Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1896, p. 1

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se 5t Pa" t e buyers sa o~ ýed ineye, as always-ual le aur V rkets Pitkan tespel ay. cear 'rae on' iRunm ,n f-O hSain ngs ponsz iMn and Nrsth aat iau id Retuam 8 n ro al 28io '$ id.....n..... $28 ..t...u . 2 8~ Sept. 5,286 1896. K~3 ORK, Le imoye& repaîr ail 2%ua& Seot 19, D1ngl ilugt ail th@k4 rRC. ER Dok :. ions for i er or rea ara Fitti ýgarlock nost ail ki and OUI Lers repai ry, any 1 Woon &I 1, Beehil Foundat e Threi *rtable, I. VOL. xxxx. Dllar Tbe Big I)ollar is thse dollar you get the 1me't for. If you want tbe intriasic 'Worth t your moniey caland see eue BARGAI N COUNTERe ,Xe art CIe arig a large Stock of- Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes and Mirrors.1 AZe[]c\ 1,,rM iuyon's Iloinotrpatbic AI~ ND lR~LlT WHITBY - - ONTARIO. Hlouse-cleaning time 18 here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown before, frOni 45C. UP. ý%Ne use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartbhorn's spring roier. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to seec ur latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30C. each. Our bab,% carnages are ail of the latest de- sig ns. Give us a cali before purchasing elsewbere. W,ýe art taking special pains to combine elegance with economy in price and -gentral utility. Our stock is complete, in House Furnishings. We invite bu vers to corne and sce us. It wiII save money. Leading Undertaker.- WIITBY, ONTARIO, FIRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 86 LOCAL NEWS LEITERSO Oazomuox.comSPoxzx. -.10:- KINSALa. MIsses Newtça are visitUg teieîsds ber.. Rev. Me Thom off&cated ber. os Sabbatb Miss Ridley ef Pickezing# bas beer. spendiug a tew days la our midai. Que pedagoiue spent Ssturday and Sunday a: hie bomne near Eniel Me. Edward Lidgett's blind daugliter bas agia eeuened te thse scisool for thse bliud at brampton. [iý ets no - M I 'i i M Miss Kate Perguson, Tonoto, la vlstîng. wlth ber beother, Artbur Ferguon. Messrs Watsos and Leslie Hodgson, Beaver- ton, mAde a vali on us lut weck. Mr snd Mes Thos Wiîcociusos, Columbus, spent Suuday ait 1s Grabani s. Geo Stone wbeeled dows ta Obawa last week âad spent a few days wlth fieneds tiser.. Miss Carrne Goodfeiiow, of Nsw York, if vlsting bere with ber friend Iss Maud Speuce. aery Rainey. et Paisley, bas becs spendig a few days bere th. week visiting bis uncle, W Miss Acnie Reese bas been very sicit witbimi. fiatatian. We-are pleased te note that sbe is Improving. Mrs L Fisber. cf Geneva, N. Y., is visiting But Everzreen cottage, the home cf ber father, Dr. Rev Gea McCuilogb aud vite, cf Richmnond Hill. made a short visit ber. last week wtb Mrs A McCullogb. Congratulations te les McClintock and Fred Parkin for baving successfully passed their re- cent examinations. Mr Tooly, et Cedar Daie, bas leased the Re- ,viere bouse for a term ef years. W C Heard wili meve eut in about twe weeks. John Worden, attendant of Ana Hurbor uni- versity, is visiting here with bis parents. He wheeled over last week la tbrec days. Mr and Mrs F Chamberlain, of Marquette, Mich. * and Mrs John Stephens. af Haliburton, were vsiting last week at rhos Giahane. Mrs 1 Cary, Toroate, and Mes J B Campbell and daugbîer, Uxbnidge, were hene for a short time 1tist week visiting Mes Thos Grabami. Mr and Mes loba Speuce. wbo bave been camping at Pine PoinL paid their parents here a visnt iast week. previous te their departure for Toron te. Quite a number of cases of typboid lever bave been teported in thse neighbotbcod. We are pleased te note, however, that the sick cnes are improvîng. Miss Lillie Munno anvited ber friends anddas- sociates te ber home for a social party on Frnday evenang last. Quite a number attended and ail spoke hîghty of thse treatmnt reoeived. Dr Geo Robson ban, ln addition to erecting a stone tound-otion under bis barn, buiît therein a very fine cemented floor. Witb the improve- mrnts macle by hlm this season be wull, na doubt, bave one of the fiaest stables in the ceighborbood. AUDLEYV. Morris Goodiseari bas been visiting in the victnity. Me. Law, and the Misses Law, cf Pickering, calied bere iast veek, l Miss Triand Mrs Ira Hall of Oshawa, vis- ited Mes. Chapruan asat week. Me. J 0 Rahan of Uxbridge called around throVgb our community last week. Several attended the pie social at Greenwocd, séd lawa social st Salemn reccntly. Misses M. Bray and 9, Elliott Sundayed at home. Botb are locking weiI aud happy. 0Our date cf tise pie socciland football vas astrayl lut week. Raim peeveated the match lu,. tended. The waiters appolnted for tbe hanest hom frosi Andiey are nunserotîs. Say we ail b. waiters. Congratulations te aur friend.s Ira Law.euoe aud Miaule Orvis on baving secured thse coveted Nearly ail tise tarmnn atiis imniediate iin- ity are tbeeshed eut and the, generai yield bas exceeded thiesmest sanguine expectaucas. Farmees are getting eeady te sow fat wbeat. Shouild rais arrive @oos te aliay the parcised eaesh a gocd dea I fail grain wiii be sowa. Mr. Fred Rogers,, Miss Bella Rogers, and Miss Beautee Adamzon are now among theset. tendants ai the W C 1, Whîcby. We wish tbom alt success. As many as couid make it cenvenient went I ver and enjoyed «i good trne ai the laun social at Mr. Levi Nlackey's horne ici Greenwood a lew evenings a go. A very pieasant ime was report. ed. jOur S S held a pienic at Mr. I)eharts point near the take on Saturday tast, spending a very pleasatit ouîtig. 1-ad we been privileged te attend ue would ne deubc have been exceeding plea*aed vitti the day's sport. Mr Wagener suit centemplates geing to Wbît- by if he could soit eut bers. He bas an excel- test tpsiaess here and good thorougis workasen need net fear tg tecate at Knsate. We veuld lite te stitl keeç. Mr Wagoner, but if he remit y decides ce go on ve vish is i abundant succes. t The aunuat harvest home in connection viti thse Greenweod circtuit iii take place on the mStb et Septeniber at Greenvcod. An excellent pro. gramme is being aesanged. and ne pains wili bo spared te ni-sit his il possible more successful tisa aay former efforts. Further particulars lacer. Gilbert Broya, wbo worked ber. some tve or three years ago, bas been bete renevîag otd se- qtialtaaces for some litie time. He bas been living seat Picton sud bas mec witb succesia bis ucidertakings. His mauy finends in chia vi. cinity vere inucb pleased to meet in the flesb once again. Will Richardson of Utah state, who bas been for some ime past visiting relatives and fnexsds bere, bas returned te bis Americani home. He speaks vei of bis Yankee cousins, and întends remnaintng among theni for sorne ime ce come. We ceuigratulate bita on bis success, and hope he rnay still sunpass bunseil. Many fron bee ccok ia tise gardes party at Mr. CIarksoa Rogers' on Tbursday nizbt last. The crowd vas a veey large one iadeed for oc-i casions of chîs kind, the Claeemost brass band being present besides many ether good accrue- tiens. A good ime wss enjeyed. Rev. Me. McDowell eccupied the chair suitably. Mr. Edwin Redman ef Scugog, f ernerly of E. J JO H N SOr O inae sbusily eagaged ilig tbe tarai bere take full contrel intahie spring We velcame BROCK ST., WHIITBY. hita bacit amucag us, as he is a youug mnofa ex- cellent cisaracter and sterling abtlity. Me. Routlsy in bts depariure from us carnies wîtb hima the veil earaed respect of aiflbis acquaiut- Estabhished 1849. auces. 4On Tbursday of lest ve4, Messrs. Wice, iOrvîs. Rîçtsartsan and Silver taok trais for AI- goma, aîd are at the peesent ie spyîng eut thse laud. Sbauld they bring bacis eacouregng re- fifiý Sleamports of the land -a large exedus of Kinsaleites ~hitby Bam i f and miser. vIiigo fcsth ln th. speng ansdpos- MarhIp. inf their arrivai home. Ilululu ullu Granitg wOIkS Dundas St., WH ITBY. Chas. H9. Si (Formerly Wolfeaden Acoording te previoýs annnucements tht. circuit is iu the future 'obeb jointly veeketi, Pickering village isg eue of the appoinimns on ch. Greenvood ccuiât, niaking it a double beatier, vicb <vo marrieti mca. As th. confer. ence la their visdom seen 0 : ce so erdis chings, vs suppose ail interested iyUl ma-be tise best of thse change, anad seule down te busiess Hov, ever, we are iscisuedtio thiak our nov better outpost, viz : Pickering village, bas nov learueti a lessos. Ne hiîsg a-bte ce gel more tissu cise desieed, we trust chat as a fluai cermination for at leas:tishis year bas snbstancially taken place every pesen incerescod viii tati inco Une and Goda kiagdom viil stil ativance.andi mauhgooti iWorks.~) I n-viilfollov. porter and Dealer in MARBLE ÂN G 'RANITE MONUMEMNTS, Etc., of the latest material and designs. Al kînds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. .W-SEN'D FOR DESIGNS AND PRICES. Notice of Licen8e Trane fer. Notice is hereby given that 1 shall, at the Sert meeting of the Board of License Coni- missoners for South Ontario, apply (or a transfer to me of the Tavern Licensè naw held by Mrs. Heard,- of the Reviere Honse, Manchester, August2ôthM. C. TOOLEY. Auut2t,1896-39-2jn. ~ ANTE D-Several ist clams derks ta attend te our business in this and ad- lOfigCounties. Apply wltb t'eferences. The B3RADLEY-GARRETSON Co., LTD. 48 Richmon St., W., Toronto, Ont. Farm to Rent 145 ares, parts Of lots 7 anid 84 lu the Sth.. Cont. 01 East Wbitby. Good buildings, Stream and weIl of water, rlch soUl, wefl cul- tivated, two small archards. Apply tO ALEX. McKENZIE, Aug i8th, '896-39-4iu. Columibus. Mi8Bea trice R OseoerAJé0T.CS TORONTO CONS BRVATc"*V; 0F ms Pupil of Mr. adwýr-Iqsher= lOr ternisetc., SppIy 5U55WdeILCSý Whitby, Aug. 27, ve ~COÜJNty !IDN8 Deirable fMgot(1~~ Good (ramne Lon" ~wlth :0oO*g 900d celiar, Wbor * ý i0 Sbed witb wood èshsd Qre (moe o i) Sudl pluimd *M fir4 rOYi5 f Gàrdc is4 Me. Alfreti Sleep, our aId S. S. superin- tendent, is speading a fcw dive in aur burg. Mr. anti Mes. J. Tripp anti Master Georgie, of Kiasale, are visitîug frieutis sud relatives in tht. neighborhocd. Mr. Wni. Moon, jr., intentis maviug short. ly to -the fan evuetid by Me. J. Mille, visici . lia-a reutet fon tise coming year. Goosi luck ta yon Will. Our Sabbaci scisool bas decidedte ta bad no bot supper this year au acconut af out pascor beiug away. But ta val: until Christ- mas anti then give tise-people semetbiug gooti. & Ose day lest week Mes. S.* SIep was sum- moned te tise betiside of ber sos Sephas visa le in Toronto l wltb typhoiti fever. W., bope Mr. - Sjeep *nay soon be as vell as nsaa. On Saturday- *hilesMr. loba Pearse and S. Reynolds were driviug home frous J. Pbilp's tise baise became frigbtened by a bicycle tbrowing. Mir. Pearse out sud ruuulug for moute distance lu the opposite direction b.. fore it could -b. turneti. No more serions dainage was doue, boweveq-, than s very black ye for Mr. Pears. The fuerl i fr.,Muuro, faiberoaiReeve Masi' na. o Moday- lait, vas very largety attendeti, sbowlug tise deep respect lq vlslcb be *»s bell! by tise cwuunty. MtrM4uro vsbora luS *laisd but for somi time bas Isenoe o!Caustia. i istsucesiu afumm_ crs. Me vas,'s sti"cli ssupporter, or p EUbTen icfsurch. We tender-t faevdýiy- thse symýpatby o tise 00 * 581 m -Mis 1ête Witbsidge:ls vliitllsgbr suut lu Tponto, - - - -basc district convenition heldEt 'Prince Albert (o. day, Priday,-Mîisse Chinu, lCsight and Lambly. Rev Dr Lamblv preacbed in Whitevale lest Sabbath ln caunectias witb barvest home servlves being held there. Rev J H Oke, of Whitevaje, occupled tbe pulpit of the méthodist church ber., mornmng and Messrs A C Elliott, Robt Hay and D W Macdonald went ta Rochester on the Eury- dice last Saturday nigbt and arMIived back about faon on Monday. Some very rough weatber was experienced bath going aud coming. The lleavy rain that came an Tbursdsy morning had been badly needed. Slow and very uusetisfactory prn-gress bas been masde with fa11 ploughbg and many wells are dry or neayrly so. Bath these troubles will now be rettloved aud the turnip crop wiiI be much benefited. Mr jamcs Fitxgerald, who will be well re- rnembered by nmany CHRONICLE- readers, having been born and raised here, was in town on eduesday, en route to Sunder- land, 'where bis parents are now living. He hae been workrng in Pensylvartia tan- neries, but the le-ather business is now very duil and he, with many others, is out of work (or a time. An error in Dr Lamhiy's poem, printed in this paper last week, made the fDr. give ex- pression to much narrower views than he liolds. Thse closing stanza as printed read ,'Thenýlet's unite in our delight, And shout with animation Long life and health, increase and wealth To this denomination." The last Une sbould read thus *'To ail denornînations." A 1ev fri ber. visiteti Greenwooti on Satur- day afteruocu aud vituesseti the football match betvcen Higblandi Cr.ek andt tis: easi. It vas a fine ganie snd tvc nie.m-nly teasss cas net hi zouati. Wesley Ge. a-ad M. Whîte have been pro- niotedt o the position of apple buvota anti may bc seen flying about in quost of (alilfruit. - Wes makes s gooti appie-buyer anti no doulit bis fi lends bere vil bc trying ce seli l hiii ibeefuit. Cali aeouud Wos. The funecraioetMms Bell, who tiied ou Satur- day unoruiug, took plaue on Monday.to tbe St. Johsn's grounds. Whitby. and vis failoyet by a large number cf soreoving friestis. She bas borne viih meeksessche great suffériugs sud trials of a tva yeaes f5gbht inems..Bie souhi rel-il a bospital lm w inter but noue =d higiveu, ase.bas heevaiMtng thse silentstoed for a long ti. vli a Sten-fs hope so écoûrgingusto hi a,-mlghty impulse ta flagglng-cbrisciauhy. She f ayes MuJY -tif4 boys sud 3 gitis, lw four o a MaensAred. Her busband, che. la in. Bell. ptecedeti ber, sanie z6 or z8 vers *go. Thse neigisors a-I. thoügii <bey bave looleti for ber deahforW a long dim, Willmiâss tie aid famila fort» smd s toi weuns to exis& Ia nid Audley. We sinceely coudoi e Stise amuiy sud tihe aqeti mier visa basiuîaely been bereit f ai vt, snansl daugisier. But on tiseailier aide of Jordan'tise auget figures stand. Miss Leecb, af Parkdale, bas been visit- ing at Dr Stae,'s. Mes R Hîckiagbouomof! ViCtoria, B.C., vas la tovu la-stFrîday. Mr. Will Dryden bas returued ta Wood- stock to continue Mîs-course at tb1c bap"ia college. heRylTemplars expect a vist from G thememubers afPart Perrycomciluet mon- da-y evenlug. NMesFred Banust, Wi! n ttsud i Alfredi Holliday ase u@vatteuln is - màode! scbaol at Wbltby. R H Walks, B.&, retrsd ta LIndr.y on- Moay, ta resutas bis CIates m teaséotiqt the coilgiate hustitutq, lust wqek, bakvhutstoppqê off ýU lu taeBflao orPatéy Th owasi onts.i4oi day 4e~, ~-lut ladas thm Thse Misses Teef7 of Toropto ame ona Mr. John Emerson contemplates s trip ta Eng. land tbis faîll Miss Saunders of Toronto, lu tbe gucst of Mes A Tremble. 'Mis Kate Moore ls visitiug frienda lu the city for a short trne. Miss Slater and frieud of Toronto are thse guesis ef Mr. and Mes F L Uren. Mr. Jos Shae la basily engaged ln making apple borrels for thse abundant crop there is iu this section. Mr W 8 Grecsa bas gone te, Toronto to live. May be be successfül in whatever he undertakes te do is the wisb of bis lniends. Mr. Walter Wilson bas esgaged witb Mr. W Jackson, on Brock road, and iuceuds ta cota. mence bis duties as general blacksznich iu a few days. Severai feoni ber. scîencted the lawa party on tbe football grousds of Mr. C. Rogers ou Tues. day eveningZ lasc. No preter sigbt onu be wtsb- ed for than was peesented oun narlng the lava after sun down. The football match on Saturday nlgbt be- tween the Higlalnd Ceeek -,and Greenod mamns was witaessed by a large crowd cf spec- tators. Both sides put cip a geod gaie and it is adliffBcult thing te decide wbach plaved thse best gamne Althougb there weee several rushes on goal ut the close of the gaine the visicors had sceeed one and the home team nase. Messrs. Meen, Lawrence and Jones did some excellent pin ving for eue boys. Aftcee the gaine thse teanis marched te the hotel, where tbey partook of a sumptuous tea. after wbicb thse visitons struck for homne vel pieased witb thse afteenoon's sport. Came again boys. The pie social ta cxîanectiou vith the ladies' aid. ou Feiday aight vas a grand success. The nigbt wsu as fine as cocsld b. wtsbed for, osly a lIctIe cao cold te make the le. creain set! veey radidly. Tiser. was ail kinds of pies lu abun- dance for everycue. h t . surprlslng boy quîck- ]y tbey disifppeayed viseu set on the tables. After everyone bad had chelr 511 of pie a choice programme cf songs, reitatians, read. iugs and minul was Civen by thse following : Me and Mms W J Grahama, Misses Brodie, Cooper, sud Plckett, of Claremont, C L Mackey cf Enfield, F M Chapmnan Audlev, Meusrs Stevensan sud Mis-s Stevenson cf Brougbam. A herse thon breughc the partv te a close by scarting off witb a fauning miii ta vbicbh twau tiod, and uncil it tîroke loase from the saine piayed the tune the aild mii died ou. Proceeds amouuted ta 814-50. MYSLTLUC. &Nppie bayers were bere last week effeeing 5oc. per barrel for (ail apples. Mr. David Briggs t. on the siok list, We hope to bear of bis speedy recovery. Mes. Hodges bas returned-fnom lier visit lu the ncrtb, aud is mucl i iprquvid lu bealtb. Miss Rie, et Wbitbe, wasisee over Susday, the guest cf ber sister-in.Law, Mes. W. E. Rie. We al joit inu oogratulacing Miss Cora Me- Taggart on liée succeteinl ber recent examin- Grain Buyer Mosiser wbceled ta Bradford- a week airo Sacueday ce se. is matiser sud lister,, Mes.D. .Etlerby. Me. an4 Mem.C, B. Pib., o! Oahw Mar Mms Pikes age-d motter. Mr. J no Sornbergcrn frosi Brock. wns at Me. D. Bniggu' last veek visiclng. l'le old gente- Mau ls go years a! age and smart Mes. Bearden, visa bas bec sk sis* l typhoid fever, died on Monday lst Mr. Bearden sud frieuds bave aur synipathylisoe sac! bersavo. meut Mr. H. E. Biggs left. on Monday les byC. P R. for Sacton lmi. an& other pit ots east Of Moatreal, opngta eginhe $M sd Western Lime, g9Myasd white, snd Blacksmitb's Coul, at C. P. R. station, Myrtie. Wer LEDINGHAM. Aprfil3o1h, 1896-3-mos. Petas. Mor.t - fMssDela, Plawman-la viscilgMlssjMedd.- mi"s Rsee -Mmoa, eo! Lindsay, t isita Mus Mionue -Bruoe ed.Wilia A nil roag. - -l kWs. àà oitis bt kmbtr -aund, 1Ma vislting relatives and bas returued home iu good beaut. jas. McICnigbt, one of aur worthy yroung mue, left on Saturday for Paris, Ont., lia secùtred a situation in that tows. ÏWbat cbum Hamey do 50w ? Our baggagemau, jas. Cbisolum, at the G. T. R. station bu been an a well-earaed holiday trip ta the States. He saw tblulcs be can banlc baggage as goodastecy M. C. Tooley, cf Cedardale, bas rented tbe Revere bouse, Manchester, and takes possession Se pt. î.5tb. Mr. Tooley bas been a resident of Cedar Dale for soue r,5 years having worked at the Wbltlsg works,, aud is wel-known in towu. He wil maire a good landlord alad intends ta keep a good asd casifortable hosteiry. Illness lu my bousebold bas deniednie- time ta write a full budget this week, in fact that excuse has held good for sanie tme> past. I hope ta 'write my usual columu and a balf bercatter. The Examlna±lons. As usual Port Perry hi gb and public schools have came ount well. Conslderinig the number of the teachi-ng staff eur schools are bard te beat and these exams refiect credit on aur Principal McBride and bis excellent staff of teachers. The follcswing is the resuit: First (onm-E. Allan, B. Bedford, E. Birkett, B. Britton, J. Britton, L. Clark, R. DeLury- (honors). J. Edwards, E. Foy, E1. Fey,K. Glendinning, S. Graham, L. liooey, M. Mc- Queen-, H. McLaugblin, L. Orcbard, C. Parr, E. Pound, M. Smith, G. Till, S. Jones: W. Mullin, J. Parkln, H. Williams. Se- cond form-Part î.-R. Brown, G. Cbris tie, M. Canklil, J. McClintockc (passed iu pbvaics)-W Baird, L Dodds, B Fletcher, H Parr, C Perkins, E Rae, A Wallace.> Sec- ond form-Part 1.-E Bryanit, C Rndinan. Primary-E Ackney, E Frayer, G Gaibtte E_ Greeuway, E Mark, H Martin, E Martin- M Thonipson, R. Waddelh J UeCallu;.- Junior),eaviug-M Armstrong, P Edgertos, W Emmerson, H Martin, L Shnrt. Matnicu- latlon-Eusly licBrids, J McClintok (pas- sed I Genman, Latin), J Stephen (passed la German Latin, Greek>. Senior leaving-F Joues. Deaili Of Jobn Munro. Died lu the imbthcon. of Rea7cb aunSatur- day,, Aug. -nah, John Mugro, ln bIs seveuty- thîrd year. The dccessedwas borain Ross- sbire, Sco*land, sud emigrated ta aaa - wftb bis, uncle, John Munro, ln z8ý, suad lived lu Rcach nr Maundieste. là rêW7 he took up land inu what noir comprises the old, bainestead. lu 1849,-fbe wasmarried -t&, ý' Mary Anti daugbter of tbe lae James St~~Â erland, o1 Mariposa, and tbey lîved ,ùCi ,fortably and happy uïitil ;M ?,r deatb Iu May zi8ga, sd contiuued-t1Q lve -o the aid bames ead matit bhisdeatb -a fcwdayal ago. In politiies tise late jna. Munro waêu-.on ardent, Couservatlve audrtook au activlepart: lu the intercalas>IIia parUy. IDaeiufb was a strong Prebyterian ad awt triend of bis churs baving -beld die ok t"e of eider a S.f oh'sPr9bLe cburch in-'port Perry fortery20-'s and was a member of thcPrne- lbm afterwards of th*,Pcýt-Perry cbttrch thirty-sud I) ïMi y an sd vu as neof men, whb m-îhe,,ehur& cup4lw On' whstbW * ~ci#kq ltrlyWfioèewoi7d at an tu agood a i od.n Bclng of tare- b. uver came beethe' public posiion, .but wnsalwaVÉ do~~~a bi uya citizen, neghbru~ 1 *faaiI are lest',t* -maÜÏm;tbhel. ri kMd tudlovlgfatbsr;,und- corte otge last M - - a, * den o aitheestee ni snd r s & c tthe Tsdsdbds h si wsreTCFomn, &Iuae, L 10 -rd S Suv -.. Wu Lasi weck Mr. John Wagner read an item in tb. Oshawa Reformer whîch told about Some Arnenican borse-tooth crn grova la chat vlcinity visicis measuneti me ft. 4 in. la beicht. The question' vas sketi wbether any anc couiti beat It. Mr. Wagner is net in the competitlan 50 fan as Amertean cern is coacenet but he bas isane vanderfully tali Canadian carn, twe stalks of wbicb he bas left witb yeu correspondent rneasurnug 9 ft. 4 la. Mr. Wagner in tara asks if any oee ca-n beat tisat, thii dry suninier. Last Friday eveaing thse meeting cf the E. L. ef C. E. vas led by a member of the pnesbyterian C. E. saciecy, sud on sabbatb evening, whien tise churcis atteadance vas slim because cf thse weather, tise presby- terian qtzdeavorers andth ie baptist helti a union meeting in the baptisi cbureh, at which short atidresses wene given by Pastor Vichert, andtihie leader who was ce have taken chsargé of tise presbyteriaa meeting. These twa occturrences serve ta show th. frienrdlv, brotberiy feeling that exists among the menibens of the diflereat dénominations represencet inl this village. May it ever be th us : 'Biesst b. tise cie chat biads, Our heants in christias love, Thse felaowship of kindred minds le like ta tbat above." Mes T J Hollitiay aud Fred Holliday ne- turneti lest Saturdlly frosi their tripto Hall - fax. They,ý-werc absent elgbt veeksansd vîsitett Kingstoin,.Mureal, Quebe, Boston aud Bafflo, besicles speudlsg several weekrs inHalifc!x. They found tise people of the eity by the ses ruosi Isaspitable, sud cannot speak too higbly af tise kiwi treatnt rW ceived andth ie niany favars shown theiu witie tisere. Tise visle trip vas excceding- ly interestiug andi very mncb cajoyeti. GUY & CiO., gmein buyer.. BBALL, IL - Issu Of Kriage ienss. Buesidusoopposie TOwn Han, EBrookita. W A IMONEULyI D V S.-Graduste of 1the On- tarlo Vetrnary Colage, Torosto; Houoxr maember of thé Outt7o XMdoQ Boty. 'ilroet& U 'il.... ! i of the Io.od saimais by the meut approv.d mto.Aima partlcular attentim ona uztica prain mnldon«ttatry. Day or nlght cmi. e oPUlY sttsnded ta. Ommad residenes Moinu, Ontaiio. B. Dunças, merchant tailor, bas secured thesgency for the Oshiawa Steatu Laundry. Laundry will leave bis sbop on Tbutsday ,norning, and will be returned on Saturdsy. AUl work guairunteed satisîactory. ,Hastingm, & Manners, Oshawa Sceam Lauudry.,iitf Neuw Goods now usSin k ; 00---Wp No.

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