Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1896, p. 8

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rm ised mwU ~~ugIam M.âbs g "fôk viait 4hMatkhao M sS lgoToroto, ylslted itb lf» . The Minhsê (ulluck have aold their row ca E. leRwe ~tek. rc bplld- mto àMis. Clart. Mrs. Sparke, Toronto, "wamtegtou thaaeg.ig çgrttuescolrmofS, ________ th44%=e King last week. (~orge'& Stindaysehool wiil give an enter- Mr. and Mrs. T. lames, S»wnanvlÏlle, arc etni.$fL-« the kuests of Mrs. Ned Btickll. Mr. S.'Gliddon lias bought tbe Qebagron G U U R ~.Mise M. Thompson is home fom Chicago bouse on Lloyd street from Princpal Kirk. ta spend the wlnter with ber mother. lanid. ffthe normal schooi1 Toronto. Mr. Charlie Reinard left leub Saturday for Tihe chritian cburch wil bold thefir annuel Detroit wbere b. han seetned a situation. thauOkagivitig stpper on, the 26th of Novemb- BOTTLING WAX, and . Miss S. Dustan and Mrs. Whiting, of Bow. ci. After the stqpper smre of our beat local RUBBER* RINGS for manville, paid Oxbawa a visit lat week. tuii&it wilI vive a programme. Mrs.J.'Goul ba reurné frm hir vsit The hop which is to b. held et bhe Quecn 's fruit jars. to the State ba returne d (rom be isgit botel to-nigbt promnisesto bea dcdd suc- wber c hesonss.iu wtbce". No pans b;ve been spared to make ber 5fl5.thisOne Of tbe Most enjoyàblc events of the FRESHI INSECT POWDER, Mr. and Mis. McAddie visited wlth Mrn. season. Bil', orchestra, of Toronto, bas y Hyslop last week before starting for bore ne uben engagcd aud as this fine baud of music- l'OWDER GUNS, Cadillac, Mlic. lansarhie well known througbout tbe counry AND PAYR, Mrs. 1rmin, daugbter of Mr Jonathan Scho- for their excellent playlng we need glu. PLY PA.DS A D PAE , field, is visiting ber brother Mr J A Scbo. tbemn no word of commendatîoti. The dining1 TÂNGLEFOOT, (sticky fly paper.) field. MI Irwmu is time uew train master on bail maires one of the best dancing rooms the Grand Tr«nk.wbich cati 6e secured lu Oshawa and the Died.dauces are conducted ou the same principle At Cedar Dale, on Sunday, Nov ist, astbouth they were heid in your own draw- .Dù)ýens'n'ofingrooml Tbe Whitby friends are cordially second daugbter of Patrick and Ague nie logwt hirsse on a nd Fa m ïy Recipes Shearin, aged 39 years. Town Conucil. ýOn Nov. i3tb Oshawa Sous of Temper- Met ou Monday night, the mayor prcsid. W recfes our carefll ance will celebrate the 48tb anuiversary of lng. The matter of electric lighting a /tbeir lodge by a concert in the town hall discussed. Mr Coulthard reported ibat two I f ersona/ attention. Mir. Edward Carsweii delivers an address tenders bad been received for eiectric street and the iodge mnembers will furnisb a grood ligting, but that as considerable expert- P -A -programme. m'enting was being doue, the committee Jas Miller, Nortbcote, Minu., breeder of wouid mir that the matter be laid over. heavy draft, generai purpose and carrig The chairman of the fire committee reported horss bs septin eeryhin intheclasses ta h ae upyi h ontnrwà R r g S o e eehbtdi tteehbto hl cre h omte nfnnerpre annually in bis county. Mr Miller was linazanst the recommeudation of tbe remnission SiMe0 St.80Uth 08hýWa. Oshawa two years ago on a viant. His prixe o0 taxes On Prospect Park. It was recomn Simce S. suth, Oshwa. takiug la of yearly occurrence. His narue mcuded that the foilowing eccounts 6e paid also appears frequently lu tbe prix. liist for Finance $93i.oq ; fire, s r62. r2; town property griuad vegetables. 813 68; streets, $257,65; relief $81r o. J. grain . Jacques' salery wes discussed at somne Ieugîh Bet weeu .30 aud 2 a.m. Sunday morning but the item wes Passed. Afler the transac. the people were awaken by the ringing of lion'ot some minor business tbe council ad- w the fire beils. It îurned out to be the drug jourued. store of Mr. Eby. This lu the second trme Cwitbîn a short while that this block bas been Another one of.our ppul.ar young men îhreatened witb destruction from fire. The bas taken unto himself a life prtner. on ~ ___________________________ dames did sligbt damage but tbe goods Wednesday rlght et the residence of the are iu a bedly damnaged state from samole btide's parents, Bowmanville, Mr. Thomas and water. The truc origin of tbe ire is no Sheridan wa nited in mariage to Miss tr OSHAWÂ, NOV. 6, 1896. known. Lous fully covered by lusurance. 01Mre R-Thompson. Tecreoywas 1 he enuessee Jubi nie nger ep-esretpastor of the methodist churcli, who lied1 tee 34l at ria ihnder be uspices 0' Use kuot in his natal happy style. The ' UicMthbatailn bud.The 15*11 was -corn- bride looked charming attired in a white flortably filled and au these ýaree i.oi) cepn dress tntned witb lace and ribbon. T lA 5 I original Jubile. Singer. ou the r.ed the peo- and carrying lu her hand a lovely bun ch of 1d1jJL e euoye a rre reat Asthei fai rch chysatbeinums and carnations -Mr John OS A wii A P GE vicsrang out as tbey sasi Ieir negro Sheridau stspporbed his brother wieMs 5 meloies ue popiew~recarmd way fiom Anine Treuough acted as bridesmaid. At 6 tbemselves and for the umomngnl forgot the- p. ut 'the guesta mat down to prettiîy-arraug' -7n cares aud worries of tbis world. We be. ed aid well.filledtables. the appy couple ýaq OMAWiL ~~~speak for thein a heany welcome should arrl ved àt their homei shw;conro OBAW. hey ever retunni. e In Oshawa corner of F'armers ilîl do wcîl to cal et M. E. May's for boys' ready mrade ciothiug. lb il psy any parties couteusplatiug buy- Ing au engagement or wedding ring to sec tbe large stock of Fett Bt-os., Oshawa as tbey wlil seli this moîb t-et-y cbeap for cash. Genuine dlamoud 14K. oulv s5. Tbey are atm=kn smre special Wers lu Gents', le'sdBoys' gold sud silven watchies. thons.. Felt Bt-os. Mrs. M. Lansing usa lu Toronto thii week. Misa Elle Tbonspson la visitiug wiîh Clare mont frends. Musa Fisber-, Toronto, la the guesî of -Mise Edith Kirby. Rev j j Rae, Pelcrboi-o, bas accepteda caîl to Bowmant-ice - Misses Sertie Bennetsud Viols Hooper vlsitcd Bowmauville lest week. -. Mr. sud Miss Wilson, Claremont, visite< wits Miss Effie Bond over Sunday. Messrs N. Jeunugs, A. Osborne sud N. Creago, of Bowmanville, Sundayed here. Mn Thomas Davidge wheeled (rom To- routa on Salut-day sud ret uned ou Sunday. Mrs. J. Hall, of Wbitby, relurned homne Tuesday after e pleesant vîsit witb friendk. Mr Tisas Guy bas so fat- necovcred [rom bis recent set-bus lluess as to be able tô b. up tawn. On the 22ud imat., b Mn. sud Mrs. J. Brodie, e daugbîer. Ou the 25th iust., the wife of Frankt Riggs, of e sou. A uew walk was put down ou King st this week on bbc uortb aide from Simcoe st. west. It was t-eny such needed. Mr Harvey Davis bas recovered (romn bis ueceut illnesa offé(ee-asd rcaumed bis dut- ies at bbc office of the Osbawa Rail way Com- psny. Mr. Gea Palmer-, of Brighiton, wbo bas been spendiug se-et-el dasail towr' visiLing bis ater, &jrs C French, lId on Monday for Nontreal, Otawa, Qucbec iand Portlaud, whcre lie wiJ speud tise remeainder of bis isolidays. The PedIar Roofiug Coy, are slipping targe quanîttca of goods e-et-y week sud bave their large pleut running at full ca- piclty. Tua draftsmeü oI'e eostantly oi-. ginatung designs tc t eet -bbc, demanda of bise trade.' -Professai Râis il#again in tour sud bas 'decided to- meet the requesur f munyoaibis friends ani rend tise heads af' ib e fi-at 'twcoty five people applYlugto hlmthis weck fst-i25 'cents. Professai Rabbitg l9 a pbre-. 00olagis, of greaj. abîiiy, as bchas sostsly demnonstrate inluMeisbead readings in ibis townt. Hc wae lu teBOwranville lust week . 7ýud met wltb a firtstclasmteception. Dr ýHeuderan, af Toronto, assistant sec- I.reary of bbc mlslonary 'department lu con- nection witb tbe methodist churcli of Canada, -condacted mlsslonary services lu bbc Simca. SChsurch lest Sunday maruing and et-en-' -Thse doctor gave two as fiue addicaseu » cre ece-ct-1n, u he bt chut-ch anid pre. snted bbe mfflsalauiry ceuse In a tery eflect.. Ive manuier.- The çollections for the day 9a1u01uted'ta ueXriy $Joo, belug withlu.a 11wv -dollars of -thse total amount secured laut yeir fin aI sources. This yéar total givlugs wiU Igir excee those of best yest-. Zduard -Carsweli, Esq.,. bas isentost, Catb«anUes ad bas brouglt it kaleaslug *ccouat, -ties u cessbisat Rcv. kA. l>è mOlI o tm J- dg wltls s dnaw coUç in ts 4atlty.. Mr Dernili - arcady ih"- ^pAt-. tevidansc f- aisand i orusataa madh Saturday niitbt being. Haliowe'eu the p.-PlIe on SundaY mtrig'vgçre ual sur- Prised to view tbe wanton destructlvenea, wbîcb the rising gencration had' committed for iheir en >yrment. Windows S'ere broken. sidewaustrCnd aven, fin (set eeriy avail able thiug tbey côulil !ay bisir bauds on wvas eîtbct brokren or cari-ld away. 'The table'. sud fibwet- -sutndsu cre aken ont of thlt pst-k suddeposited ia front of the R. C Lest Sonda>' evculug, nt St. Gregory's chut-ch, tbc fallowing 'young ladies w-et is recel ved and becane rmeuibers of tht- order of Chidren of St. Mary : Misse, >. Maggie Pst-sons, Bella Fait-, Nellie Redmond. Frankie Fair-, Majory Wilkinson, Maggie- aDcamnoud, Mary J. Cet-r, Aggle Folev, anÉ 'Annie Coffefield. Tbey pnesented a ver) pretty sight kneeling before tbe alter rail. caque mariner about their figures sud in r their banda aligbîed caudie. The ceremoni s both impressive and instructive, the o fflciatig pt-lest giving tbem good esi-nest advice. The people of St. Grexory's shiould b. protsd of their choir. thougb composed oi ver-y young people undert- he training of tht orgaulst, Miss M. Walsh, and tbc Siaîer,-s they far excel mauy choira composed of fat older people. Pofice Cour-t. A rather peculier case st-as brougbt up be- ifore P. M. Mutton, ou Thursdey last, uhen Mn B Howard hed a womau, calling henseif Miss Lizzle Demili, appear lu court ta ans-i wer the charge of petjury. Jr appeans that Leslie Howard bad becu keeplng company wltb t.bis waman, sud the father, Mr B How- ard, nt Cedar Dale, asked bis &ou if they were mat-t-ed. The t-eply s that they bcdÎ been somne time ega. in Toronto. The father- tben asked for thse marriage certificate, sud( on Mouday nigisî, lu oriler ta show a legalt document, youug Houai-ilasudefilaucet ap- plied ta Mr Willox for wbat bbc law regards1 as sucb, sud sfter swearlug tlsat they wcret botb uniarried, e mat-nage ces tificateua pnccured. This wns showm ta Mr. Howard, wbo at once got out a warrant for the arreutt of Miss Demiil, ubo be believed s a mer- tid woman, on a charge ai petjury. In tbc meautime bbcecouple badl sklpped. èlit-. Howard sud Constable Goodman procceded t to seat-ci for tbem, sud succeedcd iu flndiug theýwomau lu Bowmauvilîc, uhere ase Wu placd, under arrest and brought thbbcOuh- sus lack-up. 5r Howard bail,inu the mean-P tdîne, fdund bbc-womats suband,- boi au uhmued DemIlil, sud lit-ca at But-keton ulUs 6 several children, tbe olilest s yousig womau ji ninetecu yearu of age. la court Mrs DernilI f deuled that she bacl et-en been marnicti, and electedto a bt-led by P -M, Muttt. Tise b Case wns adjoui-ed util Maunday,,and lire.a Dernil 'ýwmrëeuteo Wbltby f ait tut thal date. â Mrp,. J3èmil >eàmc t ctrial on.Moîlady. -U of thq' youÏýt,suitl'Hôwardtryinx ta pas e bbc *éçhu rn ke hls'-wfç. k 'eemi bItatp sbe h*dnà Idea of tbbp "reiôusnms ortheof. w encc'tau b. -produci< ythe . cwn she wil - probably be'- sent t WJ'al *fo, a bortnu ofyeam. ' IL IL ýU"d mfated -that is lasnbu" ho lise womMa'thbishoum .d sectrg as es ei-but afterwarh pir6çWisea *MI' MUMJMMOU41 atreeura t 10 o'cl'oct wneretney found a large nusuber of their flendsawalting tiseun. The valuable pt-ca- ewta revdived by bOth show thse hi h regard sudt esteem in which fLhey are hi'9dby btoth ithtir Bowmauvile sud -Qshawa frieuds We extend our congratuiatqus to Mx. and Mmn. Sheridan. Hundreda- of ex-Caneditos, now living' in hbe border cibles 01 tbc United States, i, rejoice te learu that thse Dominion govern- muent bas fixed the date 01. the Cauadýatu thankmgiving, day this yea'r for tbe ls lisurad&, lu November, bbc intention, bcblg te observe thc sarne day as the Amnericaus. 1-itherto tbe holiday bas been a week or Xwc apart sud many wlso would havç spWn, thanksgiving day witls the o14 foîks at homit or witb frieuda lin ear by Canadian boWn!n t-ete obliged to work on t.he Cauadian holi dav and were tinable te také advantage of the reduceci farce given ou thse Canadiani railwavs. The decision of thse Canadiar Coverument te prociaim bthe foutUsThorsda% in November tbanksgivingday was prîmarl duc to rePrcsenltations made to z: by th, Montreal board of brade, That body main lained that the practice of fixingt.b-f.cbrid a' ou the thîrd Thursday of the monîb bas been an injury fe brade. Tbe forwarde-s have been moat affected. Thcy poiuted out that navigation wau noi closed by that Lime sud chat thse absentce for a whole day ai thse men from the canais, et a scason wheu et-en Sun- t4ays were flot obsenv ed as holidays bas becu a distinct grievance. Furthenno-ewheu the- United States takes a bohéday thse Cauad- ian stock cxcii ulge closes sud busiiness l% interrupteci. Tbere ilu mucb difieece of oupinion lu bbc Canadian press as to the rvisdom' or propn.iety of the cbgnge, the rnajority fayot-mg thseerlier day bcase it Îs more apt to be plent, thougli many blink lb fitting that two peopîcu of principall- one nationality join in a couMmon day of bhauksgiving.'« Tbe Vindicatar heu droppéd-bbc subject of flogging chidren, andi it- bas been taken up ty annOnymous wrlter. We-do flot taire mucli Stock in a maen wlso upboldes viclous Practice whlle withlsolding hla Identity, but bhis man sess moderate languea,' wbich -lu martb comenda hlmta notice. -Hwsays bliat wben b. was s boy b. bail a halxto-ýf hroWe [g Stones at doge, sud was trubCIf enotigb, ts Admit haviug doiu. no atter- :bavugý been' brbiddeu by Ise fatber. He W«s.fioggéd. and deami ld<ld hlm good Thebftence of 1 Lrowlng atones at any animal is nS serious,j ýrovidcd thse Stones do, not bit, as We sup. 1 os*e msueb b. iDferred in this case, ainei 'Oskosh " does not say bis aim wus cfect- t-e. and 'wbile the offence was uligbt, truth- ai admission on Oskosb's parx t~ttied sim J a nme redlb, probably cnougtsýai oftoet thei' ad -slioâ.. Ailbit' tremaincê Mainst - bm vas disobedîeuce, but attIll fr hIsders bis, d cnce'mertedai cud&elling, atod-a-ys, t <lsd las ond Ucthegac on tq " sa iab à C re Wbpped lU prison,, but negleu ta.stte, ratti. onl ofenes orwbh-cWfheyare go i$ ~sdpae biniif oi- riutg &toes tlg k is atagary 'vit It 'niinals. W'4ohav Oesuumr.r. os~n..y.C.Woon, propr N o , n b oa elry, -eKt su d - o sefôs equippod. IL M To)--C&tcrer for Bais, Amimblies,' WbJas. f,6 movzpx 4 W> pb-0sba ste JOePECaxmanufacturler o01flue carni 51 1 b , E p a lr ln g aà .i alby . l a u B a m u , t o p a n i s d d é c a t o r . D e Jà»wluaowosha"or ware, etc. Large stock kepI contut band. Jobbing a gpeclaty. Bimocoe si north. L. R. miroq, 1E. A -Berr1ster Boue1 Notary Pub11é, Con*veyanoer, io. mone lend. Officeover 'tD6»2won Banki, 8,1 Street, Oshawa. bL B. My-ej DOrpeeies. Fanoy Ch 'Crockery, Tinvare, and Fancy Goode.1 Terne ,nd Cfe Soya' uedy made uM sPecialty-very cheap. &UCTION 8ALX-The gubstniber wiU b. In &W a theCenral Rotei, rday ofe -àtolOne to 3 0o'Olook p.M, to make angements wlth parti es wlslng to havemu L PIRAnuiEnxotioneor. 'LAmBEET &*soN-Tlis leading tafflo and gents, turniahing bouse of Osha 9 ple did bss tont n of tweeds, wm rs frowserings, shirts, collars, etc,maiways h ln stock. ?=LT Eaos - Watcbmak.rg and Jewel DernIers ln vatches, clocke, lewalery, esU' Ware se «tclsetc. Egrving, god m erp ating, and lId gold rings imade o' Fine watch, eluckitud jewelery repaii Mir. T. J. Carlie lu improving slowly. Our evaporetor bas about fiuasbed business for Uls season. Mrm Salisbury, Mitobeli, lu visiting ber daugb- er, Mr. J. E. L Cole, Mr. Aaron Heard spenda part of bis trne 'applng rnank, etc. Miss Ethel Crydermen us still very sick. but la howing aiRus of improvomeni. Messrs. Scouttand Tbompson,' Seatbora, were this vcinity buying cows lasi week. Our cheese factory will cloue after this week, aving bad a very succesful meason. Mim Leura SaIter lias been confined to the Duse for anme trne wiuh a severe coýd. Mn. W. Metn bas been mauufacturing cider l'Yi a- lt 0. rtoo wec mUne îf to 1 ii< [ycom Ut»eI Lis. ring ept lem. ýver- aud lver. 2K a a smsll sca~e, sud Mr. Enoch Stevenu on a m.-,amuel j 'ompson, who bas becu work. -ng ai MIape durng the ummer, bas reuàned l'me. At ime of writig mst of the armera have inished stornug heir root crop. Turnîpu are not us large as usuel. Mn. sud Mrs. W. Crydermnan sud sou have n&- ,urned ta their borne lu Vernon. B.C., after a pleasanut-lasit wiîb frienda bei-e. Messrs. Ciatwortby sud Johns at-e .bustling doug the bouse for Mn. 'Stark at Enfield, sud it the weathen remnains fine will soon finish. Rev. E. E Howard conducied quarteriy set- dces at Eldad church Sunday. ' bei-e was a rood attendeuce sud a very profitable urne was 'peut. m Pas Box cup. Mr. S. Brooks »ud A Gay. atcnded tise pigeon match at Bowmant-utc ou Mlonday sud carried off a big share of thse booty. There were tht-ce different matches, of ten birds for eacb curry. It was a fine day, tbe bit-dg 1kw well sud bIse eveut passed off lu t-cail ivelt- style. ritmatch, î12crîtricu, Sa uo enter, sweepstake prizes--zut money, Gay, 9 bit-ds, $9 65, ; 2nd sud 3rd, Brooks sud Colwell, 8 birds cacb, $6 cacb ; 41b, Kirpatnick, Bencut, 'vorsbead, 7 birds esch, $2.40 each. 2ud match-rat, Gey, 9 birds. spoil divided as befone, sund, 3t-d sud 41h, Brooks, Campbell, Bell, 8 b-du cach. 3rd mnatch et cday rocks-rat, Dustan, i0 birds ; .sud sud 3rô, Brooks sud Campbell, 8 bit-do COUERTICE lis M abel Pascoe, Miss K Argue ;iud L soce, of Solina;- Mr Lutber Courtice, wmanville. dr H Salter sud famnily have left to oc each. Nos' 4tb. lu tbe issue of the Canada Preslsy- terian 0of this date is tu be foud the followIng paragrpb t-cfrrng to Prebyterians lu his vil- lage -" Re. Datid Watson, D. D., wbo as for amay years becs pastor of. St. Andrew's ChrlBeaveton, recnty resgned on accouai of cntinîeti il-beaiu. lu is regirettable £baj Dr.,Watson sould have found imusef cmpel. led ta tae iis actin. Ris pulpit minisreics werc et-r of a helpful. sud refreshing chazacte. wile bis.acuvilasupastoral Visitation vas sncb as few of bis bretirecaud opeto, equal. Por s çoasderble perod the Presbyteriss of the o ugreaulousat Beaverton ave frit tiat the' pasion wounld hé mateullly benefitidcould a uniloi of tihe twa bleaoomplisled, No better Oppçrtunity ta effec: a ibing 50 desirable cosld be wshsed tbMun ibe: nov .presénted. Ba(th ie c a u=,~giç are- without pstrs,, atbugb M mbas ucalled a - yaung rniterta uis t p r p lp t. C ould iot u emo sg c an u suite luin u ~,Wuos( o=cptie POsU- uon of patt« e eeitus ot.bath, wiuh Ret- K J e m l u u u d 4 sro e s so r ? 'fla s w o uld a u n n Il oughtfui attentioùtous tise tînelafbth congte tâtons bem-g, sud i. - 'mctsof>_vMr,as Cr of Cuox Ch 1i.wbcs'~kplace ,to-dey, - ispuId got -n, ibywfse aMethtie ulhf,te oucome Quejscom anbat eobê, on,4a rtou of Ocîtber., V Clasàr-Annie Robertson, Jobs Weur, Sucs Weii. IV elass-.ditb Bspi Lotté (.oaef. Maud Mocré, Mar" aFranlin. Sr. lU Edxbb PrakbnHowprd irankin. Ir. -IIi-aura Frankinu, Austin Graham, Edith Cogtes, Laura Cotes. Sr. I1-Sal Spencer, Clarence Stevens. Louis ConiUn. Wm. Cottes. i>art. Il Si-Mabel Franlin, Gertie Cottes. Pant Il Ir-Richard spencer, Maretta Orasara, Barbeam Mackde, Eila Stevens. Sr. I -Chu,, Mac&ie, Russel Franklin, Ada Coomnb. Ir 1- 'Russel Co-ites, Florence ranklin, Timulu Hoc. kin. Average 36. Harry Hyland, teacher. COLUNEMS lu4 6IAR!~SEN OSAWA.o Imet a youth ou our tow~ ne. With waîch and Chain, hf lOoked so fte "My lad," raid 1, >'ou cuL a Si)ne re And muat bave been at Boyo)s. Yes, tlinî's tbc store, weîî known by ail, For pretty thiugs, bath large and smî WeuctIn town, Rive themn a cajI, Fait- dealing is at BoYD'S. Yo'l1 elusda o~s VOL. 18 1' c' Just THISI A* CHEýt House-cli We have a largt of window bave evert W. use the shade cloth roller. Also a fine Ask to see 0~ Screens, to Out- baby carria signa. ive us a caîl be Weare taki -elegance w general util Our stock is cor We invite 1 Il will save Lea.ding Ul BROOK 'ST Establlshed Granite W] Dundai Cha.se porter an] GRA.NTl tise labest kinds ofC glearanteei M,:-àise $aea trù Pus For- tersus, etc, - !lWhùtby, Aug. 27 - BIl r 'ore ?brub bred ,-> to M. 's pain Our large, direct importations of A German sud English Jackets and Capes Cali a are now here and ont- stock is comn- plete. Better values aud more correct T TT' styles were neyer shown. We are P EL LO WS quotiug prices away below former sea- sons. Out- gieat object is to make a and eee hie large tut-nover which we can only do by Wrought Steel offeriug very temptiug prices. NEW DRESS GOODS. The Dress Goods section invites you -AT- with a truly magnificent assortrnent. l France, Englaud sud Gerrnany ail cou-e5 -0 tribut. their quota towards thse make- Also hii COAL OIL ~OO up of our assortment. Most of the woven beauties shown by us cannot be adGSSOE seeu elsewhere. Coré ne l and go adGSSOE through themn and buy if you want to. -FROM- MILLINERY. '5 t 50O MillUnery bas always been a special study bere aud that lb ci utiixuca b e an importent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ part ofîthis buslipess la more noticeeble every day. Ladies *'Cen alwsys depend au gctting curable anywbere (rom us sud thse prices areBO T - S specallytemping Dress sud Mantle making in ail its raes z eciaoatiih F.. KILST.WCoT$ - KING ST. WEST, Railway -AND- *TIC K ET S S TERWKER, R. O.carter. AdÊt.I *b S easonable Footwear -AT- RUBBERS, OVERSHOES,) HEAVY PLOW BOOTS, $1. s:mn o0 0 Liadies' Botton Boots, standard riveted, at ................ Ginlm' Glove Grain Buttais Boots lto12,lto 2, at ............ Girls' RHaty Laood Boots, good -............... Boys' Fine Laced Boots, riveted, 11 t018 .......... ..9..... Ohilda' HatyLid Boots, 8 OuRe5d#'ngDearn tke~ esi;n /own. Ail New ti lp 1]RAGLAN.* --%c-----'. or' very ifl- -j ri R -Botb good sud cheap au Boyr'S. Reportof Raglan uchool for October, '&gfi: Gold buttons, pins and diarmond rln,, Sr- zut clasa, 1tal-41o. Johnuy Martin 369, Ad lots of other lovely îhéigs,gu Clara Rosm 298. Mlorley Luke 248. Part 2ud Wihosljeesftfrkng c i e u , O t e - 1 3 S . i r a . O m i s o n r a 9 A r - Y o u 'r e s u r e t o fi ud et B o V 's . thur Wilson 11o2, MOY Martin 1004, Morley Ross 921, Aussten Thompeon 89a, Agnes Moffatt Young men about te lhrow the loop 731. Helen Eemden 719. 2d class, total- O'er maidens fait- they'd like to .SEOOPI i2a Edua Dawson 967, letuima Ross 561. Select ai once the ENGAG;EwE\,T HoU Sr- 3rd aleïý talS-563. MaryHar>den sié. Real gemns you'll find at Boyrj's. Ir 3rd clAni, ota_-xog6 J esie Smth 788, ewe tediylyuhv agt Lue &I St-eets 74, Edih Coucb 6oâi, Mary heSovweu lb entaisy" Y bou vg h, BMay599. Ir 4th ciass, rotai-r 379. Mes he lvl rsnsW îebog bmîh zo7r Aimu ugie 9oo, Violet Stanuon Then cornes the ring TO TIE "THE K.sQ 890, Hanne ufaott 9 Alexander Ormiston, Pure gofd youi find ai BOYrD'. 696. ST 41bthcius&tOtal-1412. Ediîb Poss The next in order la "a trip" zpFosie Curtiz zo42, Chat-le Smith Ioo4, Ou railioad car or fine aieamnship, &ibur Ros s 994 & :e -O nly be names of Then m id your wa ch , don 'z et Il slip . hose wbo receive baif marks are pubiisbed. C~ Good watch cisains are at Boys Màddu, eacer.Then cornes tbe lime for "settling down, The old foks slyly drive 10 bown C To purchase, aud a good bok round For needful tbings ai BOYD'lS. F. ~ h m ITbey cboose-a dock th at's always rnih *To strike the houir both aannih And rouse bbc whole a yat nniglit, Real beauties fiud ai BOYD'S. -A The well filled pmrse is then cut loose BA RG AriIIN S. To purchase silverwai'e for use, And -Rodgers' kuives" bo carve the goosý Big Bargains and special induce- G:ood forks sud spoons at BOYD'S. mneuts throughout the whole store. A word te pet-sons growîug old, The kecuest buyers are talking about Our pebbic spex ««as good as gold," our lw pnes. he atracions The crossst fc.lku will net-en scold, ou .r lo pri es. The ttra tion in W hcu sight's reuewed ai BOYD'S.' prices sud large stocks to select from So uow our ad. le at an end, are without a parallel. Don't doubt our word, but core, or sen BIG BARGAINS IN Ont- wares are good You may depend, ý NEW CAPES AND JACKETS. 1 1 1 1- 1 elbtwum 1 OT, 8 ý , tp ý 1 X&MPTON ad ; è B"VBBTON. OR-e&ýý L ON VOL* All New

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