Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1896, p. 3

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wv/ irunaelci. kGirip cave eec t0 say thât ]fo, 1 have doue nie 4 SSevere attack oi oer gettIug Over the0 'Strength, and big irii1l' Pt0ved to b ti,S't Were vr Uiiatisi Or othe. curés id Pooi- bloû<j. >1113 tu My bouse 1. W. aiso lke î IrIghyof t8emR New Brunswickt l'OgeLable, and do tbY aU rggl & a Amerssu ogt efo "SU MRIES, PRJ'CE. 10 uridoubt 1 are fre- ~0 te 010. Vbhitby tuc f -edicine for a cold and got a t,,og liniment instead. As soon bc got the, dose in his thrbat he tega ta strangle, and at once knew wbat had hàppened. Assistance, wu at once se- cured at his fathers, across the road, an ec administered, after which he got into a buggy and drove across to a doctor in Uxbricige, with whOrn he stayed five hours. Mr. Widdifildl and* his* man had eaten a lunch aiter Cuî)Iiifig in late from work, and it osai'] the l 'unch practicallysaved hi-ýý lie, as theix pison would have been fatal hid t been taken on an empty Stomnach. -Tribune. CmIte acqflitt4d. phi, lý. Crake, the Whitchurch farnier %%,u as charge'] with conspir- acV rn m hîs dwelling house, was acq Uitt('i a .the -sessions in Toronto) lasu eik This case commenced on and (\ iiit will be remernbered that -!c the p)rincipal witnesses fo r the ( r o n (e Thomnas Grimes, who wa.:js ,(rîK h ire'] man, swore that he Grim-r, ii set ire to the building. but tht rn enpicverhad promnised c li'ttite (uf whiskey if he 1-For the defence the ph t .iit:dernentia or softening of the \%,.o-s set up, an'] the evidence was put rn dt h the intent of showing that \%"ke mn 1<1 a-ssent to almost any- i c hOi'- iigLgcsted to h41m. NIed- caltu ! un 1V also adduced which ~ c \\ tlidt Crake was '-particu- W r. n thle evidence was ail in, h 1,r thrIe prisoner, MIr. E. F. B. piunit nand] tounityCrown At- t 1ne Ioucrt, for the prosecut . ng, 1 r , -d tl urv. J ud ge NcIougall thentpi urn ile']théevetdence. taken with hi' tt lreclearness afld concise- nei-. n' the case was given to the ure lâtu in the ev-cning. After an Of absence (t about hait an hour thev reUMrnd With a verdict of not guil t\. an'] trake as set at libertv. con.nty coumeclSa. Last session the Ontario Govern- rient 14ass(d an act reducin-a the nuni- ber of county councillors fro-m 1400 and -dll t S oo. thus saving the tarin- ersai't $-:5,ooo a vear. The act takes effciTt this fall, the new districts are alread\e beîng divided off by com- n s-ui(rinr,ý. Nembers are to be elect- ed foir two vears, but no member of the counucl of a local municipalitv, noir any clerk, treasurer, assessor or collectai there f. shall be eligible, the obJect being flot only to save e xpense, but ta ç,ecnri, nien who wil' legislate with an eye t, the good of the division they rep)resent. rather than, as now, for thuir cîwn partîcular townships. Some of the e\usting county counicils have as many a,- ()(niembers, or about as rnanv as the new council electe'] in London, Entglarir. wîth a population under its adinistration nearly equal to that of the m-hole Dominion. These over- gyown budies debate ail sorts ot ques- t is n order, apparently, to prolong the r,,-'Ion. and draw the per diern al- conmmence at the- fountain-head.- Free Press. We uarrowly escaped cehiding vith a freizht train at Richardeou's cosing on the Kingston road, Saturday niglit. After thé Luustang's mostu treiiuens eff.oruthue pilot. of lte engin. pa»eed vitii '% fow feet of the hind vbeehs cf the buggy. The train vas (rom tube vestu, and tube wiud was bhowing sncb a bu ricane that the noise of the approaobiing train vas not beard. Mr-. Gardon, of thebeoaatern sruunhs, lias a dug, of whom ho le justly pred- in fact that cauine displaye more seuse at tries than de many bumans. He bas evnced sncb foehought and considera tian that ho and bis master are aloostu inseparable vbhe on tube farm. But "Coîie" bas ene bad habit, aud like Mny a wortby member of eoioty, ho us becorinn more and more adieted te it. The animal viii pengst in OBiDg eggi, sud doos net eem te b. able te stop it. Hie fri-eudi bave tried every means te break< hlm cf ibis, te ne avail. Fini an egg wau boiled and vbilo bot givon to, hui., That did net wonk for ho svallv-, ed it vithoutu a murmÛr. Next a aboli las filled witb popper, sud tit be<ail ed for ho only langbed sud lieked up lthe Pepper scattenod oven the floon W iiim*n Up the dose. Thon an egg . uoa#o4 sud fed te binu boL, ibis oau' W' auliglit' delay, vhicb vas sD n eded bytbe!, 09g boving upon il until.i xea ot echeme le devised ibsiviiihsl .tii.de- irod effect, vo may expeot te havetU Prosont egg famine- conin.. Willi1e le by n.o S nucmut Jiame, neithor cm-.Sniihbe Cpfle4 sô. sud net nnfrequetly * ntâtI* ~ iued by one and lbs o.' Bit tuer. ig oee., WiliIio mÏlt*L54 JWu '.Obali devowaol&,ah The ethmeen %i% owd lunwioh à#s Thiw 40ed e ,l.j udbsotoa i Oeeu"U, mu~ a pot a youth cof itmtume< ln hisemi loyi and cannot cu-. celve who woold pr"sum to use4, or ai- tei~î e ue, iename. 4.h M ràun- fortunste the ii.bDoy. Wâàirn t àpre- hended ésud pUnised xii a BS hf.Tbis perba,,pî May have beeon bita finit attempt to detrud, but la Dot lukely to be the lat.-Newt. UPTEaoROvl. EaMKaaBay WIiii.-» , n a mtes. Mr, F. J. Gilleapie attended the monthly meeting of the 'ceuncil of Ramea Reserve, on Monday. Ho desired *te secure tbhetrade of the Indiana, which Mr. C. W. Myers ba& heretefome enjeyed' for eigbteeu years., te thbe satisfaction of tube whole band. At tube close of the usual business of tube ceunicil Mr. Gil- lespie put forth an appeal lu bis ovu be. haif, reading a letton fmom the Hon. Mn. Laurier, te the effeot tubat the Premier vauld b. pleaaed te see hie fiend geL the trade, which ho vas sure Mr. Gillospie deserved. Re aise read a lettuer wbich ho claîmed was (rom the Ministuer of the Interior! These * ere bath Private, thouLyh the chief appeamed te believe it was an order.from hbeadquartuers. The council eferred Mr. Gillespie te the audience, and hoe repeated hie appeal te them. Mr. Gillespie vas understood to intimate that if he secured their lra.de ho wnuld exert an influence in thbe favor of the Indians, iu thbe matter of annuities, etc. Otherwise thatu influence would be detrimental La them. This infemence, hovever, Mr. Gillespie denied, when asked whether ho had been corectly understood. The Chief appeared te have sa understood Mr. G'illespie, and te the end did flot seem ta have hie mind fully disaaused of thbe impression. Aft.or a discussion which lasted an hour or more. a standing vote was demanded and the cou ucil moi uctantily consenting, the motion that the trade ho continued ta Mr Myers was carried a-nid cheers, and without one di8senting voice.-Orillia Pack et. is Cod-liver- Oit without the fish- fat faste. Yu get ail the virtue of the oil. You skip nothing but the taste, Miss Lillie McCulloch has returned f rom a visit with friends at Richmond Hill. Mrs. J. Huribut, we are gIad to re- port, has recovered from her recent iii- ness. Mr. L. Hezzlewood lias sold*lus bi- cycle to Mr. F. Huribut. Fred en- joys the sport of the wheel and soon will become one of the first cl[aas wheel- men. Even at the low prices a great deal of grain is being drawn from here to Burketon. This place is no exception to the ule this yeai-. The apple crop is abun-. dant, many barreis having already lbeen sent away. Re.v. J. Rork e gave a very interest-' ing tahk upon tube Epvortb League on Thursday evening. If ail the pe>.. ple of this neighborhood knew bow in- structive and helpful- those meetings are we vould have our numbers lu- creased matenlalhy. Those wbo happened to be in tube village Sunday evening witnessed, a sigbt that filled ail witb horror and in- dignation. Hearing sereama tfram a bouse chose by fifteen or -twenty rushed to the place ee a woman wnthing and moaning -viti pain, ville4' ler beartuiess husbeuid steaked.of t 1lonih the back door ho tfibtarii. HeU _- clares he iviii feave the' plae and-i.never caebaktb >bis wvife ~dchiLrei We Say the soner tube.better, fÃ"r, e- spectýb'1e people can only: st~and ë nincliand titis étate of: busat reached e stage th e pe it lnu band.- Wé So~a garmesi for ,titcy prelilpvu ; and uno dobt wWç Gannot turnbaok tbi i.Udo. Tii. denad for Dr. Agnewsf littie Pilla ie a niwViL Irath ld ous.ry, "The SurVIval e th. 1INtteat' eud "Jealeusy lSe wu Dpesloyer' 'o Cbeap te boy, but diamonds iu qnality -b.naeb naups, coated tougue, water brash, pain after eating, siok heche, nover gripe, oporate plea&tIy. 40 doses 'in a vial. 10 oýenus at ail druggiets. ~00 Geo. Scott bas a now bicycle. Mise May MoLeod, Ingereoll, je visi't. ing bore. Geo. Colin bas givon op the Waddoll farnu. Albert Gorden bas reloaaod tho Wm. Scott (amia. Mre. W. Rolpho, Stayner, le vieiting Mrs. John White. sixtb liuo. J. F. MoMillan wua judgo on horses at Bowtnanville fair. James Boyd bas leased T. W. Under. wood'e farin, 8Lh lino. Adam Henr, 6th lino, is around again. Mies Maggie MoMillan, Peterboro, re. cently visit-ed Mr. Wm. McMilan. Methodist church anniveruary, Oct. 15,1h and l6th. Mrs. Smith, Elizabothville, intende living bore. *eReltef for LfLrng * rouzbles e.. e e e e e 0 0 COITQE. iLM§SOPfAPPET ite. *DEDIIIY. Che besofita etf IM *aruile are Mmt maattesL ty he aid aci . D. £à mLaln I». u ïMd e a hacking aougb whkh hleaubmefan ove a year, ad lave ¶mIed ooakkmbky tu * vLght. Ii1Iked thi. B" Dugo WOU 1Ivu a ad C Ume » ound tu IMm1IL t*E W19vMGAXM.LMoabM m0es and 8i ver Dotu *A &A S£LAWIUCI00CO a., OULS Visitons :-Miss Cameren, Toronto Mr and Mrs A Hogarth and Misses H and M Hogarth, Slins; Mrs A Bover- man and Mr W Hodgson, Port Perry. Miss L. MeCulloch bas roturned fronu ber visit at Richmond Hill. Miss J. Ashton bas rotuurned rom Owen Sound vbeme eue bas beon visiting. Mr. S. Bray visited Bràntferd recenthy. Mme R Pascoe# Misa B Gilbert, and Mr and Mme Huribut viiited ai Port Penny. Mesures. J. Camnpbell snd C. Maeky bave been visiing at KinsaI,. Mn. D. Tramner intende moving te Se. lina tiisweek. dj aI nigh an4stoe a arJu*Z sua .Mr ano~es WF.tb . e anfetd aa9 eû. o)Ut a large holôê xtb lin sbgte5, tk out the. loek and retDoPMg the iron bu &Oro« the doo he arme were stolon fromthe frnt wnko. Tis ihe third time tuat Mr. White'è store bah be en2tered, the lu.t burglary ooourig o" than a year ago. urn e isiagum pl1ocd. Mr 0 A Brown, formerly of Medont.. wniting from Bluefielda, Nicarague, C. A.,1 gi1e a graphie desceription of thîe July tiocd on thbe Bluefields river. The damago il eatimated at $2,000,000. One bundred and eighty six houaes were washed away, and two hundred and nine- teen lives lest. These were mostly Spaaiards, although tuer. were a fewr Americana, but no Canadians. Mr. Brown wae actively ongaged in the work of rescue, and in charge of a tuug boat and barge did much te Bave human lif.. The Brown & Harris warehouse, wbere Mr. Brown is employed, waa one of the firat te b. destroyed by the flood. It was lifted bodily from its foundatuions and carried away by tuhe streanu. Serious Accident. An accident occurred on Sunday morn- ing that nearly preved fatal te two of Orillia's aged and respected residents, but fortuunately was unattuended by the Ias of either life or 11mnb. JuiL as tho churches were disperaing tube asylura span of baye attached te the large cab became frightuened and rau away, throwing tuhe driyer to the ground and dragging him soure distance. The teanu dashed along Coldwater street from Peter, and when noariug Rarnsys8 carniage werks evertak the buggy driven by R. Bailey and con- taiuing Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Borne, just returning (rom church. The driver had scarce time to pull bis homse to the road aide when the hind wheel was caught, tube rig turowu into the air, and the occupants pitched out loto the mud with considerable farce. The collision overturned the cab and brought tube un- aways te a standatill. Mrs. Horne was carried into Mr. Cameron's bouse bleod- ing prof usely (rom a wound on the temple, and iLvas f eared tube accident was a fatal one, especially as the eld lady bas been iu feuble healtuh for' seme time. Mn. Horne as badly bruised and shaken up, and as ho is nearly eighty years of ago the shock te bhis system vas a beavy ene. Medical aid was immediately prooured and an oxami-iation showed that no boues were broken but tube bodily injuries ver. irery sevore.- After an heur or se Mns. Horne as taken te ber home on a mat- tras, and at haut acceunta tuhe aged couple are doing very weil, but tbey wiii feel thbe effecta of tube accident for some time.- Times. A MESSAGE TO MEN. Proving that true bonesty and truc philantropy stiîl exist. If suy man, who ià veekr, nenvoua aud debi- iitated, or vbo m suflerng (nom eny of the vani-us troubleS neultiug (nom youthful folly, exoem or ovenveomk, vil!ta". huart aud wrIte te me, I1vil sudd bim oofidettially aud fie of chang the'-plan pusd dy vhieb I vus completey nestoned te ponfeot bealth sud man- hi-ad, after yean of snffszinq from Nenvous Debiluty, Lou of Vigon sud Ongaujo Wsakuen. 1 have uothig to »Ueband th«eon at ne- moe, buta Ikuov thnoub ry own ex- ~oe ohow to smpathizo vihýuchsuiffeos ametto abls te assia* a* follow-botng th a cure. I amn elavare of 1th* prevaenos of quackry, for I myseivas deWoved aud impss uonunil I »Uely boit finluman- kdbut Irejlos te " sa at I armnov pur- fey wefll sd happy osS mono and amn desmr- ous thmetene te make ibis oertai- meins cf ourskuovu te aIL. If ydt ic vi ileto me yen eau rehy Mmon eltg cuM d ud dm prend * atsfaetion of havigg beeu cf great service te ose in ueed wv11 be sfflent revend for my trul.Abslut. socrocy aasnnod. Sond 5é. ilvon le cor ontfostansd ddness, Mr. Qoo. *G. Stncng, N+onýth Rockvood. Mieb. Tii. baance.of £8,000 000of the Chimes le=ir a% laiwlin London and BeznUs, 1 vAS cuRRDof iterrible lumbaio by II- AItIY8LINIMENT. REv. WN. Bueww, I vAs cunzn of a bëd ssuanehe by imN- Mus .&XMLB&MOL 1 v4s cuamm of!snsitiemugiby MmN- ARD8 LINIMENT. J castorlu laDr. 8ami 1Pit"he' r 5rpto po-Iufht and blidren. t cnt alns nsither OunuiMorphine nor other Narcotiesbsace t ls à- barmie a sbtitult. for IParegorto, Drom o ooting SYrMP.,and Cantor 0m1 It la Plesaut. Its guarantee la thlrty y.aWs'U», by Millions of Motheme Castorta destroys Wormsm nd ailsys feverlsbness Castorla prevents vomitlng Sour, Curd. cures Dlarrhea and WLnd CoUe. Castoria relieve. teethlng troublescures constipaton and flatulency. Castorla asiilte the food, regula+es the stommch and bowels, givlng healthy and, natural sleep. Cas- toria 18 the Children's Panacea-the Ilother's FiWnd. Castoria, C'got Oit5s oetadaptedtoch1dnutbu I recommeud It assuperior toany presSiptlou knovuWn tme."1 i. A. AnoMMeIL D., 111 Bo. Oxford St-, Breokkju, N. T. "Oir phyiiens In- theeMidreula depozt. meut bave spokea hlghly of thefr entier! ence lu thein cutulde practice vith CàtSnts sud aktbogb vs only have amcng Our mnedial suPPUMes hat la knowu am regular producta, yot vo anr fie W onfias ibat the mientIs ef Castons a s Wou n utook vW" favor upon it." UMTZu BOOM-mAL A» D Dx.p.w*-, Bestcn Nm~ Tii.C.utuw .uipuy,71 Xmy tv.t, New York 0117. TeMost Ecooia yh.<'1 monol", - - uIh y" T $ Castoria. "cummna la an excefflet mWS llefoehf. &me. Mothesbave rep&àtedly toadme of il. good a.ct npoe the&rohilrm.%" D&. o. O. ooSn, Ioven, MM& "CaEtorIo Sthbeaot enedy f# cbilduioe vwhich 1 am aoqusiutod.Ihpe tbe d&y 18 ne ftrdis±atheumothemSvfcnudntherffli luataredof their chidn&,sd us Cu*wa nl- etead of thevarbmequqck outsmswhlch are detroyig.thel oved oesby foeingoplum, momphinue, ootblng syrup sud other hbfuà agerftadu" the&r throut hsney sudlin Ummrnto pmaure graves" Da. J. P. Lxcuuzeu, There bas been considerable trouble lately in the burgiar line, cellars and woodpiles-suffering most. Some one will be made an example of yet. Mr. jas. Glendenning, ex-M. P. P., leaves to-night for Nova Scotia to do special work for the 1Indepeadent Order of Foresters. Mr. and Mrs. T. Edwardý, and fam- ily, of Woodville, bave taken up their residence in this town--occupying Mr. Wilson's house on thé corner of St. John and Munro stu. . Messrs. Dobson & Co. have received an extensive order for blaukets -fronu Mr. Gea. D. Ross & Co., of Montreal. It will take Mr. Dobson ove! three months to fil this order with the miii running over time and up to its f ull capacity. Mm. Déà .I,. &.PmreJl, the, motboof tb. lat m hIu twrPru is mionaly inl Dubin. troubles to anyouïe. Tosuoh troubles, oSrrect monthly , 1eg_ LI For 8ie byJ. f ILÈI8 MasS. Mamans. [FAffA Aluud. r L Gibom e! Wonnetm h Appoelod RqbitrarOf the oouny Of .Agitatio n aheb. vrid of bou polUtis and retlgion-d du m sud tube lndivldnalty of MOR, VI to the disagrem b blb diese bode,-'bavebmp*v ilutainof vhwolitrnth sal.n suesruey m gmiealdebllty -FOR SALE R TNEI~ beesi ithia I WIoeNsip~ I ,~ 1 - . -.

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