Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1897, p. 1

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UNDER À \Positive Uuaraîi'tee.! ALLI N'S BAill in J, j and 1 lb packages. To introduce this Baking Powder a package of SWINBORNF'S- CALVES FEET GELATINE, for making Jeilies, will be *4 given with every package. A. Hi. ALUN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTAIO. Eistablished 184g. whitby 5team MarbI8 and Granite Woîks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. Smith, (Fortierly Wolfenden Works.) Im- dPorter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest materiai and de,-igns. Ail kinds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. -JWSEND FOR DEs!GNS AND PRICES. WINDMILL S. -0---] Geo. AÂin .odb Seils the Genuine A.ERMOTOR ,Iof Ohicago. Intending purchasers should examine this miii brfore placing their order. Do nôt let an agent put an imitation on you when you cmn get the Getuine Aev'notor, thoroughly gitIvaitized, and warranted, for lesa money. More ol these milis sold in Canada to-day than any other make. The Aermotor Co. dlaim they sel! one half the number of wind- miii outfits sold in tht world, at the present time. Mr. Williamaon, of Orangeville, soiri 127 outfits duriusg the past three years. Ail styles of Wood and Iron Pumps for sale. Any information regarding these out&is wili be freely given by writing ta Pcb 7, 1897-6nsa. GEO. ALUIN, %WiîtTIv.1 WiCSTERN SANK 0F CANADA.' Oapital Authorized 01,0009000 BOARD 0F DIRECTOR: 105000 S. MoiumCOWAN, EsQ., Presideet. RicUBIN S. HÂruJN, ESQ., Vice-Pres. T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier. GeneraI Banking Busneus transjacted. Drafts lssued, payable ln ail parts of Cam- ade, United States, and ou Loêndon, Eng- land, payable lu ail Paru Of Europe. 3% per cent. allowed on Savlngs Bank Depomits and credittd hall yeariy. specio attention to collection of Farm.rs sale notes. B. 1D. WÂRREN, Manager of Whltby Brandi. W ANTED-BEVERA.L FÂITHFUL Men or Women te Lravel for re- fl be eablisbed bo la nOtro gaay080, payable, $is oekly snd ex- pne.fosltoà pertuoent. Refea'ence. im el(MâdÏesed- tanapd envelope. Tbe t<atlo!>1, Star Buh)4l0gý;Cicago- 78. FA 09 FOR SALE WHYLEY, ONTARJO, FRIDAY, MARGE26 1897. LOCAL. NEWS LETTERS, ç Mr Abet Graves bas'tngped vils Mi-r Moffatt 1cr tht suinsser. Miss Jesit Stokes. of Columis. bas be tht guest et Miss iloffat tfor a few days. Mfr Hadscu, of Smith's FaUs, vas tht gueat ot MrI- Hacson, aise 1Un Hesiton, of Tai-cuta, avec Sneday. 1frs Haliday, visa bas be uffriug tramn a severe. attack of la grippe ve are glati te repart la improving.- MrJ orisiston, 1Mr Peter Griot and 1Mr XcLaren lefI fWrManitoba ta seek listAi fortune. May muccema goviithi. Wisile dlugte porI pýrrï, luat weki Miss J Sqnelchtet vals a ru#away> topai uad ber buggy won -eu3sletàbly brol:[au, but foituntely ah. e"PCupd uiburst, A nov seto fbooks bave be ecured -for fthc Sunday sciloal huft7 Msd ve thiuk they have a good seleçti<n. BY - PPIyii< te tht litiirlusy ose 04Y Obtam» the bookis - A ftw-f thseldsd lasses iatteàd tht concert htid i nçsbeaiter under-th auspices of the$Sof T-lest', y" yertilut an e ijgood ýramreuIt ad- s agretabietengit sd-bdtt Anotla4 - nua4 wi ilug to uà4 Mr. W. Johuson was on tbe sick list for a few days but bas nov recvered. Mr. John Young has moved down fraie Sun- derlad litohis ee boue heme The wattr across tht road at tht marsb creek is alremdy nemriy as high as il bas been on fore-. et years. Meuars. Gordon Lyous & Co. are about ta commence vith their saw miii heme and have a large supply of loga ta cuL. We bave frequendy beard dissatisfaction ex- pressed here iately at the action of the railvay rompany tu no longer ?aiit ig market tickets ta Uibuidge, wbich half faretripm vert iargtiy pat.- ronized. This change viii undoubtedly be in favor cf local storekeepera. In lait veeks is- ut of the CISRONICLE appears in poetic forrn a fair sample of tht abuse and ridicule that bas be heaptd an several who have opposed tht graeuing of a license hem. Tht reason tht abuse is given is that flot ahl but someB of those wbo lavor the license are detertnined ta gain sytnpathy by discr+diting ail who had any- thing to do vith having tht license taken avay. it is sympathy for themmielves and discrtdit ta their oppanents they vant, and tbey are teacbing many unsuspecting persans ibat tht majority of their apponnt: art ither hypocrites or prompt. cd by impurs motives, and the ont thty most re- vile hmd notbang ta do with the affair. They, however, say hie inspired the athers (thongh Ihis ta Untrue) and thertiore îbey have never liked him ince. Nov ve flau ta see what they gain by such a course. Surely it is a poor cause that must be sustained bv running dovn opponent. In fact, wvthtbnk it is themiselves they art mnu?- ing, because this turcs more people agaliat tbem than it vmns for thtm andi then ihty nmale snch an exhibition of their ova feelings. They show a rancor of feeling that does them no credit ;1 they show boy had thev fret at losing their fiov- ing bout!. whie their laboiaus struggl.e st poetry shows that human Înîrtnuity is strained ta ils ut. mosi in order ta convev an impression that i.s utteriy unwarranted, Poor feflava! what viii thev îry nxt. And as In their ridicule, we ai. they are velcorne ta their fling as na une cave more for their pramse than theïr ttiants. TOWN LIRIE The vorst roads ve have had for years. Mr Geo Rober-tsonils going ta Dryden, Ont.. ou F'riday. Mr T N Davcy la home fraie Triniry medical1 colleige. Toronto. Mr John Pavera is quittlng the Post farîn andi is going tg adelout. On Tuemday aternoan Mrs West haci a nurn- ber a! young ladies ln. Birtb-Mar. aand. 1897, thtelfe o! Mv ibt Richardison, of a daughter. Died-March 2and. the infant daugbtar cf Mr and Mr@ Abert Richardson. Mira Ida Lee sud Miss Carnie Brave apent baturdoy sud Sunday visiîing Mrs S L Brown in tavu. Rt" Mr Manning preachtd an educational semon lasit unday. Tht collection and sub- acriptlon was tahten Up. Last Tuesday Mr Chai Gimbiet bad tht team andi wagon la front a! tht harn sud in a short time after lie haci driven avay tht large sîrav stack feul over anta tht very place where hie hari been. Charles shoulci feel vtry thsukrfui for his narrav escape, We notice lers setms tri be a great lterett taken lateiy in tht 1Educatian af farmers* sans and daughters." ,Tht abject la tu ixounr achool systern sa that a chîld born in the country viii be edacated and spei this days ac tht farm or at smorn tier work in the country, and the cbild born *a thetoten or cîty vii bue ucattd ta remain there; especîsl dots tht higrh scbool gel biarnec for taking the heat people off the farma and sending îhern ta tht cîîy. We. of course, duoflot knov boy il effects atier places, but tue îtipk it datant work that way around Whitby, because ve lînow of ixteeu young men whn attended tht W.C.,ibret o! thern antil they g0t 3rd clam certtficatesanmd tea spcnt termns at business coliege, who are to-day living on the f;erm, eii ber rnanaZlng il or living with tbeîr parents. and they are ail good vorkers and are happy andi conienteci. Another thing ve have naticed la that a high education dfd ual spoil sucli farmers as te Hon John Diydeu. Mr L Burucît, M. P.. nor Wr Sitb. ex-M.P. Where wouid thase peepie be educated who would teach in the country? Wbat is to hinder a boy or girl from attending a common school nov unit] they gel a gooci common school edcto We îhink nothing but their own wiii and that of iheïr parents; but ve îhink the p)arents bave the mosîta do vîth their children ieAving ti farnu. If the parents aie in love wîtb farm lite. s'ai feel that they are in their rigbî places sud art satisfied and contenteci. ce think the boys aud igirls vil! be, nattas it is onte ho feels it la natural for îhem te do aotnethiug tise, then they sboid do that, whatever it may be. From uthat ce bave acta andi beard wetcati not bnip but îhink ont great reason for trying ta keep tht people in tht country is. that tht coun- try boys art crowdtng thet own and city boys for the best places, and ihry dont like il, for some ai the objections corne trom men lu high_ places. Often ce vu'nder if farrnîng tasncb s fine occupation that mrne professionai and busi ness men's sons do flot take ta the country iu- stead of gosng into the professions; they bave V 1nty of mnney and coulld make a gocd satr. Weîbîink iîl just as natural for s farmier'a sotn tbu % lawyer as a lawyer's son ta be a doctor We woul d bale with delight surf change in cuuntry and faim lite that wouid împrove aud make it bappier, but would nat bike lu ste any thîng put in tht vai- o! a bey or Zirl that vouà keep tbern out ofibteir naturai place in Ilfe. Columibus A';sessor G E Mowbray bas made out a few -notes about aged people and other extraordicary things comning under bis notice during bis recent tour through the township of East Whitby: Robert Ashton, Columbus, 92 years oid: John CalderColumnbus, 9!, Jacob Cronk, Taunton,. 91: John Roberts, Columbus, go; jas Shand. 5th con. 87; Col Grierson 84; Jas Woodward 84; Rober-t Ashton is the oldest mari in thet ownship, and Mrs Robt Ashton is the oldest woman, being go years. Tbey have been mamred 72 years. Wm Smnith ex-M P, bas the largest number of cattie owned by auy ont man, be has 65; Edmuud Tink coming second with So; John Shand has tht largest number of horsts, 17; Barker Cronk. Taunton, bas tht largest orchard, 20 acres. Wm Thompson, who died Friday last, is down for the largest average of fali wheat, 36 acres, Wm Bright coming sîcond with 3o. Mr. EFrank Ola, watcbmaker, vho bas been it work ber. for two monthe, recelved a letteî on Mondayf morelng, caliing hlm ta the bed-ide of an uncie le Germany vho la very sick. Mr. Olan bas started for Ger- mnaty via New York and dots net expecîtao returu te, this aide oÏ tht valer. This ls the best dîne of the year to use "Herbageum' ft puts 111e and vigor ln tht herses and fis ihem for the bard work of tht spriug season ; i increases the quanliti aud quality of tht milk from covs fed vitb iL ; it makes the htns Iay morte eus; and is good for every creature on the farîn. 4 lb. pack- age for 5o cents at Holiday Bras. The annultai îsetffu of tht Columbus and Brooklil prembyterian churcbes bas just been distributed ta tht members and adi- herents af ibese. cengregahlons. Seventeen camnes vert acidec ta tlle rall of mnemberahip during the year. ând nineteen vert rernoved, forbydah and fifteen by transfer of cer- tlficate. -Tht raIl nov stands at 286. Tht expenduxures for ail purposes amoanteci ta $1935. 0f ibis $557 vas spent for missionary purpoms Thtelgbt classes are beiug beld reguiariy on Mouday and Thursdmy eveninga, and under tht tuition of Rev. J. H. Harris and Mr. E. R. Eddy gooci progiesu la belng made. Thet usual attendante is from fiftten ta twenty. Among the subjects taught are reading. arihuetic, Aigebra, book-keeping, short baud, French sud Latin. There is room for several more and if is ýexpected that sil mort viÏl!avail themmeives ai ibis excellent appormuniîy for improving their *educatton. ý IU the CHROINICLE Of 12th lest., a report Of the Conservative organization meeting heid here the Saturday previous, appeared at the foot of the Brookiin columo, wlth the initiais "W.A. H." beiow .hi. This report was flot written by the CssaoNîCLEs Brook- lin correspondent and should flot bave been piaced over my initiais, but alter reading it ' aaw nothing in it that appeared objection- able, and taking ît for granted that it bad been furnished the editor by ont who had at- tended the meeting, thought no more about it. 1 ha* ince itarned that I have been blamorfor fùrnishing an incorrect report and t4ake this, my first apportunity of plac- ing r#yueitright witb the public. It isclaim- ed by those who object, that Mr. Smith did not * reiterate his charge againat Hon. John Dryden and again assert Chat be could pri. .e bis aliegation." The Royal Tempiar concert on Thursday evenlng of last week was entireiy successfüi. The hall vas weil filled with an appreciative audience, which included a number from Oshawa and a wagon load of young peopie from Asbburn. Mr. A. Ketchen, Select counciior of the R.T. council vas chairman. Tht flrst half of tht entertairiment consisted of vccal and instrumental music, recitations. etc., in -which tht following to-)k part :-Miss Walily, Miss Hanson, Miss Marie Hanson. Mis4 Scott and tht Misses Keddie. from Oshawa ; aud Mr. W. Richardson, Whitby. Following these came tht drama, "Out In the Street."lTht charactera vert takLen by neawry thet mre persons as whcn iL vas firaI giv4i bere neariy a year ago, but some who swit both times dlaim that there was con- ldejaiimprovement- in tht iast presenta- ioWk* Miss Elma Hollîday acted as Pianist ua4irnishtd a numbe-r of in"trumentai s- sale of tickets brotight in $24. The expenses anounîtd to about haif of this DresaMskn M iss Ethe Skinner, Dreas Maker, first- cas work done in every respect. Orders taken at ber residence or sewing dont at tht bornes of customers. Residence haîf mile nort h of Brook lin at James Ski nner's. Mat. 24th, 1896-l7-4iDL W. A H. Bustns Dhim@tey. BEÂLL. EL- Issuer of Marri"e i4onme. Bealdance opposite Town Hall, Brookia. W A McNzzLy. D V S.-Graâuate of the On. tario Veterina.ry Coiege, Toronto; ]Booia meniber of the Ontario 1Kedical Society. Treats ai! 4isena" aof the domealeated s.uimnals by the most approved. mathod. AI-no Miss LillileBrethoir, bas returned front P visaîtotaSandford. Mr and Mrs FJ Jordan, cf Lindsay, visited frlends ber. aver Sundmy. Mr Thomast Walnes la arouud. agaln after a severe attack cf Inflammation. Miss Minnie Clachey bas returneci (rom a long visit ta iriendin l Woodstock. Miss Clara Thoiepson speet a fev laya vlth ber aunt, Mes Brave, isat veek.- Mr Robert Baird, aur former teacher, paid a flyiag -viait Le Udora filencis a short urne age. Miss Hunter, vbo bas been visitlug ber sister, Mss Gilde, bas returued ta ber home ln Blackstock. Miss J E Webster, vbo bas been viaitiag frieucis in tht test for tht past seven montAis, returnec borne Saturday night. A number of Udora people mtended the marriage of Mr W H -Urphrey ta Miss Minuit Strachan, af Uxbridge. iast veek. Miss Rebina Tennson le suflering fraie a clogged artery iu the ueck. The Dr's lntend remaving lier te the gerieral hospital, Tor- onto, shortiy. A very saccesiful eutertainmeut vas beid on Wtdnesday night, March 17tb, under the auspices af the Sous of Temperance and sidevalk cammitî et. Victoria Corners J J Sanders spent lai week la Torouto. 1 Mv Stewart McKey tua removeci ta Stret- tonvIlle. Mr Wesley Doble la having bis bouse thoroughiy overhauled. It la wiîb pleasure ve note tht mardiage af Mr R Rycard, af Scott, ta Miss Dafot, ai that township. Mr Wrn DaLy bas rernoveci ta the viclnity af Usbîi ige, vhlle Me Tablas Hocigmon, ai Wlck, now occupies tht (ai-m recentiy occu- pied by the former. PORT PEUTY. Wrn Tummoncis vas vimitir.g fri-ends in tavu this wetk. Semetbing cave! sud icteresiiug, a pink and white social. More about il suaI veek- Date APril 7th. Mr J B Laing leit lasi Friday fer Kams- loops, British Columbia, on a prospedtieg as veil as a visitjug trip. Mlarritd, lu Port Perry on tbe 201h imat. - ThWnuas Butson ta Miss- Rebecca Minckms, -all of this tova. Miss F Decuisen, who bas be lu tht city for sorne day. atteudiug the apeninga, bas returueci homeand i viiiscea ho ready La attend ta bier notuerous patrons. Tht "I1 tolci yon so's " are bavleg the i- innings ibis iveek in their predîiicg a gecu- !ne Marcb store sucb as ve bave haci for ibree days af ibis veek. Better have 51 nov tissu a mocth hence. Tht choral bociety viii meot for practice at i MesCurnie'eon Titeedai eveeiug. 301h mest., at 7.30 p.m IL la tht intention ai ibis society te give a cantatsai the jubilte con- cert that viii corneoff in Juce. Rev D C McDovell, of Boveauville, vas la tove ce Tuesday. Ht reports that bim- snDr E -MeDoeiwthhala 'nov at.Nor- tht mines. Sandy McDougait, vilebas, ,boot sasues- man in l4r Brok's store for many years, ieft on Saîurday evenieg for-Taronto, vbere he bas secureci a situation iSiiepson'a bi&; store. Hlam ninerons friends.Inl ovnansed' vicinity are pleaseci te lta? Pof lits succes, as Saedy la faitbful aud trustwortby, ont -ic w horn an employer can. pince the. utteast Iconfidence. NO.17 -~ r Rra rLaldlaw -,bu- gom e Bfl Erouboite F W Gibson and siner speut Snn»1aY with frlends in Wbitby. 4 O7raharn jobnston, of Ilxbrldgiemoied. Igat veek into the bouse e0poulté tbe sool- hous. We regret te say 1r. ludion Gibbon lu not galoing la hcalth sraldly mu ber many friede would ,vlsb;. A number frein tutu ivlcinity attended,1fr J Mayuard's pale or- farrn stock sud impie- mne at Whltby luti week. Me John Graham 'and famnlly, fromi nemi- Clareniont, bave takà i possesson af thse bouse lately vadatéd Iy 16rWo- Thse lecture oai- "Tht 111e and vorkn et Wesley," given by Rev- Mr McDonald, in the nsetbcdîst churcb, was very Weil atuea4- ed, bq&;uot, nearly se veil as It sbotd, bave been. " Messrs N Rîcharduon, -C'tericker sud their familles passed tbrongh here Tnesday moraieg an thele vsy ta Clmremoutt wbere tbey took thet rmin to Algomaé May haippi- né». andi prosperltv 6e abundautly strevn- aicng their patb aif ilfe la the wlsh of all. Tht erae aio tht lite William Lldgett, ai Pickering, pasaedtb trougb ber. an PFrcayn enroute ta Salens cemetery, wvilee- vert peaceiuily laid toartst. Tihe decasd eft a fasully ai grave up bildren, ail ofwhom - have tht beartfeitsayrpathy of the pecple. Choir practice is nov beid at thse residence. ai Me Law's, thus deprivlng tht young pea- pie oi tht pleasure ef congregating in. lb. charcb te hbave a big tise. -Thlsýis Bee- îhing ibat should#bave been dont sam inene ago, as it is shanseful tht vay soie of thent bave conucted themielves while in tbe bouse af Gç,d. ' -11 There vas a rather interçsting Urne aItbe bçague iast vuek, a debate beiegib te point af leterest. Tht aubject of thtedebate vas, " Resolve tisatin tht settlement- of a dispute arbitration la preferable ta viar.> - Aàst1:vas tht wish oi the speakers there was ne de- cision given. Everyoee present vas te jucige for themmelves as te vhlcb they thoaght braugbt ont the meut poins. Some very good points vert braugii ou.t by bciih parties sud it vas difficult te decide vhlch reaiiy didvin. Tise football boys istic a meeting lan Gi..- B onis betel on Saturday. for. tht- purpaoseéf- reorganiig for the coieig sason.àWh" > tht houe fa opten amrved lht piesidénýt, 1fr K~ Criteson, look tht. cbmIr-ýaànId -éethe me 'eting ta order. ReH then add*uessed tht members fer a tev .minutes ýas tée whist-lie thoughl veuci htsir boit pla"s iftbeyF visheci ta M*tIs stase»a, succxms. Afox- very appreitieeudacptabe peech-, by tiltretling cs-ýâtal -e, ls# wa then opt fer general 4 nandbll-, eess. Tbey bav e fnily decdd4to-e*t#i senti241h o-a eerto.Thtfibi- 1in ieofficeswere. duli elelited etsi sia.eialleer hthet oitngadjeurned t#- meet again ilu tht near future ---re)sident Me M Giteson; boss presé j D-£dguy 1 ist vice, Hon John Dryden; an4 v!e, ~ son; capt, HK"Stvss We litam-of n ne mai àaoe- a'e W. notice tbar fWra shOrt sury.- - Mr IWodBeare iassscared 4rBh fi 4Wil- bar-et Brougbam <a oloafte1:iieisfor the. nex year, 'e= *t WaIW46u and. Strtférdlmwrr6êst havng a*r.omt ej als piç - 1k las iToU t ta Shmt.-to *s n Tbursday eveeing cf laI veel Mr A 1).Id Wboteltr lostî hlm harts, sud nearly mal tisesud- contents, by fie. He vas nttessding te -ls Wcè chai-os fan the night sud whilieabsent for a j fev minutes tise antera exploded, muol an ta 1ev minutes tht Inside "as l a bisate., He û maveci a horse and cov, buttt epile on s tente vert bavned.- ThWelsslaebîI»e pariiy nsuneci. partiniara~tttion 1inia peÎln olbf lb- altendtd to. Omfet sud residtnom i-aakli1 Ts uiso!ttPr oe sOdntry. Dy mJet on Tuesday tvestolg -.aad_, Ontarie. '~~foothal club.ThoBasre - ID MeBriie, ,, BÂ,; pros,j Ursd4 pi-es. G Stan.; 4nipeo, W Bi "WhoeeOW you GelTIhaWt Bat?"'f!9 ýR lr Shanici this question be sasked s veek orIwo ~5k~lSîidyNg frai nov. von shonici be able toa=suaves thtoui-e athigth ceçtufy. rt *'Wby, ai t ay Bras., ca t. '.thé, dét.4ntllsre- bave a larflg assosent oai uts gonds 11Wlh& abelulnoIbteir camp...-,M.j this line, for aie'antd. beyslnsiblaok. go, t tistltlUd get th 1Ils a bravasud 1grebad "es, i pi-iot.a rsglug taper t»d,,ste: thet asel f 6iât45. e i o tyles l lu i std by "Mick»lth ~ ~~d «à L - Cail ds. whâ*t iwritig about._ k-laù co C bieti5papw1fo Z#' , sdvethtueînet othir "Ieth llSim k oaesmi ey*sstbe pmtti u d eeap. etki attée '11 e.i vo hve vrsos nita sesa itiIt4ÇàX* gond 4 u4 e Se ~, 6c, 'hg, twçu à* týutd 180,150513 sa ps ral~ aî oc, ber. b me rScorud me5per çrokl.ouatfeeauW, s scbtm etLt7. COn 7,- EM ht - 130 acres, mare or leu, m- re-te 18 acres bush-,nosiy- p.- Thni buidlgaconilt,f amef bouse, -lth erte"sont 's à niasse etlari, hors. tabteA ivlsg shed., tic . -Thonrlea 5 rées. ThIs am, wWcici e oe of! tet. isat lnthet twui Wfslbw.As~Iwa±d r 'âlém VOL-. »XILO j AUDLET Miss Pardon ia viiing relatives iu tht vicinity of Mancheut. J. H. Maili, af the WCI., reaeved ac- quatintances titre an Sunday last. Rév. J,- rhom preachec hem aon Sunday iast. Quite a namber turcd out îhraugh thternud. Sorne a! aur young folk sent Wtdnesday evening at tht soci in Ktnsale. A pleasant lime vas spent. We set that tht estate of tihe late Jane Bell is to be s,l1d and divideci among the heine shortly. Now bers ta a casy litile bouse, barn, sud ro acres that ought to indace smre retireci persen ta spend the rernainder of bis dais iherean. Some of aur prnrintnt lai-mers visited bbc White's alt in Broughamn an Saturday lait. Though îhey had ia vade tbrough actans o! rnud, tbey report that a large crowd vas there froîn a radius of z2ta ta miles. Bidding vas wtld. A! bert Bell andi Wiil Macidaford, tva af aur industriaus farmer sons left on Maaday ast for Indian Head. N.W.T. Bath beave weuh the good vishes of thse eeighbarbood vsth them. l'bey leave with t intention of rtmaining there if îhey lifte larmningin that country. Buy s ticket for tht Bedelck benefit=co- cert. Owiog ta tire communion ai Wick there vil! be ia service in te preabytenian church next Sunday. Married ai tht residelîce of tht bride's çster, Mrs C Lave, on the 25th -mast by tht Rev j M Cameran, Mr WilliamThomas, ta Miss Annie Innia. On Tbarsday uight lasi tht barn of Mr Wrn Gîbson vas destroyed by fire, tht ani- gin of vhich is a myatcry. We bave cot beard vhetber ihere is any insurance or not. It bas been decideci ta hoid tht Bedrick benefit cGncert on A pril tsst. Tht programme wvill be furiahed hy Iodle talent, aasi--ted by others fromn neighboning localities, andi it looks as if iý vaulci be a very intenesting evening. Tickets are nov for sale acd itla expecîed ibat many viii purchase oct or more that may coi be able te attend ; tbey are oniy ztacts each. It appears there 18 te be acother fight ta in- andi get a liceuse for tht Saintfieid hotel- Petitions botb for and againsi licenat are nov lu circulation. Dr Park is agalu the leader of the anti-licenst forces, vhich ai-e iargely in tht majority ia this poliing divi- sion. We do coi knov vho is leader cf tht license cause, as ve have not seen tht peti- ion nov met vitb aaybody vbo bas. We fear tbey will meet vîtb much difficuity in gettiug thse ntcessary ont bal ai tht electors of tht division. ERDOOLIU- Mr. Frank Scott bas beets agale laid ep with bis aid enemy, lumbago. Mr. John Mediand la the represenMtatieof Brook ln council, Chose» Frieuda, al the grand toicil meeting in Guelphs ibis veek. Tht announâcemesutof Mr. 'Chas. Wilson'. departure frein Broolin- vas preM>mtnre and veiare nov giactoblearu that it usslikely be viii leave., Mr. John Karri8son, Je., bas sinme klnd ofa- gatheriag lu hlm bead tamwh b e basant- fereci greatly for Swvrai daysL lie lastilt very uitile bettenu Mre. Fran Lir-f, >dCenebue, vit vas litre asslstieg Mr. T.,,J..Coite butchoir, lait sumuter, $sebeeti e-esggoedL; 1fr. CoO and Is no-v be-est yod igai. 0-1 tteit1intimïofr. _ R d4yltbe .,w il' enordp.m ent oflbe.soo Lý eùilw c the epm Kv, UtWi-e Ia'a hoiayb T«a. "rqEdyï- OLD~ p mld n ti. it <w forit k 1 1 un 'ýt ýq PITDUB9 Il

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