Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1897, p. 7

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VIGOFR c olor to the hair •. W. Penwiek, o Digb7,j S.8, says "A little mfom oyars go n, (N i k i. M~iy 2, S" 3 Iy, ('13 Ni',. SN 4 ~"½ ~ N. j y MnN Fooeraen acopl c OT HOUSE LIVEB. hElmvale. . Mr A B L h a n anl r m [leas Germs la Haume: tbiat are lhave them in our midst agai. Ynetlt~ * Miss Mackie, of Oakville n r /ke8adOsaePeala *Calvert, of the 7th con.e Pickerig this88an Sejson. ,yg , spent a day with Miss Dunkeld last 8380 Geco Kirby spent several days ~at Paine'e Oeler ¯¯~odG 'e veek under rhe parental rofy a s ey Liponde.es *Kirby s, of Mlt Albert. roa rNwLf. * Snietbee r furof our farmers IT SHOUJLD BE USED BY EVER hebeen mlofl ity atd n AILING PERSON 1IIS MONTH. maeehope te reap a pecuniary advan- oruaypatra cmo fhm- ~ s7c aun~s b tage from the wonderful reputatiot contin Belladonna, sand Aponite,1 a odsueon wn h aeiovdr yDr. Wiliamns' Pink PilS. sometimres thbese drugu meay be absorbedo a m. r of a ee T hes Pillr ea ree m ano fate red by t e by the systemn and cause s orious disturb , . ~P p I ~ I qT e s o k o te l t Dr Wi'barm's Medicine Company Brock- aes Pbasercomaded af "Quickenre" -. UOVmir ata Ai'~ F pK Ville, Ontario, and cben~ectmady, N. Y., have ben reommened, asbeingendre ,udare sold oni in boxes bearing 1he ly free frein anything wbich could pao. - ar ra ' iay e a r su rp e, a aby i re ven a id, sd n plaster oo s åoi o .uu. w s be wi~e sent by mail on receipt of price. bosver asledtrs el ou tobr .William.' Pin~k Pilla may b. bade applyhoapiainslooetea 1f~druggists or direct by mail fran "Quickeure" Plater, coveri th baok,-¶ Wilhamis' Medioine CJompany frein ehesi sud neck weli;laje ts ier address. The pries at whieh the wrung e of ,o v l aniinet inoths pills are sold maie a, gours of treat- *'gQuieof h"obt atiseewilnti nient omrparatirelf hinexpensive s Qikue"btadiseet somapared wsih otîher regredies or meodieal _reaent 'Sauces. is therwrdo srie uM. •. sysIa 'Mduheer was palen simu e ln. u, o P° f'Pit o s pshse a S two yars: abejook Miller'. Cous- ogrn o i Pilsor60 tnonth and 1s now went 5enuigAe'sBrsa0 nud " 0d - for 2N cents. 8s‡1d by is the blood-pnnf~uri6e wie a U'A L......nn - pullo Aur' Srsaii aggatoes e World. e Wehail Ph ier ieec FUL A MER/CAN SBEA UT/, iWALL PA PE881 -WrTR- Borde-: to MaChS P. B. WA RA M Bryani's old 8tand; Bro °°t., Whit* DOItaIONp •AN 0&pital PaId up, $1,500,000 Surplus, - $1,~ooooo Ol0c..Per Sar oy uiteda unhe of \eihors spent alels ad ru onpol oko an boti t A e a' sai ne o my kepa e ehn. g wîh rPickere, Lu wng phanaîoytee phyve trihe uaai i potante ni frmp rroves( ) 3P e be lF. FE gon --fl iio " M r4 o onday where he se ngance r r nlf e - p a a ruR U r f t G r oF . I Ew t h K D b y N . Sw o k w b r F a i r l e s s o f t h a t p a c e . b e P s e h - u d n g a n d t h e g a t h e r i n g o O r o w - oa eght witer the majority of m n and htMerraOs Law n o la omean he oliå°d'llothKusN]iEY " d fst m yeas ag ha w h e p r Markham , met -vith a peculir acci- n hald o f poiaso n d ger o ta t arek wvas atiite abundaunt I tried det uesday. tihe was ett the dia tesdn wein sck vraety o r e parations but wi.,. of bed ir the rrn ng osefut Tes an diee olng wa O lodi r:t he e l î ~ r s i, ii I b ga n an d broke her e . I r Miacdona d im p ue, w hen brp i na bo e alod skaN EY -t h o nthsb P a y u band . was called and set the lim b. diseases m ake life a m isry. This is t he1 ~ 1 Y rigt n om a h t of A r' of akh I{l'af o r s sued the village o lo obeks and un ea lows f ona . l l Ar V r n n a O n S e tof M r , h~ f o $ th e i c e o f a iag i b o l h a d a k n e y b T b i de h renL.resolution on the bok aThriz fromd teso dysea rma eeaia (irle n s, L .. ~r Ml o rr iso n o r a n y hbo d y e lse to b u y P n e ' ele r ry m p o n d o tham d PREPAREDrBY c uhec a'emame · C.YE &CO, OWLL MSS s.R na ma acrat, aîdn acutta ' edsae thosrto and ha rone.Is ar n .4 e' il C L.Sc eodache. The electioni ini this county council pere A t NetWi srstrdt ,T er s tlKn fo t e ra h on Thîursday resu lt-ed inter.scinadsreon, an eminent phy.- , Rubbers and Overshoes are odee~ tsom t urnof th sane t wo represenaives, "PCainde'sCeer oCBompavs :o a:• of boots. They are thin m eale to e , S gg RLF. as elc din d anuary, wjth practically patent medicine, and it must not be con- e feeling a.nd te mnake themnso aestî prt SAV D R R L FE.the sanie nnjaority bet weenî H all an founded witb the ordmarv nervjnes, bit. * rubber. W hile Granby R bnecssiates T HE AR OW AP OF A E mte st dl ter a d a rsa n ae e t erepurifies the *, Style, Fit and Finish, they re ta n tero GCShiEhCHANT'SYDAUGHTER.arns and nite areast cor I had someretroble mysef .GrnboRbb liad B4een Weak and Sickly Fromin - ark numm to ni~mî wlî he aan- e, sur car w mCo ponded wt tr ***••••• faney Nether Doctorb Non Friends j uS 7 arkliam, Resor mn nut I wasscmeb itr mo a oe *J >lh agm s i n k P uls d H r ie r cl r eas te k w a ' t y 5 , l Hls inbMrk hln'a e n o a p p e tite , ca n n o t s leep . a n d W a s IîkIîl ae irLt lsgs ~iiwa i aka vae, are weak and run-dow. F o Ibi c di" --.dvice to P'arenas. exa~ y0 in eaîlh sub-division, but in~ lion, andl for disorders of the blood nd_ from he FrgusNewsRecod. n diviasinn dmd Halls vote fall biehind nerves, it has no egînah. ad • C.u M. Pos.erg u it and Rconfectonery a o f ted var. Thei total vote bna man or woman as lost ap- - e aer, .t. A n d e st. r t , nd co f i aert ~ , n î o n e n I i as ag ain st 1 S47 ast P el t , be elep, and (sols th at life is a weekrelte toa reresn aae f th yer. he u tis eneall sais- den, that pereon is in a serious coî'di- s-er the adw sstryof teg terri fetary ande re s to ie gedra thata ion.o d fprescribe Paine's Celery Com- SDS al ek r aaae e a tree Sae uf tobeie e oj etbs oea n1 Seas IA t lt t e o f id , th e ni s es s t o faî îr . e i a i < 1 2 a n d o v e r hee P o ssib le rem ed y to k eep u p o n e ' fiçro m /A s f re /t e p At sth was a res tJet ofihl H Ocs .ir ht. l~ le h i 2i aoe ndeergy duriog thee sri Th h et a a c e p blOrv s su a r-îet c llim a. I~ mir îai S e Econonast, oe nd summer monhs." raoe tate pinhes spilcv dumghtmen haed been vnry dleiîcai (nmsTOUFFVILLEPhI(ttP surritate the lier c bld oo untila bu tg stionî anad ObSCU d t h e m o n e y t L c o s t m e eo d t r m i e u a t it o f h r g e d i rut h s u ' - i 1 1 witode ae o or as cta e a d oat t es was froui lt 41, 6th c ri of W hitchurch hii es r a l wimoa aa any.o s cae, do etor e e i po at f h Tr us orporatio i a Ith b:c-ns at the T hroat er jcal m onents , dof. Tbe doctors euceoedd mn keein Toronto., but week. M r V as Bul 'id n a teGaeaH wsctfe o rie alive, but eue was gnadualy growrî ho, appear. for Stale, entered may h *Ie IS .CSunntOes- Apy.rof "Slater u p do e o f r s a v ul ph y sc a n i d g iv e n p o rt th is M a g is tra te s Im e a n d Y u e, . mu< Snac t 3 t ' c h a e t e c o s l a v e y u hop t we e n hon ly e w ar d e ae ( ot A urora, w ere called. T hey sw ore oni. 'ric th ra e on Is t h ath r t o a n $ 5o o . i tw a t it w n e ere o m ig h ebe ai tat th e. case w as w ith d raw n and not c-- , n u ni n-r .once a sh o e kth s e w aa chance. But seven sumnmers, had passed re.HsHnradM eate-I athrtsha tet, sinice lien birth and shie hiad grandually bothi held that the case should go""P°< cu<.j- i iievsai b s;yA tarko th-e "air ater ts e'ncome teebler, snd mny wile and i te jury since, according to the toais h n e <besml hoes 'leterdi no mareaß of-, tlauht it was just a inatter of tîme anti, trates, the case had noe mantieips-i~~ .i.'îhc c-î-- h Ao ita on aechta thell jst-a ble child woaîd be called to a lbetter and that the nmaitaeser e juried, "su ": îc- 'i a n hihdnesteWatlahrini aeo- h um e . A hb o u t t h n is e D r i l a m 8 d i c t i o n . M r B u l i s t a t e s h a d h n o al ris -, ' t ais uU n e"i i f ~ < a n i te a a l o t t hv e f e e t - - a n d g our notice througha a cure they wrought question for the jury wa.s wbether or the- av îe evern after oer I-ig i.. wholygne The aer give acorig mianeagbor's cid. I bought I would not Stalyto h ibrwt eo-a " h te eim on.O Gode a kes ndensuand pr docto bhut a trial and to informed the ous intent. M r. Dewart said the are attacked h<a-.-er ne 'imi a doome p otcs g in ti otorm bulel ny lauge aI the idea question was, did the goods in ques- <"'"?P°"l n a terbedothsy a eta d e srî a bo ofbhe r. H01 owever I bougbh ion exceed $25 in value Ii f not the drad dis * adnototrat peseaferars $3OO,$.o a bot tof her 'alf aIill, an abegan gviag case should have been dealt with in a eoaCic pr-unm<- iscadt cneive Throis mruche a eu hort t -r m n thre w:I a s a Li he a fl mîinor court.. The case was given to a e se < praevent e an cured. Toar ouers provemenr rithat neither hmer mothier non the ju ry about 5 o'clock, and shortly- zrcca be u r hae sa forunners. A I could doubt that Drn. Wilhiates' Pink after 6 o'clock thiey retmi-ned a verdict aient Tbpetie ofli Dr.hsesyawaof LIts, Pil were heu ing ber, and I decided to of guilty, with a strong recoiînmenda- wtbouî dout i dreve theie way this ahtalo Oe octor sa services altogether tion to nmercy . Jud ge McD ou al pup. Lb a a,cst e dicine for the Tîuti Te Iink Pîl treatment was continued sentenced Stal te gw me ugal purpoeMto e hadaLIyN8ere. rna ilagth ase priee oard, eal county jail with lad mothsmFteeCLI9, 0ËA foiebe es e rtain, and a rona e bar ha day, and Iarn thankfuj te The Revd. 8. Riopel, M.D, ContyS sng G ou d Miss Minnie amn of Port Perry r a , Wfto. brat entsne h a ne e sron g e ieveria Jacques Cartier, Writes : "I have had Dealere and drggiate who handle and presnt the guest of Eha Wheter i a have kn ov la the effioaoy of Dr. Willilame Pink Pille, considerable experience with Dr. lovera, sell common package dyes for homes dye MissElsWetrrtre n M'on for eak sd delicate bildren, sand I 'Quickeure' and ave always fund it ing arefnud a uin essta he r fast lsudro a ver lasant l trip aong k frea ereorm avemy bl it ilwas this medicine that SURPaRIINGLY EFFECTrvE, AN WER Io FUL- O ne a s bem a e d i. d d ae.amtnee i an ro n ort a o uldam Dr.e Wm eilm 'PnkPlsa e od o l LY, when directions were observed, 'rHEu return a to th eerchant that eansd er M any of our 'sîens are ufre in fr e rswnn d rpe,(puinted ini red ik. ear pain in an incredibly shr ie"Teda whnieter atmr iusferin not ibee ni sold Dr. bu o s Pie d enll SiFor Rhenmatism , Pain ,in the B ak, ar . à s aeuo ae dy arse u i m muTi ty ci a1- tov~ o b ri ng hondred a anyk oelr wyho oer bid•es or Chest, spread "Quiekure" on meu ini evr prt of Canada• tin eduigPeo7î seiios am being oon-. stitutes i:1 this formn is trying toc defraud imn rotoa o urns, ando€over Diamnds Dysare prfetinooor ad 'xarl cightly i th methodistu tilnd you sud should be avoided. The publie with cetten batting, or even paper, over dyis paer; the onlhta Mal lsn gi en akdo are ase cautioned againt all other so which put a andag te ke p iln la bo d4 u a nb., bu er Qnu eu' r hhdmon.- eslled blood bauders and norve toniios, and protect the altge Mpalin placei -sh Sol se thakahe -aad ond"mei . heQue'sBitha eebionwi pot ump la simailar zoru; intended to de- auviifo prothin. oany posi appears6 on eéalh pakg-hne to the he ith this e" in 6 eive. They are ail imitations whiose ein wilntpeeb ralwueo yadblr h e' uie",-ue2 II bats. fit a 'ent he u 'vers rs 0ds ward. on a wet day aorîbward,C TIbeH Uod chea. fanxity comnes Cheap. A fine twon story wmth brick stables. Situ ed o the te prwhitby, the finest residatia tpa r din, wi hin three minures wal en ean e a e t hsree ts Hof e in life of L. FAIRBANKS n thm o at. ReaI Estate Agent, Wh times sways Shoes" may VM VIOR and V fortune, but , R S O E IN 30 DAYS. )./ GooD EFFECTS AT ON( AÂTON'8 VITAI2 eO saped~ re~~.J - itaons of» orgQik OV AlR U aga.BAgKlumate to Ltl . ?Cuco rf BFORdua HIT ooeNito plNa. Adseaver Hal Mén- WOO 'j SEET CAPORAL CIaREE SWeather Gnera Banking Business Each year the Granby . ll the fashionable shapes , 8AVrNs 8 aleD thgEPA oRENTrts clumnsy appearance anmd * Nootc cf vitrawa rgest rretat 'se of the finest quality of~ * arqie oue an quap tte date in~ • E. J. THORNTON We.r ,ike , oH <. asrw.vs..w.edFAIR BA NK'S - Ii'eal Estate Co/umn. Small Frame House aand Lot, corner of jrietCr rv nt E.C a t0 -.1-- i 25 nrth Ash street, brick hous. street untb k of the post land with an inl perdec itby, Ont. /ITALIT, mAa LAL RK. - a S LoWEST Sar'plus public. Ayer's Sam *0 RETTES $1,500,000 enn i

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