COMMON 8EN8, lmnte recogilize Kidciey Disses by its gynipt0in5 AodGreat Dangers Sever Seglect your Trouble in it m i or Form s-Neyer Despair at ayStae-Doddt3 Kidney Pille Always Cure. 1: is far easier tO prevent thein to cure the serions formes ad complicagions of bîdueY dîsease.1 We dont Bay this bécane. we doubt the efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pille, but it ie tietter to svoid the waar and tear by cur'ng at the mineir stage with a ingle box. The danL7eri4 of every enferer are of a thrPe f,il nature :-Net to kpow what ails; to negleot when b. knows ; and to despair Wilen everyone sys he is geing to dit-. il Yon are flot poeted if the symptomes of k-di dist-a8e write te the Dodds Medicine Company, Toronito, Oct.,, for tleîr caL.Ipdar for 1897. Tt will ceet yen ()nIV a postal card snd is worth a bund- roi.- If yon sufer and negleet kidney dis. esse; remernber that ninetecu eut of ervr twenty deathe result from tuis dis e a ée and that every such death is pre. ventel by ueing Dodd's Kidney Pille. To tthose wbo sufer and despair of cure, we briely say. We have neyer yet heard of Dodd's Kidney Pille failing toencre We have letters from mnore than a tboue- and wlLo were cured wben given up by pi vrciflîsud friende. W. have pub. 1lu4ed inany scores cf euch letteresud tfie wrlters are still living in heulth and comfort. over one lltlfdreid thousnd pereons in Cîtnadahi ave been cnred of kidney dis- paize in its sîmpler forrne-cured hv frein oùm to three boxes of Dodd'e Kiduey Pllé; L)odd's Kidney Pille will cure any kid- ney disease. If in need of kîduey treat- ment dont permit youroelf te buy auy thing short of the original and genuine. Why sheuld yen ry experimen t8 to bene- fit those whe eay they have somnething --j. ist as geod ?" LINDIS&Y. Thiur'«iav at noon as the regular trâin a goirtg up Victoria avenue a tim (i horses attached to a wagon be- ainle frîghtened and started to race the train up the hilI. After going a short d!Stance they attempted to cross the ik.The horses escaped injury but the wagon was destroved. As no one v- in the wagon no fatalities are re- portud. tg Judging f rom the numerous sales in ether parts, we feel that we mauet b. a favored community. Sales here are very scarce. Mr D Trsiner and family bave moved to follew the business of atore-keeping. W. are sorry to loe Mr. Trainer, sud wiah him» auccess in hie uew werk. The officens of the S O T division for the quarter are, W P, F Ferdif; W A, F R.eynolds ; sec, C Mackey; A Sec, J Ashuori; F S, L Puecoe; trOus, E Wetten; 0 S, F Hurîbut ; 1 S, E Hurîbut ;cen, A Forsyth; A Con, E Tordiff; Chu, Mrs Hurîbut; P W P, F W Reynolds. Our choir is giving some excellent mnusic uow. The new books and uew mombere seem te give new life to it. MONEY SAVER8 For Famnilies Who Desire to Econo- li ze. Diamond Dycs the Agents. It would re4uire many large volumes to give a complete record of all the streng testimonial letters written by the women of the country in favor of Diamond Dyes. These indispensable aids in good housekeeping are gaining in public favor every week. and once tried. they become permanent home favorites. Iust think of it' One package of Diamond Dye wîll color from one te six pounds of goods. according to shade desired. This is wonderful work when the small expense is considered. Your last year's jacket, suit, cape. dress, and vour husband*s suit and children's clothes may be soiled, faded and unsightly; but with a ten cent package of Diamond Dyes you c-an work wonders, and make the old things look like new for this seasons wear. Have you ever tried this work with -1 % -- :.. . ;n ... Inup.Otot i=*y cs4ed ow oui sohool a few daje 4 gcrand report.d evetything in. is leavng *t the end. of the. ye -r. many applicants are seekig the -pouition. W. have no doubt our truste«s wül secure rom 'the nuînber a good toucher, who will help to uphold EnSield's good name. The Epworth Leagne of %bis place has re..elected officers as follows :-Pros, Mr& T Bradley ; sec, Mise E CJampbell ; trea, Mrs Huribut ; organiat, Misa J Ashton. Misn L Gallagher from Oshawa in in 4midat again, rOflOwiDg old acqua Lut- Mr. F Âshton ha completed the road job eant of the village in a firet claa manner. P At-KItLER THE GREAT Pamlly xMeicne of the Âge. Trakcon 1 nt.cnally, It Curez Diarrhoea, 11;7 , ad Pain ln the 8tomaoh, 80re hrt, Suddeff Colda, Cou gha, etc., etc. Usod £xtomnallY, It CurOs Cuts, Bruiaea, Burna, 8oalds, Spaia Toothache~ Pain ln the Face, Nuaga Rheumatiam, Frosted Fut. Nço grtile evor attalned 10 och boundod lpopuat, ity.--g4l.a Vbaerv. We reo bear i 0stImD 0o tefiicycof the Pain. Killer. W. bave me-yli"xnUlceffectu la sothb.g lb. meerut pain. and know It1t.0 ba good rc.-ùe- .mai le.spafrL. N.1hnq ba» yet urp..ue b.Pain-Kme. whicb la Il bu ?MSInmut; Uma -aons et renovng Paub. Do medicihe bu aoqutred aroa -lmou i 0 IIOPuuY >VlW iller.-Newpcri New&. F.mwa&renet mîlna Buoy i l. mine*IPaaa Dà via 5d0 leoywee a ohtU.,S May Be A Murder. Woodstock, Oct. 20.-IU the police court this morning the preliminary hearing ot the case against Mrs. Gard- mner and William McComas, held in connection with the death of the form- crs husband, was concluded. Both of the prisoners were commnitted to stand their trial at the next assizes on a charge of murder. Ail the parties in the case are colored. On the morning of Septeînber 26th. a pistol shot was heard in Gardiner's house and on in- Ga2rdiner was found dead Coutry nt Away tîfdtteu Ies, an rocs th her fe.î f body )rp4à )Me1 for Id hoîd b egan getting Y day; Cugi,, 1 5 Sb@ r cure 'n, 89 an. What is Said About Women. The best womau ie thse eue least talked The annual meeting of thse curling L)amond DLies ? one etuorti ns uu ohwa el n h cu ros last direction of true economny will convince The aeeteet thiug in lifeisu the un- b F'rilav- night. There was a very large YO that Damond Dyes are money cîolided welcome of a vite.a .,tr; ndance, and many new members savers to the fadily. It is re moue possible te do vithont a il wreballoted in. The following offi- wife than iL is to dispense with eating and crs were elected: Patron. Geo Mc- dninking. 11Li ah, M P,.; pres, Geo A Little; vice . Before going te war say a prayer ; b.-a SF Knowles; sec, J C Harstone:JV}1P,>4<Ae fore going te sou say iwo prayers ; beforeç hap. Rev L S Hughson; treas. J D) ' / uairing eay three prayers. V',velle; skips, foreign and also for the c*sCt WCmm <>nrarîo Tan kard compétition, W\ Mc- Msu-ufactured b y T he True BM ilgamnst La&dy Sc ott. Innan and J D Flavelle. Messrs Cook Co,Windsor, Ont-., lîtîfle and McMfillan were elected skips and Detroit, Mich., is the n the Dryden cup competition. Ih was only k.owu safe, reiL5ble Lord Russel's Mother-in-Law Must decîded that new members should be monthly medicine on wbich ladies Stand Trial at the Old Bailey. g1vnas m uch chance to play as possible can depeud sun'"the kour and urne in rendl ace.Jugn yte of need." Every lady who reads London, Oct. 20.-The Old Bailey1 rrendly amaofthes. Judg, ing h the this is requested to inclose twe post- grand jury to-day returned a true bill lrenthsias go the emb ters, aiod the age stamps, with her addres for against Lady Tina Scott. thse mother ofi large songf'thera eof, he uoneor. Countess Russell, who was arrested ou thu~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Tl Mesno 9 savr oeu n.'f~ k tif, Oct 9, at the instance of her son-in. Nlinnie Fee, the beloved dau-hter of and fuf2particu ars; whch wwil aw, Earl Russell, upon a charge of M r R Fee of Lindsay, passed peace- send by returu mail in plain. sealed having criminaly libelled hlm. Lady 1îi1ly away on Thursday. Oct 8th, after envelope. Scott was arraigned, on Oct 12, and .,,out two weeks of severe affliction. An old physician, 3,5j years con- committed for trial under bonds of \lrInnie was kind and generous and thus tinued pnactice treating diseases of £2000. True bills were also touud nuade for herself many friends by whom women, ha charge of thse office. sud against Frederick Kast, a groom, and ',he will be much missed. Though pas- can be cousuf.ted by letter- or ini John Cockerton, a marine engineer, ýing awav while yet young she had for penuon. Address our main office who were also arrested and beld for aconsiderable time been a member of lTE COOK COMPARY, trial in conuection with the case in the tue ÇQueen - street methodist cburch. BOO 3-No. 253 WoodwadA"e., sum of $500 eacb. S'he was within ber own sphere an ac -________________ rive worker and a faitbful member of Or Ceok's Cotton Root Compounad AM SA E' M N r ie vou ng peoples class. She was very is sold by all resppusible visolesale AM SAET M N actve and energetic in tise work of the and retail druggiste in the Domfinlion Epworth league and it was stated in of Canada and Unit.ed4 States for one Proving that true honesty and truc tue meeting ast Monday that lu the Dollar per box. philantropy stili exist. i;st of arrangements tbis meeting was to If sny man, vhe ile si, serrounsddb- have been led by Mià nie; somne toucb- itated. or vhis u ufaring trou %Dy oetthe ing éféencs wre lsomad tothevarins troublas resulting from yotisful folly, i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lwù ngrfrne eeas aet h unyThings. axcassaSor overwors, viiitaka bort n-sd wrte ueparted. The meeting was conducted Ltl ir oHr am- a natoe a, 1 viii suedisim 1emifideilsllv sud free by the. chairman of the prayer meeting da lttGr late ?erMamma-Wha ofthareete P» v wîcia 1 vu committee. Miss Fee was vice presi- eerupleely rastored =tpreineasmdam (lent and an active worker of the mnis- hun beea given te youî father to post. hood, after Yeats eofsuffaut rousNervo sion baud, and was appointed delegate Chelly Yachtsman-Oh, conld 1 ho aeff tliao kesud uleefnesutut to thse -women's missionary convention yeur mainsiray. 8h. (ieoking at thei monbt s ko tro1~~ v x whicb met in thse Cambridge streeticoci>- zou ar.n z one u e B& 0 miethodist churcb. She hooked forward af ter hait Put 11. with much interest te thse convention, Bixby-What idiots girls sme vien but alas; wben it met she was struggl- they imitate men. Marie (flttred- r ng witb 'the fatal disease which ter- Do youthink se? 1Tisai proves howw ex- minated ber bright and hsappy lite, cllent the imitation ia. She passed away during thse1 session, Mrritt-She hua sucis a protty foot, and wben thse imembers heard.of ber Y don't knov vhot'e you weuld id any. death tbey passed a resolution of sym- ihûug amaller, do yen ? Cora--Thero la pathy with the affifcted fanuily. Thse tise shoe iii. woe- - funeral on Saturday was largehy at- te nded - Rev. J W Totten conducted a Oh, yen are too fi7, iemarked tise win choir service at the bouse and also at tith mie, W l, ideyuawy the grave.-Warder. gîve. e ýgood moud-off, retorted tise Mother-Fanpiie, "*ilats c~tl Of Connecticu 1 'nn.<ev~Y. know. 1 toId Ion we à oI ogitaP5- last ten. Fogg asys theyare quits, stiÈit -Ii i bordiag houe. Thi e'urrant ian et lu livémi7,but us bisakfmtSx sk te Nîev-.De you ipov -iiias l; imi. t ,l& int voiain*.su 1 (OL SC10Vt, O- -, The 5.oJesa i in cf . OrLD% vsOOli,* Pi 4 u.l,%,ro e*và «40P 9Iso te a Oume.1am wi vaa"aoft ¶ pevleS0 of quackony, for I m 6" vs nc!am klnd, but 1 rejoes touay thâam 'Dn OW Par- feoty val sd 5spprce usonà "ims4asdedt eu» iberse t i u. e imb es415 aet Ou= knovo* 6all.if 1y,1vil xe t ý yeu cm ya rel po !ezcured *ud the~0, onevr te oron pcntsgêad ddn -4'!Ç. qeý vbaîbho vate oal iti-te aneesut wmi it e it nt o-euu lUned o a vdypfrug- aldor.I ail of te u enjymtetof ga on ept For b. o tihe awl) b ljomel. Hga uof s wbat, ho ikeam ue eoughi. He ufea ncbes wfat e l. synatbyeAt irtHespofrbapea ltt gtsavitte s in ta s:oAtcb, a hl. acunese weaindmbîcingthesud naheuartn;e adaceas widy bihinssud sfoI ate u ;iseadentis and the museand haes ost inatheon i a Inutes! rnng Inevituleon stiatiody l- muoldin eisbeond mue u hte isbioy in halin gote id of. impr e pn s in ab-l bised te tise o udThe .visonla eibcdy. ab sorbito th blod my ad te whe bodydis- saue~ Coutipatou ' tieadtalmoet ai i -r Piaza's leas n te t ero et ipuiieu Dr ure t est uemadtNoetur remedy lpati curea vendif otsatre. N te e yi thSaul Udets a-t utmaeWnls Diau31rcetsicnl Assci éaon, Buifal N Y..sud e aia Dr.Picsio BupaeoON. NON sENSEz NEimcAL ADviSeE, lluistried. Four hlys e anlest by tihe foundering of tise barge Sumatra ut Milwauke. Mis. eanemIn"aow. tisa veil kuova poet snd neveliet. vWse is seveuty-six yean cf âge, le dangarcoudy lu. Distee in tisa Back-Dastrbed SIeep-Ound by Twe Boxes of Dodd'u Kidney Pille Buumm, Oct. 19, (8paeclml-Tisebo bscour- ere emsother insenceofet tie visdem oetn- igDoddas Kiney fPlin a sy ceos tupet-' ikiduey troublepopty itise:eiut- Tiava. lu tise caef tir. A.. E :rerguasou vbo on boing iutervuved usid but iadiei sunffring ton sme m re ith distras ln tise bacis, nervoussou amd distunbed to. But reading in t4 epupen eue day iii. putlu it Obcour &tiiub like my ove 1 deodW te au. Being hahped t ii irai tew moe. Ioun- Fifisa.menn vers poseouad by eatfuq uoup lu a sIom n laNons Temaada-u Ultile rat tpoison. AU i vii nome. Mrt. 'inTamr a«g e#ing nifeir sattleda suaquaintsde-, Miss Lydia Montgomery la viaItlngi friends in the .north. Mis" M. A. Wenry las pending a few daya« et Bowmaavie. Mr. &na M»s. Wm. W"~r bave retnhn- ed from tieir wedding tour, oelebrating, the 88rd anniversary of tbeir milage among re1ativea" ai Manehester, 'Uti, Uxbridge, Pin. Orchard, Kinsale and Brooklin. They were acoOMPanied by Mr. ami Mis. M. A. James, Bôwmanville. Mrs. Wm. Walters, Southb Dakota, visited ber mother during ber illneuansd will romain in Ontario for a montb. Mis. P. L. Vanlieqt, Courtice, visited friends ini the village this week. Recent visitors: Messrs. Wm. and Fred Eobbs, Pickering; Messrs. Wrn. and Thos. Tremeer and Mrs. Thorn, Oakwood: Mr. and Mns. Nefi, Kinsale; Mr. John Bray, Enfield; Mr. and Un Edward Pascoe and Mr. Rich. Hobbs, Oshawa. Witb deep sorrow we announce the death of Mary Pascoe, relict of the late Edward Pasoos, who died aith e old bomestead on Friday, Oct. 9th, à fter some weeks of suifering which se. bore with great fortitude. She wasaua earnest and devotedl christian and always attend- cd divine worship when possible. The funeral on Monday wo Eldad wao largely attended by fiondes ad neighbors show- ing the esteem and respect in whicb she wu held. Six of her grundsons aoted as pall bearers. Tho services were con- ducted by Rer. E. E. Howard assisted by Rev. S. G. P.orke. Deoeaed was in ber 88rd year. Six sono and two dangbt- ers survive ber to mounuthe los of a kind and loving mother.-Btatesman. Castoria. ICutob a manexcellonSmadicinefor dif- dieu. XtxbEa5?0repetady tl ef t. gScea SUpUn&hefcWildio." Du. G. C. Oseom, nCas a tbe ba iwnudy fer chfldrmof 'whichl amacqusitad. I hopetha day lanot fard&mwhmmoUw conadatheial luloietf theicbildfe4 nd ud asatois lu- «tead cf tbv,1Ou8qflacklewieh m desUinfg thefr loved one%, byterclngoplulu, morphine, muotlnsyrup sud otimr bttai agents down their fthis, thebob7uedn sbom te pranluiuigra*es. Du. J. Ir. Knimetu Oomway, Anis. Big ads. are needed to boom bad medicines. "Cagbmia in oweladaptedtochlldrenthal 1 recommexd ltasuaWortoay prucnlptiei know to M.1% IL A.. ÂcnaaILK.D., ni1 So. Oxford St , Brookly, N. y. Our phyjuin athe chftdrsu's dopant. mu bave spokim hlgbly of their epert- once in thir outd. pract ice th Cstozia aud mltbeugh we ouly bave mmag oui mmdinsupplias viatIo eknown as rogular prdustayet weaam frestoconfea tisa mitIs et Cuitorlu s on iunto loc wth favor u pon I" aLENC.smu if. es., Ihe Most EconomLcal ...ouse Warmler Trho "K.Isei" G Watt» Ai Goni Ay R uiar HtAnrF~ D"x u i fro iiN bsuus a yew immune. Tise K.Isey"will hues w à z m ai ni t lu mb1= 1 o» b y hM IN _ a". W. BXOwS AID' U<IENT with a bullet hole in his head. Mc- CNIOO Comas was in the house at thse time, Hou. Â. G. Blair, minister of railwaYs and though both denied ahl knowledge and canula, ha promieeld te inspeot the of the afair he and Mrs. Gardiner were Tient Valley Canal route some time this placed under arrest. The evidence fal.. showed that NicComas was a frequent A Scotchmun wants to know boy it is a visitor at Gardiners bouse, generally that the price of rolled outa sud outrucal in the husband's absence. remaina so bigh with osta se low. The 0________ miller' sud middleman are evidently get- N«oon People ting the best of both producen sund con- sumera. Anud tho,%e who are &Il tired eut sud bave that Mr. John Avery of north Maniposa tired feeling or ick beartache ca.n ho relieved ()f &Il thffse symptoms by takinug Hnod'a Sarma- goee inte cubbage raising extenaively. parilla, wbîch give@ nerve, mental sud bodily He bas%,000 plauted thia season and streugtb snd tboroughly 1purifies the blood. It seeme tboronghly te uderatund hie busi- ulso oreates a good uppetite, cures indigestion, nese, as five he hud ut Oakwood fall show beartburu aud dyspepsia. weighed 125 poundas. Hood'is Pill, are easy te take, easy in action snd sure in sfeot. 25.. tfien tbey put s Man. in juil, ha canuot fol- x f4.. If r s. y -k The Cutulà Oupauyl, TT my Street, New York City* Celery-Nerve Compound has mert alone to commend t.. »«ar is&: 1 I autpSimKui- loy's Ceimr-IuenVOCoMPouts higisly, sud 1 tbsuits toe i u aestorative <uties anut W su- panse&. I as feelig Pooly fo so u ntknuloughewk sa" bo a1 Ihaf takm ea e ueeofa yor urmeisine, I1fttcompletol! boter. Yountuy 24r TouCe st., Tremto. E. Ncabb. For Sale by J. E. WILLI8, WEMTY. PROV14ICE 0F ONTARIOs SUMM TO WTES COUST'Y 0F ONTARIO Toww 0F WHITBY:- I, LOU BANDEL, Barber, two doom noth cf thse four corners, do hrb summnon yeu te appear before me lu my barber shop on or before tise last day of every veois, or oftener, lu *tiis jeun, mmd thon sud there te get your faci cleal sbires, omd your baur elegahlty eut sud dressed, (for vbicm ve have Mer Mjestyls permlsslonto detnaid a fée . ;ad fIiitI.- more shea g o uÃiatters sud thiagate ou hair aMOsah h tho u d th=eredcard Herelu falR nots t ube -perdl of abaldbed t>e Uable te bs. ubeihai sd h cared asu am çxo eceedurng $afora- uelw .vg. Given undeni amy band and s"at iis x7lth] LOU BNI~ ý Exeoutor'i Ntw TuE Sotice Wteb Castrtala r. amu Plobes peaolp~Oitfor Xnfmt.9 Mid Obildren, It contalu usither Onium, KoirpbIge nor oUierw arcotio substamce. It la abarunlesa su1sitt for Par&egorle, Drope,6 Sootblng Syrupasud Castor OIL It la Pleamant. Des guamatees la tbfrty yewWs use by Mfllons OfXMothe!s. Cantorla dest'oys Worml5sud aly» feverlshnefl. (aatoria prevents vomltlng Sour Curdu curesDIarrhoea and Wind Colle. Cautoria relieves teetblng troubles, cures constlpat'ofl and fiatuleucy. Castorla asilte the food, regulaes the stomach sud bowels, gtvlng healthy and- natural éleep. Cas- toria la the ChUldren's Panacea-the Mother's Priend.. Manteyes Ic 'W 1 11