Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 8

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. - . , . - - .. OSHAWA, FEB. 19) 1897. OSIIAWA PAGE Farmers will do well to call at M. E. blay's for boys' ready made clothing. OSHAWA Signs of springs- the sihool bovs say that Lîitte s geîîîng Ili a large suppi>' 0of shing rods, lunes, sinkers, etc. ÀA mail stock of fancy goods, well assort- dý No opposition, inspection invited. To 1,c Rold at rate on dollar. Enquire of Wrni Di)ckie, King si., Oshawa. Mr.Il Lang, Mlontreal visited here this wet k, NI r. ) l-ierburn, Toronto, surndayed iin NIiss F Knoxxlias rettiîrred to her work in Toironto. Miss Fblo ennett is visiîing frends in Bîw inan ville. Mirs. Highîland, Toronto, is the guest of MIca.T NM Luk e, Mis- A UWalsh bas returnied trom her Bow Miss Fln Brooks visited with Pickering frîends last week. Miss A Lnweill Toronîto, is the guest of Mlss I)asy MeBrieli. Miss Li'>' Kaikt has gone tu live with bei folks in Buffalo. Mr Wmin )Coinn-)r is visîrîng friends in I ckering this week. Miss M Urquhart returned to %Keter this weeIc ater a pleasant vii. Misses H and MNi )eshane, Port Perry, viited here over Sunda>'. Miss Keene, (i( Toronto, is the guest ott her auni, Mrs j ;uînett. Mliss Gientiv lias returned horne rom her visit with Harriston relatives. Miss A Lockington, Port Hope is the gueat of her cousin MIiss J. Kyle. Miss T. Hobbs has gone te spend a (tsi rnonths with Peterboro relatives. Mr Edward Wallace left for Detroit on Samuirday, where he wîil resumne his former occupation. Mr T Rundie siho bas been the guest ol Mlr E L Vickerv for the pasi week, bas re-< turned to Port Perry. Miss Annie O'[>ea bas returned home afier spendiig a few moniha with Toronto and H-amilton triends. %Ir. Talbot bias quite a large class under instructions for confirmation which takea, place someuime in April. R A j LUttle ba% given a large order for ladies' beita. huckies, beit pins. side combs, darts, hair combas, cufi links, etc. WVm Bellows. a former resident of Cedari D>ale, died on Sunda>' last in Lasper, Mich.. and was huried on Tuesday. He died oi heart disease, aged 6,5 ye.rs. The evening Newa informs people it ba.s an Oshawa correspondent, but it is q.iite- curii'us when OIshawua nesus appears iin the tiaper it ia coîed word (or word irom our 0 shasua columiî. Wmi. Hainan, who has resigned his posi tion as town cormitable. bas macle arrange- ments to go into the bout Rnd shoe business and has rented the vacant store beside Wakely's tailor shop. The east end hockey club andi stt enders met on Perkins field iast Saturdav to settle the champïonship. The efast enders won on a scote-of 2 to i. The victors are goal, F Finnigan; point, R Beaton cover point. j Beston; forwartls, W Coad,J Cinnamon, WV Jardine. On Saturda>' last three girls, of Oshawa, and some sweill rom Columbus, were doing up the towîl, not paying any attention of suhere tht>' sere goîng struck a snag, resuli ing in an tpset. Tht accident only scared ont of the girls, the other twu got in and drove off agamn as big as life. Thai shows sornet girls' nerve. Mr. Edmuaideon is mnaking arrangements I-) have our Proaspect Park prettier and more attractive than ever, and alrteady he ta ar- ranging for some gala days in the early part of the season. The citizens should do al tht>' can to maire this concerti a succese as The concert given on Tuesda>' eveniug in tht music bail iii aid of St. Gregory's chumcb building fund, vas net a financial success ai ,vas expecced aftem tht e ik Cle commitîe did in rnaking preparatiens and engagiug sucb talent as Mmi. Caldwell and Miss'Pad den. tht elocutionisi. Tht seau vweie not tn'ai al taken, Tht progssammne ibat suas furnlsited suas desemving of s muols better boeuse. Mir. Caldwell's "Sioccata ions sund te Cuckoo" weme veil received sud site vas encored heartily alter each song. Mr. An- glin's "Davi ofîthe Kery Dance" and "If 1 could ouI>' blet ont thse Part"! vus hllme-ligbt' illustrations were espechali>' good. TbIsp whole programme vas bright, udinteWt ing. he oly îing thst 41<1 uot: go voi dutngtito rboe eventng was tis e 'olotit miove.. Euîenbwsweutisosne vlth a etroqs. ernwlhlitlgn ever for a deceni and ,piIM abli, hall pi' operabouse.. where sud atom as ver bed vîtisus otn Tue!d#y- UW1l ghovoteo better advantage. Tise propoed tisage lu the m*rllprj* ,Wiipvfor two counefs tbel eleét by thse whole towi, but viiiperpetusteft4 IiIZSd ý, 4, ptàuisly, 1 sa eee_ Vindicator: The officer vite succeeds Chief Haînan viii bave to have a level bead and a firrn baud on il viii takre more titan ont man to pj-eerve onder on lte streets. Already tht boys are btgintiing to use their lungsasnd tht impression that thse dellegates subo are vltb us titis veek, viii- carry aura> vth tem is apl to be thaf' Oshawa ih a tiie disorlny foratovu.1hl ix.iz. There are s number of young tmen ln vhom san exuberance of an!"uatspirits hi more ln cvi- dence thanliseur sns. of ettîqueite. Tht>' do noîtng more serious titan exercise tiseir Feeling ibsi the constabe robes of office are slippiug fro shlm ltb.boys It, vhom he bas been as s fther:te keep 'the nt tof miscisiel, feçi a Joâbening cf restrint muüci the sarne as la elt ib>' a kid v*ben sdx"ors out. It wiil requin. a man vils some <Bp- tomac an> d moth finnis le gel tiiniga W. itsd an interview ville cens Heonder. son in refereuce to lie, gbatges -Oflise Vin- dîcator .(i)tisat be sb.sld bah a~til - a ulgt. wabapontsd.and,1 i ( bàre nglue Was net repaired whW> en te4 1ntfrd à year or more ego. -Mu i' eudernSOa s-e 4 d a wwb Siu- à ,pOkulditlN.7C Se. J. Aubre>' Tuter's latest cartooni lu Litle's window.i Mns. Caldwiell vas ithe guest of Mr*. Wil- liams during lier ste>' lu tevu. On tht 26îb, if tbe ice ha ln good conditi on theme wili be a <suc>' dress carnival ai tht rnui. The chnir of Simcoe at, methodist church wilgivete ieir concert on tht 25th of ibis Mr. Chas. Camr, subo bas been suffeting with fever for some urnme, waî out on Satu-r- dav lait for tht first time. Tht C13RO-1CLE Was in emior lest week ini seyiîîg Oshawa suas deleated 3 10 i b>' Co- bourg. Bowmanvllt suas the victins. Tht New Yiorkt Sundav Womld sella in .çome towsnafom 1 cia. Vot a cn get il at Lit tics every Tmesday lor seven cents. R. A. J. Little bai jusi received anicel>' assorted stock of the latet fashions in ladie's haîr pins, cnmbs, damia. nets, fiuxe an:d coarst cornba, pocket comibs, etc. On Tbursday evening lest a sleighload of voung peop;e droite to Mr. Orr's at MyrtlE, suhere a pleasant evening waa spermi in piay- ing gantes. singing, etc. j Aubre>' Teetrr can give valu abie asist ance to parties wishing daughting, design îng, or modelling. Terme ver>' reasonable A1l orders efl at Littles store iill receive prompt attenîtion. Special attention given to drasiiiga and niodels for pditeits. Tbe Oshawua hockey club went to Whitb% 091 %Vedfîesdas' nigbî and plaved a dîsputeci match, whîch stoud a tie of t to i, the rie& heîng over a second go-il allowed for %Vhi hy, nr whicb ilt a clairmed the puck simuck the gallery front. Mrs. %Vhitîrsg gave a large part>' on Mon day eveuing ei hem esidence, corner of Sim cot and Wiliani ts. Dancing and games- sert irîdulged in tîbl tht wtt itia'boums oi tht miornîng, whieî tht gileats depamted de 1lamîng Ilbto be ont- of tht most enjoyable if faits of the season. Mmr F L Fowke's many friends on Wed nesda>' hailed wîth greai gîebis finit ap peamance on tht sîreets since October lest He bai an fer ecoered as to be able îo akt- à drive eacb arternoon. Ht isn't much fot 1 .oksjust y'ti, lit we congratulate Mm Fowkt )n bis renewed lesît of life and usefuinesi. Tht fire aiarm on WNednesday aftnoot ast suas for a reporttd blaze aitishe stovt -ompanys works, but happiîy il turned out that there suas no necessit>' as the report was sithout fonndation. Tht>' bad beeti cýastinZ and the fiame rom the cupalo madt tl appear ibat the oof wsa on fire. The fin-7 )r igade made good urne and vert on tht ,po>t with bos laid in short oîder. Chie, Peilosu places thelurne ait ive minutes. Premier Hardys prnpos.ed measure affect ng town councils wili redace tht Osmasua corincil (rom 16to ii nunaberi. Il aili rtiuc' that of Witby and B wmatnvlie to 7 mem riers. In Oséi.eva eacb yard sili elect ,en, and the whoie tovn viii eleci Isuocoun ci lors and a mayor. In Whitby thtesuhole t counicilors and tise mayor wi!i be elected b% a4 peneral vote of the suhole town. Thtrr wiul be no more reeves or deput>' reeves ii -ouibcils, excepi in villages or townships whtmch have no mnavoma and muet bave é. reeve but no deputies. A young <chlos nameéA Douîglas Warren aged ahi-oit 2o vears, son of ont of tht woi k mets in Robeons tanner>', g.t i n a scrap ast week. Ht siole a iot of pelis from th, anner>' and csmried îbem t10 Wbitby. sthert te rold themn to King Bros. Thev noticec bat the ides had Mr Robson's privat -mark on them. Telephone communicatiot ,oon iocnted tbe cuiprit. and Constable Hal- tian soun gathered him in. Mr Robson me- fused tri prosecute Warren, and tise magis traie thought it beiqt ai Icasi to rid the tosu' if bis presence, an he aiiowed bim an bout ,c Wtet outside uts limita. Ht viii be sentemie- ed ifhe comes bacit. Tht musical reêital given b>' Misa Barn- bidge in Su. George's school roomes lait Fmi Ja>' vas vemv successful. Tht place vs- crouided, man>' bavinx to stand. bliss Ar zher, of Toronto delighted tht audience witt hem plaving and vaÏs leariily enc. mcd. but suould not espond. Tht followinK added ir' the successofihe piano recital : Mirses Ethel Hirtkson. Renta Adams, Kate Highland. Stella Holden. Mamie French. Lomna Mloore, Emma Morgan, Haîtie Woon, Effie Jleu nînga. ILilian King. H. Cooper aud Murphy. Tise choral ciase assisted b>' Misses Bam bridge. M. Talbot, S. Parks, G. Petar and Hl. Woon gave splendid vocal music Mr N. Bumrneti marde btsfiret n-acaance anc; Rumnors ef wedding-bello. We regret. zo learn that Mrs is much worse. Holden1 but to stave off tb. evil clairas long ms pos- sible We hsive no brief le defeind Mr lHen- detson,,-but it may at*Ienat be said that as eébairMan of fie andI ra,r le bliasved the ïoyin h.dctodlesybatilne lbe d'e- tnands ef the undetrvters Up to date. The Vin. would be far from glvÎng bim credit had h. paid $4oo a year for several yeara to a nîgbîwatcb when it was possible to avoid the dtmnand. It would bave said that he was keeping a watchman becatase he was afraid of the shadow of a bluff. Wben a tiewspaper is botxnd to cry a man down and not too scrupulous how it dots it, things may bc turned every way to make themn look th er worst. The town bas donc well to es- cape these impositions. Wt do not believe that when tht counicil appointed thteniayor and others to necgotîie iwlth tht insurance comipanies as to what muai be dont that ih had any idea of taking a slap at tht fire and waîer committet, for such a motive would refirct on tht council mort than on tht com- rittee, which has managed well considtring ail things-snd considering especiailly the continuotas fnsilade of opposition and e- proach tht Vin. and other sen.ets s uIt- inders have offered both in and oui uf ses- son. Even now whilst tht tosun is proteat- ing and bargaining wiih the inqurance comn panies, the Vin. tlnds fi necessary 10 declare t hat the fi re engine is next to nu good. -:000:- Oshâwa Business Dlreotory. 9,' L. VICE B1RY. barber. Sinao. street. BRtOOKS' LrVERY, Simeoe atreet, uorth. W-M. ROLPE. harnesamaker. Sixucoe street. r. B. MOTHER5ILL, butcher, King St., West Da. PATTrSiots, Dentiet; oOfce over ltowse'o, @tore. '. J. 8r&rnu-Dominlon pianos sud organe, Simces treet. WV. E, DWa. General Agent Ontario bMiul Lite Assurmue Co. Agent% w&nted. Wxx.àx J. Dasrs, 4Dominion aud Onte.ri Land Survoyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osb- awa. 7ýo1i1cUL RO'rzL-J. O. Woon, proprietor Mlodernaboutoir>', ustan sd comfortabl> eqnipped. D. M. To).-Caterer for Bale, Âssmblies, Wed dinge.. upperu, etc., etc. Also 511 kinde ol flosers. los. HotILDBW - Whitby-Oshawa stage lins Leaves Oshasus a 8 a mrn sd 2 p m, aud Wbltby st 10s m aud 4 p m. foaxpa Citio. rmanufacturer of fine oarriages, carte, wagons..and ail kinds of cutters aur sleigba. .Repsirings aspecifly. ToRw EBauw,« panter sud decorator. Dealet in seallpape, oeiltng decoratlona, paints, où, varniahine.. brushea, vino s adea, etc rAXEs PELLOW, dealer ln stoves, furusees. lin- vare, etc. Large stock kept consteuti>' on band. Jobbtug s speeisty. ixcoe @Cree? uorth. '.K. MaseýoN, B. A. - Barrister. Solicitôt Notary Publie, Oonveyancer. &o. Money td lend. Office over Dominion Bank, biuxco Street, Oshawa. .. -mÂT.-Lealr luinroceries. Faut y Chine ('rocker>', Ttuware, and Panecy Qoods. Pur, Tes.sud Cof est. Boy#' ready made suite i specialty-very ohesp. ?eLT Baos - Watchflakers sud Jeweiers Iealers Iunsestheo". docks, Iewelery, silver ware, spectacles. etc. gai ,gold sud silver plating. sud old gnld ring@ made over Fine. watch, ck.tok, sud leweiery repairing a speclalî. Laken ef by ail present, aftem suhicli games and social intercourse made the houes fly swiftîy and a Il went home veli pleased wiîli tht evenings enjoymet. Miss Neilie Martin, of Port Perrv. is the guest of lier uncle, Mm. Richard Short. W~e regret to state that Mrs. John Pearse is under tht doctor's came. We hopt for a speedy recovemy. Mm. A. L. Orchard lias returned after spending four weeks ai tht dair>' ;chool, Guelph. We expect he suill rsow be in for ail tht prizes on butter it tht faims nexi fail. Tht young people et this communit>' have organiztd a Sons of Temperance division under vtmy favorable cimcurn- itances. At their firet meeting tint- teen mnembers joined. Now corne .tlong al ye tempemance people, join us -nd by youm example and influence heîp à good cause aieng. Tht folîewing are tht officers for tht remainder of ibis juarte;-W P, Rev W Elliott; W A, .Vilss L Crooks; R S, j Sherrard; A R S, Miss M Reynolds; F S. W Rogers; r. H Cooks; chaplain. J St.one; C, A Sîeep: A C, Miss M Moon; 1 S, P Ripley; O S. S Rt>inolds; P W P. R Brann ing. UXaaMa&. Seizure of F"s. On Monday, Deputy Gamne Warden Fr5'tkieh seized sud sold by public &uctfon s numbor of salmon treut broiight te tosun b>' s voren from Poilerlaw uarned Mrs. Heury' Godfrei. The fish had beon . ipeanod in Lakte Simcoo, sud vere brought ta tevu tessel tn oun local dealers. -A number ot citazens îheught Mr. Fnankssh ini tht wrong, buti ho shows us the following athority for his aotions- Soc. 30, Chap. s2, R. S. O. reads: îîpjj materisie, îm- plotuents sud apparatus nsed, aud sU fieh lied or takon in contravention of titis Act or on>' regulation mnade thoreunder, way b. aeized and coutuasted to Ber M.ajesty for the use ef th. Province b>' su>'fishery ovenseer, on vievl or isiten or roioved b>' on>'porion for eelivery to and nmagie- trato or overseen. and the procedi hOse of Msy b. applied ta defrsyiug - the eixr, penses încutved undor l1gsis Ad" Sec- tion 1.0 of an 'Jrder ir#Counsil readr tM foflova: "6That il shall not bholawful to aâ.h for, catch or ki[,- brook tipout, sWi mon, tront, Wbite"s, bils, pike.piekorol, tuokinopgo, inhibe ,groWifi3g, hnuing on ~ppro, la uy i lan akei îvet or strestu Undor the oaptrol of the jProviDueê,-by su>' doqice or useausothuer- ahin II look sud ino» or aina, ..t iqwvters leosd- or lis m for thé expresspurpd se o1 n9 fishiug."AÂ ràst de lof syuipstyva be IWW*« twe a eM Great excitemesit at the S. 0. T. a: their Iast meeting. A number of eue young ladies took in tht bail ai Port Perry. Mm John Tresuin, suhile drawing stones, was taken suddenly ill. Messrs J Thompstni and W Larmer, Penn.sylvania, are visiting friends hiere Rev Chas Fish. and wife, Toronto, are visiting wiîh their son, Dr W A Fish. Mm aud Miss Bailey, Head Lake, are visiîîng with iheir grandmother, Mrs Hoîmes. .Mr Herb Parm's horsts ran away with him on Saturday aset; fortunaîely there seas ne ont hurt. Mm Fred Sliortridge, Bosumanville. and Mm Sam Allen, Toronto, were visiîing friends litre. The trustees have bad blinda put rip in tht school house, which gives it a fine appearance from tht outside. Mrs G Gorfield has obtained the lease of the Royal hotel of this place for another year instead of Mr McLean, %vho lias wiîlidrawn. Rev Chas Fish occupied tht pulpit n the nîethodist churcli on Sunday morning last, and wiIl aiso preacli on Sunday evening next. (Juite a number of eur yo:ng people went 10 the camnival at Janetville. alsoi to tise basket social at Cadmus presby. teian church and report a good time. Tht foîlowing steangers were noticed on our rink on Saturday evening lasi: Miss Sophia Parr, Port Penny; Mr Seizer, Lindsay; Mr Wm Bingham, Tyrone. Last Wednesday evening about thirty of their friendi and relatives gathered at tht esidence of Mm and Mrs L P Werry, in response te their cordial in- vitation to spend a pleasant evenimtg. A sumptueus supper of oystens, fosul, cmkes. pies and fruit were heartily par- Blly aile Railway and Steanship TI CKETS -FR011- *t.rioBer> Oshawa Railway, Company's Agenc-y a Osha wa R CA 4te g Evon the Wisest '"%t VO0L. Xi,. SOLD &Il Sb* othel!s nul survive, ahdoau, Ja.cb, tbe .ld1et, of Georgius, Henry, of Brook, Juhins W of B~rook, Jonathan, of Umborne Tp' Ce. Perth, Loftus, of Brook, Mr* BY- nard, vif. of Wm Bynard, of goott,-Mrs Brethour, wife of D Bretibour of B1au- ebard, Co. of Huron, Mis Sparling, widow, also of Blanchard, aud George, suho lives on the old hcèmostead in Brook, and who, by the way, is well kuown ait an erstwbile reet of bis t.ownsship. This famnlly of umne boast of 57 children sud of 57 grandchiîdren. If iu appear. suce the descendants bave laiton ai ton tbeir ancestors suho conalit.oted the gath- ering bere referred te, tise> muet be a handaomne lot itideud. We doubt ver>' tuscb (barring the St Johns) if there be anoîher faînily in the cointy eau bost of 80 nurneroup, sud at the same time go bealîîiy. stalwart sud good looking a lot, -11 of whom are proud of beiug Tories- Times. HAMPTON. Mlauy citizeus enjoyed the fine sleigoing Sunday afiernoon. Mr W. R. Allun apent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and -lors. Sparling, Toronto, spent Sunda>' ai Mr. Thos. Eliiotî's. Miss Lottie Mitchell, Bosumanville, bas lx en guesi at Mr. F. J. Groat's. Mr J. Ranton's nes borne was iuvsdfd by soute 3o young _people Friday eveniug everyone suas elated wih tht recepiion c- corded. Enniskilitu E. L. C. E. visited tht League bere Thureda>' eveuing aud reuder- ed a very interesîîng prog-rarn. We eujoy. ed their visit. Corne agatu. VICToRIA COR1nERis. Mr. Newton Bethour. of Vallentine spent Sunday litre. Miss Rutli Murray, of Zephyr, is spend ing a holiday with relatives here. Rev. Stewart of Sunderland wil preacli an educational sermon here on 28 inst. Mr Hugh Reynolds, of Udney, spent a day or two with friends here last week. We were pleased to set him. Mr Gwinn Reynolds bas taken bis departume from among us. Being au afiaible young man he wilI be missed, especially b>' tht young ladies. Positive Guar(A Like great I Solomon, admire glitter- ing gold, and sparkling jewels. There neyer wa, an better tizue thali now to invest in articles of Jewelry. Prices rule lower than ever before, yet the goods are guaranteed to be as represented. Our store is head- quarters in this part of the earth for Ke- BARGMINS ini Watohes, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. SEE US! TALK WITH US! TRY US ! BO YD, The ,IeweIer, KiNG ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OPPOSI-, E CENTRAL HOTEL. Gall at PELLOWS: and tee 'hie Wrought steel -àT- $ 50.00. Aise his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $p5.50 to $25.00. A Winter Shàos muaI protect the feet or the vetr vl suifer serions harmn. It mut reaMP the nîmosti limit of vsrmth snd coinfort. Anything botter adapted te *et, cold and etormy veather than our Winfer Shoes, cjp't b. imagined. W. knov juil vhat's wanted to meot the case, and carry the- boit shoos in the -market for the sema.'.. Yon can fiud nothing botter, becauser nothing botter existe. Shces 1k. ýours rnight reaaeuabry b. bigh pricod, butL lhey're not. Witneust'h. figures Ken's Felt Gaiters, a good sulid sole .extra fine felt, reg. S6.. 12 Men's Extra Heavy Grain »Jwo, heavy feit lining snd insOýea, reg. 81.75 .......... Men's Fine COuallonsièr, noeei too- sewu soles, reg. *ý;75 ....... lasdiWs Extra Fine FitJbIiet, tua. solos, worth-.25 b.- Làadies Fine eutton Boota, riviled soles, reg 12 .....9j BOYS,' Fine I*CdBot u s lto 13, rivitçd solgis. ré èbe'.- Mon' Oseet Bippos...25,O Ladie' Ca~etv8I~pla . "s Gil 'i oy Crpt 1imm g. 25 Gi4 4qeDrusi~, lweêb~t1... 1î ALLIN'SI Dili ro, in J, j and 1 lb paci To introduce this Baking ** package of Sa i CALVE-s FEET ( ê *5 for making Jeflhe Sgiven wîth ever, A. lH* ALI CHEMIST & DRUGC~ WHITBY, a Established 1849. Whitby Steam maîble and Granite okS. Dundas St.,A W HIT-BrY. Chas. H Snî JPornierly Wolfenden pore and Dealer in M~ GRAITE MONUMEN tht latetI mattrial andfM kinda of Cemetery work guaranteed. juvSmco FOR tDESIGNS iA WINDMI] Geo. Allim SeLa the (CGe AER.MOTOR..o Intendîng purchasets shoWid miti befoneplaciug thein onder au agent put an imnitaion on>y% can gel the Genuine Aerruotc gaivalixed, sud vanranied, fot more 01 tises. mille sold iu C thon an>' other make. Tht elahu they mel onc hait the nu mini outfits sminSttise wed,.a tuSe. Mr. Wiiiiamsoti, of Orangei outile during tise pout thite yi Ail styles of Wood sudIr sale. -ý AUy information gain wii b. freeldy giveby vriting Feb 7, r&Y7-*ttiO- Fïaira :fpr81sto p a WM.IL M UNDER À MrGeo StJohn received a severel kick on tht hand frons a horst which lie suas ieading. Tht animaI's foot also grazed his face, but the distance hap- pily prevented the accident being even more serious. This week we art pleased to record ilis marriage of ont of our most highly respected > oung men, Mr Wesley Doble tu Miss Addie Muirhead. an es- timable young lady of Toronto. Tht happy couple begin life under favorable circumstances upon the old Doble liomestead recently purchased by Mr. Doble. We extend our best sishes for cheir future happiness and prosperiîy, EVANSVILLEC. Miss L sud A Linton arc borne afier sptnding sometirne ai AudIt>'. Mr Pilkey's uitIle boy David broke bis leg while sleigh riding ont day lest week. Miss L Pugh retumned te ber bomene uar Chatham last Thursda>'. Miss Pugb bas been viîh ber brother for some time. Visit ors: The Misses j and 1 Pilkey at their unclt's Mr David P9:key; Misses KCen- nedy and Pugh with frienda ber., and Mrs Vernon, ber ivo sons Fred andl Edward aud Misa Morgan, aIse with friends. A fairi>' good crowd was at the sale bere cp Frida>' last, aiîbougb lhe. veathtr was tiot vtrv favorable. Wbîlc the catile were being sold smre of our brave men were seen wiîh clubs, forrks sud other meana of defcnce, ciimbing tht fence, in a ha>' loft or lu other places of safcty. 1 ý BOWXAN VILLEC Mmr Thos Guy. of Oshawa, spent Sun- lay in town. Mmi flicktli is visiting ber sou, Mr A J Bickell, Oshawa. Miss E A Courtice, Hampton, if s',isiting friendi in town. Mr Geo Holliday, of Brookliu, wa.a Tuest at Lovin Villa, Snnday. Miss L Savage. of Myrtle, ts sisiting lier sister, Mmi W B Bickthi. Messrs A Morgan aud E Coalter, Oshawea, were in town Sunda>'. Tht cows are te have their freèdorn on tht stets ibis summer. In town. on Feb. 9th, tht wifè et Mm A j Bennett of a daughtem. Mr and Mes Geo [- Bickell and Miss Bickell visiîed !ritnds in Oshawua Sun- day. Died in Bosumanville. Feb. 7tb, Annie Lucelia, infant daughter ef Mm W Mills, aged 3 monthi. Rev. G. McColi, Oshawa, wiIi preacb missionar>' sermons here next Sabbatb, in tht methodist churcb. Miss Lottie Brimacombe, left Tues- day rnorning ion a two month's visit with friendi at New Orleans. Mrs Ricit Hamie>', who bas been con- flned to hem bed vush inflammation of .the bowels, is able te be up again. Rev Dr lIane, of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. aided in tht services of the methodist chunch here Sabbath morning. Mn j Westawày vrho bas been con- flued te the housle with a broken atm for the last six weeks is able le be out agaîn. Messrs Thos Jewell. JPAs Saunders sud Mn A Jamies was ii Torouto tits sueek attending a meeting of the A O U W. Bowmanville hockey cluib> eut to Cobourg hast week to play a league ganme with the club of thsat tovu a nd was defeated, The scote -avs 310 xi favor of Coboug miss" el Maso; Bowmauvle, vlsted1 friendà bere. Ue.D.MNanchoo 15 t OUÉUMeêté ele »mse hbugb filnssse' Mhsa Alie tet, no u, sgue# of lim 'Thée vs ehexpIosloa a i~ on lionds>', bieh zàused "e,~es<-

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