Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1896, p. 3

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FORt O * .~- - TB~ BLET 0FWOMN JURNÂUSTS - D)ORSES PMINE'S CELERy qOMPOUN D. H g F.B. Sperry, who in now th@. elnaStates vomer' arenov irle doa inent and respected president of the Wo. lia euse of Pain.,. Oeiery Compound. % Vý ati1a Press Association of theo mone, aId and young, know well that Uited States, ia a lady journaliet of note Liis medicine in specially adapted for al jiud reputation.- the illa peculiar to their oe. When il ln The active profession of journliém ham used, the ick mnd mnffering ones are s»en kept Mrs. Sperry up te date ini informa. togin adi inheaitia, atrength and t-Onandproresive n tougt. henvigor, No roocan l left for doubt to th. tie and progressive orn-nithouiht.viWhel there waa eévident need of a reniedy in ber Tet n tbonmne niiui .yTejoyoes transformation~ from sicknesa famiy, she waa weil aware that Paine's te health la going on in thousanda of Celery Comnpoiind was the best medicino bornes ail over thia bread Canada of ours, to use. The following enthuujastie letter, and thés. oiioe aiarmed about the safety ,ent to weils and Richardson Co., shows of loved and dear ones now rejoce s they th, happy. reiqults frorn the use of this beat aee the bloom of returning heaith iighting "f ai] mnedici nos: up anp beautifying features once pallid DEý&R SIR S :-A few weqks' use of and wanw ple8 Celer 'v Compound by mX.years Doar sick friends, remember that you Old niother bas been of great benefitto cannot trifle much longer with lie.. lier. and proved to my satiefaction that Your troubles, if flot banished at once, there's nothing like it for the headeches mnay take you on at any moment, Bear1 and sleepieessness incident to irnpaired di- in mind tbat Paine's Ceiery Cornpound gestio. niec e in mny family was also in guaranteed te cure ;' it will mcet your cnred of insom nia by ueing one bottle of case no matter how bad iL rnay b., May p.îne's Celery Cormpound. heaven give you faith sufficient te use at Yours very truiy, least one bottle of nature'. curing medi- cine, in order that you naay b. convinced HANNAH B. SPERRY. that it in what you nced. To cure and make Soui get ,Paine's" substitutos and In eveery part of Canada and the United imitations will nover do tbe good work. Funy Things. Broqe-I dreasmed one night, dat 1 dwelt in marble haLls an'- Soques- An' whamt? Broqes1 woke up an- found meseif in jail. 1q EWOA&BTLEc Mr. J. L'giow is indisposed. Miss Blanche Parsons is visiting Toironto. Mr. E Croshier, Toronto, spent Si day in town. ,un- Mar-un 1just uve in s-eggy's heart. A schemne is on foot to ight New- Alie-Hlow do you like living in a flat?2 castle with electricity. Eittv-Harry vont take Do for an Miss N.'ellie Eldridge bas been visit- snswer. Rate-lIow do yon know? ing friends in Kirby. Kity-Because I shan't give it te bim. Mr J. Cour-tice, Campbellford, visit- Sbaw-Wbat wouid you recommnend ed fniends bere recently. for insomnia, dotor ? Doctor- Do The schooner '-Helen' is at Port sonething to tire you. Shaw-Bat I Newcastle lo>ading with grave!. cau't afford to take a vacation. M iss Katerson, Hampton, was guest Parke-I dont suppose, old man, yon of Miss Annie Moore on Sunday. eau real]v appreciate how brigbt my Mr. Taylor, of Bruce county, vîsited cilifren are. Lane-No; 1 have neyer bis brother Rev. R. Taylor recentiy. m e t y o u r w i f e . M s n i r w , 1D s r n o a Wby, Mr. Portly, you are ail don. up. guest at the methodist parsonage on Wbmt's Lb. matter?2 Bicycle. But you Sunday. clow't rieawel-Nbt b te Mrs, Mason and daughter, Hattie, geîîowdoes.have returned from a lengthy visitlin BubbleqMy wife and I met by acel. Orillia. ýet.T} wntogether by chance, as Wieth a: fMrJoRikr wsre. Wbeelwoman (ael)Dd Wietefml fM n ikr yobý break the bicycles ? were at Sunday school on Sunday f their bouse was broken into and a Lu yj-Cara's boneymon vwas eOm- smaîî amount of money taken. pletely 4ild Alice-How? LUCY-. The paperS CdUtain2iUg the account of the wedding did not reach ber. Sbe-Won't yon protect me, sir ? That 6bamneles fellow bas been followi'2n e for th]e past fifleen muinutes.Hes-O, yes. if vou prefer me 1 Teachr-By «"transparent " we mruem Roweîbîng through whicb we Can sBe. Who can izive an illustration of a trans- parent object 1 Pupil-A ladder. "Everytbing je eaey after von -once * learn to ride a wheeU' "Yes ; on re so badly smashed up in the effort that yon tan stand anytbing then." Nhsftree-Why, Bridget, what on earth are yon doiniz with aIl the brôken disjes on tlie sheif ? Bridget-Shure, mum, * yeo towld me Oi wur to replace ivery wan Oi broke. "Mudoer feels sure hie new 'Romneo and Ju]iet will niake a bit." 'What are the bigh ligbts ? " '<JulieL dives off the9 balcorry in ber bloomers andte lp on their wheels." dte lp b be pre8îdent of our health club bas ectaken away tea sanitarium." "hat ailed her ?" "The doctors th.ink She broke down her constitation keeping *fies out of ber bou." "Mamama, the rector ast, me wby yon didn't corne to churcli." "What did you tell him, Bobby? 111 sîd. you was a keeping ail your good olot<hee clean ter go to tli'soa8bore."' Siot; in T PAINu-KILIER FaMil THEGREAT FalyMedicine of the Âge. Trakon Intoa'nally, It Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain ln the 8tomach, 8ore Throa4 8Sudden 001di, Coughs, etc., etc. Un.d Extemnally, t Cures Ouft, BDu1..,,'Burns, 8oaids, Sprains, ToothachePi nteFaceNeurujila Rheumatia;m, Friated hFn NO aueeiovr atInrnd IoàwsUd bouebff pOPIWN. ty. -Salu em ,, Wo cms bear tetim ot.ti.eIoeu of lb. Pa> Meor. W. have bon ltin800 affecalaaotig MoV e r in.dnSkaw akt a go" aca..c.~ mati Dt1qie*h. Nii. y rfl ','..-.u,. wieh l the lmx im eL Am a mu il» o-lauoovt amgl, 0 J'I%-KIUe.-N.vupm se,.. olo e 1a10àaw Du M lvtlgi -@ U7 0e.IoU e -Fvibwa-JLWant eowetning COUi- A partY spent a pleasant day on the iake lveient to carry bait in. Clerk-Yes, this week. Bhere's a very baudsorne articie-sil- C~Our Mayr has flot yet proclaimed our Plefer one in a wieker case? Mîss Mad iii, of Toronto, bas been viuiting There are three things yet to b. dis. with Mr. Jas. Riiddy. coveredl, perpetual motion, Mr. Albert igerta, of Lindsay, spent Sun- ehie wîchwiI fl an ~a flying ma' day with Mr. Wrm Colleran. do't)e l 1ciwll adawooean who Mr. and &frs. O'Niel, of Uxbridge, spent a0e eItrfeC to the rear when getting off a few days witb Mrs.Scott. stree car.Rev. Mr. McKay, Preebyterian minister of There were a couple of fellows in the Sunderland, exchanged pulpits with Rev.Xmr. bote!l lasL night Who shonldn't b. per- Power, of tis circuit Iast Sundap. Ifitted to travel alone." "What did tbey Mr. Wesley Doble, of Sunderland, has do)? Blow out the gas? "No ; they Ieased bis valuable farm- to Mr. Cox,' of bl"w out the eafe door." Sarntfield, who as a (armer and gentleman ______________cornes highly recomiended. Mr. Arthur Swanick, An esteemed resident of tMu is ac for a nurnber of years, bas, ré- / ~ signèd the McGrath farm in, favo'r of Mr. Thos. Oliver, of 3rd con. Broc. The move to mfrk« (rom this quarter has flot been veiy noticeable. Why?, Becaufe Cso&s coù« utaiCpud Saoders Bros., our local mercbants,*pay ohe Cook Co., Windsor, Ont, and Detroit,Mich., La the A i WLetngéenig # sspnt fr Motlonly known sait, reliable tAndiitsting e1ýà eningwas pant1or !othymedicine on wicbi« ~g tedvso lswe ihpre Cudepend in "the ÀkNur and timlie. guifes. of.need." Every Mgjy who f«de Mr -David Urquhartaniùd M4issMinnie this is requestedi to ince. twopoist- Uq a4-re'W#gai age stainps, wlth ber ::ks,for UqbiNwnrcae IIiI t Mr. JobrarCrniba. '. Mr,Fred.. VaiLn0jonç andi4~tr Eu va, London, are visiiùgMI, 4w»; Senld by retiiirn il l-Plain. aUUsIed -as. Clivelope r n r.Fîk wome has *o Yond iv. AU Ytou &,. tifBo0* Rutor.d 1v Hx«Itha4)r ýAsa Grm iours. are8pocifio car« Spedoio Ailiments. foi ELACESTOCER Mrs. C. Lattixn l visiting friande ln Toronto. The anniversry services at CSserea wore well attended last Sunday andi Mon- day week, Procets 840. Miss Fbossie Fish has returned to her bomne in Toronto. Our new scbool bouse vas opened on Monday is*t. Miss Nerva Wood la visiting fiionda in Toronto. Mr. George Bartley andi farnily intend moving te Poterboro. Mrs. Bailey is sick. Mrs. C. Hobtion, Toronto, la visiting ber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Jno. Beacock. Misa Ida Parnbas returneti home after a plea.sant vieil with Peterboro andtiLake. c t RAGLÉAN. The following is the report of Rag- ]an sehool for August 1896: Sr. 4th class-Edith Ross, Charlie Smith, Arthur Ross, Flossie Courtice, jr. 4th class-Bessie Martin, Flossie Smith, Vi'olet Stanton. 3rd class- Luella Streets, Edith Couch, Lelab' Sornherger, Jessie Smith, Walter Price. 2nd class-Édna Dowson, ernima Ross, Mable Sornberger. Part 2nd class-Arthur Wilson, May Martin, Austin Tbompson, Lizzie Or- liston. Clara Madden, teacher. J Tl- "GIMEM PROFIT 1!'. HE MOTTO 0F THOSE WHO RETAIL COMMON PACKAGE There are still a few business men in Canada pho care more for money than they do about satisfying their custom- ers. These are the business men who sel inferior and imitation Package dyes for home dying. They buy these common dyes from the makers two to three dol- lars per gross les. than the Diamond Dyes cost' and then retail thero at ful price-1o ceuts-aske<i for the reliable and genuine Diamonsl Dyes.. This is deception pure simple. The women of the country can soon PU~I a stop to ihis king of swindling business if they continual]y insist upon having Diaznond Dyes. Poor dyes mean diny and swutt colors, ruined goodè ànd Iost t!me -and money. D-iamnrd Dyes are easy to use, and yodu always get a grand retura for the small amount of mc>iney you expend. Mr. A Con Ticke'stotn ae MurAnsonayPickle'shtaoatnd mae Ma fud a hen aw romOsawsandinag inflot fuTihe.next d a tanding ing ront f ho. Nichore' gatefwinh nthfutr oen. B oecrfi the futureCost. wcaearo Mbnr bueo. o inpaceaeof Benezerebrialgron. i lc fJo r.ntreirng. ilrwf ndfm Maerr. n o R MilrhomiandBfalo avte retadtwo e i h oin Buffalo rfe a toee visîng heR. reationyreoorne a gain . R. Mr Sydctneyroin s ortheg thish makti . uigape o h Eî ndlshMireGaapnt -na Mih-tr a Mrs. GrhM e &d. 34mh tHeeir daughbar, Ms. r. Marvin. hmra en Bufalo' ha. revtind oher mher MBuffSal afoer vasiting er M. B Souch, B w avill ë i "b" Miss "Munroeý, Détroit, reeuest,,ýfafiet Mr. W. Souch. M.and Mms .Jcbs lte for. merreidens, fre vsi thdreni and rlatives.iere Mr~ D~ M tc ell an i M ssK enne'dy~ are viitng frends ilu esteam On- tatl4li> le, ckmr . 1 aI O"& Rn WisaIsMnd aèr J-sn, phroldkvr'iff, ip lor s n . qaioI urne~~~~-r saU4*ell, .6z 1a,<ê "'ATISAE-Iem ntit minut DisÂSE.-Rmiges f ra hr minutes irn oatmnon caes foar truAbe AsCr ortteert btiak fis borne ont bY Lh. testimony ef thousandi who to-day proclaimi themselvesalafatohed from the grâve by its wonderful éurative powers. If the heart flutters, palpitàtos, tires eaaily, it indicates heart disease. Be warned iu Lime. Use liais Ilireat and 4~uickest cure; it neyer failà. jas. Alien of St. Stephen, N. B., write. : -I was troubled with very severe pains in 'the heart, pain in Lia. aide, and shortness of breath. 1 became completely exhausted wish the ieast ezertion. Doctora said my cas WUs a hopeless on.1 procuredaa bottie of Dr. -Agnew'g Cure for the Heart. A fow dose gave me permanent relief- six bottles entilerly cured me, and to.day 1 arn well, and strong as 1 Over was. 1 t.hink it the beut medicine on earth for heart trouble.", CATARRH.-.It goes rigiat to the seat of the trouble, attacha the 'disease, re- enoves the. cause, oleansea out and heals the Parts. quickly and pernaanently. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder does ail tUlà, and it's no hearsay. The slaves who are freed from this loashimo malady, by this Positive cure, are singing its praises day in and day out.,-"I atb 80 yeara ad. I bave hM catarrb for 50 yeara. Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powders cu;red me, and 1 look u pon my cure as almoat a miracle," says Geo. Lewis of Shamoki, Pa. A amnple coid in the bead may be the firat stop te chronjo catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder i8 harmlesa and eaaily applied. PILES CURED IN THREE TO SIX INIGHTS.-Dr. Agnew's ointment wifl cure allceses of itching piles in from 8 te 6 nigiats. On. application bringa co mfort. For blind and bleeding piles it is peeriesa. AdSO cures Tetter, Sait Rheum, Eczema, Barbera& Itcb, and ail eruptions of the îkin. 35 cents. TEN CENTS CURES CONSTIPA. [ION AND LIVER ILLS-Dr, Agnew'a hiver Pille are the most perfect made, and cure like magie Sick Rleadache, Constipa. tion, Billotsness, indigestion and ail liver ills. 10 cents a vial-o doses. -ait T'h MsWy 1104* "-e whl. beçoe* t-rn" [ rial s 'S I -end Victoria comers. h i *jàznî*!y, tont*, at, Mr Js. Heail'.;Me Oo..Munrô and Misaý rPlorence Munrci ut M.W,». Souchîs;ý Mr. Samnuel Vus!.a'ddeugliter.Maude' St. Charlet, Illinois, guest of'Miss Eta Souch. rThe anniveraary service in connec- Ition witb Mount Vernon church were a, great sccs Eoetemns we Enniskillen famous choir under the leadership of Mr. John- Stainton gave' us some fine selections on Sunday evening. On Monday alternoon a platform meeting was held when good speeches were delivered by Rev. G. W. McColl, Oshawa, and Rev. E. E. Hotvard, Hampton, ahd others, wbile during the intervals the Mount Vernon choir poured forth sweet strains' of music. After evtery one enjoyed the afternoon meeting eacb one- repaired to the shed wbere chicken pies and every other good tbing were, served in abundance and the ladies of Mount Vernon know bow to dish it 'out too. After everyone had partaken of the sumptuous repast they made their way towards the cburch so as to secure a good seat in time. The concert was a grand success. Mr. CourtiCe, Bow- manville, and Mr. McKay, Enfieid, de- lighted the audience with their choice readings; Mr. Punshon, Osbawa, is a host in himself. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed bis selections; Mr. Geo.N.ý Holliday, Brooklin, bas a deep bass voice of good:control and charmed the audience. The quartette frorn Bow- mnanvilie is without a doubt the best we have ever had. Mr. Goard bas a beautiful tenor voice and was the star of the evening; Miss James bas a good soprano voice which she controls with ease; Miss Saunders as a sweet con- tralto voice and sang ber solo very distinctiy; Mr. A. B. Cornish, basso, has a mellow bass tone of good quality. Miss Florence Tilley and MÎss Holiiday were accompanists and b4ndied the piano witb case. Mr. O . H ezzlewood, of Oshawa, presided over tbe audience and made a good chairman. Proceeds $6o, aid of sehool. Du. J. F. LCELO, B~ K~ Oomway, Ark. Auaw a Su.~u~ Fln., T~. C.a'~m' G mjma, rI Mmna7 8~'e.t, Nov T@* City. I "mos nl bWel adaptdtodfldim tIi. Ireeommd it sauprlpetoaàny .,erp khom toe e. A . ÂA ,IL 1D., tSo xford St., Brooklyn, N. y. 64 ()Urpbyukslclahe diU.cdreu,'5dupurs. masS bave spokas ihldy fcf r expekf eSc la thidr outmle pra«Sc Ucs wIthOuom, a"d althono hwe enly ha"e arneg.. u mediuli sppues ubM s akuovu m rogul& produeta, ym e amsteftise tecoam .ta"tun MmIoecf Csor a bas won us te bah vit fakvS upo. iL" UNK U PTCCL AID UN'Pire&, Rev. Austin and TMmPotter, Hagers- vile, have been prding a pleasant fort. nigati wiLb 1Mr. mnd Mns. Thot. (Jreeper.' W. congratulat. Mr. Chas. Bander. ln tbe highly creditabe Matrie aLained aI tb. roerai Universaity ezama. Mm . .G. Weich là aenomslyinif ty- roiI Lver . Mia. Johnbanderinasuf- *nng iii. omthesaine malady. Mins Marie and ' Mr. B. Wilson, Albert OoIJe"e, Belleville,. returnoti onTuay morDMn. Tyroue barveai home wvauraunuanal succesa la every way. Sunday sermâons by Bev. Dr. 'Worknaar, Toronto, neeti ne commendatiora. To thougialful mirada botatidreaes fforded aaerial for mneh peradering la days to orne, while the. ah- aorbing realty of bis themnes vas appai- araSo tthe Most eareWaa ehearer-IThe aupper andi addreaa on Moàday>eemn vas fully np to ezpecttionsaa d byenti, an interest la th. GermaraPi.ln andi its ýpeople beirag awakeneti snobas. vas Bot previoualy deemeti poa4le la tii quiet litt!. loy». Prooe.ds of t.. and oolleconomb$110. Bownaavilllsbloyelsts beaiegetiTy- roii* on Laj>oi Day. Many titi 'rierads of Miss currie Gib- bard vers deligrated'to see ber la eur midat. W. vere highly favoreti indeeste s bave 'tb. services of so acoomplisbed, a so loist as MissM. Mosetta James on the occasion of1te harveit honte uiv&L. May ahe. coe aasi. Mr. 3anes Huris, Howick, and MEr. W»>. Hurlas, Whitby, vers osilieg on friende boe,. gi5 w.ek. fMentis Ibis ws.k. Mr. Leonsi,4ma- SsMi L'ibr V"~t at Gootivooti Snday. 1 Clitoris le Dr. Bamuml PltcIer'sps epI~for Inftg and Obuidren. It eontalhs neither OnlUM, -Mmrphjlne no Other Narcotto substance. iI& la aharmles subltit. foýr Pareogric, Dropo, oothlng B7rupj, and Castor on, jIt 18 IPlesut. Its guartee.là thltY yers'une by Millons ofMothers. Càatorla destrfyswormu and alys feverishuesa. Castorla Prevents voznlting Souàr Curd. curS«Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle. Osatorla relievec teetblng troubles, cure@ coxastison and fltuiency. Cauftorta asmltsthe fooel, regula*es thestoînac anmd bovels, glvlng healthy and - natursI sieep>. Cas. tori la the Children's Panacea-the ]Mothers fr18a 1 1 1 JTeMèstEcnma "J..OUXcWrIrJ Caistoria. "morla tg a ellSt Bedln. for chl- dren. Mothffl havO e apstdy lmeolets good asctaupon SIhdr bfldyusy Diu . Q. O oa. Lowofl, NU& CéMra l tbeboaremusdy for ehildren of whlch lami bequalted.1 hq5,.th. day la net far distnt whe modiers w IU ond te res kitoeeoet tholrchfldron, «d v uksoea In- etesd of tbvarlousquck noomwbkh ame d.greylng teol loved ones, byforefngeçlum, - - % otbngvrup àsud thr hurtrui agMMtsde«e& irtrcithseby aomdln eh=oon t.'wtre r v o iý ý a

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