Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1897, p. 4

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4 -~ - i. , I -~ _____________________________________________ tan Upon the Pityof 91Wlhxgs, and Chemicals ; the" genuine- nesa of Our Medicines. We exercise great care in obtain- ing the best and Only the best goods in the market. Our Dispensing and 'Coin- pounding is always accurate and correct. FINESI NORWEGIAN COD LIVER 50 Cents Per Pint ! QIL. J. E.WIL LIS, CHEMIST &DRUGGIBT, MEDICAL HALL, 1 BROOK ST., WHITBY.1 WEIITBY, JAN. 1, 1897. CenunipAfflm. As soon as the caunîy council begins toasp- peai as a separate institution (rom the minai municipal councils there nl ho a change apparent in the bearings of the latter bodies in regard ta t he bouse of refuge question ît s natural for public men ta try sud shift responsibilities wbicb cause beavy outlays. snd t nill ho mucb casier ta convînce town- ship snd uown reeves and deputies that there should be a caunty provision made for the poor, nhen îhey null no longer have ta ana- wer dis ectly ta the ratepayera for the outley as members of the county counci. Instead of -siting an" the bouse of refuge scheme Ibey' nul non seek ta reduce their township rate by uriZing upon the caunty counciiors ta do something on the matter. Towa Palm.. lit wont take seven coluus of the Gazette Ibis week ta tell of the triumuph ai ita prin- ciples in this yesî's municipal campaign. A wrong impression migbt ho taken from Mr john Feiguson's speech on Tuesday nighî min regard to the nightwatchman. He mv 1mimd almost cntiîciy by the business men, ;)"( the town only pays a smail share of bis séil.arý Ye the whole town bas the full lrtr.t of fis services. He migbî save bis salaiv fur teti yesrs any uigbî ifsa big fic were b)reaumîmg out. Wc are cornpelied ta have a nighewatcbman or- psy additiouai in- surarîce One muerchant reduced the insur- ance on hîs stock by saooo whcn the nigbî- warchnan was hired, and thus savcd about four <iles as much as he bas ta psy extra in taxes to defray tii5s hare of Mr. McCourt's saa E very business mani might lake the sainie course, and miake profit inscad of ez pmrrm-e out of the watchman. ltie splendid eulogies pased upon Mayori Rutiedges services by almost every spealker foirt-)m successive nlights, gave token of the splenid appre-istion wiîh nhich his velu. l -bese, vices for several years are regarîjed. t is a grand ikming foi a town ta bave lits timfm schanr-d min six years tram an anful nies-. i, a position not second ta any twnu ir Canièmla Mr Rutledge bas e tlorough knm-tvs!edge of town afiairs, is able, tborough, de-ci mned snd baneat. And be is wiiling. V,- heaitile congratulate the town upe-- havmnig sîîch a m-in, and the mayar upon having such a town. We cati abake all rmmuind.- ()n Monida y nght the mayor showed ciearly that the town will psy off $31,600 of its .'dehiedness nczt year, that it wili bave1 no rloating debt lett, but will have a surplus Of about $2,000 of bacl- taxes againat prop- cri y, which may be iealized upon at will. Oumr rate of irtercat bas been reduced (rom 6 lu 4 per cent. A report af the town nominations will be fouiid on another page. The talking iasted t%%o whoic evenings and ne nere obligcd ta gîve veîy bnil ideas of the speeches, which cmii the whole were very gaod, sud occasionly very arnusîîîg. There ciii be a vote for reeve, depuly and north ward councilior, also for couincil',ai snd the con qucseîot 1 We hope that cach citizen votes as h. féee9 bu be the best interests of the town. lu eny case ne shall hase the services of Ina gaod men wboà have served the town ably and faithfuily i.n the past. Oui space does not erîat>le us ta go lusea details, il being out cus-1 tom ta give aIl the roani possible ta the viensj of candidates wbo nant votes. W. have al the resî of the yesî la express oui opinions. The Oarrier Boys NEW YEAR'S ÂDDIRESS ro TII E PATRONS OF THEE WrrBY CHRONiCLE, JAN. 18t, 1897. DE-AR PATRONS, ioity yesrs have gane Since first the CHIaONICLE nus kunu, And! stillitis pres goes îolling ou lu strength sud influence quit. ils on. Ils eticulation far sud wide Heralds the nens ta country round; Iu ils bright columus aide by aide The latest happenings may b. found Prom evey hamlil, burgh or ac That is distieguished by a name- Sometmmes compelled ta niote diagrace, Sometimes ta publiai mes's good fume. I s aim s t but toaspread the nena, And give expression ta ils views On current points from tisse ta tisue (Though auiy oece a year in rhyme>. Il gailyfills the public car Withb spicy nens front yesî ta y car: Ttils whis s ick, sud uho la dead, And nho in bore, sud who arc wtd, Who breaks a leg, sud wviasu ama, Whosee curse ta good sud whose brec&d bai-m. Whatec'er esay hap fis colmmu tel. Il t tudlesjsuhlc Questions veit And frcely piblis itsaiievis WItb honstiprpeeta-diffuse Pull knonle i ate public.weaL. Nor willî Ipu Uë virog ccea1 As ailes bappens viltiithe ptes- Par ratier tive nuclled-fora-trcs Pronnsted byý hope ta gala ,îtii. s( O ecoui= sisa k tie wbn&lu Plbetext t olsith e mu3rl 71- A" liaà U.01 the ii . soiIr. - Whù ~ t seir ih To bure ýtih omes sud takc-the hîves 0f humble planer ude ive. Not ail utyrasey ai Spaits, Wbose scutceori rocks u'lth many a SaU, CaU turu aur Vision tram such tacts Nor hf condas neb iigutlty acta. Our Oracious Quea. tby mighty throne Doth ont beat aUleince daim Protid we to know thon ant aur own&- To knaw tuat we may ahare thy fume. Thîice twenty years thy royal state Hath ahane the, greatest of the great; Ail 'irne and history ta thee Their homnage bear on bended knee. Giftcd of power from heaven above, Thy pnrlly oflife and love Give token of a noble atm, And spread the grlory of tby name. lu every quarter af the earth In every home, by every h-earth, In every land, by every tongue Thy virtues and thy love are sung. Thou gi-andest theme of ail my iay How anxiously we 'wait the day Wben numbering aizxty years thy reigu Shall mark its crowuing day again' For twenty years the Speaker's Rigbt Had yieided to the Taries' might. Whie at bis Lcft with iingcring hope The Grits îried bard wiîh them ta cape. The june elections came and went, A.nd wben the opening parliarnent Was cailed to measure sworda once more They found a very different score. The Grits had won in bandsome style, And yielding to deféat the whiie Sir Charlea had handed o'er the se&is: The country's will ta what appeals To every truc Canadian heait,; Each voter having doue his part In open fight, with right good will, 'Twas g-ranted that Remnedial bill With Gladqtone's Home Rule ahould be classed - Tu-o measuret% that have had a past But neyer shall have future, save To those wbo mou.rn tber n their grave. 'Tis uigh tu-o thouaand yeara ago Prom heaven a Savioni came below, To bear salvatioe'a tidinga down, To cottage aud imperial crown. The message tells af One who died- In igunomiuy crucified- That ne uuight Grace receive froni heaven: Rejoice u-e much in hope tuns given ! Though fond of llue, and bath la die, We long ta see the yea roral by And briug us Christmas tinte agate, Wben every cure sud sarrowing paie la laid aside-niien ail rejoice, - And tbrow aside by common choice Distinctions uhicli Uirough lime bave gr-oun. But yet la saving giace unkeown. %May cveiy heart e ofaigood cheer Thia opening main of the nen year. If some pon achiug heant yau kn, Or anc in circumstances low, Rcck nol if he deserves or not, Think ouly ai bis harder lot; Go ahare with him in fullest heart; And thus perforai a Christian 's part- Non, u-bilst I write Ibis minstrel atrain, 'Twould accus that il were snng in vain If from ils lenguli no words appealed To those u-ho live u-it.b heaits congealed While squalor stares them in the eyes, Wbosc sympathies would ne'en give risc To an y effort ta, su ppress The poverty, Uic d iunkenuess, That briug diagrace upon oui land, And bad results on every haud. If aucb plain duties you wauid shirk, And heap this noble moral woîk Ou other people la perfores, Dou't then deride sud do thens haies Don 'I criticise sud cail theus names, And! say their plans arm selfish games. Good Sauta Clans with open hand Ou Christmnas Eve sped throegh the lansd, Scatteriug preseuls evcry'shere, But se the sanieUie taking cure Ta favor mosl the ricb man's child- Thoegh big ai heurt, he seemas beguiled By wcalth sud "loue. " Like other folk, He îeckous ual the heavy yoke That bears au ahouldens ai the poor And as be sizes np each doort By plate or sil ver knob or bell, fe fiuds iteasy task tbtlel The - 'ercum stances" ai the hanse. Then slyly leaves hisg-ifts within. When wil aid Sauta Clans begie To es-en up ibe thiegs ofaife Instead ai aidieg social strife ? For lau-n affaira ne ueed ual fear, James Rutiedge nu lbc Mayor this year. JWih oui finances fired aright The outlaok for the tawn si bright- In fact its greateat trouble eau- ls nhat ta do with' Murhy'.", con, Which uight sud day tefuer0ud "on deck," Whosc depredations doue eau check. A vote nili non decide ils fate, And mayhap aI su early date We may look faradta relief El'en 1 Uic crittr aes ta ie Our ladies' college takes a stand Transceudiug suy in the lafid. We't-e proud ta have thus sately pile, And natch itis healthy growth tihe wul- Gronth ai a noble sentiment. Not on Ibis western continent Cau gny match fori bchouned;- With studeets bright Ia hballs abouud, And niien ils annual work is donc Pull mauy honora have becsnwon. Good friend, my taieisu non al laiod, Pardon me, then. if I make bold To say a word about myseif, And ta iemied you af bbc pef- Ah, thauks 1 Goad luck to you ! Good dayh1 I must ho spcedieg on my viay. W. L. BARNES. BAINTYIBLD. Weddtng belle are riegleg. A apy wyear ta yon Mi-. Eiter, sud Mr. sud lMre. G. H. Walls, Part Pcrry, upent Christmsas wîtib er parents hicem Meusr.eJ Nott sud F. RaInes Part?"er, viie vsiing friendu ber. the past (cvi day.. James Hom--bas srrived home (rom th. .pialic eprovinsce snd reports lotssaofsuovi tiser.. Married-At tie Manse 4t WIck, by the Rev. Mr. Cameron, Mn-. Maishal Han-inu ta Miss Atnale Tisomepson. Congsstuwatons, Tise cancerila éouuectlou nithe publie scbool lest Wcdnecday 1lit vis a grcal. tieut , Msuy- ere prosct :toenjoy k ise sciiolui ru seuted tise'toucher, Mi m Christie, vith a voets. -Of pocusa suid - fouqtalu peu. W. niaibits succes. as, ho ,resernes Isestudies gt port prry., Mfr. Qgwy tubescharge of l.9n'uchol--for the. The 1897. sax -cg-. Weï-ish "' readerà a happy New Year. OUr New Years' goaso bas ceased ta Mo Ls'd Mis N 5 Major spet Christmnas at Scarboro. Mfia, Day bas severed ber connection witb tbe school. Large crowde are ta b.e e dally skating on. the.pond. 'Mr and MUn A C Mayor spent Christmas le iithe ity. Master Russel Tabor la spendlug the holi- day. et Maple Avenue. Mr and Mis Elgin Annis. af Oshawa, spent Sunday ai Tranquility. Mr and Mrs Holden. or Claremout, spent Sunday ai Mr David Turnoe's. Mma A C Treshatu, af London, ia at *Le home ai ber childhood at Belford. Miss Grce. Tilson, af Tonto University, la home under the parental roof. Mr J A Pugb, lu company with Mr E An- nia, took a trip ta the city last week. Mr Henry MJadili, of Brownsville, is at bis grandparents', Mr anîd Mis Jas White. Mr and Mrs John White, or Brougham, were at the forme?.s father on Sunday. Mis Dickson, of Clinton. i. visiting ber father and mather, Mr and Mrs Jas Rose. The Baptist Christmas tîee was a great succesa on Christmas night. Praceeds, $23. Miss Maggie Tait, who bas been tenching achool et Norval, is borne for the holiays. Mr Simple and Miss Lune Pugh attended the closing exercises at McMaster Univer- aity. Mis Moore and daughter, Besie, of To- ronto. is this week with Mr and Mis joseph Nilson. Miss Nellie Thompson la homne fr the week. She bas been attending the Dufferin st scbool. There la a (armer in Ibis section wbo mn- tends ta grow a amnall quauîiîy of tobacco next year. Mr- Oke's luttle boy ta not cxpected ta recover (rom bis Ilîneas, baving taken a turu for the worse. Mi and Mis Shaw, af Calgary, N W T, is mt Mi T P Wbte's, wbere they null stay for a sbort lime. The Misses Lideil ai Ibis place will sbortly leave thua place whie they have secured a position lu the city. W. are sorry ta ulule that Mi*s Hanuah Whaley, ai Toronto, formerly of Wbitevale, ia sick wiîb tihe drapsy. Tbe bapîlal anniverssry aud oystei aupper nill ho beld on lth b isu ad iîatbof Febru- ary, Particulans Iater. Next Sunduy la cbtîdren's day lun jne bap- tist cburcb. Tbe childien wil conduetthIe musical part of the services in the mnorning. Mr DRvid Annise.nd the rest af bis bro- thera Diesented their fatber and brother at Port Union nith a handsame chair apiece on Christmas day. 1 Mi Adolpînu" Thompson bought $t5 woitb of sae. in a British Columbia mininz ci-m- oauy, aud the other day sold out for $6o. Congratulations. Messrs Lount and Taylor aie doing a rnshinz business in the hrusb fsctory the"e tlava. They null piy the highest cost price for, al kinds ai san tocs. On account of Mr Oke'. uitile boy beinz stck, the Rev Siple occupied the pulpits ai the metb gîb snd tothb une churches on Sun- dmsv last. Mr Okre pieacbed in the baptist cbuicb ou Sunday. There wRa quite a succsftil local option meeting beld in the methodist church on Tuesday evcning lest. It was addreseed by the Rev Mr Thom, of Pickering. Methinks the classleader muse be ratber wrathy when he nld anse of the members wbo nas rat ber taiky ta shut up sud give some one cia. a chance. BAISAU Mis Aun Disney is visitiug thse aId bonnesead. Mr Ed Wism is engaged wts Mi W F R Joues. Ilc Rev rlism preachcd to a large con- greation an Suuday. Mr Wili McAvoy bas returneud tram Mani- tala,. looking hale and heoirty. Mr sud Mis Gea Fletche..ao Muskoka, anc visting inientis in thse neighborbood. The Municipal Figit Pl CK ER 1NG. - For reeve - Thomas Poucher and R. R. Mowbray; for îst deputy-P R Hoover and Jas Richards ; for -2ud deputy-Jos. Hortop andl Thos Beare; for 3rd depu y-Thos Orborne and W G Egarnes; for couucilor-J Underhill and W j Miciieli. EAsT WHITBY-Reeve-R J Griçr- sou acc.; for deputy-Jas Stocks, acc. ; for councilor-John Ros._J r., Wm. Guy, Johe McKenzie, A E Henry. WHiiTBY TowNsHîp-Reevre -M Mc- Taggan-t. ace.-; deputy-J L Smith. acc - for councilors-A Ketchen. R Rogers, Jno Bright, Juo Willis, H Bickell, H McBrien. WHIITBYv TowN-Mayor--J Rutledge acc.; for recve-Thos Dcverel sen., and W B Prhngle; for deputy-J Scon. and Wn' Burns; for couscilors-norti ward-WrnORobsos. John Noble, W H Crosby, W ii Warner, Wm Brown and Jas Henry. REACE--Reeve, - MRaLiSc; for ist deputy,,-T R Crmggand %Wm M Weir ; for 25d deput - Thos lamb, acc ; for cannelIor& James H Leaàk. Donald MCDODSId.V win StePhelîAit Beare, P A PaFr-at RAMA-For Reever, -009 Ceavdwe and Joahn Adames ; for>councUdoi(j Çbfi McNukty, John Carrick, Luthuret gmak, H McKinnon, M -OlDStnd;'Chades Heavucr. SCUàoa--Byacclannaion -'fr.î2ý ' Crozier ; councilors, Wm AlIdreol. Wui, Duns, C Sw=ean, H B Plun*.. BJLOK-Fr- eev, JSt 'ot,.f Wm Brethour, Jas Vrooman ;'W ot -pi uty J fWEdwcr dà"J WC, 66üùë4 SI Thomposn,, H 4iiùmpbeY- k. Stockmtak;" ŽIBa rçjain s ~&ie. For Note the Following Low Prices: Children's Heavy Ail Wool Hose, 15 cents per pair. Gents' di di d 15 cents per pair. Children's Underwear at 15 cents and 20 cents eaoh. Ladies' Beet Quality Wide Width Flannelette, only 7 cents per yard. AIl Linen Checked Glass Towelling, at 5e. and 7c. per yard. Good Heavy Factory Cotton, 84-in. wide, only 5c. per yard. Good Heavy Bleacbed Cotton, 36-in. wide, only 9e, and loc. per yard. Good Heavy Tweed Pants, al sizes, $1.25 per pair. Children's Plush Caps, a few left, 10 cents each. Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. and 85c. each. Men's Uniaundred Shirts, to clear, 40 cts. each. Men's Cambrie Shirts, to clear, 50 cents each. Chenille Table Spreads, good size, only 75 ets. eacb. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 13 cts. each. Floor Oil-cloth, good quality, choice patterns, 25c. per square yard. Good assortment Ladies' 'Mantles and Gents' .Ulsters. Also Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Our Tailorinq Department dé 20 6tents and 25 cents each. is under the management of a first-class cutter, and good Suit, and fit guaranteed, is 010 and upwards. and we wiIl convince you are prices are riglit. ANDREW Fancy China, A Large Stock ofW Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Always Groceries. -:Reliab le. AT GISON'Sa Par clothiug ai ail kinds try Perguson. Remember D. Matbison's la the place la gel the ver>' best ai caudies sud coic- tionery. Great siaugbtcriug ai boots asaocustâili continue aItishe new ubo.antor-e, east aide. si and Si .5o boots for 50e. Everybody nel- corne ta bhavesa psir.-Come early. M. W. Collins. 44 per cent. loau made on wiIl improved farina. Write with atamp enclosed or eall an Reynolds. Stai-ka & Ca., 124 Victoria St., Toronto. W. H. Piper keeps repaira for aIl kindu of pumps. He bas Uic beut wnedmili (or sale. Wells cdeancd. Henry & Putney'. the lcudiug photagrapb- ers af Oshawa, are making tiiei fluest photos ta per cent. lower thais Uic Joncat price lu ibis viciuity. This lsa rar-e chance for Wbltby people as they are the yen-y besi photos sud every onc gueauzted ot ta fade. Parties wlsbiug the. abave eau be supplicd by calliig stth b esidence ai Mr. HeMr Gould. Lii. Sire photos. Henry & Putney, af Oshawa, made lb. first and onl lt sized photographa c«« made in tuis=vcsiy. Hery & Putnîc, Osbuwa's Icudig phiot& grsphcrs, wnl pay rallrad or stage &Mre roui W1 tg aou ai eders auting, tirée Tà. Notice sd Pse up. fort a lt i eliqetus do À*me wlth au the W -dasfaut -vie'" a euLWT ppearato1 mai le an - ea -p f For Reeve, To the Electors of the town of Whitby : for the reevesbip oiflhe Town of Whiby. It s nedlssto say that 1 do not seek a position i the town courfcil trom personal inclination. J- have large intercala et atake, and amn very aurious ta taire an active posi- tion ini thc cosincil until the present ellori to pay a large portion of its indebtedueu bas been carried out. 1 have :devotcd the most of my trne for two years to the lm- provemt o f aur streman d shall ifelect- ed, make k rny specia stody for 1897 to assIstin i straîghtening outitli nanices, and i cuttdug down our taxes. TIJOS. DEVERELL. Wltby, Dcc. 24, 1&)6. To th$eflectors of the -roiwn of -Whitiby. GENTLU N~ agdin sarved you inthm cap.cityo<Deputy Reeve for ibe psu ,'two yem l'no*, esent psyself a -candidefo the. Reeveallpfor 1S8o. 1cié poiutoutov0 air bâadred dollars li1lave àecùred tu owub*y my ow n pemoaiwrboM b ordinaryservice. I amp-favorable t0 redùe- terésta-of . tàsvlu eeryossip ."T nna -- lmt 1 a-oD Our prices for a Give us a Cali sse TO Lou Bande Vs Tonsorial FOR A Academy tlairdressing, 0Shaving, L If yots ntsh yanî cranium renavaled moustache curled, that bristly be moved front yonr physiognoesy,( hair trinimed te the luteut New fashion, drap te la the Up-to-cia lai of ~-One door North ai Stepheuson's. JO S[U ISTgJO B[I[V[ cau one..--- 1, your beaid re- ai your w York île Par- Mr. Ba' Al. m3Or(s ai of 'al, t i F-I 11t Ilit <(f ti- ) , Iv1' Prosperý Offietai Conty Oro FRIDAY, J) LOCAL Happy New Year1 Make the date it-I Gardon Tamblyn Guelph. Leotiard Burnett Thursday. Bargain day ait Saturday Jan 2. William Hopperj proîracîed itiness. îoo baises wantc9! ness* local elsewhere Ladies' jackets red aI W G Walters', on Jan 2nd. O'Brien's & Stedha Iery will be open e and Satnrday. The fiast game of1 land Hockey leag-ue here on Wednesday Bowznanville. As regards New make any. Act the n being pledged. Lei guide, and flot.occasic The Bacbelors oai t their flîst bail of them day )an. 14tb. It will style. Gliona will (t Sussex Lodge S. 0. samne set of iodge f roams. The chairs ai crimson mohar-pl"s âuppiied the outfit. Mr Heniy Wilson yesteîday aud ieft ani couaing oui in leaf aý green buds stood the wonder, but ne suppoa bush makes up its mi spring clathes it is nuý littie cold wcatbeî. New Yea.rs Afternoat.- The firaI hockeyr wîli be played nere oclock. Shootiug Match A grand shooting mi juniction hotel on Nei îSgW. Tberc nili hoai and many ist c"ai 9 A Sig Shipmeut f boots and soc Side Boot sd Shoc s nul ho solti aI haîd tn .of bouse sIippers ase 9 buttoed bots at si1 at $iper pr. Men'sl1 Baya»' sebool boots West Side Boal sud S Composite Lodg Na rD. P Gý M. ROsM officera af thse above i Bro J. H. Gale, 1.P W.; Bra.Johne Buri Powell, Tîas. ; Bus Bm. G. Y. Smith, Cho - -, S. D. ; Bn-a. Ja. Reid D. C.; Bro. Brittan, 1. - S. S.; Bt'6 Chas. E Lyffdc, OMagSut; Bo. Betwec fifty &d si he GddsLa= Pn tis 1 i lsroa st ua tions sdt J den »t, qi adtoa~ bthe.varos ca- e ui fts u m f it d raw , hcecg vos.prie reseh Of au iwmïSultsva, Jolis WM. TILL and be convieced ibat an Elegunt fiue ai FURNITURE - UPHOLBTERED 00008 in beiug sald ai away down rieu ta keep iu touait stii. --aTZMIMs Antique oLeather Seat Cahier Rocke k - - $225 Atique Ok Plusit Rocker - a - -ot et» 3D 1000 DulnTAhle, 4 leavea- --a AUçaridslq mkab puseusdwraaey W stlu piolster WMe TILL et. m. RO 20 cents per pair. Ladies'

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