Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1896, p. 5

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~24~ SOLIP STERLING SILVIER FEASPOONS 0f new and beautiltil design, Onlyr $6.50 per dos. GREAT -BARGAINS. iIlO.S8. Ba rna rd, jWWATCH REPAIRER'-,, lal County Orgf D.-Larg.st gimoua- 00n of aur local paper la Canada. FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Jiick Clarke let on Satan-day lest fai Hardwoo)d dining tables, 4 leaves, only $,, r.P B. %raramn is painting andi decon-at- g the Eangheh chun-ch. F. D. Williams, ai Iowa, lu here visiting bigisster, n-s. A. Bugbee. OBnen & Stedhams photo gallon-y, open Tuesday, Fridav and Satan-day. Mr and Mrs 1,ou Seben-t, Port Perry, wero itovu this week attending the fair. kr. Thos. Rice was out ta Linduay fuir lut: week acting as judge ai the poultry. The apple facton-y leno* nunning fllh blast. ahere being loade ai appios arriving daiay. OBrien & Sîedham repart business pic-k- !îg up nac-l v an thein- Whltby studio. Cali and see the M. We have liniited the upuce tevotedti t local news this week in an-ten- ta give full space lu other tmatters. D. M. lod's breati anti cakes are soit ut T Tâtes . Ga'e hlm a cail wben yau want anything nice in that line. Mesurs. Richard andi Baily Snaw, Toroanto, %peut fair lime in town, shaking hands ail mutad and enjoying the spart to the fullesi extent. N. Rasv, youngest son ai Mn-. Chas. Rav, Toronto, attended the fair and drove L. Se bent Scugog Muid ion- the winning money in the green trot. Bro. Gale, oi the Bawmaenville News, visit- ed our fair on Tuesday. Banring aurselves be s probably the handeameut newspapen- main arourad here. Compare THE CH RONICLE as a loa-l news- paper with the cheap boilen- plate produc- fions publrshed arounti hen-e. Saine ai the bolier platers an-e larger, but who wauld choose a p)enny insteud oi a guinea, because the former is the lurgest. ?repared for bard time prices anti wil sel] below the iowest city stores. Thausaends cf dollars worth ai boots and shoes that wili be forced sales andi sacrifice prices. Thon-e is no doubt about aur prices being the low- eat and goode the bighest grades. M. W. Colline, East Side. J. W. Rengough, Canutia's famous car- toonast will gave one ai bis populan- entertosin- mente in the music- hall, Friday, Oc-t. 9tb, conisting of humorous anti patbetic recitalz, songe and sketches.. A greut evening's *enertainiment as in staoeior ail. Anv seat ini the hall for 25C-. Plan et Allin's' drug * Store. Whitby Highland Club. The Highland Club wilneume its negu- Ian- meetings on Monday evenîng next et the Club roomn. The meeting wil ho an open one and a largo attondance lu pantculerly fequested. No Plowing Match this yean-. At a meeting ai the dir-ctors oi the Whlt- *by and East Whitby Piowing club holti laut week it was decideti not ta halti uny plow- ing match this year, owing ta the bard timnes. Tht prazes ar-e usuuliy ai saliciteti, anti tbo danenton-5 ele thut thc effort ta secure money fîiough iwouid be too great an untiertaking 1U5t now. FOntario Ladies' Colege. AIl friends ai the coliege an-o invitedt taet- tend a recital ta be given on Wedipeutay Oiening next, Oct. 7th, ait 8 o1chock by Mr. J.- F. W. H atrrison, an the fine pipe organ necently en-ccted la the college concert hall. Analytical remarks willi ho mate on Uic var- loue turberu periormmet. Mn- Harrison will be usisi.ed by Master Willie Wilson, theý noteti boy soprano ai St. Simon's choir, To-' nonto, Ragliala demnanda. A great tribute bas Just been peli by an: ,minUent auîbanity ta tt4e Famlly Hereld andi Weekly Star, Montreat. An Enghiah pub- lisher weles" If you wili pubfflh a Spec- >iaEngiish editian ai Uic Family Reérald *anti Weekhy Stan-, 1 wili undertake to accuse fut'i il ana1 enormnous circulation tbrougha"#ng laid, Scatiantianti Iriant." This Is.coxn-, Plamtentary indeeti, andtii scoiàpllSnnt_ ba eion mon-t. We WmWý thtMe wOuld ho a tomptatigo nt tbbbemd-o The FamiIy Hon-aid ta. bralkh, oui, Iftjýô fields, but wo aoc it sattd théi have gçg to e P>Oint wbere thoy fint IL it 1fic .uJ epplyhig. the demant la Canadatone, lt' a grPX Paper. Sor"iefflewpape,. Snapu $The WeeklySau Pages. chiefly coni~ *i Prof. Goltiwin Siib, q*IS& 8paes 01aicounty autlt&k weekly, for $tg 3aUx- >IL, jnera1 ne,. woefs1k «faanw f. .4. À4.r, 1 1:.1 We wi reiund manies If you do nat finti us the choapeat. Cali early et the New Shoe Store. Mi W. Collans, East Side, Calfornia and.-Mexico. Olti anti experieaceti travelers will tell you when going wost ta takre the Wabesb nail- roati, becase their trin service la Uic finest in Anienice their Union tiepots are Uic best on the Ccontinent. Study a Webaah 'uaandi be convinced thet it lu the ubortest atibeat route ta Chicago, St.'Louis,- Kansas City, anti ail southwostern pointa. A*, youre-or- est ticket agent for tick*W 1 andtinietablesor J. A. Richards~on. Canan- Passenger Agent,, uortbeastcorner King anti Vonge streetu, Toronto. A genitlemnan who ha ust retuMtedi ftma triplan the fanions Niagara di#iW ý informa us that wlle people 1eea1'udrtn that Uic apple crop of tat distrct la etn cd ta be large. nu adeqatecLei in !I can lie bed .witboMut viewlng ot the heav- iiy leden acAd.'mn b.mu o theI e l Uorchard eôfWliawmP. Meatson the pôrtheWtiiouairts 'Of! NUaaal'is kir. Mdentebas iOxMXt ,fôrty acres e ap$ o, NEW AND DAINTY poRCELAIN CLOCKSI Ou-tS=1 o oplotein il Departmente foi,- L ~adWINTEB trad& >,jý Y'r Milliney êngyesterdaY-was a grand sucoess, ansu ,, display..was fàr aiiea Of aything ever "ehown. We xtend a warm welcome to aI, visitors to the exhibition to corne and mû.e our stotr their headquarters end Iook through out stock. r r. Every lad tte, , - 1 aur store aak rri »W4 - oronto lKt buVt1tr'P.Ccount by stgTd'a hÃ" ~ ~ n~lilnMobi a futast, mOf the w hlo:cta leo KetzToronto, la vlsitlng la town with relatives, 'tie gueua of thec Bendel famlly. Mr. O'Eijenwl be la the Whitby photo studio every Tuesday, Friday and Satur- day.1 6 plece solid wainut parlor suite, plush, wlth .11k plush banda, for $32, worth US5, et W. ?ihl'a. Mms Evely, resldlng an ihe hill east of bers, diod yesterday mornlag af typhoiti The regular meeting ai Uic W.C.T.U. wihI b. held etUe froc readlng room next Wed- neuday et 4 p.M ' Some ai the fakirs triedto tas a bogus $io bill et the ticket office on the nlght ai Uic dance la the town hail Mn-. O'Bn-len"will be ln oui studio et Wbit- by every Tuesday, Fnidey and. Seturday. O' Brion & Stetihai», photograpliers. Ail Saints' churcb lg being painteti and ronovateti. While the repairs arc ln pro- giess services will ho held in the school bouse et the usuel bonis. Mr. Gea. Ayres, wbo bas been working down enst on the G. T. R. with Mn-. Wm Gibson, returnedt t own on Seturday lest, the job baving been completed. W. T. Tamblyn, B. A., bas gone' to Columbia University, New York, ta assume bis duties as fellow ai thet institution, and ta complete bis pout-gradnzate course. Mr. Chas. Snow's horse, Ban-r Oke, ai the Pankdele stables, got second place lnaa steeplechase race et the Waodl:ine on Satan-- day lest. Charlie's many frientis bore wish him abundant success la bis new enterprise. A great evening's entertalament in the music ball, Friday Oct. 91h, when J. W. Bengougb will give anc af bis papulen- humoir- ous entertalaments. AIl welcome. 25c-ad- mission. Seat resen-veti at Alin's dn-ug staore. Mn-. G. H. Dantcl ai the Fenelan Fells bn-anc-b aftic Tornto Financiai Corporation lu enjoying a couple ai weeks spart et Senora laite, Shen-boun-ne township. Mn-. G. R. Miles ai Toranto, luI'sobbing " ion-Mn-. DartneiL-Lindsay Wetcbman. Word reacbed bers on Satan-day lest that Levi Meckev, Montana, son ai Sylvester Mackey, west ai tubs town, hed burst a bloati vessel andi died instantly. Ho was doing well nanc-ing, andi baves a wifc anti cbiid. The body ai deceaset isluexpecteti oeeta- day. Arthur Cochrane, wbo bas been living bere fon- years wîth bis uncle, D. Ormiston, and attending schoal, 1eft for British Columbia this mon-ning ta reside la -futurec witb bis fathen-, W. Maurice Cochrane. Arthur- as a promising young- man, and lu possesseti o tbose qualities wbich not only guarantce hlm future success but boutsaifirientis as well. i-e bas always been a great favanite witb bis ieilows, andti tby aIl fit son-ny et parting. We wiubh lm Uic fullest success in B.C., and hope ho may send us a gold mine sbould ho rael foui ai mare than ho wants bimucîf. Puippu. W. H. Piper can seil you a fin-st class wind mniii, also the bout pumo lan the mar-ket. Wells cleaned out. Give bim a caîl. Teecher,' Association The teacheru' association air the county wiIl meet ut Port Pen-ny an Tbursday and Friday the 8th and ti t. Prof. Clan-k, ai Tninity University, will lecture on Thursday evcning unden- the auspices ai the assaci atian. st. Johns Chai-ch. Rev. L. G. Wood, curate ai cbun-ch ai the Bedeemer, Toronto-, agsisted by Mr-. C. W. 'dcKim wili contact divine service ini this chun-ch an Sunday next, Oct. 4th. The communion wiil b e administen-ed et the AVIUM#VIWI4 la vz«Un WSil 1tue, -jeante Dixon ý issotbe*ih boter -thiâ weý wek.W.hope he miy couUnu. to i- Miss Annie ikeese, who I&atek. took .a relapse of ber'late llness, ta we &te -glad t note,- improvine gate. Cade Goodfeflow, who hu been vitttng here wlth Maud Spence., returned lest weekf to her home in New York. A friend iuformed us a few daysaego that we night ezpect a weddng* oz' perchance two of them in our nelghborood ere long. A full attendance la requested at the Ep - wortb leagire on Tuesday evening, as buizu- ness of importance in, b be brought before the meeting. joseph Wales, of Prospect, has a<lded greatly to the tidy appeýarance of hie place. by'havlng many new improvements made on bie bouse. W H Hayes, Quaker street, i8 pushtng along tne erection of his new home. 13ver thing la up to-date, and when fintshed will no doubt ho something very fine. W j Dixon has returned froin Dakota. He likes that part very much, but owlng ta the failing bealtb of bis sister -he ha rettirued home to comfort her. Mrs F M Fisber, who has been visiting at Evergrcen cottage, returned on Tuesday ta her home ln Geneva, New York. Her ai&- ter, Lena Robson, accompanied her. Thos Graham attended the Lindsay fait lest week asjudgc on iight borses. At pro. sent Mrs Thos Graham lu in attendance at Mariposa fair as judge ln the ladies' de- partment. W j Boynton bas signified bis intention,«f glvlng up teaehing bere at Christmas. We understand he wiil returu ta sehool and study medicine. A number of good appli- cations have alrcady been made ta fill thc vacancy. We are pleesed to note tbat Miss Gilroy, who hep been teaching schooi at Utica for the pest year, lu already hired on for an- other year. This speaks well for Miss G-il. roy and goes ta show that she is vcry popu. lar la that section. An effort was made on Priday evcning ta open up the Sons' lodgc, but without suc- cess The weather was gloomy and con- sequently no one feit like turning out. An other effort will be made this week, and it is boped al tie members will take an in- terest in the good cause. A&SDUM Ashburn was well represented et Whitby fair-. Mn-s Tar-vis netunned home Wednesday evening. Mn-s R Hem-on retunud home Monday evening from Ton-onto. Mn-e Wm Scott and family, Manitoba, after a short visit ta ber brother, Wm Cas- sady, and ta several af her acquaintances, rctun-ned nome Monday mon-ning. Rev Mn- Cameron occupicd the pulpit lest Sunday evening and delighted bis bearers with a brllient discourse. In the morning Rev Radford conducted the special Sunday school service. flic talent procured for the great concert ta be given Oct i6th, are as follows :Mr- Grant, Scotch soloist, Toronto ; Mr McAI- pine, guitar, Toronto ; Mr Bakin, golà medalist Edinburgh university, clocution- ist; Miss Ketchen, soloist, Whitby ; Misses Fisher, soloists and piaiiists. That Uic pro- gramme will be the best that bas been given in this neighborhood for ycars 18 be- yond question, and a full bouse lu assured. Don't forget Uic date, Oct i6th, in the pros- byterian chuirch, Ashburn, under auspices of C E socicty. Gordon Meldrum, M.D, L. R. C. P. EDINRURGH, Physlcia#, Surgeon & Accoucher. Office and Residence North End of The TERRAGE, BYRON St. Office Hours: 10 a.r». ta p.., and 8 ta 10 p.m. C. AUl Gooda marked at the LOWEST CASH .PRICES. Ep. STE W- RT, .e G. -WÂLTERS 1 - We invite inspection. WEITB7 SIGHT- SEEING Is sometimes disappointing, but no disappointment awaits visitôrs ta our Fair next week w)ho are in sean-ch af the finest display af DRY GOODS, Etc., who visit aur store. The display la not anly fine, but the prices, considen-ing the quality of the goods, are the lowest in the market. Good things iu Dress Goods.--mo We have a large assortment of exclusive effects, the chai-acter of which warrants us la declaring thcm to be aheati af anything in the market. To use a vulgan-ism other stores are NOT IN IT. We invite you ta inspect aur linos at 25c., 50c, 75c. anti.85c. per yard, as well as our pattera d resses at $6. 5o ta $ io. .NO GUESS r WORK.± In buying a READY-MADE SUIT or OVERCOAT you can try on o different suits af as many different patterns. You can sec how the cloth, looks MADE UP. You don't have to guess how a pieceof dloth will look. for some cloths have an attractiveness which is entirely lbat when mnade up. Our Clothing isa made- equal ta ordered goods in fit and finish and you can buy two suits for one that you would pay a tailor to makç a suit to order. sEEOURS:Z NEW ÂLLJACKET at $4. 50, $,0 60 $7.50, to $10.00. iI-T W M ai«,WALT a3 Evr Wéeký We. reoeive a fresh:shipmenl EmolehiWhit Bterllng Brand Raim. au c r fat BaCOn4 Thiesé goiaémild OUM- (not fla Of w- t) sud aýe uarut e pen- C to any other bra 01douthe mai*e$.# Fari~Io8a ,08 &ÂNTED d~ ....L... Special Values in ail our'Departments., any, belti by thein, respectively. Andi notice lu hereby further given that aiter such lest mentianeti date the executors will proceeti ta distribute the assets ai the estete of the saiti deceased amongst the parties entltled thereto, heving regard oaiy te the diaims of whlch notice shah have been given as -afore- saiti, and- the- said executora will not be lhable for the said a m osor gauy Part tereof, toaeny persan or persans af whobe daism they-shall nat have receiveti notice at Uic date of distributiona.- Dateti et --Wbtby# SepL 28thý zSg6 - JAMES RIJTLEDGe, 443 n. Soiliitor foExécutar. (6A TE8 FOR,, SALE About 5o goed Parai Oates for sale t $140 gÇ éaeJz- etOW-4WULI/&, Caeant NEW MILLINERY, NEW TWEEDS, NEW NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW OVERCOATINOS, MÂNTLE CLOTHSE. -4- 4' i rsday as warthà priee for thet» isda-s Special. paper than 'Ise Books in ats. Rb~0. per package. hAnierican 0 K AND. I DailyI ands anti the-selec- Oof Cash- ffects, and ro U. Vuf ------------------- Customers requiring any of the above lines wil fina us with a new stock of the NOB- BLEST GOODS in the mnarket from which to make a sielectiopi. j 777

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