Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1896, p. 8

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D P à t k s Ig e t w e e k . li b r a r q u m b r U U h Mdrs Dr Bell,,and'daughter, Miss Elieé, are "ese-a paper and refuses topy for it. the guesti of Mr Carmichael. W.thnk Bro. Nicholon Of the Vindicator Mrs W Redmond, of Detroit, is the gueut can't ho welJ. He bat grown int0 aposxtjve of ber sister Mrs Goo Thomas. crank. If tberé ijeanything -printed la the CHRtONICLE, and' espectally in the Oshawa Mr. Fred Robertson af Weston vilted column, whch do.. flot agree with bie ad. wit bi paent ths w.k.mirable disposition he hurla ail the sarcasm Mrs James McMillari of Victoria, B. Ç-..'s he and bis force can muster up at our heads. vlsiting Mrs. Henry Catsweil.) We hope bis temper, like whiskey, wil lm- Mns. Grant and daughter, Miss. E. I/ng, prove with age. I3OTTLING WAX, and of Toronto, spent Sunday in town. The evaporator of Minaker & Richard is ]RI.BBER ]RINGS for Mr J J>mes and Miss Ellie were the in full swing, and the quality of apples is guests of Mr S Manning, Brooklil, Monday. better than bas ever been ofiered belore. fruit jars. Miss Annie Merritt, of Toronto, visited They wIl turu out a good quality of dried witt4 Mrs Wm Merritt for a few days iast fruit this season, but prices are close atid Y'FRESH INSECT POWDER, week. the season short. They have four peeling Misses P Pattie, W Warren, A Fife and and coreing machines, and each mnachiine POWDER GLTNS, V Hooper have returned hume from their disposes of between 3o and 4o bushels of FLY PADS AND PAPE B Toronto visit. apples daily. Messrs. Fred. Park and Arthur Coulthard, Town Council. TANGLEFOOT, (sticky fiy papier.) who have been visitlng in Meadville, Pa., The council met on Monday evening iast have returned home. with Messrs. McLaughlin, Dyer, McLean, Miss Lily Bennette, wbo has been visiting Punshon, McCaw, Rowse, Couithard, Hiare, of Pecrpin in Cleveland, for the last three montha re- Tamblyni, Henderson, Craig, Provan and Dz'ispensing o es ili S turned home last Saturday. Ellis. Mr. R. C. Clute, as sôlicitor for Rev. Misss N.andL. Ey, f Pot Eginre-A. B. Demill, wrote the councal threatening andesN.andL.Eb, f PrtElinre sitfor damages on account of destruction and Fam~1y Reczes turned home on Monday after spendi ga byuire r eiispoet n se ' Wreez'e or arulweek with their brother, Mr. M F. Eby. taby iof Mprtie iy ta maetandamiabe 1/Ul Mrs. Nicholson and Master Gordon, who settlement of the difficulty. lu is ciaimed ~ersnal t/enzon. have heen visiting wiih Mr. A Nicholson that the property might have bee ae aýn frierxds, returned homne to Pîcton on fiad the ire department done their duty. AT-. onday. Mr. Haie suggested a consultation with the Rev. S. J. Sharey, a former minister in town solicitor, to which the mayor replied 01 .Lr q to ethis town, will conduct anniversary services that Mr. Jones hadialready given his opinion -B yly's D ru St re i th Sicoestret mthoistchurch on in the matter, which was that Mr. Demîil) ~Ryley's at ad-e4d h had no case for damages. He looked upoin p the Ietter as an attempt obakai.M.h siacc st. soutb, Oshawa. mtoitSna coli omnil Hare then ruh up the cases of Albert th the ocasin IHamilton and Albert Rice who desire the laniversay. I a h caino hi counicil to get them admission to the Toron- tw hospital. One is dependent on Mr. tr «Dabs" and the V,,indicator fell out this Creightor, of the 'Cetral botel, for bis liv- L ~gj~ I ~rn îc e w eek, but the Vin. was flot to be cheated out ing, and the other on his sisters. It was re-n ï, t (£#r nl*ttt f jus 'Kînks," so it has secured another commended that the relief cammittee give Dab pr. tm.Hamilton $1,5 to go to Toronto with and that a _____________________________ Mr. John Miller, an old Oshawa boy, de- thty enquire mbt the circumatances of the ighted bis many friends by the practical Rice sisters. The matier was then dropped. o' discourse which he delivered in Metcalf st. The officiai notification, sent by the board of OSHIAWA, SEPT. 18) 1896. methodist church lat Sunday night. euain ttn htteewsavcrc W. R. McCaw of Beaîon's grocery bas a in the board owing to the death of Dr. Rae, high rame Brantford wheel for sale ai a was nexi deali with. Reeve Coulthard lu- bargaiti. This wheel bas recently been re- troduced a by-law to appoint a high school ciý ft ted and is in first ciass condition. trustee. to fil] tbe balance. Mr. Coulthard On he 8thof ecmbe th noainti moved that Mr. Burns ho appointed and Mr. foi IIS HI.IIII1 nim~' Onte28h o Dcemer he om nins McCaw mnoved ln amendment that Mr. J. O. ai ~ II UI.. su andvilage ounils ulIGuy be the member. After some discussion SH A lff PA GE be hel, andon the precediug Monday, a vote was taken wbich resuited lu the elec- si, Co. 4hfr couuîy counicils. On Jan. 4ih lion of Mr. Bunis. Mr. Guy getting 5 votes or elections in both cases will be held. and Mr. Burns 8, Mr. Henderson of the lire bel Mr. E. Mias, laie ofîbhe Williams Piano and watcr commitîce brought in the follow- o Co., is trying to form a joint stock company ing report: That the town bad cotuplied ma Farmers will do well to caîl at M. E. in town for the building of church organs. with the demnands made by the underwriters' cer lKay's for boys' ready made clothing. Mr. Mias is a practical man and ought to ho association with the exception ai one or two able to formn a sîrong company in Oshawa. miinor detaila. Que was that the îawn had 1 It wtll pay any parties conteinplating buy- Messrs. A. McMillan and Irwin of Toron- no night patrol and the other was that the as] Ing an engagment or wedding ring to sec o r ntw nteitrsao h a. he ftefr rgd a oaflypi lb. large stock of FeIt Bros., Oshawa as ,r i oni h necl fieCn beatclr rgd a oaflypi tb. wil sli bismonb vry bea fo cah.adian Homnestead Loan and Saving Associa- man, but be could not see how ibis eflected Wil sllthi mnt vry hep or as, tin They have formed a strong local thc efficiency of the brigade. The different misa m a d 4K ngsspcaaf i n ents îa r bard and oughî in a short time to bave a clauses were dealt witb and in commrrenîîng (riet .aases' and somes' gol nds iGe ntsaîchlsrge lisi of stoc kholders. on the underwriter's demande, the report S4ee them. Felt Bros. Andy Thompson, one of Oshawa's crack sald ta the iown wuld n Ted atcrorsi cyclists, conîpeted in the R. Q. T. road race t tMrci ail i f hei equsi. The mhayaraid N ai lroronto on Saturday. He got 93rd place. tnhtr antrah efo GTr. ad p aotein No doubt ho *ould bave sbown upmu- fo hm, i r he10 ar anfosfreprotetioni Sale-Cal] at Murray's the tailor. He has boîter had ho not had the misfortune t o (o h ow o h cmaysprprya a ieslction ai pantings, auitings, over- thrown où bis wheel duringUcrae the stto.aoatice. ae i h the tati n. o acion was ake in he ur' coatinga, etc. These gonds muai sud wilI The re-opeuing services of Metcaîf churci malter and the report onithe ire committce A 'be sold by the yard, or made up, away below 1 vas adopted. A by-law was neit introduced )fltc Staone. Terme strictly cash. wilb 10onteiiho Ot e.A t regulate the siorage of coal oul and gun M Sunderland, D. D., LL. D., aud gencral p)owder. The limils in which coal ail may 'pec Mfr. Frank Morgan la bolidayiug in But- secretary of miss ions, will conduct the serv- flot be stored in greater qusnîiîy than îwo M ices. On the otowing Monday ibere w1Ii ýarrels and gun powdcr more ihan 25 lbs. is a be a supper and concert. I)ounded on the west by Church and Centre ly Y r Lic , f D ir itis visîi g bs aîh r, The Simcoe s. m eibadist church was the is., on the north by Coborne t., essiby > Mr. Butler, of Desoronto, wass lu own n scene of a a very quiet wedding, on Wednes Nary sud Prospect sts., and south by Mil; Dr's onday moruiug, betweeu Misa Harriet M, and Albany streets. Manufacturera Who, ,ý.U.esday.Dingle and Mr. Walter H. Penîngion, of provido ire proof storage 5o fît. from other M 1 Mr and Mrs J G Butland speut last week Moutreal. Rev. J. P. Wilson officiaîed. b)uildings are cxempicd. The by-law passed sPe 1Q lToronto. Aftcr the ccremouy tbe couple took the i0 tnd clerk wiil notify dealors and others that bsh -Proif. Dingie, ai Blleville, was iu town 0'ý,iock train for Montreal. The CHRONICLE il Wil beh immediately cnforced. William M '"Wednesday. joins with their xnany friends in offering con- Gibson was appoiuted 2ud lieut. and Messrs. M" 1f. . . rqbataiToonospntSu-gratulaîlans. C. Keeler and T. jardine members ai the accjt -day ini iown. There was a very smail crowd tbat turned fic brigade. Mr. Coulthard brougbt up Mr. Ma tto attend the Shaw Dramaîic Co'y luna enspr ntueRcmndadClm a s Igrs. Jas Gould ai Boston, la visiîing ber Mnau ib.Teagn fteMhbu street draina. The Celina et. drain is'doné ing]b zother, Mis. R. Luke. bu ald1 dets lpael u and a good job made etiL it. was praposed Tl Mr. aud Miss Lentof ai" Park Farm' mauy knew natbing about it tiil they beard t0 have 27.5 fi. built on Richmond st. at 83,5 aur t m ae visiting at Jancîville. thc baud playing autside the halhl. Tboseand 175 feet on King ei., from Eversoàn&Ar te Dr cKyh. etd ficsoerJ . b ddg exaedaspedd uotan fIwin oHu-r----boktac-t$0 ffe MsC Whitby and cbild, Port Perry, are F. L. Fowke bas issued a circular in wbicb blyn mnoved ibat the manbules on Athal st- ibe ex, vMetigMr and Mrs John Boue. he annaunces tbat he wiîl on Oct. Iat close ho aopened and graîed and that the town psyced 'Ur. J. P. Owees bas returned irom bis bis books, sud- irom Ibat date forward dosa for the lumber used. Mosuns. Tamlblyn, ed 13lldaY trnp ta Western Ontario. strictly cash business. He sîstes most cm- Caulihard, Provan and McCaw gat imb an pa ibalytatiehoWlll Put na man's name on exciîing discussion wblch reauted le thbe XMo ler li wlUt sprnâ anweek ui at ciuy. hsboks after ibat date. The merchants mayar baving ta cal] Mr. McCaw ta order. RI He wll pen 'aweekin hatcit. Ceci that the credit systein places thenalita.Mr. Henderson actcd as peaceniaker and Miss Dier.ai Brockvilie, was lu tawu last disadvantage lu tbe compelitian witb the Mr. McCaw withdrew bshsyrmrp we. viitig ra.W. . terickn. cash system of Toronta. If people will but Mr. Caultbard moved that the atreets cm, - 'Ur. Don. Spidal, ai thc Oshawa Railway psy cash bere as they do in the city, tbe dol. miitee inspect the drain and report If it Eo's 015mce, spent Sunday in Toronto. lai will bave as great a purcbasing power wauld fil]lb.h neceasities ai the stroot. This Mesra.ArtCouîbad sd Fed arkbore asin the city, with the, advantage tbat satisfied Mr. Tamblyn, wbo withdrew bis bnVereturned from a visit la the states. the tawu wil ho benefitted by the expendi. motion a.nd let ltat ai Mr. Canîthard turc ai the nsaney at home, as. Mr. RweWithoe ta lr 4M1 Mliesanills lu owBn IatodaNY., oheOshawa Railway Ca. have completed gies ho heard ian efeeènce o ho sab- J ed - onsFrMenagb ind wnlaMiss ateWechleIarrangements Wbcreby tbey are enabled ta lisbiiig a now businessaintown. Carried.Ana ,'Unm Monao andee'sMisit t Mnel. le supply power, beat and ligbt ta any anc de- Mr. Balles thon addrcsscd fle caunceilex- Yes, d »à ionay or wek'svist t Motrel. siring siacl in toua. Tbey have already put lai ing the nature of the arragement la. For Pr ,iss nrJoues and BoyseMontnosi, Iightlng fixtures irk Malt's botel nlar te bad siess«itan Onsaewa oideta e nit rdbe Sp"tt last woek ie Monîreal visiting fiends. Dale, and ik la expected thal several matou their busld nt s e m eOsaupè rovdotleun r Il3 more " Kinks " lu tbe Vindicator, ulîl ho put ln araund towa. The Cous toa ol"grntiemextpin tohsa M~be ansd Il baviaag dissolved parner. have given gond satisfaction la titeir btacoltaeWo tnyar.TeMA. -r Fst service and any anc dcslln, Wf thonm' y' -so n thc malter and i ifwasec e> Mis Bll S oue elune fbe c o ertain ai getting good lgit And, actrer it la the Maufurer, - ml e Rliab Clevelnd, Oba, ~ rons thens. Pull particulars s t coot nsay wltb orders tao Wet Ur, Bae in touce>,4raft ÏKMts' visit from Ceeho, hoLt eobtaieed ironsh cmanls local nas.au a gr«mnent snd tby.1aw and sGaitn old b ~*l~ds .age, M. W . P. S i e r , w uio to a asp cialMeeting f-te cou citta b e <týa- - êàM j 1rWGauladsundastuation Ia pîeased to, make contracète wth any one. Teiasoon miu I Watii-'t Xagonto and left on Monday to begîa wonk Teeia iteVniao uth ~ ~ ~ -oaste eoaa~d~\I~Yur h~~Miait CIIY. Mali of mare than ordicary» standint in t iolowng$cont7t o e l 'naiê IÉ~Wllliams, ai the Ontario Ladies'Cal-. ol. eaeSsa iIb u dc-Sn8;Yie n ae,.x~ tet ouai IsudHe apboveuseofs01S edaS g relief> 6$.jMO'*r mi ~Whiîby, speait Sunday wth Mu J. tbo romnma rIrostbeou A eituipn.ry ~; ~ ~ Slc annSykes. ~~~~~beer bottles.& ema 1 cult 't or ,lh 1 *.a ,.Mrs W E Dycransd sister, Miss E âyres hber bmo sthat' c@Uluiid aun er4 unty MeLeste moved that as , ireaçaa out9 l" euned t ion a vîsit wlua mneils ~i been, as It. labels that -everça unu r 'Sote. lwtIh ta ai ,flelvile, Whao basbeen jik - Not r tig ea bole - pipe d- omis#ngKrsJMYG'Buttand for saine ie, n« e- n aier'xï îIc.,* aeunbh oe d- enw blons. Monay nterulg. litpon. Owfing ta pflttng aspaperiiÏ*Wbiot OU1vaNu0* ran.sy.si wcs ,.C aàll us a. pIc. so baller pilée in asacd ourexpeaans qeo Q U X8lt*..g m ,ïî8-bn ICb1eTono eztd cblbtlo n d àt1r._ R. ..4lrgetkiat W. ariatlsfied If wi -éc1a<im>Trem lm 4sJiadge o eaWt- tlie ne*elis .ainaê t-t 4o(Ifu QOOVUleyus ë,"plused as ntiàetla# M k' ansd a *reàult -* e ve g83ne6dbarJ kiow~- T lobeut~ ldgeof' romtan =tne_ l.inMfr. barrotndno ml aa1il <ë -j ý, L~. K. KURTOat, A. - arseSolicitor, NotaryPubIto, onveyane, t&p. loney ta Iênd."Omoie aven Dominon Bank, simca. Bla'.t, (Oshawa. K. E.- MÂAT.-reaer ln Grceles. Fancy china, Crockeny, Tînatar., and Fancy Gooa. Pure Teas and Coffees. Boys' ready made suite a specfalty-Very cheap. ACTIcroN 8SLB.-Tbe subcriben wfl be ln 0b sua, at ,e Cntre.] Rtel, îiday af acb week fhot one ta 8 o'olack p.m., 10 Mâle an- a n g em eu t a w lh p a rt e s w lsi u t h a e s l . L FAflBANx a aftioneer n. ohvesls P. LAXPEET & SaNI-The ledng tailoning and goDnts' furuishing hanse af Oshawa. Splondid assortxuent of tweeds, woreteds, tnowsonlngs, shirts, coilas, et, alwsys kePt PELT ?BROB - Watchmakers aud jewý Dealers in vatches, dlocks, jeweiery, I WanG, spectacles, etc. Egrviug, gold silver plating, and aid gold rings made Fine watcb, dc"k, sud ieweleny nepali apeclalty. Geneva Mr H Lane ia suffering wiîb a severe1 on bis baud. Mra Wakely and Mrs Tedwell, of T] bury, paid s viait amougat their rlat last week. Levi Ellens hid the miafortune 10 ]ose of bis horsea lasi week, ht beiug fouudd in the lield. As J Ray was lcadiug bis cow she becý posscssed wiîh an evil spirit, leapedu is back, knocking hlm dowu aud breal three of bis ribsand bruising hlm badly. Not many of our (armera are drawing ny grain as yet, preferriug to wait for trade. Our Mr. Burueit should give Laurier a hini 10 hurry Up frec iradej make us aIl rich. We congratulate John Short, ai Osha, ind Misa Ford, of tbis place, ou their hal marriage, the Rev. H I Allan joining i. 'gether lu bis mosi pleasaut manier. Columbus - Large congregaîtons at the Metho< îurcb st Sabbat hrnoruing sud eveni Mfr John Robers' sons, William, of Sti ird, sud wile, sud Charles, of Havelo re home for a short visat. A very happy event took place ai the idence of Mr. John Ford, of East Wbitl n the 9tb wheu bis cîdeat daugbter, Eli eth was married ta Mr. John T. -Short, >shawa. The bride was the recipient )any valuable aud useful presents.T cremouy was performed by H. 1. Allen. If D. M. Tod's wagon doos not cal] on y( ýk your grocer for Tod's bread. Mrs. Robert Somuerville is lu Hamilton visitin, inds. Mdiss Etts Gee, Toronto, spcuî Sunday wiîJ >r parents. M'r. F. W. Meen spent Sunday with Union. ce fniends. b4rs. W. Perkius is rusticating bore withb ho nt, Mrs. A. Boyer. About tweuty :00k lu the greai sigbts ai Tor- to exhibition iast week. Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Tait sud family, Oshawa, nit Suuday with bis parents. Nr. sud Mrs. John Adamson spent a few s witb relatives in Scott lasi week. lias Mary Sanderson, Toronto, is stteudiug - ister. Mrs. R. Wilson, 'sho is under the Os cane. gisa bll11e Tait bas returned home suter -ding a couple of weeks in Toronto sud hawa. gr. Thoms Adamaconroui the wilds of iLoka bas beon visiting bis motber sud old usintances for s few days lately. Ers. AI£ Tremble bas been iu poor heslth for mcek or tua. Miss Anute Adan islaaassi.t ber wich ber bausobod dunies fon swbile. lie Âudley football boys came Up sud playod tesm Tuesday cveniug. A vcry short sud -esting game was played. l'hey anlv played en minutes sud ie home tean scored 3 ast o0. twswith pleasure we clasped the band of Watson, B. A., on Toesday eveuiug. Mr. tson made s great many friends wbcn b. was ioued bore as as minister sud ila lways wel- ewbcncven it l@ convenieni for hies to aflU US. r. tlyer. Oshawa, presideut of the Sunday bol association, wiUl review aur Suuday school Nek fram Sunday. As Mr. Dycrislas great kei a very instructive sud iuîeresting time be expected, May there besagood attend. on the occasion. ce barvest bome on Tuesday was a succeas rry way. Tho nigbt being ail ibat could be cI for the people came fram a]] parts ta aie of the gaadthlnp tisat hsd been pro- lifon the occasion About 8 30 the Rev. >nald took the chair and called thea audience der. A very choice pnogr>m oonsstng of esss music sud singiug was given by thc wng:. Rev'ds Thoan, Lcggott, Watson, analit sud tihe famous StaufIville chair. bai canat ho glven too± much praise foi mcolleut ainging. rendered by tem. Pro- sulmoueted ta ncarly $65. reims cl and~ over. ring a felon tives eone dead carne upon king eout f ree Mr. and awa, .PPY ýhemn >dist iing. rat- ck, re- .by. liza- of of r'he ou. !E YOD D8111AI BOMOIS 6YEARS IN OSHAWA. kING ST. WEST. a youtb an aur tawn lune, watch aud- chain, b. looked sa fine, lad,"1 sardd iauet nee must have ben I BYDS. bhat's the, store, well known by 1ail, rty tblngs, bath- lange sud smail, 1nexl la tolms, ive isnta ca, jeaflng lsatIBoy-D'a be=od wadhesyouwill Sd, Ml $i vr ki"'temdî-'I- good and eteapsu Bovl>'s. bumailnp s sd disinood riýngs, Obs of aelov rtel paa cS l . l , F. I Xtiif A m KING ST. WEST, NVEW DRESSES, The Dress Goods Department is bright with uewness, and new noveliies gi to stock every day. We have the best assortment we evir, had, and our record is bard tp beat. As for quality you kuow our past. We are doing >Otisir s âU e Drsss Hansom, te ersnifcaionof ANEARN LARCE SALARIES Hafe tinso me the erv s i at ion of weekly, c svassng for Pebara Nur",.ry (0 perfctio luuhe eavr'sat Sc ho passess uewest sud tmprovred rnethod'i barmouy of colorîug, sudh.jjchness and for Dropagatlng hardy stock foi allsc, c anada; also new sud tested varjeti. f, gooduess, matchless lu àbsortment. seed potatoes; Write us5 for terma ad *Boude Cloths, Plaids, Persian ClusIve terintory. *designs, Mohair mixtures, Harris PLHMNR N 0,Trno *Tweeds, Vieuna Cloths, Silk and *Wool Serges, Crepons, etc. NEW PLAIDS, * To Manitoba and the Canadian Their beauiy, no less ihan richness ~ Northwest and Return. of assortment, will surprise you. We Excursions will be run from atl stirjiP are showing the largest assortment of lu the Provinces of Quebec sud Ontario plaids, in Scotch, Euglish, French, and on June 301h, July 7th and July 2Lst, Gerrn, ever shown in the counîy. 1896, to the following points in Nlani. This, however, is only lu keeping with toba sud the Canadian Northwest at the the whole character of the Dress Goods raies ahown below : Deaîmn.To Deloraine, Man, sud returu......$ 2 ý0W D p r m n .Reston, 91 " .... 23oo No Dress Goods store like Estersu, Assa., .....2S OC ELLIS' & CO. Biscartb, Man. ..."ý0 Moosomun, Assa, ...."80 Pretty 44-lu Plaids, in a variety of coloriugs Regina, .... "0 ai 20C, 25c, 30e sud 40 cts per yard. Moosejaw, .....30 00 Boude Plaids, handsome colorings.... cec Yorkîon, .....30 00 44-lun Scotch Plaida, extra quality ...5c Prince Albent, Saak. ...35 00 Romn lads slksu Wol75 1 ~ Calgary, Alb., "...35 0o RoanPlid, ik ndwol,...75 10 1 Red Deer, " "...40 00 5o-in French sud Gernian Plaids, new Edmonton, " ...... 40 00 colonings ...................... $ .00 LZMZTS-Tickets wiil be good 10 roturu as under. Mant/es and Capes. Sold an June 30, Good until Aug. 29, 1896 July 7, Sept. s, 1896 Neweaî styles, beat qualities, lowest JUly 21, Sept. 19, L896 prices. Direct irom the manufacturersA boetcesadalifraincnb in Genmany. Inspect sud compare bndo ticketssud aI infrmaio attbe pnicesansd quality of aur uew and cona- Obhaiwed ry offic .8e, ICOsRaw a. h plete stock.OsasR.CsofceOha. Hiflknery Department IR. C. Carter, Agt. is replete wiih ail the lateat noveltiea, under the efficient management aiOof, ue21h 86 MdISS WRIGHT. Ohwjn 4h &i Dress-rnakzng Dearmn begins tic fa]] season Monday. AilUc TII L nI moderato. Mas. HAIGHT in charge. Th -o e h H l PELLOWS, and see bis Wrought Steel I~AN-AT-J Ads bi-CAT-O and GAS STOVES $5.5-F OM-5.0 $5.5ota 2So OSHAWA, -:ONT., We ca Fityou-MANUFACTURE- We anFityor LOM U- , àeimproved Feet nd Poket HAMPION MI owlmoEtc., F Cetand Pcket.and supply parts, and repai allrma- )g th a- M'fg aCo,1Massg on o.ad il e patterns, forma, etc. lKeep n Stook. l Kuives and sections for most any maki, mower or reaper. Iron Pipe, Steam Fittings, (brasse or iron). Rubber Belting. Packing, (rubber, garlock and rope). Thresher Teeth most ail kinds Repair Bicycles, and supply j parts; for same. Eingines and Boilers repaired, (any make.)_ Repair Machinery any de- scription.- Pea Harvesters,' B Woon & Co. Âpiary Suipplies, Beehives> Sections, Crlmb Foundation -and etc. FOR LE . I -ebnlteortableThreshizig Engline. -1 I Soojd-hndT'ortablego4 denote "Good Luck" is no rea- son why a mani ahould wear them, yet thousandsi of people buy Shoes to which a hanse aol say"negh0 uge i rl e e mm with sasperior shoes at fair prices. -W. don't soUl at cost, but ver y near it We have just received 25 Cases of Ail and Winter goonds, 'including a large assortmnent of Men's High Boots, also some very fine Uines ofMn andLai6 > oos )URe le e e ?urth R ea-in D$arne. .- lkeý best i -1W. lq Shoe Manufaoturer &Ieae VOL.XL LanpMg La-m»toprc TorNto ric HciALL LAMPS.. STAND LANIBS ELEGANT LINZ 0F afU obe sold at 2;C. -A, H. CHEMIST ANDL W. bave a langer snd betti ai ofwwndow abades tisî bave ever sbown belo We use the besi banc -sbade clotb, witbh ff roUer.- Also s fine varicty '-ýAsk ta se. aur latest screens, ho fit any winc Our baby canniages are a]i aigus., Give us a cal] before purcl We are takiug special olegauce withb ononr general uhility. Our stock is complote-in H Lb j ei gaem 0y Lead ST., Udri 10edST.18WH. ithy Steam Muîble and Dlundas St., Minas . - Si ItPomerly -Wolfenden - poter sd Dealer in GRANT]3 MoN thbe latest maherial an kiaiofaiCemaetery wc ~otieR Deok, --GRAD1ATE 0'. Mo .,CONSgRVATOI Pupil of Mfr.]1 m, -etc-, apply et ns 1~ =a cemploy five ladies wawork a A èqd tbiagwitb Ri T,ý'. IL. LINSCOTT, _q ýo epsar 1nuire -at h e, alap rut au wsrmay'bai ow be IsuiI à kt~fs fie 1~ 1 LA NI P1ý Undertakei 0 950-006, Lesding BeSu» Hor» 15ho«

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