Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1897, p. 5

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~1~ -v BAIit5AINS+ jElectro + Plated Ware. 1iBARGAINS IN Spoons, Forks and Knives, -T- aîrc hased ini (, e( ttiiciit of M nte l i coi .l t y IN1IN G. Sale of lte Wittit Fonsdmy. MmrWrn Brown bas soid bis foundry busi- ness bere to a Mr Frazer, a retired furmer of àlaunt Poret, wito bas two sons titat are inechanics. Tht business wil saw, w-e understand, be pushed 10 its uttuasi capac- ily. witicit will prove a good tbing for the town. Chercit Notes. A social and piatfortn meeting witt be > tetd in the'iiuptlst Citurcb on Fniday April 2rtd. Teas erved #rom 6 to 8. An excellent 4programme muy expected. Solos and Thing duetta by MIsa Bertha C Huvek, of the Con- servatary of Music, und Messrs Ros and McAtpine, sddresscs by lion Jno Dryden and residtnt ministers of the town, misa me- citations by Idm Vichert of McMaster Univer- sity. AIl are welcome. Admission r5c. i ('annot rice, and j ilsL the e strong r J. S. Barllard's, Offiia Coanty OrgazL-Largest Ciroula- sien of any local paper ta Canada FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. Buy your foot wear at Burns' new cash 1ýtore. WVes Morris, lately of Peterboro, is back 10 toowf. Tîm Wilson has secured a situation in the mtîjyf oundry, Oshawa. Bargains every dav at Burns' new cash store, north of Hatch Bros. With this issue the CHRONICLE commen- (,S is twelith year under ita preseni pro Prîetors. teo, White, of Port Whitby, has gone to yvwen Sound where lie has secured a situa- tion on one af the C P- R boats. It is a long time since tbe roads were s0 tbsd between Whitby and Osbhawa. The weather this week is the bardest test of a road. The regutar meeting of the collegiate liter- ary societv will he held this, (Fridsy) aiter- nooýn, ai 3 30. A cordial invitation ta ex- i tnded to ali1. The citv of Chicago bas passed an ordi- nance requiring a license fee of stoo fram every retailer of cigarettes. and besides this the goods sold are al aubjecita inspection to ste that they are pure. On accounit of illiiess, Rev Mr Batet has hern cbliged ta withdrauw irom his engage- ment to lecture nt the college on the -Rid- rites of Life," Friday evening, Marcb 261h The union meetingofthe Chris.ian Endeavor Socteties wilt therefore be posîponed. Sec'yý 1( t here is ta b* neithercricket nor lacrosse nor baseball here ibis surmmer we would ad- vise the iown council to plow the athtetic grounids and let poor people grow potatoes i here. Hundreds af bushels of potatoes and other vegetabtes could be grawn on the commons and unused %treets af this sawn. The residents of Dunlop Street West af JS Brouglial's residence were treated on Wednesday nigbt ta an aid time charivari, consisting of nmusic sweet, shboli and clear from borna, tin pans and cracked tbroats, the occasion being the niarriage af i is Mag'gie Draper ta a Nir Parrot ofi Glen M aj or, The Oshawa Vindicatar in-inuates that tiiere are poker dens in Whi'hv. aud thai tht CHRONICLIE keepa a cloaed eve on themin Ttere is no truth about the insinuation. Tht Viîn. knows Oshawa is iruested %îith pokter dens, and iî certaiFA-v wînks its eve at them. h dare not pretend ignorarce af the fart, but brazent>' trieq ta bide ils failure ta expose them by a false atternpt ta, impute lik e con duct ta this journal. SBkths At Town Line, Whitby. on Monday, Mar 2*nd. the wife af Mr Albert W Ricbardson. et a daughter. Died tbe same day. 1 Oitst-uci An ai meeting nighî, o tion rcp thet om meeting ta try as on appt -appoil nigiti P2 uous Fp r-ecessi i petition the ex*p Cauncili abject c Pamule Fondi Concert. wara mm There vas a great ctowd ut tl:e famine lusi met fund concert i tise music hall on Priduy merelyt aigitt last. Tise town haLl becs cauvassed ater wel by ladies witis tickets for sale, snd their eut New pr naîessahait proven in-esistaisie, so varder. about twenty-five pet- cent- efthtie town-s UnitedS populstion -came te tise show. Ail tise iiig an cergymen in towvu and Prlséipai Waugh of eancing the coilegiate institute teck thse platform, votes.E and , as tisexe vers se printed programmes, its atilei il vas at fiaut feit tisatishe crond nas ta las go ou. trcated te a grand avalanche cf superior MYPc oratory. bat presently Rev John AbraisumM r ini the absmee cf his werhip tise mayor, There took the citaI snd tttsotnced tisatitI wouid round toi bu princtpally a musical and literai-y enter. ta closeu taintuent Tht programme proved te 6e a untî! 21 good one, aud w-ustberougisly enjoyed by sais. cf the audience, eack 'perforisçr be ing reward- onl y a (e, ed wits ioud appiause. The vocabiats cf the payer, ai occasion vere Ml- W 0 O Jaunton, Mliss doîsg wIt Gertie Taylor, and Mr W Richardson of be no con Wbîtby Mr- Donald, Taronte, and Miss clerks ns RicM bSsiawa. Tise twa latter were tise late bous ouiy masiciaus'frais oniside the toni, sud âkwr rousing encare% w-cnt allowred lu their cases, hb>uehok although no-doubles isad bten alioved dur. thereaboc îng tise tier sunbens. Miss Ciara Warr eno penformed msont creditabl ntise vicls, Ton î and afLttazds Piayod 't vi740 ":-'liuM. M t e10.of w-ell gvilug as interprqtaton 1 Tieb Goide Crw-u wvMJsfOtiOshsawa, taire a shbort sdiffrsm, iwfS4*ue wIb umt-i. amusis anecdote.. - M5 -&yres, KaD .add 11111 ae. lae ts at ns.sd as : -Panmens. hWntt -,ortestra filUed indoueue the vacauce'il ithvely utc'-Thse po-cierhl -ceedi atuustedto $ie..& tieir belg uo tirely lie expnse ofux orLThe. plendid resulu whlcb enercy w-itisWh,te - hfl Scmmttua etcouildb ladlies snd gutis e spedmattrsaong. <broligi ecftve ovitdit ** efflw u -l emev.*e~l ime-nwould pw tics for ti't çn.vUe »divla~y*I li aklngýtise schèm tise entettatnsnat#aooemê <lly - Ctive Tactlca .utempt wss made ta bold a caucus ig ai the towut couincil on Mna ostensibly to consider the amalgama- port as laid over irois lust sitting ai wn council. The me&l abject of tht «, however, i laaioitd to have been and upset tbe report of tht commitcee oications tao ffice-sbich was passed .nting Chief Constable. Caiveriey >atrol, Some menbenstake tt ridic- ositian ltai the touncil Is under no ty of obder-Ving econorny where s b as been signed asking for a patrol, pense ta 6e levied by special tax. âors Jackson and Blow bave se ether excepita secure lte job for asoutbt aan, their vote for W H Newbety at teting of couficil baviug been given te break up Culverley's supporters, îicb they hoped te bu able te tht-es wbery ascLreplace bits wlth a- south- Such roiaadabout schemes ln lte States are called filbustering, meas- attempt te carry one thlsg by ad- ,another shlcb say catch- more On Monday uigist the obstruction- ed to secure a querum,, sud cesild flot ove Poo s coosmy. sesaus to-bs a i retty strong o0010oM tWn that It weald be taise ecoeosuy op the clerir sud tressure-9 mS p. mu. every day lits yiearior <b. secuizg Siom ,Tii!. .*pld make ew cents of difféescIe p <l rate- Ld wonuId b. alaSat taflto at ta ithout a clet-ki .&oa.coý fl*welà te onstabîl is e foreomss. ad If tIi. ïevIces are 'd4apeuM dwttb uitlI Ir aai day thlmga woId otkratheÏ dlv. Thse t Moniiexry1 uts.- W. fqat' 4t willbe.-up. toaoih tetk1» __ - A - a a a. I so' soê< 1sfonOu onday ferOweu- WVhiîby bas wan .9 games duning tht sea- son, witb 2 defeats and 2 draws. Tht senior seven sud the officiais ai the club visited Oshawa an Salurday aiternot'n ta be photograplued Having iougbt aide b% aide iu many a bard battît, the boys feit chat in years ta camne a memçnta ai tht aid days ai hockey wauid las niuch prized. Bath the finances sud tht piayiuîg aofteclub have heen well baîîdied ibis î'ear, and tht havi, însisued un havung tht officers in tht pictur»e as far as possible. Tht folowing comprised tht group - Hanomary prtsidetut, John WVaugh, B. A. : presidetit, E D Warren treasumer, F Byan: secretary, C S East woo<i, and Manager A G Hi-udersoi. The pl>ayers wert :-F Brant, Robt Stewart, Robi Brreli, Gto Barues, Gea Thompacin, Chas Sniitib and 1 Paquet. This us nat in- serted as an adverîîsement, but it mnay un- teresi frenda ai tht club ta knaw that pic- turcs ai tht club may be hadi from O'Brien & Stedham ai a very iow figure, either 22z 28 Or 3x6 inchea. Wîll tht CHitaNuCLE pitase explain how tl us ihat tht Whitby team catînot win a gamie ai hockey when they leave their own îown. hi is dufferent when flot on your awn ice, isn't il, %Wbutby ?-Oshawa Reformer %Veil, we wilI see. Sunce tht Whitby club organized ih bas played iîi games away from home. 0f these it iast ,3-at Peterboro, Cobourg, and Port i-lpe. Tht latter was ptayed wiîhoutliughî and sbould flot count. Our club won 6 away fram home-Oshawa (t), Bowmsnville (E), Lindsay (2), Uxbridge ai Port Perry, and Pickering coltege. 2 gantes piayed away irom home resulted in draws, both with Oshawa. Our club bas gant away from home evemy tjme iî couid arrange a match with anybody, and whetbee ai honte or ubroad bas sought ta play tht best clubs in tht hockey business, hi bas time and again faced and dtftated tbe sirongest combines thut could be formed in Toronto or eiseshere, and out ai 40 gamnes played bas oniy lost 7. 4 Of these latter were at home, shich shows chat Witîby bas been beaten oftener at home titan etseshere. Naw, wbat is Oshasa'a record ? Did Osh- awa ever win a gante away from home ? Nary! Ont might suppose te Reformer would bave scanned thte record ai Oshtawa club belore opening titis question for dis- cussion. We muy add tbat out oi6 games played siîh Oshawa Whitby bas wan 4 and played 2 draws. Whiîby sound up the hockey season on Tbiarsday nigh,î lasi by a game siîh a pick- ed teani ai the bank league, Toronto. Thc aggmegaîion sblch carne here was certainly a strong one, and if evesthie W'hitby club bad ta hustit ht was on tiIs occasion. A most startIing îting occurrtd ut tiese tart ai the garne. There was fia reterte's wbistle to bc had, e a dinner bull avas used. Sanie- bas, the visitors did sot catch ounshes Reteree Montgomery. ai Toronto, rang Smith snatched the puck away up towar the Toreonto goal, and rnaking a rush put il through. Not uuotber maun on cubher aide caugbt on until the goal was called, and the blank look thut overspread te baukiers' countenunces was arnusing, for of Course tbey could'have inîcrcepted Smnith with case, Tte gurne wcnt swiftly ufter tii. The baukers were bound to make up for ibis kms, sud they plyed a combisatloa wilcb was a wonder, bt for counlo sad speed. Mirne andi again thejy s=-edtise puck aud Ibume up thelIe ix alias rof atm tack in- battIs, sud if tise 1ikint sud over point falled tu break op tis ebiame*-Uittle "Darkey" Brant sever faile&tostopibq* la geai. It wshot wark, and ume iltle tbit ladies scrsarned nis ltrl-rotg tu t desd mo« outhe.MWIitby goa.TiiN» nould cff m reara-of Joy as lb. pucknu scd ad"e. Mýeautme tise, Wbieiwtois w. G. ODDFELLOWS' Mfr John M 'pyP Mrqimhy eterbpro, la Ie towin fr a few days tbis wek. BraDecash store north cf -fatcb Bras. Res Mr Brown, Madoc rahdeua tional sermons in Jthe ieds abdernacle On Sunday. th etdittbral There awas a 9s"Oof general urne around tonStrday nigbî, severai fights and scuffles being reported. Hon John Dryden and Mfr L Burnest M p, were in îown Saîurday, and a private meet- ing of the Liberai leaders of this vicinityws held. Hors"s are selling well. The Messrs Hlamkness bougbt s carload bei-e Monday ai good figures. A farmer tramn Columbus sisied in the CHRopq ECLR office thai be coutd reatize about s3o more for a borstitan formerty. The suckers will 80on beuup the creeka, and -e bave the usual lirwe selection af new fiait atonies ready ta prini in celeb-at ion afifsbi.g expeditions. No paper in Canada has printed as nsany fisb toies as the CHRONICLE-true oies w e mitan. We nev- er drus, the long bow. A lecture wil be given ity Mr J W F Har- rison ai the coltege on Wednesday afiemnoon, ýNlarchV31t, ai 4 'ctock. The subjectoai tc tome will las "Origin and devetopment of piano farte music", and will 6e sccompanied by illustrations plsyed by Miss Taylor. The public are cordialty invited ta attend, Mr WrnM ui, whohbas been cluer atA M Ross' tailoring de purtment for three or four years, h"a decided to go into buç'iness for bimsel as a mercitant taylor ut Sebreiber, Aig'ornu, wbic ta,- the most nortberly p oint ai Lake Superior. His fiends are talk ing ai holding a iareweli event ai sorne sort bu' fore he leaves 10w-n.a Onteis siruggling to gel along whtle an- other is fleetng from it. Que is îrying ta buid a bouse, anoîher is trying ta selI bis for less tban it cost, ta get rid of it. Ont man is spending aIl he earns in tukring a girl ta places of amusement, etc., sending ber flowers wuîh the hope af maktng ber bis wife, while bis neighbor is spending shat he has taken s-cars ta tamn and save in geîîing a (duvorce. One man escapes al diseases ibsi iesh is heir ta and gels kiiled on a ruiiroad. Another man escapes witbout a scratch and dues with the whooping caugh. Ont man stands off ahi bis crediiors and gota travel- ling, whiie anoîber pays bis debis and siays au home. Wbsî are you daîng ? -1 BLOCK, WHITBY. 1 Mir Hery Moore, Trenton spen uad _wIth MrJ ioeGeno male mm efr 4w.eoewo yî " O'Brien & Stedham's photo galles-y li Open (Or >business every TueSday, Frlday and Saturday. The salvatlon armny wIll celebrate their an. niversary nexi Saturday, Sunday, and Mon- dat March arth, 28th and a9th. TiCkets e 15CIs. Postmsger Howden bas been laid Up this week. La grippe and brenchitis have coin- bined in attacking hitu. He may flot be out titiweek. Young Buckley, an educated and rather clever yaung chap who stole $5o (ram Father Galagher, Pickiering, soint months ago, was brougbt before His Honor Judge Dart net! on Saturday last. He admitted bis guilt, but in the meantime bts friends bave stepped in and paid back the stolen money. Buckley is in a bad wsy, his longs being iatatty diseased. The jodge bardly knew what ta do wiîb him, baving a great feeling or compassion for tbe poor wretcb. It was finatty decided ta let hlmn off witb ten days in jait, afier which bis friends have unde, - taken ta look after tim and get hlm ia some bospitlt. $2-30 for $1. 'rhe CHRaONICLEg(Si), the Weekty Globe ($I), andt large picture ai Liberai Cabinet, (-çoc)-ail for Si to new subacribers. Postpoued.- Wc are r'eqnested ta state that Mr 1 Wil- huama Macy, butnorist and bassa singer cati- flot fil bis engagement ait te coliege here tili April 5th.' Bicycl, fer SaWe Higit grade Hystop, 72u inch gear, 24 inch tramne, 96 model Titis wheel was purcbaaed lte last season, and was rididen not more titan 15o miles. la in birai cLas order, and wîll he sotd cbeap. Appi, ai ibis office. Colleglate Notes. The masters and pupils ai the institute sent a beautiful wreatb ta be placed an the coffin of their late school companion Miss Loîtie Westtake. The art examinations wiii be hetd in the coliegiate institute an Friday and Saturday April 3oîh and May ist. Ex pupils or the coilegiate inatitute snd athers desirous af taking anv ai the examinations wili notify Principal Waugh on or before April ist. Comutg. iebb. (formerly ai New Yark .-Doctor ai Reiraction in Optics, and inventor ai the famous Rechterche Optometer, the latesi and mosi improved instrument knawn ta modern science for painting out every de- fect and disease ofithe eye and sight. Cures granulation and inflammatian ai tbe iids, headache, and straighîens croas-eye, &c., withaut medicine or operatbon. A cure guaranteed in every case or money refund ed, Treatise on the tyt and sight fre Wuilbe ai Alun's drug store, March 2,th onhy. Hockey NO matter when you corne you'1i alway-a firad something new. Daiiy arrivais help to swell the immense assort- ment of Novelties in t>ress Gooda, Trimminga, etc. These departments are particularly attractive ju t now , with the choicest styles and latest patteras for the present seaon. Our command of ready cash and the ability to buy in large qtantities gives us the crearn of what the Canadian and European markets have te offer. Buying for Cash iii- immense quantities naturally reduces the cost, and selling as we buy you roap the benefit in such values as these ]DDMES 0 G GC:OD8..bl& Choice new colora in 48 in Henriettas, only-...50 cents per yd. SiIk and Wooi Fancy Figures, cléoice new dpsigna, new colorings, 44-in. wide, Single Dreas Ends, speciai at 75C. Plain and Shot*ýEffect, Lustres, Canvas8 Cioths, Armure Serges, Sicilians, etc., in ail colora, ut îowest prices. Men's Ready'rnade Navy Serge Suita, good lining ....- ONLY $3.50. Men's Ail Wool Canadian Tweed Suits, Farmer's Satin linings ....- ONLY $5.00. Children'8 Special Line Ail Wool Canadian Tweed Suits, te fit ages 5 te il years, speciai, at,.... $1.95. -AMML.ACEI Lace Curtains at 25c. Lace Curt.ains at 75C. Lace Curtains at $1.25. Lace Cuirtains at 35C. Lace CurVains at 90e. Lace Curtairis at $150. Lace Curtains at 50c. Lace Curtains at $1.00. Spocial Dargains For Saturday~... Men's Ail WooI Socka 10c., worth 18c. Boya' Ail Wool Ribb Hose 19c,, worth 30c. Boys' Navy Serge Shirts, lace fronts, 25c, worth 50c. Men'a White Shirts, uniaundried, worth 50c., for 39c. W.o Go FISH. CLOSE PRICES -FOR- Lenten Sea son. me ce. WALTERS. WHITEFJSH, SALMON TROUT, PICKEREL, PIKE, COD) SMELTS, LAKE BIERBING, HALIFAX IIIERRLNG, LABRADOR HEIRRING, FINNAN HADDIE, YARMOUTH BLOATERS. LAWLE R. ILLVAS WANTED. CANVASSE.Rg--"QuCeD Vitoia: ler Life and Reigu" bam capturcd tht Brtish Emnpire. Extraordlnary tesdumiaiz trons ihe great men ; soud for copy trou. M7is of Lornesays. 6.The butpopalar ofL i I hm1 ave geapR«Maety moe- dsa ld letter cf *P.- prdaio. wloby ià g- ive enthos- iasc satssfactieaCauvasser u 1at4 Sto = SyProspctes fmeý-to ms. as .Q4ARRzrau: Cmi, L?. Toroato, M.p ort, Worn., to tavel. for re- sPoosible es'ltasIsb.d ' bouse lu Ontaneo. Salary $780, payab4e $15 weklv and ex- penses. aopitleupeauaeus. Reference. Balose- slÇsdri»4 uaumped onvelop-P. 'lite NatlomA4,StarBu dl0*4,CblCag-'748 Tlte Wwilib. -offed for Wmsbi' publk auCtlont St Woodm're-f' ýl tts1-, [e 1 Just Reoio 2000 Rol-i of those ver beautifiil Ame,'Ioan P78e06mwIth r Borders to Match, whioh will b. Sold oheaper than ever thii, year. "0s a lot Of Which Win 1-b-. old -ai Every Dyt aran.a 1,Pi 'i y 1> HEeads of Families WHO Study :: Economy - WHITBY. Io hereby gpea that"61 Te ji way Comspany " vI pply te of Canada at Ils sext mess autborlatng thse Cosspauy <o tanlo, a thbe -City .'OfTon Province, by censr=ctloa, n poiut in or star Paruy Soaud of Toronto. or- a point lu or clîy, aud <o autlirlsm tesmak centuç, ina1ntalu ad 011 ries tobldsnaeuq sud t. Wpiio e u, topo Notice B. WALTERs MOREm 2ŽTEW Snup for $i. The CHRoiNîCLE and ,Weeklv Globe to Jan i.t. i9. and large picture ot Lauriers Cabinuet, ail for $i to new subacribers, Hayward'm Locals. Great barg tits un dresq gaods Saturday. i 5oo ) ards îactory catan wortb 7c for 5c Saturday. Speciaj sait new vrints, shirtings and flan- neletts, ait at cost on Saiurday. Monntuins of M ud . Those int<rested in makingz tht road good beîween Whitby and Oshawa should travel 0,cr t just now, and find what a mustaire it was ta meddie with the bis without pultunm a heavy coat of gravel or broken sione on every inch ol t tbat was intertered wîîb, To Abolisit the Cow. Wt notice by the local press that the Grand Trutik railway us posting notices au tht variaus railwav statuons forbîdding peo- pie ta iei catîle run ai large wiihin hall a mile ai tihe railwav track. This wiii camne h ard on tht cow owners ai ibis town as about three-lourtba ai it is within tht bahimit Sankeys New Song. Evang-ehisi Ira 1D. Sankev, tlite singer and camposç r, bas wnitteu a new sacred sang for the pril Ladies' Home Journal. He bas given it the tille ot ' Tht Beautifut His"- and considers it supeiior ta bis famous -Ninety and Nine" Mr Sankey wratc t witb thte speciai view oaitiiiap propriateness for outdoor choral singing- for camp-meetings and other religiaus and semit religious gaiberinga, Oh far Manitoba, Europe und the Goid Fields. Oh fo'r Manitoba and Europe. Ste E Stephenson, Wbuîby, for cheap tickets ta and tram Englaiîd, Scotiand, irel -nd, Brit ish Columbia, Manitoba, California, ail United States and Canadian points, any- where, ever> wbere, boat, rnul or ocean Rates gua- aîteed righî, Tbrougb tickets from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brooklin sud Wiliby. Cal btort travelling, and get citoice oif teti beat oceun line" and ail raitway routes. Lecture and Organ Recltai, An entertaîniment ai a unique character with be given lu the meihadiat tab-rnacle on Mandav evening April Ezih. The Rev C 0 johnsotn ai Toronto will lecture upon ont ai îwo subjecta, etber --Personal infliiences" or «' Coutship and Marriage, " and Mm. Geiger, organist ai the SimcetSt. Meihodist ctiurch, Oshawa, wilt give an nrgan recîtal. Tîsere will aiso be a iew select sols. Mr Jahnstou la uiidoubltedly ont of tht very b?-st public speakers. Ht is racy and cloquent, and draws immense cav-gregatious. Mr Geiger la said'to be equal to Mm A Blakehy, who gave several renitais in the tabernacle that were acknawledged by ail ta 6e churm- ing. The admissiiQn wiil bu ici cents. IH[V[ ! HIL L )ODS DA Y. wsitît sole iu x c-i Mat- i-o, Ctor -rTables, lIplioî1stet. ridrtaktug. W il [THB Y. TA1 1iî h,1897, wiIl find it to their interests to buy Groceries -AND- Provi,&ionàr -FROM- W. B. PRINGLE & co. E. J. JOHN-àSONe, LEMADINO unD)ERTAKER. BROOK -STREET, ntiice. -f -a lady buggy, icheap: n Street. Match i. G-OO:DS. L;ý, k. 7r> TM]

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