Resuit of a Neglected Col DISEASED LUNO, Whieh Dooterm ?an" dt Ewep, CURED BY TAKINO Sccntraeted a sTere cold, hh Bttle On niy ung, and 1 dld wht l,,ten doti Msucaes , negictd Lt?1hinkng It Wou] lt* a 1 but I ond , aler goul whletiat ihe 8slghtest exertio pained me. I Bien Consultod a Doctor wbo found, on examînîng My lun, tiai Lbi uyPPer parthlIeft onewasbadyafect li gv, me niMnedicine wbicb 1 look a direeld, bunt Ih did not seeni te de any good Fortunatel>' I happened 10 read ln Ayerli Abmana o e thle efect that Ayer's Cherrl ]Pectoral hsd on otherx, and Y determined U gVOIL a trial. After takîn few doses ni' trule was relleved anilhl',V al i labed the bottl, I waa cureil. '-ÂLFLrmB watcbniajer, Orangevile, Ont. Ayuîs Cherry Pectoral Kiebeet .wrd ah Wrld' Pa&r. Aver'a .Pîii cuire rnd;; At Grccnwooci, on Thursday mai ing, Oct. i5th, the wife of Levi Ma kcy, ef a son. The infant anly lîved short ime. Walter Rorke anti bride, of Healt. cote, have been spending theïr hbanc moon with relatives in this localit, To the extent af an aid pair af boaý we wish thein much harpiness. joseph Valentyne, of Reach, dieti bis residence on Wcdnesclay evenir after a short iilncsts. Deceasec i lve in this vicinit>' at anc time anti wa known ta rnany of the aider inhabil ants. His sisters, Mrs. Wetherald Mrs. Richardson anti Mrs. Wrigh have tire sympatby of their frientis. One day last week Thos. Mansfielo was drawing freigbt from bis place tg the station here, anti while at the lai ter place bis young horse took frigh anti ran away. The animual titi ne mun far, bcing stappeti at the foot o the hli on the ncw roati. No damagt was donc ta the outfit, but excitemeni left the driver a little timiti for thE -jaurne>' home. Whiie tire service was pragressing ir the methodist church Sunda>' evening, saine sncak thief stole tbree overcaats from different buggies in the sh;)d tc the rear of thc churcb. Tbe garments were aIl gooti ones anti their loss is mucb regretteti b> their respective owners. In ihe pockct of anc of the coats were saine thrce dlalis, anti of sourse this mane>' was flot taken frovn the coat before its removai. Weticep- ly sympathize witb these men aver the loss of the garments, but we cannot expend any sympatby aver the boss of the mane>', because a man that wil carry mane>' in bis avercoat pockct is scarcel>' capable of taking came of it. Pickering village is bccomning netorious these days. 1On Sunda>' nigbt a number of resi- dents in the wcst portion- of aur vil- lage,. who were thinkînig of retiring for the nigbt, hati their attention drawn -bysaine loud taiking, running, yelling, and nearly ever>' conceivable manner of noise making aon the streets. The noise went an anti gradually grew womseand finall>' ta their surprise, tire occupants heard stanes being pied ta t.heir esidences, and their fences being hamnmercd with beavy sticks. This - alarniing them. they went to invegte and, upon apening. the. door caught * sight of a gang of young mien, number- ,ing about eight or nineý running froin ,their view. We do-flot know whether ithese wÃveePickering yanths or flot, ,but ifthey are we wu * -ivise theni .-,te-quit or the -reuit may be unplea-iant ,for them.-.Newsl. Ion Ttesday.M g~tae W .Hm IlIon 'conunitted Phin.lmn,-f HiU.t~liecounty dq§ed diA JUchurclÃœ8*~VII iI~~~4ntlot te- the 4aêMoe OMU., tosy tat c b YiirQaS D1l~id8up nd Mtlevcîe ôeo ê hlrnbelongling te tioush sorty ft .t fSa t at W o!- ýour # p an .uur9fCsheds th ôfarhée lacosten, elzn lieve t lu nôt being lved. up t e> >,r' .e y O m o nI ars 1 d* i t e lt th sflt t a h i e m c n n o g r pa 'a n d. ~~ e dV n19l"j ( M e ry . am paur a ni a k o pl s i n a .z u b r i lse teth a i h ela re t pla y * a m e 0f é k » t c1y . F o r o l c e, lc i m e - nt . e e d m t t o s a d S b t t n é r a s r c r u d t et a d hÃŽaf e m r i fr t e c h m p o n h i t c p o . l a h e b a m n n o ed a r i u - e o s Y o r elen O h r s h e r s A e wi u n i h a s o t r c h eap e i t n h a t t a h f a t a p o c i g h i o l e a ctatd ,y o u m a k e n o m i s t a k e w h e T h i s c o l d e d o n w t h buùv ey2i t i e pr)r en ot h e So ngi1 e ra m la n - grea be efi ta bat bu er yO ar m a ing eff rts ta ega n l st xpe se, as be ca ld e a e ' and flot con ese t a c p challenge h if th mie of ak t win tr w as h , Its pSu rtitula i e f tths ie te s l an e n a f w h u s f u ti h a k a e m h v és cd. We would like ta secumer O laroas [eOVCee careg men m de n hisdiecton In St an vgilnc wil nsue l r e the lo as d eltd ownl ith wýy sm h igp r b eetn ame ohe petlaythelam o eyne u prtiumesreof oYours~cefsad good gthers he wxd9uld bcosypetrfectmarbie teamhe. amiosip ec Marysbuove 5d omn haZgw vner Oeded our asedemads he se o th nthshrt ime.Wheshai maehn fhes est r a do thi Satudysojbe stmdcnetaacinebs rdc hardig for t i setoand e ls h M rha a all'ai lut SUd cose. pigr ea rly en ougoh ta er nable .bsinlr ess d. The mak noedged tiumph oee l isplsd i be ac wtdbupon. Twtle-p o e n from n t e aStouffville an an- menofth ton a los tei stre mdialreskiearch ris aie'sreganloer TegEpwarthà eae o f ethoe ad t cL onen oand A.Fosthe im- afthe8 eo lo Satuw nrda ev ening. T -he C ma und Atthe ontly s r e a e ma thu rh, C lae nt , wl i e a p bic bbe o fely o ar h m whs c e .W. C T. U. startie t em e am et- nn uefo i evosdsa e , rv scil n Oc. 6. ThrIfbea n Ti hed a hch in uccd hemwtn Joun a deii iecin I t asr otatviionclepileissne adase- tcelotnea s eogame 0f mu sic n e atheir nag Up efan d ot e strs M rsoe oo w me hveLlege sia, runofdown syccsm, rhematsdn ci ato s Fthewrdpartiulars laer. nthbe siealkadintedtc ih j O riliA s bous b w l klay oe. n u rg a s ie r e an d kidh e yu e tro b e, n M hrs. R P H a p p e a o s e nte d ta gie a t p iain on il t e in l c m j~ the sbrick wokdon theire all, andsop.i t Anemmor mae attsc im e by tdu- h argeand rand Wa sugga s io n, :-Pandishe lTid s Md hil e .n adieit in a ry editheable bHebasineso s .e cmo medicies, iumtatos Peenl pold fit essof er peape adTcowdof ladiesoneligton streeta deon fthe wn on lth e h s tres- ad vl usiue a edt o - e aae f pitnwfrtepbi na h nrnet h amgons denc fo th Rev Faher McPhlis p icad ro esah seriaus r e ler engla d, br th e a ls, ofwethoads He t o he en s yt an lid at Uptergove, trdaybricand bThewn Thounds ithi nsurndanf our aecharacterstCl rend, lhgierapysia chaged to frcely otaramwIs fer mWrta.,Th .satte bc ok ontM.- th re off the shackles odiseasend sciaonties2nd.armhert il ed a hospa- on hdin th ftrnoninuethem oae Dig le reid nc, W st steet wll s proerin aythenuse ofP anes s pe elery ity. S o a e ofma u sain d a e rethe ris nrs were dbrogbthbefore H. cth ca tr ct or hi jo wr k fdor yu. T e re u is a c itaton . FR efr t iclalab e rd o if the ca rg duk and hedt ish- -oyil bputo bis. pr ermalwoivrkandithPane trCulesry Rthe opp-erwa sene o eordertialwich unithey plealyme Mr. Th Éhlfyarly nWeb ao has just C d omp bound; do flot e ar defeat arior dis- alad, co- ndegothoe witb i e of $z yCoacbale~ been aercia te josb. ffHe. ha loeoppainmnt;tegemedicineiaiocurnna oitns f epe and'<,Ncrst.-freeaPess. elnto tet dn sthetis orarddntthe hadoeparent and v~il su u eeymanladtwacmn epcevsitfrs: th ntace te ar runs df ere asfortheos: evFtter oscd ta plev atroutesdocoshe iv esltb.eng as. Mca dand wife a Mi Hess C. mnino uto n li plce i naa , he 3brick ttrstoather . trw f h hcke fds eadCurdiermand Bwm aiîî d Mis Wiîa- Wendgtes tn hatnR.hJ. Da ler canies, esdencpo st s t lae is uf ec that yautth ge nu ine Paie's iam.s nnkl en ; The odr Saltker, tpostoncr e b gin apernsta ecamnad.ce48 poistcak r geing outompccyCapdoud twi oudote ae; Greenank;h W traesnandWfami lsonards.narrwnd rofngblovder and'w th Ca n a t2;f apr hsjob o ,. ic la s ook korre aine "Pai eres no eth eBo mn vîl. rink 50 as ta have vermrvhndi c In- e Th afya nret ,207 i rai n8 a j staCompound do noDr.arLamblvtBradik-în oreacbe d g Stwthafn f 2ec n pebe akna hotospost ofce. Thepar- of intmntth grat eaf pletese u.reess.rtesatn esn a csabytcs p are o t heî; aresbyith __n________________ wo a .Reet iitrs oh or, ike-Tb wriI )awee s blos:Letrspote t ve ate hedotos ae ivnhmianJarsermoens n te aMpinWsnfnihdiswll ncoCheb. class 63e sti a ge a n , 30 th e r oov $205 .- A E Nci rcu t n Su n a The ; Dr. iss Ve Y i nks a un tsi af aur atRe ctiesa nd thpu h- counties, 441 ; postards o plces i Seethat oenthutheiastic Pain'shisrgworkiskmakn;ngeoTribuneer poishes nc Mr. bgaadop successto 24.Can da, e1 7 ;ett ers, boo sand lreg ste ed o n fo r iday n a fte rn a n e of " a nth e, p w d p e i f r t e m s io a y i is u d r a in , T i u e letters 135e .Th eserig ures in docate D a e y n w sk t n saetac tory17 gph tsdin , tc, b9snea-Hsarryofthe en yea idsn DrCp s. asby fBokipeahdrn oa ohveeeyhn nc t n8ces ba cein t 2'rî;lîarfce, i acf opht ih am stpifunci so y sr os onteH mtnh L ereenu bine rdntb inrese heyanfoadfe ofhaeeceMr. W. uteris ie anThrs over enum3.eratag n he last fli$amou.- dsccaircusritte ow.da nwsburîd an aTe ra. iR ev. e iihdi ileoeo h ta ing2 ta $2ee whichr ep59 arse t er Te Markham high schaol football viceatothe hausergedofficiatedtat th gan f$125. ThsOnth eu erFcu i a r aize wit tho flawin e mcte in Mr. Buttenes as th sym Tr~ibue ishsM .Dlygods sm aeto epr .esefanagua rene afcs a . .Re;pahy fulthpecamisrthiniss ereane- u g rakng Trbue af oer î, mt w Da oidgepais., T.i rtin h rllaofc, nMrdeinst.vicepres.H. a e; sffa e ncA Jhnr d and wtteifes ited onf ri s- n the reee eig2n hty bo reset loatng isiMtetclfc;vic-cat.,Clan a uda. Strdy atte eekîrai kla t nely aognt- TeMankamghchlfotb.,a.lMcEn.GE. Howrisb nduwfcsted afhritns knW 0 ing the Pres h e pr sabbths cbooalyviea th o s an ofcae tt e gai- rO f. $Th25smThir bo hs ere d rafted bMesrs. P e tHupheA.oakwi e J . M . Eliat, wbo is sic ntore t a Cae vs'- - in capaen theansel ee nd ut and rsH. S nith beled Gb e an Mon- hothe i ogain n vey ridly, beradite-h a trough tb s eir fgs y ajuio r affi-paytvro n, dgn Tu s.,ay .Hmp- mst.ebpdwI soQewl gan l~~K URL IlL coys» whie ap. kiinmo rildth cs; paced b OakH. , atemted,J tA. TrJvanlLaudan wbo waisitb rensin c r 'nT bigfcllw ee ve Miller boas present Jm aeore ak the record bEwec er n tslaocualiy.s ck rk hog alit S a n t r t e x e r cîo s t e p ae a f e w a n d T r o t. H m t s t e t a e u v r n v n n n a e a e r. w a ds ta th b ys im re si g n t e A of . C. . . n ot i e s c r i nd for s tv ral b ou s i n c ans q e .D o y u k s n th e a bj e t r w i cn b th r g d sct e cuh oo o s. T e f r t s a t a h h e e c o pnoa e sll~,i n y a i e t n- ery.Te l boyswul ryad ierp tafthed westst rs. adale instheA o tik-'J .Elot h ssc nTrno acs hri .c reuto ons. Next wemek tee wndpo- anin H.ta th Markbam r n M n at îî i anigvr rpdyadi KD E pi1 a bably be two drilsa i is anisory t_ a eiganodcooktnc we e ack ag m and - know it. (III)ver wil aain cer put l inasix d ilîs before rie the ree sa ed ver. T e , id e s ronte o Teal1anowowstr g D D h- baiflo can e gottenlfermb qas r -t, awn obalhrea therDon r idgtenhr nti oclt aweboeT- hrgm liOhbo e y- san uter the pr moers e anio usa wa d r out, nd o.wa Sm t i i tbo m, 6 in. aMle ton v nn nd w s d ly d f i ' o c r n Y. wel] s tthe boys ta ge veing n and 14oec.C.BC. an ohrd scrie frsvrlhusin ose ec. mraie <>atuexrday nîght a burgit ardatr9.R . Wam., uttheaidrs tr-vcd 'alo terSetmercese. Ifsod without shpeveyb fory w indtery a dTim e uptot Mis w st tAnnie alker, thed o ngstkoiu-~c s n l o m I 1 l Brgiatios. et $17.threwil po- nakitheMakha radanIati IeCOw * Abl b wcck dMrllG. R. Vanznt some eXpcnsio me slceptli rae lu ng 4II t IW vept nsi r ilsats actory th u a t er. arstabis bug. T Mer.e Vanza-nmthwsea Mmn. Th inet sadcio bee n ai $46tht en ing and ea nd trne inooHtE.Dunane awercI îretîev îb oonxes wakdhin ihît e~rnn te- nhalmloyesre erteto ig fre,.o ft otefiu warsadthe popersea hous u W asn be On gand out mrananti left is. nerbu o sud i w welloa, thteboys, ed ees everTheiPorto and 14dsec. eh tferdeaio. Di sad $31 ore witb .-i ees s sine cl s t ne ate lut we n the yugat'y traa itie da"l th e e giarsha dapetigtan. aM r. G. Rtie indigestion and asi litthneet. Te c îcà "Pio i roe3te6nih t Fyfe 's ta ontMrync e ws t. Ainct o i sawy aeuy a ho e ro inplca ugh bai s cf appe ii o f eth jec h a e . p a 4 th a t b i g t e va n y a n dn h e a n do r s e S u n to H . D c n s h e a lt b y fl u tri m te r y a n ida n B I di g P l s it e p e r s . walked home wibh nt wetTheiwh af bodyisgetslstale-arerb.rtisgIa hrandea 'l erapbionsoof he poins ta ahec era el o w, e hof aga n e ni n r1- . L-- 1 -Uclic W ho l we lt b uon kzi . c n s doo.-Nws.Lete --a pledidsuceu foneaue, - au cleusha«Ibý 9et mlcnvta.wuld ho tma ssvlg tmean4 mnyiatfffl lîterary and social standpoint The strcug u='cr7sud auve brain ceus.- -It instoad cf st lait churcb wag beautifuily decorated and a- e u uu1 rides gtlay dise &&' n oTiDlsIt@ 71'-8tanlas ia valriet>' Of apples, -grapes. etc., was "Md$ cf emcx in auI walkse piHm have t"»Tii. pciulatlon of Hamplton iueêud OU s ~served by the soci committee. û Bd té its wonderfig merits. duilng Ùlo Jroars aocrdig tetii.asmeat aufsau lsuittoyeur Igenige for a &.0&~TeUI Rcv. J. P. Wilson, Oshawa, con-. t au oPRMffor, 1Ç<ký,à $aate r Ccmessu eosst fkide r d u c te d m iss io n a ry s r i c sTeo nut w ut h iu.. * m u l ru u î o p i u e d t at i o. s s BRSOLSSundaY afternaaOn, giving an ecellent he titPle » è*7beêl hikié . hinuloïefaowed ttýis f?' *ii* i~j j i % New divisiozikoM=cçs ~. P;. W IN aowmswog3188 nq~wq baud sbôotuc f Dr.4 ~~~~ ~~Frank; W. A., Erneft Foley;- R.S.Idmk~ Dsl=- riLtibIbIod itis discase erx4kl1#% t)y»h ot« Ã"dWs'ýiii. J me ral b6ffilY_ lssiftude. r, tW11 ê*tie _l t ele, u67.7t dr 'M. %SteveÛs;,,A. R.S., Fred R féley; P*eSat lîeetssr ue sa @à mIoW andfltla oa:plsoie sp F on .,S. . M r u diç;,aU ouuMrker ë*I 1 pi O e I Q nà y,'l; Cha . o r e as D " a _ __cure _ _ _ _ v 1 - p aoli Stmac n BodMdiie. "" fisitne cKay ias 7etur, d ta L A J aà Y 4.aP" AdsUUecC o >w c'rQ çtp, 3 « nu 1 " vý - ue lbe vaa d They QeanW, riep M>the- Consumption-LOW Condid* Woasefu Resit. rom ald1 H@@d'sSars a s IL.. Hannah Wicu Toronto, ont. "om. yoars age while in the aid cew (Euglnd),nIDY daughter Hannb ,. ,ot tt awy trcm the bospital,. ln &avery lw cndiio wnt conaumnption Of the Ilungs and bowels aMd reak acton 01 the heart. Theip &cross th, water te Ibis country seezed ta niake ber îs beUer fer a wbile. Ilene. eaz l worse, sud for 14 weeks en h@ ea Dif the, bed. She glrew werse for live mnts 10 tic use of ber lmbe and l1i aO bd bd Il ah. Bat Up ln b.d hd o e p3rtote CW WIth Pflows. piiyaicta2ndtebePAop Sald She Was Past Ail Ml4ep Md wanlied mectaSend ber ta the - Hoefer Incurabies.' But 1 sald as long as 1 could hell ny baud Up sic ahOuld not go. We then bepu Ho d's3taoà Cure: 0glTe ber Hood'e 8aTepaibk She in gethnq trng, wabke around, le eut door3 every day; 38 no trouble wlth ber throat and ne ceugr4 nd ber heart seems to b. ail rigbt agin5 sMm Ue a first cdase appeute. We regar ~cure nobn'shorteo a rmiracle." w.WYA4Tp 8 [arion étreet, Parkdale, Toronto,» Ontario.' I4ood'e PIlaamepurely vegetabie andi rtoctlY hUa&s Soid b>' ail drugg.,t. 25e THE IQ#T SUCCESSFUL REffELIT FOR MA* OR BRAST. (EIIAL'S SPA VIN BUlL > m ý C. . O & coke~~~~o en blg.I ae ge of your 13« OonIpavtn& mai Ie btt v au b.o an i aMttme. oed boe. iooeirDuLycoa& pcwwa. ~EIILLSe SPA",VNOG. ~.E.Z.KmZ>ZL at KiXb Apr. M ' lke DraI av uAi ara g,.dà scfy wlutcrsnsdau EUNN h 00. 40.1 harems I For Twenty-Six Years LI >jiporr Fo 80L -ý sn\ta,' .Always Itis far easie 8h- erons ýfor hidflOY disease. W. don't s fJbe efficacy ci it ig better to a' Curifg at the box. Th th~dan9er' tbpà fnld natM as;to ncgleci -~dcsp8ir when tO die. 'r If yen are n( ofkidney dis Medicine Coin their Calendar onlY a Postal c If yen suiff case; eei over>' twenty, 'esse and that vcnted by usini To those wL, we briefi>' Bay cf Dodd's K We bave lette and who wer Lbed many thre wrrters a cosnfort. Ovor onc hu Canada bave ee M its Sim on. to three Pille. Dodd's E.idi Dey diseilsi. mont don'tp thing short b 'Why ehonîd y fit those Who -">t M gcad Tbursday train was gai teain ai hors( -came frigbtcl train up the distance the, track. The the wagon w was i n th el portcd. Thre annii club was lit Frida>' nigbt attendance, were ballote( cers wcrc cit Hugh, M P, 1- ~Fe,- F K n chap, Rev L Flavelle; ski1 *Ontario Tani Lennan ani- Little and N, - in thre Drydt decided thai -given as mu< in friendi>' entbusiasm * Large shavin the seasonc : Jde uv comxnittee. dent ande siati band, -ta tire wva which nit methodist alas; with L.NȣRSO-NlS. W-- t -QFGRC E l