent lu tte sanctuary wten Mn Punstoo rend tte folewing:--To MR Wli H.sx.NMe. A large number cf cur citens, aid nesidents ef ont towno.one desirous uf'prescanlng ju lt a ellght teken of their appreclation of jour long sud fatbful service as Chief Constable. They.can remnember ttc stts cf ttings tbat cxistcd hcn you finat îeok office. Rowdyism vas raqartot such su extent that thte pub- lic safety vwas postIvely sndancered. To I our uaioue&niduntirlng efforts vs stni- :teiteg recfpencesd order vticb voe iow possoso a as yen are nov vishfil 0 u Yo~usyeyamsofýtrelngz.xPérleeete oek maoere tfuti and eossenfl i ,mpluuymoni wts hi kitira ugbtto e-9 jow saeeptance ofthis imaR ltolicuout sestei eas n-a dieatiqus thât. jouir pctlaod .-e tÏlYalservice bu ad Ita ue é4pree.tiosL .-Trustlng that y..su msy idpo4ce anidproëperfty In jour upcw*wployment '*sd'i tt i ju mv ln of' u (0Vt9oWt,_Wé:w9 Iw Mn Harry Lang, Motreal, was la townj lasi week. R L Dewar, Detroit-spent a fcw dals witb bis cousin, F A Dewar. Mn Ryley ieft last Tuesday to commence bis business as a drummer. The Oddfeilows cf Oshawa willI boid thelr annivensary on April 25th. Mr H Lang,, of Monîreal, visited witb rela- tives i town lasi week. The wheei club wii meet to-nigbt, Frlday, at thein club rooms to ôrganize. Rev j S Wilson and Rev G M McCoIl ex- changed pulpits last Suuday merning. Miss Tille Robinson, Toronto. speni Sun- day witb ber sister, Mrs Wm Jacobi. Miss Tillie Robinson, Toronto spent Sun- day wlth ber sister, Mrs Wm jacobi. Mn R Dewar, of Detrout, spent a ev days wiîh bis cousin, Frank Dewar this week. Mis Duncan Stewart, nec Dottie Dingle. is home on a visit from Mordan. Manitoba. Dr Harrison, of Tgnonto, head physician ton the Woodmnan ou tbe World, is i town in the intereste of the onder. The Medcall niethodlet churcb vili cele- braie ts annivensany next Sunday by askiug for a special tbank-oflering. There is a scarcity of fish ir. the creeks about Oshawa sud it is thougbi that there is a net in the moutb of the creek. The young ladies of the Sodaliiy of St. Gregorys church are making arrangements ta hold a fancy (air shortiy after Lent. Corp C Bruni (romn Capi Griersonsa comn- pany, Oshawa, left ibis week to taire a course of instruction in the C schooi of infan- tny. Mise Jennie McLaugblin bad to return to ber hume it Tyrans. being unable to attend ber echool duties tbrough having muscular nheumatism. There are ioo membere now belonging to the McLaughlin carrnage companys cm ployees iMutual Benefit Association. Dr. Hoig wae electcd ph> sîcian. Died At Carberry, Man., on March 3tst, 189-1 John Robertson. fifth son of Mr aud krt, Alex Robertson, Brock et., Oshawa, aged 37 years and 9 monîbe. In Darlington, on Sunday, Apn 4th, 1897, Ella Loutea Ross, beloved wile of Wm N Pascoe, aged 32 yrs. and 7 mos. In East Whiiby, on Monday, Apr 5th, Racbael Lukes. relict of the late John Rund le, aged 63 years 4 MOS. Town Concil. Met Monday night. Communications were read (nom the Board of Trade and cor- poration of the Soo as.ing co operation inî petitioning tbe governmeni to impose an ex- port duty of $2 per cord on the pulp wood of Canada. It was moved ihat the mayon on bebaîf of the couacil aiguribe petition After consîderable discussion the motion was carried. Sir Donald Smith asked for a few views ofîthe town to be used in adver tisîng Canada. Mr Edmondsun called the attention of the counicîl îo the fact tbat Pros peci Park beîng thrown open to the public cost a greai deal more for repaire, and ask ed police proieftion and exemption (roui taxes ibat the town mnighi stîll retain the park for free use of tbe ctizens. The matter was referred to the finanSce commitiee. A proposiin was received from Nir Chas Dingle of Toronto ta put down granolitk waiks in Oshawa. The cosi would be 14c per foot witbouî a curbetone. The matter was discussed ai some Iength. The streets cormititee was insiructed.to ask for tenders for sireet watering. The curfew bell by- law wss canried sud will go înwo effect on April 15. It provides ihai boys under 14 anîd girls under 15 years of tige shah be oi- the streets afien 9 p m. The ftance com mîttece odered the payment of several ac- counts. Messre Dyer, Griersori sud Ross were appointed a court of revision. Some discussion took place regardiug uniform for ire brigade. The street committee recom mended the purchase of a road ruiler and asked for permission to ask for tenders fur the same, also for a drain un Bond 5trect at a cost Of $75- The committee aise asked permission ta lay down a block of roadway such as proposed by Mr Campbell. Liberty was granied. A, motion was made to in- truct the îelegnaph and electrie ligbt people to move their poles back in liue wîth tht. ebade trees. The Vindicator is etill barping away in giving vent to tus deiigbt over the exploits of the towu constable. As the Vîndicator is usually gi ven to the wbolesaie ceudemnation, we doubt not that ibis constable would bave been piaced under tbe bann of its wratb long ago, only that Hoover redeemned hlm- telf in tbe Vin's ides by interferîîîg wltb the editçir of the CHRONîCLIC. Rigbt on wroug that rendened the constable a bero with a certain class of people. The Reformer was deligbued with the constables conduct in the malter, but vas not craxy enougb to altempi to de(end it on legal grounds. 0f course our case le exactly the same as very many ut bers, but the Vîn asys the ail take to il- legal bustltng like a dock ioes te vater. Three farmere bave ststed te us that ttey wiil qot visit Oshawa tw be again harased by ibis constable. We bave beard of many othere. Lasi peck tce Vin. sald that Police Magistrate Mifrton had found law te back tse constable. We called upon Mr. Murtan and lie denied IL. then vs visited ttc Vin- dicaton office. wben Mn Nicholson vas (arc ed to admit that bedid not know urtetber or not Mn Muton bad said se. This week the1 Vin. makes out that lu was te CHRONîCLE that spnead the fuasbood about Mn Murions discovery of law. Then the VÏiin. inds up by quotlng ttc vagrant iaw as justification of Hoove's conduct. Heur many cf the farmers fronithe stowntship and residents cf Oshawa titis vagnant clause mav apply te ws leave the Vin, sudtose lnterested ta deteninine. Mr Nicholson gave us te under- stand that thc constable's tustiing was te go on, law or no law. He said the constable tad to hustle business men in order te jus- tify timseif in drîving pour men ofi tte pub- lic strees. We doubt net that the wtele trouble arase eut cf the ignorance of te towu cauncil in appolnting an incxperlsneed man, and then lnstructlug hlm te do ail sorts cf illegal things. We understand titat thse council beiieved teir appointes conld iegally do aaytbing ttey iissructed hlm te do. Thus those urtese business is te protect the public and enfonce tse lave, sougbt te perpetrate a grnose nt of tyrauny sud out- rage, sud te beconse urblesale violators cf lav tbrongbtheir officiaL 0f course tce public rebelied, but had te go eut of towu te fid a nsvspaper wtidh wouid champIon the poeople'& igts, sud te point eut that lit vas tte counicil that vas trausgresslng te law, and net tlf people, who vere heing driven off the str&tts for ne senslible reason. 9 U. VICKBET, barmber Sme etreel BEÃ"KS LVETSso. estretomrlb. wM, OLP, har»"smakag, 5txiieo stS L . EOTEBUESIr ,butelier, ID Slsi Du. PaoeWuueoNDeuils; OMMleeMovr' ovu' W. B. Jra (uriAetobéiie ulie. LIfe A&"Ume@ os .. Agete vaute4 WLaUX J. la,Doion u4 , term LoneAtswsOe, <IlvS ng.aebo n IS At the annual Sunday scboel meet- ing Friday evenîng the feilowing effi- cers and teachers were eiected: Supt, J acob Stevens; asst su pt, Wm Folev; sec'y, Ernest Folev ; treas, J D Stevens; lîbrr.rian, M Mtînday, sr. Teachers: Bible class, Wm Foley; intermediate classes, Geo Power, W C Frank, Mns C Frank, and Miss Hester Power; primary classes, Fred R Foley and Mrs Wili Snovdon. EOWOCANVILLE The Bowmanville basebail club, champions of the Midiand district, or- ganized Friday night. wiîh the f ellow- ing officers: Hon pres, F H Mason, pres, R R Hoskin; sec-treas, C B Kent, manager, A J Bennett; captain. C McCluug. Out of twenty-two games last seaon oniy îhre vere lest, The club wants a good catcher. Chief cf Police Hoover and Mr. Chas. Good man, cf Oshawa, visited thîs tovn Weduesday. Oshawa's chief constable is a fine looking specimen of manhood and vili certainly be able to deal vith ail who transgress the lav in our sister tovu. At a meeting of the Bovmapville la- crosse club on Mai-ch 26. the fellowing officers vete elected :-Prms A Mit- chell; vice pres, Frank Mason; sec- treas, F Furze; mauaging committee, Messrs. Furze, Fisbleigh, Kent and Buden. A movement is on foot to organize au Amateur Camera club in tovn. We hope that sueit a club may bc formed as amateur photography is growing more and more in favor the-worlo-ve. it affords greater attraction than al thie arts heretofere Introduced in popu- lar ferra, for vhile it auswçrs . tiljy the requirements of mechanical taste, ît of- fers constant opportunities for the ox- ercîse of other inteilectazal qualtie.- Statesman. Mr. Thoi. Pascoe caed on trzends here this week. Miss Weeks, Oshawa. visited,<t Mr. J.Armour's iast week.- .Miss McLean, Biackstoclc,. wamguent of Mrs, Webster, her aisntreceutuiy. Mrs. McGowan, who hasbeem visit- retrned to. Oakvilie. "Sunday morutinthe îdw#eUiog >tu î0î Mrs. J.Pieui 9 4~m4t ] ront fit vAS eutt re, cd7.ciY zoum MWI24palatter Md deowslîov. Derier ZsAMBs ?ULoW, dealer in etome, fs.os,àt"- vue.,e. Lurge stock kept oonsteatly on hand. Jobblng as*pcialty. Simoce sreet nonh1. là- K.-NMY5TON, B. A. - Baurster, Bollollo, Noisiy Publie, oaveysncer, &o. Money te lend. Office over Dominion Bank, bimooe Street, Oshawa. X.. -MÂL-abeler in Grocerles, Fancy Chias, Crookery, Tinware, »ud Fancy (tooda. Pure Tessusnad Coffees. Boys'. resdy made suite à specwaty--very oheap. MaLT DBuos - Watohmakers aud Jewvoes Deslers la watohes, clocha, jewelery, £11,8?- ware, spectscles, etc. BE ntg, gold sud oliver plsting, sud old gold rinus made aven. Fine watch, luck, sud jewelery repatingas apeaiiaty. DNMNIUK]L&EN. A great deal of sickness still prevails. Miss Rorke is very iii at tbe par- sonage. Mr. A. N. Mitchell. Toront.o-Varsity is home a short time reading for'his ezam. Mrs. W. J. flavey, Mr. T. N. Davey. Wbitby, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. jardine. Osbawa, Mrs. Hare, St. Catharines, Mrs. jacobs. Blythe. Mr. Robert Syl- vester, Lindsay, attended the funeral of their relatives, Mr Robert Sylvester, and son Everett. One of those tryirîg and sad events that a kind Providence occasionally permits to. rend the heart strings of tbose immediately interested and stir up the intense sympathy of a commun- ity for the bereaved has just occurred in what was the happy home of Mr and Mrs John Sylvester. Tbe eldex4 son son Everett was taken Eeriously tilt with inflammation of the lungs and pleurisy sonie îbree weeks ago and for a time his life was despaired of. Just when the first severity of the symptoros abated. his father worn out with ani- iety and watcbing took a severe cold and was also taken down with inflam- mation of the lungs. For the first few days the disease apparently rau a favor able course. when it became camplicat- ed by a severe attack of acute jaundîce. and terminated fatally on Friday, April 2nd, after ten days illness. The littie boy died on April 4tb leaving the be- reaved wife and motheî almost frantic witb grief over tbe loss of ber loved ones. The remaining little boy aged about 8 years realized tbe loss of bis beloved father and brother most in- tensely. The remains were laid side by side in Bowmanville cemetery on Monday, April Sth. Maple Gre Mr Robert Adams is moving to Capt Crawford's faim. Miss Ethel Power has gone to Port Hope where she bas a situation. Sucr-essful wood bee and thimble party at Mr S C Rundle's Friday after- n oo n Visitors.-\Ilsses Eva Annis, Edith Kirby and Pearl McGill Oshawa, and Mr C Haskili, Port Hope. Mr Geo Tremble bas moved on to his new farro and Mr Sam Forsytbe is moving into the bouse be vacated. New division officers are :-W P, Jacob Stevens; W A, Miss Minnie Spry; R S, Ernest Foley; A R S. Mrs C Axford; F S, M Munday, sr; Treas, XVîilJetlrey; Chap. Wm Foley; Con, C Worden: A C. Miss Gertie Stevens; I S. W C Frank; O S, Miss A Cole. seveîal n'en around here who have paid eut hundreds and tbeusands of dollars and then dropped eut of the concern, but the departmentals gel the blamne. SOLINA We congratulate Mr M W Pascoe on passing bis third year exams at Trinuîty MIedicai Coliege.j Mr John Stotr bas resumned opera- tions at Mr Tom's carpenter shop. Mr Thos Baker, C C. visited the farm of Hen John Deyden last week with a view of purcbasiug Sbortborns. Mrs W N Pascee died Sunday after- noon after a lingeriug iilness. TYKRONE1 Mrs Curtis. sr., is very ill. Mucb sickness iurks around. Mr R A Pbiiip is sick a& bis father's, Whitby. Mis Jessie Hambly, Port' Hope, is visiting ber sister. Miss Scott, Mr and Mrs J Mutton have the sym- pathy of the comtnunity in the bs cf their littie cbild. Frosting the windovs of the cburch and kaisomîng the vestry are some more worthy features in ladies' aid work. E AUPTON Miss Annie Gibson and Miss Jennie Ward vere at Toronto last veek. Miss A 1 Wnrd and Mr C H Bur- rovs spent Sabbath ai. Oshawa. Newly elected céfcers Rising Star division No. 167 :-%W P. T J Clarke; W A, Miss L Salisbury, R S, Miss I L Allin; A R S, Miss E W Cryderman; F S. 0 J Clavorthy; treas, C Johns; Chap, Miss A Ruse, Con, F M Cry- derman: A C, F T Allia;-. 1S. Miss A O Kerslake; O S, W R* Gibson; P W P, C H BurrOWS. Dr. Ândre, Beaver.Rai.Montreal, wnites: 4For buruseand mretit is rsaly far better than acy remedy 1 know of;- it is miii d ad ae $0 ume, and it malos Ȉ splendid pieuter. Wher. su Anodyne is donna rntght b. dangeros, a $Quiekeure', -Ca S"q 4Sy aioulafit. 4*stkogre Ibi a=: 4000 Spnioe Trous Formsaie. From 2 to- 5 feet Mhi. Twlce transplanted. $z per zoo. Also 2ooo apple t5e 2 years troim the graf t, niostly Improved vaieties. Apply ta S. C. WILLSON, Home Nureries, Picketlng, _ï miles west of Whitby town, Wbilby P.O. Match 29tb. '97-18 6in. WANTEDLLIGNT ME want ta better temr positions, and wou!d be con- tent for a ,ear with $600 and expenses. Wrise us, wihb dlscriptlon and occupation, and we will make a proposition for now or the future. Also needed, reliable men for Australia. Wrfte ta- day, for we ar-e In a hurry. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmond St. West. Toronto, Ont. WitTEVALle..4 Mr John Larkln intends building a new bouse this suminer. The section seems te be swarming with quiiting and wood bees There bas been quite a bit of sucker fishing this spring with varying success. Mr Thomas has-been making a great quantity of mapie syrup cf A i quality. Mrs Coulter bas moved into the bouse across (rom the Baptist church. Two applicants were received into the methodist church on Sunday nigbt last. Mr Albert Major and Thomas Nolan were at Whiîby lasi week doiug jury work. 1 Miss Lily Besse is home (rom To- ronto with ber parents. She wiil re- main tili after Easter. Mr Frank McCoy bas gone to Mich- igan, wbere he bas secured a good posi- tion in a marble establishment. Mr A E Major, R B Vardon, David Turuer, Mrs W S Major and Hugb Pugh was in the city last week. Mr W B Hagerman bas been spend- îng the winter in Buflalo and else- wbere, and has returned home. Mr Malcolm of Cedar Grove bas been busily fitting up the basement of the remaining barn on the Taber place. Mrs Ibos Todd bas moved into Mn. W Brock's bouse, and Mr S B Lyonde han moved inte the castie at tbe end cf ch urch st. Mr Jacob Turner bas taken posses- sion of the farm lately worked by Mr. John Meore. Mr Moore bas moved on the farm of M rs Taber. Last week Mrs Alex Armstrong fell on a sharp piece cf vood whîch rau into ber ankle and required the services of the doctor for several heurs to get it out. The wound is now doing nicely. The methodist choir intends holding a social at the church on Goed Friday for the purpose cf getting new music bocks. A good tea will be served in the basement, after which a splendid programme viii be given. Mr Donald Beaton is desirous of se- curing a good tenant on tbe old Beaton homestead. It consists cf about i 2 acres of good land, an.d a good com- fortable house. It wili be a chance for some one who does net like toc big a (amni te work. We belleve there is a good opening here for some one te drive a stage te the city once a week to Lyive people a chance to stop. We notice that other places are doing the same thing. Peo- ple who bave once bougbt in the city wiii not be satisfied te buy anywbere else even though railroad rates are raised, and we do not believe that tbe department stores borts towns and vil- lages any more than the so-caiied life insurance companies. We know of See These Prices:-V"l Boys' Heavy LAced Bootis, pegged soles, izes lic 5 ............ Boys' Pegged Laced Boota, lined round tbe, sizes 1 te 4 ... 95C 75e Men's Fine Caîf Needie Gaiters ... $1.2e5 Childa' Button Bootsa a 35c, 50c, 75C JOHN BA LE, Simcoe Street. O sIlaA-W -& O all at PELLOWS, and see bis Wrought Steel -AT- $50.00. Aiso bis COAL OIL and OAS STOVES -FROM- 95-50 tO $25-000 This Man- VOL. XIL1, Sp ring T YOU WILL, HEu a Dose of PRINTER'8 ISE In E ye. We hire a space in this paper and pay the printer for putting ink on i1. Then if the ink strikesjcour eye, we have accomnplished- our object- The more printer's ink we get ini your eye the better for our business. You se the point. We want you to read our ads., and we want youn trade. Get our prices, we are offering BARGAINS in ail lines. See our large assortment of RINGS in ail styles, at ail prices, for ail people. You are wanted by BOYDDp The Jeweler and Watch Specialist. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, N. B.-Watch our Window for Snaps. Grand Trunk ]Ry. Easter Holidayis PARES-Single Pirst-Class. COING DATES-Tickets tnay be sold Tuesday, April .5h, to Monday, April i9th, 1897, inclusive. FINAL LIM lT-Ail tickets gaod to retarn leaving destination flot later titan Tuies- day, April 2oth, 1897. SCHOOL VACATIONS-Tickets wiii be issned to pupils and teachers of scitools sud colleges ai first-clase returu tickets beiween ail stations in Canada at one way first clasa (ai-e and one thii-d, on surrender of standard certificates, forim 260, signed by the Principal. Tickets good going (romi Sainrday, Mai-ch 2tt îo Saturday, Apri- 711, 18W7, inclusive, and good to return ieavingr destination mot later titan Tuesday, Apr 27tb, 18W, inclusive. BAGGAGE-Airsiîgements have been made to check baggage thi-ongi from The Oshawa Ry Station to af points. For ail information caîl on or write t0 OSHAWA. 1 R. C. Carter, Agt. Barns Cost Mone-y to bildand iU o cytereplace. -Paint 'enzand save 'cm. Paint of titie ighî sort, car%-. "ulY uscd, will give-good ýreturu on tht inveat- ment.* The bai-n viii tst- longer sud kIo*- better. Lum ber that bas beconie veatfiet betn sbegiungte decay. Good paint closes the pores f tewood, stops decay, and preseethe structure. CR&030TE P419T jete best bar-n paint. Tt u tmade for- nueon coa graincd woods. It is geod for bar-ns, rous, aud feuces. -The colorsaraie righ4t te peintisrig i t as cononical. If yeu are ln doubt as te the best peinte te nue for bath tubs, cha is enpboards, shelves, baseboards, buggies, boats, ploya, wagons, fooes. bouses-for auy a'utableiug nder thest-sond for- Pltussi h ia a bock fore h keepansd tueoue ité%liwatiýo pitand bad paint, vhc te paint, sand 1 Atepeit, l'ea &b#ndy_ bwkfoiranyoneoohave. Itkafre. Sendà;huit t"&o.dV Fobokt a&-=igS. nti e Set, MouUseai.î Diamond JJyes, Turkish Dyei Echî The latter at 2 ctý:. Moth Camphor,_ Gum Camphi .Ho'usehold Large Bottie 10c., i A. H. AIl CHEmisT & DRUJ WHITBYO WJNDMI --oxo- GeO. Alliu. Sells the Gent ÀkERMOTOR, Iniending purchasers shou~ miii before piacing their ordi an agenît put an imitation on can gel the Geruine Aeî'nu, zalvaniîzed, and warranted, f More ai these mi lis sold in than any other maire. Thi dlaim thry seil anc hall the.r, miii outfits sold in the world tilme. Mr. Wiiliamson, of (ira-nuy outfits duriag the past the Ail styles of Wood andi sale. Any information regardirn wiil be freely gîven by enitin - GEO. Feb 7, 1897-6mo. WcSTEIU BkNK Capital Authorized Surplus I BOARD 0F DIREC JOHN COWAN, ESQ., Preside RzuBaN S. HA.MLI'1, Es9 T. H. MICMILLAN, - General Banking Busin Drafts issued, payable in -à ada, United Stateg, and on land, payable in ail parts per cent. aliowed on Savig Special attention to Fariner' sale notes. E. D. Manager cfi 1 xeoutor'8 8aIe or -Re8idence. There vili te offcred for ~ uctien, at Woodrnff's Hol S2o'clock, p.., ou- 'SATU i 7th, 1897, part of the reni es RICHARD COLLIN9, decease i. That desirabis brick. resui ing village, uneai-ly nov, au( tion. 2. Tite R]M Richards Base Lin., Pickering,- cent acres, part -of UL& N&.-4; This sale yul aifordýan ux6Es ity to ebtalu cubher a most dence or fart. Now.istk when property là selling terme of payment., Foi- part of Lzvi F-A1RÉîKs, nuctfi * HARr, Esq_. F. J. Riclamm V. RICHARDSON, Esq., J. Q.C., or Dw& McGmul- Wbitby. W NTEfl-SEVMRÂ Men or Wo7 nteý spousible establishd an Salary $780, payable $ir5 pens. Ptoifion pcrmae Enclose seif-addressed sa Te NatinaStar Building, FOR 84L£1 A ûddriving boSuoei- Aiw-ffd-, Ar e ,AIse Your Price and Size That's aIl vs vaut ta know Botit Foot sud Pnrse can be fitted satis- factoriiy, and it ie impossible ta gei better vaines than ve give.

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