Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1897, p. 5

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BARGAI NS* Electro + Plated Ware. IBARGAINS IN. Spoons, Forks anid Knives, -A T- JS.Barnard's, tt$nof &A y Iowa paper la C»&a"i FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1897. LOCAL LAOONIOS. ifine spring weather. See Tod's window on Saturday. Mr. Jno. Bryan, of Toronto, is home for a time. The Rev Etti<tt S Rowe wilI preach in the rnethodist tabernacle on Sunday evening. Saturday bargatn. Besi qualiiv ail wool delaines at 1,5c, wOrth 35c ai W G Walters. Seas.'Ladies' oxford shoes in tan and black. Cbeap at Burns' new cash !tore. Mr WV H Greenwood, nf Toronto Univer- sity,ik horne preparing for his fourth year exama Suckeirs are up. Stanley McCRrl gets the honor for the first catch, he having speared beven yesterday. Mr C E Westcott, Beaverton, who ks agent loir a London bicycle firn, was in town the fore part of the week. The clear, moderate weather weather and briicîng winds this week have dried up the roads, and the dust is flying litre mid- .su mmer. Reports from the townships show that sap Tuns unusually weli frotxi the mapie trees this spring. Writing on this subject makres <,ur rnouth water. for we grew up onl a farm à nd got used 10 the clear dab. Mr Geo Cormack expecta 10 ]and a mi]- lion feet or lumbher in the United States be fore May ist. The lumber trade ks flcurish- .ig n anticipation of the new McKinley liand Whitby harbor will be a acene of -ic rvit% for the next month. The true standing of an editor is appt-e- cated alter death if not before A lawyer -uit the following words oîf consolation to i he widow of an editor : -i cannot tell you thuw paiîned 1 was to hear that your h.asband ltad gone to heaven. We were bosom friends, but cao neyer meet again." Rt-v. Stephen Card, Chaplain of the Pene- tanguishene relormaîory. B former resident of Brooklin, was here on Fridav asat. He oiwns the bouse occupied by Mr A. White- iaw, and intends 10 overhaul it ai once. mak- nz a great des[ of improvementq H-e is a brother of the late Mrs. Chester Draper. The annual banquet of the saivation armny took place on Monday nigbt, and was well attended. An army band f.om Oshawa was here to aaiat in the musical part of the cere- mon y, wbie a whole waggon load of bums came from Oshawa te have a drunk and raise cain. They made considerable noise a round the banquet hall, but did flot appear to worry thse armny very much, as the door- keeper said, They had a fight with a man from Greenwood and banded hlm rather roughiy, Constable Calverley then dispersed t hem, tbey weni home shouting - utîtil îhey crossed the eatero hbis. Thackeray To-ogkt. Remsember the lecture on Thackeray bv Prof. Keys at the On.tario Ladiles' College to- night. This will be a grand lecture about the maoat witty of Englisb noveliss.. To farm a Wbeel Club A meeting of the wheelmen bib is town and vîciniiy is cailed to take place ai the CHRoNICLE office to-night, Priday, to form a bicvcle club. Those wbo wish to bear Prof. Keys' lecture on Thackeray ai the col- lege are flot supposed to attend, but sbould leave word as t0 their good wlll and sugges- tions tbey wlsh to bave presented. The Depamrîmental Store. The Cannington Gleaner prints thse fol- lowing as lits leading editorial on the de- partmental store question: "If you tâte your $5 10 Toronto when are you gzoing 10 Toronto to bring it back again ?" Our Cannington coteni adds nothing 10 this, and we doubi if anybody could add auything ta it If you take your $,5 10 Toronto l vit! certalnly neyer comne back, and this wil! maire your town thai much poorer. If a [Dlot and the ong Coming E venta. Lecture at Ontario Ladies' College 10- night on Thackeray, b>' Prof Keys. Meeting at CHRONICLE office to-night 10 form a bicycle club Ail ridera requcsted to be present. j Williams Macy's eniertalriment ai O0.t.. C. on Friday, April 9th. Reserved scats 25C. ai Allins. A Yelier dot-g. There bas been a good-sized yellov dog banging round bown for several days with a sting fatened on bis tail, as tbougb he bad been atached 10 a lin concern of some sort. Ne appears ba be a bast dorg, and someone mai' be anxious to learn o! bis whereabouis. ht is a shamne 10 ilireat a poor brute like this, and we hope people vill throw bim oui s breadcruat untîl hîs owner cornes and takes hlm avai'. The animalist harmîcas. A Bucsiness Lotss. The business circles of ibis tovo have stsfiered a serious bass in the faîlure ni Mr C F Stewart, who bas carried on business ber,, for about tvenîy >'ears. We understand that Mr Stewart 's creditors vere willing to niake almosb any reasonable arragenient ta cîsable him Ita go on, but that be did no1 feel thai the businiess outiook wî>uld warrant bim is doing so, as be mighî struggle on and expenti bis own and bis familys ener- gies and be no better oif when a year or two woîîid have pîsseti He is nov ve unider- stand consideting tbe respe-tive merits of scverai otba-r tovos as suitable places for opening business. We hope he may find a gooti opening. Mr Stewart is a man of întegriîv and weil deserves the higbest encoms.uni ve cao pass upon him as a tovos- m an.- B.4 Street Management. Our tovn streeti could acarcely ho in worse banda than la the case tbis year. 'lîtorse than tbis, one wouid suppose Court. Smith vere determined to destt-o.y viai others have done to 'make our t t-ela good. He inends 10 put ail the stone on the ronds in the south ward, and vbere the road is ai- rcady the bestinb tovo, but addcd to Ibis he bad the atone hauled from one end of tIse town bo the other aiong Brock sîreet during the worst mud there vas. If ibere vas a day tn a year wben lb vas bad policy to bave heavy loads on tlie roads il vas laaî Fiiday. N'et tremendous loada vere being dragged along every fev minutes. It la provakring ta tbink tIsat our sîreeta vere bauded over toaa committce compo.cd af mcid wvIs knov noihing sud caec ms about tbhem. No coun- ciot- abould be placed aItIhe head of a big sperîding departmeni vbo paa 3 nil es than alber lez payera. Il vilI- ho a fine thinÈ for this town vben the nev 1mw passes doiug avay vitIs varda. A Religions OpInion. Tbe Gazetle aunouncea tIsatIshe Wbl1by board of education shlows ministers to visi tbe lovu achools, sud tW mmpartreligions ln- struction aller bout-s. Thsis plece of ancient. information la voucbaed by our cotern.inl order la afford It au opportuuhty 10 express tbc bope that noue of tIse tova mînîsters vil take ad vantege of the board 'sl suggeston. Our cotenu. (cars tIsatI f any of tIe cergy- mes vere ta go la tIse sobools W tgteagisreli- gion I: vould ct-cale strif e bétveen races and creeds. TIse fact la that Rcv,.- S. B-otgb&l bas askcd tIse board tht-ougbh the masters for th. privillege of addressOg thse puplils aud pravlng vilb theni,-snd tise Gaz~etelS alammed on the racensd ct-ccd question., w. bave smen sud Ieard of snd read of Per-, sons viso feated tW show tihe -p*so tu:g outalde their pulpits and their reition 10 aiscuas public questions; biut -never befojre vere ve îrçated to tIse gralultoqs opinoln of anyane viso fesRed WO allow -theta ta exhort on religions fiues, and t6 prlîY- --ulesa It h.,-tbat it-adelu olQWCct on tIse gronds of taikhsng nonsiense, .and Ce' n infidleadmît Itisait heMoral effeCt ofPe.ols- ing clrlianity sgood. Tse Gupttehlppes noue of tise- ýC>crgymay "eaidunadse.of tIse bbsr4#'s - gouâ.dua, lJést tere *üght, b. strif. Well,ý- WbsYJet tissai prpacIi auywlscre lest tise "rsc..p.p* crép b. attÏ1d o.? jut tise Ga e'pro advlce.a piec, ..asoulh4.lm OU e W. fccl tIsaimelha"estcetf sud conideisteofe inc ry~e to-t Ï0 reuder ih Unnepsm W,toe-~ t good grse;-byflotter w. sy tum aI yo taei "d Dlelt tWh ftO Çir" $teelodlig wtuovouStdsy Mr t 1 jô Jolusonle on th ise 19 Lat.Scl- Mi1s»Lulibly, of Broolln, baa 'been a guehi-at R., Me Clsrwe'.n._ . New styles lu Iard and soft hats. Pricea tise lvnat at W G Walters. Bcycles-e commenclug to rn alog lIse- Kijston road. and thse whecllug la falrly Cîcaisu p sround your place. Save a doc- lot- bill, vitIs pcrhaps a funcral and a broken heart. 79 pairs mens tweed pents regular prices $[.Su010 $2.5o. Saîurday prices 98c.. W G Walters. O'Brien & Sbedham's photo gallery ia open for busIness every Tuesdisy, Frlday and Salut-day. We are pleaaed la sec Pabnaster Hovden around again after bcbng confined la the bouse for a eek. Ib is a fact Ibat several members of tIse bovu council have not the properîy quaifi- cations 10 sit ai tIse board. Gent,' tan boots in chocalate sud ai- blood ahadea. American make, witis Good- year velt soles ai Burs' nev cash store. Mesurs. Gea. Palmer and Robert Barker leave next veek for Dryden vberc tbey vii! lake up land. Tbcir familles viii ioilov In thse fain. TIser. used to b. pure mapie ayrup ai tIse gt-ocery stores about a monîb belore SpriiSg opeued, but ibis year tIse veudors bave ap- pareuîly vaited tii the t-cal liquid t-uns fram the trees as non. bas been on sale up ta date, so ïat- as ve bave observe4. Mr. M. Collina, vIsa for a quarter ai a cen- tury bas been Wbitby'a leading boot and sho. man, bas declded ta sei oui and retire (rom business. His stock viii fit-st be offer- cd in block in Toronto. His retirement wiii leave a fini clas apcnng here in the boat and shae lune. Caretakrer John Happer railisaur Attention to a correction which shouid be made in Asseasor G E Mowbray's statiitics of oid people In East Wbitby, as publiisbed bilssi issue. Mrp Happer, Mr John l-lOpper's mothet-, in 98 ye' t-s of âge, anti, tbuugb not meniioned, is undoubtedly tbc oldest vo- man in EastiWhiîby townsbip. The G.T.R. management bave re-osgan- ized ibeir entire vay freigbî service out of Toronto toalal points. It has becis arranged so that in future gooda wili b. shipped chief- y at nigbt so that merchaisis wil bave ibeir gootis dellvered net inorning ai seven o'clock. lnstead of the way freighî running the entire rouie of the system the statiois viii be grouped and by thia means freight viii be at its destination about 24 hours ahead ofithe old sysîemn. $3.50 for $11. The CERONICLa (si), the Weekly Globe ($i), andi large picture of Liberai Cabinet, or (--ail for si 10 0ev aubscribers. Scisool Exami Resulîs of exams in the IV form, model scbeol, for tecm endhng Mat-ch 31st, 1897: First-class honora, 65 pet- cent. and aver- Chas Bell, Clat-a Coiveli. Second ciass honora, .5o pet- cefni. and aven-Har-y Wil- son, Bertha Campbell, Melvile McGeary, May Allison, Lily Nicholson, Florence Pegan, Minhe Musson, Mahol Cornisb, Editb Newpott Eva Brant, Artbur Hopper, EdilIs Rames, Ethel Scott. Tbird-class honora, 45 per cent. and over-Louise Ar- nold, Joe Thompson, Edna Movbray, Rose Sadler, Deli Brown. Bessie Devereli, Mag- zie Yule, Bessie Gilpin. Florence Blov. Number in claas 41. Senior 111, 6,5 per cent. and over-Mabel Coxvorth, Robert Walters, Tom Britton, Roy Clemnence. So per cent. and over-Albert Haileti, Morley Devereil. Eva Clemence, Grecta Haileit, Edvin H-allett, Vina Whiitelav. Willic HosyF- den. No. ini class 18. Junior III, 5o pet cent. and over-Elma Ard, Willie Maynard, Romat Hatcb, Ronald Hyland, Hart-y Hov. den, Mahol Smith, Bert Gray, May Piper. No. iclasa 2o. Case under Charlto Act Lorenzo Banks. fîom near Pickernug vil- lage, vas sumnmoncdt t appeat- belote P. M. Harper on Wedncsday on a chageai bhav- îng carnaI knavleicdg of a girl called Hov- leui, aiso of Picker-ing, vbo vas previously chaste, and who le under sixîcen years of age. The affence vas committed about tIse fit ai February, but vas fnot reported te tbe îsutb- ritles unflI tast veek. Rumora at-e flying tIsat tIse itet-vening lime vas devoîcd tlata- tempts ta settle lIse natter viîb Banks for a considet-ation, but ve knov uotblng as ta vhetbet his is t-ne or ual, Bauks dld not appear hofore thc magistrale on Weduesda~ but vas rcprcsenled by Lavyei G. Y. Smibk vbo succeedcd lu secut-ing an adjourumnent unili next Mondgy eaI3o'clock, Tiser. are rumora Ibat Banka vili net be tIere then, but tIse less knowledge people have of sncb -cases lIse more rumors tlsey set afloat, Baukif vot-k a 0 acres ofiJames Linlon'., sud Il la alleged be took ad vanîage of tise Hovlett girl at bis ovu bouse wvist bi vfas, absent. It bas not corne out yet as 10 vIsaIhUe thc de- feace vilî take, but Banks la said tW declare bis innocence in every respect. Conviction of ibis ofI'ence under tIse Cbarlton Act olils for a.two year tern iu peniteathsry. Simak, but no Phre. Chie! Coustable Cslverley wus sppolùte night pat-cl two veeks ago, bis duitieotW commence.April tzst Sinçe tisai liae tise mayo- eni Souths on a t-tp. leasing writtéa Instructions' to Constable Calvcrley 16- as- sume tIs, dalles as per appolutsueut. Those. iopposed to Calverley have sonygbû lbad té break up-tise arrangement ser siace'. Li -week ith" trled ti~ctmte etn -bo do kt, but (alled b secur laarge eput atteudance. Tbecuai* pitu w~u dôý5 visicis vas ticibItd -a spechi-meetig0 counlâbefs pil )k liiisu d aeyok'- tise appolulmeut, wbis*I conidbe doue wltb -six siio agpaced1lu tIse bande oC tie clerk mluêbyana rhy oôf'becônïclitani tise icl"éb nolfied tL ineusmesic o Wd'aipecl nSbtins 'on- Tueaday algbt -,aitidgvek.1 COME! ANfl 300 Pleces newd<rmcusgde tW select (rom atW GWalters. Mr, Ed. Joncs, of Toronto Medical Sehool, Mr Reglnald Warren sud daugbîer. Bea- verton, are visiîing Mis Yul. lu tovu. Mns. G. Y. sud Misa Pattie Smith are homie aftr spendlng tht-eusouthu vîtb frienda in the cnt. Thero wiU b. a government sprayer of fruit lices at Oshaaibis, Frlday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mens bard bats, laîcal style lu browu, faun and black, vorth $2.5o, Saturday pt-te$s.oo aI W G Walîesa. Mr Wm Wilson, Port Pet-ty, wbo bas been laid up for some limne past vitb diphtberja, spesît Supday lu bovu. By an aversigbt ve ncglecîed in aur last Issue ta mention Miss Dartuell and Miss Hill among the v4saists aI lthe Famine Fund concert. Their atugsng was of special excellence, but as ibere vere no pinted pro- grammes Il vas easy ta forget bbe names ai ibose talng part lu bbe programme. If the Gazette stili dlaims lte patet-nil>' of tht tavu amalgamation acheme, ve vili re- li quih aIl rigbts. Any proper legislation tbII a squeezed oui of the present town cauncil wîll b. purely accidentai, for it la purelv obvlous ibat the mosi of tbe members vould ait up ail n'ght plotîing againsî any- tlilng tbat vould likely prove advantageous. On Fnidey cvening lasi Mesdames Clarkre. H-ogath, Crosby and Martyn sud Misses Wbîtfield and Gibson entertained ai the t-e- sidence ai Mes. (Rev.) Clarke bbe pupils of the Ontario Ladies' College including the faculty and direclorate. A large attendance vas piesent together wîtIs some ofîthe promn- inent iavn'a people vbo vere present by ini- vitation. The eniettatument in tbe Tabernacle an Monday evening April z2ib vil! be given by the follavlng parties. The Misses Hanssens, of Oshawa, vocalisîs. Mr Geiger ai Oshawa organist. Rev C O Jobostan ai Toronto, lecturer. Ail of tbese at-e fit-st clasa. The Misses Hansen know how ta sing, Mr Gelger knows how 10 play an organ, Mr joboston knows boy to lecture. The ad- mission is Io cia and ail are velcomne. The programme vil! begin promptIY ai 7.30. Hayward's Local,. Great bargains in dres goods Saturday. 1500 )ards ladtory coiton wortb 7c for 5c Saiurday. Special sale nev orints, ahirtings and flan- neleites, ail ai cost an Saturday. Sure for Aprîl 1h. 91h. Mr j William Macy, camedian and basso singer, wiii be at the coliege sure on April 9tb. The doubi as Io dates la nov setlied, and those who wisb to attend mai' 00w re- serve that date. Tickets at Aluns drug store. Spraylag ai Fruit Trees. W M Orr, Esq., supeintnendeni ai tbe ex- penimental apra3-ing of fruit trces, under the direction of the Ontario Departîment of Agri- culture, viii be at Oshava on Monday, April ,th, and vili be pleased 10 mcci as man y the fruit giovers and inleresîed parties as pos- sible, Ne-w Mercha.nt Tailoring Hanse. Mr Alex Fraser, whO for 23 years bas been cuiter for Mr C F Stewart, and whose work vas neyer found fauli vaîh, bas decided to open out a merchant îailoring establishment n Phiiip's block, and la getîing ini an entîre- y 0ev stock cd(goods and equipment. Mr Fraser bas many orders in advance, and wiii no doubt bave ail thc trade be can at- tend to. NE .ý :Wu " SATURDAy DRESS LOOK. -J BARGAINS, GOOD8.Mm 3M0 Yds AII-WOOI French Delaines. inin a, black, navy and brown grounds, with neat Floral designs ; positively the very beet cloth made; extra oboice colorIngs 32 inohes wi4eé; reprlat price 35o aà yard, on sale baturday while theylast, at 15c. CLOTHING 79 Paire Canadian Tweedi Pants, ini checks and stripes, double stitohed and strongly masde, rogular price $1.50 to $2.50,- aturday price 98c. 9ý'MEN'8 FINE TWEED SACK SUITS -*&,,Every Garment ini our store bears an oI'ject lesson in price economy. SEEING 18 FREE. It won't coat you a penny to look through- our stock and see how much you cari get for..so littie money. You wifl not be urged to buy. Your judgment will tell ycu wbat to do. WB ln the Surrogate Court County cf Ontario. of the1 In the mnatter ofIA NE T RAE Co WA N, an infant under the age of twenty one s cars the lauful clilidof Henry Cowan, Deceased, and Janet H-amilton Cûwan, now Janet Hamilton Westney. Notice is hereby given, that after the ex- pirations of twenty days from the fit-st publi- cation of tbis notice lu the Ontario Gazette, application will be made to the Sut-agate Court of thse County of Ontario for lise Sp. pointmnt of Janet Hamilton Westney, wife of Henry Weatney of the Townasip of Scarboro lu the Counly of York, Fat-mer, as thse Guardian of the person and estate of tic said infiant. HIGGINS & DOUGLAS, sao Yonge St., Tot-ontol Solicitors for the said Janet H.amilton Westney. Dated aI Toronto Ibis 351 day of Mat-ch, WallPapers E Spriug is here, and so is A. C. WILSON'S new stock of AI&ERICAN AND CANADIAN WALL PAPERS, which is an entirely new line from any- thing ever shown in Whitby. One look at the designs and colorings wil convince any- one th.at they are up-to-date and cheaper than ever. Painting, Paper-hanging anid Decorating doue on short- est notice. A. C. WILSON, FOR BALE A good drivlng borse. very gentle, a ladly or cblld cau drive. Alo Mikado buggy, harnesa, cubtér and robes. WIIls»Ulcbeap. Apply to-JAS SAWDEN. Whlîby, Nov 17, 1897. BROCI 8TREJET# -WIIrSy, Ge L i s s, I WALTERSa I I WA-LL IAPRIn J.Ust Roivod 2000 Rolis of those veVy beautiful A metican Papers, wlth Border8 tb Match, whioh will be sold -cheaper than ever this Also a lot of 1 Remm uns. which will be sold ati cost and under. Day is Bargain w iih us. year. Day1 P. B. -WARAM, AUCÎWON 8ALE Thse undersigned have been instructed hy MR WES PENHALL, t sei by public1 auction, on lot 13, con s2, Rcach, on MON-( DAY, APRIL 5tls,z897, the followlng valu-% able fat-m stock, machines, Implemeuts, etc.,( cousistiug of 3~ valuable bot-ses, 4 cows lna cali, 8 youug cattie, i sow in pig, wagons,9 bînder, bob sleighs, barrows, sceder, bar- neas, mower, ploughs, scuffiers, bay racks. hor-se power, democral wagon, 7 tonm 4y' sulky rake, botssehold furniture, dalry4 utensila, etc. For full particulars ee. bill&s. Mr Penhaîl havlug sold bis farta al tIse1 above propertywMviti vely h.e oldvitI- ont reserve. Sale at one o'çlock. Ternis.- 6 usonthe credit on al maunis over $xo. FAIRBANKS & BAIRD, auctloners. Readi, Mar a4, 1897-1z7-Osa. Sem ry$78%, payablée 115-WOffly sd eo penses. Position permanetL.1IIerenc., Enclose sel-addresaed, stsmped 'euve)oi.. Thse Natina, StarBfuding Chicago,-ir8. WAiTn-4 es 'ud ua lleads of Families WHO Study iEconomy will find it to their interests to buy 1Urocenies -AND- Provision -FROM- W. B. PRINGLE . & Co * Notice. Is hereby given that «' The James -Bay Rail- way Comspany"1 will apply to the parlianient of Canada at Its nexi session for a an aul irizing 1he Comspany te extend isl&ine froParry Soud, isuthe.'Province of On- tario, to thse City of Toronto ina the sIi Province, by constructlng a ralway trom a point in or near Farry Sound to tbe-said,-ip of Toronto. or 4 point in oir near the-a »d chty, sud Io authorize thse sald Com'pany 10 constract, usaintaîn n sdoperate>z brauçb- linos, tobulldmainain and op.rM* teleçp sud elehon fles, <> rai et~kty for the stspply ofigIi, beat and oea4 for aiýl esual, inddeutl, *neoesaary,, tageous or propertcrlty, -rigls d% ege su paeraluconctlou vitlah 51 demta to thse objecta aforeuad. KERR, 1MAC INALDÏ Toronto, Jas. 28, 18< 10 SE 15 Oafl4 .bliah.d. DIAwua 9, Eaju!nwoI ed by the presentatlmof !OC 8 içl U *et witb a noorn UCI>4Upu1.Ir Muir replled by .sylng, vttr ttie but Io*-, ed aslifhe felt a 0good det. 9"-heu of lhe coca" tuade, a »pmcçb exc*t tbaq Whso Mro p 8nm.~i ptJtgrm1¶Isut Of Canam*& bel of o<âctt4 bxe but h» WnSla ait the poýW iMd'iiiide siftlf »- - w - mw a - i~d p? S, L. of cli, If you want to buy rigbt,". If yon want to be treated right, If you want to t-ave money, make this store your trading home. SPECIALS& 1 ý 1 1

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