Whitby Chronicle, 23 Oct 1896, p. 1

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e re 'VOL. L WH:ITBY, ONTAmO1, FRItVVY, OCTOBER 3186 -ATr- «*,DRUG lio(o packages Eclipse Dyes, werc ioc., TIOW 2c. Fresh, Stock of Diamnond and Turkish Dyes. Extract Logwood anid ail SA. H, Aluin, S CHE,ýMIST AND DRUGGIST, SWHITBY, -ONTARIO- Uw M IITII-1 House-cleaning time is here. We have a targer and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown before, from 4sc. up. We use the beast hand painted opaque shade tloth, with Hartsborn's spring roi er. Aiso a fine variety of cornice potes. Ask to see our tatest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Our baby carniages are ait of the latest de- signs. Give us a cati before purchasing elsewhere. We are taking special pains te combine elegance with economy in price and genieral utility. Our çiock is complete in House Furnishings. \Ve invite bu yens to corne and set us. ht will save money. Lesding Undertaker,- E. je JOHNf xSON9 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. Mrs. Sylvester Mackev spent severat days witb relatives at Audley. Mrs. C. Kenapthorn anti daugliter May, visit- cd the city iast week. Miss A. DeHant, cf Breoklil, 's visitiug ber uncie, Sylvester Mackey. Mr. Ed. Davey, wbo bas beeu homne for a fertnigbt's visit, returus te Pittsburg this wcek. Thse first suow sterm o! the season came Sat- urday night. snd vas !ollowed by wiater weatber, Our town lise blacksmith la prepareing fer butter trnes by putting a ncw roof on bis sbop. Ibc members of the bee! ring met on Wed- nesday evening at Mr. J. Daveyýs, te settle Up the scsson's business. Mrs. Wm. Oke, who bas been sîricken witb paralysis for thse lasit tbree years lias had suother stroke, sud bas been lyiug very low for somne trne but is somewbst butter nov. Mr. R. T. Philp imd Mr, S. L, Brown vcre fertunate lu baving âine weatber and good crowds for their sales. which went fairly well. Mr. Pbulp viii move ente bis farci just west on the base ine and Mr. Brown bas mnoved into teve. As Mrs McCuilougb sud Mrs Balmer were driving inie Whutby asat wcek they met Eti. Davey 4riving "'îbat" black colt and jusî as they were passing the colt became frightened at a dog and spraug sideways ie Mrs McCulougb's buggy, tbrowing ber eut against a tree, cutting a long gash lu ber bead. Forrunateiy a doctor vas near at band and rendered speedy and effi dient aid. From last accounts she vas doing welb. Mrs Balmer unburt. ABS.BtTN. Miss A Dowson is vsitiug ber parents for a fcw days. Mn F Cooper is workiug vith Mn Alex Smith, blacksmzîh. Rev Mr Abrahams will couduct tbe services nexi Sunday. Winss essie Fisher, Toronto, is visitiug ber sister, Mrs Robi Hernen. Mr Wm Draper, Troute. atteuded the fun- eral o! ibe late Mn Jno Valentine. Mn John Tarvis sud famiy bave moved iute thse bouse non h of Mn Svinsou 's. Mr las Davidson teck part in thse E.ndeavor convention ai Pickeriug ou Monday. Postal service changeti. We now get or mail lu the merning iusîead of at noon. Mr. las Mofrat apeut s few tisys with us ibis week. We are pleased te bear bei t succeedleg se well at bis ewn sbop. The funcral et the late Mr. los Valcutyne cm Stmnday vas langely atiendcd. Rev Mn Ratiford conducteti the services. Afier a few weeks' visit wiîb relatives Mr Geo Davitison and Miss Mary Daid.çcu, Iowa. U S. returneti borne on Friday. On bucsday evcng Mmi John Davidseu gave an At Homse te a few BROCK ST., WHITBY. of ber riends.t Narrow escape.1 As Mr James Balfour sud Mr T'hn Davidson vere drivingup te Mr Valentines on Saeday, tbey narrewiy escapet i eig ru mb by a Established 1849. freigbî train from the east. Driviug along with UheIc top up they were net aware o!f<the traie being se close until tise engincer bîev thse vhtstie about zoo feeit rom the crossing sud vison tise rig vas was vithin 2o feet of!'the croszseg. Mr Balfour Whtbý' St6am ýmurned:d receved a few niv ,weM avidsou succeedet inl staying in the buggy. iu the sisafis. MarbI8 and A Splendid Suecess. The concert mnateialicti Friday eveuneg anti vas the best ever Riven te Asbburn. bThe public hpileappreciatoed the able list cf talent anti vben the (3rRit W îks Iour ef commencement arrived kev Mr Rad-t Dundas St., ing the epeuing selection te a fuit bouse. iEvery numbor vas veli reveived. sud the gocti Iorder vas the subjeci o! remark by ah., in tact it W H H tT B Y. vas phenomenal. ThtenF-deavor society feel higbly delighied viîb the respeese te their sp- peal te asslst lu procurng a Iibrary for tlie 8 S, sud a@ Uic proceetis vere upvard cf $5o 1< gees Chas. H a Âm tl t o show tbai the public fully apprecîate a gooti 9 fhvtu <ing. Our Rev Mr Raicid anti bis al on (Fenmeriy Wolfenden Works.) lin- mittce deserve praise for securing sc abbe an porter and Dealer sn MARBLE AND array o! talent., The churcli vas niceiy decorat- GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., e! cd.for the eoasien, and vieved from every stand-. the lsiest material and de- igns. Al i point, tbe concert vas a decideti succes, kinds o! Cemeteny work. Ounrk IT guaranteed. IXEIG A*S E ND FOR DESIGNS AND PRICES. Ânuiversary services le connection with thse methodist cbarcis vii le heiti on Sun- day antiMonday. Nov. z5th anti 6th. Tise special preacher for the occasion wifl lie Miss Beatrice R Oea ker, A.T.C.M. Re: C Ojeliaston, Toronto. --GRADUATE OF- Satnrday eveuing a rather peculiar acci- TORONTO CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC.., dent licfebl Relit O'Haft., 7th con., Scott. While vawning, bis j aw vas tliecated -and Pupit of Mn. Edward Fisher. a dector had te lie cailet injete replace tise Teachor ofPno rt.~ refractory organ. This ia eaercising "thse isole ie Use face" with a vengeance- For terms, etc., apply at residence, A big crowd Whîtby, Aug. 27, '9~9. COUNTY BUILDINGS.. Last Fniday one handreti andti egh±y-five riga drove ente tise Uxbnidgc cmarket. Be- sides Uhses there wcrc about seventy-five other ige visicis drove stralitto Use differ.- Bull for Service, eut stores witheut goicg te thse market. Tise prices on our market aec rapil ieilng Thoreugb breti jersey. berris St. andth Ue cempetition la machi keener. Ia Apply te M. Coffce, opposite Grees &.I addition te tise usual number of baye. Mr- Granger's ptaining mutl. Broddy han placeti a mans on tie rasiket. G. H. SONLEY, Wisitliy, With aUl oui leading stores rereetei,- and thse presence of an iucreaseti numiber- of MaY 21, t896.-4f. buckaters, we wlU soon have eue of tise besféontry markets la Wsbiit9 ii province.,<i ata ie GATES FOR SALE Sî6 a minute About 5o gooti Parun Gates fer sale at if any of eus- resder s t tfi o re J.40 each, at DOWSWEI.QS, Claremont. lot hilm wîitc a 1 - 1n ý .noul bsie sept. 3oth, 1896. - sc<>~at hng pu ielcue$t WAn NT utin Ïln e u tht r St- WA TDbinlein soi. bi Iaarei, (P.ev Johnm At once. energetiC sUmu or voman il a cizWatson), *t>cg1elbratoti crteatgi-of "JBeslthii tOwu anti ceuuty te take charge of order de-UsBanes-cus, lk&p iw -- - _ _ '... and a hite Msevhll ea-nto. tant Partmesàt. Seady etuploymnt t. 'muu Pay. H. D. HUGHBRS. Trent-on, Out. Sept. nth, 1896. 2 FARM8 TO fiENT. Both near Klnsmlê, ne Contaiil5 150- acres and the other Ioth7'.»cukovit ted, with ,good ffdlg* -ad ptonty of water. P ivilege et ploWigj tm4edit.ly, futPossession Aprll it897-, APPIy tc W. S. GOLD, Wbltby. Sept. xy'Us, 180,. Farm ta fient * The wet» àt 50e cnts an acre. The propesd rMU"y w0ll run tbreugb a section whéne geld m bqâàecsdia oovered. H ou. John IIMMeha lifte frocs North Bey may aIse bu built. About eue o'clock Tlscrsday a ttamof herses belongng to a young farmer nusaed Sanderson, who reside aear Dhnsf*td, which hati been left untieti, became. filh ened on thse avenue sean Peel et ud 'dasb.- ed on te the traek j at in front of tire Tor- ente mixed, then stowly, climibing the avenue. Wbeu thse engineer saw thse mua. way te&=s ceining he slowed up te pert:it thora te passsin sa.fety. The hot-us eleared the tracir, but thse wagon was &truckr in tise centre, and thse reacis broken, thiis separat- ing the front and binti wleela. T1ie ltter droppcd alougaide the track 1 but thse front eues, from whicb thse herses had become detached, were carried up thse traek by thse engine, and it was (oued necessary to stbp thse train and shake off tise wreck. The- herses were cauqbt a short distante away unhurt, and a tew ceits will repalir the damage done te thse haruess. Tise fhrer had te borrow a rig to cenvey hiln home. Moral : Always tic your horses.-Watch- man. AUDLET. Miss Pagb ef Detroit, speet Sucday vith ber cousin. M r Ira Lawrenoe Mr Frank Ellilott of Troute, visuted relatives bere on Moriday lasi. The prices of! grain are geiug up andi bard times aie beeginrg te lift. We hope it lan w delusion. Mr. Henry Bec in laid off ai Mr Bray's heme wiîb sympiocis o! the iever. We boehe bas a ligbt attack and spcedy rccovery. Mr Richard Puckecan la ln our midst nage. tiating for eue of our choice farms. We believe the deal is nearly closed. Capt Rowe te our west la on the meud. wc believe, yet these - fever " fellows butter take care net te expose themseives t00 quickly. Amos Orvis' sale and John Saunders' sale came off successfui iy this past week, These îwo gentlemen will be going te Algoma in thse spning. Mr Sel"h Orvis inteeds working bis place. There secms to bang a matrimonial cloud upon our horizon. Wbetber it wiUl develop ie oa sbower o! marrnages remains yet t e bu acc. We would like te sec a general sale o! the bacS- elors. Don't forget the Sundav sebeot seciaaItise residence of Mrs MadilI X o! à mile westof bere on Friday evening. (te uigbt). A geeti program and tes and plcuty cd ententazemeunt fori S~c sud toc. The parties froci here wbo beleng te tise beef ring had a meeting on Tuesday evening te stnaigbîen up thec yesn's business. Everybedy bas been satistieti ana the scrvsng o! the meat bas becu welt donc. Mr. Gibson cf Salem, was the butober. Wbai pienty wouid lilce twsee is thse ring te remaiu <brugli the winier montbs. on a sinaller scale. Several applications bave been receiveti for the position of reacher su Neo 5eam, ant ie decision of thc trustees will ne doubi be a gecd eue. Nf Madill'a splendid sucSa docu net vaut te bc dragged down by a gecti-for.eothing successer. Mlany bave appliet for No 5 veut, but as $lie teacber bas not decidedti o renne yet aIl1snce voeu is iooppp>tme Mrs. jas. Taylor spent Sunday witl ins ie Toronto. Lutu Day viaiteti vitis hor parents in tise city lant week. Liie Bose se avlsiting wvus blonds ie Tor.- ente for a few tisys. Miss Alice WbaIcy. Toroente, la visiting with ber sister, Mrs. Hastings. Mrs. S. B. Lynde iaspqeudng a few day. with relatives in Use Quecu city. Mr. anti Ms-s. Aloi. Armstrocg vos-e witb frietdin laMitilanti turing tant wec, St. 1Lavrence Granuiatei, 23 Ibo forA $1, CASH, Brighst Yellov, 3o lb. !?r $i, C ASHB. AUl other groceries proportiouaily eheap. Our- stock cf WINTIER DRY GOODS is complete. We have special valin atise followsug --rey.Ilanuela. Weol Socha. Wma. Loant anti family. have moveti inte aiso dCldsc' oe EgyRUP Use iose vacateti by Mm rs.Fncy. suad Herse Blankets, Undervear of al Mrs. G. W. Ges-ev anti daugliter, Lillie, kinds, Ready-made Overcoats, Vactoi-y and spet fv ay wth .recialaMîian. Fingening Yarcs, Saskatchewan, Robes. spen a ew ayswit fiindsin idlnd. Plasuelettes at from. S5to 13 elite, etc.' Howard Cuthent bas retarneti teuor vate after au absence of two monthinlu ho Norti- WSuits mnade-to-order froi $8, 75. west. We knwlie le welcome back, Perléet fit andti ýlci. workmacship Ms-. Weeso andi family, of Zephyr, bave ga'ned setltie our maie. As eus frient isi a fis-ut COAL OIL.-Canadian. î8c.prga. vies. Milor vo trust lic willIî ae t<lgs AmssaWteWhe,2.ps-g. boom, mrauWtrWie23. çg» Fs-anI Burton bas left eus- bus-g to becomo a résident of Unelo Sar's demains. Wee a mm sure Frank vill do weil as ho ass a lly geeiUfIJlI feltov. CEUEUN119L IIU,, - Piret suov efthUe season on Saturday. WMVLU Tise concert on Pritia7 evecing wau quite - successfuL. Tiseattendance vas-gooti- sd -Mr.ws- aiapusrit bs Use différ-ent parts of Use programme wel sce bi cw s-ndered. $4van reilizcd. U. A. O. Thocpss OCfEcas là qidau, At a meetngof tise publie &booi trustes « ir ie held on k" evenig Mis" Clara Per- kins wus cagagedto tte;aisthe pia- e pirtsaent for ceaI year. We-euer Us [ a&.SSdOWeObaviug <hdais ass ia -n trustees bave made a adserbetasa htàù IM am- v: mithqÏtni k s a UMOn4 * wlU meet vith Use approval atseotf a..thutthéaios 0.Wod.o"1=4âOw 43> es-s lu tisection. - Ieh aipsuoO. An agreçeset hbsbeen ia even *V= oput DPI 4troinm M5w#L tise methodîat chus-ch trustees-aùdtbe S. otIê obsil£3 T., whoreby -thé grounut lat4T ocqiùe d by w 1 y O b MU& u oled1 bni4 cbsirch,-and4 15e Fo(*Sshu1 ý iý . I , ad oiniug, wlll becomc thep -of ttIhé a sk 1wa, a hg2 l'Pi4 dàiiou, This iaaesihstg~iro- to.A.tbçre ilasio=etoo mucals ec 1w èV m co<amodaôlu h ilaeth isý!l so raw, tiçibt, bc apeb totis -eliéent :bu> Mrt. W. il. Himt. m uiids frienu!s-pi. ,t%6 î8 é,ieWl o fIos N.Y. aff ÇJVuiWSI la jstaoroflgtuàtAW as. u mtZ 'in three days unearly oue hundred, and oisons are bftgglcg a fine lot cf wild ducks. A goodly aumber cf ducte hucters froci a distance are comlng and going ail the urne. Stievens' buuîees homo dewn the taire Is a favorite place for those wishiug a comiortable stoppiug' place, as he keepo, ready at alimîes, convenlence for those who patironize bis home. A choral scciety bas been formed lu town with about twenty members with these oAcers: Musical director. A. 1. Davis; lady patroneases Mesdames Burcham, Curnie 'and Ross ; musica eemmlttee, Messrs. Davis and Yarnold, Mes- dames Hlutcheson. Burubaci and Currie. and Miss Ysmcotd; sec.-tieas., H. G. Hutcheson. A dramatie club is alse beiug, formed under the management of H. G. lHuicheson. Mesors Dryden and Bairdi have succeeded in organizing an orchestra. Tho object ef the society la for the development cf local talent. Wednesday evenings bas been decided on for practiçe and it is necessery that the members shoutd attend regularly. Miss Yarnold, as the promnoter of the choral society, deserves credit for taklug steps te have sncb au arganizauon lu Port Penny. We bave excellent local talent aud ibis society wiU bu the ineans of showing wo the citizens what <bey cau do. The names cf tkose who are members la a fair guarautee that tho accioty wilt bu a auccesainievery particular. rire. Mr. George Nesbitt, of Scugog Island, lest hlaq,,fine brick bouse by fire Tuesday noon, some of the contenta beiug saveti. lusurance on bouse and contents about $î2eo, not hall enougb for sueh a camfortable home as Mr. and Mn. Nes. butt bsd, aà the bouse was only bulli a tew years ago. A defecîlve cbimney la supposed te bave caused the ire. The lbss unît put Mr. Nesbitt andi famllv te a zooti deal of inconveniesce and especially as winter is at baud. caine tIo Brookila in the mornicg. They Ipent day bereasd returued <o the env lu tee ng. MsBisgbam, wio is a sufferer from heart uleéYm been very serlously ili froin tiis cause rinng the past week. At the time of wiltcgi1ie la alightlY better, but we reret tb amyËbmý É e doctor in attendance bas no hope of [beu Iêaiecvery. Pft. ,. Rabblt3, phrenologlst, of Toronto, Iwb1 lately been lu Wbitby and Oshawa, ar- diied hbffe on Monday, intending to advertiae a lacture tbr Tuesday eveninsr. He was unfortun- ate in bot being able to secure a hall and left acain MO Tuesday afternoon. Rev. . S. 1. Wilson, secretary of the Ontario ooutyC.U. union, witt be here next Tresday nigbt Io- give bis report of the Washington con. mton, tat whicb be wms present as a delegate. The meeting will be beld in the metiodist church and' *11 be under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor oceties of thse village. A cordial iu- vitadt isl extended to <lhe public <o attend. A collection will be taken whicb will Ro into the treasuof <the county union, Thesè was an unusually large crowd of people at thee maie of bousebold good, etc., belonging to Mid Ifilchols, on Wednesday afterncon. Tho sale coinmenced at r2 o'clock, noon, aud was continued dli slerly midulght and was thon ad- journed tilt the next evening. God prices were rcaltzed for everything put up, in tnany cass more being paid for the varions articles than they could be bought for now. The contents of the store, which bas been loclced up for thirty years or no. meem ase sold. It was a veritable "lold The*it meeting of those interested ln the ilver à-' . ou and in gettlng to uuderstaud 1< beter,s held in the council rocm on Monday nigbt. bere were over twenty in attendance, which 1% considereti very good for a first night. The meeting was quite informai but proved to be ute lsterestiug. The ner? meeting wilt be held neom Monday eveniug. when it is expected that Hec j no Dryden will be presento lead the dîscussit. Mr Dryden bas given much study to this qu»stlon and bis remaria wil h. fuît of interest tà ibosé who attend, wbether <bey be gotd or silver bubs. W.A.H.L Bumime. Dire.1own. OUT & CG.,grain buyera. BEALI, 8. - Imouer eofMarrIage Lienset. Bealde.cêppom Town Hanl, Breoki. W A KONEELT, D V S.--Grs.dnate cf thse On' tarto Veterlnary Cellege, Toronto; Sonomas member cf the Ontarlo Modice Society. Treatsa&U 11seaues of the -donettd msimale by th. mont aproved metised. Mto pmrtlUlarattention tosurgies! eperatios and denllaisry. Day or nigsti catis promptly attend"4 go. Office and resldence brook]Un Ontarto. L B. Duncan, merchant taller, bas secreti the agency for the Oshawa Steam Laundry. Laundry will leave his shop on Thursday merclng, an*xd will bu returned on Ssturday. Ail work ,-giaaranteed satisfactory. Hastings & Mauners, Oshawa Sceam Laundry.--22-tf. Ceai oil-Canadian, 18 cents per gallon ; Anu*tdou water White,231 cents per gallon. eaa~. . et your cans filled Uow, at )' bopsd o -ngMr. T. SSot WItIiy Town Locma& We hope a tbaw is due to corne along 500fl. Mike Sullivan, Toronto, is home for the wlnter. Wm Black is thiinking seriously of gowng to Rossland. Miss Clara Davis, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. R. Bird. Potatoes appear to be about as much too scarce this year as they were too plentiful ilast. Miss Lizzie Stewart visited ber brother Rob, who is teaching at Cooper's Fails, near Oritla. The captain ot the Steamer Eurydice was fined $,5o and ceets thse other day at Toronto for overloading her with passengers on' au occasion two months age. The following curling clubs comprise group i in the Ontario tankard competition: Belleville, Cobourg, Bowtmanville, Whitby and Oshawa. Urnpire, Capt. Colville, Port Hope. M. Mecklenburg, optîcian, wilI visit Whlt- by for the tant time this year on Thursday, Oct 29th, previous to teaving to take hie course in Queen's univer-ity, Kingston. He will be found at R S Cormack's book- store on that date. The Provincial association met at Toronto on Tuesday, and placed Wbitby in a group for the Ontario tankard with Oshawa, Bow- manvitte, Cobourg, Belleville and Waverley. judge Dartuell was elected Provincial Vice- president and will be president next year. Potatoes and appies are being hauleti to town ie abundance for ýprivate -sale. Pets- tees briug fîrom 35 cents te 4,5 cents per bag. anti apples wbatever you cati get for themt, usualiy leso tihan $i per barrel, barret andi al. Apples'le bags do net sell at ail, except at the evaporator.% Nomination day for county councilflora.I. WilI qe Monday, December 218t4 two weeks before the first Monday in Jauuary, whtch is always pothung day.* Township, town and village nominations wilf be- heid Monday, December 28tb. The Ward'en lias the ap,. pointing of the returning officers andth le place of holding Pnmnation ln each distrltC THE CnIIRONICLE eoffers thse towest club-. bing prices of sisy papes- lu the Dominion.- No other paner bas announcoti a club wlffi.. thse Globe for r5 moeths et fi - *, or with the. Farere unat$fi.Our cotems are tnyhl prics. heyannounce that <bey are afil! clubblng witli al <ho papes., but de cot 1 state prices, Stoves sud Ranges CatI anti sec our steves and ranges. Wrn.: Brya & Son.-46-zsn. To Correpondentu. A SUBssciBs.-The distane betw"oe* tisecorner of Brock andi Dundas streets-Md.ti tise Eleývator lias nover been meaureti, o'. far as we a ascontain, but msust ho nbeot *.' toile anti a *baîf. We shah bea bte -h' amate defieitely next week. FÀiit PLÂ'.-W o ie4frq-oyUr 1tpà- thatyoudopnot-seisto 00=0 pfab On y -;ý. 1bem Miusym p aast %1'a Acoorld ojalî for li ioéàtbsa fi drnu old have «gone co. a s we I ae st* o buais yny bs eyIb 1p tisgo fracecIpnbdiehng blsý%meué vas am pçîIr cW a'oImcis A goo sMype s a ti ha toIngoit dMauteran e- ,h a:I tMve fbad fuit witb : miclI= ,a4 ýmo1fu Ie re t NO. 47. j I I or send; id, ws, iroved dima- h Hall Dirigle t their Most eaper. tings, kinds upply 9,ired, & Co. jives, ation shing good, Accident. Mn. Wm. Frayer, vbo vcrks la Carncgie's plamiug vorks, was unfortunste tast Saiurday iu cutîing ofi the index inger sear the <bird joint, cuîuing the second inger sud the thumbliat Uic second joint. Ho vwas ri pping a board vitIs Uic cincular saw anti in smc masuer the boird slippeti and bis riglit baud was drawn In contact vitIs ths mv itb the alieve resuits. Win. laa liard vorkieg, industnieus mechaeic, anti holias tise sympathy ef env towuspoople lu bis mis- fortune. Ho wlLl le laid aside fornummy veeka. A social eveat Dr. anti Mm. gangster are wldely asti fav- orabty kuown for their succesa lu givingI really deliglitful snd enjoyable evening par. dles. At tir'residouce, "Tho Bungalow," on tise evouing of thse st i lst., <bey enter- taiet a bighly appeclative ' part? of nearty sixty guests-mnaey ?ofvliosuwere (rom tYx- bridge, Whîliy, Lietisay, andi Stouffvie. Ail preset hati a pleasant time, thse dancidg beiug kept up uctil a tate heur. The gucats ait expressedti limselves an detigbted. Neariy aIl the guests were le full evening tiress, anti maey of tise ladies' costumes were more than ortiienirly beautifal.- Qulte a number of meditut men (rom <owe andi e.sewhere were preseut, <bhey lu consmon witb Use other guesta vere hlghty pleqseti. Fer four moatha past Dr. Saqgster bas boon enlargiug and improviu&bis resideuce, andh hc lias madie It ose of thetonkstand bbut mp- pointeti bouses ln town. Internally, e.s pecialy, 15be "'Bungaow" bas becs n mroved. ont e-Weontosand i I àawglad t6 se 1 1

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