Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1896, p. 8

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Mis thel Riçula *pnding a few dayatn Miss Cralg of Ashbnuham le visitig Mns. Miss Manouey cf Ennisklllen, is vlsiting Mn. T. Jardine, Simucoe et. I<rs.' A. Rowse, Misses B. RO9rse and G O O D ~S. Wilma Row-se are visiting fends lu Soys Savings bas returned romt bis holiday trip. BOTTLING WAX, and RM esan. Ca t. Dillon, R. J,. Mackie, Ge. RieadD. lnaamon are aw-ay to the rile RUBBE1R RINGS for matcbes at Toronto. Mr T Lavis tcft ou Monday afternoon for •frit jars. Millbrook, where he bas secured a situation ontbe Recorder. FRE SH IN8E CT POWDE R, Miss E. Hilts bas returned to ber borne in POWDE R GUNS, igfrenda and r*eiel sbeawae,,,_ FLY PADS AND PAPER, We are glad te hear that Maiter cam- TANGL FOOT(stik fleron Wilson son of Rev. J. P. Wilson, le re.- TANGLEFOO , (tky fy paper.) covering from a severe attack of typhoid .lever. dwork on Mr. Fred. Cowan's new resi.- ÜÍjeSÍf f rdtrliXdten le dgesig rapdy Ths w-l bei z- ~ completed. ana ram y .iecz5es Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Gray and children recit'S Orcardt/> ofeterboro, who have been visiting Mr. R. ferSOna/ al/en/ion. atray. Several new crossings are needed on Simt. ---AT--cee St. South. New sidewalks have been AT buit, but the crossings over our streets are a B yiey' s DJrug Store '"T'haw"entert°ment Coy haebe sunedb th n 34th batt. band to give an en- Simcoe St. south, Osbawa. This Co' cornes tomshawaveryhghiy r ______________________crowded h9use. seepa o hma Mesers. lerbert and Fred Luke w-heeled to Port Hope on Saturday and spent Sunday u intht ow.On their way borne Monday ~ e moningtheywere passin a teamu of herses whe oe o te orss u enty kicked and smashed the front wheel of Luke's bicycle. - -The Oshawa bys ar 0rather unlucky w-henh OSHIAWA, AUG*. 28, 1896. OSRAWA P AGE OSEAwa. Farmers w-ill do well to call at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothin-g. t i lrge soc oe el Brc O oa- a they w-ll sell this montht very cheap for cash' Genuine diamond 14K. only ss. They are aise making corne special offers la Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and siver w-atches. Sec them. Felt Broc. Sale-Call at Murray's the tailor. He bas a fine selection of pantings, suitings, over- coatings, etc. These goods must and will be sold by the yard, or made up, away below cost at once. Terme strictly cash. Ma- H C Whiting, now of Hamilton, is ina tow-n. Fr raBrooks, of Port Perry, w-as la- town last M r S Blacklock ls spending bis holidays la Grafton-. Mr and Mrsc James, of Guelh, are visiting Miss Iorais, of Port Hope, is visiting Mrs Joe Pye. Mica Sta-rk, of Toronto, is visfting Ma-s W J Stephenson. • Miss Aggi e Martia, of Toronto, is visitig i Miss Ehla Baie., ng Ma-s Thomas Goodman is home from her- visit to Toronto. .Ma- and Mrs J W Ellis have been visiting Ma- Ed W ToScoles, of Torento. is visiting Mars Rcv Scates. F. Butte, of Tilsonburg, spent a few days t ln town last week. t are visitin Mrs Amsburydaghe, h tby, Dr. sud Mrs. E. R. L. Gould and daugh- -d ter are visiting Mrs. J. T. Gould. c t, ran ay wasnto tic buider of the Oshawa s Mrs T M Luke and Miss Berdie are spend- d Mesirs GWSton sud EShatywere the g Dahe" bas ngo: somne newt Konkf.We T bis old ones w-ere. as W H Bew-ell, Grand Scribe of Ontario of Sous cf Temperance, paid Oshawa division w a visit on Monday evening. bt In thse Ontarlo rifle matches at Toronto, Tucsay, Cp: Dilln mademo 'h aoeil c35 taking the first prize. ' Cobourg golf club came here ou Saturday sud plyed eut club winung the vicory by stderilng tise respective ages ef the clubs, our mca held up their end w-cil. , Excursion- te Canadien Northwecst onu Sept. se: sud x5th, good returning until Oct. tut sud Nov. 14t. For rates sud full par- ticularu call oneor writ. te W. P. Stericker, Oshawa Railw-ay Ce., Oshawa. R. C. Car- Exr cions to Canadien Northw-est onu Sept. met and t53' good returning outil Oct ast and Nov. i4th. For rates' sud fuît pa .- ticularu oell on on w-rite te W P Steicker, shawa Ralw-ay Co., Oshawa. R. C. Car'- er, a u. Anycne desirons of visitiug the CaainNorthw-est should caIl en Mn W P Stericker sud scurte full information. He cau ticket anyone right tihrough froms Osh- awa, sud eau aiso get your baggage checked fromn Oshawa te destination. From Saturday's Globe w-c cli the foi- - owilng Winnipeg item : An Iuniufalt, N.W. T'. despatch sys : Harry FareweIl, hate cf Osbawa, a farmer eight miles east of bere, w-as haying ail day W9dnesday w-lt a neighibor, Mn. Shonits, and w-cnt honte boto'clock, th. st seen of hlm allv. Nclhbrs uolen. rwI# bouse bsurue4 inth morning and the fq~4b bodyîy Ing la ,the ruineston c. -renler's inrmtit w-as a . A fire bas been raging for the pas: weel la the sw-amp just east of frve peints. It ha caused some anxiety among neighborinj farmiers, but as yet bas donc no very seriou damage. The show-er on Sunday mernint w-as not sufficient to put it out. Ploughin1 bas been donc around the outskirts of th~ swamp so as to keep the fire within bounds O'Brien & Stedha xpctopnteb new gallery on Simcom expet tox on bt( post office) in a couple of w-eeks. No ex pense w-ill be spared ln making their gahle,- one ef the best equipped la the country Everything w-ill be new and te targes cameras for making life size heads w-bn ba usedt, a thbng never attemnpted in Oshawa Te young ladie of Prospect Park Tenait a picnic at the age on Tertme fren. and in.the evening a social dance w-ashnld ,in Maliory's pavition. The young ladies as aIl Oshawa ladies do, proved themnselves tm e apita restesse snd several young start heusekeeping, se w-eIl piea in are te with their entertaanment.aethy TheVindeta is stili worrying bts brain over tc e#m4 of making bard feel ings betw- th H aRON1cLE and the 34tU battaion band. Its game is too open. but a the came time w-e have not a wê<d to take back la the matter. There bas been toc< mucht noise in the band's quarters, and at a pober tle wer shal cat tattentin toan affairs bas often prevailed. The prisa know this as welIl as w-e do, and mar bIal themselves if they occasionally makre ahm. sel ves subjects of criticism fa these columins stuffedhnry drmmer overcatr unde th buggy seat to wear home at nigbht Whitsî the rig w-as standing at the lake some pe son thoug lit to crack a joke on the doctort and wrapped a living hen la the oat. The ugh w-as pasant and te ceat remained was finally removed the hen w-as still ivenga but, oh, the coat was la a mess !: wti. have to be soaked la a compound of lime ndenzn to pnepare tfor the dying pro. Some person or persons are very anxious e burn Mr Story's premises. Some two tecks ago his bara adjoining bis bouse w-ai. burnine dow sudhi Saturday eenin a~mage had been donput uthoethmuch- endiary is he muet be ver bol te in.ep o do suc a :hi su -l ld Ut attempt. omne few aweks ago some eue set fn t IS Gtdec s fine brick bouse, but it w-as sovre atfr any darg w-sdoue. ow- Co0 raslarge. as refused. Coun. Row-c reU t- udget for î896, sbrow-ing th dmeth ton eraised : public schools, 86,î66; high - :bbsJa2z ;separat schoo -35, sud >untty rate 3r.176 Sr. Total $r6, 89 hie rate w-ll be 23 mills on the dollar. The la ne McGee, *îa .3ra5 ue-tsida xes s5o0 do ax $200 ; poll tax $5o; weght t alees 36;icense $9so.,, fiue$3 ; mis-p Uaneous 63. The debeture debt is $4o,- i ncr ateuct r o ' $g8. There w-as tnres whic a5 lu te or-dzary expen. k es whcacutsfor the taise la taxes., d e sestio ofa terecent incendiary fires ~ ter a reward' of $r5o forout einvcio f Portune Hunter-s. There anc la this town thrc yoa wbo are infiueiced hy a bef ha by a 4 tem of oujuring of wbicb they bave learned the secret they cau discover treasures hldden away long ago. There bave for thne nui tenu of a century been traditions of trEàr-s secreted near here on the-lake ehbre du res the.w-an of z8x2 and ithat other large sasf monaey lie in iorgotteri recesape sogn ewhr nont of seawa. One of the trio has p. cared, at great expense ,a:racer, w e*P M MMewhlere goId or silver le in go$nd . bnthris a transparent sone NvhI $f watcbed dIspays certain when itube vcia y o iddn coin k s g s $ #k Ptfenis é dy s i bday Mises axon, PtPny, le visitij inse Jenne James lef: on Saturday Rev S H 1astman snd famly ar fronm tbeir holidays,.re n suad Mrs Renails, of Port Hope Mis Cade azi, of Bowntmvî vlsflnglir WmJacson. Mis abe Rio N.ias retuned fro tpred Janes, N. Y.tr' r gos Frsdawayne h cs holidays dr c le cents o i Bolidanvs adr.n 5Cemin tuorayafile srnn. Co.umban Swhoda habenospndihs day la Caningtou,e bareturned bon turned front bis holiday vlaeToroa N Gregory, ef Liadsay, le in Grego Jury's drug store w-bile Mir Joues le aw bis holidays. F P Rae, of the Western bank, le Sauray to speud bis holidays at Roch Miss M Brentnetl, Belleville, aud M~ Thomupson, Toronto, are visiting Mrs Butland'. Mr and Mrs J W Borsberry left Fa morning on a holiday tp t dil Arerican cities. yrptodf The Columubian and Tymntoke iens fr ein ere on Frida y t oon tok e T e le rap h co m p a y 's c e d u n t Me G ar- D.SaS ,oftbe Osbawa rsa wbo as been visiting frieuds ln Brockvi le for beMpas two weeks, le borne. MrWRCoggchall, of Toronto, was in han on Monday ln the interests of the ba ntertainment Co., of Toronto. Misses Pauton, Kinver, Squires, Everson ndl Irving, snd Mrs Panton, are enjoying a ollda tpdo- htbe S.Lawcence. y the building of a new. sidea'ron tetcatfe street to Williamnson 's store. Mesurs. A W Urquhart sud M Anal lft n Friday morning for New Yorknaster pending their vacation witb the ,parer O w n g t o t h e c o w e a t p art e t s .f i t e lake on the Osawatra the trflcbo thtr tanit asbeen for some tinme past. Mise Day, of the Metropolîtan church, oronto, sang a solo ln the Simcoe strceet etbodist church on Sunday evening. Rev Mr Jolliûe, a former pastor of the mcoe street methiodist church, spent a few ays ln town. He preached in that church a unday evening. Misesc Anis, Undrwood and Bthet- em irferent scboos. v oebc o The picn4Ã' and excursion oPopc rk are about over, but Mr onso Prospc l nds having a few evenin Emoso'i~ ovided for Osawa citizen.ntramet It is expected that the steamer Columbian Il bring t wo excursions from Toronto on turday next. The bicyèle club's meet ih tracting large crowds to Oshawa for thiaî morn-e ,were le, ise mi ber store, on the e. ry & ay on if: onu ester ~ li N J G iday ~rent ceur- P The moonlight excurso nth tae in d rtisd orlat Thursday even.- inmall crowmaterialize, ow-ig te the very> thmat calld wo were on the dock when The Bowmarnville bicycle club is anxious to arrange a road race. w-ilh the Osbaw club. It could be made a very interestawng race by having it begun at Bow-manville sud ended at Prospect park track. b o gs ho o supplies etc .-ha e e pa s ed into stock preparatory for school op- ing. Fines: range of scribblers and exer- cice books ever shown lu Oshawa. Messre. B J Rogers, A R McLean and E Cooper lt on Frdy for a week's camping too scarce te buy fsh they didad tey a there until they could' make ae haed on tayir b M o' su thi li m Si dz on la te' pr wi Sa att For atic pas:we og 0r s w-e bave mnissed one cf its correspondents, but we fiud hlm appearmng an the Reformer this wecek. Poscibly the Vindicator is demanding more neye tems for teuse ef its cohumns for Mr W A Halnan hias sent some very fin samples of carriage bodies sud cutters t< Toronto to be exhibited at th-om cxi bition. Mr Halnan hbas tuly coe e l t anufatna uiesover a year and ye create a goordtn ndtortham The peoPl e a hal be rla t e patn bip Tks wtwo getlemen are to-date photographers. O'Brien aStedhup ntendf to give the people of Oshawa the ver atest ideas ln photography.ve School opens on Tuesday, Sept. zt hh igh school seiolarsaat orseoo ian ver, before. The school, throughi its fficient staff of teachers, bas secnred a very 1g tanding and even tbouh our accom•- owns, It w-ill b. to the advan*age of country upils to attend Oshawa bigh schiool. >r-ama and afusial Rctal Miss Maud Maison, so well and favorably nown tp Oshawa audiences, wll give a ramatic recital in Oshawa onSept. Sth he w-ill be assisted by lier sit* Mie irt asson, w-ho is~ veyry fin pfrne eared in several concerts lu Oshaas sud ualwas elecited the hlghest prales, an ertdsreta the wlll more than sustain Hre.eUez reputation in this town as ai 'ThIe programme, of the races to be pued t. The OwtA s h list w ises to be competed for :--r no ce (amateur), zet prize, gh pdi ecial design, valu 8, su pdui*v p, $; e-half ntt0 open izer pair Morgan & Wnlgt t'~vau 4;sd prize, pair gests' ate±u ots valu. $.6 i 3-one mlie opu(profee I h Bi o! pr vs cu hio e W xru J.D s se, Dominion and Ontaro Lad Unrveyor, CvlEngineer, Box 57, Osh- Comxummar, Ror,-. C. Woou, potltn 4-' D. M.'rei>-Catm·m- for Ball, ssmls dt sSuppers, etc., etc. Also all kit J0s. Rom.Lnsz - Whitby-Osbawa stage Whtb aS a su t p nd Iosupx Conze, mau cun o!f sne carr cetwagos su ~kinds cf cutier mleihs, epsliuga specialiy•. ouiN Eanwa, painter sud decorator, D cil, vamrshlns b.uaes, wuow shd lauus Pramw, dealmr in stes Inrace E,. I' Mue'ow, B. A. - Barrister, Soit Notary Public, Conveyancer, Lo. Mca ieud , O ffie e s D om inion Bank,, Bi L .c M.Iealer ln roeries, Fan yc Ookn, Tinware, and Fanc Gooda Tees su Cofees. Boys' weady made si specialty-very eheap. Aucrou SALa-The subseriber wll bein "WnaS te Central ROSel, Friday of e rm eue toeS o'olock .r., toemak L n m u s= - t l px a r te s w a g t e b a v e s '.LasMUE-r & 5ome-The leading teaD su ous aish °g°hu 'ew°"m pendasortsu cors tes, awyr w-ns secaes ec Enring gold Flewatch, dok, sud lew-elery repairi ni olwig promotions were made i juir c as athde close of lasi term : Pa. red Ganad. Edithi HautloWat:cr Brai Hector Stephenson. lar. I liet Sr. I-Que Balkwell, Russell Murphy, D'Albiert Fliatoif Smith, George Hamilton, George Smith. on roit during Jane 7, htagbest attendance average attendaboe 5x, average attendance a : te trm 3.School opened Monday, z' .Ma. Thomas Pascoe. Peterboro, is visiting abster-, Mrse. John Lee. Mr. W, Pascoe, Oakwood, w-as caling fnends hure last w-cek. Messrs. Jas. A. and George Miller, Greenba bave been visiting here. nds of li ed 1, and. iase, *7 5 si Pure it. a eaoh e an- ales. ava.r ngda, the Ien.e 'Nor. _ agi 7th.e rt I naki th.N ur the n the re. v. N the ic ep l tha he e ta be About 2o rode of fence ou John Lee·s fa were buridon Suaday afternoon, Aug. i1 e fxti e asss auce o f is aeig bbors the fie hxiise the ssoo asMr. Lece has gathe hnded and the responsible pesnhl o dOn Monday monng last, Mr- Winters rece a message front Grafton, statiag that a sms boat had drufted ashore near that place, sud i description taillies w-ith that of the boa: you Peste snd Miss Danchs hired front him, on i Sunday that they went oui on the lakte. Th were ne oars fa tie boat but there was c tuho attached ho th Set. Thfs dstroys i ing eues for their safety, sud le conclusive e' dence that the unfortunate yotmng couple mce watery grave. A lookout le being kept for t odis but as te- w-aer w-ould be vry de vne- hyvr rwad tb oane: ieg Geneva. tou rainoe ew-ho bas been affected w-ithb turnr lutht eais net quite so w-cII lately,. Mrs. oland Camtpbell w-bo bas been confine tebrbdabout eue year stili keeps very low. fourld pasdhreo Thrsdy gon ct We are pleased te sec John McCulloch wbt us again afteran suextended trip through th Ma- Go. ane-. of xb-dge ,m eta c n vau ls w-eek. T n ailingu ou ouf roadasuad bridges are feu disappeanng. The East Whitby council shoul higtsgtypaRties te-boRT. Mnru ns. W. Crues sud famnily are Miss Phenie Joncs lvis ig lie may Mr. Stevenon sud dagtr, f Toroto, w-ere te guest of Mn. Figett last w-oek. ,' We are pleased-to report tat MISS M. Pot, who was .il w-ith typboid fver bas samn ecft onMonda les frBocht sp. Mrs. Chapman is visiting le the dy a p- sent. Mr. Jim. CologiBarrister, of T•routo, s~»Sunday unde Ucparental roof. imr M Todd fs paining and otherwise hmnvu is bouse lately occupied by George 8lharpe. Mr. D S Davipson bas engaged a spIler and hcpne is mill, which has.bien ie for somte M r. J. S. Todd, o eu e p l l g gr i u r on the a lway co mtp any's.r w l . h e thtis fao . Front reports reeived thei ptate çra vi no beneadly as heavy as lest year. theudr wecather cf hipm~ eiaehsag tegroqth, The past few uights rminds~~ hs iw but smely the- summer- is dra' ag A lieu r-.,. - -... W#tme, - -lu' DRY QoODS 4 As seasons coer sd seas1 And folks alart oi asn ToThey ceome Wihoutelaoy nces tD new-t syes Pl Vi ollar comnes our way.8 s Our prices are se very low There le nowhere cise it a' That's w-bat the buypas to There's money saved la eer s And that le what bas alwaysrtad le Dollar coume our w-aytg Our stoéks thse maket iks Its quality excites surrse No e-ndr we the trae corm Ail bayera seek headquarter sd- The Dollar cornes our way he9 agetism of ouroe LPair trest ent every day Like wtef Dllars rua downt bh To find their level la our till~ Tihe Dollar cornes our w-ny - **O O ~~TyR JBOY . STo Manitoba and the Cani **e" Northwest and Return. Excursions will b. run f rom ail statioa ln te Provinces of Quebec andOna on Jane 3othi, Jaly 7thi and July t~ To Deloralne, Man, sud return.... Reston, Esteran, Assa., Biscarth, Man. Moosomim, Assa, Regia, Moosejaw, " Vorkton, " Prince Aibert, Sask. Calgary, Alb., Red Deer, Jumt Roootvod EARLY ARR/VALS FAL IMORT T/M8 Per S.S. "Eth eopia" of the Anchor Line and Downing's American De- spatch. which sailed from Great Britain bound for New York with - the New Fall Stock of F. E. Ellis & Co.o board, lm all 20 Cases Dry Goode, 5 Cases New Fall Dress Goods, 3Cases Flannels and Tweeds 2 Cases Hosiery and Gloves, 2 Cases Silks and Velvet, 2 Cases Mantie Cloth, 2 Cases Fine Li nens, 2 Cases Mantles, New Styles, R E SS • G OO D8. 30o.pieces in sight to-day. Prett‡' New oveltjes, ail that the fiights of fashoti have ctated for this fall season. Ail New Pst- rus range themselves in gorgeons display. 'on qesin this the str par ecel ch display anywhere else. No such riety to choose from. Equal to anything en in the cities in newness of style, and ices as low as any. The early buyer gets ewidest range of choice. '.E. ELLIS & Co*., KING ST. WEST. A RE THE BESTs T HEY FIT ? Yurthe ymay be e laest 'a .raccord wih yorataste nu fact you are perfectly satisfied with themu except in one point-"They don't fit you perfectly." No need to predict the resuit. Corns of any description and at any stage N are disagreeable companions. . Never Sacrifice Comzfort forStyle,. Our stock. furnishes both. Onur eperience at the trade is practi- c. Wet knogr the ~shape shoe your foot requires ata ~gac. You will find us painstakins usos effo~rts to pleasé It alwaya pae Sold on June 30, Good until Aug.ai July 7~ et ,z Above7ticets and ain information ca obtained from W. P. STERICKER, att Oshawa Ry. Co's office, Oshawa. Oshawa, June 24th1 1896. $28 cci 28~ 2801 30a 300J 3001 35 Cci MA CHINE --MANUFACTURE- OI.0VER MTT.T., tise .imiu O AXPION MOWER, Er and s"ppîy parts, sud repat- aIl -s chines mnade ,by the Joseph li M'fg Co.,.-Masson Co. sud Diag Estates, having bought all the patterns, forme, etc. Kniveq dN sections for m any mae, moer re ep - bras8 or iron). Rbber BeltiDg. Packig, (rnbber, gar1ock kTresher Teeth most aillkI Repair Bicycles, and sp ArÅ  s or same. ngsnes sud Boilers re (any make.) Rega"1r MaehiDery an H'ORKS i9 ODCon> Fou 1 ebsi1t Portable Thi pollar iJgn. The Big Dollar is the flmout for. If you want ~oth of your mnoney call ax d. BARSAIN ÷ GOI We aie Clearng a large Stoc - Toilet Soar Hair Bru and ,gency for Mn ji CHMS N R Hlouse-oleaning time W. have a larger and better as of window shades this sea have ever shown before, f ie use the best hand pa: shade cloth, with Hartsh roller. Also a fine variety of c< Ask to see our latest styit screens, to fit any window, )ur baby carriages are all of signs, pie us a calI before purchasir We are taking specia pair elegance witb economy n general utility. Our' stock is completemn H ouse We invite buyers to comé It will save mnoney. Leading Unidertaker,- E. J7. JOXI shedK 1849,IT httb Steamf .Dundas St., WIIT BY Y, EJ~. 8m material andi c Jlene Tram reby given that I StIhe Board' cf La Sonth Ontari, tof the. Ta-vern: Seard,. of theRei M. C. T< è½6.-39-Zin. -Several fit cia e.our business in e. Apply withbr M5YGaIarroW I 7 snd r. rich , F h a XXX OL. Thos•nton's Corners. ITBY, • D&oa. Bowmanville. WOR y

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