Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1896, p. 1

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t pays te", rera say ieveri~ ay. 'cGu at r till ; àir Way. WEST. ' the Qlanad1a, ýturn.. Mi ail station$ 'c aud Ontario )rth West at die .. .... s8,0 ......28n Aug. 2%, 5ept. 5, îept. z9, ation cu :K ER, at- va . VOL. L ~c~illg supplies, FRESH I AC F C I\\ANION, TUR NI RI C. * * ý"I' 1 " 'W'- A AÂ U ÂIin -e CHEM1ST AI)DRUGGIST, WHITBY - - ONTARIO. House-ceaning t/me 18 here. Wehave a larger and better assorted stock cf window shades this season than we bave ever shown betore, from 4,5c. UP. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartsbhorn's spring mUler. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. sk ta see our iatest style ai vi-ndow Isceeus, to fit any viudov, St 3oc. each. S Onr biby carniages are al ai tht latt de- signs, Gve us a call before purchasiug elsewbene. IWe are takîng special pains ta combine elegance wîth ecouomny iu prnce sud - gerseral utility. RKS, mproved r al li ;eph 'Hiall nd Dinge àI hi Our stock is complete lu Hanse Furnishinga. 1%'e invite buyers to camee sud set us. It will save mouey. Iiading Undertaker,-.0 E. Je JOHNVSONg BROOK ST., WHIITBY. r -stablish'ed 1849. fiti Steam MAiIC and ýif3lic works; Dundas St., WH IB BY. Chas. H. Smith lFormerly Wolfenden Worka.) Im- porter and Dea!er iu MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest niaterial sud desigus. Al kinds of Cemetery work. Oui- wank guaranteed. ASKNU FOR DEsiGNS AND PuIcES. *Farm to Rent '45 acres, parts ai lots 7 arid 8 in tihe 8mb coti Of IEast Whitby. Good buildings, giean and well ai vaten, ricb soul, wtil cul- t"'ated, two smaill rchards. Applv to ALEX. McKENZIE. Aîg i8th, 1896-39-4in. Columibus. S88Bea trice R Docker, A. TC.M. ---GRADUATE OF-- TORONTO) CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Pupil of Mr. Etivard Fisher. ?%heer cf Ptan.frtej P1Or terms, etc., appîy St residence, Whitby, Aug. 27, '99. COUNTY BUILD[rNOS. 1Ican eniploy five mcenansd tIre. 'LIladiles tavwos-k et aud arounti bOl.A good thing vith good sahary for1 Pssesr H. LINSCOTT, 49 Ricond St SW.,laor'o, oOnt. For sal/e. M*)ý 3a Huse lu goati repais-, also itsecondi- bsad phaatton. Enquire st this office. _mýitby, Sept. z7th, 1896.-3 lu.t FOUND A buffalo rab e, a lap rug anti a buncls et Chinaasters Ovner may bavetise poet by ezi>la*i-i* Wh inin Appy iahe las: it, aud wveresu rhj !pyaI this office. fuj or 8ervièé.c Tbutorugh breti jersy. Termsi'. 2ay1, 1896.-tfé OLY New Afé IC.C. Y - and %w0o, 1,t WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRDAY, SEPTEMBER18 196 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CEBONICL C oauspoaqxcz. Town Lime. Mrs. las. Trulli s speudlug a week lu Bow- manville. There laSanime :alk of a ècial ta be beid iu the near future Mrs. Esther Dennis ' Nevmanket. speut Sun- day a: David Browu 's. Mn,. Hart, of Westou, Ont., is visitiug ber motber, Mrs. R. Caruthers. C.on ffed tram Bowmanvilie vsited at Mr. Mr. Wm. Oke has gone ta Weston, Ont. He is laaking after his real estate. MIr. sud Mis. Denier, of Harvard, Ill., are visîîing MIrs. Deniers' uncle, David Brown.- Mrs. D. ss a grand daugbter o! tise Ite Sylvanus Brown. Walter Streeter, a Voung man in the employ o1 James 'Irull. bas become tired of single blessedness and taken ta hîiseif a wite. We sincerely trust tbey may be happy. Our neighbors and Iiends verk- very much pleased ta isten ta a plain and very practical sermon delivered by Mr. E. McBrien, We ex- tend ta Mr. McBneu aour congratulations for the progress he la making iu the gaod work. j Mr. Andrea, Orvis. Orchard Park. N. VY, ai brother of Mrs. David Brown, aud bis nephew, Harry Orvis, af Newniarket, vert here aver Sunday. H triy is on his way ta Port Huron ta take his brother Fred's place in their uncle'a dental office Fred is gaing ta Ann Arbor, Mch., ta take s coliege dental course. As bath boys are wmell known here snd also highly esteeni- ed :hey may lie sure of the les, visbes of Use Town Line. GENAK A large force of carpenters are busy roof- îug tht uew church. Mr. and Mm. T. Warren, of Sunderland, spen: Suuday here. Mr. Robinson, Detroit, bas been visitiug at Mr. Jas. McMillau's. Robt. Wells, Buffalo, la spendiug a fev veeka at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Salter vert visitiug at Haulfiden tht fis-st aftht week. Misa Campbell, Uxbrîdge, and Miss Bell, Pickering, are visitiug friends here. Mare tssu tise usual number atteuded the funeral of her graudmnother at Part Hope last Friday. According to rumnor several weddings are ta transpire in aur midst in thse near future ont this week. Wmn. Whiteford is building an addition ta bis bouse. J. Harmon is also addiug isu- provemnents ta bis residence. Tht aunual sermon of tht Sous af Temp- 'rance yul be prtacbed by Rev. R. H. Leitcis an Suuday evexsing, October 4s.h, lu thse presbytenisu church. This lacality vas velI nepresented at Saiutfield harvcst homne services last Suuday, visen tva most excellent sermons were preacbed by Rev. J. R. Real, of Woadvi-lt. If ail othier vbeat-grovlng sections are ioving fali vheat as extersively as tbey -are liese it viii be a drug ou the market next yean. It reminds ns of the gi-est rush there vas for alsike groviug tvo years ago. Accordiug to, the correspondent af another local paper two of aur pronsasing sud m.ue- cular youug men bad quit. au interesting lime witis a "stisiange Ca:" recently. W. are glad thent vas no necessity of their being buried alive. AB8EBV5N. Apple packers ln aur midst. Tise fs-uit crop is good.a - - D.M.wu, Det-uroi;ev. Audnw Aderon as -etunedhom JoepbR;al, Woodville; Rev. R Burton. ater a sbort visi:ta bis parents here. Mn. M. 'O'Neill is erectiug s uev brick Mn. John Davidson vas successfulluntak- dweiling for hiniself near bis brick yard. ing fis-st pnize on bis yearling bull, at Toron. H. evidently intenda becomiug s permanent ta Fair. resident. We are pleased ta repart Mn. D. Bowier is- Mn.r James Leask, aur enterprisiug stock slowîy necoverng troni a serions atlack ai'1 brettier, bas had even more than bis usual dyseteny. succesvitb bis catie exbibited St thse I-n. tdustrial. Ou the 14 bead shovu b. captnred Mn. Davison, Myrtît, bas commenced bis < 6 first prises, 3 seconda, i third sud 3 silver spprenticeship vitb Isaac Burchili, aur popu- medaîs. Ht la shoving Ibis veek at Mou. Ian tailor. 1 treal, sud viii also take in thse Ottawa sud Mrs. W. Brish setus-ned home Tutsday Wbitby fais-s. No doubt be vilI vin mauy eveuing aften spending s few days a: Toron- suant red tickets s: Uhs atirs, as bis herd ta, during tbe tain. cannot be, beattu. Mr. W. Bryant bad a regulai- old.fashioned travelled over bis division. He go: two- a deserving tribute ta bis good lools.- imes. A Close Cali. On Saturday night lsst Mr. John Widdj- field ot Siloam, went to take a dýse of medi- cine for a coid sud got a stroug liniment iustead. As soon as lie got the dose iu bis tliroat he began ta stra.ngle, and at once kuew wliat bad happened. Assistance was at once secured at b2is lather's, across tise road, and an emetic admninistered, alLer whicb lie got iuta a buggy sud vas brougb:îs to a doctor in Uxbridge, w! Lb whom lie stayed for five houri. Mr. Widdifield and bis man hail eaten a lunch after coxing mn late frosu vorli, and it is said that the lunch practically saved hits life, as tb. poison would have been fatal had it been taken on an empty stomach .-Journal. Zephyr. Our fal (air t*es place here on Oct. l4th. The band intends having a concert the nigbt of the fair. Particulars ater. Re' Mr Mallett, tbe boy preacher, of Scu- gog, preached in the Methodist churcb, Zephyrqp weekc ago Suuday, and on Suuday last the pulpit vas filled by the Rev. M.r. S ootbanl Bath wpaveie dcores. Ah hoteall math as phaodnber. et thte oene lorpamyd Sharone snI tie goerans.Iîour's pi ayede or1 ta os. Badtheama play ted goo ii man bered tht ruesportmengae. manelre eming tuenotsmeinsar buldn Pplotsreforesale quyin ta nd buld inglots Cre sale.Quierea num whv oud bi hre olnd veare acheaF TuhfrcthplontsatThisers a r askicg much fro th ots. Ths tlaa poor plly aug esario at a e is il The. corner atones of the public bail mar. ket building wilI be laid hereon Oct. 7th by T W Chape, Esq., M P P, of Uxbridge, aud W H Hoyle, Esq, of Canuington. Tise directons of tht hall purpose having a apec- iaI ceremony for tht occasion. Tiseprngram will include speeches, a tes, nmusic by tihe Zephyr baud, sud possibly otiser attractions. Ou WVednesday of st veek Nathan Loughurs: vas uuited lu mamrage ta Miss Violet Leitcs, fou-Us daugister of Samuel Letcb. Tht ctremouy took place Bt tb, 'amnily ressdence, near Zephyr, sud vas pet- formed by the Rev. G. W. Dewey. ACter he ma2rriage the youug people torsued a d riving Party asud vent up ta Baldvin sud rawn H il. returning in time for te. Many ,en na ina h or ýber >er. too for Mms. C. Mosher bas been visiting fniend j a 2 L L fa fc C d B ni lus Fornci a io.n rensi o routa dum-lug tise exhibition. Mi-s. Leaveus, af Pickering, is vlsitiug ber daughter. hans. W. A. Bunuer. Tise funeral services ai tise late Ms-s. Bearden vert beld bere last Suuday moi- W'e are glad to see our friend Alfred Car. Michael around again after bis long sick. neas of typhoid fever. - Mn. Jas. Dickson and ber aiter, Miss Lulu Scurrab, bave just returnedi frosu vinit- ing frienda in WeUand. Harvest boume at Myrtie on Stoday, S.t 3oh. Sermons will b. preached a: 70.30 a. mu. by Rev. H. 1. Allen, of Columbus. On Tuesday Sept. 22nd a aumpwuous aupper wili be served iu the Sons' hall by tb. ades froni 5 tu> 9 'ciock p. mu., after whîcb an in- teresting programme wil be given. Ad- niisîn25C. Ms-rs. Leitcb bas been at Ottawa atteiding lier grand ràother -s fu nenal. Busiam ~Dieseiery. OUT & CO., grain bluyem. W A à(aNmyr, D V s.-Graduai. 01 thse On- t an o V elrln & rY C aIege, T r n t ; Hon oran »eulbOr a1 the Otrlo Kgedisi Society. Trou' a911l ibSeSea0aithe dmestletd anmOiubthe Most appo.e ethod. AIo partd~iz attention, s rgici operations andttioutry. Dy or night calis M 1 B. Douncn, merchant tallor, bas secured the agency for the Oshawa Stea U Ludry. Laundry wll leave bis sop on Tursday morning, and viii b. returned on Saturday. AIl work guaranteed matistactory. Hastings & Manners, Oshava Steam J4aundry.-a,-d I. V--S"r uuc uu allc jfflr i ijay cveniug, at wichabout fifty couptes vhiled avay tise time until daybs-eak. Mn. Robert Balfour. Hamuilton, spent s few houri a: bis brother's, Mr. jas. 1Balfoun, alter at:endlng Use funeral af Use la:. Mr-. Wickett at Conlumns ou Tnesday. The fruit lu certain quartera la a little scai-ce since tb. :hinuing out lest Saturday sud Sunday eveninga. The parson's pluma suffered a short time ago. Thse grape vines vere the latest tisa: vere visiteti. Rev. Mr. Ratiferd spent Sunday with f'iends lu Hamuilton. Iu lis absence tht pulpit vas occnpied by Rev.Mr. Read. Ont Rev. Ratiferd viii give au atidres atUse Myrtle Harvest Home next Tne.dsy ove. Win. Thosupson, Scott, leasblpping large quamtities of thoro' breti sheep te tise Statue. Thisaspeaks vel for tis brasncb of Use (asm. îng industry lu ont midfit, ..1 Tise saw mil St the park pond, ovned by Mn. I. J. Gould, vas torm dovuilait vek. A resident of tise east yard says e b.laset going la drink antil aaotlser is bailt lu its place. Laut veel the Wlstby CRiOL E nb laheti forty-eight ,iteMi tzawof u ts Thesitem ver etie the ifflsofUbidge, Ep»osý,Saudfor4l, Gla ajrxoodvood aadVîtolïaCOmuegs. We-lmean Ibïa i-. Georje Latppof Scott'. tIo w s ,érM _T. ehlh fb"towm a,1 won »e rix n poslry. Wa. Tbompf wonSoet4 wou fit pris esnCotuwoi4 ube lu ~ ~ ~ ~ «à 6ns Tratfenm1e«a'm4iian.' M- John Spencer, V. S., cf Dnnkirk, N. y-, la visiting aI home for a short time. tMeissrs. Grant Marris, sud Oliver, of Ot- tawa, visiteti St Mr- A Kttchl stIis veek. liss. Hobbs, ot 01cm-l Ohio, lias been litre for tva veeks viulingi er siste-, lra Chas Spencer. Mr-. Preti Woodward, -of Palmerston, lias betu spendiufga couple cf veeks with bis uiacle, àM Chas Groat Tise methodist choir are to furish the Mugic St thse has-vest home of tht iyrie chus-ch, next Tuesdy<tng Mn. Utzil.BaIloid lia& retunetite vo-k wih, lit A C Elliott, hai-es&Mûar, after an absence of a littie ove- tve yemr. Mrn.d Un S Xhfaterman, of OUMnLCIII. toys, returneti home last Moaday -aller makiug a short v'i iliM at îsKw MKis Morrison hmasbecsen edt t tend thse CU convcuentn' a thet represenlative cf the pebtra q ciety ber. M ,%h= U U n~ Hces lie nted Uma John Wefls, and iwll talo possesïos biais Wl. Un,. Wells us Uliely tobcm oelei f~nola 5 VIOTOFR Onr Special Importation of New Japan Tes bas ju srrived. This ltiste isume braud that bas given aur' custoniers sncb universal satis- faction durng, the pat season. It sells at 25e. or 44 Ia for a dollar, UGARS.D Y'omncau'î lies: our price on Sagas-. St. Lawrence Granulated, 22 le.. for si, lTweved, Worsteds and PautingL Ontur wveeds, Won.te&ds idPantifga a8e nov la bock. Bisock te sea lettrm 1 Finst.class vorkmangip aud perfect t)e guarateeti for ev erygasm ent ve tun , 1 s' OVERCOATS AND ULSTER1~ . 1 - are now ready for inspeiOn. j 1 Front ail directions ve bear that the patate Crop is ligb:, bu:tlanUssa vicinit7 it isnupta tise average. Thsesembersof the famsly of Mrt T Cavker, vbo bi4ve been il vith féyer, are able to b. arouud the bouse. Mfr Gus Bratbvaite r.turned tdii eek from tht great miuig contry lu British Columabîir sud daes not glve saery 10 *aa ofe -thiugsilageneral a tiat coutuy Many Y*uag men are worksng for :belr b=ad, au': get vont, sud scores of sem vould bc glad ta get home agala. Ii. boys cf thse biglfi coal met- os Use,-Ia lit. t e-organise tihe footbal chah. Tb. oi lowlug vere tb e officers appoit.d o ,p.re e-, L Barmen. M. P. snd D MBTI.B 8 pe. Ellivordi Foy ; vice-pr..., Gao 1>elure ci. Wm EmierSu ; treas,, RoaBrou ;capwin. Eber Frayer ; vloe-cspt. jas MoBls- aae J1 Undeffl al wScmoeg lJudebU Tveo ubéât cd e cu deybe wýpt logsas on the bicycle- Tise begisuer, te mule everythlag mue and &Mmee# loch clii.boos and Uses made di.ec&fof etbis -lIde teaMoeh bicycle of bis bMoud. Sa far tise beùmw W l soud il mb bauvt p~r e sho lbuma&e bus not been reponted. hutas.hla ose vba gener- ally aocomplislses visat b. tales in band, lie, no doubll, a isocsbec oosmng «do»a Qumsreer a sticrciug rate, 19 wau noticeable on Tt!esday antiWedie.dy diat the bussem osam ftPait Eurypatroalsed the trottlng rions serj b-Y pryl- gfO ue veadier, but dt oaot i auM uon,, Tb. ban maibis poefoebamsue-peuas iefIl liet thi aknsajley ie vas wb snc& racs wmad dAvm ene rwdam bonrs ihe lm =mSaleý no Interet la sc won an- y Jsp- Beir body kes abo r.aid Piy ý 0 . In.e causly fiod 0, a nd tise 4.*'p=t ofthe. mieâee d bas bêcutose,-of(the. odm f,-cur eeal bauosrjl' a-a tbi vcê Bu t be people sos - t IML themu 0 l qas l a e t uw s, il NO. 42, 3o furtberattentiontaZ lisan tastudy how far it caï b.eve<j and dfied. Wbat a grand tbiug 1: would be if sncb agnlmna i quoted could reniain ov a Suntlema n. « to1 botels and fSud that the laudiords ae oera of the law and keepers Of Do illcit Sunday frgeie h people of this tonwnvo dé. i bt in everytangt tis refinin mnd elevaling, sbould ueS to 1:tisat monevgrabi gbote, usen be conpelled ta observe the Iaws and decencle whicb stimulate other people. Tise Races. Ihe races on 1'uesday and Wednesday were not well patronized by thse public, but the dise Of borssPreseut vas unnsUalY fast, and race interestg. Tuesday's ptogramme vas veM_ good, the raclng being capital, but an Wednes. day thse vinning horses had a cincis. Tbe bi- cycle races were no god, tbere beiug ouly on. nsrrow traclc, sud when ane go: h tthe others could not Pau hlm util be tired out or met witb an accident. The fanious :rotiug stallion, Geneva, was there giving exhibitions, and wa mucb admired bath for bis beauty and bis.trot. fing, which latter vas squarely'and prettllydo. 2-35 Pacersand tUotters; puse- W Rattenburg's <Hemdloo) Johany Vap, Woruffs (Wbltby) Munsha.. TiMe, 2.30, 2.28j, 2339. Gr= nreo-, Iamesm UYnards (Whltby) Te=a gBSak............ ....... sber's (PSoePeny) cuogMal a-2 T Cuhly>s(s r > asvws BoY. .. 3 Iaisàu'a *.......- a... Betweeu the beats the champla. uoUagobt bons Genwagav.e ehibidionsciaped bs tm&c beM ing he i d d o lvrbs am W. r, i . Kte rt. 47, DLUMT IL, ct as b h a' 8 1 m 1- 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 ds . 1 ------------- wi tiste convention to b. lield at Claremont in January. The draftiug of tlie program- Ime was left iu the biaude of as uh-commit. tee. IDr. Lambly la the latest addition ta tie rauka 'l the local vimeelmen. There are non, so iusny bicycles in thse village snd viclnlty that it sliould b. an easy matter to organise a bicycle club for next summer. Dr. Frnnk Starr, vlio edmne home fratm Bath, N.Y., early iu the summer, suffering tramn a sevrere attack of iufiammatory rlieu- matismn, la so ft recovered that lie left on Wednesday morniug to agsjtake cliý.rg!e of bis practise. Inspector McBrlen paid an official visit ta the school on Tisursday of last week in vlew of tht magnificent showing made by tht school lu the entrsnce examinations the inspector grantedl a holiday aud left the acliolars to choose tihe date. Tbey aelected the second day of thse Outario & Durhiam exhibition. The E L, of C IR have invi ted the other young people'lm societies to meet wlth them inuthe mehadat chnrchi this, Friday, even- iug. Arn iuteresting programme wil i be fur- nisheti by menibers of the different societies and aIl are expecting ta spend a very plea- saut anti profitable evening. Mi-. Oliver Crummer met with a painful accident on Tuesday of last week while threshing at Mr. Dye<rs'. He vas eugaged iu oiling tise machine sud liad etooped O-ver- ta get at sorne af the laver parts, when lie vas struck below the left e ye with the tine of a fork that had slipped from a bndîe of 1peas a feiov workman vas eudeavorinz to i auto t.he table of the machine- The force of tlie biov vwu sucb that Mn. Cruni- mer vas insensible for a few minutes. Had the wound been hait au inch higlier tlia it vas tht siglit of tise eye would have been ruined. The neya of the deatis o: the late Wm. Wicket, of Toronto, vas a gi-est surprise ta &Hi but a few intimate frienda, vha had a few dla before been notified of the serions conditIon lie vas iu from aunattack of kid- ney disease. Mn. Wickett moved from lire to Toronto about tbree years ago, afte- ne- sidiug lu Brooklin for a long tUsse. He vas alays hale sd h"artinl appeaance but his lait illuesa vwas brief, lie having been uder medical care auly two veeka. Tlie remains vert brough: litre on the Tuesday uos-uing train and. conveyed tisence ta the Columbus buryiug ground. Mr. James Aliman is on the sick list, The choir deserves great credit for tbe music rendered on Suuday lest. Tisis laa botewonbhy choir as tb.; eau fit long meter tunes to common meter bymni. We tblnk il vas a mistake about Miss Henry leaving tbe choir ber.. We beartlly spologize for this mistake and velcome Miss Henry bacli to ber old stand as bier services are much missed. The Epworth League officers for this quarter are :-President, Miss F. Rlggs;; xit Vice Pres.. Mr T. Staluton ; uc! Vice Pres, Miss Ada Hardy; Sec'y, Miss E. Stainton Treas., Alfred Pursey ; organîst, Miss Mauci Campbeuli. XOunt Albert. Maggie Rass is visitiug et Dr. J. Forresas'. Miss Minnie Leek is home after extended visita. Miss Calley ia spending a two weeks viait witb ber atrnt, Mrs McFarlane. Donald Rosm ieft for -Torouta to take charge af H Rasa' provision store there. Meuars. Thomsas Wallace, George Shuttie. womth and J D Rowland are in Toronto on jury duty. Rev Win McFaydeu sud fsmlly are away on a month's bolidays. G'eo Arnold, a stu- dent of Knox coilege, preaches durlug bis absence. W J Oldham bas removed bis tailor hbop iuto Brook's block, wbere b. nov bas one lit the finest places of business of its kiud in tovn. H. bas also added iargely to bis stock and is Increasiug bis stock of banda. POaLT PIRE? lIrs Jno IReid. of Whithy, la bere visitiug ber Parents. Jno T Poundt of Morden, Manitoba, is viaf- Isag relatives iu this vicinlty. Muater Herbert A Nott, wbo bas been M» with dipbtberia, la now convalescent Mr Ino Waley and the Misses Wakely, of Osawaa, vere lu towu on Weduesday. Mr Basîsua and Miss Nenie'. WaIlaoe, of Lindsay, vere in toun this veeli visiding fuienda. Died in Cartwright ou the I5tis l!M., L4ura FERST DAY. 2. 50 clas8, PUrse $125- W Tovnseud's (Toronto) Farrester 1 1 2 1 L Sebet's<(Port Perr) Coi Brock 3 2 1 2 WSimpsn's (Lindsay) StaîhaOn-. G Po,ýs (Orillia) Blue Bird ... 4 44 Mm,2 37, 233. 238%, Z.3134. 2.27 pacers and 2.25 trotterS, purse S125_ JFiemtng's (Toronto) Ben Mur 7 1 8 Z r G Le.sles. (Toronto) jimmie Scane...................... 12 2 2 '2 W Rattenbutg's (HlamuI:ouj Johnny Carver ...... 23I G W Booth's (Toronto) Chel. lngaM.............4 83 43 JB Kaises (Cookstovu) Fred 0o............5 4 534 W Sbarron'9 (Peterboro) Miss Strider,.. ....................6 d D Mclutosb's (Keswlck) 1Usiion 666dr G Nevellra (Orillia) Tommy R 8 5 6 di- -Time, 2.26%., 297, a.28j, 2.27j, 2.27J. Runujug race, purse $75- Fred Joues' (Port Ferry) Nettie Wood.. i lr Thomas Welcb's (Toronto) Mallard.... a2 Chas Phar's Toro.nto) Bob Neely .. 0Povell's (Utilisa) Survive.......... o- WSimpson s (Lindsay) Batsman........ Sr (n the. ruuniug race 8impsosns Batsman vrenched bis leg wben ieachlug, depriving b:m of cf) P w CZ . 1 READY-MADE Il- 1000 lbo,6 T E/A 1 Gmmvmmx.

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