Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1896, p. 6

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*14 cMe It'h buâ h.a stningth=': ibgethosle.p ofthe utt,- dreas tes. patof ola ou"tty et I 1cka godbr.iteinathedui wb ent dt te treui on th. l h b sat. the driver, or engl au hey eaU hirn, aloe, wating. 9M. nasrai tondues, cf au n Bagu ie.MýWaft7eyp, tcpped and goe with 'hlm a mment about thé engu Thon 1 ofiered bina a ., wbic took witb thanka, and asked me ot ïlu.1Imwong musei mbhie oab. Th nier abi iIploeaut- -2nan&bou 40 yare id, xplainied M the Ms oSf theamerons valves levers about Mina. They were a brlghî anè shiuing ne polish couladn thffor an ongineer is au prend cl en assan »Yhouuwifejàof the in mon 0 'be dw.Mag.I glancpd at Ovwo shiag steani guages with the eý botw..a tb.m, and then I notioied,m eeened to hean ordinarywhite mi mouatod in a gilî frarno, banging agi , the Wall of thecab. "le that for au ernarnent" I sa pointng ai the moti. The driver saniI.d. IlWell, paftly an ernarnent," ho seid, "but a goodd mocro for sentimn..1Ipu& that mi lter. beau» s e ved my lif., aqd lives cf 250 people as Woil." 'How in the worla coula an las s.:. hurnan fives?"I ase "Woil, I wili toit yen if yen vant hear the story. 1 reekon there'e ti, enough botore w. are able teO gel out 1 settied myseif in the oloker's seat a J)repared te listen. "It wasa'it suc] long tirne back," saîd th. engineor, "o a year ago last spring.I as run thivr tanandwi hia veryoeugi --old 449. My *10kr vau Jir Meaé the gmre feliow as I have gel nov. Y, oaaSn ee binâ over thoe, leanig1 againet tb. telegrapfr obloo. "Jita'. a good boy, but bels very supE alitions ; believes in ghose, darn e & vamnge. I ued go laugh allhie fa cies, but I doa'î make me mucli tua bita asI did-nct ince vs saw ti "Woman ini Blaek." "We were timed le leave M- aboi io'Cloek in the morning, and te arrn ta8- %but 6 o'clook. On tb. aigi whon lte thing tcok place a fearfi aetoo wind aud rain had been ragi, since earlY evening, and vae aIt t beigitt cf ils fury when I tart.od froi tb. engin. sed. "Ilvau about midungbî, and the win seed te swee eear round and ltron1 th. building. Il vas terrfbly diama lita vas Lbere, and the engine was a rsady, me ator getlinR my workiu elotbes On, I raui tb.e egwie down te th station. Our train, th. vestibule limite Vau an heur late. I gave thle engine thorougit oiing, and made sure thatad vas la ordor. "A s al in lhecab we could hoa t h. storin ragiag on the outaide, whil th. rain, drivea by lhe guets et wiîu beat fiorceeY against the windows. 64l6t's going t.o be a bad ru ,Frsnk, JiAsaid. II vieh vo vere in - Mianad sound.' "I laughed. 'What makos yen foot sc terrihly glun. i, , I said. 11 4 'Oh,' said- ho, II feel creopy, smre C cannot e. a signal before ho le upoIl . "BtI augheci at-myseif for wy brsm ai I back.d dova abud coupled on te île **ài. Iset1h.braes, andfcldez7 jinglugod, $:theliltik gong abovo my bead cl.ugd aharply, sud yul a PUÉf ZU4 J" of scat *aesta w o eo f inlo the ",ni g. n tprm, rating over utloUns ,pa~ignel itidb eteen and * wnbleï wê ued Jý,o e Ol -à» bridge' andav7 hrug 4- . Wla "Then I puli.d7lthruils vi4."opmiu 4nd the olaak &bd ! sat soon setsled dow Uâ Iuto a buu1'for Old744sý, iab« a4 worie - x»Ming. 60 mfle aua ,upu "WJ &* * " wSLady c*MPôftd8aOf d Irk.a le ___ monîo, the wgla 1Ilknç.wn trottiag "tlion, «~e Nuni) Couvent, 1 fo Aà Wëdhdâon.th nv c-wi Y lm a fmarkeofuÎ. tv i,8oo Vo 8t"u1,l.àt14 P - Vea uabwesýM :11DQ0 ~ ~ WeareàA TIESt OFRCMÂ' aioeg. I.i~*l t l p ~.pieasd to kino that the vatuable anik,, tUon.~~ un- 9'40 mfr11 la e mto tmal vitli eminiin- this section. KOOTENÂY (CURE ag ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ca iMqueI o*r ii'olIrigid Warden Siater, 'County Commis-. plat. - d tes ey. Im7omd ,p ing Jie> sioners High and Baker, met in theluteIsitons droped.O.vr. lluetoe or. H court house on Friday. and passed a teIaiuini Followed by mnepoial.od vib a hibifg finfeor outinlto resolution instructing the varden toa8an Endorsement. theb bedarkness.1 Ithetd ud 0<> Ihezinotfy -tssee of bel-gales t.hat the hmam I bega" maeth uhak600 hee on leaseswould be îerrnihated onDxiecem- Sacred Hears (Grey Nous') Couvent,1 supd mIsi va lb sane idoue 4gure '0'a brz. As r.o the agreement between Olaa a.4 86 cne. tihfon uliùe egi.o noth vbakgounoni he city and county aboiishing marketOtaMr.4186 ein nov vhirting in. a viti dance., but ail, t ees and t.oii-gates simuttaneously, the HaRyckma n, Ont. tint. motioaing us batik. varden said emphaticaliy that ic vouldHairnOt .fcd ""Frank,' gasp9d lira, butl mel not oign it until the county council had Dear Sir,-dî is vith pleanre hal i IB o0 me above a vbisp.r, adoa'î go over Ilat met and ltat if ste county 's interests write te inforin yen Ibat your valua»). 1 ad bidg. Dn'tgo fo bevone ske, wre n dnge h wold ot ignitreunedy, "Kootenay Cure,' ban been andbrige.Dont g, fr havps ske. WC~ tl dnge hewoud fot ugnittried in on: institution viîh moat grmtity- j ila Isuppose I wae prelty badly saard unti) Dec. 33t8,.when his'term expires. îng rosots. îosam ay Ibis,- as I am n ee0 nake At &DY rate, 1 put on thé brake-for al I Wednesday night af tasi week two of those who have oonscientieusiy tealed B f bis vas vortit. I couidn't bave restiâted si.- îtramps called at the residence of. Tho- it. I have ne hésitation lu recommend- t bite "Ausevocae>a stop i .oudha mas Walton, Scarboro Jonction. and ing iii as a vonderf ni medine for Riton- .it~ th ",A e oa ealet a Roc Col e asked . for food. but vere Tcf used. 'natism, a diseaae vhich has baffied medi- alc the a ofI teed n eRoheca Lread met Thcy vent away muttering îhrcats. calscience fur se many years. Te n soîl, ed.- the conducoor o fthegcab. Wh t'scMr. Waiton soon after retired and for- own knovledge aise tle remedy bas Wbaî'th s 1h.ctr cmatterp got ail about themn. Tbursday morning proed most benelicial in CasesOf Ds 11n 4 m all ' lethaed maieat theatfour o'clock, on awakening. he, no- ppï-D& k.d, 1"64Ifl tociededly foolisi. There vas îiced a strong smeiliof smoke,. and o ig hae mufo pesroing ti ommunsiread- Dto ggantic voman to »e seen nov. rnaking an investigation, discovcred theg île y au r kow"Koead for Ntis eoutd b. made ont more tIa , h barri to be on fire. He quickiy Cure"baus ferrd n Keotufèen deal fev feet avay in tb. blladiug storm. gave the alarm, but before heip arrived "b yu ae oofulrenmaiysionffmerers ]otb ",Well,* said I, we've seen senetiDg. the barni was totalty dcstroyed. Thceanusen hav estm i erissin ake Ou teI doa't kaov vitat il is-seemed ike i( fiamnes spread to thc bouse, which, de- use ethit it.ain a e vas s great black gbeet Ibat vau vsvinR spite the efforts of tle firemen, vas ma îik f iîzt. Ld uero. boct ils arme and warning ns net to go for- destroyed, yulh ail uts consents, inctud- SSE HRSLd uemr yard'. ying $130 ini cash. As the tire vas it t "Thé conductor iooked at me curions clearly of incendiary origin. it is sp l ime ]y- 'Are yen erazy, Frankho'b . 1 posed that the two tramps returned du r- BREAD AN BAKiN . O tt f ebould Ibiak yen vote. But we're so igtengtadfrdtebr.TeD near th. bridge, velil ake a look R& il' dgm g sud fird the bar.t $zo; and .6W. teck our lanterne aud wnt insured for $i,2oo. ' 'ToSafo Iom u o h a stesd, leavinR lim vitb thle engine; te On Tuesday Mr Jesse Noble, of Th NI f Lead0 é nly loeked frigitteaed to e doti. But I tLb Hagrame41 ansyaciet ,igyen, vo badn't gene ive rods betore v wr aemn e iha[syacdn.Wof eI ine seppe.i in borre:. Fe vas driving home wit a' load of do, "Thre t ot fel ay btek lasn, ile frota Mongolia, sad wbhen coming Aeu ilo viT L lb oar c layab.rcver, malong on the aideroad between lots 2o HOT WORK AND LoNueIIOURSO up ewoeu witthé pring raina, itdasiiotand 21, con: 9. the tongue of the 07 or- va8bshe waY. ening thc herses wbo ran away. The of tempej-ature that i is net surprisîng that - end "O0njy a fow splinters et vood sud tangue becoming embedded lanlte road Uiey aften suifer from kidney and other trou- a-. twleted iron olung te the abatmonl,thrcw M r NobJle out and thc horses ble. îInrnany cases theïr work at night con- ,ot vitile ýnov, fer on&t ove: the blaeknoss, and the wagon partcd company. Mr. fines theixi in a heated sîmosphere for heurs, ýh tlat. asvtsl figure et s veman danced W D Reeser tappened along about fri which they sally forth throujfr¶he col &gain on the tim air, rolieved ainst the titis time and tound Mr Noble iying un- rught air te their well-earned rest. ut shaft cf tightt lat the lcadtigli? lbrev. conscious on the roadside. He îook Mr. George Roberts, balcer fer Mr&. S, Com ive 'It vas flinging ils arma about as il ÎDthise injurcd gentleman to lis home. Ranahari 57 Dundas street, gives us the Por btî vild aise. Thte conduetor slared aI the wle tcrwu asfQund titat he was badly following tacts: " I have suffered se mucit for- ngl "Wuasd thoalte. igynss ioibruised, and it 1is hoped titat te suifer- bit fute er ihkde ies ng 11a httetii ouswweaed no internai injury. Thc tcam inre fin- t crswthkdnydies ,he you eoppe thétrai ? "lie ked.thatit gives me pleasure te teli et. my hne hoysttope I tan? eaae. ished their course in a harb-wire fence, condition for te better. -I had fa dpi n ir "'Weil, il'. sornethintz more tIalack the second one in teir route, fence the back and riglit sido; the. urine wa red in are id titat saved us te-nigîl,.Frank' No. i coming off but second.tet. or with a reddish sticky sediment, Vitb Au1 g h I ff e w n t a c k a l w l y t o h e r a i , S n .b r i c k d u s t d t . A t t im n e s s e v e r e p i n n d &l. feeling vory queer sud îtankful tee, i WOelt!a tmmj>s the region o Ie bladuder, caus.ngmc gr e at al mam sure yen. Several passongere fia . Martin Brôckington, bis brother Ar- suiffé-ing and discomton. Appetite vcry poor, MY1 IR corne rttaniqg torvard by thia tlme. nold and Thomas Hutton, tree and mucli troubled with slccplessness atig'ht. I eit tiret and wern eut ail the tinie Work te Azaong tIent vas a youag felov from wcalthy tramps were sent dôvri for ten i>ecamc a crucgery ; it was an effort te do any- ,d, Citicago, itbont 18 years old, vite yjj days by Magistrate Orrncrod fQr beg- aiing. I1 waslew spirited and disceuragedu. a starter titan, tle vIole et us, hais ilturne]i ging in East Toronto village but got Hearing cf Doan's Pilla I went te Mr. W. T. - ~out, oui agaut in a few hours after titeir un- Stron"drug stor, Loendon, Ont, and "Wben b vwas teld cf tle veman in carceration in jaiî1. Witen bchind the go oe box.-* Frein the first dose I coin- ajr black, h. lurned and looked at lte loco- bars thc tîrce found. enought n*iraie rcaliit;l.urnisatalacoe le motive beadligît. Titen ho rau op te- pockets to pay Mitnsfe, S.Asbeselintentflads~pae;Ihv cPi yard it. 1 oooked pas h.e did se, andsoon at e got. usd edrw$o eof a ; rs wfappetite lias returned; up i an s ouead le rew$4e5 te I amn stronger and better in every way; for thc I smw a peculiar @pet on the glass. had lying un ste tank, and i'turning fi-st turne in many years I now feel that lite is "'There's yeur voman in black 1 ' @&id tlibex-ated ttc otter two. Thc balance, vrl vx.DoaiVs Kidney Pulls have curcd the boy. $388, Martin said lic vas coing <> îi-me ef iZyon tndnfeplitan r "And1Ihoresilaadnsure enoug-tbseand31 am '4Aest inrttctKvosensurgoidomines. - pleased te acknewlcdge what they have dene ebtai ~ marne eut inîler theatyen use iter. W minnms.- for me. I have net takcn. more than tva boxeStsree samemothmillr tbt yo ee thee inEconrnis. ofthepills and Uic resuIt is as 1 have stated. the trame. Ho vas clingiag tle iten- Peiul eti idtid eyeeysn 'Ai&eett --gas. AsI-spedonb gl -9Ass -île Irsne 6 v btk a d lgte I H D N A T "kde endbtutlIte o a il why 1 be"ýtI mmsiideofy 1ýt ours by quacks end patent medicinestubre île ram. Its t rssindcfle atcahad taken tîe&istdoete pain 'e in a (m weo*.Iaeobagemle3R vay W-ewero smved, that ngt.Yes, adaIfeft Me.4 I ontinued until I giveawaYenor m 1 Iaesmingau tn yen ay aU l aoidnla, bî Icii itladusMd'three boutes, and I now con- (rom an' suffeer auions ta iid ace=for bis pbevideuliaL" ~~~sier my*elf compiéely cured." odcmlin.t ba Ivi coai efd meby J.E. Wilîus. tal> oyad bhe unanl aw35çud. Hundrede bave -beon cedd iough rny adt-Ga vc.Come nctbiiig to Jlenru vtt1tpaW bisa. UTZOA ~~drcds tfdolastele ul dcs e The folloviugl h nig eôtttdnsa , adtecoesAn foui Adrf._ ýTWaker8,04, ed430, A K.e265 io W it 28,WCarn *; - M-cFed Por -t hatwa i . Bàt>dguetCoUtIy Crir. tto«»a J"»E BUT&81>(48 sarrister, tb. Ofice formerly cc« b>y Farewell & Butledges ne:t Royal Brook 8t., Wbitby. ]WAVID OiRAISToN, B. A., Attora",et-Lew, Bouchor in Chau Conveyaucer, etc. Office -Inath. south of the Pont Offce, inaXci Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. TOU11G SUITH. LL, B., Barristeret. ,-Mcney te Loan.I of M;arriuge Lieenses. -Office .. Sî Block, Scuth cf Market, Bi ok St., Wl DOW & cGlILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors lu Chancery, )Mfie in Mathison & Bawken's new1 Brook St., Whitby, south of Ontario b. Or& Warren d M oo, Br. ooro, . D, F arn BMe orsok. a. m fc heur &.m. m S'P Pfrivaie Telephone Commsrnicai D. P. BOGART, J.D.tL.D.S. h sio", Surgeon and Accouche cesaResidence-noit W AUil ýburch, Dundan Street, Whitby. N.1 Balail Surgery in a&U it. branches promI ttended to. Ir. H. Wightma DENTIST. ver GoTgs & Grdugr's. Whit 3Iýr 01»n every atcrday ight. W. B. YARSOLD, D. &... mntySurveyer and Drainage, Engine ert Ferry, Ont. WNC. CALVEKRLEY, HAEU8 MAXE, WBITET. Eaving movod into our new promises,i ) prpard t exendtherange of basineo asaddlery business willb. done le st ion. Collera specialty. Cail and o r hop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door wost of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitb JNO. NOIBLIE, -DSCALEI IN ALL KINDS OF- LuMber. Bame. Saab, » and i Blide, Tumang a»d FretSawtca Or AiU orders or Information can b amnd fromn JOHN NOBLE, Dunda %t, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. WI] l residence. rhitby, April 4th, 1894.' per anaa'in. a4vaae., oth.rwf SSubsorfptfoa. alwaqs payable si o£ f etpubliatio. he, pub" chr: à izd.rtake tl e oilhe- b.ppeai -e t o ffie blut- W bit b . & y pc >4ot ~pem.at inoiatiu mi A#risu rt uiies%çb e- GeiX p:lmuapra.~ta "Aia] o.ui ell, oaoh uu Le.ai,1Oeaupt ia 4Ias. ~ erydvei~el Whbby. Office houri 11 Cfttin Ti OpDfflÀU1O> Wamy-D. O. Macdoneî,W11îby CI fJan. 8; Fob. 3 - larcb3Ap 2; à June 2; Juil-i sep. 2; oct. 2; Dec. 2. Osatva-D. O.mcdoaeu, WhÎîby c(31, Jan. 4; Fol. 4; Matceh 4-; âpril 3; il. June 3; July t§; Sep. 8; oct. a ; S Dec. 8.,V BaoUoa.UX - M. Gleeson, Groenwo Olok.-Jaa 6; Marcoh 5; Mey 5; j Sep. 4; Nov. 5. a l PORT PEUnT - J. W. BrhM Porry, Clrk-Jan. 29; arh 9 l,, July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. la Uxeamoe0-JosoPh B. Gould, Uzibrid Clerk-Jam. 80; March 24;-MYIt;J 14;0ct14 ; Doc. 16. My t; CANNnuTeç- George S'nùth, Caruvn Jan. 31; Match 2b; Ia y 20; July 15.. 15; Doo. 17. BzÂvziaToiu-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverti Clerk-March 26; May 2j; july 1.6; Oct.i Dec, 18. Um"aoovz-F J Gillespie, rtvrg-m Clerk -March 27; May 22 ; 1aly 17 ; oct. 1 Dec à9 cupfed Sotelo Omfce maa's [muer aith's îitb7. etc. block Sk. i.D. etc. int's B.- i by c e wq wo n] C5. y DE I "6* - BB!DENSON h ~AEAII. - rSTANTONr, Eailw&y'I2noTabI* LND ~ZRU~K AND MIDL&ND By order, 895 New Livery and Silo Stabll MI, 14 Pi >e I.1 en Ni LI A J. E. FAREWELL, Dundas St.,- Whitby, T. NEWPORT, Proprietol Gemimerciaimen Iiberally deait with Teaming don. at rea.onlàble'Pn*ceo. Freiqht and Bagge"e hanled et reebo ble pnices. A cmli sohicited. 1:zI ICGGS. DENTISI. or. King & Yonge S3t. Toront( For' the. oei three months I arn giv"* *cial attention te patients frorn e di ice. Arn stIl making plate. in rnbber c, efllcd $10. Gold and silver fil-ia' )rk crowning by flrit-clasa operators at emeel reasoneble rates in the city. ion in the city cellinaend lot me ezen. eyour teeth. I make noextzra charge. Il. RIQGS, Deatist, south east corner mg and Yenge Ste., Torontu. gov. 8th. 1892. Vu H. WARNER. ÂME IN COAL, LATHI LUMBERY * ORDGN For the PEOPLESz )AL C0., TORONTO. fice and Yard just East of, Jptown Station. rMitby -Oct 25th, 1894. 48K TOUR MTATIONER PARTICA M- NEW lRTN AlE KEN NOOTHER mn ~z4 '1893. sc ton I ny- ~bve coun _BRt tpwYlshi ~e'rmStover S 5era 1 acc o unt s Ood ~fe~reto the '%ari Acerfitef: pn ~ C., Clfk ofthe 1> 15; ',1o0ot duties of s;eq Tte Tcstanding cow lui7reporteIpay ni DcoutsODafor Ï. from3oth 4ifSe1 )c. fonweeksat 1.2,. on motion of Ni es iport vas adopt cri 10 -ne committce -dops rcported andi in; H Burk, < _:1ijled by dogs. ais(-- estimatcd val ue<. reach, also $2 eaci. -o5066; Thos. Rear' ydogs anldtwo lar, ~wtdvalue of she' each for damageri IlagermTafi. 3 he- gloi tamb, est:rn. killcd, $6 each. a. $14' David E Puj, !estimated value S .amounts being two)-- On motion of -Mr mian,, report vas adr -Your standing c(~ ,tïngencies bcgs ieavr commcnd as foliIwýr ing jurors, $5; ass( S. ',,jurors, $5; clerk fci $zo; -J L Palmer. -Annan, fcnce-viewt- a. Tripp vs Hoîbourni ,,,,Hubbard on accour î ardson, renewal 6T 1al from 6th day of .6th day of June, i89 7Your comminittee a( cptof a petîtion f rc alliance of ttc towns .-ý.autached to, whict -9.u 723 resîdents of ar qn-ratepayers, a î , o osubmit a by-la 19 1 the ocaloption by-fi; ti tbownship. Whi nize th.c largcniess of -taiuing as it does s names. your commi viett of laving passe ý-ýýteAngust meeting timating that a-votei th unicipal electio comittec consider 1 on tIe above cours senr.ation of the ab -that ttey are flot i ; rnt ttc prayer of s; -On -motion of Mr. man report was adop The standing con a,_nd,.,bridges reported tçllows: DE P -of way, $20.20o' 1-7 -lumber and repairing 2 and 3, con i, $3; nails and spýkes suj .4d-pathmasters, $5. :rbrsuipplicd thc iasers: S Westney, nis, R Pollaci, w "h s - H Remmer, f -ves Austin, jas Prc t.concret ns 1.30; W lied div 38, ais - eing on KiitsaIc -vy$18; ý R ic ýi Is",upplied patlmasi -den, b)alance on XI betwccn lots te !z. ,jas Lidgeu betieen loi .5,i,,am1s L Fa $1p rr -32 -y ards of 1~ 3L37. _.omlnittee By order, 9 H,à -FOR-

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