O)SHAWK--, FEB. 12, 1897. OSHAWA PAGE Farmers will do well to cal at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing. lira j Pickle, Couiml, Io vlsltlng frieudu atiss M Stephenson h vlsltlng relatiïes tu Bow manville. Mrs Elloît, wbo bas beeu visiting is C B Morgan, rettarued home to KICngstpu ou Tuesday. On Feb xth, John R Clark, the bout. black orator. will lecture itn the Sincoe-st methodist church. The license commissloners fer South On- tatio are Peter R. Hoover, Green River, John Davidsoîî, Ashburn, andl R. J. Mackie, Oshawa. Misses E NMcDiarmid sumd Vidders, wbo have bt-en the guests of Miss Mabel Whit- ut-y, returned to their home in Lindsay on We.unesday. eOn accounit of Rev Father Jeffcott's con- cert on tht 16th, the womans guilal have de- cn.idedto vosatr..ne iiir conce.rituntili a ter OSRAWA. date. Mr Thos Miller, jr. left asat week for Win- A smalI stock of faucy goods, well assort -nipeg, to visit the gold regions4 of Lake of ed. No opposition. inspection învited. To the Woods, and the mnining camups of British be sold ai raie ou dollar. Enquire of WmI. Columbia. Ilickie, King si., Oshawa. Mass B-amridge's recital, tn-nigbt, in St Mr F Hobbs, Pickering, was in bown Georges achool bouse shuuld be wellet. Saturdmy. tended. A fine programme wail be given Mirs Mtiud Galloway spent last Saturday for the smiall suns of aoc. n WVhiby. On the 2[-t of ibis mnonth missionary ser- \Vrn llvland, of Torouto, Sunday-calwîîh lices5 will mebe haldan Medcalf methodisi Ill- pareil1ts church. Rev C Parker, Bawmanvalle, val, Mr Harris, Manitoba. vîii.n-aith Mr hâve charge of these services. 11-afflaMast week. tr A- , Pret'echer as in Kingstonthiq week Miss Lena Carmichaei vsîîed with Pick ia iteriing aluruni conferencr- of Queen's col t-rig <rend la~ wee. ce,the- christi.aichurch pulpit will be o- cullby Mr J (;ilfillaai, BA, Bowmanville, Mir .nd Mrs Min 1rav visiteal w1ih Mari- ou Sutîday. che-ster relatives rr-ceiitilv There will b-e a special train run rom Tor- Mr A Barnett, Brooklin, visited withi ontîi ii Oshawa tht- nighi. of bbheIpiano %vorks Khsiawa relatives last week hall Il is exîiected that a large number ci Miss Mary Knoxixs renewing old ac. Torontio peuple will corne downi as a specia <]uaiitatnces in lownanvîlle, are bas beena arraîîged for by the commnitttet Miss G laines, of Belleville hospital, is The coincert given hy thteltt folks ii thre giiest of Mrs j Gibs rn. Meicalf church -am Tuesday evenang a-as R A J Little hb it i a stock of point and «tII a îtended, tht basement being packed lioniton lace, braîdsansd uurî,e - The hutePeoaple did exceeding velI, goîug If vou are baving ait evrriig Party, rent ilirough threr diterent pasrts an an excellenît Little's curling board for 2,5 cents. anr Miss McMillan sud Miss Mclaughlir, A large trumber of Maple Leaf insurauce bave reiurued from thear Tyrorme visit. patrons rissmhled tri the town hall, Colun, bus, iast Frîday and elected directors as foi Miss Ella Whitney and Miss lxgani Pick-i ows . Hon. Jmbu Dryden, R. J. Mackit. A erinlg, spetît Suaîday waîh à Mrs Wliitnty. Xnurs sud R Rogers. Tht report sbowed a M r M Donobue, of To, onto, was the- grand increase an business as the company i> guest of fuis Wm Brimcombe '<ver Suuday carrying riska Of <rom $70o,000otu $800,000. Miss MNI rqubart as home for a few week-. The Ontario Grand Cotancil R T of T wili ho,-liddys, bt-turc attending the apring mnil- mettin Oshawa on the i6tb, i7th sud i8(h liaery operiing. of ibis moili The daiî sessions will be Sîgus uf sprîngs the scmooil bot-s sas' that heldin the lecture ruom of Simicoe-at metho- Little as getting in a large supply of hshîiîig ""it church Tuesd.av r-vening, in tht bodav rods. hlats, sinkers, etc. if tht church, a public meeting will be belîl wheti a welcome wîi be extended to thù R A J Little ba-; given a large order for i afficers sud delegates by the tow'î counical. l.dit-s' belts, buckles, bImet pans, sîde combs,1 tht mînisterral instîtute and Sons ot Terri dants, hair comita, cul) links. etc. mrance. About ote hundreal anal fiity det-- Tire New Y'ork SundAy \'orld sella in gaies à re expecîed, On Tucsday nigbt an sîmme towns for ao ctls. Vimu eau gel it ai e-xcellent programme of siuging and ad- Littl.e's every Tuesday tor st-yen cents. dresses %vilI be gavera. Mrs White euîertained a Ct-w o? ber Tht- Osbawa ctirlers did not bave evei frît-rda on Fraday evt-ning lasi, when s ttîeir usuailhuck nr plaving for tht Ontaria-' pleasait time was spent playaug tort, croki- tankard at Tçroito thîs year. They set oui noIe anîd other gamnes. trinas Naze of gliiry, beating Col!ingwood an Tht home of Mr Hi Quigley vas invaded :he first drAw hv 40 ShIiats. Great 11oPei. tb) about fiftt youîîg peuple last Fradav vert- induiged an by their fa tends oit bearing right. Tbey pr cet-ded bu bavesa good tin. hts. hart at vas ai! shortlîved, for Sarnia did tiv îndulging i dancing sud games untal tht turu on Our boys an bhe second draw b% tlle sîtiali tiours or the moraaîaag. 1 3 shîts. It was bad news, tor our peuple Oshlawa is iels' to bave a new chefco-'ail indulged themstîves an tht hope thiai stable adatasscn eysui.Teicn-Oshawa would briig homne tht îewel thi.. arîdaraassarsîr vry our. eT <ar. Neverthielcss the boys did their besi chiet a-ill attend au the day woak an d vîlI aa atysu klul epeere h parade evenrrîgs, Itre assistant to be aîagbî-t adnafll n klflyruesnet -watchrnan and health iaiapector.ThOsaaoceclbw peniv About 6 .3o Tbursday niglit the rangîng ThOsaa oceclbwspediî of the fire beits sent the tmuoxple roni their pationiztd agsîn on Thursday nîght. vben a tetstabls t thtscen ofdîsater.A st Tire me was plas'ed wîtb tht Cob urlgs wai oables ttchmrrev of M dama bouAse lepay vas dont in s Most sportsmanlir <ma tire the service of thMtreAdmen 'er ot marner, sud no dissatisfactaou vas beard of on ee srie ftefiee.er o Cobourg la a lîttle slow for Oshawa on this r Ce, sud the tally ai the endl showed a score Tht '--)liua division of S. 0. T. vil pay 6 to 4 lu tavor of the borne team. Tht Vin- (>shawa Iodge a vasat rat-t Monday night dicaror very properly commends tht fair The memrbers ut the- divisijon are requoested spirit evanceal by Otaava people lu cbeering to e nththal a 7 cloksa- tie usine-s visitors and homne plavers alike vheu skilfu! meeting cari he tarisheal before the visataug play calta for it. Thas is a specles of hospi breîrenarrve.tality toc often ovicrlooked lu the heat of Binths gaines Cobourg returîred the compliment In Oshawa, on Friîiav, thme 5th insb. the on Wednesday niRbt at Cobourg, by a score <elfe of Mr. T. Palet(t, of a dauglbter. lu Of 3 tu i againat Oshawa- Oishawa, on Fradav, Itle 5th aist , the vife A very enjoyable lme vas spent'in the S of Mfr. F. Tutîle of a son, lu East Vsitby. () E hall Tnesday uagbt. vben an opeun un btnday, tht $th iust., the wale of Mr. J. meeting vas field. Tht following took part Grills aiugtr n the programme Mr Rainey, DD, Us- Deaha bridge,- in tire cha'r Songe Mr Gem-. Wilso-n Ertered into piradise, un lin qîh, asa'7. Amv M. i Ria), dearhy bel.îveadd.ughurr-)r the Rev. C. E Doý_bs, of \'1alanier, <mut- Iu Oshawa, Saturday, Feb. Oui, tirsJ, _ Warrue- In Belleville, ou Mloraday, Feu - hhtb, Hiram Smith, aged 84 sta4rs, 7 mnonth,, lu Darlingtun, on Morrday, Fet). 8th, Jarme <)rm saun, beloved wate t- fH-. R Campo)etî aged 6<2 years. Tht voung peophe of the Preshytertan Cburch ertertaiîîed thîtar frit-aian tire base- nient of the chur(Ii on Tut-sday evnang, wben a very pleas.mnti tme vas speutii lis- tenaug tb songs, music, etc.,- furniishsed hi' tht members of the Y P S C E. Rev S H Eastîman occupitd tht chair durîng the pro gramme, whacb vas dîvideal into tvo parts. After the irst pant of the programme, lunch- ton vas strvedi and ail enîuyed a hait bour's social chat. A young mari fromt the south, driving a 1andsome steed lci a nev Portland cutter, on Tuesdey hast uaîdcrtook to bave a race vlîb tht trolhey. Havang succeeded iu gaining on it by about a dozen lerigtlis of bis cutter, he thougbî ic vould eut crdles round tht car But an crossing the track Iis cutter collapsed sud bis noable steed struck out for betten p 4sture, haaviug the cutter sud its oc- cuîpant to get ont of the vas' of the car the best vay possible. We are glad to say that nothlug seriouç bappened besides tihe break- ing of the cutter. A big cock-firht took place in a bain lu the easteru part of thas tovu on Tbursday naght ast. The contest wvas betvetn Tor. onto and Oshswa birds, and vas a bot one, tht local chicks vining altnost ail the money. We bave tht names of most of the particfipants, but the liat os not complete, aud canuot be publisbed this vee'k. Both the Toronto and Oshava poultry vere taken to Lindsay Friday morning, vbene it is stated another att-to vas beld, tht Osha-wa bitads bemng fougbt as ringers by the Toronto men. 'aVe uit(erstaud that there is a stnonz probability of ail the parties beiug called upon to answer for their sport. A correspondent of the Vindicator, wbose ruodesty in vithboiding bis uaine bides a charitable beart fnom public viev, suggests that the Queu's ijabilet be celebraîed iu Oshawa bv founda1ng a amall ospital for tht stck. Uudoubtediy no- more nq-ful pub- lic institution could be named. sud the slze and importance of the tovu of Oshawa de mands that mort modern methoda lic adopt- ed for attending the sick thami the home pro. duces. Tbe mayon bas also writteu the Vin. dicator suggestiug Ibat eacb cbttrch sud charitable organization la lovenDamne ove dolegtste <o meet with a comhined commit. îeè-oi the tovu council and board cfcd ura tion iwlth a View tu furtherng - sotie g 'cat charitable wonk Ie celebration'-of thre na. tion's joy on Ibis great occasion. School Bqprd- Meeting Tht nev achoo! board vas organlzedlon Wednesday lulght of! Isetek, tbe folluwlug inembers belug- proeut-: ?Mçssrauy, Scatt, Samels, M4u!tou1 R J liaciiJsi Thmas, Bambrlig, JotMe, on 4k Frathbrjeffcqtt,4 Macklc, Bra sd uuv »iL)c Murtoti vs fqç-eWca ha, > acclamuauio,. The (ollovlmsg stsedîno,~ C WSeul. OGuy, I*Samelal'v ~FtCr w ot.iroi MRa"mu.t- reading, Miss Alice Hobbs, duet, Messrs Adamsand Paul ; song, Maiss B Mlay ; rearl ang, Mfrs j Guinett : rt-citation, Miss Laura Cawke-. moaîtb organ solo, Master Henry B!hw quartette, Misses, Millie Everson sud Pila Thompson -and Micsses Adamsansd t'atul. Mr Raines gave aIl present good ad- vice, warniog the voung ladies not to-marry ;i m-mn urahesa he would be insured iu the S () E berretit s9ciety. After the programme rtfreshment mvere served. Staiesman- Oshawa Amateur Minstrels gave a concert here Wednesday evening wben our catazens to shlow their appreciation turned out iu very gon-d numbers. The pro- gramme, camsisting of vocal and instrument- al music, j<rkes aud repartee, vas good for amateurs. They deserve credit for their tony gel up. Specîsl mention might be made of Mr P H. Punshon in bis wonk ail through and of endmen, Guy, Pedlar. Rae aud CarswelL Mn. W. H. Thomas ie bis son Eiietn," Mr. Punshotî in bis scmug 'Vou'r not the only Pehhle on the beach,' sud M r. Ed . Guy, lu bis ditty "'Keep a H %m mnerlu Il vert the best on the programme, <ebile Mfr. W. W. CotJhard as "*Tim Tool- en" vas the favorite of thé evening. Messrs. Guy and Pediar an their parts seemt-d ai homne. Dnummiug up a coloned baud vas good sud Mn. C. M. Mundy acted th.- contrary negro <o a nicety. Tht flght betveen the towu sud the fire in- anrance compaîiies la 1<11 ou, and the ed as nos yet iu sigbî, thoigh they are beginaiug to mndesand (mie anotrer botter. It is dlean that the tovn vili be obiiged to bave a uigbt- vaîchman sud atitomnatic fire alarmn, sud that baud extinguishers yl bave to be se- cured whetber or nul Ihey are of auy use. The figbt lsa stiiree-curuered one lu- a sense, for if these extras have 10 be borne, tbcre viii be a squabble betveen the businîessandet housebold interests as to which viii stand the expeuse. The couecil is dlvided in the matter, sud at a special meeting ou Tfesday nhght votecl dovu a proposaI ot Depuîy He-- zlewood's 10 bave a vatcbtean, a fine alarmu, and some ettiguishers, and tirat the busi- ness circle psy Ivo-thirds sud the whole tovu one-1hirdi. Tblg< ould mean tbat les. than one-lourtb of, tbe total cost would lie; bonne bv the bouieholders, and vo shomld aay vas a fair proposition. The-members of, the ire and wator commuhîce voted against ibis proposaI, sud we doubt if tbey ever -led an casier vay oui o! the trouble. If! the tbing baugs on tili the lai ofMarch the vbole love will have to foot the COsI o! tirese ex-. Iras, sud Ibose vbo are now voting agalMs reasouabie compromises vili then be.aaxob to shrift thre blame onto-soniebody cisc., The Reformer saye: "Tise eagieteoW, long beakcd editor of tbe -Ctit;Ca.u fan- clés, ire bas dlscoygred a nov uumuber -'f ptikendivsin Osrawa. it 'sjmutg Smilla outcny wblcb bas u »farý flot bem,*qrtb l1w 'îeueg to. If t"eré esnch 1 ' ht-caà easils' demousîrato e exae2 e b1 exercise tif a iWai. dlsngioà an~id iitt If hc e tn uIe~~Jb-,. <# vSum 45a ucsh~ CZDAR DALEC Miss Olive Robins visited friends iu Whit by. Miiss M Coleman visited triends in Bow- -nanville this week. Mrs. F. Cleverdon has gone to New York to remain for a while. Ch.s. Goodman is recovering slowlv. Hi- arm is yet in a bad condition. Miss Latcford wbo has been visiting Mrs King returned home on Monday. Large shipments of apples are now being ruade (rom junction Station by J. 0- Henry Mr A McGrail left for Vermonr state. I-is family folows when weather moderates Mrs. Max well and dauoehter of Toronto re turned hnme on Tuesday. They werC vlsit ng among friends here. 1fr. R. Maloney an old respectable res- adent of thia place and who was unfortunally recently stricken with pai iai pa-4alysis if. somne better. Cedar Dale pond furnishes a good sample of ice for the residents of Oshawa aud ai present lime a considerable quantity of it 4a b)eing cut and ,îored. Cerdar Dale bas a race track (on ice) aud wve undersîand this week wlll be the com mencemrent of a ser iesof trots that will onlv he outshone by the May meet at the Wood- bine. Mr. R. Kirpatrick the genial proprietor of the Brook House bas secured at consider able expense a parrot of rare qualities from a New York firm. When you call 10 see Rob be sure sud talk mild or you will bc- called down so to speak. General rumor bas it thal tbe Cedar Dale Works have changed bauds. The state- muent made cannot at Ibis time be verified. The people of tbis place pay a high compli- ment to the energy and buiness% qualities ot the persons named iu the dealing, and hope it rnay be truc. An unusual number of tramps vlsited this vicinitri during the week. Two of these tel lows attempted to leave witb 1Mr R Bonetta's horse and cutter whicb was tied ie Prospect House sbed. Mr A(;unn calied tbeowner's attention to the fact, wbeu tbey made off. They were very bold and demauded food without the formality of ordiuary courtesy. Lookout for their comnlng. Tbe new and original minitrel troupe vbicb vil make their appearance in public very sbortly. This slight intimation is given to take the vire edge où the srpis that 15 iu store for the residents, and that tbey msy be suffi- cieutly recovered therefrom to enable thete to go sud seethUe great combînatlon, after announcecj. DOIIAVILLEz Miss Shaw is visiting friends in th West. Miss Jeani Adamns le visiting Mre, S B Bradshaw, Toronto. Mrs S S EZsol's furuiture sak Ilut Tbursday vas very largely attendçd. Mr Jas Goard is engaged b sringat a concert at Orono this, Friday, nlght.ý Mr j B Martin has PUtruh .- thc hardware stock of Mr VanCamp, LUnd- Sa.y- Rev J H Barnett,- Chautauqua, NY. hs the new Pastor of Trinity coagve... tional church. Messrs Arthur and - Chas WekI speit Saturday and Sundagy lasut îtha friends'iii Port Hope.' ýThe concm giimn- In the tov o i vallowance bas t. b. made for the desire of the Oshawa papers <o cry dovu everytblng prlnled le the CitRoNICLE. ';As te wlhether or uot <hero 'are poker demainu Osbaw* vo do flot doubt there are ple»ty of ther., We merely pointed out <bat the lown la ifested with these places, but if no perso 1n in Oshawa cares enough about the matter 10 take action to close tenout wvo shahlbc very clear <if dolng soi.A, noepapers' part is to pnint outevils, but the Oshawa papert have neyer done their duîv, and lhey pounce upon the CHRONICLIE continually, bopieg 10 convince the public that we are wrong in speaking out, sud tltat they le ibeir silence are right. Harmony Neifs Our division la gradually increasing. tbere being seven new membera initiated st Fr1- day evening. We are glad 10 bear <bat Mr. Chas. Wade, who bas been confined to bis bed for the past month, as improvlng siowly. The pupils of Harmony school intend giv- ing an eutertainment lu the Sou'ir hall, H-ar- miony, on Wednesday eveniug, Feb. 17th. The programme will consist of recitations, dialogues, motion songs. calistbenics, and fancy marching, besides talent fromn Oshawa- and Courtice. The pupils are sparing no pains t0 anakte their concert a success sud deserve tht hearty co-operation of the sec- tion. Oshawa BUsiness Dfreoery. EL. VICKERY, barber. Siteco. atreet. BROOKS' LIVERY, Siucoe streot, forth. &VM. BOLPE. barnesu ruaker, Sîmcoe atreet. r. B. MOTHERSILL. butcher, King St,. West. D)a. PATTassoN, Deutiat; office orer Rowse'a @ tor-e. 4-, J. STA.L'EU -Dominion piano@ snd organs, Simcoe street. W. E. DYna, Gênerai Agent Ontario Muta Life Aasuranne Co. Agents wanled. WVILLIAM J. DzANs. Dominion &rnd Ontario Land 4iurveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa. CCOMXMCIL RoTIEL-J. C. Woon, proprietor Modtaru hostoiry, usaI sud oonfortab i) equipped. D. %1. To. -C aterer for Balla, Assem blies, Wed- dinga, suppera, etc., etc. Also ail kinds of lowers. JOB. Hfoux.Ds - Wbltby.Oshawa stage lins. Leavos Oshawa -st 8 a te aud 2 p te, and Wbitby st 10 a um aud 4 p in. losxPil CEÂI, manfacturer of fiue e.rria.geo, carta, wagons. and m&B kinds of cuItersa anc aieigbs, Repair.ng a specialty. foHN Bauwx pa.iuler aud decorator. Dealet lu wall papers, ceiliug décorations, painte, où, varniahines, briashea, wtncow shadea. etc. rAMRs PECLLOW. dealer in iloves, furnaces, lin- ware, etc. Large stock kept couatantly onD baud. Jobbtng a specia]ly. sinicoe atreet Dorth. [,- K. MUITON, B. A. - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c. Money t( tend. Office over Dominion Banuk, binacoe Street, Oshawa. ,4. E.- MAT.-Diealer in droaaies FMancy China, (Crocekerv. Ttnware, and Faucy Gooda. Pure Toe ansd Coffees. Boys' ready made suiiteaà spectalty-very cbeap. [IraLT Baos - Watcbteakerusuad Jewolers. Dea.lers in watcbea. dlocks, jewelery, oliver. ware, spectacles, etc. Enmig gold aud ailver piating, and nid gnld rn"g made o1er- Flue watcb, clock, and jewelery repairlug aj specialty. in towu. Mr W Nesbit, of Toronto, is visiting frieeds in this vîcinity. Miss E. Broad, vho bas just returu- cd froti abroad, is visiting Mrs. Chas. Williams. The cpvortb league of îhisoplacc ex- pect to pay a visit to the league of Hampton this vcek. The panapophone concert, hcld un- der the auspices of the ladies' aid so- ciel>', vas vel attenedd. Mr 0 L Bycrs and Miss E Gilbert drcsscd for and atteuded tbe carnival at Blackstock last weck. Sotie of our young men arc thinkiug of leaving here carl>' in the spring t0 try their fortunes in Rossland, at gold nining. In bis lecture bei-e on Mouday night, Mr-. Lent ver>' uildly and justly con- demued the Movat Administration for trying to get arouud the question of prohibition. îustead o! comng out with a straight platform on the ques- lion. Every one who heard him was delighted with hais lecture. and il vas certainly descrving of a- better i- A sleigh load. of- ypuung folks froua bte vent 10 BOwmale last Fridayj the teao o!thgt tov anid -Port Hope. Mterthe match and an, hburs zkating. on theriak,. tii-cv aIl<adç.olr",d to 14lr retumls à id hanhd -hlm1 the 4Ia#eCf ini chane, vhich thé -genial grôderyum put in his pockcu. The young lady left the store with the ticket, but vitIf- out the price. We do flot knov vbetber the gentlemen bas discovered his mistake yet or not. as, undoubted. ly. be îbought he had bought the ticket and Paid for it. Annual Meeting. The second annual meeting of the Midland Mutual Fire Insurance Corn- pany was beld in tht market hall bore Tuesday afternoon. A goodly number of the members of the company were preseut. and- tbe Board 'of Directors preseuîed.tbeir financial st.atement for the year ending Dec. 3Ist, 1896. The report was bigbly satisfactory ie every way, aithougb the amnount of business written in 1896 vas less than tbat of 95, but in the latter mentioned year the field was ripe for a company of this kind and the ground had ail been welI covered. The ouly loss during tbe Even -1the ! Wisest, amateur minstrels last Wedneiday was weil patrouized. The audience vas weil pleascd with the eveniùg's per- formiance. Mr John Weeks, wbo vas driving out to Mr Brooks'. west of Solina, last Saturday. bad quite an exciting horst cha.%e. When he vas a little west of Ashton's corners be missed one of the belis from bis cutter and stopping his horse be looked back and saw the mis- sing bell in the road. H-e got out of the cutter and picked up bis loit trea- sure, but before he got to bis cutter again his driver took for- the west. John, not being very fat in the rear, would calI out to Nellie t0 - 'wough,' but that ouly seemed to make ber con- tinue her journey still faster. How- ever, when she got to Solina. a dis- tance of about a mile and a balf, sbe stopped at Mr J Van Nest's gate. wbere 'she was beld tili Mr Weeks put in an appearance a short limne later, ver- mucb heated up with bis long run, and covered with slusb and snow. How- ever, he returned borne ail rigbt with- out any serious harm. COURTICEC Mr J MI Roberts entertained a num- ber of his friends on Friday eveuing last. Mrs jas Courtice bas been visiting ber sister. Mrs Harris, of Oshawa for a few davs. Mr B Worden is going to the uorth- west again in about three wecks. E. O)sborne is also going to Crystal City, Manitoba. lie says tbat is the countrý for young men. Q uite a number from bere attended tbe district division held at Maple Grove last week, and report tbemselves weli pleased witb the uew grand wortby patraarcb, Mr Walton, of Kettleby. A surprise party was held aI Mr Frank Everson's on tht 4th inst., i beiug tise first anniversary of their weddîng. Ail kands of games were in- dulged an until the wee srnall bours of the morning. EV,&NSVILLM Mr. Geo. Scott bas been in Scott townships lootcing after bis cedar inter- ests. The eflects of the late late John WVil- liams will be auctioned off on Friday, Feb. ï2!th. Mr. Wm. Arbuckle has a smile for everyone. Another wee one bas been added to bis family. MIrs. Cbarles Florence bas been on tbe sick iist for the past few davs. May she soon recover. Mrs. Andrew Wilson died last Thurs- :lay. Feb. 4tb, Deceased had oniy been married a short time. We sYm- Datbize witb tbe bereaved husband. The following programme vas given last Friday at the school, by the pupils: Sec report. Judson Edwards; critic's report, Wm Pugb; address by the cbairman, 1 A Lawrence; moutb organ' solo, Evans Ward; reading, 1 A Law- rence; reading. Melville Pilkey; soug. Mabcl Edwards, Annie Robertson, Ger- tie and Ida McAvoy; reading. Morgan Pugh; recitation, Gertie McAvoy; rnouth organ solo. Evans Ward; read- ing, Morgan Pugb; reading. Gestie Mc- Avoy; recitat ion, Tressie Taun; solo, Myra Holdon. We are iuformed that tbese programmes are gotten up by the pupils are very interesting, and the pupils deserve credit for the bearty way in which they respond. We are also -FROM- *t@trir.sr,l -AT- Oshawa Railway Company's Agency at Oshawa. OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTI,. CaIl at PELLOWSY a.nd see hio Wrought Steel -AT- $ 50.00. Also his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -,FROM- ,p5.50 to $25-00. A Winter Shoe mnuet protect the feet or the. wearer wilI suifer serious harm. It muat rea. the. utmost limit of warmth and comfort. Anyt.hing botter adapted to wet, cold and stormy veather than otir Wieter Shoes can't b. imagined. W. know just what'a wanted te meet tihe case, and carry "ii beat shoes ie the market for the scason. You can ied nothing botter. because, nothing better existe. Shoos like ours might reasoeably bo high priced, lhut they're flot. Witness the figures ; Men's Felt Gaiters, a good sulid sole extra fine feit, reg. $160......#1.2& Men'a Extra Heavy Grain Boots, heavy fet ining and insoles, reg. #01. 75..................... 1.5&> MenWS Fine Caif Gaiters, needie te, sewn soles, reg. $1.75..........2L Ladies' Extra Fine FoIt Juliet, turu soles, worth $1.25 .............. .90 Laýdies' Fine Button Boots, rivited soles, reg 01.25 ................ .97J Girls School Laced Boots.......... .7& Boys' Fine Laced Boots, size. il1 te 13, rivited soles, reg 95e ........ .65 Men's Carpet Slippers ............ .0 Ladies' Carpet Blippers.............4 Girls' snd Boys' Carpet Slippers.,. .26 Gilt Edge Dresuing, large boUles... .1 Gilt Edge Dreang, smaU boUlêes... Shoe Manufacturer &DÎ1r R. C. Carter, g.o~w& "VOL. XIL,._ .tChem is end ..,,Druggii Iliadqtuarters for Purec. i Chemicais and ail Patent c n e s. l-reti Stock SPONGES frot to $ 1.1 'ý.Tooth year v as one of $îo, making the- comn- Like great Solor.non, admnire glitter- pany s total loss during its tvo yearseof i dsparkiino'jwes existence but $61o, The retiriug di- Ji ng go, and rectors were Messrs. jas. Glendinning,1 There neyer was a better time than M. McTaggart and Wmi. Shier, the lat- nw to investinatceofJwly ter two of wboim vere re-elecîed, Mr.inatceofJwly Holburn. of East Gwillimbury, taking Prices rule lower. than ever before, Mr. Glendinning's place.-Times. yet the goods are guaranteed to be Southa Darungtou as repreBented. Our store ÎS head- Master Frank Curtis is very ill. 1 quartera in this part of the earth Mr Mammr, Clarke, visited b -sstr for CA BARGAINS in Watches, Mrs Moflat. - lcs eerSlewr n Miss Nettie Witberage is quite in- Cics eerSiewr n disposed. Spectacles. Mr and Mrs Levi VanCamp visited SE S! AKWI'U Mrs Jessie Truli.i E US TL WIH S Several from here attended the dis- TIRY U S trict division of S () T ait Maple Grove. randMrs L J Dicie, of Oshawa, BOYD, The Jeweler, vstdbrfather, Mr Lv VanC-amp. Mr and Mrs Ezra Hall, Orono, Visit- KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ed Nirs Thomnas VanCamp and otheri, Feb 7 il~6uo famfoi *1 - y tog -il GEO. AIL] ~i' ft Rwit of~tbe de6n~ ùiig mo ac~ t4 Fir<t clan 'id.. good - sIres ~~EAU.EY, W NTRD~ -. i.-,. - .. k-, - Combs, and ail Toîlet Ar A. He ALLI CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, - - ONTV Established 1849. Whitby Stcam Maîble and Granite work, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. ]H. -Smitl (Formerly Wolfenden Works porter and Dealer in MAREBL GRANITE MONUMENTS, 1 t.he latest material and- derig- kinds of Cemetery work- Ou guaranteed. AM-SRND FoR DESIGNS AND 1 FARM TO RENT First-class Dairy Farte to rent ;2CW z6o under ctultivation, balance pastur watered; on Vonge street, six mil Toronto. A. S. JOHNSON, 6o8 Street, Toronto. Febi i, 1897. WINIIIMILI gella the Genuine AERMOTOR., of OCh lneding purchasers should exate miii beforieptacingt udr-order. Do Sagent put an imitatiouf on you wk tisim get the Genvine Ae:'notor, îboi çgalvae ized, snd warranted, for Xle» More Ut these emills sold in Canma than- any other inak-e. The Aerm clains-they sde e ,bal! tue number Mill oâtaçld flu u i world,a* lbth lime. MrT. Wliamson, of, Orangeville, outfits during tbeptat three years.i AUi syles of Wood s"d 2ron Pu~ saie., - Any inforinatipm regitrlng -thest viii bc tel irûby priug tu friends. Maple Grove epvorth league visited tht Baseline league on Friday even-' îng. Trhe timne vas spent very plea- santly with singing, recitations, and several of the young mnen read excel- lent papers ou Christ,- that being the topic for the eveuing. Mr- Samuel« Rundie acted as chairman, and al scemed to eujoy tbemselves. BLACKSTOCK. Mrs WV J Svsin is steadily improving. Mr. Binzhain, Tyrone, paid our village a fiyiug visit. Idr. Fatze and Miss Gage, of Tyrone, at %Ir. Chamber's. Miss A Elford, of Toronto, is visitiug Cartwright frît-ada. Mrs. Sam Jeffery spent a few dayî lait wetk vitb ber mother, Mrs. Prouti. Miss Hannah Warden, of Lion's Head, Bruce Co, is tht guest of Mrs E Riches. Mucb wood is beiug drawu <o Port Perry from anouud bete, despite tht poor sleigb. ing. Mfr. Fred Marlow, Triuity Medical College, s eut Saturday sud Sueday last wvitb bis parents. We are soi ry to say Ibat Mrs. Wm. Svaiu is very ill; also tht uitile daughter of our Reeve, Mfr. Anson Taylor. The Supper given to the Orange Society, by Mrs. Corfield, vas s successud did not break up tli tht small houri of moruing. Visitors - Mr. John Dunsmore and daunzhter ;Mr. Walter aud 1Mm..Cane, Col- lingdood, are 'islting vith their old fiends here. Mr T A Wright pnrchased a colt frou r T Coulter, lor the sumn of $5o, sud vhile leading at homne lb tirew itself, striking its head sud cauiing alaist in.stant desth. Raiiway and Steamship TIGCK ET S Brushes, Nail I>rl JOUX. BAI-te , 9-