Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 2

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-'S Benefactop R S Sarsa- parilla A MEDICINE WJTliOUT AN EQUAL. Statement of a Well Known 1?octor "Ayer's Sisa ii swtthotit an equal .ns 1 blood-purîfier andl Spring inedcule.and cannot have pralse enough. 1 have watched ts effects In elironic cases, wbere other îtreatrnent was of no avail, and have beert astoni-tîed at the resuits. No other blood rivq!ie that 1 have ever used, and 1 have trie! theni ail, ljao tboroîîgh iln ts action. ail 1efftedts O mlký t >rnsoeti icures as .Avtrs SarsiiParIla.'-Dr. Il. F. MERXILL, Augusta, Nle. Ayer's "' Sarsapar~II a Admitted at the 'World'a Fair. Ayec-'s Plfor ivecrand bowel. CORRESPONDENCE WHITE VALE B3e sure aud attend the Clîri-.miae en- aeraînfleuts of tbt, churcbes. Smaill collection ln eacb Case. MiFs Wîfleta.a Beare is improvin2 rapîd- ly. Misti Idà Thioruton is cierking tûeir flUerIWbîie. \eare iîaslne ail kinds of weattîer iir.w a-dayiz, iud lu, gettingt qUie deep. Mrs Ltirkins, of Toronto, was visiing lier iliany friands around bere for the part week. Aunîna.erestaing feature of the methodie;t Salîbatti scîtool entart.awment will be a regular wiuter Snow soane. Prof. De Ward wil ha out troru Tor- onîto on Saturday night nexa., wban lse will again commene be teach tha baind. In a latter wrtaun home to bis friandis .NIr. E. A. Thorntock savs the weaa.bt r ha@ been very severe in Naew Brunswick, il being '25 degreas balow zero. la.lé; altogether likely that the position of reeve wil bava but two candidates, nalyl Gerow andi Poucher. Nu doubt bott are weli qualifieli to fill it, lut then Ton know one lis a Tory and tbat seenu- ingly donit do in this Grit bis'e. It ig quia.e likely tilat a Rreat inany fromo iîere wîll ao .,Ver LJroug-lîaflu om- ination day, the 18(h met. Ili Our eatu- inatton we posst-sa as good a couwcîl as en t-e got touetlier in the townFebîp at the presrnt t une, and mwouid like tu see tbein retuirned agwan ly acclamnation. Mr Edward Wi1!coîî, toe .aesa of US, bas§ laa.ely purchasel tIhe old homnesaead and will buîld a barni tho-rein nexa. si- nier. lie, will mlîortl y bave a sale of irst clias standing tiuber to he sold in one- luaif sud on.- acre lots. It is first class tîînhuer and slion I h rîng top prîces. Ttie Lraintn i'reýilir; are inaking their laca. raurus ii ii lis si-cton. Tiiera 1F émune al-,îke elorer to bLe thresbued bere yet. Mrsq. Wini Turner Ir, ai lreQent verY lo W, SuJe brL I- luOten uany lood for neari'v a wee-k Ab)out two rile sontîr)f Whitevaled,r ou thue Altona road. Ir, a loig pile oft stoners tîrat lias Ieeu tIiiown- irito th-lo centre ofthpOie oi] andil»lis tevr-r beeri r-overopilu.Texvhave -cen tliere for year, and the resilent putliuaster shouhd sec b to s-ru ant i Isve thienicove-r..î, as at jîresent ttîat portion of the rîsad is in il Bliansuef-ul îtâe. Mr. James Hatuiton, of Stouiffville, is htaviug tise residleuie of'tIhe hate Abrabanu Hamislton repaireti and wihl ehortly re- inuî)ve tlierein. \Va wilh be plcasu-d to bave hum cor)ne te reside witb ns. Mr. anti Mrs A. E. Major spent Sun- day in Brougham. Oume ob Mr. %Vin. Bootb's ebjîdreni,, down wîa.hîtise scatrlat fever, but is doing niceiv under Dr. IIutobinaon'a care. Col. Button celabrated bis 8tb birtb- day. Hie mauy friands* called upen him sud had a most stimptuons repast and afaerwarda a real good livaiy programmne was3 gene tbranglu. It was a very plea- sant evening,.P Thes ewners et the pontd ani some of the akaters bad bot words lasit w about hurning cord wood te ilurnil tba ica for the sks.tere. "-Turu about is fair play" was thE, mark of a sinali boy the other aver wbeu bis mether bied a flat ren at Old man, bitting hlim smash in the f. :a upen hlmobjectiitg chased hlm v abuteLer knife to .tile wcods. The man bas goti et of thbe wooea nd plains a vsry black eye by-saying thai rac agbusti a t*61--Nevws- M..E.Vrui. uho in welb knout a «itest wany oin utibis bocalityfÀ b. a 4 W r the 4th yard in Tor- ento bil>su .omisig ,beotions. Who ev6s bèav. o! eopo&4dvertbug spting good a. tbtkBt '00thse ï*,r. Ttw e , ,qht uey do lin Pioiïoriug* baisee w wtm ih aazit*bol-.Buttes>, of .,as b u ae set80far no hiereêlias beau sema in t lis socality tao oI horse to go to thse cîa.y ta La ted ta ']lits is sornetising that sbould be ,ýtîîopd, as tisese aucient bores are gen- coa ly duseasad and it us said that a.bey ire suînetu mdes kept there for sêverai days stuiora tley are kîlled for the boga and durtne that turne Ley generauhy do not igel auytluing to eat. Quite a number want ta the city on Saturday te get a euppiy et Christrnaa praseuts sud witar gooda generally. No Wonder the country merchant gzroans and cnoans with the aboya traat.ment. PETERBOIRO A Vinnetta, aRed 19, ba@t bis ife, and a cempanion N. Gagnon, had a narrow escape on Saturday lait. The twa yonng man Lad beau zatheriniz drift Wood above the l)ixon dam. The boat sprung a ieak, and tii. eurrana. baing stroug, the yonng men tound b. impossible te raacb shore Minette, wbo sat at these earn jumped in- te dia waver. Ha was a poor swiwrner, aud ewine to the colduiese of the wa.er, soon becarne azhausted. Two men whe were near quickly carne te the reecua Tlshernbarked un a puna. and barried, bruta young Vinette Lad auuk. Tha river wVas dragged but se far the body bas net tueen rerovered. On May lOth, 1895, Oliver Minette, a Taunger brother eftnte victim mat wia.b a similar fate, baing ,Irowned aboya the dam whila crossiug the river. LUMBAGO CUBED I)odl's Iidney Pilîs1 tors Failed1 CHRONIC RHEL ,LDoc- ;îves Way ta this MarvatiRp"enady, as Do Ail Afflictions aÈling f rom lInpure Biood anded Kid - Did von ever atter weading >1 eger- l1en, or workîng over a low bench or table ru a atooping posture, try toe saraighteu up anid feai a sharp pain ai of a kLiffe a.brusa.i .hirougb your kidnays ? That is lumbago. Wlsau it becornea ebronie it im one of the Most agouizing forma of rbeumatiasr. Sufférers f rom it have beau known t-o commia. suicide. They would gladly pay anv price for sure-ease of pain. Did yen ever bava it ? Do you know s'haa. wiil cure it ? Do you kuow that the sm rn edy that baz made marvellous lid many cures of Kidney Diseases of ahI kînds and descriptioîns acta as magie cbarrn upon thia excruiciatiîg affliction ? The folbowursg are copies of lattera writ- cii the Do,-dds Medicine Company, of l'tronito, the maýkers and diatributors of thif wouî,lei-ful propria ary madicine,- '(;etualeueri,-I bave been troubled for over rwo years with the firat stages of B--Igbta sDise-se. 1 hava naed otiser miuulcirues, hui.ta p o avail. 1 waàaso bad bhat 1 passed blor-d. D..ctor9 told me 1 conld gea. ne relief. 1 beard of the wrsud- Art ni cu res Dodde RKiduey Pib1s had doua. i cenchud*ed te try them. I have used ten boxes, and I arn cerplea.aly cnrad. Vin niai'pnbliieb as yen sec fit, so ais to hepofeiTHEODORE YOUN,C, Smitb's Falla,, Ont." Clena.leren,-I hava beau t#nhblad for vu-r ouae vear with feniale "eaknea an d urinual troubla. 1 havt3 consnlted a doctor who gave me nuedicine that aeemed te iluake mre worse at tiînes, b wonld ha lest rsiid sbort-aigha.ed. 1 was told of Dodues Kidnev Pilla. 1 geL ana box, and 1 have nsed part et the box, and I amn conspletPly cnred. My urine is natural DOW. Yeun nay pub:ish thia if yen like, that it may help others. 4-MRS. GEORGE BAR-NES.' VICTORIA CORNERS. The Dec ember meeting of L O L, No 454 wae held ou Thuraday avaning last and was wr-Il attended by the mambers Bro James Bratibour, County Maaster, and Bro Tralevan, dis trict master, wer. praaena.. The lodge opeded in due forni. But wbat need ta describe tihe geed tirue that followad for when we say Bros Bre- Ltboî,r and Treleaven prasided, ail we cau aay is said. Thse C M gave an interesti- iug address, then tihe lodge settled devis to general business. Thaebection ot ;officers preved te be ratber exeting, the canidates for eacls office baving a .00od numnber et votes. l'hoe followrng officé-re-ware elecLad and duly inatailed for tha ansng year: -W M, Bro R R't-y nelde; D M, Bro A Fair, ebaplain, Bro -o A tee Iley lien ave tihe- uke eus . -;- Aer, bring- ,r to esa.ablish %%as flot responsîble %vlen the cheque was After three quarters of an as deliberation the jury returned. a verdict of gnihty with a strong recom- mendation to Mercy. His worship Colonel Deacon, county police magîstrate, hield a court in Scott's hall, Kînrnouua, on Wednesdav, 2fld, to seule a dispute bea.ween two neighbor farmers in the township of Somerville. Quinn. a respectable lookîig man, had losa. ahree sheep and belie*ed he bad seen themn among the sheep of bis neighbor, narned Cooper. His sheep were a different breed f rom Coopers and were pierced through the right ear wia.h a cararidge. Wituesses beiug called stated that Cooper's sheep were about the same breed as Quinnus, and a.bey aIt had the rigba. ear pierced much the same way, and a piece clipped ont of the left ear in the shape or a V. The magistrate gave the case his most patient cousideration. He reviewed the whole evidence very carefulhy. and a.old Quinn be had no doubt that be had hosa. bis sheep. but bis own wit- nesses bad failed to make it clear that Cooper bad got thern. A young man called at the Watch- man office on Monday of hast week and a.old a strauge story of bard times in Wilberforce and along the I. B. & O. raîlway. The hard tumes have been occrsoned by the stoppage of work on the line of railway. and rnany of the latorers have flot yet been paid for work donc some months ago, and as a natural conseqouce tbey and their families are in sore dis.r-ess, having little else but potatoes and turnips to live on. Witb athe near approach of a hard wîuter the outlook is indeed bad, and sbonld appeal to the many ch ristian organizations in more favored locahities. Conld not our home and foreign mis- sionary societies turn their attention to these unfortunate people ? The local and Domin ion governmeuts migbt well appoint commissioners to visit this locality and devise means to fnrnisb work so that deserving people could earn the necessities wia.h whicb to hive. An unfortunate man wbo has been emphoyed in a hnmbering Mill cannot gea. suilcient fonds to-carry him b bis home. notwitbstanding that be is sick and bas some $30o coming to bim. Monday afternoon the a.wo young cbildren of Mr. Wm. Fegan, who re- aides opposite the canoe club boat bouse, in the easa. ward, bad a miracul- o>usesc-ape from drowning. About 4.30 Hiattie, aged 14, accçompanied by her brother Henry, aged 9, proceeded to the river for the purpose of gettircg a pai of water. The hole in tbe ice was frozen, and while she was breakitig this ber brother took the pail and made bis way ont toward the open space in the centre osf the river. tbinking the cee wouhd carry bim. He was net mse by bis sister until ber attention was aatracted by a splasb, and turning s-be discovered he had br ken througb and disap-peared. there being notbing but1 the pail to indicate the spot where the hittle telow bad gone down. Quickly dro>ppiug on ber bauds and knces she seized the axe and placing it in f-ront of her, iu this way made ber way to lier drowning brother, reaching bhi as b-e f-r--ce- a-1 the f-rocededto shovern, Beware! Whenever in need of kidneyý treatment- always be . iýiicto. youxself ami e any substitute imtatioex Of teor--l ,am8 Great Diecoýerie8 Re8uIt ln the Permanent Cure of Thou- eafld8aifufferer8. READ WHAT THEY SAY If Toi Aie A11i109,A&Your Oruggist for Muonoo's cpide tuo caIth, Boï a 25C Muogo Rmedand CURE YOURSELF MR. WILLIAM H. ANDREW, A VISITOR TO TORONTO, BOA RDING AT 106i SHUTTER STREET, SAYS: - 1 procured a vial of hlunyon's COatarrh Remedy, and the benifit to me HASt BEEN WONDERFUL. 1 tried severah kinda of medicinas for this diseasa, but insa.ead of getting btter 1 BECAME WORSE. M unynu Remedy bas given me great hanifit, altbough 1 have only nsed one viai and I hava no don bt what-t evar that I WILL BE COMPLETELY CURED." Munyon's Rheumatism Cure eidoin talla tu rehieva in one to tiree hous, and cures in a few daym. Priea 25c. Mnnyon's Pyspappia Cure positively cures ail forma of Indigestion and stoin aeh troubhle. Price, 25c. Munyon a Cold Cure preveuts pneu. mania and breaks up a cold in a faw [jours. Price, 25c. Munyon's CounRb Cure stops eougbis, nigbt sweata, ahisys sorenes, and apeed iy beaha the Iings. Prie, 250. Munyon's Kidnay Cure apeedily curas pains in tiha back, loins or groins and aIl forma of kidney disease. Price, 25c. Munyou's Headacbe Cnrs stopé bead- ache lu tbree minutes. Prica, 25c. Monyon's Pile Ontrnt pogitiveiy cure-s alh forme of pilas. Prica, 25c. Munyon's Blood Cure aradica tes al im prities Of the blood. Pneus, 25e tzunyan'a Femnale Remedies are a boon to ahi wornan. Munyon's Astbma Remediis rahieva un 3 minutes and cure pernianautly. Prict,, Munvan'. Cat.arrb Remet-ies never fail. The Car.arrb Cure-prie 25e -radicates t ho diseasa troni the systeni, and the Ca tarrb Table-ta-pnce 25e-celeans;e and beal the parts. Munyon'a Nerve Cure is a wonderful terva tonie. Prici-, 25c. Munvous Vitalizer restores bast vigor Prica, si. A separate cure for eacb disease. At rail drnegists, mostly 25e. a vial. Parsonal lattera to Prof Mnnyou, il and 18 Albert 8t., Toronto, answered witb free medical advice for any diseaise. ALTONA. Wood becs are ahi tihe go. Mr. and Mrs. D. Barkey speut Tues- day visiting at Thos, Paisiey's Church H ill. He wIso throws mud at bis neighb>ors only slaps bimseit in the face. Mr. Betz, of Toronto Junction, paid a fiyiug vîsit here Sund.aYy night. Somne sleigbs were seen out this week in our village. A good lock on the grain bin these uights may save you enou.gb to fatten Old Whiskey Bung has been on trial for ueariy nineteen centuries and bas been found guilty of everything that is had, and when Laurier gives us the plbescite next summ»er the people out, our way here art nearly all gdting .t» get hold of thse rope tïbnghm Neyer loet aith in a good cause for.lar thse end it will wiix No doubtabcrut t.ý 4~owt Relief. llligbe M au SUTTON. The following story is ocipped frein the SaLton Herald, and certaiflly out- does Ananias, the Herald does net VOUch for the correotinese of the yarn:-Isroai Dent and Abe Lee took the contiract.to tell and et op a very large tre. on th~e tari of James Chambers, Esq. It was found neoessary to bave twelvts cross eut saws braced together iu order t.o cut the monster. As the sawe worked bard, "Be gosb, Abe," said loreal' "this will DeVer do. 1 don't mind you riding tbe 5&w, but 1 hate like blazes ter shove yOn back." Soeing two smali trees on either aide of tha one tbey were outting, Lareal at once bent tbe tops of theni in posit ion &Ld fastened the énds of th. saw in sucb a way that when one was sprnng in tbei other was out, and ail thas was nec- esmary wals to put the new power in motion. This being doDe they prooeed ed to t.ake down severa.l line feneel Le raake way for the falling tree. All that was required to keep the saw going w8 application of oil to tihe blade, whicb worked away inceaantly for twelve bours hefora the crash came. The ahocli caused by the f ail was plainly al2diable (;o soine) in thbe village. Adolph Char, pontier alleges that w bile waliag &long the lah e shore road5 the fali oft the tre. caused sucb conctission iat ils napped bis cday pipe off close tu- bis teetb. Scaffolding had been placed int posi- tion for the workmen te Mount while cutting thbe body inte suitable lengtbs. Tlhe upperinost limbe bave bten onti into barn timbers and ship spars. A bntich- ers' block tbat bas been out froin one ef the top branches was se large that the end of the butober &hop bad to be Te moved te get it oide. Parties wishing wood for the wintier had hetiter leave their orders with Ah. as Le is prepard Lo out it inte any lengtb desired. "Sol- id cord" Le ays, -eut in Ibloeks." TIreal estimatosa that az leags i100,000 rate came ont of a hole iu thbe trnnk. "Be dad, Dick,' he s'id, "lit beat ail how thbe rats got into the trea, eh? FAIRBANK'S Real Estato CoIumn, FOR SALE-A nice stmr and a haif bouse With 25ý of an acre of land,. corner of Dundas and Garden st7eeta,4 Whitby, with fine lot of choice fruit tre-e , goid stable, well and cistern. Ail in &rst class order. Will be sold cheap. Smnal Fram'± Hanse az'd Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Whxtby. WiIl be "Ild very cheap. Apply to Oct. 2S, 1896. L FAIRBANKS;' Auctioneer, Wlritby. NOMINATION MEETING. Serco'd Counly CouncilDivLz7nsws, County, of Ontario, lbeing Whitby Division, comprisir'g the Town and Township of Whitby.) Notice ta hereby given that a meeting will be heid pursnant to the Countv Cowicils Act, 1896, nt thé Town Hall, in thse lown ef Whitby, on DEOEMBER the 2lut, 1896. betweeti the bours of one and two o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of nomînating candidates fur the office of COVNTY COUNCILOR for the Serond County Cnuntil Division of the County of Ontario. If a greater numhber ef candidates are nomninated than are requit- ed to b. elected, the poils will b. opened at the polling places for eacti of the polling eub divisions within the said district on MON- DAY, J'ANUARY 4tf, 1897, the pois to con- tinua open frms nine o'clock In the morninia until five o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. Dated the eigbth day of Decenaber, t896. ROSS JOHffST&N. Ncrinating Officer. V/M3 VIOGOR, and V/TA LITY RESTORED IN 30 DAY&~ GOOD ]W"FCTS AT ONCE. CÂTON'SVITÂLIZBR 18c7, PaU1m, etc.- Cotrrcts ftuùuoal uSarders; câ.ued by eeraoroe is qnlckly restozine llet m5i1114 lçd or, young, givlng Wîgor and srex.» iëvie .for- mer wakoes prevani. ConvountpaëbaKe.ý simple, effectil, asud legilimat*. - CURE la QUIOX AND ?UQItiomG. Dlenti be deeved by lm ttle.s. Isalst o Cton% VU.lbmr. Smt *Wt l yrosr dtuq- stabousIA(4frt -nd O4T<>N KID.CD. OrôMeKAs 8t0May or9 fn VIGOR "10r té th.bai - "A ittie more than twe years 0~ 1? to turxi one bottle of Ayer's Ftai r Vigor my haîr was restèred te it8 original culer and ceased falling ont. An occasioflal application has since kept the hair in good condition."-Mra IL F. FEqi~Wcx,Di»gby, N. S. Growth of Hair. ifElght years ago, I had the varie.. laid, and Tbat my hair, which prev- oluly. was qulte abundant. I tried variety o0,,pailtioUs, but wîth- out benefici resuit, till I began wo fear 1 aheuld be permanently bald. About si months ago, my husband brought home a bottie ef Ayer'a Ilair Wzgpor, and I began at once to use t. I n a ghort time, new hair began te. appear, and there la now every prospect of as thck a groth Mms. A. WEnEB, Polymia St.,fhi sbeoem.lnej-, Orleains, La. AYER'S flAIR VIGoR ?RaPAZED 1B DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL MASS., U .S. A Aver'. PUIS cur e ik Headache. * reak LI a C--Od in Time Th' i , ia. nre -r P lCO t ureS In ï A cro~' f fif- Ù-.J à.-, e.'c ?ài;.s. It has I ;-' - ranv e il.er wedicaie furc',. io r h t r,.u>u-. H4. ()- BwRlti, of LicOs Rocher, N B..uritei : 15. . e trz reJin iire; iry c ties WjfL bÜAve ne abher. - Largo B -ttje, 25 Ct.. DAVIS & LAbRENCE CO, Lmro Proprietors, MosarazaL job.- . 'v PAIN T Famuy Pieu T~ken Int Dirrrrhos, Ccr S'~etrcrch, Sore Lc.ughs, et. - Uscd Ext T cjthach~ Fa RP.euma:sm F v - ~ .-~ - I, - - - r, - * - - Xi. * - s--: ~, ~l. i,.g~ Oie. bis r~i ,,i.r'r lueS.- e.. i..1 - - i". ,, ,-r, - teo ffer bi mcclý Make-s a r traugi. tend 'lb e u-Noie for eurtr seltect à nan te ha cornes outa.ba Lie i8 dowu on tt erung townsip. ofa.en derlared fi -Mr. Pecer sa, slsould he reprei in the reavas ch te furthr theur ance people of tý temperance me people Carl ainlv taniparanca mi la. la an old anr statement that etten vote politi erance pnr.cîpl. reasons teuLp.eri to carry. W - vters.-Tlsro w for the local opt ing se efficianîli the poiles the i themeselves to t reform. Ramei sustains'd bv a - tima, and shon] vail among it may.aven be points of law hi warking barn doubt as to the s-orks t-, the en barrooni propri stand soider for the rigbt, n snreiy pravail, voteas we talk caîve a sure dai rigbt is on thei and every tiie, hie muiseries ar sent a soiid froi ail its deatroyixc 19tb century ai tiiaaccursadtii power. Let n simple, and vý asauredly. Rev. Mcflen of speeial ses o'eiock each have heneruai ont on thbe ml their band to t Lave Manifesti4 failed tocorneg x tw the cbureb. tii week. AU; ceivuing iuood et The mpingi neigbbors and fore part oft thi mad and moci We retun uthi weatber clark. Mrs: Speneg -wuunterred in Monday laut al -~mremontha. 'Mr. Lawrens j bou e no v -~t iiewpreseni jsiodobt wall for winter beau Mr,. Jno. L - marseshook oet De wuaum aftcr serving -jaitbfnly by s1 11.any other - anezelleiyr inside and eut sihortiby. Thsed meeting wilb b. held bèef. she d day iu J*aui, J.897.-Gleaer., Ca a these -W ÉI 8I - il - te tl a w si

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