Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1896, p. 1

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ST.WEjy aUne, ~ ICtOwti by ai gand aî hemn a calu, >u will find niwiiid ' miond rings, flgs, the Ioop ce to "dscoo)p 'b 4ENT HOO)p )YD'S. ave caught, D 1 STHEC INOTI> rnship, 1t let it sIip. îround Iways right and night, iing ]ight, ctut loo.e ]se, arve the goose. iVD1S. Id, gold»' scold, corne, or send; depend, LOWS, $50.000 5.00. ONT., împrov«dr Et, Etc., iir ail mia- oseph Hall and Dîngle t ail their li : for Most r reaper. Fittings, rlock an&. ail kinde 1 supply repaired-ï any de- ,on & Co. Jeehives, indation ireshing le, good VOL@ XL. baffP goods, Lamp goods. Troronto Prices flot in it WERE NOW JlVk~l~;LAMIPS U~~~N l1L PS. STAN 1) ELEGANT LINZ 0F <"'-Hand $6.5o, $4.5o, 5.50, 4.00,1 $5.00, $3.00, .. . ... 4.00, 2.50, -- 4.00, 2.75. Lamps, a -ýi it 2 5c. each, worth 5oc. A1H. Aluin, CHIEMIST AND DRUGGIST, WHITBY, - ONTAIO. Hou8-cleaning t/me /8 here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown belure, fromn 45C. UP. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartshorti's spring roller. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to see cour latest style of w;ndow screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Our baby carrnages are ail of the latest de- signs. Give us a eall before purchasing elsewhere. We are taking special pains to combine elegance with econorny in puice and general utility. Our stock is complete in House Furnishings. We invite buyers to corne and see us. It wilI save rnoney. Leading Undrtaker,- E. J. JOHNSON BROOK ST., WHITBY.,1 EstabliBhed 1849. WWib Steam MarbIB aid, k3anitg Woîks, Du ndas St., W WH.1 ,BY. Chas. H. Smnitli, Forxnerly Wolfenden Works.) lIm- *l)rter and Dealer in MARELE AND (;RANITE MONUMEN"'TS> Etc., of the latest material and desilgus. Al kinds of Cernetery work. Our work guaranteed. -Ze-SEND FOR DEsiGNs AND PRICES. Miss Beatrice R Deoker, AT.CM. -GRLADUATE 0F- TrORONTO CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC. Pupil of Mr. Edward Fisher. Toacher ofPInfre ' For tex-ms, etc., apply at residence, Wbhtby, Aug. 27, 'W9. COUNTY Bi5ILDINGS. 1iTf cati employ five men and three fhiUIladies to work at and around home. A good thing with good salai-y for pushers. T. H. LINSCOTT, 49 Richmond st. w., Toronto, Ont. For Sale. Boat House in good repais, also a second- band phaeton. Enquire at this office. Wbîtby, Sept. I7th, 1&».-3 in. FOUND. A buffalo robe, a î&p rug and a buncb of china asters. Ownei may hàve tbe propert by explainjng how he lost it, and wbee d Wvhen. Apply at this office. Withy, Sept. iS, 86 Bull for Service. Thorougb bred Jersy., TernisSi. APPIY to M. Coffée, oppsite Gros a- Granger's plaining illI. Ma2, G. H. SONtE,*Whttby. 1 NEW MILCH008 NewbMilch Q ni aêChketd*O One Jersey-and two -hi" n - AU1t«M Ralor by letle tMa umP WANTED WHIMTBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1896. NO.44 I i I Ontario Bnci Durham LWIe i. HORSES. ROÂDSTE, --staîlion, C Amey, Cannlngton, H Mormion. Dubarton; do a yrs old, F Mad- daford, Âudley; do i yr aId, Wm Lavis,.VJhut- by; mare or gelding ys-s old. Wm Rynns-d iephyr. 1J J'Fothergill, ?Wbitby ; do 9i;â oldB Ferguson, Biackstock, Jas Gardon,Ploeng Wm Batty, Fcaey; do in faa1 Wm Hza, F DehartW Whitby, R T Michail, lnookln; filly i yrold WmHoar, W P Stenaicker. Oshawa; hanse colt af 1896,] as, Bisbop, Oshawa; fIlY of z896, Wm Hoar, F Dehart, R T Michael; mare any age, Wm Hoar; staUtaon any age, Wm Lavis; driver, S G Pickell, Courtce, G F Marin, Osb- awa ; carniage team, Thos Cowan & Bras, Orono; driver under i S bands, L Sebert, Port Perry. AGalcuu-rius.&.-Brood mare, John Bright, Myntie, 1 1 Baldson, Balsam; M Doolittie; 3 yn l ailly, Jas Lenton, Oshawa; flly i yean old, Jus Cook, Myrile ; colt of 1896 Baldeon, Doolittle; leain, Wm McIndoo, Pionîypool. Baldson. HEAvy DRAUGHT.-i yr aid staliion, J Davîdson, Balsam - do any age. David&on; f iy or gelding 3 yns aid, Jno Rîce, Witby; do 2 yeans aId, x sud 2. Davidson: mare in beal, Davîdson, C Groat, Brookllu; colt ai x806, Davidson, Groat ; mare any age, Da-vidson. CANADIAN DRAUGHT.-CaIt of 1896, Wm Wilson, Oshawa; fily or gelding 3 yrs aid, Cook; do i yr aId, C Coakwell, Brookliu, Baloden; mare in foal, Wilson, Coakwell; leam,, mo Morison. Brooklo, D Tweedie, Wbitby. SADDLR HoRsm.s ND PONizS.-SadcIle borse Thos Thos Cowan & Bro, B Fei guson; pony in harneas, F Eauchman, Epsom; do avenra2hands and unden 13, R A Muir, Toono. 2 35 TROT: Woodruffls M unshaw ......... ......... j Towushend's Fanester ......... ......2 2 2 Williams' Easy Fortune ...............3 3 3 Time 237%. 2.3634,2.39Y>. 3 -2.25 TROT : Woodruf's Munshaw-..... .1 2 2 1 1 McCran's Evi-rgood .......... 3 3 3 3 2 Flemings Ben Hur ....... ...... 2 1 1 2 du litue 2 37%. 2.40d. 2 40. 2 401. 2.43. FAiRmERS' TROT: Sebert's ... ....... ..... ....... ........r1 1r Maynands ............... ......... ....2 2 3 Pîckle's............ ......... ......... .....33 2 lihene were four ather entriés.- No time taken. Open Runnin-E Walshe, Brampton, R A Muir, Toronto, L Bàndel, Whitby. Hall -bneed runing,-R T Rowe, Orona, L Bandel, E Joties, Peterboro. Hannessing race-R F Richards, Countice, S G Pickle. Courtice, G P Mai-tin, Oshawa. Pony race-J lHolland, Toi-auta; A sud J Howden, Whîîby. CATTLE. DVuRHAM&s. Bull, Allin Bras, Oshawa. Ruil 2 yeans aid-Jas Leask, <ireenbank, Auin Bras. Bull i year old-Jno Marnison, S Cox-.orth, Whîtby. Bull caf-JI1 Davidson, BaLsansd A and J Hawden Whiîby, Allin Bras. Auy age-J as Leask, dvreenilsulL COW 3 Yeans aId and over-Davidsoti Mpririson, Hawdeu. Ileifen 2 yrs ald-Davidson, Audesa, Howdea. Heifer i year old-Davrdson. 2ansd 3 HOwdamns. H..ifer undenr iyear-Davjglse, *Admso., Allin Brc,. Herd-Davidoua JzasavYs. Bul-Freernan Bras, Box Gi-ov, B Baker, Whitby. Yearly bulI-Freeman Bras, Bull caf-Freeman Bras, Blaker. Bul any age -Freeman Bras,. Cow-i sud 2 Frena Bras,- Baker 3nd. Heifer a yeare old-Free. man Bas, Bker.Heifer 2 years old-Baker, FreeniaBrasMeiferxyiYod,2anud 3 Baker. Rerd-Freeman BrS. GRADES-COW, i sud 2 Jas Leask Green- bank. COw 3 Yrs aid, las Leask. D ýFweedie. Heifer 2 Yrs old-Leask, Anderson. Yearling Heifer-Leask, Tweedie. Helfer calf-Leask, Tweedie. Herd-Leask. FAT CArrax-Fat ai or steer, 1, 2 and 3 Jas L eask. Fat cow or beifer-D Tweedrîie SHEEP. Cotswlds- Rani, 1 add 2 C T Garbutt, Claremont. Sheanly naminansd 2 Garbut. Rani lamb, Garbutt, AlUin Bras., NeWCaede. 2 ewes, x aud 2 Gsi-butt. a sheai-ling ewes-j and 2 Gai-butt. Ewe Iambe, i sud 2 Gai-but. Peu iambs, i sud 3 Garbuit. LaicZBus-Ran, Alun Bras, Newcýasdt. Bim KSHIRKS. - Boas-, i sud aul S Cxworub, Whstby. Bi-eding sow, r sund d lCoxworU Boar oves- 6 mas, sisud 2 CcXSwoth, Sow oves- 6mussu ad 2Cossus-fl. Boas- ander & mas, IoWilson, Pickering, Coses-fL. Sos unde* 6 mas, Delrart, Cassas-fb. Boas- sud a soya, Coxwortb. Yo~RcsrrrîWanTzs. Boas-, Thos Wilson. Sos, 1 sud a Wilson. Sos Ouer 6 urontha, Wilson, B Busbby, Brao4Jn. &«as-uader 6 maos Bushtry, Wilson., So usdçr 6 sua.,Bush. by. Wisn.Bp--rlsawWisn T*muFoitRS. Boas- C Gmi-oaBVOOUXi. Sos, Wai Major, Whltevaie. Ltbsalunas, PF Zarew,lEpsoa, Wî KibI41owaiuvile, -Cpobias, bff zxand s F C ias-e, Wlridsy. Capau mslg K Rts",y hCo, MtWXuî 4 çbMàndxiu, any otire - sriotspami 'z ainvlk aussi * -d&J F,5~ sm- HD1IuUfiq Bla, IlV lot m kRp 8i7 ect, Ramsay. Langsas, Osborne. Ïl buu rocks, barred, Ramsay, AlI" Bros. Psymoutb rocks, white, i and 2 Rive. Houdans, Kngb:, Â Allan. Black spanish, i sud 2 ams. Whe leghorns, i sud a Kim .Brown ieghorns, i and 2 Rice. Wyandottes, silvor, W ïfK îby, Oshawa, Lento. Wymndte, Wbl:e,.Ramsay, Osborne- Wyandottes, golden. Leuton, Nokes & Difllng. Minorcas, N & D. Rive. Pieo&oNs-Fantalls.blu; sisad 2 N & M. Fantails, white, i and 2 A Alun,- Fantails ay other, i and 2 N & D. Ponters A Alli. *are., Tumblers, A Agin, N & D. Jacobins, N & D.; Trumpeters, N'à D, A AlUn. Magpies, N -& D, A AllUn. Carriers.i and a &A Mita.Anyý other, ir sud 2 N & D. Collection, N D.; GRAIN AND SEED$. Winter wha-T and J Mandersoa, Myrule, W Rynard, Zepbyr. Spring wibea:-Ryàard,, Uriah Young, Green River. Any-otker 'Valety, Rynard, Young. Fail RVe, 2nd Miidersoiie 2 irowed barley, Rynard, Yonne 6, rowed bai-ley, Mandersons, Rynard. Bluckeye ps, Young, Rynard. Blue pes, C W Smith, Whitby, Manderson. Sinail peas, Young, Ry-- nard, Black oats, Young. Whil; anis, Rkynard, Mandersons. Tizothy seed, Rynard. Red claver, 2nd Rynard. Alsike clover, Rynard, P Earchmnan, Epsoni. Flax seed. Young, James Leask, Taunton. White beans, 1 1 Fotbergifl, Whitby, E Pardon, Whitby. Corsi 8 rowed, Geo Stericker, Whitby, Young. 12 rowed ýCor, Jas Pearson, Wbhitby, Stericker. VEG ETA BLES. Hebron potatoes, Wm Anderson, Whitby, R Alexander, Wbîtby. Sunrise, R Alexander. White star, Lessk. Early puritan, Fotiiegil. Alexander. Any other variety, Miss Moeno, Whitby, Fothergill. Turnips, T H Sitih, Whitby, Young. Select purpie top swedes, Rynard Young. Mangolds, long red, Rynard, IB iiitcbell, Wbithy. Âny other, Rynard, Perguson, Carrots, white, Sterioker, Alexander. Do. improved, Young, Rynard. Any other, Alexander, James Boreham, Whitby. Sugar beets, Rynard, Young. Collection field roots, Yourng. DAIRY PRODUCTS. 10 lb. butter made by girl under i8-Miss Bur-ke, Bowmanville. 2o Ibe butter-Mns Burk.e, Bowmauville. ro lb. crack butter- Mis Burke. ia Ibe butter.in raIls, Mns Burke. ra lb. butter in 2 lb rails, Mns Burke. io lb. butter iu crack, Mrs Burkie. 5 lb. butter lu olle, Mns W McGregor, Whitby. i lb pilt butter, Mns Baker, Whiîby. ia Ibs farmers' cheese, Miss Lick, Oshawa. 1,5 lb. butter, Mns Burkie. 20 lb. botter in crack, Mns Bur-ke, HORTICULTURAL CuT Frowzits-Pansies, Mns B Bus-k., Brougham. Phlox-Mrs C W Sithf, Whit-' by, Mns Baker. Dianthus Hieddewiggi- Baker, Burke. Double Stocks, J B Bus-k., Brougham, Mm. Wm Anderson, Whitby. Annuals, Mns C W Smuih. Asters, Mm. C W Smith. Verbenas, Mns C W Smith. Sweet Peus, Mme C W Sitih. PL.Âs-I-s, PROrnSSIONAL-DaubIe Gersu- hume, P Pearson, Whiîby. Foliage, PalIy Smith, Wlîitby. Oleander, Miss Meen. Tuber rase, T Howes, Whitby. lvy, Miss Meen, Howes. Lily, Mse T Devercîl, Wi- Devereil. Single geranines, Mid$ licou; P Pearson. Double ges-a-iuas Peason, Miss Smith. Scented ges-anlums, lkm. J JLynde, Whitby. Long leaved ges-anluîns, Polly Smith. Ms-s Meen. Long leaved floUage, Mns Long, Mi-. T G Devereil. Any othes- plant, Miss Meen, Mrs T Deves-ell. Tus-e ote-plants, P BatiU. Ldntana, Howes. collection of fiowers, Miss Meen ; collection of marigolîs, B Baker ; collection of nastus-. fluai, Baker. Table bouquet, Miss Meen, P Peanson. Hand bouquet, Miss Mteen, C Adamns. Bouquet maIe by amaeus, Miss Meen. Floral design, Mns J A Delong. FRUITS. APPlLES-15 varieties, F C Hoas-, Bow- mauvalle, J J Fothergill, Whitby, W Mc- Gi-egor, Whrtby. 4 varieties, dessert, Hoar, jas McGreger, Whitby. 6 altes, wluter, Jno Bell. Audley, Kate Maddlou-d, A.udley, 4 varities, fall, Fothergill, J McGregor. Snow, J B Mitchell, Whitby, F C Lynde, Whitby. Ben Davis, W H Stanton, Osh- awa, Young, Gi-cen River, Ontarilo; J K Gordon, Whu:by, Rosi-. Ribsoes Pippl*, H Momrson, Dus-rton, R S William & Son, Oshawa. Alexander, Hoas-, jas Bas-chams Whitby. Spitztenburg, Jno Ferguso, Whlt- by, Gordon. Msiden's Bluah, Gardon, Fothergili. Baldwin, Stautan,,. -Bell. R I Greening, Gordon, Stantpn. Wagner-, Mn& Jas Mitchell, Witby, J Lick, Oshawa. Raz- bury Russef, Hcas, J MeGrego. Anierican golden russef, Stantan, Rofiiergill. North- es-n Spy, Stauton,- D Os-iiston, Wiitby. Duchess, Ferguson, Fotherfgll. Bemllwer, Wm Anderson, Whstby, Ormînsqn. Toi-. man'.s uveef, MîtebelireMnJ JLynde. King# Bell, Mns S Rivre? Wbiy 20 oC. pippin, Gos-don, R Taylor, WMrtby, Pn.As-îo varitdes, Gos-don, JIUggrd& Son.' 6 varides4 o-oujBPoeÇWblt. by. Bas-flou, Gardon, M 0C%çés-.g.josý-. phîne, Gos-don, Huggar-Lwçcè Sailti, Whitby ahsgl. eýpCs- eauu, Gos-don, Su"ii. Flemisoib :uty,i OUçrtherolll.beurrs-s uprinu or- Gardn, aligiDueli-os 4" Mgom9!, McGs-egorJ Wi*jup NçIG- don, F iL!. Sciout, HuIgard,C i 1el rok -Beurre 4 nà; 0&ý -glU, Gos-don. CIspp t e W ,fy »,Mlo -Belle uri Ooo~ Robb, blby JB ouï .LOU"a~~û deiet Ey Gardon, Hu*gis4, - - pLuMO 'l Xonbasd Gordout..Gs-p PrnGos-don, Su4tb5 - Ga, Mvem.Smll >ç Mp cottofl warpU n jas Cook, Myrtle; rag car- pe:, woollen warp, Young;, woollen blankets, Young; horse bliankets, Yolîng ; coverlerlet, heavvMn B Burke, Broughbain; -coverlet Ilght,ïlurke; woollen stocklnge, Burkè, Young ; woollen socks, Burke, Young; woollen mite, Miss Devîlu, L C g5ütt- wool yarn, Young, J B Burke; dmibl* sud twlsted do, B Burke, j B Burke; %4oOllâà rug, Deviu, Baker; î-ag rug, L C SoiiT DeverelI. LADIES' WORK. UszBin-Chld's dress, woollen, Baker, Devlin ; lady'. dress, Mn W, Wallace, SintgldI, Mns Deloug. Brooklin ; gentps sabirtr m achine made, Young, Wallace; gnt i'shit haîîd made, Wallacee; patch- I o-kbiIt, cotton, Mrs Thos Cornish, Co- l lînus ; do., woollen, Smyth, Devln; do, e . lkl Styth, DevIlu; counferpane, knitted, Young, Ciendenan; do., crochet, Devlin, Lynde ; collection lacly's underclofhing, Mms L C Smiîth, Wallace ; 2 articles undercloth- lng, bi-. Delong ; table mat, Clendenan, Devîls; macrame wonk, Smnyth, Devîju; woollen shawl. crocket, Devln; quilting by hand, Deiong; do. by machine, Smith, Wal- lace ; chi.ld's jacket Smith ; slipjpers, made up, Clendenan ; ilippere, Devlu, Smyth ; lamp mat, Devlrin, E Morris; pin cushion, MWeeeks, Mrs Jackson ; crazy patchwork, Smyth ; darning socha, Smith, Young; laundtied shirt, Smith, Weeks. Outtî.xzNTAir-Fine wool lace, Miss G Clendtnan, Whifby ; cotton do., Mn G Smyth, To-mue. Miss F Devîlu, Toronto; crochet do., coarse, itrs- C W Smith, Whiî- by, Miss Clendenan ; crocket do., fine, Miss Clendenan, Mns J H Long, Whifby ; cotton îdy, Mns M E Jackson, Whitby, Mr* Long; Roulas eibroidery, Miss Devlun; siik do., Miss' Devilo, Mns T Snyth ; woollen do., Miss Devia ; raised do., Miss Devlin; cnewel do., 21ud Miss Devlun; outline work, Mis j R Heard, Manchester., Miss Devlilu; ribbou or plush work, 2ud Mns W H Hayes, Manchester ; Mexican or drawîr work, Mns L C Smuith, Oshawa; Biat Berlin wooi work, Mns LC Smith, Ethel Morris, Bowmanviile; screes, worked, Devlin; Honifonlate, Dev- lin, Ïrn T Suîyth ; point lace, Devlin, Smytlý; Klnsilgton embroide-y, Devilin, Smnyti; do mualin ot cotton, Devîju, Suiyth; sofa 04llow, Ethel Morris, Suiyth ; satin foilet ý»ef, sud Mn J R Heard ; pe.inted toilet 9set. Ethel Morris, Bowmanilie ; Af gIsa$?&sa M E Jackson, Miss, Cleudenan; upbois'tered ottoman, Mm. M4, E Jackson; pan Z worked, M Weaks, Oshiawa, Devlin; pan panels, Mis« H.L Cornell, Picker- ing, Uâly Morris, Bowmanvllle ; piano scarf, Devlljà, Smyfh,; table scarf, L Morris, E Morfable Cover, Smytb, M Weeks; sideb4ird scarf, M Weeks, Mise L>evlin; darni ýg on net, Mfiss Devlilu; fancy tldy, M Weks, Mns Smyuh ; painting on plush, Mn 3 R Heard, Manchester ; painting on I, E Moi-ris, Patty Smith, Whitby; paligon china,,oot fired, Miss Cor- nell, Ncexlng, Miss E Morris ; painting on china fis-ci, Patty. Smith, Whltby, -L Mon eiington painting, Mn Hayes; Poohpâlnting, 2ud, MUs Heard,;- plaque, E MI J, LCr-il sa4ing on silk, ML"a Dévlin, Mlias mAi; bralding on cot-- painng ou os E "or-k E Morris, OI sigl C Adonis, Wbitby, Mns L C- Smlfb; opera clook, kmitted, Mns L C Smith; tes doylens G Clendenan, M Weeks; pillow. sins, Mn Suytb. C Clendenau ; novelky cf auy frmad, Mns L C Smith. -WoisiNS CHILD)RmN UNDER 14 YBAR.- russe Wallace, Saintfield, Cla-a amsD, Whltby;- dressed dcli, -R WallaoN ~C Adamis; unde.-clotbing, R Wallace; hemb»ed bandke-chlef, R Wallacx, C Adam; daraed stockings, C Adan»; piu cushion, C Adauo R Wallace; novelty of suy kidal, R Wallace, Eva Burke, Bowmauvifle. FINE ARTS. LUnfloporgina-E Bell-Smitb, Toronto,. Mies Party Smithi, Whby. Marine, liss -Pauty Smbith. Coo landmcpe,.F Woekaman '1îsom_ 14iss corni, Plcierlng. Mas-la, Io Wo;:Bownavllle, FFBas-cuna, 1Bpea Copysanial, Camne E Maruis. opyfoe RA-iman. L- Morris. Co"y fruitý, MîuT G Déverel) , EMords, Original faoe.s;Bell- figuresMissm XTii),Wibyï landocape, F'se- eogeG1 Co , Marl% -su=, Devers)! AnMaIs or bards.TltMa-. LOCAL NEWS LETERS.i OHEONImcLEOusomo ENzcz, WMATEvALE 1 UIla White spent Sunday in the Quen City. Coi-a Arnold i. visitlug beir cousin, Rila White. Tiios Winson lias i-eturued ta bis home In Woodstock, O H Pugb weares a mliug face these day. ; it's a son. Jenne Medd, Port Pes-ry, ie vislting ber fsrend Lillie Besse. Mi- Day, Toronto, paid hie daugbter a fiying visit recently. A E Tborntan sud Mis Ida vislted friends iu tue city Iaf week. Mns Bai-ker (nec Libbie White) sud sou qi-e rusticating aitlier aid home. Mr Metcaife1 Oui- former scbool feaclier, is atteudwng bigh school lu Markiiam. Laura Pugb bas i-etns-ned home sfter visit. lng frieude at Os-lis suad other places. Mi- Phuup bas Ieft for Detroit, affer speud- ing a week with hie uncle, Rev M E Sipie. Will Armnstrong sud bis dog bave returu- ed home fi-as unting expedifion in Port [Pes-iy. Lillie Thoruton, Z Beare sud Gertie Nigh. swander, as-e aftendiug higli scbool lu Mai-klam. Tbe Misses A sud H Besse and! Messrs F Cooper sud lB Evaus, of Claremout, spent Sauday in aur mulet Ms-s Judaon Pugli vws Immensed last Sun. day morcing by tue Rev M Sipîe, pastor of the bapf 1sf chus-ch... Alice Wbaley returnes! to*e- home-fin Tas-auto on frrday, accompanied by ber sister Mi-. Ha6tings. Every spring sud lalIl sa ag-ettime for people moving, sud we une-stand fiiere are somne changes to b. made ln oui- vale. Ruinai bas it fiat s Zephyr man has i-eut- ed thle Major i-ller millesud takes posse..- sion in a couple of weeks. We wisb hlm successi lu bis new home. Re.J. B. McLar-en, ai Columibus, accu- pidthe pulpît ofîtbe methodist chai-ch las Sabbsth evenlng. There was a large cou- gregation sud the Rev. gentleman'. dis- course on "Earnesfaess in religion" was ves-y fui! af iuteresf and helpfuluess te al Mm. Chas. Morison bas secui-ed tre On- taïila county scholasIip at the Guelph Agi- cuitais-a College whlch enfies hlm ro fre tultion at tiat Institution for a turc yeai- Course. He expects ta leave for Guelph on MMO&ay nexf fa, take up the wos-k af the. la) Ss-m. ýWe wishbhieSgao4 success. J4msS Carrle Knapp, one of fie junior les- gie supesintendeute, wiil add's-es i e meet- 'u~pxlato-da sIes-oce. Ti.meeting «'Alhhcbt SpecWalMW=laary so-vies whfl bo con- ductel byRy. Dr. Lamblyia fie methodist chus-eh neekCi Sab-baiimunl"nsd eveungn. Offes-ugu fo« fie miselosis- fInu -çf tie cburch w0lUnot becll.Q!os-, atho anver- *0 e hkt ate. ButssthlsinàsMW !É iu 'ls--sr. u-,,- of, Th oduhuc b boom -e- gle p tb epcmo-.;otd O the efcul vhklci iis. osaysus sud lasWlMilu gao& condition. Tlist I fs-st cf fie woîk of cbas-c6- ' îr ndeSt*ke by ",Tii. Danghters o, Tii. cout of t bs job vas about - 8o. Thse nexf vos-k 0" b ave ln contempl"ý U on at have thiueros 0ftii.céil -.ite loi" à Secr et ole poflet av-s.ty% Mny eopi set i-oe=is tf aneolwu cownienceered solie;,a iaso an lao cancesbe ailfioe socet is h1 lou ed ol wsk henvas arefuber wuaIà on s e aick*sis ihonwas cai-eullyIook sIesould mifhifostioen ssuitht wis-h bis sicknesthe socety or- soclolles whch ho was s mombe - Ibèkd àftes- ,bIs and uaw fiat he haà l ey. , .e' and saeb liou. 1 kueu for a - act tiat m4uU thlietown nd,'lU veeue Ioned-. à t ur secret - ooly danates-va th1 fe SouseofEàsg1 s hpe-PsuOateCndgoàic rflii btoseew- that' ded Wïï e ru mùlêy ,Imadel taby abat* aocloty.c titt amorts! of be liteWua 1jinà WIllcoz ws- W à-oreti býPi line-s ervi ces vos-eoeduc4çêattý by tire'Rov. J Pece wm , lva verv lau. ,n lorigià alcali f à%- a. - --l - - - q lm qi M 0 . à Mecklenburg, the optIcian, will be in town on the Sth and 9th Oet. Joues & Co. and Miss Thompson have their milliner openiuqs tus week. Rev L Hill, of Toronto -Junction, made a short visit to town où Thursday of lust week. JF .MMillan, of the Western ba4ý, bas retnued froin his bolidays and is at hiu old Geo Soper, Bowmanville, was visiting bis bs-oterlast week, and while bere bougbt some fine stock fi-ou W Grahamn, of Spriug- - Ctrfaim, scugog. var. Samn Boyd was ini town on Wedines- day. About seventeen years ago he was clerk in the hardware establisheto late W. T. Panish. sreto h Master Howard Tummonds returned borne last Saturday accompauied by Mr and. Mrs Horton, Yrom the Tbonsand le-. lands. Mrs Horton has received matiy cor- dial greetings fi-ou ber many friends who were pleased to useet ber. A goodly number froin -Port Perry and vicinity visited Whitby 1 f4ir. The fair was excellent, but the weather was disareable. There is no doubt that Bad that exhibition been favored with weather like last Monday was, that the directors would bave seen very large crowds and placed the society in good standing financially as they well deserve it, Laut Monday afternoon the town. was aroused be clangof the fire bell wenft, - was fon h the comfôrtable brick i-est- dence of Ms. Geo. Walling in the south. west part of the town was on fire. The engmne was taken to the place aud witb tbe -1-ý" aid 0f willing belpers tue fi-e was got tudeir' conts-ol, but not wfthout doing considerabie damage t0 tbe building. The contents were removed snd souse were damaged in the removal. It is tbought tbat a defective,> cbimney mas the cause. Plower buuday L.ast sabbatb wau Flower Suuday in tii.- mtbodist chus-ch. The ladies Wbo iaa4 carge' of te decoratig did ter tak to perfection. Tihe interior of the cbiirh was almoat luke a suall conservatory;. the 4 pif platform and inside the. raiing et covered with beantifulfioweriug pu~t each wiudow and corner also bad fowurw wbile tbe gas bracket» sud cbaurdelier werê » festooned witb vari-colored map1leavs Iu the xporniug pastor Mcîamus preached aspecWa sermon te tii. Suuday sbo se lars luthe affernoon a mass meeei addrsse bypï6miuent Suuday scioet workers. Iu ti. evening the pastor delV- ered a song sermon. The. congregatiom were large at ail the. services. 1 2e ., 18960 NO 44'.

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