is getting oteofrs(e)oiPo rdto- -1 d a position in the a e agtrsrsdne iefml .,nailwrà y Company have hauledcolsoeded Sewa72ersf ,eir coal frotr. the lateTo CieI nA ~~~1. f ~~~~~~~~eichpr ha@ goie to Cote St Paul to enter WieAbr twro h t ocs AS Whiting wnrks there. so fUbsgwsi htyarnig u The five mnemberî rtf Mr Langmaid's familythaszsrcetyhibrnadtsCn hewho have t:,en ill ofefver are doing well. tetwee und Mrs H Robhîns, who has been viritiniZ ber Stwrssuicosf nayogma h Makedanghter in Preston, bas returned home azain. naeGo.Pcetwowaemledn ore rakin fal and L 1 CorveUl reports business very qcîîet in sncb Vîtu catn fot afford to parts or the United Sta--s as he visited. th ban icetwosa.tle ek these liard tim us. F4 Whitine leif on Semurday for Cote St Paul. M adta eadWlrdCafr a dihe Haris elieredan ntersî-He will occupy the saine position there that he soe asfoutehr o rwod .(d instructive lecture ta a appreciauve hdbr.bre u htte le h aut oe tit unfortunatelv smiail audience last even- Mrs Archie C-raven, wife of the eléctrician foir pterci. ing in St. Gregory church, touching on the tbe Osi,wavf R.ailway Co., la lYing very ill ai the Meao tethttyhasilain *orkings oif the church and explaining many Brook House.tniosnreadoGoge hapsbr tiînga connected there with whîchi were Miss Vattie Keelet antd Mise Almanda Rond na odod twSt od >e Sme th, nterrsting to church members as weil as tttpnded anniversarv services ai the metbodist mnaladsm aeteter hth ~~eî rs, 9 moîîîhs athers. <~~~fhurcb, Bowmanville, on Sunday last. aoei uly n styn qda rw Town Coundil Trhe lampa't the B3ook Hcanseh bas hrned ont i o aehinef i ec 4ý,\ila .Mucand it L% mnch missed. It is some five weeks Teyugmnwr retdado )i h, Wjo illiI Mouliec e.o Met Mondav night. A letter wvas iead now since this ligbt bas been ont of service StuayItaperd eoeMgirte tî ~r Jon Mo ic. iomerl offrom Rev. A. B1 Demili urging the tovfl to A petition is beîig circulated skiniz the gov- lmreta sela odod >,td ears anîd 7 motiths. cancel the mortgage on bis property, as he dUon eapin rn oem-n" iqse Ca, Dr. L-undy, Toronto, wa% in towfl on Fr1 had tulffUed the conditions of the lease as tc herment to apo rpor Cotha Mr RbnmasrCnyCowAtreyFrwlprsc- dav last loiîng over the groutîd with the ten years colleRe work with 5o or more hr.Teesn eotta nRbn a dadJmsMClogo tuvle vie to taking ovt-r Dr Patterson's denltal pupils The reqtiest was ordered te )>e co resigned.denedterioes rooma tram D)r \Vîghtman. aedwt Te omcla.ntfebyîr About ten of the olti hands eitbîe <'edar Dite b YOn Mondav the i4th the mistion circle of C. A. Jones that the Board of Health was la; CorekS aul e ntiied posritosi thmels fact Rai simcoe lit methodist church will hold a sale in looking after things, and allîîwed weter Cte S s)t aepstos itefcoyMe.estrsetSna thne and hi 4 o~~~~~~~~~~~f things suitable for chrtstma in the lecture closets to be dreined into the town sewers. hr.M art ile red oeo ndy an iroum. A programme wîil be giveti. Silver ihus ceusine stenches et the cesspools and Fred Rainies, Cobourg, bas been persnanpntly M elbsnûe uM ezeodsbue tcollection. e.ndangering health. Mr. Jones has instruc. appointeti switchm-in oit the eqbin mn fi1) the ve- south, ~~~Mr Wm Mounce, a former resident of Osh ti"ns to appen) te the Provincial board of ca'c on'&* 1w the death of L A~ Smith. M isHml pn uda tbrhm u a i sou00 Oshawa. aws, died nt his residence ii Toronto lest healtb. Mr. Glenny, as a membrer of the Mlothersili fîlleti the oition satisfactorilv and i ot Pry o Satudayend is bdy ws brughthereboat d of health. stated that its went of action <vas bopeti he would ho aDponlted permnanently M aynsiieajv t or 0rl~ n on Mndayand urie mntiteUnio cere- s owing to tle fact ibat Mr. Trewin, the N'e strantzer 15 welcomp &I) the saine and makesgeugos. on ter . H a e an id o in d the U n o ngn e chair miati, would not take action , being one onec m re te OU T population. chilrye ae wdwad w o of the parties whose closets eenpty loto, the Hugh Bots, Toronto, were at the Brook M rc' eety )u in beial ~0 hr nct chlden amtu îîîeuar on 0gv ewers. Upon discussion it was fonnd thai 4-nnse lest wpek. They are the pamntobrs whoCbcbasuîateddoSndyvnlg zu i.>iif nenTe ater umnt sometame ging Januav. the. by.lâws ofthe toua <mntSt question aehiave the cnîrset for decorsrine anti flnishingu ecorreere odmse ndand useless, and vtas decidednot Pred Covaa e w residenS o Simucoe Street. QueanmbroSnsttndthGid They are rehearsing now and Mr WiII Cool- make aay prosecutions unti) a ticu bv-law lbey Wiit Put to tif 12 men to work this uceirDvso edetWib atvek n eotB thard wyul appe as a female attired "' bas been passed. Second Deputy Dingle in- andi prisb the yack te a finish aq satin as ptte- iînagottmeJ bloomers. We thiuk tbey will ho very be- troduced and carrled through a by-law te cible.. The oontrsctirs %ai it will ho as weil fie-Tndvso.vsvl tedeia se s kcomng te hlm. appoint polting places for -the cmin% munni- isbed as anv tbey bave ever contracted for. <.>5HAVV& DIEC. 11l 1896. Next Mondav night tbe .iStb Highlanders' cipal elections andi ti nominate returning of. The ganceeiMr CorvelI put in bis ele n) airtelaesi fBo ebeo i ~~~handiof Toronto wîll unite uîth the 3~41h Ficers, as follows : No i yard, Sons' Hall. ganclae Pat~ ____________________________Batl band of this town and give a concert in G Bock ret-urnîng officer; No, 2, Albef t SI vator bas donc its vork so vell that it hqs ne), t hrpon n h rati 0oses Bide i~~~~~~~~~~~~he music hall. No efiort has been spared -ichool, J 5 Beeton:; No. ~,tovin hall, Th<ýsbeincsey0eml grs1hndpcteVsiigm brsteeecon. .- to maire this a success, and they hope ta set Morris ; No. 4, Mary SI. echool, Luther Hall. boas eirhn fore s, h re it had ear an A~AIA liA 1'L~ the hall wel filld. toecuni-n)sho n moion of Cn. Rowse, te nomnatons here are dl. It is stated, owvp, tht a fev ae :nei bsve tedn b Ch ' s f tflft PA G EJJ trustees will ho belp on Moniday, 28hiît7 m. M eele.TesrescmiteC -ced grain wbich requires particniar care. When okeoglhsio rieftcil,4c hn 1Ã,The retiring school trustee" Ibis vrair are E ffortedti Io tenders for lighting the strets the grie izmts mixeti the girls cari tell the dîffer- Hawkins south vest ward, C H Crysdale had been received. Mr. J. G Sco"t woulti <am la the varietime but the machine can 't. erig, eloBlao ndctiiktes ____ - south east yard, \Vm aabig oLh furnlsb 17 arc anti r5 incandescent for Si?2oo.sraeo h bcfeb mt.Oi te J__ Ba;bitg 8997-5s ot thpe tate befn et cents pbe, sud TeaIl readers ofthe CHRoNICI-E : 975 rat o15cnsp? tcids Mr and Mca T Osborne, of Winnepeg, Cntsave yriu. six dollars on the cosl oif a t-et and i12X per irc lizht. The cormttee jan. are visitieg frieuds in toue. mreuet Parerswil d wel e cll i . E .recommenti Mr. Edmoadson's tender antid Ma, o os edimd ltig ýxteen dollar suit matie to order, coînpared Carpnier hav beenina etadecn andk iir#n theMatrFrnk0Jmesiscnf nedt It Wil) psy any parties conteanplatlng buy- s suit free, nov, keep me te this offer, Alrx îar at tersai bu t.- Thenndonti act MnMAJmswscofntotehos ftefot fiacnc.Weudrtn rn Mng an engagement or wedding ring te sec Mackie, Oshawa. for a .5 yen" lbase he woulti put in fixtuea ail lastýweek, snffering from a severe coldbmcorldeM am uanohaih the. large stock of Foît Bros.. Oshawa as The buge stock that A. Mackie isboomning an the toue hall for $2,5 ant furnisb light (sec on thse Ixna.coi s lo 0btÇprvd yad)g e they ut)) seli tbis montb very cboap fot cash. at the present ti me consiats of general tiry of charge. The rfeport was, boveven, allov- Miss M Monetta James sang at the anua oevie.W lohoet 'rprcar Gesuine dtamond 14K. only ss. Thcy are gootis, mens furnisbin«. ordereti anti ready eti to stand over. 'Mr. Ellis eskod if it ivas conver4at cf Victoria University, Torontopti oh hi a esaeimr ain -1 also~~&1 making sone special oSIers in Gents', madie clotbang, car pets, general bouse Iirl truc that the ne home wagon s fou4 te st Friday night. al Is hyaca rsrt ladies' snd Boys' gold and i lIver wsiches. ishinii anti a fsil)) me of groccries anti pro- ho un6ît for the purpose for which ht us ini The organ factory recei'red an order lantTs eolQeto %e.therm. Felt Bros. visions, be takes faim produce In excharge teudeti. The wagon welghed î6oo poauds. week fromn Anstiralia for tee thousand bi h ~oeshô ft"tc envatiu for stootis. issues cupons witb evcry piarchase anti with ho"e ÃŽt vas welghed down mornie cycle rime. They ýareý se bnsy that they0ibputbtthWckcolqesona i) anti gives gooti useful presets, çeveral buniret pountis extra anti wiîb IpPn have te work overtîme.-nfi sadteiemroibWckors Tii. editor of the CItRON teL will ho Daniel Lick who heas been veny il for on it reecheti a total weiight'Of 320Q potits Mn Geo A Buxton has neovei into Mr Mc-onetl etve~ IENCEl od~tÂ8 founti at Little's bock store, (lately Rogers') some months, dieti on Satui day lest. De- (>ne horse vas suppoei te haut thiS s i eeter'shbotse on Chnrcb Street. aud Mcm-uvleat ibo u u rsesat hi every Wednesday as acual. Special terrna ceaseti liveti for many years in Est Whit- fire at lightning speeti. Mr. Hendeçson Bailey has ruoveti mbo Mr BXton's nes eufinucaefihl tstlgWth in mnbscriptlons anti clubbing. tbv anti ruoveti te Oshawa sonne tue vents saiti the wagon vas a littie heavy (or, the deuce on Scugog Street nortis. 'itret.D o lvvo e î c Mis A braamsIs lsiingin oroto.ago. He hati hy bard uerk accumuleteti roada and hati been put eiside anti) thse roadit Hm AWee has In lyei yitind in Tooyo cunsiderabîe property. His tuners) on Mon- got better. A ongue for tuo herses ceulti The auniversary visitera in louis Snda;~ oebn iag hyMsr rbze C Hnavmlee. dayve vash veryd inrel ateîetmre tseh o for $iS but that ueuld be Ioft for the ucre *Mn sud McTe W Werry, Mn C WerC*t tetciute)Wdl u rPr mavll.mst prominent mon in the communlty bcbng "ne cotaucil. Mr. 'Herèdersoit thon teck up Sollua; N John James, Miss Amanssolib ipttoit itti ilirls Bond, Oshawa; MT R Luke, Kedron, ani ekihehaebe'uel iteecot- Miss Alice Code bas ceturneti home (rom presci.H ae itc nigontl considerable timo In insttructini tise cotincil Mis, erSln.a ou il.M in. i Oroino tii) spring. famnily, ubo have 'the sympaiby of the peo- tisi If enssderà ble money bad been spent ild bina Thos j Shseriden. Oshawa. ai Mn Misses A Bond anti M Keeler, Suedayedipei hi ra nru na ril ia oiintns et~d Treuough's; Mn andtinc Geo Piorce, Zbi-TYOE- inBuavlenIetthers beside bimselt uçýrc responsible for it. -ya r ires e vne TeCiRQlfttL«'S statemnt ot lest week, S 1 uas ondereti e pid for Fr-ank -a iil- eeMcPer'sBec A nu.T SscfEladiva.nelluis Mn Dan Drec in lying sony il) et bis rosi- tIsat after ail the agitation about Isigb mebool tMPs Ire" ne 4me menti at the gedfîal The anuiversary services et thse Methot-vlaenxcek bu5o lctcls5vl dence, King st eat. teacher's salaries the enly proposai matie disleoot.e s iuswn helibre lest Sabbalh elceat noriooaitsvLeetanf l t . ~Miss Dunn. Toronto, is the guesi et Mrs. by ihe premeters of the movement i te rob vison tise Rev 13 Robents, ef Bollevile.imCtiaW 5'7W lab iUqI1->J Mese Jîr Foleyso ant Wil rntWity a rea ealc nd ignat e-d - - - Seheel ulîl bc helti in tIse Monke HalL A -i.gletat aehm iOpn0 yO l Omm BneUw4 »ig ma, dôeeo". esi John ndeç nio $tI'y t55ATM. -large attendence le requesteti. ladies uho lise in the soutbern, hI tuI5*iIIII1 om o $1i penton for sut *On tic î5th or December tic choir cf of, the toue anti uhici Ise di&,*th sa Simca. st Metbedist churci ull holt a ractun et Isiuelf ai leesi anti wau rotsrl~*iu~ W45WU~~5 1 pon Tt thav nos spoldettIe ukatme ofi gadsce ecr.Atthe concerts ibis u<Iuh bis bers. ant i g vîhen aboiut MGIf' issO%~p upn ou. em~l l~pitieI tts chein has gisen base fer- exceetiedtheib or'. c""r tIse herme refuseti to.e ml e.~ ok a5II' ~ you people. Richard ~ALt& people's expectuios anti doubtieu ibis lill pan te bis oallmntry any longer a#-MesaJuntl Gibsor anti TRcsrisn-- aise, d~eny ]ILe at e mut t A. <v s!I hlOvisiteti tisec- ibis eeks#o fouid - JlWitIG OO The lècLauxhin canniage vorks are WoInduce tIsai boisse to badge iturm )ud 5gqot utarietg ionntleïr pretid. --- -t practically closeti uhile the Internal arrange- l"d tied -for -about twe or thmree -bx*rs. Oreet, j 'ava..MemWd» ameith- a leoL,,teyuà toM tà &uecs Then ofr la eoi înabn of thse neu vlng being stidet. It in IikelY deruslt as to boy w e boueb. Xt lat-. . thetIng. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fe are gring t~au luê 1t,~~nc lesîeiâeo a #ùâ atmmt 'n13ie aooo-Sw outre gBox ~ ~ P 8 Ék- t ti rlSebca week or êt tise leasi bc- aften 4" gret ra t "ati o iutai t the a~qg,~y" <ose b&ork <obr ihe uesse»n coinncs éj. oefIn the dsum tw éptik oui' ani. psui~R Soul sges ee of ite wyolsugspr1 ail a sbooiu -0.bS O' Theps roll ef mie poiorMOre Per 'Ueeui'8 a"l nigt We Bom sçet Ia , & ".i-msýa etumi. arVotimre eu tisei suépemat aiiis: "amofa 0 bo yeatr the Young man feei i. bome e little more abou wa doseis fo -"ari,-u tuaiten a tuaienial difference in thse - Uspunt oa&Istbciie tien. b. _pays the ladîpa- ssaoeh. wiy er olgva oefr relens u. ofbusiness domnex tu w o et . $00 puIa- saste inreale ils utaying pouers ti)lt bc " r u blgsio, Tii. St GregOry's elspb bas neOrgaised folr Wh they "W Ot him- Umm1<PIo4 tolîu"k ~>deleeteti: Pr"s, Cultean Crowdyl7c Pneu "li mhÃŽ. vuS aebs ri.This -l~'e' - - - Mr- J~ we oiuesuu* li)Wnncýd h ebr er4Wc of tIse ladies.anti cbilrres o<Qsbaw9.. Mr~ti v Me 14eau lu th btacItmltbsu Trsueý e 'ono.Ti.sabr Lutte lias tse best range et doits lu thse tous baveturcd, o4% lall o~tieyn ni~bstpcn Ie efect wumdiwIin the Chang".1< -- <t-are detenaslued roiaateir club ïa imiecess te au~ h. semai.hsaO-~ if possible. ,F*IbeIW tt JCfç cceede areter pu~ ! ~~M'at Ms ok,- gresi de)o rouible-at wonk in esieb- d un- I~~isinlg tiâ club se» a placeoetamusement r.i sbouiln n4 Ckan_ cod se)en uaairei~ -o e Ieyosguu f bhW chorci. AIl tIse SOM bi tutipe ieuusst peet MsLftt Br firth @pnme fiiad sytis a sensible Xjft. BooôkIet8 mondw5t ii in t popular, sud innocent gaines anc prosiet sud, cisti, beuiu gisselga fosp -ttci. flue percect.'decUut. . Mtssicbhà th<b ,~PUmps The Board Of Reati Au , site plece of sheet music ià th klà »iet= ~~f Wil1 t n d th- e T ie b o a r df o f Ie a lt o f t iis t e utl in 1 0 a s ' 3 s le t ln s e 'f o i , S e ïOm o O f * ~ P > -ts fo -- r tqee mmuide Therav# )eep, w n s.-w 10 2i Pattention gisco to rlodMDré-* RvM.1a# M e nd quee >--lf- T Vc t [rmy1)u t i ulfP5lif%~5î 1 t o éther 1~lvnuiet4iv Cubs thuu4h -oà bÃŽ,î bo let n-nd& -.n -na ID t--t-- '1 no 1lui . ,xr W Upj t pr Or - l end gr-uu$, UARE, LOO~K- poprate HOLIDAY PRESEN bail te inspeci eue large stock o Fe Bilverware, opeo es and Novelties, pnices. suit efer all Puises and e. Rîi Me qualîties at poor ices, s7csly fon you smi articleMarke laùsfigsrres pnice oen coin -aie te psy. A ,-ba'ýrg et beanty, ltile vuîb good .s anti parkllisg wltb prices t youn inpcin at '8 eweliry t C, ST. WEST, OSHAWA,f OPOSITIE CffTIAL> HOTEL. We crdallyý invite you to core 1 secune ithe cholce, anti avoidth Ie Lat PELLOWSY and see hi. Wronght Steel -AT- à IS GOAL OIL GÂS STOVES -FR 0»1- 5.50 to 1$25-000 OTSSSLES ~o -t- jr