Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 4

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Yoll an Reiyl -upon the Purity of our Druge and Chemnicals ; the genuine- nesns of eur Medicines. We exercise great care in obtain- ing the best and only the best goods in the market. Our Dispensing and Coin- pounding is always-actîrate and correct. FINESI NORWEGIAN COD LIV7ER OZL. 50 Cents Per Pint! JE. WlL LIS, CHEMIST & DRU(GIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK ST., WHITBY, FEB. - WHITBY.1 199 1897.1 ACO IUNTS. The CHRONICLE stants the ycar wilh a goodly incresse in its lista, and ans far o'ar renevals have been satisfadtory. This vcek we send ouI reneval notices 10 as many as ve ouid maniage, and hope for a prompt re- turn It osis money 10 vrite out ail these accotants, anad ve vîsh ail 10 understamd that nrîr objeri is 10 secure immediale and fll remittanres. Each person concerned viii pieased note this, as ve do not do business for our heaith Short Notes. The western wing of the parliement build' mgs, titawa, vas burned on Thurscay Tiiglt lIsr t h ili taire a vear 10 repair te damnage donc. The' records vere mostly ail sa ved. In t894 there vere 2941 tavern licenses is- srted in ihis Province n t895. 2735 :in 1896î z731. Tht' number of ahop imenses veni dJovn from 357 ii'1P94 10 327 in t896. The Provinciasi revenue from Imenses vas ne- duced Irom $289,821 o2 in 1894 O8$293,212-44 tri î8q6. The munoicipal reventue vas re- duced from $282,473 07 t0 $267.072.4o. Dur- t ngi the last four vtars the commîtîmenîs forà drunkenness average.,52703 as againsi $4,311 yearly from 1886 to îbqo. The finesa iasi yeer amounted 10 $t6,979 as comparedp with $17,243.46 Since 1874 the number oftL tavern lirenses issued in tht ounty uJ On- t iaro has heen rcduced (rom 86 10 44, 5l.OPs f from 35 10 4.a Mr. Hardy bis to lesaicu the number ofp towan rounicillors and 10 do away with thse1% eletton of ettes and deputyreevease ofern as they wert' formerly required for nepres- entation in tIse couniy rounicil was minro- duccd in thse Legisiatîve on Monday last.d Tht art provides that in thet owus of over 'a 4(550 popuîlation the' rouril -ghahl coWpst of a a mayor, ivo counicilions elerted by generai vot'. and two councillors fTonm cr wardV For towns of 4oast sud under, tht ounril ý -hall consist of a mayon and six counrillors t ail to be elected by genenai vote Villages. t a reeve and four crunciliors, bir gene'ral vot, and towia-hips, a ette and four coun-. iflons, bv zeneral vote where tht' townshjD ia nol divided into vardia, where varda aex-h mt. eamh shal enc a councillor, ta act wiihn tht' reeve. Tht' act vîli also regulate the' a qualifications of votersanad the number of votes each shahl be entitled to. There is very little reeson to doubt thatC McKinley duties viii be resîored betveen 1 Canada and the States belore July ist mcxi.t Thse ptospemîs of reciprocity vili not neces- sarily be ruincd by thua, as the' Republican pertys poicy is protection and reciprocity.c The Canadien and United States goveru- mients may go on and negotiate a treaty. wvhicb vouid have 10 lie rnnfirmcd by thet Diominion parlianieut and the United States Senate. The latter body ia mat stronglyc Republican and tint very tavorable ta reci-i procily, and a îreaty vauid have ta be veryt favorable to the S tales or tht Semat ould0 not pasa it. Our personai opinion isn't veryi valuable on greai international questions,1 but tram reading the Amnerican papers onet would nolt onm tht qpimmau that thene le much feeling acrosa tht limge in laver ai sncb a maove. Tht Americaus sleng lthe barder mtates touching Canada, especiauly the (arm- era, are reci bot for protection, and look upon1 ail reciprocity talk as oppased ta tbeir ln- Stereats. tWhItby To'wn Lo»ls Mr. R. B. Taylor, Detroit, wastti loveon Tuesday. Listen !! Don't bey asteve uill you Jakre set' Mmntyrt. Mn. and Mns. Youngbeart, Toronto, vert thse guests of Mr. sud Mrs. Chas. King aven Snuday lest. Mn. Jno. Ard la in Port Hope Ibis veek at- îending the tuncrai of bis ister Mrs. Thomn- as. A numnber of young people fnom berge at- tended a surprise party ait Gormîcys botel on Tuesday aigbt. Thingsa are getting iively in Port Penny. Fisbery Inspecter Watson bas been fired and John Baverman put in bis place, vhite Indien Agent Batemnan bas been replaced by Aibenrt Willies. l is.rpoîedthtaa- W'h+t.yJ'~Wbltb>1 ïo too. Evldently Oshawa Io net vsry sxiott foi a mieofhckey. h " eto.,wiMas4e(ated t.Pori perry on T esday night. 6 to i wus the record of that dread,0 dïa gaine et Port Hope a month ago, but oui »boys met them at Phillîppi. Ladies who were present at Wednesda: night's gamne wlll,be, admltted frçe to Satur. day's match wlth Prosliéc PaTË.' The camp followere of the Oshawa and Port Hope clubs are more or less bummy, and they make the tact clear every plact they go. Up to laat Friday night's frost the Pori Hope papera played their Ontarins for firsi place in the Midland League, with Cobouri a bot second. The Port Hope Guide atill announce! their cluh as candidate for the championslîil of the midland hockey league. The Hoper- neyer losc hope Port Hope gaI avay with their lives, bui that was aIl. Whitby took their scalps arn their record, and what rnoney they broughi 'vith therm. It was hard, but we bad to dt. it. Blowmanville played ait Cobourg on Wed nesday ioth, iraI. and after an exciting gamt were defeated by 3 tO 1. Holland and La hatt of the bank of Toronto assisted the homye îeam to vin. The gnme bas been pro tested. The Wbitby juniors went to Oshawa or Thursday night last without Stewart and~ Paquet, two of their most expert players Tbey defeated the Oshawa juniors witt Hinton, the alleged fast senior, in front, by 7 goals to 5. Bowmanvillte News : The Port Hope Guide in commenting on our report of the rrcent Pott lope-Bowmanville game, says : Bow- manville has nmade no reputation of greai succeas on outside rinks.' If the Port Hopt: .eani ever had any reputation they bast ît on Fridsy night basi, vhen the Wbibhy boys. pîsyed rings around those -good Ontarios' nal even abbowing them to score. Afi -er muuch ncgotiatiug and several dis- appa'intmen ts Prospect Park will play Whiîby hcre on Saturday aflernoon at 3.15 Prospect Park is in the sanie league with thec Wecllingtons and Upper Canada Colle&e and playa fast and deran hockey. If the Whitby teani put up the gaine they are capable of playiug the visitors will have their vork cut out Jor thena. Admission Io cents. Although one free match bas been giveti this year, the Whîtby management (cela that thev ove the public somnething on account of the untinisbed game on Wednesday night. s0 ladies who were preseut viii be admitted free to the aext match As the general ad mission bas been zo cents bere aill intei whîlsî t ivas lIfteen in other tovns it ia fc!i that men can afiord to loac hall a match. B3e- aides the club bas to be maintained on the receipta trom games. The Midianal hockey associ'sîion's serles ol games have proved most unsatisfactory ir almost cvery instance, and the management ofthc club here la quite tired of it. Almosi every gamne bas beeri protested or disputed The Whitby club bas been deteatcd onl% once, and we do flot suppose that could bt repeated by any team in the leagu1b. Tht game that vent agiainat Whitbv vas Joat or, account of insufficient lighting on the Port Hope rink, and the game vazg protcsted, but our club abandoned the proteat and su( fered a defeat to be recorded vhen even Pori Hope admitted that our claim vas juat. By leavinR the ice before tbe gamne was famtial- eon Weddesday nîght here, the Oshawa cdut torfetted not only t4 gamte but also ita member à ip ini the Mtd!and Ho-Jtey Association. Rui. 22 reads as fol ows :'la the event of the ruaif 01 the' referce or umnpire being disputed, verbe protcat by the captain muat be gaven and tht zame immcdiately procced Anv îeamn lesviug the #ce >~fore the comupletion of the gante viii forfezi thc saine, and their mrmbership in the asocatton." The above clause was inseried not nnly ta protect the daff'renî clubs but also t, protect the public (rom juasisucb unaportsman 1ke conduct as charactertzed the viaitors on Wednesday. Faith vith the Publie ahonld lis naintained under aIl circumst;u es and thegame played ta a finish under proleoti if oecessary. About 5oo people gathcred in on Wednes lay night to sec the league game vitb Osh- awa, the visitors being accompanied by about ioo rooters. The game set ont in fine style vith both clubs playîng fast hockey. Whitby von the first goal. w.hicb grave the irame. It seems reasonable te, ruppose that if thse peckr had struck the front of the %al- lery, as vas maintained by mnany, it vonld have tumblsd back ou thse Ice. vbich li never did noa far as la knovu. Thos vh took ground on either aide vere so positive that ne compromise cauld b. efiected, aud the Oshava players refused ta g on unles it vas declared no goal. Without apparent- ly any hope of furtber play the matter sîood at that for fiteen minutes, ehen the reterce vhlstled the game t0 go on, aud Oshava left the le. Thse Came should have goee au, and Oshawa could have prôtested, but to leave the tee at an y stage of the gaine ineaut ta terfeit It to Whitby. No club eau leavi, the le. at auy lime without forfelîing the game, no tuatter vhaî the dispute ussy be. The decisien of the umpire in final, un- tiI protested and upset by the excutive et the league. Wbat inteusified thse feeling ber. vas a report vhich bad been cljculated ta tb. effeet that Oshava vould leave the le aItbe first kick. It vas aleco feit that Wbitby got the vorst af It at Oahava tva veeks ago, and our peeple woild net give lu. A scboal teacher lu a uel»~borng tovu asked ance ofber pupils te sWe ferment and give [ta definition. "F.e-r.tp..-n-ta ferment, ta vark.1I responded the dluttive malden 'Nov place It in a senteince se-ltI1 may lie sure that yen understants sieaug, nid the teacher. "lu the aummer I would rather play out of doors than ferrmet 1h t" eAchool- bouse," returned the sallat çbear, vith such deelid dfrank" *a sd' nconaclous humer that thet tahr ou4 ad esp pressa a mile. Gesedma HasscU of Pmst iiHeP;r M.t lier jpbstorvwr . a r L O J. B. Yeanley. *,pmm4-k tbeIO».4lptw eatCr- day la&t. John? .mkl~u -dGot -wyçUt9 1Ç bada =,tetoe'" ad b - es oL- e eê. are the 14-1 la yMWms '4lezaudnnaR0Wuay bias becs e*' %arod-tO i gly ber omtume reeltul la 'Ibe j1 Tueay ekenin Mrhn. rin li Ina fe Ilo rtbe pss-mu-, Mise .Rominaa-r.«ltatiom.. ucre the tehaupi ,t of elocutiollaly at-Mootreal Wltues. MIss Radimay recited ',vit dr"ile powe and cpawky humour, beéldes ptevlng berefl- rtres of thse tvln art MUSIC-Scotas mn can. N.Y. Miss Ramsay captlvated tbi. y. audience wlth her reettations. Ater eadhi nom ber se vas accorded au encore.- Efatntltotr Heeald. Ta grade of psrsep.- d Miss Ramsay acds historiar talent of thse F.bighest order. Her interprelatlon of charac- ,ter sud sentiment le admirable. Sh. ls easily in lIse front rank of elocutianis.- Toronta Globe. ;t Thase vha coudemn nevapapens and newapaper men for publishing reports af the 9 acts gleamed aI coroners' inq ucots, are quit mistakren tram a moral standpoint, and are wasting time talking about it. It la in P the itteresta of the public that sncb maltera sb. ventilated. Keeping ctimes and mis- demeanors secret is tihe beat wvi to encour- ti age them, and there la nobody we knov ai d around here too good ta read anvthing that iis a faiet. We bave no objection to any main t, holding ta bis opinion, wrong or right, but bîke others tue have to speak up wben il is held that aur columns shouid mot cantain ~everything Ihat happens, and especially the îhings that result in tragedies. hi is by having the fscubty of hunt.ng up and prînt- ng neya that ve make our living. For the present the last ofîthe Gross-Jack- nson cases vas bieard on Thursday night lasi. vhen some further evidence in the assiaula case againal T G Jackson vas beard. Mr. Jackson testified that he heard Grosa îalking about him on the morning of Jan. 5th as he vas drivîng pasl Printgle's store. He under- stood G rosa to say 'da.mned thief."- This is the intenqe provocation vhich he gives Rit an excuse for the assasuit. Unimportant tes- timon y vas taken tram F. J. Jones, and Mr. Dov mnoved for sentence. and ta have jack. son placed under bonds to kecp the pesce This the magistrale a ppeared d isincbined to do, as he cxpressed the opinion that there vas no farther cause ta apprehend assauli fram Jackson. The case stands adjourued n that shape, and wyul continue to stand ad iaurned until the m'aller cames up ai the jury sittings ai the high court of justice. Under Mr Hardy's mev av, a synopsis will b. tound on our editorial page, tiis Iflyn vibi have six councilora and a mayor, %Ilb eected for the vbole tovn. This yard curse ilI b. abaished, and men vbo art. unfit for public service in the Ionu onucil vilb ait least be compelicd ta obîsin the en- dorsation ot a mnajariî1y oetIhe vhole tovn When eiectcd lhey yull aIl be on the same footing. vith the exception et the mayor, who vili preside. Thse mev bill vilI be sait- stfactory in Whiîby. and vould suit better stli if it reduced thse memb>erçhlp of council ta ive insîead et seven There le realby noîhing ta do in a lovn ike Ibis callimg foi mnre than five membhers ai counicil. Almost every duîy ai counicil la preacribed by lav. and in rmaltera ovt-r vhich the council bas. full contraI the large miemberahip onby bin ders business. Besides this members club together ai present ta secure ail sorts of things fer their ovn varda. If the merchauta af every tovu in Ontario would tekre a icaf tramn the big departientel stores and advertise and seli gooda as tIsey do tbcy would speedily secure a larger and beîter trade than tbey nov have, and hring dollars ta their awn towu thal aI present gzo to Toranto and clsewhere. The vay-and the oniy wav-that ibis much-to-ha-desired enjl can ha accompliehed is 10 secure a gen- crous space lu the advcrtiqing comua of the local papers and advertise persistenîly and welI, quoling prices for cah* the Verv lowesî margin o? profit. People buy in Tor onto simply because Ihey dan-or tbink tbev can-buy cheaper; but they also know tIsaI they must have lIse spot cash. [t hnyers qre ahown by pruces quoted that tbey cen bey as ads'antageeusiy tn their ceunty town as in a city fifty or nue hundred miles away they vilI cheose the former every limne People iu thse country buy in the larger tovus aimpiy hacause they believe they car, buy cheaper; and people in the tewns bey in the cîty for the very saine reasan. It is only by advertisuug liheaslly sud quotiug prices tIsai our merchants cen «hov these people »their ep-or. Tbey cao be reached machb quicker tbrough their pockets--espec- ially when timues arc bard and4 everyone is trying to makre or save thse iigbty dollar- than they rau by preaching loyaity ta theur own district. H ockvey. For mauy a day aur Whiîby people bad been booking tor Fcb. îath, 10 sec the rcturrr match bei veen Wbitby and Port Hope, and 7o0 bpectators gathercd tram fan and near ta -.ce tht eîruggle at the ink on Pniday nlght laist. Sao confident venu tIse Port Hopers ihat tbey bired a car and came up'here viîh fitty rooters te sing O-n-t-a-r-b-o, vhiab is the name et thein club. Our deteat bKr6-i ai Port Hope made people dubious of ¶»hitby's sbuiity le dovu the casteru club, but thse best intarmed Wbitby sports vert quite con- fident cf vit4r. Such ascsene as thse nink presented aI 9 o'elock oes ould hardly ex peel ta set ngaiu ln s lifetime. Everv brece aud eross-timber lu the upper part eto the rlnk vas alive viîb raclera (or eltiser one aide or the other. Tise visiîiug club vas net ready le play utill o r5, aud by that lime muany wvIsa ad vaited tva heure vere very amzious. At Iast amid seetblng excitement thse velcomne seund et the vbisîle vai beard. -There they go 1 <" sbouted hundrede of voles, and l' vwas uske tht baise eft stanig a race fer the Quet'. plate. Tbey vere off lruiy, and at a gait vhicb meaut death an vietery. one veald imagine. . It vas very faut, bal atili anybody vhe had tyts could sec vhieh club vas lu the better viuuiug tcrm frithe tar Bt. Each Whbtby uman has played bis position for yeara, sud each kunova bis verk (rom begiuulng te end. LISe ebockvwork the tmtu lu blaek-and-vhiîe fought aide by aide. eacis rcleviug himnesîf vben sorsly pressed by passlag the puck te his netghbar. but ve are tee long telliug IL. Befoe a minute'. play Whiîhy Isad sconed. asu nha ascus ofet xeitemeul sud loy oee may neyer sec agalu. Then came a second geai in Iva or Ibree minuese more. Pme esutly came a third, sud jonvas aanllfned. For s feurth ont beys aeoned oee efalde. but lb vas net .lloJred. Tisen camne bjf lime Ireseully, sud tise visitons teeS ten minutes te compare notesas t vissre tbey vere aI. Tier beadavert set giWddy by Whlîby'a pact, and moo!tbem>ieussried tisat our boys vert pigeons. t-pr,,-to bai! time the sluglug of O-o-t-a-r-i-oW»aske9ptp by t fie isilors, and for a nuteor 1Sdeaftesr the second bal! 5tatted But Wbitbiy quick-ý ly seered umoue goals. :ud àu thée lentigo AIl thts dîne tinse tiihe PonWbse had been Sept lu a stet "'1«' nov begau le ha apparqg t itbe w» toebe merely s viluess. ise . rt 5or a met tefr Waterloo. [t vas as-wefcoq34san. UOUINCOWn=1et-t te,-Wbeutinte vas estieê for ithad long been apparent tiat tisqy,a could tiseC i8* Oulhope W tai kee W è U in fi&11h tocka1di9~ C-5ý,ýBargaqins Note the FÃ"llowing Low Prices: ~a1e. For BARGAI N, Electro+ Al. Children's Heavy Ail Wool Hose, 15 cents per pair. Ladies' 4. 44 " 20 cents per pair. Gents' di di di 15 cents per pair. Children's Underwear at 15 cents and'20 cents each. Ladies' Gents' 64 20 cents and 25 cents each. ci 25c, 30e, 35c, 45c each. Beat Qtiality Wide Widthl Flannelette, only 7 cents per yard. Ail Linen Checked Glass Towelling, at 5c. and 7e. per yard. Good Heavy Faetory Cotton, 34-in. wide, only 5e. per yard. Good Heavy Bleached Cotton, 36-mn. wide, only 9c, and 10e. per yard. Good Heavy Tweed Parits, ail sizes, $1.25 per pair. Cbildren's Plush Caps, a few left, 10 cents eaeh. Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. and 35c. each. Men's Unlaundred Shirts, to clear, 40 ets. eaeb. Men's Carnbric Shirts, to clear, 50 cents eaeh. Chenille Table Spreads, good size, only 75 ets. eaeh. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 13 ets. each. Floor Oil-.loth, good quality, choice patterns, 25e. per square yard. Good assortment Ladies' Mantles and Gents' Ulsters. Also Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Our T ailoring Department is under the management of a first-class cutter, and good Suit, and fit guaranteed, is $10 and upwards. and we wilI convince you are prices are right. ANDREW Fancy M.ý China. A Large Stock of «Wý Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Alway8 G roceries. Reliab le. AT GIBSON'S. The Great Wonder. UNRESERVED AUCUION SALE 0P Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and- Shoes, Fancy Goods, Etc., at E. IRe B. HA YWABRD'e8 -ON- THURS»AbY, our prices for a Give us a oe,11 ROSSO lu SU IS 10 OFLIEVE ---e..- Cali Oun- .oob WM. TILL and be convinced that an Blegant liue of FURNITURE -&.ND- UPHOL8TERED 800D8 is being sold at away down prices to keep. in touch with the HLARD TIMES. Antique Oak Leather Seat Cobler Rocker - $2 25 Antique Oak Plush Rocker - - 3 00 Gents large uphalstered Fa- Chair 4 50 Parlor Sets, Oak, Plush & y î8 oo Sîdeboards, PùeMirror . -6 o Bedroom Setts, 3 pieces 10- o00 Dining Table, 4 leaves - - 5 00 Children's Rockers . - 50 Ail other goods pro- portioually cheap 1 Everything sultable, useful and arnamentak- Repeiring, UphoLster. ing and Undertaking. WM,- TILLP WHTTBY. Gordon àMeldrum, mens L. R. C P. RDINBURGH, Phys/cihu, 8urgeon d- Accoucher. Office and Residence North End of The TERRÂOE, BYRON St. Office Hours: 10 &.M. t~o 3 psm., *P& 8 to 10 pý.i -.W'Telephone Commbunication with office. Waï'e. Sp o ons, and uni' -A T oMOWalCo0Uaty Ortaa.-I.arg lon 01 aaY loal paper Ln FRIDAY, FEB.19 LOCAL LÂCON Mn Thos Moore, Midlend, vy day-. MIrs Thos Andrew, Pickerir Mrs Lintoît. Mns. Jarvis of Detroit la niother Mrs. Luke. Miss Alexandrina Ramsay al costume recital ai the music h evenîng, Marcb mnd, 1897. MIr John McCuliough, laie drug store, was here on Fridav the hockcey match vîth Port Hc The adjouroed acruiiny of th, voie in Pickering vas posîpont day until todav to enable Jude attend 'o the North Ontario re, Wbiîby vas welb representc in Port Perny on Friday lasi. being there : Dr Wtghtman, Hovard Annes, E Carsvell, son, W Richardson, W F Christian, Miss Anues and à >on. J W Thompson, attende, Saturday here. -Whcn the Gazette man sla master McDonald, ai Brook lin, months ago-, he cravled oui ol M F Chinn, Brookiin, put h. W¾len h. slendered Judize week he put it off on bis cours-e the CHRoNicUE is a sheet for calling public attentioi siaughts, vhiie ihe Gazette r position in the malter full of vît A missiouary meetinig vtll baptist chuncIs on Frida>' ever o'clock, Mareb 5th, unden lb.- the Women'a ission Circie. Weeks, popular preacher aif % baptiat cburch, Toranto, viii dress, bis aubject vili be "The Heathen ou the Church." M will siug, assisted -bv Mr. Rosb and a lady singer ia expected of Brooklin, will give a short ta] "A Mission ot to-dty." A v. time is.expected. Allare invite tion vifi be taken in aid ot mît Dont Porget The "At Home" in .St Andt this, <Friday) evening. Admis lddlad Ho&ey Assoiation. -Thse foleving table abows th- tht teasailu iis leegue: Won Lo4 i i WHITB yHere 18 a ood Thing. FNB. 1 eli,1867, at 1.30 in afternoon and 8 iu evening: -50 Men's and Boys' Ulsters. . 35 "4"6" Overcoate. 75 Pr" " " aute. 25 1 " Suits.- Buffdo Robes, 1Blankets, Carpets, Underwear, and General Dry Goods. Every artile put up wMl be sold. Mr. Hsyçard lisretiring- from business., Aiction bargains every day nnil stock, 1 sold i $6,9WO.OO worth of Goode ob.S>%$cd L-1qBBNRme voi~e Varaieiy M/e Largesi! Priaes theLwei are the three pointe*Mbch IA tbe. FURNITIEtae fi E.R.B.HÂWARW WVbitbv 4 1 Port Hope 4 2 Bovmaiivilie 2 3 Cobourg1i .- Oshawa 1 3 Ob for Manitoba and B C. Marcb 2nd, and eveny Tut Marcb and Apnil. (sufficient b ing,) e special colontat train Northwest via North Ray and itave Tenante ait 9 p. in. Col( dlnany baggage eau also leave (exeepî Sunday) et 12.20 (nt sleeping cars ou eecb- train heidera. For through tickets Myrtle, Brookl, Wbithv, Picl Tenta and tveny information Stephe»nsc, îelegnapb. expi rillvay and accan ticket o Hateb Bras) Whitby. Weý btantily cougnabulateh Mnes on the saceess et the ' Society. Tise Ides vas prîet, eut by Mn. Aunes lu a moet c uer, sud bas rcsuittdi lu roS httidred oi thse hast voaii in &.,peefab choral union. T a hast o! singera, sud mi splendid voltes have becu fi adjopted luneounactio1 viLIst je net sayiug tomach te dtate Anefflret. snnced bis big fev «wv tise faintest -pros out, au& mauy-wise vishedthe felt go luttie bope hat tbey Stili Mn AIuneS onked eu hi spendiug ahusost bis vhoic tir~ or twve iu order te have ne detal As a rsit -te bas nov tIse pro of knôewIug that bis plana hb succeseu thaiseveri hbis s tien bad eipected. aud Ithetv an organisation vbich. la et g, tance.' tissu auyiody kneus - upoIIa sîeS=. ouathlon te ention aI tiss tlo)deeaud pe 1 1 ý'

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