Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1896, p. 5

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O B ROOCH Ès, SCARF PINS, LIN KS, BUTTONS, n 1tural aututun tinta make beatiful Catiadian Souveniirs. ,rbese and tnany other bandsome ds-nsin enamuel can be had of /Jno, S. Barnard, 1 EWE LJR . ogla ounty Orgz-learg.st Circula- tion of1LLY local paper in C.n"aa FRIDAY, AUG. 28, 1896. LOCAL LAOONICS. scott repairs ail kinds ai pumps. jcet ain, cal.es, hoiled bain, ai Yates'. %lLiss Aggic Walters is visiting frî.ends and reatives at Sulina. [ýr Harrv Powell, Chicago, is here this I-tebi vssîîng lrîr-nds. Tne tuait-I scliool opena for the training ai îeac)ets n Tntay next. Savt v omr butter accouint by using Tod's bkead lIat tbt butter will do. .r. Arhur Fallen, Bufialo, was home vs.:îng tot a t-w days last week. Nliss NMars Aýnti Paîty left here at week foi Buttai'>, wfiere site will ini future reside. Two brick bouses to rent ;ail conveni- ences, "s reiltai. Apply ta M. W. Collina .A numiber fromn here took in thse bicycle races ai Prospect park, Oshawa, on Satur- dot ýast n pît-te soi wainut parler suite, plusis, w:th ,ik îiusit bands, for $32, vansh $45, ai X~Titl s- A couple uf our sports took ina the Gent-va- Brcsuîî matcibr-d troting race held ai Hani- iit~un nThutsday 1ai. Principal \\Vaugh ai the coliegiate institute lias reniai the- Holden bouse an Dundas steet, and will residt theie. er NMessrs Chas Macdonald and Guy Dant- celi, Toronto, were in tawn for a iew haurs ont Saîurday at. They came dlown an the e. Columnbian excursion. %Ir and Mrs Alfred Grass and two child- rr-n.of Chcago, who have beetî visiting mi MNI Grus for the- past week, leit on Tues- da ' uA a trip ta Montreal and Qiuebec. Misas Edith Grass accompanied tlîem Tbey weni by train ta Toronto and tht-n îaok thse m al steamer. To the~ surprise ai evervbody round here b:ls acre stuck up on %Wednesday annaunc- irïg a huslifi's sale ai cnatteis belonging ta Mr B (,îbsn base lint. Thse daim is for back :ntert-sî due on a marigage. We trust thai Mt ribsan uan' be able ta flnd a salu- Lon ut b isbarrasaments very saan, fa'he is certanly a niost worthy citizen. Beda and boar-d ai Industrial. Bt-d andi board for visitors ta Toronto Ex. hiýton. 5 Ann St. Were they stolen? :,K pairs ladies' hause slippers ta be sold at. c.pper pair durinlz this great saJe for 3o days, at Ni. W. Colin's, thse ncw sh4e store. Executive coînmiitee. Tht- tegular meeting ai the Soutb Ontario S S Association will mcci skattse methodist cturch, Brookiin, on the x5î. iis. i cIo-k. j W Brown, Sec. MiSS Massons recitsi at Oshawa. O n Tuesday evening nexi Miss Maud Masson will give a dramatic rt-citai ai Oshawa and Miss Greta Masbon wilI add ta the programme by playing saine fine music on the violin. There is no need for us ta ssy orle ward in testimany as ta the abiliiy af ether af tht-se yaung ladies ta do ber part, for People here know ail about tisai, hi la l:robable that a good many will go irom here. Tickets for sale at Allin'a drug store. Avery sad Accident. A muai dîstresaing occrrence happened * iere on NManday. Thse noon train was corn- ing down fratu the nantis ai 12.30, and When il turnej the curve ait tbe round bouse tbe driver notîced a littie child on thbe track at lie cowbridge noth--of Mary street. Ht- clapped on tht- air brakes, and sceamed the whistle for thse brakeqman ta do likevise. - ~ As a resul1 tishe train vas held p very quick- I Y, but nai until tbe locomotive bmd passed Gver the chiid, cutting off one of is legs be- iow thse knee and teaing mway the- flesis ta he thigis. Tie poor Utile sufferer pnoved te be the- twa-year-old chlld of Brakestuan -uc. Greeniaury, and doubtlesa It vas mklngLIsr *ay ta tht- round bouse te ettlas sf e wht-n tise train woul'd corne lu. Ih vs a Sight that nelted tise bear-is of ail vho law It tast--tht-mutilated habe lu ts suflerlng con-À dition. Drs. Eastwood snd Bogalrtver-e xCaled, and found it necesany taaÃ" utt the lt-g between tise thigh and the- ki1 A 11eancholy Death. Jeten . JT-11 Age2abn~ X i, botta. oneqù a u ov tsi w~k uthe' luteresito( tbileelectrie liïht Mr. las- WÊ1teés, Who bas becs over tty, t1m.old Country on a trip, arniveçi hme on Frlday night lust D. 'L TOd'8 bread audekea are sold at T Vates'. Givé- hilm sa=U When you want Ianything suce in thét Une. About haif a doxen (rom thlis. Point took in the excu"rsion to Charlotte on Saturday n'ight -lsat per steamer Eurydice. Model achool opened on Tuesday with an attendanceof â* îeachers-in-tramnîng, and with three or more others expected. Mr. J. R. Phllip is treating the fence around bis residence ta a coat af paint, which greatly improves its appearance There wms a sharp shower here on Sunday night. We would not need to mention this only that i t oid flot reach more -than a couple of miles nÃ"rth. Royal Temptars of Temnperance, Whitby council No. 57, please taire notice, you are apecially wanted at council meeting next Wednesday ntght, (Sept. 9th). Don't forget. Mr and Mrs DeyetI left on Tuesday for their home in Souris, Man., alter spending their honeymoon with friends in Port Hope, Caiborne, Toronto and other places. We express our regrets ta Mr and Mms Wm Wilson, Port Perry, formerly of this tawn, in the deatis ai their youngest son, which took place. in Part f'erry on August 22nd. We have a very nice and appropriate con- tribution this week fr in our oid and esteemn- ed friend Rev. H-. T. Miller, formeriy Pastor of the congregational church here, and resid- ing at the" The Ridges," North Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and tamily bave stili a warm place in the affections of their Whitby friends. The postponed gard en party at Mr. L. T. Barclay's residence an Mondai' nigrt was favored with a chilly atmnosphere, but was well attended and was turned it a hig4ky successful bouse party. Revds. McKim of Whitby and V.icheri af Brooklin sang and recitedwith great acceptance, while a young Mr. Barclay froin Toronto piayed the piano- like a prodigy. The programme carried the bouse. Mr Robt Stewart has commenced teach- ing scbool ai Cooper's Falls, in the extreme north end of Ontario county He takes the sçrhool taught for the last îhree years by Mr. Chas Campbell, asa of ibis town, who now goes ta Toronto ta enter upon his course ai the dental coilege. Robert will be greatly muissed in town, especially in the line af sports, of which he took a deep interest. W e ail wish hîtu success. To >ap.LI 1 Ice creain, cakes, bailed hain, at Yates'. Boots &ad Sboes MisB. Dartneli, Toronto, sisten f a -Honor Judge Dartnell, spent a (0w di-Ys la town Iast veek. The. Baptiat S. S. 'and Bible Clas have de.. clded te meet. in future at .3 p. m.,, instead of' at Io a. mu.as' formnerly. Thr eea large number of people down otewafon Frlday nlght lusite osee the excursion boaus come in. Mrsi. Thon. Wilkinson, Lindsay, bas been visiting for the past veek wltb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackîe, ai the 3rd concession. Mr S P Way, an old Whitby boy, but nov a C. P. R. train despatcher at Beggwood, vas in îawn at week renewing old mc- quintance. Mr Lew *Lintner was married yesterday morning ta Mliss Emmna Taylor, c4aughter of Mr Daniel lTaylor, ail af this town. Rev M J Jeftcotl ed the knot. Mr James Murphy, Chicago, once a tailor at Rosa Bras., is borne for a holiday, and spends bis days illuminating the minds of the boys on the vonders af the great wesî. Mrs. Disney bas returned from a three weeks' visit witb ber daughter, Mrs. Fletch- er, af Huntsville, Muskoka. She made suni- dry visits in that vicinîîy and saw many aId friends. Lindsmy is in quite a commotion because R. J. Mtchett, G. T. R. ticket agent, the Canadian Express Company and several lines af steamers, abscanded, leaving quite a shortage in bis accounts. Mns. Chas. Hall is reported ta have tired ai widowhood in a few months, and was married about a month ago in Tronta. Ih is said that the aggregmîe ages of the bride mnd groom scores up nearly i5o sommers. Mr and Mrs James Campbell, Dr. J T Campbell and Mr Kenneth Campbell, Chii- cags, are here visiting their many friendb. Mr Cmmpbell reports bis whole family as doing exceedingly well, and he likes life in the windy citv. His face is set against tbe silver movement over ihere, and the result ai his observation is ihat ail people ai re- lisahility ar stabiîy are against the Bryan politîcal heresies. Ice Creain Parlar For the besi Ice Creatu, cali ai D. Mathison's, Dundas street.-23-tf. Grea.t Sa&le of boots and shos at auction prices for 3o days ai M WV Collins' New Shae Store. Eat Side, Whiiby. U xbridge township. Judge Dartnell beld a, votera list court for Uxbridge tawnsbipl1ai MIonday. Mr Chap- pie, M P P, appeared far.the appellants and was success fulinii placing nineteen new votera on the liai an d strikiug off seventeen. Several errors were corrected. There were no Conservative appeals and no one appear- ai auciion prices for o0 da1-s ai M W% Col- lins' New Shoe Store. EastSid.-V W Diisin curt What you may expect Attise West Sîde boot and Shot- Store for tva weeks. 100 pairs ai slippers ai 9,c, i00 pairs ai abeat-sai50c., Mens gaiters 20 pt-r cent. discount, Ladies' buttan boots, Si 00. Whbite Frant. Oh for Manitoba and Europe. Oh fan Manitoba and Eunope. Sec Ste- phenson, Whitby, for cheap tickets ta and irotu Englmnd, Scotland, Ireland, Britishs Columbia, Manitoba, California, ail United States and Canadian points, ariywhere, eveiywhere, boat, rail or ocean. Rates guaranîeed igisi. T krougis tickets fratu Picke-ring, Toronto, m yntle, B rooklin and Whitby. St-e E Stphensan, Whitby, befare travelling, and gel choice ai ten bt-st oct-an ânes. Also buy your Toronto, bloitreal and Ottawa exhibition tickets ai Stephenson's office. Toronto Exhibition By palace steamer A.J. Tfmn o n Tisurs. day, Fnidmy and Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 4tb and 5ths and Monday, Wednesdmy, Thurs- day and Friday, Sept.7th, ()th, iotis and i ii. Leavinir Bowmanvalie ai 7 a.w. Oshawa at .45 aw m. Whbitby ai 8.30 a. m. Arriviug in Taronto ati i a'clack. Retunning leaves Yonge sireet whsarf ai 5 p. m. every night excepi Monday, Sept. 7tis, which leaves ai six, and \V,"ednesday (visen tise boat goes direct ta thse exhibition grounds) leaves ai la a'clack froin exhibition gr-ounda aftcr tht- firt-warks. Round trip tickets, _%oc.; child- rt-n 2,C. Tickets for sale ai E R Blov's of- fice, Whiiby; Charles Perry, Oshawa; Pethick's barber shap, Bowmanville, or on wharves. Ail tickets good ta return on any trip. Have rigisi change for tickets. Tic- kets goad ta stay over any day. Everybody corne and enjoy a deligisiful sali on thse lake. Fixi class accommodation on board. Chas. Pt-r-y, agent, Wbitby. Great Snap ta Ne-w Subacribers. Tise CHRONICLE vus cubter tise Torante Weekly Glob>e or Mail froua nov to Jan. isi, i898, foi $1.25 spot cash. Sixteen mentis. Tise Globe wili be a 16 page paper nexi year and nai be second te any in Canada. The- increase ofifour pages will enable its pub- lisisers ta arrange ilis departmenis lai mont useful and attractive iormn. This is tise bt-st rate t-ver oflered in ibis province. For gent-raIut-vs and select reading tise Weekiy Globe cannai be bt-att-n, witie tht- CHaoi ICLEC publishies more local ut-vs îb3n any aiber five papers in tise couaty. Tht- editor ai tise Dominion Oddfeilow butis ibrougis ail the- local weekiies lu tise province every Issue ta aeccre Odfellovs' ut-vs for bis ove journal, aud recentiy Se vrote tht- folloving ediionial comment In thse Oddfellow : «'Tht- Whitby CHRONICLE ia tht-beta local paper publisbt-d in tht- Province of Ontario. Tii. Orillia Pacirei and Picton Timues rank equal for second place." St-licopeslng. A beautiful nev Canadian Iag vas hoisted over the colleglate institute on Tuesday morning by Caretaker John Baker, aud ivo ut-w masters vert- eu hand te take up cht-m duties Principal Waugh was on hand and rang- the- beils blmst-f . at 5 minutes te .q, visicis caused many pteple of uchool sget t conciade that business viii commencei promptly ai thdappointed hour, if liot 50b5-; t-r. Tht- attendant-e of pupils la the assem-1 bly roots, and tise whol e reontrcted staft vas present. Amongthe ritepayces vist- I tendeit we poilced .Cbolmun .MClelili1 Trusteci FOX, Biousand Dr. McOiliivray,' Secetay-te*rn D OnlsWs, W.Hl BEwolH.- i.Mcilivra Wm Rihard >oud 3nes~S. f 0rbal~WhtbyF Beyand fortnal business there wms but ltt- ta da in ibis court. Iu Bogart vs. Heard the plaintiff songisi ta garnishee the road cammissianers for tise repaira ta the Kingaston road beiveen Wshitby and Oshs- awa' Mr Farewell appeared for Mr Wal- ters cliaing under au assigu ment or order and bis dlaim vas sustained, Tht- Calumbian excursions. Thse excursion business is more suscept- ible ta cool veatiser than tise mosi delicate fowers. Friday 1ai vas as fine a day as any ibis summer but tise temperatune was down ttatitypicai ai October-jusi a hint ai frast in tihe air. Tise resui vas Lhtisatue patronage ai ibis fine boat vas but hit- maite than hall o atisia ev weeks earlier, visen tise weather was ssxzling. Tht-rt- wert- bcîweeu four sud five hundred passen- gers. The t- ter boat, tht- Tymen, had pt-r- hapa 25o. Tise saii ta, tht- ciîy vas as de- lîgisîfui as any of thse season. Every abject alang thse short- staod oui clearly aud dis- tinctly. Thse Scarbora Heigiss ert- par- ticularly beautifui for tise bnigisi sunlight vas lu places sbaded by great fieecy clouda fioaîing uer sa very far above tht-se precipi- toua chufs. A quick run vas made by tht- Columbian, uhe wharf ai Vonge st-et-t beiug made by five minutes (aotlten. Thse ne- iunn trip, tise lasi aiftise summer, seemt-d thse bt-st ai aIl. Saîurday afernoon anoîher bumpen boat load, upvard ai goo, came down main Toronto. Several bîandrt-d gai off ai Wisitby. Tisis rn n as also a quick one, the wharf bere being mnadeby o min- people gai ou for tise salI la Bowmanviiie sud back. Lemviug tht- latter place on the- rtbm, Cepi. Baîten vas prompt ta tht- min- ut-, and an exciing tilhe vas tise resuli af st-verai belated bicyclisis' aitempis te board thse boai afier she bad gai a fesv feet avay froua thse isarf. Mn. Fred Havden thougisu rather tisan delay thse gallmni ship ist-d îhrov thse vieel upon lise hurricane deck and take a double handspriug for iiusif in t-fieting . an embarkaîon. His acrebatic intentions vert- dasbt-d to tht- ground, or ratber, lotiste tumbling waters of tht- lake, by tise relenting ai tht- vesst-'s commander, for tise Columbian gracefully.came up vusb- iu easystepping distance of tht- vharf again. and M. Howden gai on. board without vaulting itiste air. Net 50 fortunate, bey- ever, vas Mn. D. Burke Simpo.Wisen thet- hiad stanied svay fr good thai gentleman appeared ai tht- vharf with a big gnap in ont- baud apqd a bicycle ln tise otiser and vaiuly appealedie b.e talten on board. Commodore Jackrson said no and tht- capiain ltf onbiscourse. When Whitby vwu reacis- ed Mr. Simapson vas vaiing, havlug core up on. the- evenung express. Tht- wheei aud baggage vert- for bis sister vho vasa pas- st-fger. Tisere musi bave bete about a theusand people ai Bovmaevile tosay good- bye wbt-n the t-etamer lt-lt ai seven o'ciock. Tht- goverumeni dredge Nippissing, laes iug oui tht- channel nutr i.athé pi eu tieet. Mauy of tht-excursioni i nsecedtise sua- Mer cottages bulit upon the- cUIT t-ast of ieé isarbor. Th~e sea-valI aud ternstlngof cil facing tht-se cottages lsa very credit"bl vork. Rev. Dr. Hart-, principal of tise On-ý tarie, Ladies' College, liag, tht- Cuaorsta iaformt-d, pnrchased a vonsiderable bouLage ,au ibisprornising rt-sort on ithe lgke. Tbat ia a poi nter for the- land owneri on *0 lam front bore In Whluby. h týis la uad to «b à posbe tast-cre a s&tfor iov* or t-tbota sud 'et -no more Caniat.or ,uh.- relane eau i fnd along thse ot abr Ufts ke . tbàn tise uv poptrIv, Cuautix.zs i1eaed to "eutWÏh&mlw Cotosight i thiis If yuig makang -1~ Du4tfalosaei th larg'is of t~ GI3~T LEALUNG SAt TCe . TrWBTS LIST TQ THEý'DIRGE oF PRIGES. Job Lots of Dress-Oo>ds.2,5, 35 snd 50c. R.educed to .12k15at2e.S.e'Pins, Good. Ne (Jlore Creonsail 90,0o&djut in, sold for 15c. our prices Saturday 124c. regular 15c., .for 12ic. ; b. sure and sec LhErn. Se. our Flannelettes at 50., 7c. and 15c. 8âS MuslinBa t 20c. regulàr 25c. >Ai our Wool Delairs to be soldiat cost sud' under. MILLINERY. : smw Ail must go regardies of price. Trimmed Rats regular $5, for $3. Trimmed Sailors regular 81 75, for $1. Sme our 25, 30 and 50o, Sailors. Ail Ribbons, Lace%1 Flowers,4 &c., at very -lowest prices. t> Cal and examine them, See or Ladies' Belt Buekies at only loc. New Blouse Sets, regular 50C. te go at 25c. Very best goods. ~.Oderled Oloth-inoeat Grseat ]felx44t,, our New WhitýàOtO HiaifaxTwed ~its nly$10 ~,,1ueSere Sits only $2. 9ý Fine Black Suits a specialty. ~ Tin oi steo. rrelBreis Everyztking ai Reduced Prices. Ths1$tesr orrel aris No trash Tboy Jast Came In. In over 100 différent patterns and colora. They are elegant gooda, rich ini color and effect, perfect in weave and finished as only a Frenchman eau finish Dress Goods. We are goiug to ssou them for a good deai leu than their worth, *ust to encourage early shopping. Prices will be 25e., 50C., 75e. to $1 per yard, and $5.50, $6.,50Y 07.50 andi $8.50 per dreas length. 33 MEN'S SACQUE. SUITS, in fine ail-wood Engliab, Cana- dian and Scotch Tweeds, with best all-wool Italian liningsand interlininge te> match igbt and dark colons. Cut in the very latest fashion ; being balances of regular linos, with only two or three suits of any one lino. Sizes 85 t6 42-iu. chest measurement. Regular Selling Prie $6, $7p $8 and $10 a- suit. Your choice 7AZURDA Y, SE-PT. 51h, týjSamplýe&,of Suits in . uOurS ýouth Wn..«fl7*4 ont~h Window.~ CI AKi K C , Best quality English Elannelettes, 34-lu. wi4 i-drproe14jt Redued te -8 cts on SATURDAY, Bareu Day. 'TTES at 4c., worth 7c. FLANNELET1ES: at e, watt e rI..Mul FLANNELE, - Balance Suinmer Goods of 'ail kinds at Haif Price on SATURDÂY, BARGAI N W. G. Every DAY, *SEPT. '»th,. WALTE RS, Week- e - - e ~Whht W.TIL We receive a fresh --hipme»it of sterling Brndi Han»siam I erýak- fastEan heegdsaemd oed (notfuill -of, Salt) andaegurzed p0o to any other braud on the aro~ Foarinlosa BreunikfasFod E w ý -i e, OLOTH 1 NC9 Lý-&ý& Oluc, vviiituy. 1 MILLINERY. 16 New Dress Good S*& FOR MEN,

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