Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1897, p. 8

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OSH1AWA, FEB. 69 1807. OSRAWA PAGE Farmners will do well to cal et M. E. Mayas for boys' ready made clothing. OSHlAWA- t! *Mm=. i .! Mr Fred BuniigoFort FerrySùndaye.d ln town. Mis White. BowmanUela 1 the gueut of Mis R James. . Mr Fitas-k Hoffaman,- Torouto, spont thisi werek vlslîîîîg tb.Uisfes W.hteme Miggte ?c1Ilt1tn,ôf S.~gtns'u.b guest of h4i R MUcLaughin liêt wek,. Miss McMillan, af St. Catharines, is et present visiting ber frienti, Miss Marrie. Mr Will Dtehane andi sistes- Mauti, af Part Perry, spent Sunday with Miss Olive Goyne. The Oshawa amateur minstre's gamne a perla, mance et Bowmnan ville Wednesdey nîgbt. We have beau înformed that the date ai the pianio work's hall has been postpoutd u nti1 the i 9th ofithis xnonth. If you went the hast and latest sades in i)erlln wools, zephyra or audelmîsione cail andi see the new stock at R. A. J. Lttts. A qrmall stock af fancy gootis. well assoit- Oshawea celebrata the juhilea caronation ai rd. Na opposition, inspection inviteti. To tise Queen hy lounding a Victorian bospital bacaoiti et rate on dollar. Enquire af Win. Chie( Constable Halaan's rasigualion Dickie, King si., Oshawa. tairas eflect March icti, sItar whicb ha vili Mi j Mallay, af Toronsto wee in town aver resumnelis call:îîg as a shoemnaker in the Suntisy. vacart tstore tiext Wakalyts tailonng esLab Miss H-ainey, Pickering, i-; the guest of lisîsmant. Mis. Kane. Mir. Il. Puashon took paît in the methodisi Sieigiig parties are ail the rage haie ai concert given in Bawmauville Tuasday the present time aiglîr. Oui Pr-rcy is alvays in gîcat damuant] Mr. andtirMs. Gea. Grills, af Belleville, are ad success la alway-s sure ta follow any a( the guests of Mr. J. Craig. tiàr wiarc- he appeaire Mr andi Mis %V Asliig spart lest yack ins Messis Mayor Haie, fleputy Heztewood, Bowmanviile viîh -relatives, anti Cours Purîishon andi Dyci hava been ap Mis LizieRririr, f Trono, isiedpoiritîed ta welcome tIse Gianti Counicit Mis LizteRcirk, o Touno, istedRoyal Tamplare oI Tensparance, whiclh with har mother this week. macla sheean Tuesday, Fab. i6th. Miss J. Kyle rettirised asat week tram her Tise revival meetinîgs vhicls bava beau, viait wîth Part Hope relatives. held in tise Metcal st. methodist church luý Mi. Fred Verrai, an old Osîsawa boy, was thse lest five weeks closeti lest Thursda%. n town on business this week. Much good was dore quitt a number tiaclar Misa Lizzite O'Connor lias gone ta Roches tng tiseir intention ta leati a better lueé. ter ta continue ber school studiafs. Rev. Fashar Jeficatt is working 4ard lu Miss Mlary Powets, af Bufttuo, te home make hie concert which wt!l ha helti in tht- visitrng her mothar, Mis J. Powers. mnusic hall, Pcb. t6th, a auccess financials- Miss Zella Brimacomnba, Bawmaaville, iansd oiherwise. Some aI Tarorta's hast tal- the guest of her aunt. Mrs Wm Brimacombe arnt bas haen engagad anti as t is loi a gooti Miss; Emilv l-lanaychurclu left this yack purpose we hope ta sea the hall packed. for New Ntrk where sha wiîl in futura re. Oshawa is right in it in correction with bide. 1 the Midiardi Hockey Association. Thei, Rcv. Mr. Eastmuan is iu Toronto attendinr the post-giaduaae coîîlereîîce et Knox Col- Miss Ada Licir nertaniet a lt-st Irieutis ai bar hume ou Tuestiay avening aI this week Mi Jue Bure, who lias been wurking in Philatiaiphia foi the lassi thîe months, re nurusati home test week. You vil fird a rev stock af the laiest aud inoat popular shades ai embroidery silk anti tlocs et Litîle'a tare. Somne are goc nsu cae are hetter but vori gat yoaî eboica aI any pipa lu R. A. J. Litles store for 2,c. R. A. J. Little is doing a rusbirg business in moullu organs, haviug jussi giveis anathet eider loi e large ssîpply aI Hohris latest Give R. A. J. Little yaur suhecription for auy pipai sou vent anti save postage. Ga& the CHRaNicLun anti Mail ai Globe for $1.23 a year. R. A. J. Little seill only the Belduîîg anti Paul surks as thcy arc still the ladies' favai- ites, uoîwitbtanding the achemes af ather makeis ta ntroduce îhe'r goatis. Mr. Tay loi. late of Deserunto. bas takenthe position un thse Oshawa railway station lateiy helti by Mi. Spidutl, vbo bas resugredtu t -ae a imilar position iin the bMeLaughulit 1CUB i% ice. About 3o ai bis aid friands anti admirera - ,- k-intrtained Mr. Win. Cainahar et the Ca 4~n iotel lest Manday nighl. priai ta itare foi Oshawa. Mi. Caruahans 11 cal Scat, andth1e britheis vere gar n theli felicitatuons andi hast wisha-s ai pbospamiiy. -Cobourg Sartinel Star "à" ~abas enotbei indastry lu the shape Mr Chi~Renueins chamuical liquiti fer- tilzingvô The liquiti fernlizai bas beets sent t v*vcmnent analylît et Ottawa aud us appiaýd as up ta tisa standard for fertiliziug. It warrantedti lamaire yaur govais bloom 8Jà.,vli kili acy iracct lrom a palta bug up. I The Oshawa cariera easily wan the dis- nîîct championsbup et %W.iîby asat Tbursday, anrd wil again try for tise »tai tanktrd iu Turuuuîto. Thîce rinke fr0Ïla haie vert ta the ciîy au Tueaday anti su%.i-,,j5a double- Parirdale clubs This dfeat is NSgely ac- craited foi by the fact that thti.Osbawa crlera vere mostly colts.- We ccii hardiv undaistard hav it iaSoe People viii mate very audibl ratnism about otheis vhan walkcing oq the Street, Upeulimies ane over bearis tiinga caid about others. that if tbey muai ha sai t taIl shoulti.- oniy be aitereti in thse privacy of oue's home. WQuie allen ona cannaI but ecchobserva.â tuons matie by othais about ï - talnces and Iriantis that ougbt ta put =ê-aker toF ilush. It is a shama ta thus drag iae's feil- inse hlora stratîgera anti ahoulti neyer ha donc. The rinir vas cîovded Mouday nlgbt vitit. spactatois LW vit nase the hockey usatçis ha. tveen Oshswma antiA, hitby. Ilvusfpàr tise hast game that bas beaus playati lis tbb Mit tend league. The play vas kapt ISJJunîli Whitby hati the scois standing 4 te 3,at bail lime. The Whîîhy boys were qarte-mnra e vinniug vhea Oshawa lui tise second lime eveneti ap. Wçhrn tîmne'vas calleti the score vas a lie, 6 ta 6. Bath îeaams agicedt op4ay tan minutes lorger whan thsa score w»as the same andtihie ganse vas calieti a tirav. Fred 1-inon, ai the Oshawa tenus corati.5 of thse goals for the home teaus. li strikas us the tovu councit diti vaîl ta vote dovr Courn. Grieîson's motion ta have the-isames ai pour people visa raceive tavu aid pablisha inlatise local papais. 0f catuiae tise coancil ducs rot pubitali any local papersj oflitzavu, anti vauldtiua haable ta induce the local editors ta priaItiha namnes ai puai paoplc;bnt ail the same the council exisibi- ed s piaper spirit in iecarding ils waigisî agsinsî sucb a proposai, Tisera are sixaeti mca in cauncil, ant Iif tbey cen ha trustat i to bandtle aver $7o,000 of other busuiess tisayi may als ie aeliovaçi tadeal viti thse poor.i Maay vouiti starve rether than haste their - namas publisheti, vile tise braxen anas - voniti get ih al].à The fesignatian af Chier Constable Haîna' causeti a greet deai af regret in thse towq council. For e- quarter ofa i entury k lamîsiai figure bas beau evar bud argopndi thse streets looking afte? thetndredog1È»p for visicis ha is responsible. Ha e ia man of courage anti dacisian, anti bas ebly ani fully discisargat i bs dpty on massytrying ce- casions. Like ail pohqeme hac bas bieau tiha subject of etiadie" >l,.wefl scrpet criiclin.Au ie ai oler iu thie tîrvîn. l iu btt aturel ti IMsbçuldifîM1 uplsrp eî-ý ly tise. Yiy-4f*tlmDci r-~s~a espéally th e «0" 1-tirad he bauffei. cd frcoïn soup tisleaeciasIgtu. îng lý bu tveu oted ùtt,98- e kIb» 'uà W -* é% l gamne on Muuday nîglut wiîh Whitby piaced tisem in the front rank ai the le-igue team-. ant i gves thtrir frier-da great confidence ml thaîr ab'iliy ta reach tha top or Ibereabauts The 341h hat, baud vere ouIta Columbus last wack serenatiing Messrs. Stocksanad Guy, the newiy electeti teputy reevae an couricilor. They wilI vieil the rest of tht courcîlmen somte Ibis week. Tise boys warî wel lreated anti report an excellent tima. On the 9îh ai Ibis monîh the chiltirar of Maîcalfs metbodist Sunday school vili git e concert. The little ones have i*en pîse tisirg for sema timeand the programma vvit consist of dialogues, choruses, racitations marches anti motion sangs. Admission toc Thse pie anti cream social under the atis puces ai Simcoa ai. maîlsodist ladies' aid. heiti et the home of Mre. J. Sykes lest Fni day nighî. vas weil aatte. Ail preses hati an sbuntian-e ai refrasisments eltei which a gooti programma vas gîven ha' ili. ladies. Mr.,W. E. Ramsay, travelling agent ofîthi - PadLiar M. R. Ca , vas iii tovn ana dcv tht- weair anti reparte prospects ai a more suc ces-ful year than ever for the campari) Orders are carunz in daily frotuaIl parts ot Canada for large sluupmanîs af roaing ano cailing plates foi sprirg dcli very. The Temple of Pamne wbich was givei baie Ivo years nga wilI ha given again at a- early date. The pit-ceetis are ta gzo ta îhý floyer mission. Mme. Campbell again lia- charge ai the pre<uaiatory vark anti as it va- owirg ta bier efforts il was such a succes- lest lime va have ne doubi but what thaý one vii aveu surpeassthe fiist ara. The faliowing officers vere electeti foi Court Oshawa, No. n94, et their hast meeting C P. L K Marlon ; V C, R E Poliard ; R S. R j Meekia; F S, F W Warren ; treas. L t Cassais ; chap, W E Dyar; S W, J Hast luge; J W, R H James ; S P. P Mies-j; J B C Williamson. Oi tha 3iti Frîdav olaIcc montis meetings ifor 1897 viii hbelti etalUni que Hall, over Williamsou's aloi e. We are under t'be impression that hi . againet Canadien iaw ta sal liguai on tht Sahhatb day, yet il la donc right barin thi! town. For five Sndaye tisera bave bear sean ou oui streeti meti under the iufluauc. of liguai. Leut Sun<Iay saune balanging t. tbis clas- pracurati rigs anti amuset 15m selves by recing up anti doien Simcoe ai. ai' afternoou, acting like crazy people. Wba- is the use ai heving lews, eltiser in charch ai state, If tbey are flot ta ha kept ? Tise Vindicatai says tisa plîizhbinlu vicis tIe tovn fintis itseli as-regardasfie insarancte -- clearlY tise feul ofCouncilais McCav ind utiaensan, and it bas ceitainiy hat no stone Ift.lied 10bsing about troubla. h diti itis in vey af advlsing tiset the -twiUare ituali, anti thus by is sileisca bec5nie lun mch ta blàes as anybody. Thse <\uOI t pointati out thse caunil'. duty several tim anti prophecledta oehn voaltidrap - te smthu *A tsîght whb ýii~d, Imelanti, andi Scan- land on iamd?>5vuëoùng, FaIs. ast, in tise -prslytarssas char sgreatîy enjayeti. -Tie -baucusi-t vm- te tise doors. Thse ladiai' aid, uander5wsa-âîÀS,ý ~th.e enter. lainusaut vgu hl -40 cmVrtuated on thafr soccess. ' - 1 -rl - wu repre- senteti from aà na. aisl lo ut, Iiy thre chairnn; Mi-. Iffa vkeâ,o, la'ntiMr. Robi. Sproule, for Ieut nd ly, r.Murray. ln fulhigislant costume. for ScOhànti They made eÎrcebt chairne,,n.teffiafhy hitcis. Englais t the pltior h ra lenti and Scotland took tise sdmuX Town Couna Tise meeting Monday nlght vue a ve- Pintçi-alu ant imaportant one. In the #rati pae the mayor notiûied thse counsilthat the Fîre tJndervilters' association bas cossaltat-ý ed thaÎ Oshava dae s ot int«e aco4aipli eltts ils demanda sudthatjtitown - *111- placet In dais Z, eraiU!r,* whilcis-means about Szsoo additiomla'Iuùras<%ceratéts. ThW -defm*eueies - re-mlglit paîrol, lIîlly psid, tll,'. two firemeu toilqep fa qonqe 9 i-leus capable f air Stn enyin,, tçlephiosa tanks ai- Colbor-ar- andiSce~ Çraorsteestv", nt. re eh*itgj. *rs auousti Bnbel, initer -sumnieirt es nginùe,by-l*v té e* oai,e t Ofs eouidils almut e=nTC'y tâte. dis. 1;ofa dispo4'tontu do anilu NS.-wh Iff't uire44d l 1 aeuw now stand tishesdset flvl.La. Tbe stret cmmtttee was oVdegd toadvi tise for 5o,«» e frt of lumber, tnd tis.. Mr, Campi84, provincial road engîneeri lu toile lnvltd>ire ta lnapect-tb 'eown stei âa edas a the boit mseboo pfr#e4, 'hnta "a Diîlty, v~~~ 'f . 4 9 L. VIOKERY, barber. Staoe gstt, BROOKS' LIVEBY, Simooe street, nOrth. WM. ROLPUT, harmeau iaker, limace street r. B. IMOT«ÊbE8ILLbutahor, King St., West. Dmi. PArs-masoi, Detsi; office c-ver Roys.'. slorm. X . 7. is.xra -Dominion pianos sud argons, ffimcoe street. W. X. Dyza. Genâral Agent Ontario Mutuai MiisAssuranc-e Co. Agente vautteti. WixLTAII J. Deas, Dominion anti Ontrio Land surveyor, Civil Eugineer, Box 67, 0mbh- &W&. Cosoesacuz.. HOTBE-J. C. Woon, proprietor. Modern hostelry, neat andi comfartabiy equipped. D. M. Ta.-Caterer fatr Bla, àAseihis, Wed- dingi, Suppers, etc.,* etc. Âlso &II kindsofa flowers. 10as. HOSYLDEN - Whlthy-Oshaws stage lino. Leesves Ogsavast 8 & M sud 2 p Ms, aud Wblîby at 10 a Ms anti d P ri. jasera Csro, Manufiacturer aof lue carrlagor, carte, wagons, and a&B kindi ai ciutters "a ulighs. Pepairing a specialty. 3onýt Bauwira, painter and decorator. Dealer in Wallp&pers. celing decorations, points, où, varnishines, brushles, wtnaow shades, etc. JAMEuS PELLOW, dealer in stoves, furnaces, tin- ware, etc. Large stock kopt oonaîantly on band. Jobbing a specialty. aimeoeS treet north. L.. K. Murlqow, B. A. - Barrister, Solicitor. Not.ary Publie. Conveyancer, &o. lMoney to Ieud. Offloe aver Dominion Ba.nk, Simcef Street, Oshawa. Mi. E. MAr.-iealer in Orocerles. Fanez China, Crnckery, Tinws.re, and Panecy Gtx 1 . Pure Tisas and Coffeea. Boy*' re&dy matie suite ti specielty-Very cheap. PELT Bo - Watkthmakers anid Jeweoers. Dealers in ratches. edocks, IeweIery, silver- vitre, spectacles, etc. Enoraving. Rald and silver plating. aud aid gold rings made over Fine wstch, dlock, and jewelery repafringc specls.lty. XVIKTLE We are p'eased ta state that Miss Parkîns, as teacher. is gettng aloog niceiy wîth out sehoo. Mr and Mrs lamnes Moffatt, L.skard, veie viting ai Mrs A P Hodgea aon Sunday last. A ferw af out friends fromn this section Went ta Port Perry on Sunday eveang lest ta beer Cou- luctor Snyder. The Manchester divisiion of S af T. or quitte a .,o<.<lumber af tbem, visiteti the division ber,- ,in Friday night last. Inapectar McBrien paid a WI to tatr schooh, iere lest week add gave pupils and tracher a selIf holiday Mr Harkness shlpped another cor load cil heavy working baises from Ihis point ta the aid country on Monday of this week. The trustees of the achoal section bere have ercured tht- services ci Miss Spencer of Brook n. in assist Miss Paîkins for samte iew mnontht o corne. Sc.srcd.y any persan went from bere ta thr -sunday scbool convention at C:aremant lasi -eek. WVe îece»ived no programmes of cotreen )onansd don't know the cause. We are very glad ta hear af the succesaf thot revval meetings now held ai Prince Albert b., )Ui former p star, Rev M.r Weatberall. Missq Netie McTalzgar suscceedeti in passing ier musical examiriation for the fluai year wiri bonors. at the cocservatory af mus.ic in Toro ni. *few davs ega. Mis Maw )oat a gooti colt, couuing thîce yearý )Id. a few days ega. The lainiers' inatitute meetings held berm or Satuiday afternoan andi evening of last week were well attended. andi not by farmess nly. Lu i,-me few ladies were there ta listen ta, the ad dresses. Mail caurraci posters are up asking for ten lers for carrylig the mail (rom haro ta Aahbuin, 'Balsem sand Glen Major six tmes per week. The temperance peaple in this place iniendt t -ommemorate the orRanizition af F'ranklir iision by e temperance sermon by the nastor I ibe circuit, Rev Butnner. an Sundey evening, lue 14th imt, andi an ayster supper on the fol- iowing Ttîesday eveuiing. On Snndey lest i 1e religious services af thc- circuit quarteuly meeting was held here, antd .he attendauice was les-ger thon et ssy similar meeting for san itme pat. The iucreased riamber of passons cammensoîating the La)rd's iupper was an evideoce ai the sacesaful work af ihe pastar for the lest few weelcs xMi le U MDfmro oy Liv"-r Cna n-Hàving purahasoti the Liv- ery Busines recontly carrioti au by libe laie riim Barrett, 1 amn prepas-ed ta acommai2date travellers andi cahers with rigais teasonable rata. Cemmerotal men deait with iberafly 8iabling for horses. anti <ocacr given thein by roliablo mien. tise Gba, Whltby and ly rtle stage dom nfot rmn on Buntiyo. Davin Asuwn, Myrtie Station. Mr anti Mrs N Byers visited:in Port Perry. Mrs Bail, Toronto, is guest oi Mis A Riggs. Mr Tisas Rabbins lias been ilI but is recovering. Mr John Ranon bas moved tram the 9tb con ia i-be Rogers bomestead. Mr Noble, teacher, spent Sunday in Toront.o. Iu there a lady in the ques- tion ? - ,Mr -Jas Monntjoy is movini frous East Whi-by to Mr N,,Byers' farun ~ubic1ih o bas rertteti. NuAloati oi young- people, irons here en I ued pleasant evening lest week oùl ieBa4geg>ckrm -IL - Q1itxy meeting service* for this ÇiýàîtwhIb pducied b-ythtput Rey Sq, e, ini thé churCizh',ere ai- Dr.WJ~Btay, f Dataivslted (riendi M1a~M Stv~nuwfl-réside lu Dettoit, miCL, in the future. Metsîs Edwin and i Sd Kivel aftColunibu iui5 lu town an business Mondey. Mr andi Mra T J Sheridan, af Osaewa, were guesta af Mr Trenoughs, Quean St. Mi end Mie A j Bsckeil, Oshawa, wete guests ai Mr andi Mrs Thos Jexîsthis ~1~ Il ~ 'f 5; t Mr anti Mis John Gibsor ai Enfielti visitati at Mi Thos Bakeî's aecently. Solina Division's oysteî supper Frn- day night, Feh iîth. Eveîy member cordially inviteti. Mr D Hl Lent ot Cobour-g filled Eldad pulpit on Sunday anti lactureti in Sons' Hall on Manday night. Tyrone Division Friday night rend- eti an excellent programme haie. Mr' A Annis presidati anti aIl wera irtarest- eti and profitati. Refreshunents werc serveti. COURTICE. D. Spiy spenu Sandey lu Saline. Mie. John Pekia uis vilnng finonds in Oshava- %Ir. Gco. Allun gave a paity an Fridav evenang. is. R. F. Richards anti taugluter are visiting friands in Orono. Misa Katie McDonaiti, ai Mtlbrook, was ba s . ie oa e daysi iiigbe osn Smti .Pitckrsisni n ercuin i SMise LucyPichrdstfg. eig i istn Miss ucsRcha RaPichr isvsin a r. be act' R -lRic NHars. svWin et bis sisters, Mis. S. Pentounti. Mr. Edwin unaile, af (}-bava. vas visiting bis -aut, Mus. 1. Miller. lest week.. Mi. Wm. Courtica ant i vie. Bavananville, ware celliug on friands hera lest weak. 1Mi. Wm. Synsar'hast e borsa lest yack It gati us hinti foot oves-tise heutrr shank in thse stable anti bang us1. A quiet weniding took place et the rasidance of Uts. Wm. McDonelti visc bis aldest daqghter, Ida, anti Mi. John Bright vare uniteti in mnati. mony. Congratulations John. Couitice gon club lae-re aIl ont foi a shoot on S.tartay Fiank Gay anti Mr. J. M. Roberts chose iîA and tia ematch, for tba oystaia, et bina rocks. Mi. Raist' sitd abat about lwanty birtis mare than tbeir eppouanis. 19 below zero on Monday waek. Miss Hooti of Claremont was in-our midst last week. Mr F L Gleesan visitedti e city the early part ai the week. 1 Winter bas set in et last. Excellant sleighing anti terrible colti weather. Mr Ed McDottajd ha gosse ta Ro- chester, whare hae haç secured a good situation. *Mr Alax Stewart, of Hamilton, visit- cd his parents and friands the early Mrs Jutisan Gibson is poorly. May tse saon regain hem beai-h is the wisb ai ber many iriends. Messrs John anti Eti .Ryafi weme in out midset tie fimst ai tise weak, visit- itig their, whoo w sick, Mr Ths'Greham securedth e prize for gent s fancydr ts a-tishe PtricWa rinki Clarmoùtý-onFrcy -ýJlis i a 1o ygOmd flow,'and4W*e re« pleasedt-o have hlm v:itius. MrlbuInîe s- ia épacted home i-bis- veek -IroýnsEngislaù, wbprt e as ýbeen fté eèorôuimnts - The cream.ery -aqd mili were 'ctoàed last week owing ta the freshet on Sun.- day causing the damn to brea.Lqy Everything is again running smoothly. Several from here attended the pies- byterian church at PitýMngon dq»i evlening to hear an Af-inian * é basi escapeti from the tortures of his cou Even'the Wise8t MM hj Seldon and Miss Minnie Wil- son wera appoîrîted as delegates ta the Sunday sci-ool convention which was helti at Claremont on Wednesday andi Thursday af this week. A loati tram here went ta Claremont rink Saturday -night. Manager Craw-- fard is meeting with gaod success with his new enterprife. He is havinga grand carnival to-night, Friday, to wn ich laveis af good skating should go. COL The entertainment in connection ~ ~ with the league last Wednesday wa well attendeti by people tram Broug- ham, Audley and Mt Zion. Hati the weather been favorable, there no doubt ie atSlmnad regte- wauld have been a much larger crowd Likegretoooadiegte- in attendance. As the hour ta open; ing gold, and sparkling jewels. drew near Mr F M Chapman ai Audley There neyer was a better time, thail was appinteti chairman, which position nwt invest in articles of Jewelry. he filled ta the utter satisfaction ai al]. ~t A very chaice pîogramn was then given. Prices rule lower than ever hefore, consîsting af singing, readinge, music yttegoaaegaate ab H C 1-bar aud Edhatr james attendati the laîmers' institute meeting at Oshawe lest Wedneday. Mi and Mre Samnuel Bond ai Geneva, with their ean Blake, visitati Mr. andi Mrs. W Hamilin anti other friends here lest week. Mi Gregory Baghdesarisn, an Armenuan lawyer anti e retugee fîom Armenia, gave an addiess in the methodisit hurch Sunda., moîning anti in the presbyîeiian church in the evening, ta large cangregatlone. Tise etiltiren of the primary classes oflthe methodist Sahbath achat-i wae tieated toaa siciglu rida by theîr teechars, Misses Veal, Bîsmacombe and Bunnar lest Wadnesday afternoon. Messrs Morris, Jones, Hetîdar. son andi Norman James furnisi'ed the con- veyancas. Aiter being out dîîving about two huais they relurîsedtit thae chaol room, where a vary iice tea had been provideti for them by tha ladies of thse congregation rhev all anjoyati theussalvea ta their heart's content.- Mr S H Reynolds. drover, hati a very uer- îow escapa Iroîn haing suffocatedtisîh gas ln one to( the hotels in NMonîreal last week. H-e vas shown ta hie room by anc of tht- porters af the hotel abaut ten o'clock, and belaie gttîng ta bcd he turneti oui the gaE. but in same way ai other the jet wae nat cloLzet andi the gas escepeti. The porter carne up in about tva hours sitar anti dis- covereti the gas escaping in liane lu cave Mi Reynolds tram draih. He hadti t rap tise do<-r vary hard helora Reynolds coult bc: arasseti WVhat might have beau a seriotns accident, heppeneti to Mr. Chas. Axlord, wha live. just west ofIthe town. Lest Wednesday wcek ha was dniving out ai hie lana with a ladtioa hay, when it capeizeti, anti Mr. Ax. laid in lumping ta ana sida ta balance hi% 1usd vas thrown down bahinti the horsas, sîriking bis heati. He was insensible lor soma tima, tii! Mis Axlarti came ta his ras. cue just in time ta keep him lrom rolling under tfe hares. Fortunately for Mr. Ax- la)rd the boises diti uot mayae. He escapati villu a bruiseti sida. Mi W H Gorrili is very ili at time ut P C GRAHAM. Matrimnony is as contaglous as the lagrippe. Miles Chapman and Frank McBrady have secured situations andi cotise- quently are away from us now. The former is chief clerk at Dickie's store in Pickering andi the latter has secured a situation in the union station, Toron- to. Visitors: J H Madili, of the WCI; Miss Littlejohn, af Darlington, at her cousin's. Mis F T Smith; Mr T L Bray, of Toronto, at his iather's here; Mrs Williams and son, of Toronto, at ber sister's, Mrs G E Lawrence; Miss Pearson, af Port f>erry, at Mr James Tweedie's; John Collins, of Dunbarton, with friends here. Buy aile .Railway and. Steamship T I.CK ETSI -PROM- %terk&er> Oshawa Railway Conzpanyis Agency, at Oshawa. as represented. Our store is bead- quartera in ibis part of the eailli for Ký BA.RGAINS in Watchee, Clocks, Jewelry, BiI-verware and Spectacles. SEE US! TALK WITH US TRY US! BOYD, The deweler, KIN.G ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOiTEL. Cal at PELLOWSe and see is Wrought Steel iP50.00. MAls his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $P5.50 to'$25-00. must proteat the feet or tihe weaa'er wil suifer serions borin. I must realize the ni-mous limit ai warmth and canifori-. Anytbing botter adapted ta vei-, cold andi stormy veather than eus Winter Ihoea cau't be iusagiued. W. know juil visai-' F wanted i-o meet the case, aud carrytihe bout shos in the markaet for the sas8o. Yon enu find nothing botter, because nothing botter existe. Shoes like ours might -reauonably ha higis priced. bt Men's Poli Gaiters, a goodolit sale extra fine felt-reg, 10...,.12 ,Men's Extra Hea7y., Grain &lots, healy feIt liaing aud muai.., reg. $1.75........... 150'R. Mens Fine Calf -Gai-osm eedIe toe,~ sevu soles, reg. $1.75 ....... .1.26. Ladies' Extra inee t Juliet, ta, solos, vortis $1.26 ............ .9l Ladies' Pin. Button Boots, rîyited soles, reg 81.256......... .97 Girls Sehool-,LeeSt Boots.a ...75 Boyaý,Fine lacoti Boots, sitesil t&- . 13, rvittad ioes regIo.. . 4 Men's a rpeS ltupr.......a Ladies' Gant Sipsl GilrW s. Dan&sB'd7w, rpislt eppes.. Gilllmude Drossing,.'làrgebmtlee..A1* Ci1t-dpe Dreaing, seXsUbotin.. S Sho.Manuactuer &Dê.erg Simoe $érét VOL.xi A.-I.A1 -*4kb.- JIeadquarterq for Chemicah and a, FlesiStck and recitatians Council meets au Monday. Wood bees arc getting quise numaerous ai laie. Mi. Peter Jobnson, ai Cobaconk, vas visitiig friands lucre lest weair, Mis G Town, ai Tanawanda, N Y, vas visit- ing lest yack at Mi Thos Garahamas. Mr anti Mrs G Murray, af Oshawa. wera vissit- îug friands anti relatives heie on Suntiay. Mr Arthur McCullouicb anti Miss Mabel Me Culiogh, ai Enfielti, spent Sunday wît.h thaïr gi-audmathai, Mis A McCulagb. While working vîth the cuttinz box last weak, Mr W Suismmeriîle hati the misiartune taogei îhîee fingers cut off ana ai bis bauds. A number ai outsi u-us assembled i ethie htome of Mi andtIrMî Wm Smith on Wednasdsy evening ai lasi veek ta celebîsie a print wedding. A grand dîsplay was made anti ail present au- jayati theusalves iimensely. Mi Jas Bennett, af Port Perr, paiti oui Sous l-dge a lnendly viat on Saîarday eveiing lest. Ha gave qîîite a gooti speech anti fiomnan im- presssion matie ou samne ai tbe mambers, v un- derstanti ha hat somne persanal invitations ta ..celi again.'* nhe aleigbiug part-y ta Franklin division lest Fritiay aveuîng vas e grand saceu. Not being crough accommodation in the sleigb, soe drove single rige. A grand lime vas the rasaIt, anti our southtmu friands tidti ul oiget ta put np a luci balaie va lat:AIl camae bock greatly in pise of thse Myrtle peopla. Our boys aie tunti ta ga again soau, On Setuîday evening af this yack, Myrtla division wilI visit Graenbenk. lu alipiobehiiity oui division may go alto, la han casa oui Greenhank friands may loir foi a ta $ 1. Tooth Brushes, Combs, and al1 A.HIF. A CHEMIST & D WHITBY, - Eat&blished 1849 WhiÎtby Steam Maîble and Gîauiite wIh!k, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. (Patmetly Wo1Mfen porter andti Dealer GRANITE MON!) thse intact materlal kinda of Cesnatery guara-uteati. _5'-SEmD soR DmrxUu FARM *TO fiENT Fimt-class Daimy Farmu i6o undeî cuitivation, baIt watered ; on Yange sîre Toronto. A. S. J0I4s sîreet, Toronto: Febri, 897. - 1 WINDM -0---o Geo. Allia. sella the G A.ERMOTOI iuîending purchasaers sh milI balaie placîng their a au agent put au imitation cao get the Genumne Aer galveisizeti, and warranta More ai thesa suills solti t-han any other make. dlaim tflay seil one haitthq muili -oatfts solith e wa time. - Mm. Wiiliameon, aiof outfits during thse pasetbr AUl styles of Wood an~ . Any information mrs will ba fmeely given by-wr - GEZ n Feb 7, x897-6mo. G TERDER8. ýSeaed tenders vil!b Mdpndiiy, 2 a'clock, Feb g -at= a ad rocorl dry, maple wood, ta hadeiva - ate institue, Whitby s Addreusteudati toMtbýU~ ROS$ý,. <airaSi a acool Y Fail ; foil 81e'9-- -7 t- -J j - .. 1 . 1 cineS. h- SPO 1 1, ý .1 1 -111 - 1 A Winter Shoe

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