Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 1

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Thé ISisf WIEITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY,m 1886. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, 01MONICLE onauswasuusuncz. lu IS TO 8IIEVETOIM 6NLIL Miss Flarence Harris is on the sick liai. Mn@Ilai MicGregor bas been visiting la Oshawa at ber daugbters, Mas Fred Hoiok. Cali Q mMr Rohi Wilson bas made a sale ai tbree C ali O u ~~bcavy borses this weck to Mr Harkness. Mr Fred Newton's time bas expired stiMMr C X~/' T T~ T Mckey. IHe i. gaung ta bis home in Toronto 0 ' ' ~'> The tbank-offening service last Sundai- vas a suocess; large congregatian. gond colleictian, and 9a1d'be convinced that. an Elegant lune af the Rev Mr MicCaul preached a v.ry able and apprapriate sermon. FURNI TURE Three dogs have beensmakiîug the nightm -bld- -AND- çaround. h vould bu voit for aocnrs to know where their dogs spcad the nigbts. UPHOLSTERED QOQD3 As Messrs Wall anid Ed Hall bave gaitbrougb wit thir chol dysthcy are osng tu manage la belng aald ai away down psices to keep "nd ,ori, thc farm tbesnselves. Mr Joe Mc- litouch with tiheLIARD Tl NES. B rien, vbo bas lived with :hem for ton ye^rs. hasgane to liye vîth Mr B Weaîberalaît Salems. We wisshlm every succs la bis nev home, as Oak ve believe he was succesaful in bis liai borne. ÙeOk Leather Seat Cahier Meuars Herbsert aad Daniel Webster b>ave ker - - $2 2's farmed a parinership in vorking and managing Antique Oaks Piuah Rocker - 3 00 i tbe farm. Tbev bave erecied a wind miii an G«" slurge upholstered Easy Chair 4 50 Palot Sets, Oak, Plush & Tapeatry 18 00 Sideboards, Plate Mirror- 6 oo Bedroom Setta, 3 pieces 0-->O(> Dining Tabýle, 4 leaves - - 5 0QO Children'a Rockers - - - - Sa Ail other goods pro- portionally cheap! Everything sîtitable, 4 useful and ornamental. Repairing, Upholster- ing and Undertaking. Wishing yen ail the compliments of the WM. TILLI W H IT BV. Establi8hed 1849. Whitby Steam Maîble and Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. Smith, (Forrnerly Wolfeuden Works.> lm- ortrand Dealer wn MARBLE &Ni) RAITE MONUMENTS. Etc., of tue lateat nmaterlal and de-igns. Al jdnds of Cemetery 'work. Our work guaranteed. ,SE FOR DESIGNS ANI) PRICMs WÏ3TERM BANK 0F CANADA# theur barn, wbsch wiii run the shopper, cutting box, and pump water f1cm aL spring 64o iceç a way ino a tank an the harn. 1 he water pipe s csnnected vith thse bause aiso, wbere it can bu goi by jnst îurnang a tmp. Sa mach for progreas Wben we stand and watched the miii quieiiy and ~ea sily furîaisb the pawer ta do neariy ai the hrsework ta lai done an the faim for fibe m onîbs of the year, we couiti not belp but think wiih athers tbat t.has us LiTe beginaang af the horseless age. DR GOKLIN. The carpeaiers and masons have almnost com- pleted thear vork on Miss %Miloos bouse. Mr. R. B, Patt. lefi for Toronto on Tbursday where he yull arobçtbiy remain for the vicier. Mr lames %Sti bai been very ill vith a severe attack ef in4lammataon ai the iungs. We are pleaseri ta leara that he is nov gettlng better. Master Edigar Deiong. son ai Mr A M De- longz, bas bei-n suftering front a severe attack of an flammation, Ir3m vbuch hc ta nov reovering. Reeve Calder entcrtaincd the memnburs ai coum- cil and thse afficers ai ibe tovnship ai an ovster supper at the Sebert bouse on 1 ucsday evening. Some needcd repairs have tateiy beau madie ta the sidewalks in varions places, and tbey are nov said ta ho an as good condition as they ever were. - Don': fl ta sec aur handkerchief vindav We have extra values in ait kinda aif handker- chiet. ai prces romn 2 cents ta fi scis. HotU- day Bras. Mr John Whiieiord, vhosc iliness vasreport- Pd last veek. s stitl quite %ick. though bas con- dition is sooeewhat improvo d udie la nov tbougbi ta be utofai nger. The couricl met on Tuesday ta prepare the annual f6nanciat staterneni of thetiownship. The coilector ai taxes vas instructed ># owns p:ete bis rail at once and retura Uic rame te the treasurer. William Henrv Brooks azed si-yen years, sais ai Mr. H. H. Brooks, dieuin Toronto an Wed- nestlay, Eromnconstumption. Thse fanerai vifl. bu beld bef is (Friday mornbng), on arrivai ai the train frocs Toronto. Throngb a rnisundcrsanding oon my part the exarninaibon and eatctainmnuiIn thc junior division of thc achool was aunouned for lait Fridai aiternoon. l'le exercises are ta take place this Priday afuernoonaiat z. 3o. There are anc or ivo crossingu la this village thai get in a dreadfni condition dsjring a miuddy icrn, sncb as, vo bad luti veek. The ont îo front ai the baptW tcburch sperbapa varse than auy other, aud 15 usd sas mueh or more tban any other an Sisndays. We hope ta Sec a ioad or twa ai gravel put there befare ibm-c la any more mîsit Oa*tal Au±horized $1,000,000 Sincial tbanlk5aftering services viti ho hetd ln thse mcthadusu c rab neit Sabbutb ai In 3o andi hrpls 10,0007 P. m. conducted by Dr. Latnbly aud Rev. J. :S. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. Clake. Au open meeting ai the Souda>' scbool viii bu held lu tho cburcb at 3 P. M. Aosong JOHN COWAN, Esq., President others atidressos are expecueti front Rcv. Mr.1 RKLTEEN S. HÀstL', EsQ., Vice-Pres. Clake and W. A. Helliday, Esq. Tht chiidren T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier. thank offeringreeeived. Goueral B&nking Busines rsaestet. Mr H Meen bas again demoustratcd Uiat he la - Drftsissedpayble n at prtsof ao-one ai Uic motl sucosaful tai coltectors in ihe J)r&ts ssue, pyabl inall art of an-country. Ht startod ont ibis lafl viti s list tuai *da, United States, and an London, Eng- figreti up ta $ta,629 71, and ai thc isu meeting, ,Y#sd, payable in .11 par-ta ai Europe. 3;4ai' tIe îovnahp councili e reported Sxoez3.88 -e1-Cent. altowed on Savings Bank Deposits coliecceti, ieavng a balance out oi oaîy a 4nit ,and credited balf yeariy. over pot>. If auy monîcipality eau repnm-v à Special attention to Colktion Of more satasfactcry coilecison oi taxe than ibis, ve .'meira' sale notes. voutti like to auot l. Aa E. D. WARREN, Messrs Holliday Bros' disptar ai apecial à' Cristmas goods Zela v o vanseeini. Thcy L Manager ai Wblîby Brancis. I hndle s very extensive stock ai ail tim, but jtuat nov severat additional limes have been ad- W ded, vhich umkes their store ane ai the hi-st fil- 'S CN GýVZ OSfIONSto er'led in the coussuy. No matie: vhat klnd ai sons of ail grades of abîlity. Agents, Chrisutmas giftla requireti the vaut ea bu filhed Book.keepci-s, Cierks, Varmuls Sons, Law- aipi .a agng frais tva omis to a ss T Y'CTS, Mechanica, Physicians,* Preachers, cendý a beartIy nvitation ta the public ta came Suadeisis, Married sud Sinigle Wotnen, ln sud inspect tirtexbibitioil Widawa. Positions are vortia froua $4oo ta Tlie annuelt meetinagoettUn Preshyterian SUn- is,ooa per aunuin. We bave paid seeri-s of daym:col waa lil on Wedoesday evening.' agiur canvassers $50 weekly for years MaDy -Th. reportw preaeuîed by tise ofiscers vère ver>' -- ave tqtarted poor andi become rich wvus us. encouragiaug. Tht number of namSe on thiral 1atieuilars tappu application. -State saallaa is85, of whom mare thago per cent ar ehbureh *eixpected. membeïs, sud tise average teudance fSr Un -T. H. LINSC_ýOTT, Manager, To routa, Ont. year bas been 6o. Titenames af six membcrsafý ______________________the achool vere added to tise ral atchurch(meeus- rarder8 Iranted AtrNew Vears. Boaiti anti iodging for- ta,. Roam ta let suitable foi- students. uiet home. Apply Lt this office. Whitby. ece. ioth, 1596. TE WN bers duliog tise'yeu - Tise çollStcus ofi nis- sionary porpases sltsoutt ap&, Tisuflwiusg oMfm cers e oetcid -Supcruntendeut.-W A Holilday *.apat. sspt, j anses Sqith;scls, Fred Kerr;-: lns, james Keni. Te ht lrîsu=sésrices un ithse MthodWs churcb vil1 be bcd vet a da>'. las U i ms log Dr. .lsmbl- viii pei, in . e aiternooa au 23joiser-e vilt a emass ueeing aiSaishati ubhoesoosups"d worhoest w ,appropriaej .Iddresses wltl bô<wieis, and*in t e veSmsg Rev. J. -S. Clark oWhitby, viii coaducthte service:. iyl aflriiigsto raiso a iund ta tare* tie- --e ,'Y w g WUI be 4,=Q4t *i-UnU"4 trne aitihe University af Vienna under the In. sruction of Pnof Pbîllipovlîch and Prof Ihama- Sternegg be went ta Bertin, and subarquently ta Lci&psag. where be distinguilshed himseclian the seminar af Prof. Hasse i stadaîics, atnd also in that af Prof. Bubber ln potitical economy, being entrutte-1 by the latter with the translatîion, ia Englisb af his tmp:Irtant economie wark recent1Y published in German. The University at Leipsig has just conferred upan Mr. Wickcrt the degree ot Ph. D., his thesis and bis oral examination earnbng the highest enoaifuma from the examin- ors. Mr. Wiokett who taithe son ai Mr. S. k. Wicicett ofToronto. intenda ta prosecute bas studies ai Paria and at ibe University of Cam- bridge. This vide anîd îhorough training ia bus special sszbj ci nmsts fit hlm for a uselul career lu Canada or elsewhiere. Tbe Bible Society meeting was beid in the Baptist cburch on Thursday evening of last vcek. The night vas uniavorable but thes w8aA a fair aucodance. Reports were presecte by thc afficers. l'bat of the treasurer showed that the contributions from the twa divisions that bad been cauvassed i>y the coilec"%mesoted t0 neariy Sa>. A mouan vaO pased directing that the amoant bu seatoth ie Uppe Canada Society, haïf Q iih ;o bu forvardcd b theito, the patient aocicty in Engiand. Mrr 1C Vicheri gave te icnrsiaddreas, on *-The îhougbts cf Gad in the mnnds of men * and showed the groat necd there la for geitlng the Bible ino the banda ai mankind, ln order tathraugh las atudy dsey may bu filued with the îboughts aod.= Dr Lambiy was the neil speaker.ad Urgd contin- ued support for the aoclety because ai the char- .acier ot the vork thati h is doitag; becaus- ai what il bas donc; and becaise aifvIsai yet re- mains ta ho doue, la addition ta coagvegadion- ai oinging there were îvr> quartettes and a duet by young men belangîng ta the methodist and presbyterian congregationa. fLic officers vere re-eifected as fatlows: President, C A Ailems ; secreiarv, W H Heait; 'reaiaurer, W A Hall,- day -The depasatosi- ai thc socictv lsaiatHotui- da-y Bras' store. where a good stock of biblcs is aiways on hard. If thore are any in the com- munity wha féeci hcmscives ton ponr ta purohase a bible (which cao bis bad from î15 cents Up) they wiii be supplied with the sacred book fre af cost. W. A. H. DuaineasDirecte". BKALL, EL - [saner af Marriage Licoases. Reaidono. opposite Town Hall, Erocoin. W A McNEEL-, D V S.-Qoradusteof t he Oa. tario Veterlna.ry Collage, Toronto; Uanorarl meniber af the Ontariolo Mdlosl Bocloly. Tremis all! 4lsea9aesoaithedomeaticated animais by the muet a yrod method. Aiea paztioular attention tô surgcai operations and dantiatry. Day or nlght cmli. promptl7 attended to. Office and reidence Boki B. Duncan, merchant tallor, hms secured the agency for the Oshawa Steam Laundry. Laundry wtt! leave bis shop on Tbtirsday morning, and vîfl 1 returned on Saturaay. Ail work guaranteed saisfactory. Hastings & Manners, Oshawa Steam tLaundry.--2-tf. Coal oi-Canadian, 18 cents per' gallon ; Ainerican water white 23j cents per gallon, cash price. Get your cana filled nov, at Holliday Bros. Ra pijninq1 A large number of fieads and acquaintances followed ber romains ta Salem on Monday. The bereaved busband bas the sympathy of the people in this sari bour ai bis bereavecient. Mr H G Ward is endcavoiring ta commertie, a nlght school here for the benefit of those who are unable to attend day school. Every young man and woman sbau.d take advantage of this apporîuniîv af takiag up some ai the sub jects that would bu mosi btneficial ta îhemn in the futute. Mr Ward )s a first class teachea and everyane aid or vouriR that dont kaaw as much as tbey would lîke ta ahaasld go in for a botter cducîian and make ibis wintcr ane long ta ho remombured. Educationilasometbine a persan cannai get too much ai ssaliae a bold at tboys mnd ipend the long winter evenings ia a wai that wili always be a betiehî ta yau ln the journey oa ife. lmheoete Couacil met on Monday. Mr Ârcle Ewers is improving, and la able ta get oni of bed again. The members ai ib.- council b.d their pictures takren mot long siace. They look ean out of sagbL Mr Simpson Porteous, wbo bas reided bers for sorne time, bas moved ta the first concession of Reaicb. Don't forgef the Christmas fair bere on T'hurr- day nert. 2 Uth. The hills are out anaauncing prises, ec. Lt ibere bo a grand rally. A full atteadance ii requesîed as thc Sons ai Teuinerance Iadge on Monclay eveniag, as busi- nesa of greai importance will bu braught before the mieeting. IlTe deatb ai Miss Jennie Dixson here an Tuesday week, vas deep y feit by ail who knew ber, Deceased vas cidesi daughter ai the lie Robt iion, who operaied thc aid red miii hein.e Mr Beare came bei-e. Tbe general public viii beaur know Miss Dixson as scbooi teacher in au r pobtic sohool here, a position which bas buen held by ber for many year. Most af out young folk Ilis ova went ta ber for instruction. and haVnig cbenshed a gi-et friendsbip ihrougb ber moat kmd ways, vo uaturally became very mach attached tusfber. Mie: the death af ber father and suother. vbith aoccurred aimoat ai the same pie.sse and ber brother William stili occupied ,the bonze here and puraued thour dal dulies as belote, la a short trne ber bealtb fallcd ber. and luat summer she resigned ber position lu the sphioolandi vent ta live vithbahr sier. lMr. S. Barreit, w'lîh tbe hope af regaining ber former hcaltb. But insicad ofibtha se gradually saisit and lý the blooof ai 1e the angeis sumnmoned ber. Ourdepartcd friend yul bc gready missed, as sbe vwas an active vorker ln the Sabtath scbool, and Sons af Temperace lodge. The <tneMal vich taak place on Thursday week. vas largely -atended The fiunerai vas condmet- cd in the methadist church here by the Rcv Mr Wethcrall. Thse childi-en af the neiglboe bond, sud amny associstea of deceased pald their Jasi tribute ta their cacher and friendb!l eacb plagciag a bouquet in the casket. The Iremains were interred ia the meihodist oernctery at Utica A brother William and sister, Mns S Barreu are the Wylvunes af the iaunlly lefi. Our deepesi syrnpstis witb <hem and relatives li nir st ad bem'awvenn GREENEAMIK. To onr many Friendii and Oustomers: -v A MIL±Rt I LJ18TWM&b IV UONE ,AND) ALEï,' ~ We propose having a Grand Christmas Bargain 1FestivaIý1 2 Weeks of Bargain Days, Coommonoinîg Fi'iday, Duos 1 lthp,;- andi continuing until after Christms Day. Every day a Cash Bai-gain à y Our weekly Frîday Burgaia Day. are not enough ta distribute the ny gnod thingu ve have bought speoially cheap for our holiday trade. We are londed with useful, aervioeable, sensible presen sumrpaasing an'. thing vc have ever offered before. Variety, Quality and Value. Our- whoie large, veil assorted stock in offered in thia sale at specially re-,.- duoed prices for cauh. EVERYTHING AT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES. Have you bought your Ohristmua presente ? Bniy buyers get the beat select.ioua, and it in lime tps buy nov. Remember Our Cash Xmas Sale Before Purchasing. A.ROSS P' gi di ho d ar tm fo "'"'"'-' "' ê~'~'"~ Auulgis have beeu expccted the-i eveutof this week that bas eugaged Ml -FOR- tieattention of ibis community ta the w exclusion of everything else vas thset ,~,< g, j*ing services of the new metbodiati- Cash Buye s !curch. Thse roads ou Sunday vere p. about as bad as they could be, but that i Gt~u D yWin prevent thse people rmc - Ail departaientsarn nov ftslly stoced isums aaiy cd eice vith reissesoabe ROd. ui 'P' The first service was conducted by the h il Xtns display exgeeds ail paut efforts Rev Amas Campbell of Bellevillé, viso in variel>' apd interest. A hearty in- preahed a grand sermon froin thse1 vitation in oxtonded te, ail ta examine this stock, wbich viii ho rami> for in- txt, -"Behold a greater than Solouson au qpactiion by 15th t.i here. " In thse afiernoon the pulpit In urspce e auoul i>' patil vlla ocupdby thse Rev B F Strauon l o argaspa btce ve Oa gv he ndin.tise evening by tise-Rev Th<*< plian de of ba-aia at CAHese v l ve h.,Campbell, president çf, the conference.M pun rgtbli nierivsaIOS iibyThe choir, reinforced b>' some extra.g vheu rougsî hre -voices, did ibeir part well,, and Mr Scaied Herrings, new, 2 boxes for- 25e~ Coxali of Uxbridge,. gave two solos BR Samon, 2 Cana for 25C. viicis vere higisly appreciated. -Tise Codflsh, boneleas, 5 cents ponnd. cost of the entîre uundertakcing, includ-< Nuis-Alinonds, i3e ; Piliseris, im , Wal- nutois, 1; Peanuis, use ; Brazils, 13c. - g gi-ùnd, sheda, sidealks sand fenc- A- Figs,~, Se &and i 5 per pounif. îng,-wîili amoutitt neai>' #640o,-sud Lemon or Orange Peel, i5c per potud. after deducting tise cash sand sub-ecrîp- White 8S ,bs o anrY b jn i for~ Sap bet or aunsy ~ be~~OlSréceived, left about #g400 >'Ct 9 V White Castile or Oatnseal Soap, 8e bar. -ho provided for. To mec: this amount 'w Buitermilis Toilet Soap, y a calte. an appeal was made at çcdi -sevicè "Il Comb Honey. Se, iouanamu 3e a sectiat. by the. Rev 'A Camapbel.vWho may Rice,6 ibs for 2,W.îruly ise sgid r.ýo be- a profeionl Baniey, 4 cents!l. -r ç Pearl Tapioca, 6 Ibo fer 25 cents. th4i linr,çof business, for 'sa tga Sîlver Glosa Starcis. 61ib tins- for soc. h. bhggar description.' As a reu:f Standard Grauvlated Sagar, 23 ln for $> i, peloe$~» m asdl Dried hruits. al eieaned. o. - in Currania, j', iIsfor ac olcton ad sbçsros-O Select Valetuala Risins, 3 lb. for 2~e. Monday'-thse rood i -werebcttI - sud Sultans a is"itsc lb. another, crowd e9tialy as laige, came Nufla, edS. (roým cvery poe-of uiecwpo.Tise' p Mixed Candies, 4 Ibf se fi ais sdmd Ginm DIops, -ie llb-es i àd m J~prepar-atioQL Chocolate Dropse, Ise 1b. ýTi. way thse hungry ctrowd ',àèvoured,~ Maney de, 10Ib.fcatnsu aa n roasifowl and other daî'iiislea waa, grist abuudsue, ai se2U 8, t u ~ souething appalling, .bsit>- -ùs susli n -,o Fauey-SiUk Hsisdker*hlW ai 8.. un z Ï&renbank tise ladies verée piatots 1& 50 ad 75r occasionl,-sud aU werc filkd 4-,endmainy 1 Vancy China and 'r'bisvarc; Tors'd niai Ater Chlldren's looktg froSt5c ta oc s Bibleat ylnBooke. Sooklet» -Pocket apà a r ut a1 U of t, b -,lze1th Tle Cnliery, eIloi -gaa irer i'4ùrchï wiil as e*e i-Thé, pxted viare ,an ia4nred n oa ilïe r,-ýst th eute~o wivyct imes p1lisultable fbra t uea- gi., » -Be s1re ta e ties. befôre, iüakiug -any,,, purcbases. Mr-Ci fr>t -se.Il lthe - utgalI ü4 iprèseit tlueE u0s ia- -w I »ibpr. Wù * LT Piaimy. Kennedy returned borne on &on The ade yull have tlir annuaI iater bis, Frlday,- evenlng at the h. et. jas. btrettarned liai Fniday tram baria w bas been iaking instructions t i Cuit hum Harvey lu ail rigisi nov, he w_ Move. nia and tradesmen have laid ln sud made good preparations for Éi e hisirnas traite, several oif tbem lave ood wndGvlslas Don't foi-get ou- Christmas ta ir nexi Tues- fay. Good prises are offereti foi poultr'y, od cash boyers vilI be on hand ta boy nercbantable prodoce ihat may bu offe,-ed Or sale. farme-U, ho sure and attend the (armera' cestile meeting lu thse towsithallt ber. on deis. bMdieill, Oisff 'ad Elioé ittUideliv- .r addresses.. Messs. James Renule and James Leasis, wo, of our noed cattle breeders, ver e ltie iuelpb fat caitle show and dld vel.Mr-. ennle secured 4 prize&asd Mr. Leaslk 6 on. sel- fat caile. Tieyoungpo.eple ami thse beys ausd gM ne lsaving lois of fun <bene brlght nimlIgt, menings skating on thse gs 'le.On ruesday eveaing Il vas esilsnsed 9<batIi-ee mndred and over ver. on tise tce-skatfg. Tihe aunual commneent t<bi- thse 1pie- Smiatien àai dip otnds aud cenattuct aO.the ;secessio candidates -for -tise yeor - z# villb he sld in tise tovu,,III ou TWidy .vessing, Dec. 2msd,at,8 o'e âkpÏIju1 Ad- Misions freç, a&Uai- elcmn* Leok at anes' enut * maw dme. R. 7,; ,an dcSk-no tlde bëe. h- it a godrepreseptqîýSlo*a &Mcàcsd ea nade ont o»s a suil tles and shsiahat ýLob-Wlckuvar a-sttssmy nOw dressuer. rchft ohid Offl zoue nenjoyable 4tHoe osue4yineong laut, maiiui 1prug=a -e pleisd'.edvitbb veut- ýLunch vas served dur- àeverul sdeqts af ndScugog hý ave tria su aIlqor gress.; -Thse'*bùcà a- for tise _pub Lc' 1thée hoteilan va visicisblisoilcîtar Thuirsday, evening &M. chîccih -n tihe, &SONS, Suffice il ta say thse ny. gentleman gave it in thai racy style for vhich ho is noted. If <hase viso heard him vere to put his pre- cepts into practice al wonld be the better for it. The choir rendered efficient service. W. J. NoTa'. PRO$aiT, eterw sui i$foraà-good deaI/essn than is iasked >by I other undrtaker. '- Work ai Low Prii iA88opHFurniture ý*,-XI Le l8i A. ROSS & ~-~0OR~ loue$ anfy W. --J. NOTT, lMAwAGER.e; Port Perry, --ont. rai- a thse me- forI C as. WJiitbyAr of Eglili, 8otohand, ma#M3g andê Trowuer-ý roz 1F are extrenseiy gooo., .1 0 ý ýXmn,ç 1 4

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