PERS VhxcyDepew calis .."d many of yotur ueigh- bora Who are corapetent judges are foud in their praîse of this most indis- pensable writing impie- Me. 'Gold IPens, * in Silver, Pearl and Ebony Hoiders. DIANTY ....GIF1 ... JEWELER... CircUla- S53 mylOOa ù ppe taCana". FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1896 !.QOÂL LÂOONICS. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, oniy $5, ai W. Tila. Good chocolates only 25 cents per pound at D. Mathisons. Listen ! Dont buy a atove utitl you see Jake McIntyre. Don,t (ail to huy your groceries at Hay- wards', it Wall Pa ~ou well. Wm Ames, TbRh Island, is ini jail here for attcmpting to kill is amother. He is insane. Barbrain dav ai Tnd'i; on Saturday. Pea- nuu, walnut, alrnond sud cocanut taity, onaly a 2 cts per pou nd, wo th 2o. Go over to the Ontario Ladies' Collegr, tonight, Friday, and hear Miss La Delles elocution. She is far faxned. 2,5 cents. Mr. Sarna Kernpthturn, the genial cierk in Halch'gs hardware store, lias recovered from ast svere attack of inflamimation and is agaiti behlnd the Counater. Mr% Childs, of Port Whithy, had the mis fortune to (ail on a piece of ice one night lass weuk. puttîng her knee ont of jint aod bruising berseif considerably She is pro- gressing as favorably as can be expectedl. Chas F Miller, painter and decorator, is at Newport's carrnage shop, wbere he will be pleaacd to do ail kinds of carrnage paint ing ini first clasaa tyle. Sigu writing. inter- lot decorationa and everything in the painting Une pro.nptly attended to A great miany farmners having got al the work possible out of old horses, and selling themr for whatever they wili bring, aud îhty are heîng taken t0 the cita' in droves where ~ they are slaughtered and fcd to hocs. The trentmritntthe old and faithful servtnts re- cciv e is brutal in the extremne. One would think that a life of a faithfl servants wouid entte an old horse to as painiess a destth as poss.ble but the glitter of a (e dollatrs de. stroys the mnemory of the past and the old horse is sent awýy t" starve tntil its turn shali corne to go into the cauidrota. I ncubators Match chickens by the bundred. Hot water incubators made to order in i2w. 2o0, 300 iand 400 egg capacity. W. H N EuBERY. Whitby. Ont. Offlcen of the Bible Socety. The officers of the Bible Society elected at the annuai meeting laat Friday night were; President, MAajor j E Farewell,Q C:; Vice Presidents, Dr McGllivray and the es-i'dent ministers out the gospel utembeis of the Society; Sec >Irreasurer1ý Mr Rosa Johns- -ton, Depoitry, Mr A H Allen; Committe, Messrs Dr Gunu, D Ormiston, as Madili, t jABrown, Rev j S Clarke, 1 D, WM Wicka, j Bloc, Wm Robson, L. T Bar- clay, sud 1 F Paxton,. Coletate concert. Tic collegiate concert ou Tuesday even- Jing, the 22nd inat., promises to be one of tbe most pleasiug entertainmente given by the literary soclety for mauy years. The pro. ~mme lu addition co ringr, dumb-bell. club and rille exercises cili contain a japanese weddiug, japanese fautasticessud a militai y equestrian tournameut. The Whoie ciii te gîven cith Calcium ligrht effects. Admission j5c.,; reserved sas ioc. extra. Plan opens st Alins drug store, Fridry morning, Dec. 'J 8th, at 8.3o. Ho for lunes, et Home. «Sdphen nd, ti o aietsnd toStenhusom nnd, Shiabndcela cet British Columbia, Manitoba. Catforula, ail United Str tes aud Canadisu ponts, an y- where, evêy che-re. boat, rail or ocean. Rates guarauteed right. Through ticket& from Pickeriug, Toronto, Myrtle, Brookliti and Whitby. Those lnteniding le vlslt the Old Country for Chrstmas should loue -no time lu securÃŽng berthe on the Outgolng steamers sund eberebv m*ke their journey more conifotable. Lat year motny cho miade the tIlip ciere sorry chu>' dtd not secure their berthe farther &head' and get better scoopone Heh Brou.)Whltby9.eStehn acon odawt. l e. or ri ttOE. Stehe traývellinjg, and get choice of ton beet occam * ste'amship lises," sud laettiracys. Hie office open frotus7 5. IDRtI .M l A Horefle T989047- OntMouod*ythe lOWa as couay cm horwid to bl dent latwb@ipaae this vi- Mcr go et »tC; Taffiéy où1y k8c. Lon Saturdqat AlilSaints' cbdilt w**,t to Pickering lasi rslghî to oint at an qnîertainvuenL. 1. No* for a delutê cfimud to equaUe that of lut year--upthing could surpasa il., -& R.B. Hïà yward will give bgbargains lu ail depta on Saturdi#, do't miss thent. Remnembet D. Mathuio's IhetiiOpnce te get the very best of candies and confec- 6 piece soil&wainut parior suite, plish, with silk plush bands, for $32, worth $45,a: W. TiI's. Nut tsffy on Saturday only 12 cents per pound. regular 2o cta, a: Tod's the ieading confectioner. W. H. Piper kceps repaIra for ail kinds or pumpa. He has the best windmill for sale. Wells cieancd. io percent discount on dress goods and 2o percent on boots and shoes, at E. R. B. Hay- ward's, Saturday. We guarantee a larger* circulation than any five papers lu the county, and inaert amail advcrtisements at 25 cents per week. Nothlng nicer thAni oui speclal gnld cm- hossed photos for Xrnas presenta. O'Brien &Stedbamu's photo gallery, open eveî y day. A stranger g-ot awful drunk here on Wed- ncsday and paqsed soutb so druuk that it took about twenty (cet of walk for bis wob. bling 4é per cent. losina macle on weil improved farms. Write with stamp enclosed or cmlion Reynolds, Starka & Co., 124 V ictorria St.., Toronto. A nec commissioner for taking affidavits in thc bigh court of justice In and for the Connty of Ontario has been appointed lu the person of Mr. V. M. Rare of Uxbrldge. Mr Thos Deývereli is la èug out to greatir extend tbe yards and sta les of the 11oo6= ruf bouse. Whcn finiubed they will be more, extensive than those of any other hotel in the county. For the slxth consecutive year, Hon. John Dryden bas been eiected President of the Arnerican Shropshire Registrv, whicb met asat week in Madison Square G:arden> New York City. Prof Clark, of Trinity Coliege, Toronto, ilii lecture in the music hall on Monday, 14th Dec., under the auspices of the me. chancs' institute. Subject, Il The Watet Babies." Geo M Hillary is a. member of McGill University, Moutreal, glee and banjo club. whicb will visit Oshawa on Tbursday, Dec. 3znt. There wili be a large contingent of Wbitby people present. Don't forget the great bargains on Satur- day the .2[st at the New Sboe Store. Boots and Shoes wortb Si, $2anad $3, for,-o, 75c, and Si Ail kinds for men, comen and cbildren. Everybody cail and get snapa. M W Colline' Red Store, eut #ide. Whilst not able to avatil ourselves of the opporînnity aflorded ba' the Whltby choral soeiety t0 imnprove oui talent for singlng, we doubt if so good an opportunity cas ever afforded choir -4ingera and other vocalias of this town to learn to sing lu public. The membership (e cill be very sinaîl for week- ly lessons romn Prof. Harrison for monitha. Our choirs shouid soon show the resuit of this grand musical work. Do Dot forget the clocntiouary to, be given thia Fiday evening in the Con- cert bail of the Ontanto; Ladies' College by 0I ias Marietta La Dell, a graate of the Boston School of Oratony. Sie is vcry higbiy spoken of as s cbarxning elocntion- ist, and an intenesting and chaanming entertaititfeut may be anticipated. The Rev T De M ltt Talmage speaks of ber in the following termes: lu gives me much pieasure to add my commendation to the many you have receiv- ed, as to the charming nature of the enter t.iinmcnt presented by yoursel(. 1- have heard you, and may say, that 1 cilI eait with utmost impatience for your retur,that 1 may again enjoy youî delightful and artis- tic programme of reritations. The numbers piven by Mies La Dell cil! be interspenacd with vocal and instrumental music by pupilti of the college. Admission 25cts. For Raut. Tie residence of Dr. Aikma~n, Byron St. (Houck house). Immediate possession. Htoua Made Bread Parties wishitng the above can be suopiied by calling ut the residence of Mr. Henry Gould. Photographs.I Henry & Pntnea'. /~w* S ding photo- graphers, cwlpsy.4-tdot0ss ge are (rom WVhitb', on alilordeV tho*n îng 10 Iree dollars. SSo Wasttad 500o people are wautcd 10 attend the enter- tqinmcnt to be given b>' the pupils of bbc Collegiate la the mtic hall on T-ueaday evening the 22nd ise The piano fund needs increasing. Hockey The hockey club la ucgogatlng cith Ur. Barnes for thc use of tic rink on Monday, Wcdnesday andA niday eveniug. A fnl meeting of supportera and players it called for Ibis Frlday evcning at 8 p. m. atich Royal hotel. cheap Prlan&" and lbag. Tic CHRONICLE doca the cheapest print-" ing and olers the locet cubbitig- prices of any paper lu Canada. Cati ai this office chen you caut newapapera or prnting. Tise We.kly Globe. Thc Weekly Globe bas becs enlarged to 16 pages, sud is noc unsurpassed by any ccekiy paper in the country'. We make a speciarty of clubbiug the Globe and CHRON- ICLE at $1.25. A LovelyChrlstmai Wok. A beautiful Christmas workr is out. lt-tsaa Christmas Editon lof the Wifd Flocers of Canada, issued by tie Manrwa Star. It ta creatiug a furore. Premier Laurier- crote the pubishera a moutenetbusiastic letter on the Wiid Piocers pub'lication, and it cas followed b>' eulogies from Lady Ahqffleen, Sir Oliver- Mowat, Sir Charles Tupper and aIl thc principal -ariste of Canada aud the States. Mr. Nectostins chractr. If auytblug werewanint) show tic truc character of!ber. S M Newton. of the Gazette, it là pupplied b>' an Incident whieh occurred 11>15 ceek. Mr. D) W Macdonald, postmastcr at Brooklls, like mout otiser P. Mea, is agent for a numÃier of necepapers, and in securinq .pbscrîbeza look occasion to say that liecd lic .coid give hoer ivaine to poopie than lie>" gZetilu-the Azette.- This ny agent bas a righîte odo, but, Mr Newtop. plecbed loto Posttusster Mlaedonald la the azette charging ir iüwth sielectlng;bis ditls, wth cent cf courto,ï., etc.- Mr.- Macdonald at once ctete to -Mr. Newton jtialbbuçgsllboetbe~e5sastlreatenwug toen o tne~lr'eveucoeb penpti>', statlng that la; bad iteetionafly a n olaiigit' pou Postn>astert Mac d4uld# tisat Il Wo"p à 'dO o oge te-sue ca l ounty rate s: Tre. Cail and aee our Hippy Home h. Rag= .Stoarepapes roc. Dr iscIik. W~ .> The suuken and broicen plank crossings' are beiug takten up this week ar'd a high ridge of ciuders substituted. The St Audrew'a aociety returus thanks to ail Who heiped at the St Andrew s con- cert ou Nov 3o and to those Who attcndcd. O'Brien & Stedham's piatîno photographs [are the fincat ln Canada, make an appoint- ment to ait for smre, gaileîy open every day tiIli mter Xrnas. There wns a very good attendance at the parlor concert given by the WC TU atMrs- Barcay's on 'Ionday night,andthic pro. gram was declsred fiast lu evcry res- pect. Great siaughtcring of boots and ahoes stili continue at the ncw shoe store, east aide. si and Si.So boots for .5oc. Everybody wel- corne to have a par.-Corne esriy. M. W. Collina. The collegiate institute entertainment bas been postponcd (romn the i8th 10 the 22nd inst., in courtcsy to the public lîbrary coin- mnittee wbo have engaRcd Prof. Clark for the 14th inat. %fr .jno Vipond sold two loads of hay here Tuesday, one of which weighed isoô Ibs. equal to 75 buahels of wheat. Re anteuded to bave hauled both loada to Toronto but foîud the one far too heavy. The Uxbridge nmarket ie proving a succees. A large quantity of produce is offéred and cash buyers takte chat suais; those who ex. change goods for produce takes anything snd everytliing The prices keep good and evhrybody seerus s atlsfed - The celebrated elocudionist, MisS La Dell, of Phladeiphia achool of oratory, wiii give an elocutionary recitail ln the concert hall of the Ontarlo Ladies' College on Friday, Dec. rîth zSg6, at 8 p. mn. Admissiou z,5 cents. Furtber particulars nexe week. A movement is on foot among a numb er of Toronto business men to cloue their places of business on Saturd.ay, Dec. 26th, the day foilowiug ClirIsmas. Such a holiday, ex tending 'rom Thursday night to0 Monday morning would be a grand rest fo many busy people. Henry & ~4ip tht edlng photograpb- ers of 1sjus are making their finest photos zo *r t~. lower uhan tbe loweet price inu îhis vi inl y. This jas rare chsnoe ior Whiîby 'le ~stbey are the very berne phot-'-sansd iv ry ,e guaranteed not to fade. For Saie At tbc residence of Dr. Aikmnau, Byron-st. A large quantity of household goods. St Johns cbnrch. Thec Rev Bernard Bryan, of the church of the Epiphanv, Toronto, wili officiateon Sun- day next. T'he Holy Communion cili be sdtnanititered at the close of the morning ser- vice. Fluait Battis Picture aes iproduced. Such is the Canadian artist Kelly's spirited paititing, *The BattleofQuccnston Heights," reproduced ln f urteen colors as the premium picture for Ibis year's beautigul and thnr- oughly Canadian Chrlstmnas number of To- ri#nto Saturday Nighu.. Daugiter of St Androw The young ladies of the above society ciii give a social in the basement of St. Andrew's churci on Wednesday evcningj'he 3oth 10Gb. when, in addition to a first dams literary and musical programme refreshmenbs ln abun- dance wilI be served. -Admission 10 cents. A Big Shipunent Of buotsasd shoes arrivcd aI the West Side Boot >nrd Shoe store this week, which wull be sobd at hard tinte prices. ion pairs of house slippeis at 9c. pet pr. uoo pairs of buttoned boots At Si pet r. Mena' gaitera au $; per pi. Mens laced boots at $i to 15- Boys' scheo boots at 5oc. per k r., at thc West Side Bfft and Shoe store. Collegiate Extension Lectures.- Mr. H-ogarth gave the second of the popu- lair cou rse 9 Extension Lectures at the Collegiate littitute -iast ,Fiday afternoon. Ris address dealt with astronomny, ancient and nmodern aud cas of a "ot jeteresting nature During the a*ernon readtnga cere given by Misses Breeti, Vanvalkenburg and Surnthï, an essaay by M iss Gilpin sud a chorus by the g tee club. Mr. -fred Dà vey Àctedas claairman. On accounft cf thea4chool cobncert in the towu baU -on the nnd inat. the courý-e ciii not be coutinued tÃœilt after New Year's. Sont.Necuaper SU&pe. $i. The WeekIy1;Sun, (Farnera' ýSun'l, 8 pages. chieflv controlied and edited by Prof. Smith, sud THE CROONICLE, 'npages et county' newe-, la'a1 6 pages weekly, foir$à toisa t4 89 $ t.25. ,, 4~ky 1ob,.i,6 pages. of generai news wcekly, sud'Tise CHRONICLE, 8 p gçsof liical news weekIy, :oJan. 1, 1896, ÃŽo$L5 $2. The Satutdae-véitEsnfile,Iý4- pages iliustrated. the Weekly Mail-Empire, and' Tus CiptoNicu, -for $ira yccr (ýhe p!ice of thse Saturday mal atone.) ta. p. The Toronto dfly Wôrtd m u CHItoNIcLES82.5o pet annutu. These are not briier plate sheets printed in Toronto type foundries sud palmed off on the public as newspapers. The Canadia Amanae Wc have juat receivc4 a Cop )the, Cana- dian Almanac forr 8j, th ii.fltenth publica- tion of this haudy book. le us somechat larger than usual, coniprising 35a pages. lu addition to its regular deparnments, It con- tains a short hlstory of Canada, givlIng pain- cipai evetits of Iutercst Io Canadians -chrono- iogicaly arranged, an historically dair>' o tic years 1895-96 sud a ver>' Interestingar- ticle ou the Kinga Lo*'aJlsts. Thc rcgtlat deparemenftsare ikm usuýe g Cdate, a pont office gazette, -of tic Dominion, glulg te sanmes of everv place l ic DS'Iominion, with te raiiroad line on wh"k octed gv -the nearest ralca>' -stion. Thu off&' icat 4iiti or' comprisesa uti lisi of the cIerge, niltuI, eand goveruant-ofliclaie, biovl.cialan&; sciiocis sandcolleges, barrlsters. saitio ft' nouaries, etc l'ils umqful suad lsandy biýz>k is for sale at thee usuel place&-s. fU 1"we'. copy early.-'- The. Whltbr Ch"ralSodlet. .AtIioéugi thc w wo a favotziblc (or siera %U * N. Corne 1,, 4 To~'ro !o1co~e. Good Line 3 ets.,5ct. Fancy Handkerchiefs i. BE SURE TO SEE OUR SILVERWAÂ.mI 1NI doz. Teaspoons, ~doz. Teaspoons, Sdoz. Forks, Children's Sets, - - 15e. - - 25c. - 25c. - - 25e. Jewel Cases, - - 25C. Butter Knife and Sugar Shel! 25c. Ëilver Teapot, - $2.50 - IJIf - & .LDUQ A See our Ne*v Linen Doylies at 5c, Se, 10 each. Aprons in white and colored, 25c. New line Gents' 0:E. STEWA De Sure 6pS Fancy Xma8 New Table Napkins and Table Cloths just .to Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Caps, at very loveat p Jj~,. XMAS cou§ Bei'ng heaviy overstocked, we have decided to make very SP19CIAL RCDIUOTILONSf IN pURS until Jan. let. You will flnd a large and varied assortmenit to select yonr gifts frorn, in FANCY GOODs, TOYS, CAMES, BOOKS and Y4OVELTIES, also a flue selection cf Raphael Tuch & Sons' I/LIS (L4RDS and jCALENDERS, (the fluest ini the ivcrldl,) aud the Prices are Right. Corne eariyaa the choicest articles fare lesseumng every day. Bargains wiil be the otder of the day for Holiday Shoppers. We will try to piUse yo. atisf y yo,'sd meet your wants, and wish ail our friendesud patrons a Merry Xrnas and a Happy Now Yo.r ]EL S. OO]EjM ýQX0 DEV3BEML'8 I LOmK, BOOK T. Subseriptions for any Newspater or Magazine for the New Year ut Pnbliîhero pnCOB. ,. 18969 Wis We 5r EH RISTM-A-IS, of Bar 1887. * Hall -for Our. Customerm i. '97« 4< a a .AN NOUNCEMENT, Viii be,, one a-