Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 5

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BA RGAI -N S Eleetro +Plated Ware. b'B AR G AINS IN Spoons, Forks and Knives, -A T- J.S. Barllard's, Ocloal Couaty Orga.-Laa'g.U Circula- Clou of anmy local p&Per Ma Canada [. FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1897. LOCAL LÂOONIOS. Mr Thos Moore, Midland, vas here Mon- Mrs Thos Andres', Pickering is visiting Nits Lintoit. Mrs. Jara'is of Detroit la visiting ber mo(.ther Mrs. Luke. MAiss Alexandrins Ramsay appears in ber costume recîtal at the music hall, Tue-sday evening, Mardi snd, 1897. %Ir John McCullough, laie of the corner dirug store, s'as here on Friday nîght 10 set ie hockey maich wîth Port H-ope The adjourned scrutiny of the local option \.te in Pickering vas postponed from Mon da%, untîl iodav to enable judge Dartneil to aiiend io the North Ontario recounit. Whitby' sas well represented at the bail! r Port Perrv <on Frid.îy Isat, tbe following Uemtg ihere tDr Wightmnan, A H Allun, F Howard Annes, E Carss'ell, A G Hendrr ~oW Richardson, W F Bllings, A H i hristiatî, Miss Annes and Miss Hender- nJ W Thomnpson, attended, and spent Saîturday here. When the (;azette man slandered Post- tnaster McDonald, of Brooklin, two or three montbs ago, he crawled out or i h% sa) ing NI F Chinn, Brooklin, put bîm up to it Wbien be slandered Judge Dartînell la-o week he put it off on hîs toreman. Oif cour-e thie CHRONICLE is a Ver%' wiCked stieet for calling public attention to the-e oni- <-aughts, while the Gazette Otan finds lus ;',,sition in the rmalter uit n)f virtue. A missionary meeting w,11 be held in the bap1tist cnorch on Friday evening at eight n dlock, Mardi Sth, under the auspices of the \Vomens Mission Circle. Rev. W, W. Weeks, popolar preacher of Wa'mer Road b-aptiat church. Toronto, will mive ain ad- dress. bis subject will be "The dlaim of the Heathen on the Church. " Mr. NIcAltine will sing, assisted bv Mr. Ross, of Toronto, and a lady singer is expected. Mis-; Starr, (.) Brooklin, will give a short talk. Sub;ect, '*A Mission of to-dty." A very pleasant limne as expected. AIl are in.'ited. A collec- tion will lie taken in aid of missions.-2-in. Dont Forget The "'At Home" in St. Andreva clircli tbis, îFriday) evening. Admission î5c. Midland Hockey Assciation. -The folloving table showvs thse standing of the teamms in this league Won Lost To play W.hitbv 4 1 3 Port Hope 4 2 2 Bowmanville 2 3 3 Cohourg t 4 Oshaw'a i 3 4 Oh for Manitoba and B C. March 2nd, and every Ttac'day duriîîg March and April, (sufficient business ofier- ing,) a special colonist train for Canadiu Nortbwemt via Norths Bay anud C P R, ll leave Toronto ai 9 p. ni. Colonisis s'itb or- dinary baggage can also leave Toronto daily except Sunday) ati12.20 (noon.) C0lonist sleeping cars on each train free io ticket holders. For througb tickets reading froni Myrtle, Brooklluu, Whitby, Pickering or To- ronto and every information apply to E. Stephenson, telegrapb, express, general rtiilway and oceaux ticket office (opposite Hatch Bros) Wbitby. Congratulationts. We heartily congratolate Mr F Howard Annes on the succeas of the Wbltby Choral Society. The ides vss prajected and carried out byMr. Annes in a nmoat energetic man- ner, and bas reulted in cornbining over one hundred a1 the best vacalists ta the town in a paverful Choral union. This lova bas a hast of singera and -*'nisY new and splendid voices have been roumnd by test adopted in ceanetien wîth tis Society. It i,%flot saying.toc mucli ta state that vhen Mr Annes firit auaauuced bis big prejeci very fev sav the -falotest praspect of caMryng ht oui, and rnay Wbo wusbed the acherne velI felt go littie hope thai îhey rldiculed iL. Stuli Mr ArmOIS worked on libe a Trojan, spending alino«si ieviole lime fer a week or tva in order to have ne deusil overlcOkied. As s resoît h. ba» nov the prood satisfaction of knowing thai his plans bave been mairc aîîccessful thalp evea hi.samnguine disposi-, tion bad expectedé and the town as secured an organizatlen wlblchIs 'Of greater impor- lance titan anlbdY knoôv or Can reekon opan -i-p @'ci . xotlilog vwe ted ilt o be M -A'-. Miss Squ, ~f 'roi~â~' VU lii 1~U ~m~n.~wég~ j - - MonGay, flic guestof e. .T.Mtha -Miss Manile Bielliofkeewood, la tbqý gueut OC luis..rtM4 cipî it we lins 4ted on ei~g uonn fL grippe. Mauter lac. Sébert and Mr. jas Browli, of Port P.rvy, weret in tovu tP mectheWtby- Port JRfpc gstuq. J udge aud- Misa Dartuefl -were tu Toronto enSaturday, 10 wltness the beiin Cmethockey match. buslneà ki '4stnal2 frehtlm ai hlm residence on Weduesday nighi. On Sunday evening in the tabernacle Mr Manning wlll preach a special sermon to the voung people on The Importance of a Right Ideal cf ie. The Whitby Royal Templars intend giving a tea and entertairnent in their rooms (over G Y Smnith's law office) on Friday evening the 26tb Feb. Hall the proceeds are ta be applied in .id of the bospital for aick child- ren ini Toronto. Dou't laul to go. The social gathering of the cnngregauion of the tabernacle and their frlends on Tues- day evening next promises to be R hearty affair. Miss Ida Hatch is to sing. Miss Nellie Smith of Oshawa is to play on the violin. There wiIl be music by the choir, and an address or two. Ail are cordially invited to attend. A plain tea will be servedi from five to seven o'clock. Admission 15 cts, childrtn îocts. Whoever wrote the -"local"- for the Gaz- ette this week about prize figrhting should have read the proofs, or else furnish a «'key" to it. It says the palmy days of the prize ring - has " passed away. and speaks cf thte mortal (?) instead of moral CHRoNîCLri. A part fromn the blunders we have no objec- tion to anvthing in the article. A quarter cnlumn s'as written in order to brinK in the CHRONIC LE, and then bad correcting oh- scured thp. point. Mr. C. Blackett Robison, of the Dominion Oddifellows, was bere on Weduesday, and favored the Chronicle witb a cali. He was the founder of the Lindsay Post, Whitby Gazette and other local papers, and bas probably a better knowledge Df» the local press than any other man in Canada. He reduced us to blusbes by stating that for y ars lie bas regarded the CHlONICLE as lein gfar in thbe lead of a11 the Canadian local papers and stilil he holds that it ia far in the lead of therru aIl Mr Robinson aya the CHRONICLE is bis ideal of a local jour- nal. Wanted. A good servant girl within threc weckm or a month. Avply at thia office. The Lades' Aid 0f St. Andrew's chnrcb will lie pleased to see you at tbeir entertainiment in tbe base- ment of tbe cburcb on this, (Friday) even- ing, at 8 o'clock. Refresbments will be served and an interesting programme pro- vided for tbe occasion. Admission i5c. AssociationsU nited. The officers aLnd directors of the plough.« ing associatioris of Wbitby and Reacb met at Myrie on Saturday east anid amalga. mation of tbe two aocieties wus decided on. The officers al 10 stand untill next annual mneeting. Matches wîll lie beld alternately in the nortb and soutb the next one to take place in the soutb. Cornang Rvents J udge Dartnell's recount of local option vote ai Pbckering todtiy. Ladies' Aid tesa(a Preshytenian church, ic nighî, Feb, t9)th. Admission 15 cents. Congregaiion lesata Methodist tabernacle Tuesday tuîght. Feb, 23. Admnission 15 cents. H ozkey match Sai u.rray atternoon. Prospect Pak, 1Toronto, versus Whitby. Admission te cents ladifs free. Mass. Benefit Life Association. A large deptîtat ion of the 1policy holders of the Massachusetts Renefit Life Association watted upon Sir Oliver Mowst in Toronto on Tuesday nîgbt last, Mm. Lount. M. P ntroduced thse deputation anîds'as their spoltesmnan. H-e fulli' and carefully qtaîed (he facis, and asked Sir Oliver lb urge the Dominion Inspector 10 go to Massach..sett- and inve'siigate the standing of the comup- ani', and tbffliecessitv of the company being susoended, as tbey had evidenlIv violated their contract with the Canadian MutaI Life Association and where defrauding thse policy bolýiers. Sir Oliver coocurred and adviaed that Mr Lounit as representative of the pol- ici' hold.-r- should communictîte vith the Finanîce Mînister at once, to efiec suspen- sion. Roti Sir Oliver and Mm. Lount ad vised aIl policy holders to psy tise uooth caîl. nos' fading due, o bers'ise tbey cesse 10 lie policv holders. and can reap no berefit, froni 'ni-, action of the Government, We 'would, advise policy holders to pas' this assesament. and preserve their nsembership, as relieî fnos' seems almosl certain. The worc of the W. C T. U. F The ladies of the W. C. T. U thiak il welI as another year of tbeïr vork is drav ing to a close to give tlie public some idea of vbat tbey are doing and have donc la the past Tbey have taken up ta depart- ments of voris, vbicb are under the care of Superintendents. The free reading room if, opea ta the public every eveniag for six montits in the year and yull alvays be found warm, velI ligbted. and comfortable. 'oug popie are made ve Icome. The tables axe elI supplied with daily papers, magazines and good literature of aIl kînda. The average atteadance tacli nighi la6. Th-t çmal la vlsited by the evangeliatic Superntendent- Our counîy gaol lis no lonËer inliabittd by cri muals alone, bat the poor, iasane. and vaga-anti; are brcught ia to, spend their laist hours behind the iran bars.- A great deal of literature bas been sent ta thse lumbermen ia the far north, vhn otherwise are tinable to procure good liter- ature Tht Flower Mission lias done gocd vork, carrying haquets villi scripture leafs 1to the sick.- Wiilu ill thse work, car ovn 1poer have not heen ne-glected, and masuy, 1many ies bave tht W. C- T. U. held out a helplag band. This money bas been rais cd by the ladies, vith tht exception of a fev donations treni différent gentlemen of the tova, and $7,5.oo v'hich the council gave duu-ing differient petiods. 1Let us keep one motta before us, " For God and Home and Native land. Thue North Oxtarlo Recouat There bas been quit. a ime aver the re- coat un tht North Ontario election. la the firat place an order for a reccuint of the votes vas ardered by judge Mahaffy, Brace- bridge, vhicb vae to bave corne off on Tues- day at. On learniag tuais Mr Duncan Gra- hami's friends raised the abjection tbat judge Mahaffy and the defeated candidate, McLeod, vere canneedi in business or- smre other s'ay ;se an application for a re- count vas ma-de, on -14e Grahams belsaI4 before judge Dortiell This order vas alec made, and Retornlng <Hficer Bruce w«s or- dered bere on Mopday ta show' np hie te--' tomns. 'Lavyer Araold,,f'&acebridge, ap peared here on Moqday (rtiûed vith an in- jîlactien fr-omrn J: lice Robertson restralai- Ing: JudeèDrnl lo-Ioi!lu eTe- count, but aftersotn argument ia whicb MW D c~ty jointd; e.a 2 rilffrU Grabaù," the judgd *Itô go on wish th. couait uotvlthétandlàg Ihe IjicôtJPO, 'ejod e I-oding bjîustce, RobitO b.ad tojurisdièim 119eAtérfem.o,1T11=ea~ turnaýgO9ecei Bracî belom- la bis bàIIo-tW>b p"e* * é bis returmsGrah~am- h Nt. Wun. Rosm% Port Perry, wus lu 4o~u Wednesday, And droppedtu toa ec ns. 4RbP"êBisýiliý o(,,Greeuwood srnt tbl '~ecit~J~ ~'L-.Hat, wisthu -wsPb He haahad quîte selge oflt. 'W. ho, sec hlmi ont soon. The A.O.U.W. cf the Dominion le vfiWy Ilkely to, separate froln the JUited Staie connection of the order. , r A slelghlaad ofYoung people from Omhawir wet ew Reasant battra at Mrm. W.L, Mr. J. W. Thompson and Mr. . Duns- more of Trlnity Medical College, were in town on Frlday and Saturday lest. Colin Stewart, tbird son of M4r. C. F. Stew- art bas been confined to the bouse for the pafit two weeks, but we are pleamed ta state that lie is able to lie abolit again. MAr Geo Robson, Terre Haute, Indiana, second son of Alderman Wm Robson of this town, arrived bere on Wý,ednesday on a vimit to his parents. He is a prosperous young Man. On Tuesday Mar 2, Miss Ramsay, the celebrated elorutionist, wil appear in the music hall here in a varied programme of recitations, songs, etc, in costume. Miss Rammav cornes witb a more than provincial reputation, arîd no doubt will lie greeted wiih a full bouse. Mrs Barnard, assisted by lier sister, Miss Wilson,.%vas "At Home" Ias Friday after noon. Although the weather s'as unpro- pitious, a large mnber of frierids spent a very enjoyable lime amnid bright lights, plea- sant tallt, and the sweet melodies of Wol- fendens orchestra. Port Hope was visited bv a destructive fire ait an early hour Sunday morning, by whîcb the opera boeuse was damaged to the extent of about Sio.ooand the St. Lawrence Hall $5.000. The property s'as instired for $16,- oaa. The Trader's Bank ond other proper- ty in the samne block wam also more or less damnaged. The total loas by the 6ire will not lie less than $îo.ooo. The opera bouse was built in 18-2. but bias neyer paid. Two tramps wbo laxied tbrougb the town ai ten on Wednesday morn, vent apying round to fitîd wbere tbey could gel sonie barleycorn. Tbev spied it in E. Aran- strong's store and whet lbe wasn't ini, one watcl2'ed the store wbile bis traveling pard - took in" a flask of gin. Thence coolly to the east tbey walked on tbat brigbt vinter day. and when the constable souglit for tbem tbey were over the bils and far away. Highland Club The above club in furnlshing a rare treat for residents of Whitbv and vicinity for Marcb 2nd in the entertainment supplied by Miss Ramsay, one of Canada's greatest elo- ocutionists. Settlers' Traint The Canadian Pacifie Railway will rmn set tiers trains to Manitoba and <janadian North %t'est during March and April (should sufficieni business offer> lenving Tor'.nto every Tuesday ai 9 p mn. A colonit t lef-per will be aitached 10 Pacifie express on these dlattea. due to leave Tonto 12 30 noon. Asic for 'Settiers' Guide and al information from E R lows, C P Rv ticket, îclegraph and express agent, Whitby. Ont The Temble of Faine. Arter taking conaidetable trouble last week to writc up the temple of fame, the copy was mislaid by accident, and its ab- sence was not noticed until it w55 100 iate ti> -,et up the type. We very much regret the omission, as those who took part in the event are entitled to high commendation, and we would have been pleased 10 point out a kew of the excellences of the performance. tnoeat Assanit. On Tuesday, one Tro. Stewart, a trmp of about 5,5 years of age, enticed a five year nid girl into Crosby's backyard and there at- ternpted indecerntassailt He s'as frighiten- '-d away, but s'as afterwards indentifled b%, the girl and s'as arrested by High County Constable Calverley and placed in confine- ment. On Wednesday lue was arrainged lie- fore P. M. Harper and pleaded guilty to the charge. He s'as rematîded until Sturday %vhen he will appear before the magiatrate for sentence. &djouraed laquent The adjourned coroners inquest bere on Tnesdny afternoon upon the deatb, - mie five weeks ago, supposedly trom ahortion. o! Mary Smith, a domestk vwho came bere from Bradford, vas furtber adjourned for a moriîb, afier taklng the evidence of Samuel OIldham. a Édruisî &in PBr-aiord kTheAd Curling Notes. Lindsay s'on the Ontario tankard for 1897. Oshawa agaîn taek a good stand as reîare- setstativeg- of tbis district-The Dry-den Trepby competition s'as played off at Lind- sy on Tuesday night. commenciag at 9 o'clock p.m. and vlndlng np ai 4 ar. .On Wednesday morning, [a the first draw' Lindsay beat Bobcateon by 12s abts and Peterboro downed Whitby by 5shoe.At anc o'clock in the moralng Lindsay and Peterbero starttd the final. and Lindsay fia- ishied 7 shots la the goud. This la the second year Lindsa-y bas. s'on tihe second Dryden trapby. and another vin yull make It ibeir praperty. Wbile the duMal as lu progresa betveen LlndeayI and 'Peterboro a consola- tion match for the ovsters came off between Whleby and gobcageon,' wlich vaes von by the former liy s certain number of($bots Ont ta lie recorded la ibe anotals of curling. The M valves vere served au M4cçonnell'shotel et, 4,30 a.rm. and vere'dliipase cf vlth greai enjoysuent, Mr. Walter MadîlI, anex*Wblti liv boy beidg the leading Voeaiat Of the--, caion. -,1_ . ",1. 1 ThesGrsek Tea Thse Greek Teatfise.Gddf lovP.;Thezhbali vas- rowde -gou meetling -beld it thé lar, théi 0ude'tlige-soesoa. kova' ballont "Mossccesa- trdee,.n end nisru- bbivienter- Ç~ K Our STEWART@ýM ~Grea t "Anualù Reliable goode at positive Bargains have been the attractive features of this annual success which we bave attained in the pastisi directly due to our YERY LOW PRICES. will present the best bargain chances of the entire 8ea8on. We itemize below onlv a fe~w E as 8azuples: 100 Ladies' CloLlu Jacketai blaoka 'and colora, wyl b. closed out (for your ohoice) at the abaurd prie of $2.00. AU our MILLINERY will b. cleared' out aI cost and under. Bee oui' $300 Hats for $1.75.1, Bee our $2.00 Hats for $1.00.1 Ail our Ladies' UNDERCLOTHINO thse very bealgooils aI very lovcst prices. Seour Ladties' Vesat I25c., worth 50c. Dreas Gooda, Remnants in Dreasi Gooda, Flannels, Prints, Sateena, Linena, oe., al to b. alcared out ai vcry close puices We have the beat and cheapest Drea CGoods in tovn. 1 If yon vant a nice PLAID BLOUSE j or DRESS be sure to sec ours. See our Plaide ai 25o a.nd 50c. Fanoy Bloue Silka ai 25c, 50c anid OSe. .. - -&%0 %---J 4 a- v IIALF PRICE SALE SATUIRDAY. We Go The Pruldent Hous6wife will serve her New Year's callers witih a OUP of our Special Blend Pure Java and Mocha Coff6è, DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEme AT event, and 1h.- This great 'sale special bargaina Nov is the -lime ta get a SUIT or ama OVERCOAT made te order. Our prices andistyles arc right. Be sure to caU and sec aur goods. No anc can bea our pricca. Gente TIES, SOORS, SHIRTS, UN DERCLOTHING, ec, at right pric. All gooda marked at Loweut CASH PRICRS. W~iTB3Y.. SATU RDAY, IIALF PRICE SALE SATURDAY. Bargain Day, HRALF PRICE SALE SATLJRDAY. 2Othe HALF PRICE SALE SAT URDAY. Groeerie8 -t' and thus obtain the ,maxi*mum, quity at minimum coat. - Freshground w hile yuw~t l.M. et g -' -, i.-P C4 .l Oh Winter ~1 EF.STrE WA&RTr, FEBRUARY Ladies' Jackets, Youths' and Children's Ready-made Tweed Suits, and 30 pieces of Dress ,Goods, will be reduced to Haif Price, for the ONE DAY ONLY. ufor a -. ti t lin,. u )008 *k'-cp ý" il d o it I t rfi e Tin kig, -Wes r, iu Brick -ai i-orner, 1 URKE, ,renbank. 'r(nM*treet. ch i. 1 UfilILEE Life and -sons s'ho i t.ýst. Pre- 1 Dufferin's y îiratsed. -y to make me. Pros- I will cosit ty -pocket. Ltd. WALTERS' .ý Heads of Fmil WHO Study 0:Eom intereste ,to bu,. ýt notice.

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