(wRrrrnN FOR THE CuROz-UCLE.) (Coatùued.) m m My first recollection of school was in~ '9847, when mother took myself and i: xtsister to school and gave us flto the care of the teacher. Her parting words were, --Be guid bairng an' dae what ye're bidden." To the teacher With -Ga them keep on ther suabonnets, " the Gocl ,doubtless to preserve our beauty. AI- ford, are thougli civilization was making rapid tional iri advancement, and an air et refmne ment the comi was visible in the homes and surround- cles fitte ings, still the aichool-house was slow in A $5oc catching the infection. The logs in amateur the inside were just as- nature left 'ef the C. themi. The ceiling' was laid with To th boards from the saw-mill. whiclî were races san guiltîes of ever having seen thse plane. other $5( and kalsomined by th-e accumulated while a8 smoke ef years. The desks around lot of the thse walls, thse rude benches, thse desk number of the teacher and a huge steve com- in each pleted the furnîture of thse school- Bird ftnt reem. The enly decoration ever seen Aside1 on tIse walls was when some budding the fact artist, who wished te display- his Class B1c genius. caricatured something ridicu- eut eft tq bous with a piece of red chalk or the pionships poker. By this time the school sys- riders sIs temn was on a faîrly good basis. In '49 and spee( and '5o the school was tauglit by Miss popularm Spencer (afterwards Mrs Toms. lan In addi addition te thse prescribed srhool work cent date she taught tIse little girls - -the met with sampler- and plain needlework. She tralia. 1M did excellent work in the school. usîng sweeping lier influence un rehining the children latter wiu and elevating the school generally. As weeks. t] a rernuneratuon she received nîne dol- un thse net lars a mentIs and boarded at home. As an Au The next year Mr. Thomas Thornton, puts it. brother ef the Rev. Dr. Thornton, re- ceived the appontment of teacher. e Althougli there was net such a multi- M.f tude of studies as at the present day, Que bec1 still they were thoroughly tauglit and t.opped t< a good teundation laid for usefulness any furi 1 n any sphere. le taught these chool Europe ar for many years. lie was an honest man in every sense of the word and dîd his duty conscientiously te the best of A Pl bis ability. We neyer knew whether there was an agreement between him- Like Oti self and the trustees but we well re- Disease member the long green legs being der was drawn up in front of the school door tO Heali and with bis axe. beetle and wedge he N simei chopped and split the wood for the use Othersi of the school. He aIse made and kept MRev Chi in repair aIl the quill pens. lan re- - stthewo imuneratien for bis services he receuved ciPa'lof tS forty pounds a vear or $i6o. cupal of Among those who were early in thse i .)ilCat field practising the healîng art was Dr. hlew lOW PI Guan. He settled in Whutbv. then safe, aumpl Perry's corners. at a very early date in equal. It if's history. le threw in his lot wth ini ten mil the early settlers and was one oft them. Sold by J sharîng in their prosperitv and adversî- ty and alleviating their sutierun gswher- ever bis service; were called. .At the An Hone commencement cf his practire the Vinci country was only partially cleared' corduroy roads. log shanties and fields Every d, covered with stumps was what the lis therc country presented. He was neyer Banum" knewu te refuse te respond te a caîl, prescribes although from the uncetainty cf thse tohc loot-paths through the woods, and free. snow-drifts, there was great prebabil- ity of his neyer reachlng his destina- tien. Part et his practuce was in the extreme north part of tthe township cf Whitby and into Reach, it aIse extend- ed inte Pickering. In those days a Hear2 g«oandeaé-l et the- traivelling as do(ne né- hasn't saiÈ iug- bis destination migît be. About weman. a mile and a hlf rom bis hoeethere name. was a tract of land known as the Creek - Ys Lot, which bleongeà .o no ene, but af- tical motI terwards bought by Mr Aaron Camp- any differe beIL. This was squatted upôn by a have soIX rather undesirable class of citizens. corder's( As the revenue (rom tbis was very this gent sînail, if any. he had no rivai brother deeds, noe clainoring for a share lu' the spoil. Notwithstanding this bis a"Creek Lot" patients were neyer neglected, his ser- vices were teudered tbem as faithfully as any othei part of bis practire. He P a was a stroug-minded, seli-à îeliant, warm-hearted man. When he decidied A,gn en a Une of treatment if was flot bis _ eu stom te ask a committee to consider j<s advisability, but at once suited the P action to the decisioti. His resources dle# were unbounded, tberefore he had the - happy faculty of being 4'equal to the I 0a0 occasion, " and seldomgot caugb: in a emm corner. No on could, sSthe keen edge C.a.e, o!i thic tidIculous 4,,ioker than Dr. »a Eoe One -of hbut patients, an old - woman. ag;mced hiuz. if-she miglit knif ,,, mcks ta pay her bill;Il be replied, yes!1 '-bess sITe asked him how many pairs Hav - bër wéùld tieed te knit.- With a grave face be rttpfte4 , à rd," He went he*6 i a d o e t a r o n h i s p c o Ã" l e -fo r m a n y ' fl i l r ,IUÇCe-iif the ~W ithèse f0 WIiOrD sd-hit. ft (~&-Coniw. agahuf loi ~ y& fIivOJI lutant rawf $0 0' FORCCL8 . ur ZId&u fa " %M 01 I1km for. W inngRame on Red Bird Bicycles TlttWd Wfth Elec- trio Tires. itîci r characteristic enterprise DId Bicycle Ce., Ltd., of Bract- ,e offering amnatur riders excep- iducements fo wic races durici ning seasen on Red Bird liicy- ,d witl Electric Tires. oo geld brick is offered te the r trIo will win three out of fivt anadian championships. Lhe rider who wins thse mosi Lnctioned by thse C W. A. an- ceo gold brick will be presented, S25o gold brick will faîlite the e rider who scores thse largest et C. W. A. victories, the race instance te lie won on a Red ed with Electric Tires. - rom thse splendid prizes given, tthat four eut et five et the championships et '95 and four uve of thse professioual dham- s cf '96 were won by Red Bird otild tend te ciakethis staunch edy Canadian wheel immensely with amateur riders. uituon te this and et a more re- e, Iowever, thse Red Bird bas hwcndei-ful success in Aus- Mfartin and Kelew vir-tually geverything before them, thse lning as IsigIs as $2, 5oe in twe lue actual tîme et racing being cighborhood of fiftecn minutes. ,stralian Cycling paper aptîy "This us good business." R. H. Smith, wife of President, Batik, wriîes :* 'Quickoure* tootbaebe aud its use preveuted bher trouble dnring a trip to nd back.- PREAOHER'S STORY. her MontaIs le feli Vuctim t.o e. Dr Agnew's Cat.arhal Pow. athe Agent which Restored him itI sud ie Gladly Alloua lis to e i ued in Telîing it that may be Benefitted toc. us E Whitcombe, Recter of St sa Episcepal Clsunch, and Pria- St Mattheu s Church, sud Prin- St Mattîew's Churcli Scbcol, iwu a great suffener. Dr Ag- ttarrîsi Powder cured hINn, and roclaims th ie uorld that as a ple and certain cure it lias&ru t never (ails to relies-e catarrh anutes, sud cures permauently. IE Willis. Lest Pi ofession, When Con-' ced of Menit, Bpeaks: beutist, witbeut exception, wbo oogîly iuvestigated "«Pheno ("Quickcure"> endorses iL, aud sita use in ernergencies for al es. R.ead Quicktore Book, sent Fuzmy Things. about Flemming's wife ? She d an unkind word te him for week. don't tell me' How is it to nted for ?- ost her voice. I'm sorry for T Old chap ! uld think you'd want te con- him. - The doctor says it îsn't like- ermanent.~ are you bothering your father asked the boy's iother. t bim te, tell me a swory; and ie doesn't know any. - aPs he will make up one as he Ig. ed him to. But he- sayshec testifying before an investiga- mittee ail day, and it bad ill bis material.' svery nice, " said the young -And lbe bears an illustrions replied her extrenely prati- bher, -but titles don't make rence in my mmnd unless tbey nething st.andiag in the re- office. lna my opinion what eration ought to demand is at words. ÛinIMKiIIeir, Md ale. = inluevy ~tseemeii-a1dIt ewp'51 stooeroeoeto.upau J Mr Frank S seof li vlas has entered the legal firm of Messe Robinson,. Sanmpter, Lennox & Lennox, wlth offices at Toronto, Stoufiville, Aurora and Wabigoon. The latter place is a new town in the Rainy River District, which is now assuming much promnence on account of ifs location. Mr Sangster 'will take charge of the Wabigoon office, where lie goes within the next ten days. Mr Sang4ter's many frieuds in Stouffville will regret that heie s leaving our village. The Free Press wishes hlm every success. Mr Speaker Edg"r of the House of Comrnons, onr representative, and ex- Speaker White wcre appointed mem- bers of the Queen's Prîvy Council for Canada on Tuesday. The practice of making Speakers of both Houses mem- bers of the Privy Council was begun a few years ago and was extended te those who held these distinguished positions before the practice began. Strange te say, Mr Peter WVhite s poli- tical friends refrained from the usual practice in bis case, and on Tuesday he was stil! plain Mr White, but since then lie will be entitled te be addressed as Hon Peter White, as will also our member be entitled te be addressed as Hon j D Edgar.-Free Press. LINDS AY While people are almost crazy te gel te Rossland or some other part of a re- mote wilderness te flnd mines and gôîd. we seliy certain papers tIat we can find precious metals near home-even abmost at our very deors. We now lear again efthtIe Hastings mines, and more recently of mines near Kinmount. and tast but nef leas, et a mine lately discovered in Verulam right acress from Sturgeon Point. It is said tIat a preminent member et the bar in Lind- say who is somefhing of a geologist, spent sornetime basf summer in explor- afions across the lake, and if reports can oe trusted le and thse owner of thse proecty are likely te make a good thing eut ef the discoveries made on tlese occasions. Se more it lie.- Watch man. Prme.aaUon Wlen a citizen's home is invaded liv a number of unexpected guests. Ise naturalby ul teed surprised. That Mr Alexander Jackson felt se on Monday evening lest. cannot lie questioned. On that evening thse officers and teacl- ers efthtIe salibath school et St. An- drcws cburch, et w-hich Mr Jackson las been assistant superintendetit for many years, repaired in a body te that gentleman's residence, Waverby ave., trhei Rev Mr McMillan, on liehaîf ef tIse officers and tendhers efthtIe scîcol, presented Iim with a handsome dlock, as a token et the appreciatien n which he was Iseld hy them. Nir Jackson, who lad net Iseard an inkbing efthtIe atTaur uns compîetely taken by sur- *prise, returned thanks for thse valuale present. Aiter refreshmeats were served a short time tras spent in social conversation when thse visitors retired, one and al, feeling that tIse slight token ef appreciatien tley lad be- stowed uns well and worthiîy deserved. Caught a Tarter About tlree mentIs age a young lad in thse east ward. Barribal liy came. commonby calbed Bibly Barber, left toua suddenly as thse resuIt et a scrap at thse station. He returced about tîrce weeks ago and since then lis sole ambition in lite bas been te aveid the Lindsay police. He had somne lair- lireadth escapes and in thse eveninge in some dark corner le used te entertain lis friend liy a recital of them. On Friday nigli: last, hôwever, County Constable Foster spotted him on Kent street, and surrounded by several hun- dred applauding citizens, a lively time ensued. Barber lias evidentîy been reading up t he pugilistic notes lu the Post, for he handîed -bis man roughly, landing at wiii an bis face. License Inspector Short answered to Foster's cries for help. and fiually Short and the prisoner proceeded up sc reet. Wben opposite- the Dominion bank Barber gave the wily inspecter the slip and dashing beliind Buniig's shoe shop, made good bis escape. On the Monday following this episode Barbef surrendered hîmself te Constable Reeves. A north ward resident, vITe is given te walking in his sIcep, awoke te find himslfiônd y kf ut~çfoo tovu par-k sime The poor feilow bc- gan ta qmake and ttiemble jSpÃm boir. He thought he had *,lm" this ime sure. h vas a -ardonable - miscake. 'W doubt if any ,to wuA la thé- province can show a commnoas on lits man streçt in a geater scate of chaos, anti con-_ fusion than tITis piece af landi. f a cycle<bd s;# hépaé big emisUg11 h-r e or 4--" -ç 4T. '.à - Gokifor Amateur Cyclis'ts* fIS an inducement to ama- teur riders to ride RED BIRD BICYCLES, tit- ted with Electrie Tires, a.nd keep this name plate to the front of the procession in ail amateur races sanc- tionei by the C. W. A., we offier the folîowing prizes: A 0500 Goid Brick ta the amateur who wiIl win three out of five of the '97 Canadian amateur champion- slips, on a Red Bird, fitted with Electric Tires. A $500 Gold Brick ta the rider of a R.ed Bird, fitted with Electrie Tir", who wins the most amiateur race sano- tioned by the C. W.$ A. A 0250 Goid Brick to the rider cf a Red Bird, fitted with Electric Tiresl, who wins the second Iargrest number of amuateur races sanctioned by the C. W. A. Tlîis makes three goîd ,bricks, thie actual value of whicli is $1,250. It is that al ported, spe-cially requeslted wiius le promptly re- st> that a correct ac- count may be kept. Gould Bicycle Co., * LM. BRANTFORD, ONT. BRANCES: Tostowro, ONT. M0NTRICL, Quu ST JOEHN. N.B. WUNrIPszo, MAUS. SYDN-KY, AUS. CAPHTOWN, S.APO. Off IaufacuriInterotL Wh.*b HEta tn amu tuo ma, JAU USSYt ap..kU fou t"s TEPROPER POLIOT. Drsyl"et cf Baku'as his- Cod% as RInt tuq"m. m i c"u0"ci Hlo'iems van, - h., .S - aon eaf Ibeuisma e tWou ia mbgal isobM lo payai sd vealubmff 4 biduys. bad>.tsiup dms b$e wbaià ii t.iWWb sl ~ b pcnsrwmmibsoe Youir Vitality? Thnesence of Ueis for=e Evrbreathyou breathccvery E=r beat, every motion Of your hand, tales force. The measure of force wc cal! vitel ity. If thà sslackingthere is loss of flesh, lack o! resistivc power, a tendency to catch di- sease easily, es;ecially a tend- ency to Consumaption. For low vitality nothing is better than Scott's Emuýsion. It supplies forcebyfurnishing the nourish- in strng'thenig lements of fodin an easni dkestcd forai; enriches the !Zod and builds up the systeai. When ordinary food is of no avait, Scott's Emulsion MAii supply the -body with ail the vital e:cnuntsof life. Two slZoe 50 cta. and $1-U0.AUi If yoU u sk for iave wilm Md you a book tcikng you afl aboit ScoWts Zmnahio. Fres. SCOTT & BOWINE, BOefliluOnt. TRIat Paie Fc. For Nervous Prostration and Aviemia flicie s no inedicîne tbat wili su promptly Pnd iutai- libly restore vigor and *trougiî am ScoWs OOUNTY O7 OUTABIO 1lm. WxnrTuY-D. 0. à Kaedczsli, Whitby, ork .Jan. 3; Feb. 8; HardaS3; April 2; M&y B June 2: July7 Bop., 2; Oet 2; Nu. 8l OsHà wà -D. O. Macdoneil, Wbitby, ClueÀ; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; march 4; hprI18; ]ay 4 June 3; JIy b; Sep. 8; Oct. 8; NOV. 4; Dec. 8, BROUGHAM - X. GIec.ofl Greiswe@d, Olerk.-Jafl 6; MarchS;IMsy f5; JnIY 9; Sep. 4; N ov. 5. POwRPRIORT - J. W. Buhm, Fot Perry, Clerlt-Jwm. 29; Maroh 9; Mai 184 JuIy 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. ~UXBWMe,_Joueph B. Gould, Uxbridge, Clerk-Jafl. 80; MWArch 24; Mday l9fIi; Jaty 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CA IG01 Gog Smith, CannîngiOs , Jan. 81; March 2b; Mday 20; July 15; Oct. 0b; Dec. 17. BzÂVESLTONGeo. F. Bruce, Beavertofi, Olerk-Malch 26; May 21, JuIy 16; Oct. 16. Dec. 18. UPTZ3GROVE'flOS. P. H art, Uptergroe Clerk,-darch 27; May 22; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. By order, J. B. FAREWELL, Olerk ofithe Pea e. October 7th 1896. Mew Livery and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, J. T.- NEWPORT, Proprietor Commnrercil men libermlly desît with rTeaming done st reasoilabie prices. Freiglit »d Baggs"e hmuled s reuoun-- able prices. A call solicited. JOIN E.-FAREWELL, Q. C., 1 - - Barrister Coanty Crcrwn Attorney, and County éolicitor. Office- South Wing ai court Rlouge, %4 hitby. JAMES I£UTLED<J,, Barrister, etc. Office fornierly occupied by Farewell & Rntledge, nez$ Royal Hofel, Brock St.. Whîtby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ghancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office gouth of the Post Office, in memillan's Block, Brock Street, Whisby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Iarrister, etc. ,-Money te Loan liaer of à 4arriage Licenites. Office - Smith'e Block, Southi of Market, B- ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc<ILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. office iu Mathîson & Eawken's new blocr Brock St., W hitby, Bouth of Ontario bauk. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L.S.. Oounty Sur-rayer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, nt DsWarren cg Moore, J. J. Moore, M.- D., P. Warren, M. D.1 Broeklil. Whitby. Office heurs 9. a. m. Office bonis il a.m tO11am. to 2 Pm. por Privaie Tephone Commurnicai0w. D. P. BOGART, ui.D., L.D.r Phyuicao, Surgeon and Âcecncher, etc. Office and Beaidenice nert to AUl Baint's Cburrch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in aUi is branches prouiîtl attended fo. W. A DAMS, Ceý3DENTIST. Rooma over John Ferguson's clotblng stors ResldentO-Nio.. zThe Terrace,']Byron- St Whitby. Jan. gih, 1696. Dr H.Wigta DEN TIST. ,v GùssVGrgo" W lty ~ Opn evry atordymagie, LJ FE, 1$NýU RAUC jc- DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the nexf Shree menihs I a=n giving apecîi attention teptients tram a dis - tance. Arnsm 1 mil plates in rublier, 18, Celluloïd *10. (3ol d dilver fillimg work crownsug by flrst-class aperatars ut the ment reasonable rates la the city. Whan in the city caii in and letnme eam i- lue our teeth. I make ne extra charge. C. e BJGGS, Dentiat, sonth out cerner King and TongSts. , Tarante. W.H. WARNER., DEALElS IN .1AGENT COAL, LATHI, LUMBER, SHINGLEU, OORDWOOD. SBB89ETC. For the PEOPLE'B COAL C0., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. #48K YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SPÂRTIOÂ, TIIfl WRTI~GAPR Aspic ~isi xS* S. Z $GTT 'Mr Taylor is an engineer on the D ion Atlomtie Railwsy, bis rubeir tween Haiax sud Kenivile, and ,ons of the meet popular drivers c ras&. When askad by the reportet u«rning bis ilinese be said : "Ifw --sigofl1896 tht Ihad a sevýere -of kidney trouble, brought on b: .-isuoue ruuning on the roail,sud -, ju,-scmued by the oscillationi JotgSmotivé." If affected me but al St fint, but gradually grew wor - ,nulted a docter sud then tried t, flars varietica of se called curas. - - aaiedmeruîtime, bntSiser ste Mm. use cf them Ige es b II¬ied'nimerons teatimni tb~~sprseonerin« Dr. Wil PiU Pila ntireaingof oee un ma lmaSt idTentical ith My owu -.4,4 tô. gire Shemwjtial, sud part iourboziuetat.scut of #2 .Baiî * ei pot ,for 1 vs emi .u -dby teus. of th6piils>n mot been <oui4ea witbiiiykidn.ya ' Tb$ hieef a aiis~h.r i.sooluebydo dises, i , .çmà tëd taou a 01thebi iD. MWliims 1 Almost -Passes Bel Mr. Ja. E. Nicholson, Floren,* 19. B., Btruggleo foýr Seven 1- 'Y«eauwith CANCER ON THE i A"D M CUED BY AYERS s Mr. Nicholsonsyt rni lors whi) p !:,1 r In.. nopurpose, the cxict~r lb gai> t. Eat into the Flesh, sprad ta) my rhtn, and i agony for sfveni >z\'a~t I began tak jfigA %ý-i * s.rap' à week or two 1 notced a Decided Iinproveme Encouraged W>- ti> resirtlt vered, uiutil ln a nion)th trs' under My chli bezan la bp-ll montlis my lHp 1tu-n ta h-.i-s Uslng the Sarsaparilla fo>r s.s fthe let trace of the cancerdsp Ayer's n'e Sarsapa Âdmftted a: the World'u P &IEB8 PILS Rg.dathei Akn Engmieer's Sto LiFE ON A RÀILRU\L) DUCIVE T1<) UIEAý.1 Mr. Wmn. Taylor. of Kent%-Ille. ed Wîth .Kidney Troub Called Cures Proved L'sel> Dr. Willianms' Pink Pis R His Health. 'From the Kentville Advertiser. There are very few emploi More trying te the healîh tbad u. railway engineer. Ibe heur o are frquently long, meale irrei2u test and sleep barriedly 6natcî, tween runi." One of thse trouble-. very frequently attack railway tri in kidney disease, wbxcb bp to period bas been looked upon as a ýdiffioult, if net impossible, te eure. Âlthouîrh there exist nuI remedies claimed to be cures, th< in %bat notbiog had been found. ceually cope witb ibis terrible until the advent of the now worid 1)r. William&' Pink - ijus. Chant h.eur one day that Mr. Wi. T1 resident of tb.ie town, hiad been ci hidney trouble tbroogh the agenc_ W5illiame' Pinîk Pille, a reportet apon hlm at hie home to hear fro, personally wha& be thought of bi 1 1