Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1897, p. 6

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A Rouie of Refuge. ED. CHRONI1CLE, SiR-:-Having ire- qucntiy noticed in the columns of your Paper the earnest plea you set for the advocacy of a House ofi1Industry in the Co unty af Ontario permit me ta say a few words in connectian there- with. 1 ar nfot personally an advocate of plunging into debt where only a special few could derive a benefit, but 1 arn in favar of the establishment of a house ai industry in thiscounty where- in aged and infirmn people, who when noa longer self sustainîng, can be placed where they wilI receive proper care, instead of bcing forced tu spend the rest ai their days in a prison, mingling in their solitude with crimiinals. The. incarceration of the pour 'n a commun goal afords cansiderable r.bougli.t fr both sîdes of1 the question. Tbcv are 1%ept warw, but receive fair care fruru the gaol offhcials while onlv thcv are al- lendrng thein persanallv h tstands tw rcason thar. a pour anrId or'îldu mianrior wornan would nur. re civ1%e anu toi) kiud handling frorn a criiminal rf was furced ttbroîîgh his or lier darl\v routine to attend their want. Do r.hey receive the necessary supplv rît niourisbiment mwhich enabies lite to bc bri1ggher and keeps their hearts and so)Ir s toget her %%,bile con hned in a giiu il 1slhah nor siv lbere that t bey du o ii but reason leads nie to belreve tbar iii Tiii)st cases tbev coune off 'di îrt. \,(rlittle effort. or exertrion rs put. forth tu get those requirements whih rgbr aile% rate their sufTerinni-ordrsrress. 1 say sutlerrng, for suiferrng 1 tink ký th e proper term to use for sur b casc> and for this reasun WbVere wuîulrl voir and a mnan or womnan wbo iwould 'not i Ir contentcd ta live in the deptbs ol iniserv and want rather tban allow thicnselves to be taken to a prison tri spend tbe rest of their davs -\'hr baie walfs and iran gaies onlv miock îhemn in their misery.- In such a place their only wish could be tbat a Merciful Creator would hasten their -if-Parture from the eartb-- This fair trio noble Canada of ours. -' were thcy in a house ai industry evcrythlng produced on a farm, in the wav of nourish ment, could be administercd tu their wants, and although tbey then would have to be attcnded chiefly UN those who had been less unfortunate than themselves, this attendance would flot he the same as that whjeb is exact- cd frorn persans as a punishment for crime. As an examiple. Ibar. which a persan bas seen with bis own eyes within the walls of a corrmain goal is; ncai ý' proaf of the great necd ai a house afi ndustry. One da, 1 necd not mention time or place. 1 hapîpened ta be wtbîn the walls ai a comnmon gacîl whcn a pour înmar.e wcll knawn ta the eider residents af (Ontario dîed. The Turnkey h.-d laaked at him at intervais and during anc ai these spelîs the spark aoflite had fled. He immediately wnotified the authorities wha in turn or- dered r.wo oai!'he prisoners, an Irishman and an Indran ta wash the deceased. Curiosity led me ta vîcw this aperation and neyer shaîl 1 frirget the ghastly spectacle presentcd. There fay the poor aId fellow on the floor ai anc of the corridors and these uncouth hands were preparing the dead boiv for bur- ial. When none of the uhicials wcre present the treatment sbown was the most inhumnan. He was lc up in a sitting posture ta wash offiibis hack. b is perfect farce.' Twelve ta twenty men are coralled by the chief canstable. and many af these have urgent business re- quirements but must go. They simply view the remains, are shut up from one ta tbree haurs and finally decide that deceased came ta his or her death frcm maturai causes. 'Tis equaily as ridicul- Sous in the case ai executians, but the iaw must be carried out. Quite different is it in the case ai those who shuffle off their morta cai in a poor house. They are accorded a plain burial, in a plat set apart for such purposes on the iarm, unless they hap- pen ta have a plot in a convenient ccmetery. 'Tis truc nothing elaborate is gone inta and what mare need any- ,one want than a decent, plain burial. We are ai the dust and only ta dust can we return, and in many cases it would shew a greater marked degree of comman sense if people were to treat tbeir near relatives a little better on earth instead af tbrawing away money in useless expenditure upon a lifieiess forrn. Ah ! how sad it is li nny cases to witness a senseiess boc koo, a mere make up for the tinie being, aver saune poor departed sôuil whiich they treated more like a dogl than a human being wbîle they 'wereI living. 1, siy approaéh the dead withý reverencç anzd let :be:iving have that' just respect shewo theun due every mani and woman God bas made and then seeihôw nïih hapeouhoesul be., herewol e esnefra poor bouse or a conu ion .gao - ta oouu0 our Iebere or -mothets'li sometmeje the future. AýprttfsjQm, the fareeoing tboughts therc il a Wthe-p or> and, tber slways wiif~be ta th àn ofthcear and while we have, tbem-thxey, iust be. pnwid4.for. It somètimeaý apeareta cvil,"' and due considération mnuet bei exerciseci to find saine means for sus- tenance for the saune. This then bringa us back ta Uiccommap gaoL. ta mingle aunangt-trime, vice and misery, or the House afi ndustry, wbere they can be tharaurg4ly comiartable. They can there converse with those wha through no faul't af their own bave been farced ta find shelter utider the wings ai such a blessing as the Hause ai Providence. 'Tis true the poor are kcpt in other ways than in the gaol on pon bouse. O>ur various towns and municipalities have what is termed the indigent iund, but look at the cost 'tn maintain these individuafs singly. There are plenty ai instances I might aflude ta where the expense ai the maintenance nof ne individual is ex- travagant. but let us look fon a marnent at one of aur awn cases. lene a womnar gels $2. 25 a week allowed for board hesîdes having ber coal iurnisb- ed. Thrs. 1 consîden. is extravagance rn the extremne. and there is na earthfy reasr'n %whr persans receling such ar amurunt couuld not in the course of tim( hârve qite amn addition made ta theil bairk aicounit. O ne of the oId mcmn biers if the council sorne urne ago in- tir ateif ibît the town pour cauld bc ke1t iii the- rgrul cheaper. 1 wauldn'i fuir decency sak e sav that a wornan shouifelbe i.uihjnedi there but the aflaw- dilue in this case is; exorbitant. Il, tire crlles hundreds ut young wamrei are wurking for $2. ;u0 per week anc rave tii chuthe and bo ard themselve, oiut (f tirat and stîll they luve and ap- piiar tii Crioy thernsehves. There art, iaymen with familles who wouli rrîanx îthcv ad a lttle Heaven as il were had thev- free caal and $2. 25 a wee k all)wed t1ieur by charity. The eounty counicil made a grave miistake in ncglecting ta do something. nu matten haw tris%îal, mn the way of à bouse of1 indusry. It's not only thc weffare of oun fellow beings we have tu Iraok aiter but i s a matter purely ai uoflars-and cents in these days ai barri timnes and keen competitian. Everv- thine is cut so fine there's nat a living for anyane, and it s bigb tirne samri nîcasures were set on fout tri estabîrsîr some sort of a refuge. Lîle is tes( short for dilly-dalîying naw-a-days wttr a question ai sucb vast importance. Aman or woman can be kept comiortablr- mn a house of industry for $i ta $i. i( per weck evervth ung being taken inti c(insideratian. Tben why should towns, and municipalities not act ai once ir their own unterest iram a pecuniarstandpaint ai view if for nrhrng cIsc - flaving taken a trip in Western On- lanao recentîy and knawing that th( Fergus flouse afilndustry mn Welling- ton Countv under tbe charge ai Mu and Mirs (;rilbin was the best kept o: any mn the Dominion, I wrth a frienni decided ta visit thîs institution. We d - nesday is the negular visiting day, bu, irom what I bad beard of tbe gener- osity and sociabiîity ai this amiable couple wc determined ta try aur Iuck on a Tbursday. Wcre we disappoint- ed ? Nat at aIl. We wcre met at tht door by Mn Grifin and irom the kind manner in whmch be rcceived us wc found a wanm place for him in aur hcarts and 1 soan had the idea that I also would nat very seriously abject 11) becoming anc of bis nurnerous child- ren. The main building is 100142 feet. tbree stanies high and buit ai stouit and faces the soutb. The hospital 's5 5x34 feet ai the same hcight and torms a 40 x 24 icet 2 and 1 story respectivcly. I rnight bere add that the accommoda- tion of thsistuio is at present so taxed that part ai thîs wash bouse and thecels ae uilîed for sieeping pur- poses but only fan those wbo are cap- able aifhtroking after themselves. The iarrn consists ai 7o acres upon wbmch there is a barn 60148 icet with stane cellars underneath. AIl the vegetables ane, staned in these celiars, Oniy cnîaugh harses are kept ta bc sufficient in warking the land and cows enaugh ta supply the necessary quantity ai rniîk. Notbing is allowed ta vaste. sufficient hogs being kept ta ext thbe refuse, The building is very well laid out. Ibere arc single bcd rooms and those witb tvo on tbrce single beds in a raomr besides the dormîtories whicb cantain i 5single beds in cacb. There arc large dining rooms, batbrooms, and sitting roams and 'tis rather amusing ta sec the different number ai tbings gaing an aIl at once in tubese sitting roarns. The ciotbing. boous and shoea ai aIl are made by experienced bauds assisted by the iinates, and thbe stock room shovs . an abundance for saune time ta corne. Everytbing in the kit- chen is the picture oi cleauliness anrd is fitted up vitb the latest and best con- tuivances fan usefiness and labor sav- ing. CÃ"ntracts are ]et by tube yeax' ta butchers, bakers and gracers. Every- thing is weigbed and counted before the man leaves tbe place and an entry ai the same, made in tube books bçlon-e ing ta the institution.' A regu1ar_!y, quaîified physician ns engaged. by the- year ta attend ail calîs bue tbey few'or numerous. The institution provides >medicines, drugs, etc. '*bich are aled6 procured b) contract., The number ai iÃŽnuates at thbe time cof visit was 97, 4140 Ltubirdà ai theni being nals. bou1t cio this number were îhldren ranginig lfrtomn tva eeks odaid upta la"12yCars, woý of wbich vere 'vere iniattçndanc -a' the public scbool. thÏe cost .of tuis Pbouse ai industry "m-.ini the nelghbàr- hood of $27,aao anti bas becP cStab,- fished for a numbeïr of yreara ' e acst of maintenancelmt TepQ«,1,, b* 1 e tak ing ali tIt -*as prodlce, a - the; 1farm into cansideratiO'n.as' val"',ýjp *6.o9o.oou.sonie.,-dd dollar, *~M 611-~ othe attendance -t.o6 *,6 per week witi>tbe j of Ontuio coutrt,~w ,. 1 BOWIIANVILLE Dr Lammiman, anc ai aur most Pra- minent physicians. vas found dead in his office an Sunday marning. Hie was last scen alive an Frîday. On Sunday rnarning bis brothen-in-law, Mn Ellis, ai Salina, carne in ta sec him, and, being unable ta get any trace ai hirn araund tawn or get inta bis office, the front door being locked, gat across through Mn McLean's bouse and found the doctor lying dead on bis ccaich. Dr Hillier vas at ance summoned, and said hc muxst have been dcad since fFn- day nigbt, evidently iroun an overdose ai chlorai, as saune vas iound an bis table, not vholly dissalveti, aIma a bottle ai the saune medicine close at band. The coroner, Dr Mitchell. af Ennis- killen, vas notified, but dccided froun evidence given that an înqucst was nat necessary. The deeeased was abou t 38 years aId, and bas been practisîng in Bovunanvilie far about ten years, for- merly in partnership with Dr H-illier. He vas a prominent Mason, and bis dcath will be deeply regretted all thraugh tuis distr'ct, as thbe doctor was un îversally esteemned. HÂAD INDIGESTION 1 Pet a Matter 0 om oxe Forty Y«@Or0 Morei. Josephu GarSuer, etove dealer, of Bath, Outarjo, lu a grena betierer. i» Dr. Chage'm Kidaey-Lvr Pille for indiges- tion., conztipation, dyspePsin., Brigot's diease4 heurestiaxaandi kidney, livri and stemach troubles generally. "i1 ae trou;bièt for over femty yeare with indikestion and-- oustipatlon." lie writes. 4Atltervais 1 suffered i frein esure heedacli.. 1 mVent «lansd dollars vithout resUaitu jîi x"Bal- cuir drugginti edriseit ed à> tr7m a' ,Kjduey-Liver eille, i 1 4 d *ç4and'i muet euty that tbey are the ouly rêun»e tht jga," me relRef. I voulti uot b.wltb' :oaât thenur for anyth!iag." * Y Mypeple enfler -frein rheumtetisni it on. Dr. Cbaiela Kitiuiy-Livéi « 4l Winll xedy à atil t en e.uure rhethnx Hieri, eaU aagora: "My boy *as al exrîp1e& «0 andi this cost oof maintenance andi it would1 be misleading the public andi folly ta suppose. for:an moment a persan could be Led, clot ed. kept warà and cared for aIl for 5g~ cents per day. That. sum I should judge is the mere cost of foad, but what a different aspect it it wauld present in the wayai figures were the salary ai the variaus officiaIs, the coal bills, physician, medicine and ievery ather incidentaI expense in con- nectian therewith taken into cansider- atian. Of course these officiaIs ai the gaol have ta be paid even if the white fiag were flyîng and same might be un- reasanable enaugh ta say we are saving salary if nathing cIsc by sa daing, but it is decidely unfain thaur these officiaIs should bave this extra amaunt ai roork saddled upon them simply ta stave off for the tirne being the erectian ai a proper place and thus er-adicate this cnving evil, the incarceration ai the po mn a comman gaal. 1 rnight have said fanr mare ai the svstematic workings ai this bouse ai providence, but ail ir. needs ta canvince- any right thinking persan which ai the two is the better us a visit ta anc ot 'ruch institutions wbmcb sa many af the 1-ounities passess and wbich Ontarji(' alone will satin be the anly backvarui o)ne mn making a mavement in this di- rectian. lloping that the eves ai aur couinîs tathers wrll saun be apened mn this di- rection, i]arn, Dean Sir, Yours Respectiufîy, W m. MEEF. Wbîtbv, Feb'y. 8tb, 1897. 'Thin, Pale Chidren One satisfactipn ini giving Scott's Emulsion ta children is thcy rcvcr obicct to il. The f act Ùs4 threy soon become fond of it. Anothier satisaction is bccause it will make thcma plump, and give theni growth and prosperity. It Should be given toalal children who ame too thin, or too pale- It does not make theni over-fat, but plump. It streng-thens the digestive organs a.nd the nerves, and fur- nishes material f or ricli blood. Ve have a bock telling yeS m=re o tbe ubjec.Sent fbuefor the aaking. SCOT'T & BOW>WE, UkimMIl, Ont. *ro y eDciii Kidxey PUis. Webae aadon hat b ler tyng the pIDs J=e et 5h. ine ebe dit mevaidus a large ao osbil, eh. bévm &eUbut elck abed at the lime. xar xty-tvc yearm of ma a e- btm~de, hav" beau a remiSent cf St. oty e"l, md oounty ecustebie for tbirty yea am n iikuovammd 1 mmke th solemau deelertlca belI.ving thé »Mre te b. terne, anS kuowing tIre saie to bave th. Ac etpe*asalhmnSdmcOrsthe1h &lgS.WLLU[ BROWN. Takfdut deciard before me at the Tovu Of et, murs., ln the Ooaty of Pértbl the ab) da,*ofMarcb, A. D., 3196 9<5. -WM. N. POBI> A comu a E u e CourS et ie -FOR SALE BY- Chemist and Druggist Brock. Street *WHITBY. an oToc. )d' df Owing wo quarterly meeting at Mt ZMon no service was held liere. S. S. was conducted at 2.30. Great preparatian has been going on for saune time back ta secure an excel- lant programme for the S. S. anniver- sary an 16th inst. Speciai sermans will be canducted here on Sabbatb by Rev. Dr. Lambly, ai Brookiin. Col- lections will be taken in aid ai S S iund. Pickering methodist church chair will iurnisb Sabbath nmusic. On fallowing Tuesday evening a tea and entertain- ment will be given. Mrs. Eddy, ai l3raakîin, and Miss Clarke, ai Dunbar- tan, will cantribute ta the programme: addresses will be given by Rev. Thas. Manning and Mr. Barnard, ai Whitby, re.sident ministers and others. An ex- cellent time is expected shauîd we be favored wir.h suitable roads and good wveathcr. Admission 25c and r 5c. A sleigh laad ai yaung peuple attend- ed a social at Mt. Zian last weck and enjoyed a pleasant evening wich the triends ta the norr.h ai us. Surel4 irom the way Kinsale peaple turn oui and patranize entertainments at Zion. thev wilf corne down in crowds to aur Suuiday schaof enr.err.ainment. Manv rcturned home from Sundaý sloIw ith wet feet awing to the over- flow of watcr river tbe raads. Most ai the farerers have made the hest possible risc of the iice sîeighing and sectred their summer's supply ot woad. Nothrng fîke taking time b% thre torclock. Mr. Thos. Lewis visir.ed Toronto, with a îoad of iarm praduce hast week. lie reports a dulI market, %Ir. E. W. \Vice naw carrnes a pleas- ant srnile and na wander, its a bauncing boy. This makes the faurth boy in bis tamifv. I n aIl probabîlity boys will be plentifuf in Wabagoon. Mare plenti- tuf than the great gold veins, we daubt not. A fraternal visit fram Union Grange was paid aur Kinsafe hrethren an Tues- day aiternoon last. These twa sister organîzations have always been on tht- mos. intimate and sociable turns, anri have enjayed many similar vîsits. MNI. David Brown, the aId time grange war- riar, is still faund in bis place and meets with the gaod will ai ail] is co- wor k rs. We stîll rernind the public that Kin- sale is in need ai a harness maker. and no trouble nec.] be ieared as ta finding a hause ta rent or buy. as Mr, Weather- ail bolds bis now vacant bouse in the market. and it is situated beside the harness shop, a little ta the north, Worms deranire the whe 8 ysgtein Mathf r G;raves' Worm Extermirrator dorangei worrnv. *nd eive8 reut tri the stîffert-r. It only COStâ 2-r e its to try jr andi be oonvinced. The reniait s 0r Mr RîýberL Bozzard, <mi Oak %ui&e, wVre toua-t in tbe lake. He me Lbuugbi ta bhave cflmtied suicide. CONCLUSIVE PROOF. proM a Wai Kunown Citize». "My danghter Poli, bas for more thaayr been troubled vlth mevere mymptoma of key disese.. She haa constant ana moute pains in ber baek. The psin in ber head vas teartul and amoet unendurable. It fr.quentiy pro- eut-ed ber trorn mttending achool. and ah. found study et haone prectlcally impossible. 8hh bd no &ppetite, and dld nual eep veil. The pain Was Varys»Vere &round lber beart and ah. vas mucir troubied witir flutt.riug mand palpitation. 8h. wus com pl etely worn out lu body and vaa tired and drowuy miU tie time. Ber mother and myseti became serionaiy larm.d a he was constmntly gettina worm. t«Lust July my daugb 1erSarah, ateacber in thg Public Scbaol St KingeVille. Ont. came -:0*- ManutacturerS' Life, & Accident IflBUranflOOCo., Toronto. Largeet Capital Stock Lii e Insurance Ca. on the continent. Ninety per cent. o a&l accunulationis ai urplus la returxied te the policy boiders. Ali l aîtr are paid vithout dielay or discorunt ou proof ui death or mturity of cudovuient - J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 93. Agent, Wbiitby. 81 Par mnuala nativane, othervise 11.50. dubsoriptionelS alvay able at th. office et publlcahl@u. Tue pubilier do net madartake tb Saliver lb. p&per et amye poloffce but Whulby. Amypapu whiebtale te rem eli sdestination vili be »1)19«od upon notltatloa s a malter of oouilaiy. Advertlslng rates mnlesby ea. traoS. logent# Per lino, nouarlel, testli- sertien, ad 5 cents par limoeueah sube. quauut Insertion Leemle,10 gents per lima. WV'&i change for yearly advertlscrnents muet be brought in not laSer tlran Tured&y moraxng. 101111STANTON, Perernan. E.iwyTime Table G$AN TRUIR AD MIDLAUD moe, ,xpres DmPAU Maul . à m No. 0LxiaZpem.....2 x no.1I FeesngeT ,.'IlSU pin 190. 0 pqe.ay, exceo$ u l M No, £ Wq.In ofUg f ToDine iaCors Barrister Oounty Crovn Attorney, a»«I Oounty Sohoitor. Offio-south Wang Of Court Bouse, W hltby. JANZ8 RIITLEȂdà& Barrister, etc. Office formerly occupieti by Farewell & Rutietige, next itayal Hotel, Brock Str., Whitby. DAVID ORIIISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Lmv, Solicitor in Chanei7, Conveyancer, etc. Office -Ina the Office south af tire Paut Office, in McMiuiii's Bhock, Brack Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Harrister, etc. ,-Mumey to Loan. Ismuier' of hMarriage Licenees. Office - Smith'@ Black, South af Market. B- ock St., Whitby DOW & M<(.iLLAviLAY, îiarristers, Solicitars in chancery, etc Office in Mathisan & ]Hawket's new blocki Firack St-..W hitby, Bauth af Ontaria be.nk. i.. FAREWELL, Clerk afithe Pence. Octabor 7th 1895. OrWarren & Moore,- -- 1. J. Moore, M. D., Braaklin. Office haurs 9. a. Mn. ta i11m. F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. office h aura la&Mn ta 2 p.M. ,,à-Prirate Telephone Communicatsofl. 1). P. BOGART, i.,LD . Physica, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. )ffrce and-Resirlence next ta Ali Saint'e Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N B.- hDent.al Surgery in &Il its branches promçtly ,àttended ta. Dr. H. Wightman DENTZST. >oer Grosa & GTanger'iL Whitby. Lý' Open every Satnirday night. W. B.Y A.RNOLD, D.L. B.. ('ounty Surveyer and Drainage Rngixueer, Part Perry, Ont. WU. CALVERLEY, HARinUMAKRWRITBT. Hmving moved juta ont nov premisea, vo aire pro p<sred ta extend tire range ai busines Akil vark pertaning te the harness-makintz anid saddlery business yull b. dane ta satis- faction. Calls.rs a peciaity. Cm.ll sud mee my shap mand stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door vest af aid mhop. Dundas Street, Whitby SW. A DAMS, c3'ýDENTIST Roome over John Ferguson'5 clotbîung store Resideuce-No. i, The. Terrace, Byron St Whitby. Jan. 29th, 1&)6. Moi Liveîy and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprioer. Commercial mon liberaliy dealt vlth Teaming done .1 reasonable pricea. Freight muid Baggage banieti at reaman- able pricea. A oel molicited. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For the uext theres months 1 arn giviuuk special attention to patients froa a dis- tance. Arn stili making plates in ruer, $8, celluioid $10. Goltiansiver filling wark crovxuing by firut-clase operators at the mont reasonrable rates lu the City. When un the City Cali in sud let me examu- une y aur teeth. I make ne extra charge. 0. Il. RIGOS, Dentuat, mouth euat corner King and Yoxuge Sts., Toronto. Nov. th. 1892. Wu H. WARNERI DEALER 1IN COAL, LATEf, OORDWOODP BLAB89 ETC. ,1â CotiST! OP ONTAREIO 189. ,Wgmy-D. C. Macdoefell, Whitby, Clerk Jmn. 3; Feb. 8; Mml!CbS; APTi'2; IcY 12 Juin. 2: July 7 sep. 2; oct. 2; Nv.; Osxàsv-D. 0. Maonell, Wbltby, Cierk; Jani.4; FOb.4; Marcir4; APrTl 8; May 4 June 3; Jniylb; Sep. 8; Oct. S Nov. 4; Dec. 8, BRoxrSium - M. Gleeeon, Greonvood, Oer.-Jan 6; Mdarob 5; May 5; July 9; Sep. 4; Nov. 6. Pir PREtis - J. W. Burilaui, Port Perry, (3erk-Jbfl. 29; Mdarcb 9; May 15 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UXsrrmDOBx-Joseph E. Gouid, U3xbridge, Cierk-Jan. 80; biarcir 24; May 19tir; .liy 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CAJ5fl<oTatq-Gearge Smith, Canniilgtofl, JTan. 81; Marurri 2b; May 20; July 15; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BEÂVZ]RTN_ Gea. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk--March 26; May 21; Juiy 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UPTEiLaovz-Tms. P. Hart, Uptergrove, Clerk,-&iarch 27; May 22; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. By arder, Wr.W,~ Almost a Hopeless ci. A Terrible Oougb. No BeS nor Day. EGiven up by Dr, A LIFE SAVE BY TAK.ING AYERS PÉci -~SeveraI years &go. t cau ght a s attended vitir a terrible cough th-. nme na nest, elîher day or niglit. tors, afterwoniuing a'-r me ta tih ttmelr abity, prauriunced tny case anrd said they couid do no mo! A frlend, learming af mny troubl-, a battle af Ayer's Cherry Pectonïu. liegan ta take, and very soon 1 va relieved. By the time 1 hait usedr treiLle, I vas completely eured. 1 h. iiad mauc ofai ncaugh since that zi fInnmly beileve that Ayenr's Cherry saved my lii e. 11-W . LWAR, Ave., Lcweli, Mass. Ayear's Cherrypet IIIHEST AWARDS AT WORiLU' dyersaPill the 1>4t Pamalv ROME-ENTURONEJ ILIFE PROLONGED A.ND I FULNESS GBEATLY TENDED. The Ruthîese Hand af Nature Only tir. Survuval ai tire ý but Medical Science Soc Survival ai the Weakeet., Fran tire Carnwall Standard. l'Th. science and art aofum holds a unique place in the esr*o- entire civil îzed vorld, becant judiciaus application ai Pri science relative ta the art ai be numerablo uriuwnpirsare vaL urtrtuiglo for healtir. The prahi nuedicine vo rnay safeîy say, ie -cure, its Lniumpisand 8 uccesset hrarsed diuly by the million. vwha are in tir. vanguard o-f th Enent are ont greatest boneimctor di8coveries are a boon ta hur they have giron relief ta tboansai vwould have draRgod out a mineri more or bass existence. Dr bynroans of bui Pink Pille, ha~ and onjays the gratitude ai unt, -bora wbo were an the verge aif or death, bocause tiroir case. d' ekill oi the. ordinary medical pri er. The. ruthiese3 baud ai nati mite only the surrival ai tire s! but the tender minieurations ai science, me exetuplifieti in Dr . Pinrk Pille, secure thbe survivai weakeest, vbich is in harmony divine fjanctuan, I"Wethon atrang ougirt ta bear thbe i nfiri the. weak and not please oursel ver These fanions pilla havi gironi to'tho apparently hopelossly wo vitalizod and invigorated fragile bilitated constuitution@, et.hrone~ and etreogîb, tbrs iuicrea8ing ev.1 anrd enhaneing evory joy. In tiation of- the reputed meruts William.' Pink Pille, read the f testimonial cf'anc ai Glouza spoursible citizens. Samuel Nei village cf Lancaster, is one of known men of the. eoanty. "1F encesive winters," emys Mr Ne fereci froin severe attachau of OwiDg ta th. exbausting efforts %sattacka I vas unable ta ato ~busneeaball ofthe timo. The ltack I bmd waa ini Decexubex., ,wa lpe.meut prolcnged and t juont effect thre most trying. vinter cf 1896 I wae nder med andbeing eomnewhat advanced preueqted a ver frail appearan weakneeavas se prononced Oame-a vielixa cf woak turne,a vith the assistance of a cane Iv êfi. A. »enpta to valk wo * an&>. often te ho regre±îed. trouldW m4h madiauineu in that iendeired locomotion dcl« umpsasnt.Beeidee Ibis gene zeWl I bdpaiins in my shoulders thhmg 11h artuiena umati4 fuetatioeand severiby. Afte~ moahatrelmnt wu not axry In bhote dootor -gave me VM'l @eOur&aau NtHe smâi Ihad p oe heattad it muet manits thrwuti-l-(elt soweak thaî tab ,wit'une COAL CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. ASK YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SPARTICAP -AND- TAKE NO OTHER%- August31st 1893- c H AS.(>< S COC T T, AUCTiONEERI, WHITBY, ONT. The, ndetslgued"bege te alnno tathe bas ekeft Out'ÈIeosef6r autluuerig md Wbe611,,ýS1t mf tbis cmes,?mus. C. SCTT' ~ilby.ovt~r'94 LIFE INSURANCE. AGENT v -J -- -

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