Whitby Chronicle, 23 Oct 1896, p. 5

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IIli -1,-i1 0o, NEWV AND DAINTY. pORCELAIN CLOCKSI SlwSTIERLING SILVER TE AS POONS of new and beautiful design, Ouly $6.50 per doz. GREAT T BARGAINS. Jno. 8. Barnard, -%WATCH REPAIRR% @goisICountY OrgaiL-LargOOt Crculaà-1 tion of any local papar tla Canada. FBIDAY, OCT. 23, 1896. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Many of the crossings lu town need re- _____________pairfiri Hardwoo<i dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, il W.-T I's. ut. A gang of apple pickers from Pickering are worktng in this section. Mr. Frank Gibson, of Claremnont, visited land.. st Mr. James Smnith's over Sunday. First cla.-s photos (rom $i doz. up at OBrien & Stedhamn's gallery, Whitby. Thist own wail have a theatrical periorru- vice londay, Tuesday aud Wednesday of ceit week . JS Ir. Wilmnol Pike, of the Woodruff bouse, visîted his home in Stoufiville on Sunday d ~and monday. D. M. Tod's btead and cakes are sold at T Vate*. Gt'-e hlmn a eall when you want anythang nmce iu that liue. The present arctic wave ia due to the an- ruai mretings of curling clubs ahl over the country which took place asat Friday. Ir. Harrv Meen, Whitby tôwnship tai colector, and Mr. jas Pringie, Whitby town fait collcctor, are out on their respective rou tes. We will pive the CHRONICLE, Weekly Globe and Farmers Sun 15 months for $r .,o. This is the hest otier ever made by an), Canadian newspaper. If is but seldom that the faîl sraows lodge qate leaves of the maple. the latter hav ing alm'st tnvariably reached the ground befo7t the snow peniod arrives. Tuesda.v s 4-page Gazette had the usual thret- v)ttes of old reading printed in a To ronto foundre suad orne page of home priml, hat adevertisements and haîf local news. Gr~eat slauglstering of boots and shoes stili contnue at the new shoc store, east aide. $i and $i ,o boots for Soc. Evervbody wel. comp tl) bave a par-Come eariy. MN. W Collin!,. Wîarion and Georgetowvn will plat' ofi for the itternediate lacrosse ç ampionship at Straiforil on Saturdav. Ge.ngetowts won the chamlpîonship asat year Ënd their sup- porters think they can do the tt ick again. We coigrarulate Mr. Fred. Davey, of lte Town Ltne, upon his success at Ihe \V C I school gantes held last Friday, when he car- red off the senior championship evenîs ; sud also ',Ir Frank Shaw, of this towu, he hav- iatg won the junior championsbip. Mr, T S Brant met with s severe accident Ot S--unday night hast. She was taking sont- flower pots into the house to save thei frot frost, when she slipped sud fell hea yl upon ber left atn, breakiug both boles between the wist grad albow. The fracture is a very painful one, but la wehh itflder control. Constable Calverhey, as bailiff for Collect- or H Meen of Whitbv township, on Wed- lesday sold i number of stray chaltels be- lOflging to joseph D Thompson. base lime West, who was receuthy cornmitted for trial Ou a charge of defrauding hîs landlord ont nf the rertt of tbe fat-m. The sale amounted tOlIearly S.32, but expenses will have to be tiken from tbis, aud there will not be ettough Ieft to psy the full amnount of-the lHane Made Bread Parties wishing the above can be supplied 'bY caling at the residence of Mr. Heury' GOtahd or at Mr. Priughe's grocer>'. 4=tdent. MIr. Chas. Taylor, landiug sciter aI Ibis Port, had a runawsy sud smnash-up near the Jullction here on Frlday morning last. The tfOtable sîarted at the high bridge over the GT.R. on Brock street, ia pas8iag another 49. The home fett a 11W. efrisky aud set off SOtthward at bigh speed. Mr. Taylor in- tttaded going t0 the junction, but fandinq ltat he couhd not control the homse belote ttachiîig bhc turu in tbe road, he aought 10 '"r if straigbî on lu the harbor. The aul- ital tu rned tbe corner lu spîte of hlm, and lu doing so capsized thc carl on whicb he was- ridiug, throwngrM.- Taylor beavily upen the ground. Hlis rlgbî srm suas fouad to bave been brokera near th. shouider, and et 4Olrse he on as ny bruises, but wlilbe eut -'Ma ln a fesu days if ail goas weil. JI Sot loties lais contr=.t The Posnmaster General's departanent bas 'Oaified Alderman Scott that aller tire. lIao1tahs his contract to carry the mail to 8rugham sulîl terminai., as perthe ssvli 'd8tU8e which provides for'its cancellatlon en 4 qutarter'5 notice. New tender» for t be badling of mIls tbtelsecuWhitby ad lton nd theoMco ere,, a , t9é u1 n ew contact awadd. f«or wb iM Sotwill bave as gobd a abow as auybid Seme parties *ho«è u$dbttofIE .PrOCedîre lu suec affa *s k a rf. Nft ttontr auplort.t* cft#; emint bi la eprst e it bt,« n on"n Wdotlf, ttated thé,PW Inept EverY lady e, r a~r a Wood-Sawlrug Contest. James Fait- sud Thos. Culten, two Osh- awa feliosus wbo are working on the im- provemenîs aI Ail Saints' church, have been boasting over one another for some days as to which couhd cut the most wood iu s givera limie with a buck saw. Tbey made a wager. sud on Wednesday niglit had the match at the Queen's hotet wlth Tommy Wilson as refèee, Charley Stewart time-keeper, and Jack Crasu stakeholder. Eacb bad to buck four sticks of cordwood once la lwo. Fait led oùi at a great clip but broke bis sasu snd they bad to start again. ln the end he came out beblnd bv 5 seconds, sud had to liquicL- ste the crowd. which during te bucking hsd cheered both 10 the echo. A case of alatken identity. Mr. J L White<head, the popular sud gen- il representative of a previous sud much rescsected resident of our town, Mr. H. Simon, cigar manufacturer, London, Ont., h-id an experience hene tItis wcek which was the cause or much met-riment, sud one which liae is not likely tb forget. He bears such a s'rong resemblance 10 Mn. John O'Douovari, who teft this town eigbt or ten years ago, as to b. easily mistaken fÃ"r th. hattét. Mr. Whitehead arrived la tosun Monday night, sud suas aI once accosted by " Hello, Don- ovan 1" snd "'Hello, Jack<! " He made en quiries as 10 suho bis dupticate was, sud choose bu keep -Up tbe ideaso8 long as il could b. harmnlessl>' donc. He bad occaus of sport, and veny few wili mis-recoguize hlm suhea he again cornes bÃ" tosun. Dr Haro's Lecture. Those wbo have neyer beard Principal Flanc deliver a lecture arc not asuare of the t-est the>' bave misscd. On one special line of sublects he bas pnobabhy no equal laCa- ada, and be usuali>' bas a sucek's engage- ment annually aI Grimsby 10 lecture te large audiences. On Salurday evening, Oct.jit he will give one of the most izteresting of al bis discourses on the Harvest Fly, in tihe scbool roomn of lise methodist tabernacle. The lecture is iu aid of the W.C.T.U., which institution is shiving hard 10 rais. funds lu maintsin the free readlng rooru dunlng tbc coming suinter, sud Dr. Hare gives bies er- vices 10 the union free. As tbe lecture lese good, the ebject one of great importance, thse necd 0f funds pressing snd the priae of ad- mission 10w> (15 cents,) Ibere sbould b. a large audience, sud, oui word for lb. Ilmoe subo attend wihl heur a lecture suhich willl rprove a treat. Visit to Sam Hughes' Klngdom. W. hati the pleasure hast sucek of visiting many relatives sud good friends lu North Ontario, ever whicb realua Major Sam Hughes-raies. A more proaperçus or happy people eue could net hope t e in luany country. Everybodyetlere appears o b ladustrIeus, frugal sud thrlfty, snd'.as s r.- suit ail are lu thse enjoynsent of auaac, Il utld b. a great adranfage tecr fronf country farmer, to taise a 1tourou>tigb the nertiserr counlies aud note thse nmeUods adopted by farmers -*àd,- tls&. ýýwivesm Forý instance, we notice tisat ««'t eerfarm place a big suater tank l J@ere4 lnute erb suber. blg chaun1r aist m-iltel-e. Mïy b. se6s toadtt :aroauud smg tRhe tali *nilk. cana, Ausa reithelb. tter la lways (if cr.Mery uaIlsways cf «.e çolor and firua> n~d -oftisesauw teste.-nd -ssffelL, TRe rs fI o asoMo* tits'ia e li nBlick'ha ecured, b .iraBtil- ila Columbia as dlapenslugc ek ef a big hotel. 6 plece 8011d suainut parlor suite, plusia, sulti silk pluala bands, for $32, suertis $45, ah W. TIll's. lames Burney rnce Albert, a =ans wlth a famil ,wus brught to Jail last wcek charffedwýith rap.. Ur James M4dill retutned last week froua à visit to an old friend in Ballyduif (Man- vers) and bis son ln Peterboro. Commencement exercises of the Whitby colletiate institute wiU be held ina Uic music Ihal thia. Priday, evening. Miss Holden "La visifing wuth friends ina Torornto durlng the absence of ber mother and sister, who are in the indian territory. Mi Wili Rooke ia home on a visit pending orders fer elsewbere. He ia now a relieving lreigbt agent for tbc Grand Trunk Railway. Mrs Judge Dartneil and Mrs. Gross, after spending two weeks visiing with relatives in Chicago, rtburned borne onf Saturday evening. The monkey show on Saturday afternoon waa faly well attended, and the youth had a royal lime looking at the antics of the monkeys, dogs, an ant-eater and a badger. One of the monkeys couid jump from the floot of the hall Up 10 the fiont of the gallery. Decr hunters have to ta.ce out a $2lcense this season Since the gamne clubs began to take a hand in traming regulations the idea haargot out that in limne will be dear hunt- ing as welI. Mr. John Nott, Port Perry, la comrmissioner 10 issue hunters' liceases for Ibis district. The Stratford Evening Beacon of Oct 7th, speaking of the Metropolitan Dramatic Co. which appears in a tht.. nights engagement ia the opera bouse neit Monday, Oct 26th ' says :-" The dramatic season was opened here last aight with tbe production or "The Golden Giant Mine" by the Metropotitan Dramatic Company. The attendance was large considering the disagrecable character of the evening, and everybody preserit seemned t0 enjoy the play. The company la well balanced, and apecially deserving of mention are Hall Harrington, Miss Dolly Armour, Miisa Mina Connor, Dur'can Le Moyne, and Chas T Mack. The company appears again this evening producing -"Down the Siope, " together with new songs and dances. A feature of the performance lasi night was the excellent specialties worked in between the acta. " Rememb.er the prices of admission are 15 and 25 cents. Cheap Prlnting and Clubblag. The CHRONICLE does the cheapest print- ing and offers the lowest clubbing prices of any paper ia Canada. Caîl at this office when you want newspapers or printing. A Big Shipment 0f boots and shoes arrived at the West Side Boot and Shoe stote this week, which will b. sold at bard lime prices. roo pairs of bouse slippcrs aI <c. per pr. roo pairs of buttoned boots at si per pr. Men's gaiters at ti pet pr. Men's laced boots ai $i hoOS. Boy-s' school boots ai soc. perj r., ai the %Nest Side Boot and Shoe store. The coruner's jury lu the inquiry bibt te death of Levi Baihe>' bas adjourrsed tc, Nov. 41h, suhen tbe report of tbc pathohogists lu Toronto wilhtbc on haud and the coucludiug evidence wili be taken. Il la not la good laste for us 10 reuden a verdict abead of thc jury, but there scems 10 be uothing at pt-e- sent pointing 10 au>' likel>' lbeory as 10 how the young man came te sucb a dcaîhb b> poison. t la certain tisat b. died b>' poison of some sort, but that lsaisl that bas beep muade certain as yet. Two Yemrsfor Gamney H artrlck. Gatrnev Hartrick, who suas arrested on Wednesday of last week for b'arglariziug i-aech & Bro's store, wes arnaigned before Police Magistrale Harper on Satut-day. He pleaded guilî>' 10 bhc charge sud was sena- teuced 10 Kingston penitenhlar>' for tsuo years. This las wbat becomes of a young mu-n wbo fancies be la too cunning 10 work for bis living, as bis otd fatber isad bo do. Young Hartrnck fancied be suas lue amartte gel detccted shop-breaking, and suben he was found out, xUioughî Ite could avoid an- rest by flashing a revolver lu the faces of bbc constables. He wilîl nosu bave lime t0 tbink matters over, aud suben b. la again a free man suill have reatizcd thit the*way of the transgresser la bard, no malter besu clever the said Inansgressor ma>' fancy lac la Tabernacle Annversary. The annivcnsary services of the usethodist tabernacle suere hehd Isat Sunda>' according te announcement sud gave the greatest- satactaon leailh coucernied. There suas a gracious spirit lu ail theservices which made the dey one of truc suots.ip, sud ef profit te those preseut. The Rev. Dr. Crothers pneacbed lu the morunu:ou Uic gift of peower, sud ina the eveniug en doing suhat eue cam. His sermcdhs sure calculated-to instruet sud 10 edify. l iste aflernoon the Suuday achoel scholars,.and a number of the congregationt, gatbered in Uicchiut-ch suber. an juterestlng meeting suas beld. Short addresscs sucre given by Rer. Dr. Croîher and Rer. J. P. Wilson, of Osbawa, sud durtug Uic singing of a blymu the member, efthlie Sunday achool msrcbed by Uic aitît suber. lhey depositcd their curclepes. lu the evepng uthe choir -as assistedi by a solo frora, UmssRHOI, a pupil of lbe ladies collieeThse coutrlbu- lions for thse day aniounted lu $36,, suti seme more te b. addcd.., Tise-part con- trlbuted b>' the S. S. suas ever $8. The anniversarv ef this elsurch gir.. encourage ment tisaI k possesses au carncal aud libers spirit. Hzcitgpucesfor sulussi beat bas cray commodity durlng tie passuek.Pr)qsha-lve tsken éso pte- modie bd fih _fiüe- ~Hisonorddge Buhýha la very Ill1of The liro.et» ou Ait, Saints' churcla wiIll b. fiSMiébdbythe tut ojý«oveMber. Our worth* frlcud, M r Ios Mgoody, of i.vrpool Matket, was irn town cm Su dsay aast. Il is reported that Mr John WilLie, hard- ware, has purchased a business ina Barrie, and will move there about the int of Nov. MWs Mary Nicholson, daugbîer of Mr Jas Nicholson, sa spending a few weeks vlsiting her i ster, Blanche, who in teachlng school at Lovering. Messrs Thos Tates and Peter Hamilton will move t3 Toronto soon, where they hope to secure more profitable employment for their familles. 50,oo oshlsof apples wanted at the Whi'tby Euabersting Works. Farmers, now iyo r cauce. Bring ln the fruit. S. W. LOWELL. Whitby, Oct 8, 1896. Mms Snodden, of Michigan, in visiting ber graudmother, lIrs Newsome, before going to Darlington to spend the winter in recuper- ating ber health wlîh ber mother, Mrs John Stephenson. A man namned Robertson was brought here for trial ouN Monday from Dunbarton, suspected of having stolen a watch. He was up before Judge Dartneli for eramina- tion yesterday, and was convicted, sentence suspcnded tili Saturday udxt. Mr-. Geo. 9. Hall and faanily maoved to Toronto yesterday, where theyill resi4e ina future. They have always nbighly esteemed citizens, and Mr. Hall'& removal leaves a vacancy on the fire brigade, of which body he has been a most active mem- ber ever since it was organizcd. We wish them every success in the Queen city. The Gazette la trying bard to convince people that its two issues a week are better than its old boiter plate output. There la no difiererace except that îî has a poor old press that can only print one page at a time, and as the sheet has to be run through twice to print the only two paires it prints, haif the sheet is laid aside for three days to miake pretence of a double issue. It in a bigger patent fraud than it ever was. Ail the news of this town can easily be givera once a week, and then one gets it ail together, and fandsaa collection worth perusing The CHRONICLE gives ALL the news once a week, as our readers Iknow, snd fnot a few items twicc a week. This journal will stand compatison with any local paper printed ia Canada. Farms tb Rent. We guarante. '%L larger circulation thumn any five papers ini the county, and Insert smati advertisements at 25 cents pe week. Newporta But and Livery. Remember and leave vour orders at New- pots carrnage sbop or livery stable for omnibus t0 junction or up town station, also for livery. Note the reduced fates from 2o cents one way to 15 cents, and for thc round trip from 40 cents to 2s cents. Support re- duced tares. Wm. Newport.-46-4 Ii. Town Counci C~ ~'. ~TE WART, wu G WA LES Manties at $2580, worth $3.80. Il antles at $6.O0, worth $7.5O. WeLead in Mntie*s, and our immense Business. in this Brancis of Dry Gooda ham been huilt up by thse three great inducementa Which we iu. invariably offer to the public, viz : 'j -3 .1 s t i. The Latest Styles, The Best Materials, The Lowest Prices. Our-Stock for the Fa/I Trade of 1BM» lalager by far than anyprevious aaaortment and- ~~same neit is distingtisled by *11 thse mqrita of fonür years Our pnices are lower tisais elewhere. Manties at $4.80, worth $5,.50. Manties at $7.50, worth 80 Stylish Heavy Cheviot Jackets, ail wool, at $4.90. Ladies wko wish (o make tke mosi of their *noney skould inçpeci aur stock 6efoe urkwz esekre Oddfellows' Building, Quahity m Om .- %) Talks. The Exceptional Qualities of "KTloA"ý' Whithye. R3aok A W tby. WM, TILL, STOPF HD -fTHINI I1 Before you puroaeyorPs1tn i~ Wiv Tp.7yont eo mre t10 ý Go4Wr.Mtrutay b. freS Gpkod- M xdU Ilttea. ~tbkg convinces the, and I lb. ýlec Met Monday nigbt. An order was grant- ed John Blow for $2.3 for four tons of coal. Mms Hutchins was paid $9 for boardinq Mis A KRice ho Ot.x, 1896. Deputy Pringle brought uts a bylaw 10 atnend the town by-e law iu about Iwenty different places, sud it was read a finattliane. The councîl then ad - journed after a very short sitting. Inuest adjourned %y &8)Vorth efor thora fS pecial OODS, t-4-s notv )LD. ry line. ,regu- 7.50 6.00 7.50 5.00 7,50 8.50 12. _o a12.50 .25, $2, le, less 7. 50 for C, 50C, lits-as nonth 'iug aI .8.S :D. ish i the -ads, etc., aces. ilty. &WObave tisefinest stock -*1ùres od pî, urP«e'Clr-a W'Se urFancy*Bouvles u r Pursonly. 10 w Deê 6alè,a d Styles'aretievy1asL iW'Se Or m-Drb Paters to Degàé'àikè,at oc. yard, regular S'.oo gooda,. JW'New Tweeds, reg. Sýi, Our -p«Ïce 75c. New line Of al wool1Plaids, reg. 75c., our price 5oc. Beautifl t'Line of Plaids, reg. 35c., Our price 25c. See our Tweeds 'i ail colors, ai Only 25C. yard. SPECIAI. W'See our 'BLANKETS ai $i. oo and Il1.35 a pair. No trash. NrWARM UNDERWEARÃŽ*8 15w a xecessiîy--------Have you sccured your supply ? 8ýEWe are making HEAVY-Salei fths innw eretl Finish. Perfect .in Fit andvet IW'Durable g odsai lowèsî prices. Our Underwear is guaranteed not to shrn.Ts'hm ~W'Se our adie' Undr wptt25 cents per pair, with Vests to match at 25 cent each-. t~'ajjles Matie male *»4«r the very lateât styles. Sce our Mantle Cloths. IW»New Millinery, New HIo9IeÈy, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, etc., ai very lowest Cash Prices. W»Genuine Bargains in MEN'S FURNISHINGS. We have got the Goods. We are sclling them every hour. FVýSALES GROW HERE BECAUSE WE SELL CLOTHING THAT'GIVES SATISFACTION. là, mo- IrT

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