Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1896, p. 1

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c e, keds due enl by ail 'Cali, iifind, id rings;- VOL. XL. NO. 51 ______________________________________ I p SUPPLY 0F CoI ~ -+LIVER+ OIL SJust Recexved. a Pint. THIS OIL 1S PURE ANU PALATABLE. H.o ln CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, WHITBY, -ONTARIO. Uw M hMI e House-cleaning time is he're. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown before, from 45c. Up. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartshorn's spring roller. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to see our latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Our baby carniages are ail of the latest de- sig ns. (>ive us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are takng special pains to combine elegance with economy in price and general utility. Our stock is complete in House Furniishings, We invite buyers to corne and see us. It will save money. Le&ding Undertaker,- EL J. JOHNSON, --I'BROOK ST., WHITBY. Established 1849. Whitby Stu.m .MarbI6 and Granite Works, Dundas St., wi ChI LOCAL NEWS. LETTERS, CunolscLu CaanzaPONwaNCBI Ioop catîght, rg ICN THE Mn and the Misses Çountice, of Darling- ton, v isited IrMs Cannuthers aven Snnday. Mn. Watson fromn near Nevmarkeî vas visiîing his cousin, Mr Milton Brown lasi week. Mr. Wili Kempthoru of Toronto, visiîed rwith bis cousin Mr S T Kemptnhorntitis ~J.J week. H I T B Y. L , ., Messrs Wili sud Ed Hall have purchased _______ _______a short horm caw (nain Mn J 1I bavidsen af Balsam. Georgie Goid, Mabel Rome, May Rodd ias. 7. Si ith, and L13, Padget, htive ail been quite mcis, <Fonmerly Woifenden Works.) Im- Ou Sunday last the Rev. Mn. Barticît, of porter and Dealer in MIARBLE AND Cobourg, preached a moat excellent sermon GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of from Acts 16:25. The choir did rmnarktably the latest material sud desig-ns. Al li kinus of Cetnetery workz. Our work guaran teed. DsGS N RCS Xe-SEND FOR DSGS N RCS Miss Beatrice R Decker, A,T.C.M. -G-CRADUATE 0O-- TORONTO CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC. Pupil of Mr. Edward Fisher. Toacher of Pianoforto.---' For terms, etc., apply at residenice, Whitby, Atig. 27, '99. COUNTY BUILDINGS. Farm ta Rent. The west half of Lot 2 anid south half of Lot 3, 9t h concession of the township of Pick- t-rii, known as the Hickingbottom (arti, wilI be rented on favorable termis to a suit-* able tenant-. Apply at once to DOW & McGILLIVRAY, Brock st., Wbltby. Oct. ist, 1&)6. v~~8RAYCAilLE Syed frormy premiseG 'lot 11, COU 7, Ree, about the e t ofj u4Ç>e, wo Yearlings-, 1 black heifer with whiite face, and 1 rW and white ateer, part Jersey. Xewurd -for information about tberni, PVtues arboring them alLer tis sdate wifl ise ptrosecutd. NOV 4, 186-49-411-1 JI1Coe . Mn W S GodamivedhIomnefroni bs hunt- ing trip Monday nigbt. He reports baving a splendid time, aud 7 deer for thc party. He got a tins buck vitb a grand pair cf anîlers for bis share.ý The other day a ra*ther amnsiug but vbat mgthave been a serions incident happen- e oa arnier iu this vinity. He vas plou.ghing, whea bis neigbbor's dog came aven sud foloved i hm around a visile. The armer veut or a drink tath creek. Hel' avay wheu vithout auy vamuing lite dog spraug off a itigit banS dovn onto theLfaim- er's bacis, sud vouid ual get off unuli thse (armer ucrambleti auto bis (cet andi sok him off. The fariner saiti he vas nesriy figbîeued ta deaib, us veil as being nýearly drovueti. The christian endeavor bai changeti ils tins oe meeting, to hait past seven. Vie thiais there is s gooci work- beiug doue. The presldent lu doing veil ta change the- leaders every meeting; as this prçMotes- aù interest in Uthemembers ta do ucuzetbiug. We aucereiy believç. that wvo t7 as marisec change ma cisaragier since tbuy haver been taking, parit u 51.gùootworký .Wedo. hope titis gond.vark t g o ithout sud, anti tise young people. wil takeadvauIqaof every oppertunfity of dutlag yhat they eau for ithers aronA tit band sud hsqdomîg t}éy wili be belpiaagtbeisi-1lqw parents Ibis wveisand 4 iug4 inehi e Mr John Emerson left for Ungland au Fr1- day è;f laut veek. It i. bis intention ta spend the greater part of thse vinter witis friends over there.Mayv be have a safe jaurney sud a pleasani.tte is tse wlsh of MANCHESTUE. Mr. H. Lamb bas rented Mr. Rabt, Evans' (arn> on shares. Mmisffie Lsfforty of Chatham> i. vislting viitb Miss Mand Speace. Mr. Simnpson Portaous sud famuly bave moved ita Mms. Fitcbett's hanse, Mrs. 1. Vickemy and sou, Allie, cf Scarboro, wsre viûng relatives bers this veki. Mr. 1. 1. Cailaan, traveller for the R. S. Williams piano oompany, paid your scribe a viait last week. Mn. Fred Masters taok s trip ont thraugh Vic tansa county last yack lu, if possibie,-secnre a job for tis vinter. Hef tells us thai vages are so low <bat vomis is ainost ai s stand stili. lna ashort urne Mr. J. Lans vîll nove la Part Perry vhere he viii embarkin latbe ageney busi-r nass laîely caried ou by Mmr. M. S. Coates, Mm. Lana vîla maies a god agent sud vs visb bmn mucb succese ta bis acv avocatian oa i te The cheese factory 'bas clased dova for dis season sud the last shifmeut ai citeese vas made about a veek aga. The output bas been vemy satisfactory and aur talesmaan, Mr. Burns, has in eery case of sales realized tbe best ai prices. A full report af the vorisinga ai the iactory dur iag the suniker wili bu given lu ibese columas ere long. A very pleasim.g avent took place iu ibis village on Tbursday moming lest at 7.30 when Miss Belle Walker, dangbter oi tbe lais Edvard Walker, vas uauîed in the sacred boud» of matrnmany la Mr. William McCliintock, eldest son of Mn. Wm. McClintocke of ihis place.- Rev. R. Whitenisn, 9. A., Port Ferry, pefoîned te ceemoay. rhe young couple leit on the 9 o'clocle train ai Port Parry, to spend thear honey moon la Coilingwood sud adjoiniug western tovas. A grand reception viii be given ta theni on ibsîr arrivai bere this veek. Ail jola lu v'sh- iug Mn. aad Mns. McClintock a long aud pros- penaus ma-nied lii e. On Saturdav evening the ssc neya reached here that Mm loba Guabitt of ihis place bad died ln the geueral bospital. Taroato. About tvo weeks ago he vas atcked by the typhaid lever aud ai onqm ieft (on Toronto. We are un- acquaiaied with auy inreber trouble@, but ou Friday lass an operation vas perfonmed aud not beiag able 10 bean up he dieci ou Satunday. For some lime he bas vankeci for Mrn. Ha=,and until this aitacle be enjoyed the bestaf t)çaýt 1 oh n vas one of aur mast respectad yonng mien, and his sad dcaîb mast a gloani over thse coin>- munî;y. The remains of aur departed frlead vere interned lu Toronto on Monday alternoan. A cfieeiag vas beld lu dis Revers bouse an Tuesdav eveuiug ta looki lto tbe natter of hav- iag an Xrnrs. fair bers ibis year. The attend- suce was fuir aud mîach eutbusiasm> pravailed. About îventy dollars vas. subscribed by <base present. Everyiug seems bright sud tbe prob- able date viii bu Tnsesday, Dec. aun& Thte officers electeci are as faovs : Presàdent, Thos. Graham:; secretary, Win. Speuce; treas., D. F. Hagernan;, direciors, M. C. Tooley, W Thamp ,ton, P. C. Grahami, Jas. Pearson, A. Moore, Peter Christie, las. Bird, ) no. Wbire. The meeting adjounned tta meet ou Tuesday eveniug Deat iD o mpnîze liai, draft blansd aay other business that may came betors the meeting. 0 P. C. GRAH.Am. TOWN UnE. Mn. West bas mnoveci into tbh ousejuat vacated by Mr. S Vautone. Wednesday the iit inst.., the vifs af Mr. Robt. Bradley, of a damîghter. MissDavey. of New Yorke City, la home to stay the nemainder of the yean. Mr West la having a vîsit from bis maother and sister of Cannington tbis wesis. GUY &t CO, grain bnyers. BZALL, B. - laar of maruiage Iticueg, Besldeno.e pposi t moil&%anBrooku, W A MoNMMry, D V. -"Graduasdte he.O laa Veterluary VoDego, Tenate Kuaar ber Oase" o lerw ow.sIeta4 anImais by thea mot a provedmbê.As partionlan atteonc iud deatsry.Daorugtohi lteds a.Oo preiae Outanlo. B. Dumncan, merchant taller, ba tsecred tise agency for ise Ositava S.tenm l£uudzjr, Lsa n ry viii bavye lifa bop on Tmdsi- ntrIgo ntý*i i ii u reneos Sra~ rl wY aruteedatls#artoryý. JIltjg 4ouJ ail--cssadlasa, 8 cents per &galotn cash prie. - Gé o ycr c a», ile4 1W The fait,.Jury slttings of the btgh court of jus- tice Opeedpa M,.ijyChief 1Justice Ârmonir presiding. Thes bar wu -iepresented by C 1 Hohasu, (Q C,crovuprosecutor, 1lEFarewell, QC. N F PatIeýpon Q-C, and T W Chapple, M PP, Ux- budi' Wallace Nesbltt W H Dicksou, and Angui Mcpurcby;* Toronto; J McCnllougb, $Ïct6<vle, Yrak Yarnoid, Port Ferry, J 8 DOwt Tbeo~ . &McGilbivray, G Y Smitb, D Or- mWsoU, Whitby, and C. R. A~tcb, Seonffviile. Tite GlND JURY. DUnca McNabb, ClareinoS, foreman; Tini- olby Doyle, Brock; Edward Tisdale, Beaverton; R-'RPbardsOu Pickerng;- George Clark, Scott; W J K Yester, âcau; JohnMcGregor, East Wht- b' Josepb Buird, Reach; James Tweedie, Wbklby;f-John Ainey, Brock; Wm Fead, Cati. nla&toa; J V Spears, Pickering; firam Fer- sytIt Uxbridge. Mis lordship lu addresslag the grand jury re- ferred te twa cases af Tpe, the only crimesgo be lnvetlgated in this court. He explaiaed wbut cGflttbted sucb a crime, and informed tbem tbat a true bil could be returued by any seven Out Of'tbe thirteen juron, whicb latter number DMv Qasitu a grand jury. He direced theni $0 examine the juil and report in their pre. OeetmOlIt, Ha then in feeling ternis referreci 10 ;ha desthof RiHionor 1Judge Burun&, vhom bis lordsblp bad known for more than balf a cen, r Y. He Mid- the deceased bad been a most bonorsbe <man and righîeous judge, had liveci a uminI lhfe and died fulil of years sud ljuLl 0i ip, lt slip. S. 1g dowmn,t" n )undi Greenwood vas weli represcnted at the bot su p pr-st Ut ZVon an Tuesday even- i.ug.- They had fowl of ail descriptsion.l abundance. Tise beat part of the prce.i inga was tise excellent prorame gven by' tise lamons Stoufflle choir In lait veesiss ensheicKinsais scribe gave the aid maids of bis village a bit of go<ot advice regardiug the grand opportuni. ties-tbey have of leap year. By bis accunut tbey are net msking as good use of their time as they are lu tisis vicinity ; tisat is, if persans can believe hall f viat they bear. MIK@OKulN JMr. Thas. Black sud family are prepariag te nove next veek. Tisey are going to liye a short distance sîorth of Grecubanis,-near where they vers before tbey came dovu ta r the souti sud of the county. Ws are sorr- to bave then le ave us. Mr. A. M. Delong. vbe bas been making extensive imnprovemnts la tise ibitevale miii, wblch be recently pu-cbased, bas tbe voî k nariy conpleted and nov -bas one of the best grist mille lu the country, bath as ire- garda thc building andtihebuthe macbinery. He bai reu:ed the miii ta a gaod tenant. To-morrow, ýSattdrday,l 1fr. T. H. Wilson viii canduct bis firat monthly combination sale. A large number cf nev wagons, sud sleighs, nev furniture, barness, stoves, etc., viii bt ofiered. The sale wiii bu bult inl the. yard adjoiaing Sebert'e hotel. Lait Fiday evening Miss Sings trippeti on ,a lases board iu the aidcwalk sud qat a bad (ail. Hem face bai been badly disfig- ured since, as the resuit of thc fat], but for- tunately asedid not receive any reatly uer- loua injumv. It ia a great wonder that there have not been more accidents similar ta Ibis, or verse, as soms pieces cf sidevalk bave needed repairing for a long tine. Soins places bave been fixed titis wcek. Mr. W. S. McAipin, ai McMfaster, viii presch la the Baptist cburcb asit Sundai mam-ning andi evening. Mr. McAlpin viii aise siag at botis services. Irbe sale of standing vooti, belongigta the Hall estats, vas beld lait Saturday. About tbirty acres vers dispased ef. The atteudance vas net large, but aearly ait wbo vers there were buyems, and, good prices- vete realized. Tbe RayAl Templar Drainatic Co. gave. their drans iin Bovmnvlle an Tuesday eveuing. The wboie programme, spart froni- the drama vas given by Brookint tat- eut. ýThe members af BrookiUn council, vers Xiven valuable assistance by mms E., R. Eddy, vboae recitationa vere mucis p- pmsciated. A very heamty vp1cotne vas ex- tended to the visitais by the Bowmauvîlle. Templars audte very kiud treatomet re- received yull not sean bu forgotten. Cav tics, at $i.5o, $2, 82.25 per tiozen at Hclliday Bras. A fev years age It vas the custom 10 tiolti union retigiqns services la onc or other~of' the churches bers on Tbauksglviug day, but lately <tise have beest dis=otiiwed. .»jfe, one iebe h aves areamim W riLrSre>t le flot because vs have ual mucis tu give! thanku for. It is bccoming more and mors noticeuble that the real objeci cf lte day is beiug lest siglat of. Mm. Melvin Wells, wbo carne bers frain Michigan about tva years ago, returnied home this veek. Ricc's pure sait la the best. We have mati received suother carloati in bards, Îacks and baga. Gsi the bout. Hoiliday BroS.] As bas been previously anaouaced the au- nas re-unian ai the W.F.M.S. viii bu beiti ln the Presbyterian churcb au the eveuing of' Thanksgiving day. Supper viii bu servcd iu tse basenent of the churcit, after vbicb acidresses viii bu given by Rev. Dr. Mc- Tsvisb, cf Central cburch, Toronto. Hon. John Dryden, Mr. Wm. Smith, ex-M.P., andi others. Appropriate music viii bu furniseti. Mr. Wm. Pile, af Sdi cou., bas renteti bis farm sud la above ta nmove te Prince Alberrt Before leaving tbey gave a fareweli party, sud last Friday evening about fifty youbg people from Ashburn, Manchester, 'Brooblin ad Uit. Zion assembied, sud bad a general goodtimre. Lt vas miel.tit ithe umali bouts of tse maming that tseguesla dispered, snd nany were the wisbes fer tise bappinesu an4 I coinfort of Mr. sud Mrs. Pile mn thear nev 1 Quies vs. Comptou,-lnltmeut fer rape David Couapto%, visalivm»mcr GicuMajor, vas c Wrg U vlsiavlug camoetted rape spotsElira- lints avestha Compton met ber i, a spot sisOsreti front .ev my his, snd tisai after W strugcle bu oconpiubedbis' purpos% Also tisaI pàiose ià& bercousis sud hable-tu taise ,urauge notoionsl Ma bs ead Charis WII-_ Hains, father et dis girl letfe aWetsefgt ened sud dîsottered ecodition of bsdugte and ber ceublnr Site appeare t tutbave nras bouse- vas crazy vits bar asti bla*kiu tise face Mr, WUilams Mid bu ika" tise riseMo'uisd mou, a farine ,na , estlkid tisat-Ç<mmp. twn camé to bin làsgreal hutty ostise ooeMugî tbe crime vu c,amuialta ud uised for uges dus hlm, - atuug'tisai lie lid #Sgouesd anannai16e au awaY î alura!wÉ. Mt di stage bfr.tCésapk cnunsu a for iithe Usi lbsriglir end at a#', lises, ihaa i ua.u~n. ~inhis,.A..I Ls ... WHITBY, ON2TARIO, FfIflÀY, NOVEMBEIR 2031 1896. ML.OScarTevo!Tssad vas ler tie eurypr !tt.w e theesbthe churcli bere Ibis.wèek- it yi 'Mr. Buuunr.. - THE PETIT JURY. Rébt Calderwood. Mars; Thos _Rai ,Ux- brd&e; Robt Spencer, Wbhitby; Robet iabop' Oshsva; Rabt Huhbarct, Pt&ekenag; Mark Hrolldy, Wbitby; Samuel Untin, Pickerng; Wts Pile, Whlîby;- Henry Ballon, Mars;- John Dewar, Reqcb;Thlos. Devburst, Lxbridge; E W Mojore, E Wbitby; W G Walters, Wbitbv; WSn Bagsbsv, Brack; J19l raylc>r, Brade ;Wvi BrowvnWbutby; R A Sinclair, Cauantgon; A P leatis, Scott; C Willismsou Ottiava; Thos Car&, Scott; Wm Grahan>, Scugog; Richard Cromsberr. Brocs; JH Jacissa, E Whztby; Me4dPiclrng; M L-Willia>s, Brade; Jas Pîd6-1ti, Uxbridge; W Poster, Uxbridge; Fran- cih Brig, Wbitby; Wni Sonlcy, Wbiiby; A. Stewart, Uxbridge; Wni H Smith. Witby, Peler Ânderseu.:Csuningtou; John W Welden, »rock; Franis Crosby, Uxbridgs; W H Leon-1 ard, Pairt Perr; F W Billiags, Wbitby; Chasr Gkbsot, Reacit; Nei Wilidnson, jr., Beach; John Corrigan. Mara; Jno Suaitb. Oshawa; Win Young, Wbmutby; Jus Shilliugshaw, Uxbridge, A Oliolden, Pkàerlug; lames McIntosh, Wliby Oliver a Pugis, Pickering; Thus C <3SIIàcI Plckeing; Isaac Beatts, Brocis; James Blair, jr, Smith vs. Township of Uxbridge. Action for $zoo, as damages on account af an accident, by vhieta JapuS Smith af Goodvood had casizrd bis capiage ever an embanisment on the first > M a orUxbridge township Plaintif vwas ,ta Stuuiffvile sbortly afier dans. The cpi -ofthe rmgcansed Snititc break bis colarýbiÙw anti receive album severe injuries. Smiaitbàmé 'uua tis bis ig cpia iaclet ê be10 of Abe sSir aud otaubauddtam a rig ba rimoff <lhe road sud bad probsbly been overturned 72 feet fromte lme avrt, but dtisi bre vas ne appear- suce ofsuy track there. There vere-seveml vituesses e each aid. fIace vas »o rillug an tise raad ai <bat spot. The townsiplp aims the embaakmeul: wm - 8 luches iget visile tise plaintiff daims it is 4 eet bhigh' but of cours Ibis latter vantai be ai be culvsr - Teimr a alo a difforauce as ltt iddth ie embanis. meut, the defençe claimiug 1< was X6l4 lest- vide, viie the plaintiff voulti only show tisai il vas 119 test vide, Neitheb eia Wevidesce citeugis to sbôW tie exact conaditiof tise rSd, sbis lordsblp rescrveti ju ment t e ahie a cii englacer 10 niaie drauglits of lse embanis- mint, McCullangb =sd Farewell. QC, -for plff ; Clpple, M P Pfor defts. Sarabet-ger ms.Canduî",Paciflo Railay.- 7iti vas ga, action -for, damages an bebaltf cf Chas. Smoruqre, Myrtle, sud bis liltIadangbt- rwh vie esthe victinis cd a raillay cressing accidetattise Myrie stuatn. Tise aàccident tie, place l iter allers*ibig- ports.Plain- i#ifWvasdnlu b lîti agier t b mael i stuc latis snvRe gaI euta-sd s ortiea litueb, ta tytgt ehis rlg ont <of tbu w"yý ihen saddemaly, a traiq came- aloag sud pitcleti Soin- bergea goff- tisatratk,utasbui .hi md thé hIl gil d1 . oràegeb 4 aabrkms ,u seualnamaa nA itM e il...A4d A the goose.. eorsend' )WSP 0.00. )ES. vear 'lent iler, i- -1 1 wblch cooed sud gurglcd and svam snd Per- formed a serles of baby pantomime wbllst she vas intuhes aitness, stand. Lawyer Ebbells for1 plaintiff explained that the youugster was noti braugh twoi court as an exhibit, to enable tbe1 jury ta utudy the likenesa bet*een-19 and the de-1 fendant, but becanse wituess had no lady friendi in court to relieve ber of ber bright littie char. Miss Groves swore that she bad been k 0elu campauy vîth Platten for a yeat or so previcus tb July, z896. duriug the latter part cf vhlcb iaontb he drov e ber to Part Pe"rto cburch oue Snnday nigbî, and accomptisbed -ber mm vbile ou the way bonms. She daclares he accamplisbed bis purpose by force, but îbui sbeaftcrwards made nDo complalut, and that*heir improper relations cauuuued for sanie time afterwards. la April lms the child vas bora. Plattea la bis testimony admitted courting Miss Graves, but that -nothlag improper ever vent an betveen thein. He sayd be bad dropped ber altogether bafore July, x89s. but under cross examinatian admluted bavîng driveni ber two evenilin luy sud August, sud havlag seen ber once ou Sanday nigbî. The defence also trled to show that Miss Groves bad miade coutradictory siatements te parues as ta ber condition, etc. An attempt was also made, ta brtug in tbe evidence of several young mea af Scugog tonsbip, but bis lordsbip interpoeed, declariug tbsmt any sncb evidence was irrelevant, as thse girl bad s cbîld and bad dsctared tbe de- fendant is the father of the cbild. It was a ques- tion af ramy beiveen"plgintiffs daugbteran the defedaut. The jury brotight in a verdict cf t no fo plaintiff. Ebbells for piff; Yarnold sud Fa weell, Q. C., for defendasit, Blls Davidsmn-Act[on for ilesal seizure. Defendat pvaed a flour miii at Goodwood vbich he sbld iý> July, 1895 te plaintift far $6o cash ad bis n#e for $zoo. After about tbree suontb's delay/ wltbout receiving the S6oo eash defendautbea pressing plaintiff for it, aad siso varned, lira that the Sroo note vonid soon bu due. PImIti kept putting Davidson off by statlng he expected ta borrov the money il ur- ious places but bad! been disappointed for the time belug. Sbontly befois the end of the year Lawyer McCullougb af Stauffville bad Ellis eall at bis offi--e as ign wbat Ellils said! he un- derstaod to bu an agreement ta puy $to per month for lnterest sud Insurance until the pur. chas money would bu pald, but wblcb afaer.- wkrds turned out ta bu a lease in statutary turîn, and which expressly stated that plqintiff vas tq bave no statutory exemptions la case seizure for reut became neoessary. Ellis cdaims be neyer knov lie had slgned a lease, tntil lu January, z&)9, a bailif came aioug and seised bis tools sud otbe.r propcrty afid ejected hlm (from the premises. Devidion avears ths the lease was sigiiet at McCnllougb's office la carrylug out an agreement butween Ellis aud hiinseif that the former vas ta go on the footing ot a tenant until sncb tuse as be could carry ont bis purebase agrermeut. Edîis ciainis that by the seizure be lost i2 awortb oftoals, vhicb vers sacrîficed, and tbat befote bis ejecîment fran>îbe property be bad made iniprvements on the mnul. Which vas greaily out i repair, te the value a i So.r He also claima that on the day af ths sale of bis touls for rant be offered ta Davidson ta vacate the prperypceaabty if given bade bis Stoo note and »aloved tb take avay --bs tools sud atberprprs. Hi, lordsbip beld that aitertis sigung 0f ,ibuIaSe the malter hecame anc pure- ly betveasiandkord sud tenant sud abat David- iou's condt w vuld bave, ta be iudged ou that basis Judgmcnt di bueatered after thlt days disumlssg Ïtbe plaintifs daim wltb castE sand 4 muSiung tisbe coanter daim.vfthont cass. ~FI~e t~ Msdouiid -or pif; culal u MOUy. His loirdsbip-sid -t as litosbl»£ colivlet a man on evie01 ofie vs vu bave kept tise crime omcet bad qi0 trouble came upon hêè. Mr.. HplMs Mid deUÎ. 9frtium'i feature of this case vas tisas thise brw fauth forbade ai ntlmacy bettveena man sud bis vif, after sucb a tbing as Ibis, until shirIs reoreti to grace by the rabbi, His iordsbip s i a yet taIearu ofaay cburcbvwkbad amnett4e striteat raies 8aaist adultery, Hie directed. tlhe jury te ratura a verdict of Not Gnllty withaut furtber evldence. Then bo addressed Bruy tellnghlmIbt b (Bruy) bad escaped tbu sot witb auy credit. "Von %have a vuei and fswlIy of your ovu, sud yon aboniti taise cars cf $beu aud let other7 men's vives "lee. Y-our couduct bas becu very disreputahle. Y=a have been par- tl&Ily pnnlisbed by heiîug beld ia jail for a çoasid. arable time sud by being compelled ta psy tise. e xpeuses af your defence. I hope you vil! profit by titis expeience aud do butter iu futurs. yau are discbarged.» Holman for the crava ; pater.- son Q.C., for the defence. Savyer. vs,Sawme. Case frein Port Perry la vbicb Savyer sud bis vife are fighting over h ovnership of a bouse and lot lnu lc to shauld beung together lu peace. It is claimed that Mrn Sawyer's monev purcbased the pro-. perty, sud after hein« a lowed ta confer by, bis lordship, tbe parties reported an agreemant hy which in llawyer is ta have this properîv qp dmvdinit the furiture and givng be busbPUÇ #50, cadi to pay their ovu costs, sud Sawysi-to keep awsy (rom dis premises A n future.1 d for Min SavYer ; HeImuan for defeudani,, GRAND JtMYS pRB5ENTMKNt. Ilc grand jury mad a capital presentmA sbovlng that elevea prisoneis -and four va*,rsM are at pissent in jail, suad- that the staff of * lm-g. Institution perfora their dunies efficisutiy., -Ther- recmment a bouse of refuge, sud madeireivl vorded refereuce ta the deatb of Jndge Bura-, hani. The ot supper at Mt. Zion _on Tnit1esdayý evening lait vas an unequalled succeàs. The choir did excellent service. The trn., ber in attendance vas exceptionally large, the honse net beinir able te contartu neai ail. The people uf Kinsale turued outa usual in gacti round numbersansd 'came- home thoraughly sâtisfied vitb the eveiiingiL enjoymeat. Mfr. Ward, af Gro.enwood, teck -charte or,, thse league meeting bers an Wednesday,'.- evening lait. We lea mne of the yo ung mea have of late givema considerable anoy ance te those desirous ai doing godud making tbe meetings as profitable aâ. sible. We bave aiso bSn uinfomeci -haý coudugt of Ibis kind wiii neot bu coétt _ anceti suy longer, ail viii bu treated kpt aud will be made welconie sbouid îhey ro perly condct themu3elves, but shenld b"-, conduet Continue frein thege youngg wm- tbey maY reat assureti, tbeyavili ecl gentle rcpreinaud aampanieti by thé,'-- fine for annyance at rnctingsf.tfi5 k. %Ve mùake reference te Ibis nilte ~vz tinely -varning, la aIl whvisat kmyc- Vie hope no steps orfàlawfmL arwiI deemn ecessary hsrSaftçr.-dqt-is - fore the law officiais ou a dcirrge ON'qii We truft -awd odithevI, w - eut, sud that hairnoÇ'su 4 ~ 1. NO* 51, 8

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