Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1896, p. 2

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Ésturi6u betqm UI WeI e L -7:77- artOiioubSygeon with a, new and hfd Pa dDyès Make ôi'IElà ô, e erne sttamer aftet this segson. ý. A stray cow on the track about a mite ftst ofGerasshill -réfused togie r mnhhoadsowonail the tejht-of way to Conductodobbitt's s~>eci~ on onday ight. ~ngi eer coloring dresses, shawls, coaus, veats, pants, knittinizyarns, carpetras N .eursey created althe aîarm 11cessheeski mas, tc ~) wit.h whistle and bell, but ail ta no mter effet. F r~u atel the ani ai w,41 The dyeing oper'ation is an im portant struck just right and was -thrown clear01eaddmns uc cr.Te of the track on -the north side, wbere great essential is to, get the right dyes she must have <ied almost ftlstantly. --colrtatreuebih ndas It is now a crtminal offence to let cattie ~lhn n ulgt run at large within half a mile of any aTeddyiand ythe orldposessail railway crossing, and when the dangei eddysi hewrdposs l ta valuable lives and property is con- the important virtues that make perfect colors. The popular imn Dyes sidered, it should be strictly enforc hv uh netnddsl ta n The . T R. avemadenewarrage-scrupulous dealers have made efforts to -ments regarding the shipping of bodies imnitate them. Avoid ail such imita- wR Osu ts Astoffleh over their road. Hereafter the usual tions. If you would have your goods dactar's certilicate will have ta be ac- and materials colored richly and per- MIEN OF SCIENCE. companied by a permit from the local manently, use only the 49Diamond." board af health, endorsed by the bag- Refuse aIl dyes that your dealer teifs à gage master. This regulation has been you are jusi as ood as the o4Diamnond" adopted with a vîew ta greater public The Diamond - are the best in the parila safety in the transprtation of corpses wrdrn ekosi ei and to prevent the posibility af bodies_________ A MEDICINE in whicb death was caused by infection clin, urug km Dsae f rom being carried ta outward points thn 'ki IVJTIIU bAN EQUAL. withaut certain provisions being made. Oured for 35 cents. it On Tuesday afternoon there was a D.AnwsOnmn ei Isttemnt f aWel KownDý«or spoaney couple on a G. T. R. train gaing 0 dag nd ews Oitetreves ina ~taemnîut WllKnon ocoreast. They were, on their wedding one dy dcrstte, Salt rheum, il tour, and spent hait an hour at Toronto piles, scald head, eczemna, barber's itch,D Ayrs arsaPartîla Ilwîtuout an qa ulcers, blotches and al eruptionso th as a blood-purinier an>! Spring medline, and! station hugging each other. A Kings- rso h o cannot have praiso enougu havetched tonian who was on the car with the si.I ssohngadq gadbi lis ffets n cronc caeswhee oher couple fram Kingston ta Cornwall says acts like rnagic in the cu re of ail baby s ILsefecs I crolc asswbee thr tabyactalcant hebrde isedh umors; 35 cents. Sold byJ.E dtreatnent was of no avail, an>! have beeff tht Wacuallut hebid.kssdfiE.e asoihdat the resuits. No other blood w'"' husnnv r~~~e .stnlsed .' 21-.- ....-., adshe was not medicine that I have ever used, and!1Ihave abashed by the presence afi 1 men in ONENTN trie>! them ail, la so thorough in Its action, the car. She was the only woman. P * < an>! effecta 50nany permanent cures as At Prescytt the groom began ta cry for Mrs T H Dancaster, who was taken 74 c Ayer's Sarsapartllla".Dr . .F. AMERRILL, dnlîiia Âugusta, Me. some reason, and the bride wiped away suddnyilo Monday evening, is im- W~ . his tears, and kissed him into) a joyful proving.66 AJW ~ 5asapîila mood.-Watchinan. h are pleased ta be able ta report Admft~ i th WoM'.Pair & ouveir f ~Cassidy, who has been confined ta bis ________ ______the ______ ____ ro m foràthEpast tI weoks, is im- L.'aP afolve siA couple af enterprising photograph- rovingth. at w ees s m PiUforlivr ad b""& ers tram Montreal have been in tawn c this week photographing men and aonductor Snider has been engaged ________________________things. The chief buildings, the chairs, ta preach at the anniversary services of the various societies, the atbletic clubs, the niew Methodist church on the first QOBIRESPONDIENCIE the interiar of stores and buildings have Suna ill ona vnigfi ail been - snappshotted."- It is intend- fow îng ewl give ane of his famous fat ed ta put ail these views into anc book lectures. More Particulars later. seli a copy of which may be purchased for The Whitby CHR>JNIcLE'is suing de- WC UXBRMIGJC $4. The gentlemen having the work linquent subscribers right and lent and ailr in hand are very well satisfied with the dead heads who wouldnt Pay up aftcr oai Mr.Ge. BweIaget orthegratresut of their canvas in Orillia. In nepeated solicitation are bucking up in Yeu~ Deering Harvesting Ca., was in town Owen Sound it is stated they sold aver tedvso or with costs added. mal troi latoToeontHe haved from D te- 40 book e which at $4 a piece would Serves cem right. Their names should af teritota Tata hor ntanh represent a nice surn. Thy also dis- be pubised as wel. A, man Who is itr oryeat a Trona.pased of about a thausand single pic- taO meali anid dishonest to pay for bis OP1 An Uxbridge citizen who visited tures. The schcmes that have lately paper requires watching.--Gleaner. me Sunderland last week says they have a came, ta the notice of thc News-Letter Mr A E Flewell is stili confined ta the public library membership of s. At for making an bonest dollar, differ the bouse, not baving recaverd framE 'ths rte xbrdg shuldhav 30, omebatfro ad time creations. 0f the illness lwich has prostratcd hira for ~Ž but findls it difficult ta keep the mem- late every scheme put on the nmarket, the past two wceks. bershîp up to 150, at least those that the country secs, The death af anatheraIurge One of aur townsmen, in taking bis cost more ta thc victi ms. It is a natce- citizens if the persan af Mr Duncan morning ramble, crassed the high rail- able feature af recent schemes that tbcy Brown, was announced on Tuesday. way bridge, and hearing a splash in thc ail depend fur success on flattcring He died suddenly after a short illness. water bclow saw that bis dag had fui their "patrons.'- Most evcrybody T len th rough the bridge. The dag thinks he is an important man în a Te unexpected death of aur respect- cd citizen, Mr John Allin. blacksmitb, ..swam ta a grass grown log and cîimb- cammunity, in tact anc of the most whicb took place on Sun-day last was a e d on ta it, fromi which ail effarts to important. A request for pcnmiss'on coaxhlmashre erein ain A aatto photograph hlm, for a short accounit veritable shock ta tire comnmunity. coaxhin ashre erein vin.A b a ofbis-hiie ta include in a book af dis- His well known form W-as scen at bis was at last called ta the nescue and Mrngibdmnoraeqstht ' anvil on Saturday evening in bis usual I)ilike Robinson Crusoe, remavçdtngiedmonarqstttbs health. but during the night be was - 1r- hi isoltgon naine be alowed ta be used as a patron fro bi iolaionoa a high class encertainiment samnehow striken witb peralysis frorn which helP untnnaA v, one u ntîl ic autu m n o. the came ycar with- among the lergest hors.erniers tn (Jeu undertaking to docertain wonk for the out receiving much bcneflt; I t.hen-be- ada, and ar relilble in evervi transao. other and ta receive samnething off the gan using yaur Southi Americaui Kidney Lion. Therefore , hose Who 'purohes W~ farm in return. In this case Matthews Cure, and derived great benefit almost bôssr m h â»ar sure Lo get e JKood jectil -was tai receive a certain quantity of immnediatel.- I elednow that 1aqie h straw andicorne pales. When he hati curcd. 1 bave taken0 mcie or LAi two-thirds af the paies drawn home, wome lcngth af ti*ne and have a ai M r. E. N. Kivell,~ Colunibus, was except the other third, disappçared. Anather a return of thc slightcst symptoms ofgietaMrN.yrsheî iinan bad got them. Harper agrecd ta the d isease." Sold by J. El Wills., Rev. S. G. Rorke bua been quite ill. cver. -mnake it right by giving Matthews tur- John -Potter. and f amily have -re- absoriy nips. The accaunts wcre therefare moet h -n ibr eiec -somnewhat mixeti. The magistrates -ne,, av e. ta tIc J6h nGilbr e0d4e aî simply put a value an what Matthews Vise Cyutiia Fer-der Ieft monday 1hut M.N Besha6eeceia e t -lad received and what work be hati for Clevelind,,-sal nid.igh~~o i esa e ly -done, dcclaring a balance in bis favor Mises Hattie àMoP>heà i of àte: Heitu id d to - of about $3. 75, with costs. Mayoôr F. eald on a nunibet Pl, cM frlau4s Mon- 4 N. Raines acteti for Harper and dlaim- day.MnJ.DweW dtok we edthecmgistrates had no jutisiiction The app. idustyli, o pot-Well g 1»for joi M1a in -the case; tbat it was a diision court co>j>èred np for tht ee"On M>thiqispo Jo 1M-..iydonbtm as.The objection was nateti but W.aas ea ~t , tO y - -Ti allo"ed. Mr., T. W. Chapple, M, -tobe rondapnefter -u utmokof typ t P.P., acted for Maftliews. Another ph<o< yq-d*. fev8 < " -,i whihbMataow is da gd U b~~~~ ~~ "Miuncd fr rfe dys '.i, . -Heà ~4n . B i3.rca becç dIrnxt y<ar. ,-Ail will an is- of ly ig. Df As we stateti a Iew week,3 ago the 'w firemen bave ordereti some fort>' dol- ns lars worth af cbestnut trees ta be set out. 1 an thc grounds adjoining the bail ncxt ,y spring. This seems ta be cansiderable it mone>' ta cxpend in such a manner, but -r if the frees survive andti Lbivc as they should. flnc wilabject in a fcw years that the outlay was matie. But that le not the point we desire ta makre. The long winter evenings are approacbing anti thene are Iew places af attraction for -our yaung. folks, not even a skating nink. Wby not re-organize the tira- matic club. anti prepare a tirama or two. This would prove a ver>' inter- csting diversion, anti at the same ime give those wbo take part something ta develop thec in mds. Much of thc money naiseti for. fine protection pur- fposes in the past was. acquitecl in this tsuhe De siee properly, aud;rimn lie féels aliglitly ludis-. poOséd *wlUreort'ithetlIý t rcm.dy, l may5 workin as bar&ai hebpess anz pile Up mouey steeple Itigh, w thout féar of un- timly doatb. - - The worst cnemi, wltlhi b b orki. Ing mcii have 'to-contcud ila sdisordered digestion. It Ma the at"ng point for most aictuceua abd disease. Dr. Piercels Golden Mfedical Disco-very plevents sichnuand difesse. Its use masures a hcarty appetite and heaithfni, rentful slcep. It corrects ail disorders of the dlgetiou, mnvigotates thc lîver snd putrifies Uic blood. It tout the nerves. It makes pure, rica blood, builds firin healtby ilesh, sud htrongelastic mu*. cle. The man who resorta te lt wlicever he feels eut of sorts, ma3N wit"un eson, work as bard as lie pleases. Dnmggiats ewrites caé ret f Caedn, dne o., Texa. '3for whlcb plae ses>! mncà copy of Dr. Pierce$s commun âMedNicai Advlscn ln p.- pçt- covers. 1 bave becs takln1 Dr. Plerce'.e GodnMediWalDlucv or the blood and thlek ft in the be*t biood-punl* ie, aci:teuS.'. One of the bMstknown of Ameleums md. ical men ssid : "If yen Vaunt to refornia man, begin with lis pxdftlier'" That wol ews f tc edu.Slnccfil cannot be doue, try soniethlu isc. Refon the future grandfatliers and grandmothrs 3elf or hcrsclf To kuow ose-haif the caps- lttes sd dlsabilites of the humn body i a liberal education. A qood start for this .ducation àlaDr. Plcrce's Commo es Nedical Adiser. Any one cms have thiis bel Ilustrated 1mo-page bock for thce =z ric ofthirty-one one-ceut stamps toc >ar for custonis sud mailig oniy If1ouc vou>! like the book ln fine cloth bunc ng istead of paer, sen>! fifty stamps te t Vorld's Dispessary Medié,al Association, a 63 Mais Street, Buffalo, N. Y. OLD WAR ]EOR". F » p LGrand Army Man Crasses Swords g With Heart Disease and wins a Glati- ous Victory thc aid af Dr Agncw'e Dr. Agncw's- Cure for the Heart ca t be aver estimated, says H. M. Muç mran, a wcll-known G. T. R. manc liesport, Pa., anti he continues: " Imente wcrc palpitation and flutteni Uic heart. I useti two bottIes0 >u valuable-cure anti lel lke a nev anI. I have taken bottles anti bottle other medicines without bclp.1 troduce it ta my friende at ever3 ýportunity possible. It lei a greai -dicine. Inside af 30 minutes SIte, efirst dose I hati relief. " Salti by J. un14Mo ,r-a softat? - bis fera bu tecidJedtorlwoîI edBecî' Fo*1Ie as ma#çý ôI c ç manie .The 1h11 plowlng a'..,nd othàe conzqueiftworIlias cOmMeàtd. We -hae beuiinf,~ed that laites Haît ýwlIl occîtp a fnrm hear Kkiae, taking poasesion very sbortly. Wm Gardon bas disposed of bis resi- dence on Church etreet te James Som- erville, andti te 1w drawing thie mater- isi for the erction of another residence onthe east side of thc street. The new building. will be pused forward witb as littie delay as possible. We were pleasedte t sec Third-Dep. uty Reeve Hilts at council an Manday. Althougli he le flot nearly rcavered, be seems ta have much improveti dur- ing Uic past fartnight. Alex. Margacli sent us a curiasity in thc vegetable. une. Originally there werc- twa carrots, but tbey have be- Corne 80 completely twisted arounti each othec.as ta besomne anc salid.piece. The contract af cutting down thc Post bh i i earing campletion. En- gineer C. H. C. Wright, af Toronto, was; bere on Monday anti cxprcssed himeîf as pleaseti with the work as far as campleteti. Thase parties wba volunteered ta give some gratis wark ta gravel thie roadway should be in readi- Ilcss ta commence as soon as the level- ling is completeri 50 as ta have thie job fully campicteti befare the fail raine Com mence. The Whitby CHRONICLE laet week speaks afI "Willie Smith" doinZ up a number af Oshawa merchants, an .d con- cludes by saying that hati the said mer- chante been readers af the CHRtJNICLE bhey would bave been less easily dupeti, s a few weeks previously that paper had explaincti bow the same tellow workcd a similar game an a number af Pickering merchants. Now in the first lace Wjlhlie diti not succeeti witb bis ,ame in Pickering, as aur business nen are a wide awakc lot and bis bogue )rders were refuscd, anti in the second lace the accaunt Of the affair was :Ipicd from aur colunins. We don't nimd lcnding news items, but we do ýject ta another paper claiming crédit i)r tbcm. (Wc stand corrected, but 'AIN-KILLER THE GREAT Lmily Medicine of the Âge. rakon Iltsmaflyo It Cures rr*oea, CnzmpadPain ln the mach, 8or ThroatSUdden CoIds, vkg, et, etc, .Jsed Eidrnally, Ik Cures IR, da!ea, Durnii, Soc/des, prafna, thache, Pain ln the Face, Neuralgia, rmatiam, Froated Feet = oueio ewatbad te vsncbouan4d popula,. rZo ua sutlotthèczeteffin o fts. im a hm, and YÎgood aalug .. n, » lIl, "Ptu Weed Beed in Ilanre. eed aeed in umure ila on rèVaiobý >Ù to 4te Dise. W. are aaked, uy Imeroàan Agriculturiat # how - ta. de. such med. W.;#Dow of inow, )t to compost the.'w'M" B0gotb.t1t vill kilt thé 'e~ . if tiuii8 . 4on tihe pile wfth loam ord uê, to ~efr.theweds1ar# gn to stmih ~g bad ui.e wh î rrk y ort sac Ti fotb. ras d efre Mar.- mt Tiswoulti pa>' for the trees anti help ta tiefray expenses that are being incurretiIrom ime ta time.-Ncwe. Who doua fot know womsss anti.yongIl hedark aide? Whbo have frequent fit, et met, ancboly witbou auy apparent cans? Thinl- tetliRent physiiau wllknow ut t i. insmede. ravgementcf the oomplicated and! delicate feunnine GiW5Dt. The yonng girl suomr, boduly admeotally, in silence. wThere in. uudus wearines, unexpeoteti pain, nuteaanab!e tsa= an>! fits of teamper. Dr. ["crocs Favorite Pro- scription exercs a wonderfi pawer over wo- matia delicate orsimu. I in dui inv4graa(ibg tqo eand e ifi tor-thes peoujisr Weknea es, irrequtsrties sue palfùtul erafees c m'oras. Jsrsess.easygo, gdoctora y qusntly treéat their women patiente for billes- nw»fl omlu l2 5dy's 4Yelie1cror hudàe troules he e moacs1 n b r ges. diattacily'tomiiin, and qpuohepcas c'me tilt theyAlre ,madieperfeocly atrongby huu Se.3~1 ceuli in. lecent sa'ipoté à1e Dspeary edical Aaocsîîà, Buffalo, N. iswhdrawu revolvers, helin A Lle ESaved,ý-Xr. Jain. B ryuoniCalmi, am 4, ttelnia.*nau uitt np bi baphsicpsu,6 ~eigbor 4*Isd. e to'try *ifé lbad sul It'for-'a tlirat trQt l.iltti best résulta. -Aetinmg ou b*a driIppue the. vedienle"dstifem tbas e hiboitl, éuiredý AImost a Hopeless Case, A Terrible Cough. No Bout iNLht nor Day,.. Givea UD by Doctm, A LIFIE SAVED AYER'S1W1?R'II "eVe" y 1r ao caught a severe col>!, atteddwhaterble cough that ailowetj ine no nest, efther day or nlght. Tie doc- tors, atter worklng over me to the 'test of their abllity, pronouneed MY case hopeless, and sald they could do no more for me. À frtend, learnlng of Doy trouble, sent me a bottie of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, wbIch 1 began to take, and! very soon 1 was greatly IellevecL By the tUme 1 ha>! used the wbole bottie, 1 wa ompîetely cure>!. 1 have never bad much of a cougb aince that tinie, and! I Ifirxnly beleve that Ayer'sa Cherry Pectoral saved my lIfe."1-W. M. WÂBD, 8 Quliby Ave., LoweiI, MU&s AyîS cherry Pectoral 490p8 ao A 14". Bat malVPhV.ilo. J Em,,u ision h tn le.If you are M Idown, Ilasit asfood as weH as TeD. & L. Emulion FThe D. & L. Emulgion- la th. boit an>! most palatable preparaîton of ~Cod Laver Oîl agreeang wntho bemoaldei. ~The D. & L. Emulsion E Lsrescne b helading physitesoa TheD,&-L.En lslon you aafppeite. 50c.& 1per BtE Be sure yaui get1 DAVIS & LAWRENC euC.,8 Lia. the guume oNwREAL '.éÂL&uÂÂÂ&.LLLÂL.LUJLALLL&s Y-orTwiy5 yer if 114 AnnieAna cWstSaurday -at '9uite a nurr aaendedIthe fuý ËPirdie of Malv' mnanV friends in There has bei jng fromone hî. î th -e IastW e e'K jeinic seems to every year. This week w, for r.he.year. eral satisfactý. ismtanaged an ( surnptuO-usly. week in the St.. will. be. Brvaý. notice a!rnosti- are flot greativ r' appear almost à Hallowe'en w rather royal stu that there wý, only the innoçcc their cabbage e, right in removir Seemingly a gr fofk are makinLy It is great stu t: There is a cide.- township make, down for one ri throw ini the ia Then the farrni: there and bring No dbubt there it gets real tarie have local optiiîl Our sidewalh' these days and r as they have more than OnCt, naughty words. Gerow have gon grounds back gamne runs short. of the many hur they are verv pajý be hanged, foe It looks as th( enjoy a season o wheat selling at and lots of zo1d the CHRO)NI .Ll (Globe) for ane Why we are rigi From a receni, Advocate we ci; late Thomas Pu was born in the fyriydd, Padnoi year 1724. and c parents.3vhen hi the family setth- .Pickering, Ontu Pennabank farr. cantinued to res that time the co cleared and Nir. -very interestin~ respnecting the ic 'ý,and favorably kr ed on an extensi tiring industry. tact and foresigl stock accumiulae being owner at1 of geveral good eérty icldIng1 Cattle and Shi latteir will short! -the executors ol was at an early Anmie Evans, w daugbters -suv manhood a prou ~adpurme were .Support and in f misosand iii & a SyItým Re &aWBs Liv 0 iCyreatýla' ~Sq~Gres baI '.%~ts-bar 1

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