Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1897, p. 4

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Theêre are maiiy things to be bought in FOR INSTANCE Cold Crem, Carnphor Ile, Csinphor and Moth Camphor. These and a. nnmber af Toilet prepara- ions are right ini season now and then there are a hoat of things thari dlaim al aeasona for their own and which we can supply bettor than any other store inc town. We niight mention amoeg the" e Hair, Tooth, Nail and Bath Brushes, Tooth Powders, Oombs, Sponges, Etc. J. E. WIL LISf CHEMIST &DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, A BROOK ST., W WHITBY.1 WHITBY, APRIL 9),18971 Short Notes. Ih s unneccasar>' to aay to aur readees ntsc bere abat bhc weathec bas been unaci- bled and bleak bere tibis week. Still spring is fasi developing. If Oshawa bad the Pen->' castle ve daubt nul thatitilwonld be tmmcd ia oan bospital this yenr. What la the matter wlth Whiîby ? Have ve net a wemltby person vbo cantpe- ent bbc place ta ihe tove ? ltii. ai preseni probable ihat about fifty farina in the counnîy ai Ontario will not b. tilled thia yeac. We knov ai about one- fouctb ihai number af places ibat appene to be seeking lu vain foc occupants. 1f levee farmees vert in a tighb place ta de- cide a question il la ibis year. The Dingley dutiea on grain would aein ta b. prohibitive an eve, ythlng going ta the UnitedI States. Barîcylas a i bing not ta be thons-ht ai, and fnncy peasavil! also be mflcctcd by the duty issposcd. The pea gravera ou the Amer- ican aide have farvarded a great deal af seed here for distribution but are nov afraid to e ici houata ofarinera. 0&evaIn I -~ t I t- I ~ J, i A k - I ç ~ V a pou*~ Mpile. botter or- a -dosen frmah eggm from' a thrlfty farmer'. wl(e. A poor- article Ilaa outisa w rd,,<rom a- st finish. If producer wifon uypr quallty ai po*erty plu, p1ui cg pect to oeigood quaillty at good Pîiine. The world la bccomteg ltgardly, and mean, and maleemaly and boaaangly se. Until sucb tisse as people broadmi their ideaà and lenru te, live and lIl4v, ther.» la no prospçrity éhead of ns. W. wýrite as we feel, and thame wbe yull not learn fronm argu- ment will ncqjûre knowledge from ahe mnch more costly and -dangerous enia of cx- perience. The world cannot go on as la la a ecring ai present. Town COUaci. Met Monda>' eigbt lu tbe absence ai the mayar Reeve Priagle tuok bbc chair. A letter vas rend from Mrs Pale>' askieg for a aidewalk leading ta ber bouse. Tffe FIGUT cOMMENcRs Immediately epon bbe order fer s-encrai business belng called, Can Jackson jump- ed up with fluahed face and mnoved ta re- cousider the report of tast meeting appoint- ies- Chief Constable Catverley as watcbms.n. This vas mgrced ta unamnional>'. The can- cil then as-ai. reaolved itself i eto commit. tee ai tbe vbole toaga-aie deal with tbe mabier, Then commeuced a scene ni oece amunanmd ridiculoua. Since lm meet- ing of council, Can Jackson bad formed a combinaîjon ai six membera -Jackson, Blow, Smith, Roboon. Crosby, Scott ta np- set Calverley'a appoietment: but as bbc membera for thte ortb yýard could not sec tbeii way clear ta bçlp ta aipset tbeiî neig- bor ai $î8o ie the Intereste of a sautb vàrd man who vaeted $36, la vas agreed le their little secret conclave and ne oath pnssed bhat bbc position vas ta b. ndvertised for. As Poon as the council resumed cammittee of ihe whale Cocu Jackson moved te erase Calverley'a naame andI order that au office be appoiuîsd by tender. The reeve said bis conld nal be legally done, as bbe law expressly states that no municipal office, &hall be tendered for, Can Bewetl moved bhat Wm McCourt'a name e oinerted ai a salary of $r8c. There vas a long argument 'ver the point raised by the reeve, andthebb ininute badtI t be produced and rend, whicb proved the point wetI taken. Ie bbc mean- time Jackson, Blow andI Smith vrere yack- ing bard agaiesi their moubb yard mae 10 arry oui ibeir casi iran secret oath ta put p the place b>' tender, tor there waf no ther way ai keepieg Scott, Crosby' andI Robson in lune. Soon Crosby bes-an ta how signis ai ralies-g, aud finalîy ditI vote with tbe other part>' le favor ai MeCouit, which caried Bewetî's motion. Yens- Bewell, Priegle, Hayad, Noble, Leke, rosby: nays--Jackson. Smith, Robsan, cott. Thus the secret compact party vert nmpelled ta vote ta abulîîfy bbemnsetves Ld voie agaiest thele ove man. NOW FOR THE D[ETY WoEK. Coun Jackson bad been baffled i sd beaten Lbis ave game, andI icli that i msautde- canded revenge, ma be ai once sons-bt ta ait bis wratb on ChiefiConstable Calverley whome appointmenita bbcheadditions.] posa- ion af i s-b pabrol bas caumed Jackson so nuch trouble ie mind for ibret weeks. He novcd Ds.Iverley'a instants.ceona dismiasal. %e reeve as-aie book the s-round ibai Can ackson was ont of order, as a bylaw under eal cannot be repealed by a motion of ibis ort- Jackson appealed againstthe enlies-, ,d concillars Nuble,' Hayward, BeweIl, ,ke andI Smith voîed ta sustain the chair. bhile Scott Rubson, Jackson, Blow andI îosby voted bo defy bbe chair. The voie eiug even Can Jackson objected that lon Smith had Dal atood np ta vote, andI nother vote was taken, when be coubinued oFit but announced that he vated ta sua- in tbe chair. Thus Crosby had ratted rom Jacksou's clique on anc vote, and eaw cith had ratied on the'nert Canjack- on looked baffled andI furiaus, but bnd ta onteni himseli wltb a notice of a bylaw ineckies- tht Chief Coustable at neit eeties-. REPORT ON STREETS. Cane Smith rend a report ai bbe atreets cammitîce recommen ding paysstnts as fotiowa: _Jno McCari Ss.as, Win Happer $4 5, MCoffey sbovellies- snaw, Si, Jno Rabinson do 6o cia, Jea Falcy do 25 cia, Jas Heard 4o corda ai atone at $ 75 per cord, Si ta, W H Stone. breakies- 3 corda atone, $9. Thos Ramaismrapiegs- srcets Sî.o6. Jno FoIe>' do. o; cia. B Bai-i-ci do 88 cia. Jea Cannors do 6.1 cia, M Murphy do 6.î cta, W Asbby boadins- atone $3,52 Thos Per>' da S3.52, Tbos Devercîl 3 yds atone $.2 25, Thos Proctor loadins- atone $2.5o, R Collin breakins- 5 corda atone $irý, lobe Pote>'andI Timi Coceors breaktins- 12 cord ai atone $36, Chas Enstl>' andI Thos Rai-ris bi-takies- 5 cdm atout $15, Thas Wilson 5 corda 515, Aahby andI Ryle>' 5, 8 BScarlas 5SIS jas Smith $1,, jnaolravcner teamies- S17.7o cia. Jas Soden ica.nins- 5liWssHapper Sio. 5o, Snm Hus-hes $3.56, Jua Mcarl Sîa.8o. The report vas adoptedL PIRE AND WATEl Coun Jackson rend a report tram bthe fire andI watcr committee ai-de ries- paymeu t ai the followins- accounnia Hatch & Bro, buse, $ins Thos TomseS$12.4&. Tht report aise aked for pover ta take tenders for atrcet rapriekîlus- and ta lct bbc couti-et, andtI t pitrehase tva pair af rnbbei- boots fer tbe cng-îueer andI fireman. Trhe report vas adopted. RELIEF Cane Noble rend a report on reUef order- tes- payment as (olteva: Jua Bell bauUes- wood for relief 17; Thos Jenniea board of Mes Rice une month ta Aprit isi, 59; M B Jackson relief ta Trebeili$; coal ta Mx, Dooliable 52.83.- TUIE CUELFEW BELL Me Haywv-d gave notice thai ai nect meeting of councfilh. yl inti-oduce; a b>'- law ta pruv.de fer tht ries-uts of bbc tovc bell ai certain boues ai the day, atter vbicb ries-ms- il vil b. unlavful for children under certain as-es te rue at larg excepi vben accompanied b>' me aduit person havies- nethorit>' over tbem. Oc ntou of Ceaie Blow Wm McCourt vas paitI $30 for hie services as els-ht patrol dur-les-tht mectb a*March. Tht council then adjourned. mmsiWbitb7 Coeml Met Manda>' April 51k. Communications vexe t end froc, A W Farewell, D MoKa>' can- îy leeanrer, and j no Wadse. A peulion va receivedakins- tht coancil 10ope odbelveen lots x4 and rs. conu6& A committete vas ap- painted îo look ie lb.hematter. lThe follovins- vas ordered ta ha paid : Gco E Movbray for asessingtownship 87o, Indigent acomnt 132.50, ronds andI bridges $37.z7. Ovescers cf big>b vmys vote appainted ta complet. ibe liai-Nrot- ice vas given af b>'-lavm te appropriate more> fue ronds andI bridges for x897, and 10 appoit s collecter ai taxes for the curmulyea. Win Purvcs, CIerk WIattby Tewn L4ela On Aptnl gth ur. The date for the appearance of Mac>', ihe reovncd huffo-basso slsi-er, bbhee t-- er chans-edt t;dây, Aprl gui.- There vil be no dlsnappolenmentbth' zne,- This -la tbc chance to ebaa a truly great sles-,and the concert hall ai the 0.>L. C. mbl4b. ci-cyde te-oviewing. S- .rueved ai AIlI'a rn~stoe fi-25c. The eWàa* mbRifnad. MnoCucontemsplntles a tilp to the CGol route Vie DetWpt, Chtca» ê -ant &Pioi.t Mlimajeuny Vaîk accmpanleber intier te New-Yogkon pnday. The reins f MXster do. Itlcklngbc*i. tota, eldeu60*0 ai Bobs. O. ile&lngbotîom, V.S. Vancosavrer, BC, «ère lnterred le iL. presbyterlau cemetery on Wednumday. Rev. Radtord left lam Saturday for a couple of Smbbs.îba. Nexi Monday the prea. bytery bave ordered a congreg aional meet- ing' te consîder the advlmabillîy cf calling Rev. Radiord. Mrs. Jas. Balfour vent up ta Zephyr on Saturdmy tw je. ber daughter, Lillie, who bas been suffiring for over nine weckm vitb nervons prostration. She bopes ta se ber home witbln a moetb, Miss Hettie Smith, Scarboro, afler apend- Ing s. few daym vat irends and relatives le ihia vicliîiy, let for home Tbursamy marn- ing bu nurse the membera ai ber lninily wha are mnferlng wiah lagripp-e. Mc G Sa vage has moved ie bbtheresidence ls.îeîy occnpied by Wm Stevens, Sr. Mr W Ceozier bas moved in the bonse iormerly oc- cnpied by Wm Jones, and Wm Camsidy la moving enta Mes Menagh's farm. The concert ta ho gîven by the achoal on Tbnrsday evenlng, April i5th, promises ta be a gicai tient. The programme given at tbe 1ai entertainment ivas a prononnced ucceas, and thos. atbendin.-g the une on bbe eve before Good Frlbay wilI not b. disap- polntcd. Programme ta commence ai 7.30. Silver collection ai bbc doue. A s-ood deal of mavaus- bas laken place ie ibis vlclcity. W Penhall'a miaie ou Monda>' lasti vaa aucces iuever>' vay. Mr andI Mes Jos Town paid a riait ta ibeir dans-hier, lica S Baird. The grippe is taking quite s. holtI ou peu- ple arouud bei-e ai pi-tacet. We are mari-y ta sa.y bai Mes j Aslieg, formerl>' Miss Peat, is tyiug ai bbc point ai death. Mr Wm Raines bas left hie bans. le tbe village and maved an bbe fs.rm vbere Me j Maylon formerly reaided, but wbo bas now inaved ta Mi- D WcKay's farm. Tht Taylor- Bras. bave left here, almo Me. Gea. Cox, wbile jas Blakie>' ha. came ta ceaide Bie Mooaity.-Near EnSieltI, Apeil 3rd. 1897, tbc wile of Me jas Moure>', of a son. LAWDR-THfOMA.-At the realdence of bride'. father, March 3ist, 1897, by Rev. G. W MeColl, B A. B D. Mc Chas A Lander, of East Whitby, and Mim% Florence M., daugh- the of Mr Silas Thomas. of East Whitb>-. Go to Logan's, '-06».Pckerngp FOR PATENT IMDICINES. 25 per cent. beIow flrug Store Prices. Paine's Celery Compound. Hood's Sarsaparilia... Ayees' Sarsaparilla ... California Syrup Figs .. Pierces Med. Discovery.. Scott's Emulsion ........ Castoria....... Thomas' Eclectric 011. Radway's Ready Relief ... Wiîson's Baisam ........ Pilîs. I ..5C Pis .. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilîs.. Butter Color ............ Blood Bitters ............ Dodd's Kidney Puis .. 85C 70C 85C 40C 33C 20OC 20C Rochelle Salts ........... 45C W. L ogan, Pickering. 19-2U. BUTTER, EGGS and POULTRY OUR SPECIALTIES. Highest Prions Obtained. Returne ?romptly Made. Relerences. our shippers everywhere. Correspondence Invîted. PALRK, BLÂCKWELL 00., Ltd., 19 13in. TORON TO. FOR 8ALE. A tbirobrcdaallion four years old. Ap- ply tu MRS. M. E. MAY, Myrtie, P.. Flowerlng Bu/bs and 8eeda. A fnu line of the latest varieties uf Sweeî Peas ln 12 eparate kinda. Nnmed Tuber- ons Begonias, ie ail colors from Pure White ta Daek, Pink, Orange, etc. grand bulbe. Lilies, Tuberoses, Caladinnes, ec, large bulbe. GEO. BURCHETT, Florist. April 8, 1897. Whitby. FOR? SALE. dThe imported tborougb bred stallion "Trick."d Cheatout, left bind foot white, stands fifteen banda three and tbree quarter inches higb. Imporaed by present owuers. Ham provcd himmelf ure and grand breed- lng tire. Very bnrndsoîne, gentlansd sound. Leamlegton, Lexington and King Ban lood. Can under favorable circuin. stances earu hieef ou dunorne sommet. Would taire good drlvieg hors. ln pant psy. For ail information addresa, PERCY & YOUNG, APril 7, '97-in. Bowuanville. iboar (or Service Inzproved Yorkshire White Boar for ser- vice. The subscriber han purchased frow H. J. Davis. thce oted breeder of awunc, of Woodsîock, n First-class Boar for service. Sovoreigu Lad, -f45î,. farrowed oct. îsrt, 1896, bred- by a. J. Daivs, Woodatock, Ont. 2nd owsaer, Joseph Heard, Wbitby, Ont. Sire, King David -1689-, (bred by R. L. Burý- gesa, Burgeamuille Ont.,) dam. Oak Lodge Snowftake -azo7-, (brcd- by J,. E. Breiboar, Burford, Ont., by Oak Lodge »ikmond, (bled by J, EZ Brethour,) Snowllake mpredin dam,> nV. *0- by jacko (c Chnrnock's 1amtel(Imup.) -o>; bi or ley «ecrai Mb ,(s6g> igla ami (zU3). by Dutchnsan,-Yor Ibre Laa 48>, by jumbo ~,Llln yBillJ,-Pr% 1cs1 by Jumbo,-Ut--' -Reeie 2to ~ nt cau. WbItby tâm -. Tes, cah-JO. HEARDrpaéo. - *5'CÂTION May be neoessary when you are dealing withl people whom you cannot trust, but we have entitled ourselves to your utmost confidence, and if YOU corne to ut; with your Eyes Shut we would treat you just the same as though they were Wide Open. It is this knowledge which makes us believe that you stiil have stroeg, faith in our ability to please you. The House)-cleanîng Season, is now near at hand and with that object in view we have purohased an excellent assortrnent of UNION CARPETS, ranging in price fromn 30c. per yard. Meso a fine range of AIL WOOL CKRPETS, ini both 2 ply and 3 ply. We are showing a iQew assortrnent of TAPESTRY and BIRUSSELS CÂRPETS, with Borders to Match, and claim to have the best assortment of these goods'in the county. We also show CKRPET Also a Fine Assortment of--aumobp, W h/te and Cream BORDERING and CAIRPET LINING. Lace Curtaims. Sure and See Our Range Before Purchasing. AND.RE.W A. De FRASER, Mer chant Tailor. 7New ]Business. New Gooda, New Equipment The Subscriber has st.arted a new Merchant Tailoring house in Philp's Block, and is prepared to execute orders. Having fitted the people of Wlîitby with Suits for over 20 years, he looks confidently forward to, a liberal share of patronage. Goods will be what are represented and at na low a price as possible. A. D. FRASER, Whitby, April 8th, 1897. Fancy Whitby. Chi*na. A Large Stock of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Alway8 Groceries. Reliablee AT GIBSON'S. The Great- Wond.er. UNREBEUBVED, GIVING UP BUSINESS SALE OF ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Gooda,'Clothiug, Boots and Shoes, Fanoy> Goodo, Etc., ()oing on. Big crowds. igdb'a-gainsi That'8 right 50 Men'ps andi Boyd ltrsaý vecas Mon' Heay Fieze late0, 1ol ned, $4, regue$.0 Me.u'ait 0" « 6, regujr$2 Meu'a Ov'eroa&t8, veWret cociar, " $150, regular $7. Boys', Prieze Uisters, " $13759 regular 87.5o. By Oveàioôato 25,leua 5 Mesiid -iýW ur1, Cia 35 .p *gular7bc M.0 RSS. Here is a Good Thing. Variety the Larges/I1 -Quali/y thje Cizoicesi . Prices te Lowest. are the three points which lead the FURNITURE ta-ade. Re-upholstering done on shortest notice. E. J. JOHNSONI B rock St., - Whitby. TePhrenoline THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE I>REPAR4TIONS ON THE MARKET.- Pleasat,- Pure and Healthful. mmaiti Guaranteed bu Cure Rbeaamatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gont, and Neurals-i. A sure cure for Headache, Dixxi- imems, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilions ces, Bris-ht'» Dis- euse, Diahets, Paralysis, Couvul- I mae, etc., etc. Manfactured on Hou-or and sold on ment, 1sold an Whltb>' only b>' Col Rgo0 SILYER MOUNTI $1050. NEW -A T-- J.S.Barna Ciff ANI) OO&" ci ouaty Orgazi.-Larg& stn of MnW local paper lan FRIDÂY, APRIL 9. LOCAL LAO %Ir. W. J. Gbson, Toronto. in tOwf. Mr. Wmn. Hislop, Belleville, Iiiig on old friends. A numberof new bicycles hý chased in town this spring. Specials-Men's Box Calf Bc> black at Burns' New Cash bt Ms. Oic spent a-ew days l1 ing lber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. M. McTaggart, base again after weathering througl of(sickness. Mr John- McCullough. of neso College, Belleville, was Siunday last. Attend the Easter tea in church on the evening of Mon ,Admisson 5c. Miss Berta C Huyck, of Fra] agtudent of Toronto Conservat spent Sunday wth er fniend, R Decker., Next month ffeen prisonei erated frooe the Kingston Pen sixty-four frorm the Cen3tral in'mber alloweed their freedomW is the lagest record in many y Lord and Lady Aberdeen p, Whitby on the mail express Th ing, en rote for Rideau Ha cellencies had been in Torontc enthusiastic meeting in the Paý nection with the Victorian orde Complaints are made that m, lowed to men ivorking or te corporation than otheul equally fering to work fo. We are na Messrs McCarl and H-opper, w walks and we believe fully ea day. The oirgan recital. vocal mus in the methodist tabernacle on ing, next, wili be wortb beain M. Geiger, vocalists, tht Miý lecturer, Rev. C 0 Jobnston, Admission o ci. : childen hal recital begins pomPtlY ai 7.30- There will be a spendid-st iag beach east of the gap at ah year. The waves bave ceasý gravai on the beach. and are le tiful layoua of aand. Thosei bahe on thât pari of the beac vide bathing nts in advanc pepeshould fot be drive s ch aopportunitV. which is by bothW sexes at Oshawa ar .H.ALUIN, . DRUGOIET. GOODS. ed Sreg k~ Creg ooaIn f A vccy clever and able thinkec valked in- to bbe sanclum a wcek mgo ta argue vitb us about departnîtnial stores. He txpressed the viev ibal la vert better for bbe fariner andI mecbs.nic ta bu>' cbeap goods. "Let the fariner seit bis produce foc al be e au gel," said be, "and iben buy ta the besi advantage whcrevec he ecr. If he can do better buyîng in bis- concerna vhy abould noi be consider it bestauo do âo ?- "Whai would become of the bavens and villages ?" "Whaî need lie caee so long as be bas the city ssarke ?- At fical sighî ibis looks like good sound reasenins-, andI we have no hope ai convinc- ing sorie people abat ijais not se. Wc takre Ibis geound, hovever, tbat thece musi be a consumser as weIl au a producer. Deparî- ment stores are rue vitb bandsata starvation was-es, wba cannai ho very greaconsumn- ers. Machiner>' la etpîacing meebanics, printers, mtists,,and ail oiher vaeke. Who vili be bbc consumnera aftee a vbile? la ia a cetaity Ihat taves and claiet have been s-ceai consumera le tbe pasi, but va are ai prement pnrsuing a course vbicb vil! leave notbing but baîf psid celeand wenlthy synd icate awuees 0ta do Ibe con sunaing. iThese vieya v ere prcsenîed la aur friand. and he premLptly rcsponded by aay- les- ibat lava venîd have to he tmade îa regulate vealîb j e c anda ai rlch people. Tis vas anoiber argument bard ta s-et round, but ih prociaimtd eue fiend ta ho a Sacialisi. He vonld foollably pursue a course vbicb vouid tend bo m-ake a lew im- mesely rich andI ail tht resa immeasurahly pour. Ht vouId have ail bauds rue ta the each syndicate wib ibheir rade, and vben bbc>' finally mmv tht iune b>had vrougbt on ninetynine oui of a huedeed be vonîtI tur round andtirke ava>' the rlcb menas veaitb andI divide il np. This is bbc direction in vbich this vorld is driffing. We are ail isse ervers and bar-- gain huniers. We demand that fereige smrketa hall ho (oued for eue produets wblle ai the sasse tisse v. are kîllins- off the consumer aibosse. la vas tbe Grangees and Patrons vho ramcd tbbcrc-> that middle mn verte othleg but leechea, andI from abat ty the bosse consumer vas doossed. CoultI ihere ho a verse piece of nonsense lnvccted iban tb. ides that Toronto .111 h. ahi. te cottune t he. (mssprodaîce le the country' when tbc loves and villages are laid vaste ? The only ma.rket for nny conntr>' ta alvays rely upon la tbe bosse maraket. Foreigni comumption la neuncertale thies-. We bave been fiedin g iiaout le Canada fer ÎÎ4y ycais. We know vc mn>' feed andI stappl> oui- ove people, but we mn>' be shut ont 2fan>' and cvery foreige markct. Tht Ameaicans arc jumi nov lenchies- us a useful ebjeet leason If wç vili but learn. la la crer>' farsse'a beat plan-hia onl>' safe plan-wt keep up as big a love as pos- sible sas close to hie, as possible. He should stuive to prevent bis moue>' (rom s-oins- (ur- ther ava>'dnethai tove. If lb.speeda bis cash "e ii l il corne bmck to hlm (or <nore poduce. If he carnies ilte oToi-ono bars-aie Iating h salit neyer reture. We shoxld ladk ahOad of usin lathlm as là cater things. '«rbç esaaltby people of*a tove ai-e genersi ly thc e 9Mi offnders lan (bIs mabter. Wc baskd ceSaturdny of an ovuer ofaà erles of mm lsa ua tovit a: bo bous-ht vali paper at Eco'e to deourate pramises sabere mee of hi* isjstalaMaextensive denerlenv"I l 1« 0*hé wbwcstores, a" 1 gta» aw ly ueins-dove, Awboi 0 «p ,excunds o Toi-onai è I- 1« ce od-ofgouda. -0Oe' IdWureoeaut: '1: "Looet, 1 1 y-%

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