Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1897, p. 2

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Headache CURED PERMANENTLY IEY TAXING Ayer's P"ils 'l was troubled a longlie wlth lck beadache. [i waeu uIlyacompanied wlîb revere pains ln the temples, a sense of tiilliaess tiud teuderness ln one oye. a bail taste lu my miouth. longue coaied, bands and feet eold. anad sick nessataithe Stomach. 1 tried a good many remedles recommended for ibis cumpiatj but It wa nuDoutil i Began Taking Ayer's Pilis that 1 rea'elved anythlnt lilce permas- nent beaiefi. Asingle box of ihese pllas did the work for rue, andl I am naaw free trom hleadaches. and a well man." - C. H. HuTcsauaon, East Auburn, Me AYER'S PILLS Awardod Modal et World's Fair .Aer'e a 8r.aparaUsea.da . Bsnut CORRESPONDENCE MARKRAU. Mr j B Gould and family are again on their farm, loi iîi, con. 9. M r. Gould's many Uxbridge friends pre- senîed him with a handsome gold- headed cane ai the Bascom Flouse, Uxbridge, Monday evening of lasi week. Now that the centre of main street has become dry, the lacrosse sticks are out and lacrosse is the îalk among the sports. Markham should have a good team in the C. L. A. this year, as îhey have aIl their men of lasi season in town and some of the youngsters are showing up well. Markham will have nu men to import andwill be in better shape than last year. Our attention has been called to the numnber of youuhs in this town who are contracting the cigar ette smoking habit. [)o the tonacco dealers forget thai they are under a heavy penalty if they selI or give tobacco in any shape or form to perf-ons under 18 years of age? In fact any person or persons gîving tobacco to persons under 18 years of age is hiable to the penalty. A Campbell of the carpet factory, is endeavoring to compromise with his crediors ai 30 cents on the dollar. The estiate is a small one and there is a mortage of a round $îooo on the fac- tory, which is about ail it îs worth. The factory closed on Friday Iast, and it is to be hoped that a seulement may be reached by which Mr. Campbefl will be in a good position to run his factory again. The tarifi uncertainty is no small factor in ibis failure. 'àhe employees were paid in ful on Wed- nesday. At 2.30 We4esday afternoon Mr. W. Roberts, foreman of the pickîng room of the woolen mili. noticed a blaze coming from the dry room of that institution and immediaîely gave the alarm. The fire brigade responded promptly and in about four minutes bath reels were on the groond and a JPIOKEWRNO The mumips epidemic in this locaiity finds a sîrong rival 'in the bicycle fever, sud between îhem our people are not eujoying the very first quality of health. Scarlet fever le lurking around 10 iend a baud, provided the tvo former scourges shouid fail to ac- corumodate ail. Mr. Beaton, secretary of the local board of beahîh, bas just been notrfied by the departmenu au Ottawa, tbat sbeep for shipaient must be examined by a"qualiifed inspector before being removed fromi the farm. Since the quarintine regulations were put in force in ibis t.ownship several sbip- -p" t~hauve been mtade, tihe inspector simply ez.anining thse animais au thse shipplug, point. This will not be lu future persnitted. Farmer - au bave their sheep examined free of charge by sirnply notifying C. J. Brodie, V. S., Ciareput. or Major Lloyd, New- usarbet, givigg lot andi concession audi post.ofice addresu .11 The ie çen held a meeting on Tues-ï day . vepi*ig vises it vas deçÏded to have a big celebration on the, QUeen'a jubiIçc day, -Jimne aand. The PeVent. ,~ pOfiJSêG. wpas ,Il ormr eff9ts -asd .1 &y of n eojoyinent , aprom.a On accounu of the muddy roads our news agent could not get around îo colecet uhe news in and around the vil- lage this week. Thc aureudance at our public school bas been below the average hast week parthy hy muddy roads and partly from the pupiIs baving bad colds. We tbînk i was wise to sta>' home till coughs and colds had disappeared. Our saw milîs and grist milI are run- ing some overtime. as water is phenuiful and business good. Our combined saw mîlI and brusb factory can run witb ils lwiu waler wtieel from one flume boîh circular and facîory machin- ery au one lime. Thre man Who awakens j from a deep sieep, just in u ime 10 yard off the f biow of an ",sassin, * Who, kie ini hand, . peprng to drive iA into bis heart, has had a narrow escape. There are thon- ande of gratefni men Who have aroused thenu- selves froni the lelbargy of recklessnessud negletinsu iiin lime to ward off the deadly assauli of tirai dread euemy of mankind consumrption. The weapon with which these mren have mccessfully combated uhis grini destroyer has been Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery. Il is the only known medicine that wiil prevent snd cure consumrption. raken in tirne, it will alwavs ward off this deadly disease, and even afuer the deva-suat- ng germus have attackcd the lurigs, lu will cure 98 per cent. of all cases. il acta di- rectly un the longs, building up new, healthy tissues andl driviug ont ahl disease. germa. It corrects ail stomach and diges- tive troubles, invigorates the liver andl makes the appetite keen and bearty. lu la the g-iest blood-maker, fiesh -budûer and1 nerve tonie. There is nothing else -just1 as good '- and the druggist Who saaysu is untrustworth y.1 -i was a sufferer for five or six years fronu indi- gestion, ore stornach, and constant headiaches." wriirs B. F Holmes. of Gaflney, Spartanirurg Co . s. c- - 1triedr- ieveu-al of our besi plivsieians andl found nu permanent relief, By theprs- ajoru of Mr. J. R. Tolleson, a frienil ofmieI rommenced un the zith Septemuber. 1â6ý, to uise Dr Prerces Golden Medicai Discovery and 'Pel- iets'-,which gave me relief in a few days. Since then 1 have used five boîtles of' Golden Medical Drs,îcovery sud fivee s-ais of Pellets.' Wherr 1 commenced usiug the medicines 1 could not slee. had a restiess uneasy feeling ail the time. and my skin was yellow snd dry. I wet hed ouly ul49 pouards. I now we îIlht70 pounda. hv a Iruii coior. snd rest well nt nighu. i have a rtood appetlue. cteaet anything I wish. For two years. whîle under treatlett by a physicdan. 1 ate nothiug but Graham, bread.- In reference tu the above letter. J. R. Tolleson, P (). Box r73. Gaffinev. Spartanburg Co.. S. C.. wr-ies: - The above Mr. B. F. Holmes. ia a good christian gentleman, and une whose word will go e long wray witli those who know hbu. 1 use and seil Dr. Piercees medicines, aud I recom- ma-radeil then, to Mr. Huimes.' Dr, Pierce'm Pleaqant Pelleta cure that di sease -produring disorder, constipation. Thrv neyer fail. They neyer gripe. Drug. gisa sdi hcrn SUNDERLAND Mr R C Brandon, Nor-th Brock, was bere on Monday. Miss Jane Carmichael is able 10 be around after ber recenu illness. Mr R A Sinclair, Canningtou, spenu Monday in town, the guesu of Mr T H Walsbe. Mr Frank B-ryauî, son of -4r R K Bryant, of î.his place, passed his final examination sud took honore. Frank eau nov sign bimself V.S. lu ie our painful duty 10 recotd the deatb of a couple of the pioneers of the tovnship of Brock, and two gentlemen vho vere wel sud favorably known, in the persous of Mr Wni Buchan and Mr Peter Followdown. Botb of themn were old sud respected members of the church of Eugiand, and staunch con- servatives in political matters. Mr. Bucban <led on Monday, Marcit the 22nd, and was buried at West Brock cburcb, and Mr FoUowdown on Wed- nesday, Mar. 241h, and was burried at the cemeuery ai. Sunderland. Rev j H Carson conducted the funeral ser- vice ai both funerais, preaching the sermon at the residence of the laie Mr Bucban, and that~ of Mr Followclown in the church. The English cburch was crowded and the sermon lisîened to itih the very closest attention. The Surgeon of 8th Royal RMený Quebeo vrit.: «I have sud, with nnuch mosan,4. 'Pheue-Bauumn' (or -Quickourý iidt ulng vounds, whieh auppursled ovin undor lthe, Orualg. cf 19deforap; abs e- foot wu ss eakabl,,*U- 1 disegmnus- uiig, sud hling. tilahfo tn ig up uote. 0Ia eeusi 'tia angpjhfp ,'albs asit MMeboqLsIue1n~ i ised, conclnding with a concert lu the evening. Particulars &f the events are flot yet availaible, but vu wish toa n- nounce the date in good time to pre, vent collisions. Thse forty Chestnut, trees purchased luet fall yul arrive in à few days aud wili be set out -on the giound adjoining the hall. When these trees are set out it should b.- the duîy of every citizen, whethér a fire- man or not, to assl in protecting îhem from damage of whatsoever na- ture. Cow owners will please take a hint. -News. GIREEN IRIVER. We are pleased to sec Mrs Elas Bice able to be around again afier her recent r lîness. Miss Annie Barnes has reîurned from Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs P. R. Hoover were in Toronto last week on a visit and mak- ing several business calîs. Hy. Hopkins, V. S., was in Toronto lasi week atîending a special meeting uf the Ontario Veterinary Association. Norman and Miss Agnes McIntyre have gone to Dakota with the last week's make up, and others are seiling uheir traps and màking ready. Our miii dams here have sîood the test of high water so far, except the loss of a few plan ks. The owners have kept a sharp lookout day and nighî. Mr John Coxworth, of Sauît Ste. Marie, wbo is well known bere, is sup- posed to have sent $3S.o 00t Mr. 'W J Mertens, of ibis place, about a month ago. He bas done considerahle cor- responding wiîh Mr Mertens and aI- ways encloses bis letter in a business enveope-a long one-but the one Mr Mertens received, which was supposed îo have coniained this money, was a square one bearing the Sauît Ste. Marre registration mark and suamps. sud ihe address on the envelope is wriuîen in bine ink îwhile the leuler is writuen wiîb a differeut Ink) and is not John's hand-writiug. Mr Merteussays the crease in the letter showed il had been folded for a long envelope. Mr Mertens immediaîehy informed Cox- wortb about tbe malter, and in a rephy letter John was greauiy surprised to bear of il, and said that he sent his osuai long business envelope, and set about au once to have the maîler in- vestigated. The etuer bad oniy been, in the Sault Ste. Marie post office one hour before il started on jus journey. Mr Mertens, upon requesi of Cox- worth, forwarded this hetuer to ihe post office inspector, who beld an investi- gation ai uhat place, whicb resuited in Coxworth being eommiuîed for trial. This wili be greatly regretued by John's fi iends here, by whom he was always respecued and looked upon as an hon- est young feilow, and no0 doobt wben the trial, wbich takes place next werk. is eoneiuded, he wili be honorably se- quiîued and sorneone else will cozmie int for the blame. Mr Mertens bas been subpcpnaed to appear at this trial as a wituess for the erown, and he leaves on Saturday for that place-Free Press. BL-RISTOLPS BtRJSTOL' .Sarsaparil la OSOUA D P I lL8 dS Thé Greatest of ail Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicmnes. A SPEOIPSO FOR Rheumatism, Qout sud Chronlc Complainu. Th'ey Cleanse an(' Purify the Blood. MIl Drugglsts and General Dealers. TU pS2P Spofford & Co,, the euturprlsing dry gooda merchants, are retiriug, aft.er 17' ycars of close attention ta business and ever watching for, the best. interests of tbeir many cuptoinmS. years of the 17 have beefi spent here in Stouif- ville and have done a great deal ia the advance of business in every line in our village, as îhey have been great advertiseis and bave been the means of bringing a great number of strangers to our town. The case which occu pied the atten- tion of Magistrale Sanders au the Queenus hotel the greater part of Sat- urday last. arose oui of a dispute as to_ the ownership of a cow. lu appears thai one Mrs McNair, of Whitchurch township,. a the owner of a certain cow, and one day lasu week as ber bus- band was leading the animal along the road with a rope, Jno Jackson, also of Whitchurch, came along sud took pos- session of the bovine, in spite of pro- tests on the part of McNair. As a re- suit the latter swore oui an informa- tion chaiging Jackson with thefu. At the trial on Saîurday, iu defence of bis set. the accuscd set up that he had purchascd the cow from McNair about îwo months previously. payiug therefor, $i15, but that he was not to gel posses- sion until the ist of April. McNair flathy denied having ever sold the cow and swore that be had certainly neyer received the $iS. The evi-dence all ubrough was of a mosi contradicîory nature. and afier the parties had all been beard the magistrate reserved judgmenî for aweek in order that he mighu submit the question of law to uhe country crown atuorney. Judg- ment will be given in the matter to- morrow. Mr C Russell Fitch, of Mac- donald &9 Fitch. conducted the case for the prosecution, and %Ir jas McCul- lougb appeared for jackson. Miss J Aunan Sundayed atSpriiide. Miss M A aiolme8 bas been îudispoeed the pust week. Maatarr M Gormiey je ii at present wiîh typ>oid fever. Frsnk Law, Pickering, visjîed us on Sunday evening hast. T Henderson jr, ws- iudisposed luti week but is able tu be around again. Fred Lester lef t here luet Monday to seek bis fortune in the wild west. Suc- ce"a. L M Grant. our carrnage maker, vent te Bowmanville on Friday to visjî bis 8ster. David Cou wey bas engaged witb Wru Gilcbri8t, of Cherrywood, for the suminer montbe. We hear some of our youîhs intend îaking advsutsge of the cheap rates sud go to British Columbia. Sccees boys. Wm Bellechambers bas beea viaiting fnienda in Fairport during the past week. He iniends having bie bouse fired up for a summer resideuce. 0ur îown blackemiîb je progressing favorably with bis new housesud we hope soon to sec a stalely mansion oreot ed on the top of the bill. 0ur ainging ciasa in progreesing very ravorably under the leadership of Prof Wigzginis. We look fcrard to a fine concert about Baster boiidays. Mre Woodl sud family have moved int bhe residence lalely occupW~ by the latte Peter Neebit, sud Fred Dales who has occupied it during the vinter ruontha hu noved mb b alftihe residence of T W Hlbouru. WET BUPPEE VITE PILES Pf Dr. Charnus Otameng Wtl Cure Ybsm at a Ceet el But 60 Cents. Piles., oeuna. .czem..tle uruptions maad heed, sai rbonm snd aIl ether annoying sud jainhel skiai db*&asmsceiu b. easiy eured by Dr. Cha.se'sOntmeut. " I bad protrudilrg piles, for ton yes.r," writes EL.]EL, OutberIaud# 1cem- merdaItr4voil«or, iTroo. N.8.; trled maay roeies#e, a.u~ d'dSt %»opr- aie. It vas no Use. Wa cairpétely, laid vp, at tizue. Cirsfeà Oistmeat waà reeommded tome 1171Mr.Besi of tihe 8smnrdeh. .. ournai. trlad Il. and eeboz ceupletol.y cnred Mtr. tatle. ,tise oditor cf is. beSrebs- vilsout., 0erw. gives Ibis usolieited, tmhtimouli ade. da dte a( -Mv. 6,10~5; îH1 box ofl)r.Cisae'e <>inwt cured 1117 daughter ofe! cma. Tlxat *a* slx mentis ago, snd "mbue. since ,,be"na mmxrap earus of te ise l# ont.,5 was U>14-tt lid tciug. piles, fw,ýw y~. " r. v rosiody tisat cae o ut Iivi, i 2ýwrte1g. ' unti X ýtrJed-Dr, h4sJ On' aw b. , rtw«u a gods.nd. Ou. boxs .Aril ~ ~ ~ at uisdsc a.Acnm&arla+aA ýa Stands for BLACKS, of this there's no doubt,- The bIaon these fa=eswilnever washut; For wool, s&l and cotton, Blak DiamondDyes, Are used without fear by the prudent- and wise. Thse above 13 taken from "Excior Rhyming A B C BoÃ"&, Dhutrated." Eacis Isîter--of thse Alphabet is 2t luche long n two lettera of the mm colon Just lte Bookmi for lte 1111e ocmm. Sent foucn tasnp to aay sddzeus. WELLS & RIHARDSO C04 Mnrel BUOUGH.AXi R Wilson, of Oshawa, visiîed at Jas McCormaok'e over Sunday. Brougham Division has initiatted a number of new membere lately. John Mechin bas mo'ved onto the Woodruff farm, and w. bespeak for hlm suoca. Novrioh Wilson bas secured a foroman in the person of a Mfr Johuston, frees Woodville.- Wiliamn Norton, Soarboro, lias moved cule the Alger place. W. vecoehm le eut midit.- Bd Wilson lias crmsucc thi.ercM- tien'cf a uew barn on thse cld hoertad. Els innumurable friends, vers munè sumrprised Wedusday inormmg le o banu that Oliver, jobuon had 41.4 tat « uig bout four oW0look, allei but Miu jUns. f ~wokasd hat îmol hougit to b. serions. Who en w. moica t dacdw '» n -d95yeýs~,hIde uddën SllapS i no tob.-1» odired Ste34 r faru, ltheUic61h coseosionfor' thé put, .ixy .ai~ ud urnagti tlù aa elsed i e t sufàd ere.d oQufortblçq bq"ndigl4 "werhiser4o'd a Il ave boreaved wov. s.ageboût OEUR'I TOUB&. Were Dtt WOOUS -COlf, OLD4, i i -I This is)7AR5 of Australia anLci the ta a a mfmS RED BIR'D aaCydiW00é»#.&0-& C-HAMPTON BILI, MARTIN', the king of Australian CYclistS, is an enthusiastie Red Bird rider, and lias done mucli tow'irds establishing teRed Bird s splendid repu- ir Ho a aongn lîssteofr cories Fle tisongouEsst orvctoons to his credit, besides the bulk So f the Australian records. One of bis most recent tri-* mpswas the defeating of /Parsons in a matched raceI for $ iooo. Thie match was for one, five and ten miles. In the one mile event lie 8defeaited Parsons bv a foot, romped awav from him in(w!I\I 8the five mile, ani the ten mile thus being oil, he wcnt- o ut and1 lowered the existîn(-y;u Australian record 1his owNn) by tli irteen seconds.' 1ie also ci ipped several seconds off c een t. le rode a highier Ogear on bis Red Bird than le ever rode on any other mnakeý of wheel, but the suiperio)r /Nriinning qualities of the Red OBird made this a compara. / tivcly easy feat. gThe GOOLI) BICYCLE CO, Lt 13RA0NTFORD TORONTO, Ont. ST. JOHN, N.B. SYDN EY, Austrulla MONTREAL, Que. WINNIPEG, Ma. CAPETOWN, S.Afeica 7 DUNBARTON There are great and crownin claimed for the procesa, wluch I 8is. Taylor sud Mr Richardson. ofiering tess»ked on behaîf of lb annuetion fand of the churcli. VI.wleg Vesseand Jupiter. mr Thos Mandereon, Myrtle, spei 4ay evealng in toun grvig peoplef St Venus sud Jupiter throug isD cope. Hanreds of people were wltb lb.view" cfthese great plani tise ligrameut hringstemw rem*b>coftibe; huma ie. r uideistinds the issUuet ddtie hmonr of tise occasion in sttyebielwàs uurrounde ai be eeuug tOn end. M so 4«eat-oe ofthn. Ou dewilràtiuIY,1897. iserei cbaug Um iti e yte 01cfasseme Msdeugt oider of Uniied. Workme' tofore thse asesmeut wusthes aamen enteulng St 2Dye a Ïbe flaw ethse ttiget flfty bçf.gamigt toe, iate ibis uuf8i maziùIm ae redulak14 . ge *it As bêlduemakss . lào cfylh. n' PA INE'8 GEL Saves Sleepless, 2 People THE CJRLAT MED Medical mnen of the hîgbest stat and a liosît ofcîhe)rs corupetent to dec(Itart- ttat l'alit* (.'-If ry ( 'i! 10 Yelullifeiuî i trntot aIl tire tro u Iiýs,, L. In tbe spring stieraon thonsaný réesîless, fbedfni, né-rvurîs,îl-i £!Ioomny. They find it imposeîih tr! rus 8fui anîl eweet se-51it,i i coue physically Cxhausted ; core a are were wrecks of humanity. Sticli suiff rers cannot w î rifp wîîb 8s6eeP;isaness and contlu*-r Ail in tsncb a condition demnandi, laie Muccor and aid before nat, cornes too overtazed. Tbe wea exhiausted and irritated systeai il For everv forai of sleeplessnest; BomXnia ihere is but one remeri% healer ;it je Peine's Celery Cuai A Butter-Making Devict (From Saturday's Globe.) A number of mernbers of the Legialature, who are interested n less in the dairy industry, assembý day morning ai the office of the Ni Creamery Company, 732J Yunge for the purpose of exaniining i process of making butter, whicli, claimed, will revolutionize the wi dustry and bring incalculable ben ita train. Mr. D. -Burt, a-em North Brant, had made arrangenit the meeting, and with him werei lowing members :-Messrs. Andrt tuIler, South Oxford ; H. Barr. Renfrow; R. Truax. South Bru Robinson, North \Waterloo ;E penter, North Norfolk; T. L.« West Kernt . John B. Moore, Sout erloo; J. Haggerty, Norrh Hi There was also preaeni Mr. D. I'herson, a large Glengarry dairrn The new procese was explaîn"It Walter Cole, its inventor, whiu Vs ing to place hie patent in the hli company- which will operate it inu The îhree primary essentials in tht facture of butter according to this are a suliable temperature, a su air and a supp'y of pure cream. is no churning tw be done, tbtt bu in the creani beir.g extracted bv tion of the air on the constituent e- of the cream. -The cresrn je brai the faciory and put in cana holdiri ably five or six galions, and tht are then placed in a vat of water ia kept ai a fixed ternparaîure. of fermentation je inducerd, and wl reachea a certain stage the creani , ed juto a large glass jar, loto whif- forced through a tube attachm.-'r- air, which i8 created by ineans ofi and forced t1hrough a certain arn tubing junto the receiver, aet8 on ttituenta of the cream and free& rt uIes of butter, which rise to ti while the other elements-the ca>,, albumen, the sugar and the phiî chloridsrs, the apecific gravit y of thus iîcreased--eink to the, BR 5TOUS 4 1 t 9 f fi ci ti F 01 rL E

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