Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1896, p. 6

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"t', 4- . ~;;' -~ bMIY MIxd. Mo eme »r f K.Middleton vas in love woâpoost bra Î_iti. llove-.and ho feit sure hevsaicgr A 'St àpasson wa8s rturneid. Thàt --douh, 'qÈ.47tô ibe g6 tbel, big i. ae, sud bis financW l cndi- fre ou£ o grr u&vM t ht lin arranting him hnarrying vhene'ver 41h oI,~d IoM .cr «ud uhornever ho Ploaued, Oee right ex ried eut hie niU tio.Mien Bdgro pecethuru to bo a vey happy uman mdeed, mi atmhd.sds e yhav nstead of which ho vas plunged jute îhqhdasrv upoo tL.îuh u 4__ lowest depthis of despair. l. a. toô 9Pcl &'on o t i. vndbu The. trouble vas tua : Mr. Middleton not te profit by ber opportunity, and ah. Ieà vas in love vith two wornen instead of accepted hum îmmediat.ely. s eue,* and ho poaitively oould not décide He vent the nexi. evening tge Jse . so vhich ef the twe h. wanted W marr. Phine before-going tô place his betrothal eri He loved thium both with ail beart, and rigo a heovau certain Liai each of them gowiuyslne sdbdhn fbsk ODI *atig fr im o mkehiedelar engaement. er face wva atsudy in pei ctiny*inguefor m to ellhi. eolar- hwhich sorrow and surprise vere blended. ati o i u mn e telihuu by nuc "h.thinka me an ast," he mut.tered t rlg h love h u ng eturu. himeoiJf as ho left the boue, "and ah. jflg Thefin yungvonanatwhose thinke about right." shrine ho worahipped was Dora Paine, a Leau than a month later the. fasion- wal sprightily littie brunnette, with charming able colunus of L.diynwppr e manes beutiul ac su UfuSial >.chronioled a brilliant weddin n i- tellectuaigifta. He had known ber ol lihM uusMdlo and Minsa a yar bu tey er ontemsof th' LiUlian Edgerton were the. con rc ing 15t mosi fiedlyinimay.parties. There was a trip te 1hhe Ber- of Ho vas a constant visibor at ber father's mudas bonns,,snd her ready attendant at Places home a, a serns of recoptions in their neow h Cf Bocialamusment He flt tat h 8,sud âailthefeting and attention te of scia amsemnt. o fli iha h.usually showu a newly married pair. muet becorne either les or more*at once.- 0 One cf t.hese Occasions Mrs Middle- îv Bis ruanly instincts demnaude that he ton said te ber busband: Do you seo iv abould delay the matter no longer. how devoted Fred Cartester in teo Joe phit But thon. was Agnon Meulton. Dur.pheFeisIIopit ilmke ad ing the preoeding vinter an old friend of mah" er$11hPei iimk hie mothor lhad visîting ber a Young or- mastch. e" oexlao1' n n an phagirl by iIn rat one. ad hnn noyed tone. "Impossible !"'l e had z allgneSo aiet.u sgr t in an ed hnne corne tW regard Josephine as bis ewn es- Thisi £11ga soiey. ~ rytn eggd impecial properîy. Surely bis frienud vas to corne often Wo help her obeer her vis Goi guing te dosent hum tee." Inuitj itoir, and tua ocheening procesa had led te Wyimosbe "drnne n w hi eodftain . Hehad corros- Middleton sharply. "Sh. in neodor m peued iîhAgna versine a. vntthan 1 and muci more agreeable thain bachto ber brother'. bomne, sud ho vas Lie chuta of girls. stue from lhe tone of hon lettes LiaI she " She is 32. 1 thought you were 24.' reîurned his affection. "'So 1 arn W the. verld at large. Yen Wbu1 wwu hoe 1 do ? le puzzled over dou't suppose any womaan ont of ber A si the relative monits of blonde aud bru- teens tells the. trath abou& her age, Rober neUte, weigied in the~ balance the. nuiner- do you 1 ' on Sat eus virtuesi of eaci, tried eveny possible Mrs Middleon had no intention liai ion oi and impossible plan for finding out one's the iulimacY boîween ber husbsnd and' The tooovumud-all tuhe nefpurpese. Ho uaMiss Fennis sbould continue, and ahe best pp tae th oneughly ahiedofiefter@apoke bon real sentiments wheu ah. said heard Gta auene nt bisondence Mn. a., iopod for ithe match. It vas Dotto be! Gryan as ieneaesîmatouy fieidmade, however, and a rnenth laten Missn h but eh. stoed in tee intimate relations Fernis lefîteuon for an extended trip Prices viii Agnon tW be eousidered for a mo- aofoahe ment. If il vere auy otien matter, ho Mn iddltn ain rid nhsearounc vould 9g o WJoséphine, but ho could nover nMv badleoW repengn arileinu e Ho O20e. -ov hisei snb afoo W er.found liai his vife vua a elfiab, vordly i5no r He bad knevu Josephine Fenris ail] es, ihne itieefl.srw y n his life. Ouly a year hia junior, ah. ber makeup. 8h. cared nothingfhum Tesd seeiedqui. pssecomare W o grland fer bis home, only "iaIshe might fors ai to vhom ho paid bis addresaea novadays. exhibit ita iiautifui appoiutmeute te thtf followil iH . vasimp8 tin cev hosu d .rem mbod r outide vold. H o nised bis old friends. lor, (ac viî vht ipaiene h ha viie fo iitb vhom bis vif. would have netiing R Nux tii. day he attaiuod bis majority, that be to de, sud ho oould net endure the fash Hail migiht lay bis fortune at ber feet ini truly ionabl r-i iivibasrone Harnn( ieo as2 hion n h luhdthersel1f, se ho gave hi. day. W lihe cluL Dye h. vora sil0 tho, sud ah. laughed 5and eighed semetimes for the bachelo, oye hu f r iiy e . hen ron1 p days vien b. vas free-te picture an idea f sPor Lad 'nemained uuimpaired, bovever, and homo of domestic felicity. But if Mn., A ti Josephino had gene ou leasing sud.bec- Middieten did nothing else for bei tween turing is mai ansah. had dune 511100 husband, eue tiiing ah. did with entirt~ Knowlc they were babies, lu bater years thoir thorogne.--.îe took the conceit ou, of the furiendship had grown te b. a very pIes.- oci.H asamc le a ~cpe sut eu le, sJoephnesere iîe ovi> estimation Iban vhen ho h&i returne, Hie ue de mt er.i - -e eplxiie, offredhbisamnain sd his fortune te Lit- garden a edvent hedberdino aileis pre i ie - Edgerton. Be knew new that ho pitch fo and ie hd ha ne ittb ahae inbhad nover leved any eue but Joséphine lady'i profeelsional sucesu. But ho had nover Foi-ris, sud he felt himaeif te have beeti court, shpk en t dle hon t oe fa nee d an egregieus fool that h. bad net tried te case. tuYsi-oe ntbis lemm h eot an ovte r had in in bis mature manhooDd what seh.had T e U any ine birse bysidvoinst la-deuied te bis callow youth. Ho did flot Oi phnebeuef.suspect the. truth, though bis vif. did, wn ge ho bid bis trouble and broeded oveiLa evudbv enotrl u oat Mill] it. He upent eveningeatathle Pais,ceseful sarhaey toenirlyeu vonwing e Mecie befre1hovent ome o edi euflaal. ay, rLO L1a "Thank yeu, lil fellev thee coin, Tronto, cod nigit. Have an eugagemesi.", Take Came of the Tools. who.atteu Re siarted for the Painel's, cusing unm- 1adM sealtii. way for bie trealmenti ef Take care of the fi-ar implements passed th Ageyeî happy bpyoud measure *in lbe.I and mach iuery, It would seemthano Geo P TI, t egi htlemqIter was finaily se word of suggestion oî warning is neces- The pres Re . . onld write te Agruste-mon- ary on this point, but t voud surprise were nuit rev sud tll ber q bis :engagement tW the general reader if he were travellingz handsome D»ola, but ne oeee s.muIùtkùov it for ovez- tire' coUuîry to note tic evidences liepi-sen ex.>t30pbh., of carclessness whicb are so often seen. N u . v # of j Cgt. aithe Paies, Tic provîdent and pintaking farmer t SÎtupd t Ïhi».4: ttcf~edtat he iftiandhas a-place for hus itlments, where to u ~a dy ~ ' tilte h du g sudR e bc ses 10 it that they are iouscd and. E wen rtî t b.iloo 111 iiuada. ~ properly cared for wheu they are- no von aguud te Jteophune a Mid '0eut tii re cftu..verng 8h plyedforlonger requircd,[n tic cultivation of biitas aé cou id oi! y sdcite f rp Hisim raient neigiborsomo. N books, 'bs onk, theaetre Al vitih ane times Icaveshbis impiemeuts,*here thcy, mateblesa chars. Dons mugtbaig. ere uscd'lasti, or about- bis. pi-causes matae vihh Josephine.wheu t hey uwo without',shelte r. Even his harvester maried. Be couid uoî give up )is o -r mowitng znisl left In the field friod evou fer tue de.ars ittie vif. in long 'eftcr- k b"s beu uàcd, -sub>ectctd lt.he rd, i. tboughu.t i knaa ahradinvîaie -F The next monulung. oimus aleter fi-cm i4juryà.ý- ~Àgsan je u jys h.*'wrelebis The c'stforrpia cessaillyIn- th"athe ifvas onsged Q hoMA#- Wd1 creed under such inexcugab1euenlect, o-i' ecle. i pcniod 4*fena iiew,. iSCII "M"ý uh' ortend. ik6l.& b ow e. _ __ ail u _e ý.'E ___ A senstional repôn.w as circulated sittngs (0f TDe Divù"i in Maikiam Township a couple of ----OOUNTY 0F OnTAM~O e weeks ago to the effect that a tramnp jualq Et. Anu*WEmLL, Q.0 ce, R f na mned Christopher M cGil, who iad B rrsO o u Atr e , ud W X Y-. .M cd xe, W hb been found trespassing on the prope Brin Cut i-AtrnyOu~ eyjWand m YD .Mcjnn h lr of a farmor, and wio, when ordered Court Houa,, Whitby., go :Jaz Fo 7 ; Sec 3 p. n )t i'i 2 ; away, had threatened to set fire to tho Dec. 2. barns, had been so, brutally beaten by JA E LUTLEDUE, OaEÂv-D. C. Macdoneiî whftb r i s five nmen tat he crawled into the bush B rbter, etc. O ffice fo r er Z,,ooup l.d Jan 4; F o. 4; 'If rch 4 prby cer PareveliJune 3;July 80P Oep . ;'Ra' that Higi Constable Joncs and Constable Brook St., Wbitby. BEaouGeÂN - M. GleesonGenw, liffer- Burns visited the district in searci of DAVID OIRUJTON,9 B - A Clerk.-Jsn 6; Msroi 5; May 5; eenw q! He tie allegod corpse but il failed to Atre-tLa»Slctrl hney e.4 o.5 matenialize. Tie tramp, vhosc motie tonya-a, olio Caery ORT E4;YN-v . W 5.nar -1 de- ives in the township, was not badly Oonveysnucer 'etc. Offce -Inu tho Offic frCe P r EnY- J. 2; W . i-uam p t t hurt, but received sucli a trou ncing îock Br h ook Offw e' n oby July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. ac ;&' 5 uthe, ro Sre, hty UxBRmnez-Josoeph E. Gould, Ubrds an-that he was glad te get ouI of tic ) Dtake- country. is mother lately said that G. YOUJNG SEMITE-. LL. Be, Clek-Jan.80; 1Mmch 24; May 9ti i stk e is in Boston, Mass. asarrister, eto.,-Money to, Loan. Tsuer <CAeWIrNbTOn-George Smitîh, Cajtingt - ecide - Mr. Frank Quantz met with a pan of Marriago Licenses. Office - SinMiti'.à Jan. 81; Mardi 2b; Mday 20; juJy 15, Oct best fuI accident on Saturday last. He and Biok, Souti of Market, Byock St., Whiby. 15; Dec. 17. hod is father, Mr. Phillip Quantz, went DO & MceGILLiVRÂAY, BzEAVETON-Geo. F. Bruce, ]Beaverton an n hirwyhoehoCaney Clerk-March 26; May 21; Ju]y 16; Ocet. 16 r m s , s o o tin g a o rr d.T h e w y o u m a nth e ar nlte n, S o licito ru in u D ec, J Gic .le m pie18 .pt. ~ , egun bad got over the fonce at the tOp Of Brock St., W hitby, senti ci Ontario bank. Clok,-March 27; May 22; ru; 7;c)t. 17; Vinegar Hill and the father following Dec 19. yodr Cod caught his foot on the top rail falling Byod, to the ground, the gun on stniking ticJ E ARWL h - grund went off, t ie charge enteringO to e 7 h 1 9 . Clerk 0 th o £pegce. Iurig the man's right oot at te joint of tihe 8 W re ~ M oe bi o.Tebn ntebig toe was DI8.Warre d More# ------ fltcompletely shattered and the bone n eIfn m. q the second toc badly splintered. The MlD, F.Wi-en . .LUIUUJ mand uSle Stails lb i. flesi on tie top of tic foot where thec * J. Moore, M . .W re ,M ~Z> siot passod vas ail torn off. tie big toc Brooklin. Whitby. 'v.. Qd iad to be removed but bopes are enter- office heurs 9. a. M. Office hours Ilam MAi- of tained of saving the foot, almost all t11&M o2P. bsS" danger from blood poisoning is now pe ýte lrP o mnclm a b .b. passed. T he injured m an vas taken to ' u G 1 T Ze on C m u i aI o . bis fathers home on tic 7th concession D. Po BOGART, à.D*tL@DeI. and the wound attended te, by Dr.Breo su Acoce t Fierheler. He is now progaessing Phiaa ugo n Acuhrec e r avorabl3pbut il yull be some weeks be- 0 e K esidence next tW AUl aint'e for h wMlbeou aai. Su. enalDundas Street, Whitby. N. B- Scottr oeh ilb o taan- u .Dna Surgervlun.1au s branches rom ily- - Two az' Enough. He, DID NOT NERD TRE£E. Mr. James N. Davis, of 15 Wellington st, St. Thomas, speaks of an event of laie occur- rence, which should ho [of interest to many et Our- citizens. Mr. Davis, un convesation witb Oui- representative, said : "Doans5 Kidmey PUS are th1e best kidney rernedy I eve beard Of. They bave removeij th1e distressing kidney trouble vitli whici I vas affiictcd, ad madea stronger, bappier n= of me. For somne ears I have beecn loubld with severe pains adl-oss the lower part of lhe back The urine wasdark n coî<iand ued Ine a gi-cal dm1 of annoyance. being coin- pelled t0 gel up a number of times during the ngil. I was also a great suffeu-er from severe cramps in my legs, whici becarne so painful that I had to get out of bd ad i-nb then i vi liniment in erder to et even momntau-y case. I had a great dea fsicit headache ; vas lroubled Witi eakuess of th1e eycs and feht tred, wealc and von out. Waildg dsu=read me because f 1the pain ad genei-al eakus fros which I suffeied. I gat tee boxes of t>oanVs Kidney Pins fios Mr. F.C. Harvcya: bis di-ug store, and bave nol laiSthle tuirc box because there vas ne necessity le do se. The tvO boxes have bad suci a surpnisng, e ft c t fO i-r -' -- l a t i d o e d t e d ù Ves, . edIhlid nos' enjoy lirougi heir ise. Ail my diffiul. dies have vanished ; I ave ne pain n the back ; ne Sick headache ; my eyes do net trouble me ; I have ac! ne campsmsice I egntaklng lie Pll; sleep wel4 and the ti-cplayed-out feelng lias ail gene. 1 believe ail tiesie troubles vere càused "ipl from kidncy trouble. Yon may'say that I know Dean s Kidney Pls teo11e a speedy sud vonde-fi specifte for kudney and ni-mary diffi- ouliles, and I moui strongly recornmenc!thefr useR teL anee fictda Iv -FOR SALE BY- Ch hemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. (P . ih d Zy R equeut.> Dear 2Mr. Rditor .-WilySu lialy a =u the eMer of yor valuble paPen tht vii g lad ly - m od PR E Rff aulm b er fr i it U aoib o d4 Nuvm s D bility , -IN igh, y o u hfs fo !>' p Rlléul ns Of s sim ple snd le 'bu 1bugged sud lioedpnforyar q u a is su p t n » di l e sh a tics çu red e lin a fev vleeka, 1.bsv0Uohing.to-sel» or ve ava>'dueras g a-yptn i d i l u b s i e s , u t v o li b e P fo I LÀ fby 10r.ede Ho. Wgt DENTIST ver G0'OCS & Ggg.r'I W-hitb 3'Open every 'Baturday night. lutorcdianwong. W. E. Y ARNOLD, D. L.8S.. muey Su rvyer and Drainage Engin.t >n o rry, Ont. Oci Pol H[aving moved int our nov promises, ç are prepared Wo extend Lie range of buatines A rkpertaining te tth. harness-mnakii sud adderybusiness viii b. don. e si facio. Cllrua apecialty. Cii sud of sMy $hop sud stock. W. CALVERLEY, Ie ;y eS JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL RINDS OF- Turmng an d Frot.Sawlag. _MAil rendrs or information canbt obtained fros JOHN NOBLE, Dunda Street, Whitby, opposite Mn. A. C. Wil. seu>s residence. W3bitbAp il 411, 1894 il pet: anum lua &vance, otherwise t1.80. subscelptions - alvaju payable at the oilm of pblication. The. publIg.r do Bot nd«mketi eliver thb.-paver ai My voit *18" but Whitby. Any paver V" me-ta esb Its destlnatton i ii b. replacel upon notifielot a-'amalter of 00=406sY. Advertlui graiesu uinmby cou. tract. Pet eulanupagiel, tfin. melon,-ana ,omsto-«par li. eaoéhe ube. qu" t iiiSuk;uiLo*ale, 10 cents per fue. 1w," chages fer yeanly adrertîisemente must b~ broughî ta »et laie than Tu*88a7 EENDE8ION k GEABAM. 1 rin ty - Propul.tors. eirn&~ ~xAMTUrf, roreman. lAiIway ~ Table GBAB.D >ZKUIiK .&ND MIDLAIID - ~ZAW5 501W9 wgs!wazIr. Dundas St., W hitby, T. NEWPOIRT, Proprxet«, ComimeroW lmen llberaily deait with Teaming don. ast reasonable prices. P'reight and Baggage haîaled ai reaagl. le Do.AEU SolcTe. Dr. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the nezi thies inonths I amn giving eolal attention to patients froma a dis- ce. Am aill making plates in nibber ,cellnloid #10. Golf and silver fiffam Sk orowning by first-claas operators ai Dmost reaisonable rates in the city. àen ini the city cali in and let nme exam. your teeth. I make no extra charge. ]EL RIe 8, Dentiut, sonth eaut corner ag and Yonge Sts., Toronto. iov. 8th, 1892. Vu He WARNERs. COAL, SLABS, ETC. ýAI CO., TOROJNTO. ice and Yard just East Of Jptown Station. bitby, Oct. -25th, 1894. ni~ Cc ope )r tan '88, Wb ine 0. Fe Km >e A( ofE Ta 4ug~ I :a- he rs ne )p 'e le Ir Th-e suCCesUýl farmei arned by experlerice )me grains require fard it soil thari ohers. ows that-a great deal nds on right plantîng- a ,ht time. No use comp 9 ln summer that a mis ts made ln sprrig. Dé re seed-ffnie. The ie to treat coughs andc before the seeds, or gei consumption have bc ,Ir destructive work. Sctt's EM ulsMon of r-0101, wïth Hypopj les, promptly cures1 1throat troubles. Do rlectyour cold. >T1'S SHULSON hm beb..,, oede aimrleuifr twentyye.n.(dAkr s ecn*aô gt Meug.Cc- et on, =04 B5 Muisioswfth I-ad.-. Md fis.!> up in. 5*cent and Si.ca m« Iise s m be unough te cure yowa couth or holp >'oi simple accident happened t( i OrdantLbie 7 h on 0f )fris a nigh, e ying.edso f bsed ja he aning.ea s i steeadyafnc te in wher at s iece aonewstefAndrmer h' forl advnlo rng e nd it ser tl ancniging uph soe trnt oftheregais atrte sae im dbu oferes ae stifen ang a 1, but potatoesuhve taken a dr mare bag he.Buesaytr enrt for sthceetn. shl latbuit ee tingwas eddot in nhtwhenoitioasdeidedtht n Athicssocreiat,MwiTaL ccg) oVices:PresidEntMr Ta Se c; VeaWPray; E cCabie Sec trnLeas, W Gy; commiteen 1 on, L ampbelGol, 1Jree nd. , Gnapetl, J wea nde rin aou entwo eeks nu be. Ting eves ller u off.be Mrl wsticalled for Tuesda b Mes. h attrkwood tean ir fs. Telate hseSe n atocan formerselhouse aShe nooc idto theef.acfew dascagohe , troph ac troblecroebiA rop, ard n toe arose. Ah rtlued in -ksthe cnafraT ae but the mag'istrate dismissed the dIand Mutual. g to Mr A Graham resuming the ing business lie found it neces- have bis whole timne to devote id was therefore obliged to re- secretary of the Midland Mu- ;urance Company. At a meet- ,e directors, therefore. beld at npany's office on Saturday last grfation was accepted and a suc- ,ppointed in the person of Mt', lliams, whose long experience clerk renders him well fitted wo e aflaîrs of the Comnpany in a Jorderly manner. reddlng. riday last Mr and Mrs N N on of Midland, formerly of Ux- celebrated their golden wed- rhe gathering was -*very large ludlng the civic dignitaries of n and friends from various including Uxbridge, Whitby, Atherley &C. The relatives ,ded from Uibridge were Mr W-m Nichoils (who have also àeir golden anniversar), Mr$ lompson and Mrs N B Mun-ro.1 lents given on the occsion nerous, as well as valuai$e and - OUR-BAIO PARTICÀ RENO OTHEB AUCTIONEER,-:,WHMTBIoq Tbeimerseud oa-»BunOUMc i AM4il ,Mmos$t PassI e .B- trugieu CANCERC 's' ~AE1 tors vho pres i ne purpose, the Etinto thE spresd b My iy aoyfor seven bgan takîngs week or Lwo I Decided lmi Eneouftged by undOrMy chia t- montha My hp 1) thngLe Sarsa I tilastruaceofU HEÂLTHY À BOON AN D m AN 'The Lite et a Dyspe Mrsery - One Fi-oi Its Pangi Reneved Heait 'omthe Cornwall Fi The Lite oethte d -.Ily a Miserable on, -commviseration. N c ofJtbe actual painfa "but làngely because j mistie ahadows upit ite, snd bero Lhev s: .bus npop every ente: digestion gives nise .xesuthe peneon ýbesides beirug exr chr.We are ail -cierfulnes, in life. ra'reSt Worth and rs 4S us a tonic te the si le the healtby. Tii a-M -manas ha gkerhua usefuineoas fore 10 h eufisted b efficient remaedyj *olvo upon the avera iwe investod ini 50fi -put a prernhim on h ýltion between lhee'l lihe mind, anti tbe b' -apparatus is close au flot sunprising that 1£ faaterabave caugh suiferons from indîiz reaxilte Dr. Williau rempedy unique ini ît is confitionîly nec-n suûd adequate cure f This eaim is substat ms tb. folloviig facri )ire. D. McCrima :eleag 'arny Co , ant fie -a sovere attaci .mnauiteuted ilseîf ini [erimm > bave 1 05-esc "Bne Xz 1 là 1 -- 1 1 L Ili 1 1 ýi . 1 1 . 1 fv" ý, WRITBY. p1jRa 1 <- À CITIZEWS STORY ý

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