Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1896, p. 5

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»~41 Eiarn~ied Maple Leal o BROOCHES, ISCARF PINS LINKS? BUTTONS, in naturial tutimn tint ; make beautiflil Canadian Souvenirs. Theçe and many other ha.ndsome desiR'fls in en&zmel can be had of Jino, S. Barnard .JEWELER... iaps - uwc.ney Orga.-l-amg.s Cira dm 01l »Y looai papar in Osuada FRLDAY, A1iG. '28, 1896. LOCAL LÂOONICIe. ,cott repairsalal kinds of pumps. Ice cream, cakes, boiled harn, aI Yatesl Mar. and MIrs. E. Annis, Solina, were lown yesterda:.. gr, John Grahami, ex-teacher at Toi -Dot. is here this week. Save your butter aceounit by using Tox brad. 'Hait the butt"-r will do. Tvo brick bouses to rein;ail convei ams low rentai. Appiy 10 M. W. Col Mfr. and Mirs. Jamnes Rutledge returri -hom their tnp b Halifax on Tuesday moi Miss Elma Whitney, Port Perry, is visitii àtown, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wi lava, perry- street. James Sadier, Whitby, is prepared 10 ~pf hanging ai 5 cents per roil. Corneq .Vit your orders. -35-4ifl. Mrs. W. J. O'Neil, Miss Phyis and Ma tffJoe, of Ceveland, 0., are visiting h aRger, Mfrs. M. Murphy, of Port Whitby. W%. G. Walters is offering balance mabon's stock of men's ready-made twet sits for $4 go. Regular selling price wi Zte SI?2. lirs. C. W. Jones, and Misses Mabel au Emma àicCaw, Port Perry, and Master Wn Drden, Brooklin, are tihe guestis of Mr Màs Mary H G;reenwood has returüedt * v Ciacnnati after spending five weeks bert sud viii resume her supersntendency of th jewîsh hosptali here. Miss Wurts and Miss Gertrude A. Strau do'Sagirqaw, Fast Side, Mich., are visitir iiMr. I)ecker's, and Mr. E.lmund Hardy Mus. Sac., and Mr. Walter Barclay, A. 1 C M., Toronto, are guests at Mr. D)ecker'o led, and hoard ait Industriai. Bed and board for visitors to Toronto Ej 1tibition. 5 Ansi St. Were tbcy stoien ? Iopa1rs- ladies' bouse slippers 10 be soli atiois. per pair durin ib tis great sale for 3 * dys, at M. W. Collin 's, the new shoe store Y., Id 0 Lms Party. Thre law4 part v ariicis aas 10 have been Wad at Mr-. LT. Barclay's on Wedtiesday kgi, has been postponed until Mondav et coencing as .5 n'clock in tise aftet-non AU are very crdially invited. A good hum e Mayhbeexpected. Admission i5c. %Mre than robbery À number uf peuple in town shlow their »sv bu run thse streets nigisîs aî this season ,Of th year in order lisat that tisey may s-ajd lirdens. One would tbink Ihat sucis a hhing insu! lie o&dastardly fus- any person 10, do, btthey do i j ust tihe same. We would like Iose a special effort made la put a numbes- alCOws ini pound, and let tise public find out vis the owners are tisai vould allow tlieir Swinals t destruy neigbbor's aboie season's vort. La, uop ta your Privileges. If ive read of somne uew fabric tnade in »Mueforeign country wbich gave protection film cold, providing a healthfül warmth in &sOrts of weather, we would cousider it 1ndeful and be envious of te people who ' uld Lake advantage of it. But because '2 Pbe Chamois is q uise 'nexpeusîve and easy 10 ge perhaps some have flot yet teated it Ifttits and ound out for themnselves the - lItfdid wnîer comfort a laver of il will lm- Pm t 10al outdoor garments. Uls wcather PrOfqualitie are genuîne, foundcd on the 4e tUai t is made entirely rom Spruce' Fre, and is therefoe a conaplete Don-con- 'duCWt0f tcold.* This, as wéli as ils light titighiî, makes 't an ideal addition to every Ooe8 ail and iOIer clothlng. 0DofIrgt ai ing oats. Jawes Ray ' Pickering, - ho has been on heefrafortnlght, aras eharged-before Sliarpe on Saturday wlth stealîng a 14nt f nats from Stehen We'stney, 3rd %Ofcession. Pckering,e lu compsny witt e i 'Y James, whd han not yet becu arrest- 1 COUPied wiîth tbe charge vas also one f«%ipgturevsfrom James TruIl ud 4nuP Auksti, nKingston road vest Of SEvidence' was heard (rorn pçveral howng ltat t.hbe f y vas jer- P«rtd in January last, titat they tad beeu tra0t the bouse of one Gulliver, where ~OgadRa)- boarded, Usat they hadbie b~Iaorne sud slelgh on thepJsO<i rbadbny, and that their horpeso .1.1g ~~ ~ ,.traced next omnliso ron et re La- d's tg moi-F ýns T ed ,r- tl ing & do Fl as- t er or 'ed cc ,as s n. h M e .e, fui he Dg le w T si di St Se o go tc la rh Zo ai ro ;hu he ,or ert ai i r )e( ~hyuU*on1.tw.k ' et a f"i Miss Minai. TmlJbas been iudisposesà for tlhe ffl wek. W. hope 10 heu u'ofber Ur. Thce. A onnW&socvsl tovu andsdcalled on teifi CEoICLL. Hei s a son Of bMajor Forman, port perry. rSee grand d~isy Of £net'sready-d tweed suitBW. lu . lers, souîh vmadar They are sU rcdnced 10 one price on Satur' idaY bargalu day, 84.9o asasit. r1 Extensive improvemet are under wv >at thse Ontauio Ladies' College, viser. a lamge 1staff of vorkmen are painting and decorat- 'nt PreparstorY to the re-ôpenlng on Tues_ day Sept. & Yankee money, eltber silver or bi, vil! not be s.ccepted by city batiks or business men cacept at a discount, and il is only a malter of very short limbe 'aden Ibis viii be the case lu the towns and villages lhrou h- Out Canada. WiII Our sutnbsi n bb States Please remember tbis sud in makting remittances send elther puooofice or ex- Pris money orders.t Um Francis Stabbaek dled lu Toronto on ( Thursday lust Aug. 2oth, aged 32 years, sud f was lnberred at Union cemeîery here. She vas the voungest daugbber of lte late jamesC Stsbbsek, Columbus, arbo vas one of thse best knovn men in South Ontario taenty. five Ycars ago. The followiuig brother. of deceased alîended the funeraI : Thomas sudf Frederlck, Balsover; A. E., Woodville; John, Beaverton, and Charles, Columbus., sow excelen> Wup.H.Pprcnsi oa rs as i W.ll H.O h Pi eoseliyu s fis-sthcessarvi Wells cleaued out. Give him s cail. Vhaf you May aspect At te West Side boot sud Sho. Store f vo veekas. soo pairs of sllppers et 9e, i4 akirs of sisces at Soc., Men s galters 20 tunt. discount, Ladies' button boots, Si.o Vint. Front. Mca'. fine kid galters 10e thp Si, Men ine kid lace boots, narroar 10e, $i ; ladie rie kid buttoned boots, toe tp, narroa tc mly $i ; ladies' fine kid oxford sboes, na >w toe, ouly 8sc aî lthe oea shoe store,1 D. Who0 kmdn 30 re. Alil )th p he c entv ion fil Io les e te he C61usabian excursion&. Lpaards of 900 people enjnyed another of iose deligisîful exils on tise lake ou thse lumnbia's trip 10 Toronto last Friday. To- av's is tise last excursiion for tiese Beson lu, orooîo. To'mors-ow (Salurdai'> afternoon ie runs from Torounto t0 these nosrh shore >rs snd carrys passengers from Wiby 10 'armanville and returu foir 25 cents. Tise Il is short but a most lnteresting one. tise xa leaving Whiîby at 4.30 and calling on t retus-n to Toronto at 8.30. CpHin luPiano Forte. Mliss Beatrîce K. Decke- ias successfuly npleted her course aI bise Tor-oto Con- rvatory of Music, graduating in the achers' Normal Class aits ist ciass tors, under ber able insîructor, Mr. Ed- rd Fishser, director, une of tise most suc- s-ful teachers of piano forte on the contin- tMiss Deciker is Itoa prepared ho teach des-n method of piano lorte. Pupils pre- red fus- conservato-y ezaminabions. For titer particulars write or cal! ou Miss ccker. Stili Clamorngt. The Gazette and Port Pers-y Standard wich publis h h samne malter cacis weck are sî iii clamoring about tise Slooo lie tisai we tried to seli tise CslaONIC.E'S infiueoct to tise laie Dr. Rae. Great fauli is faunc because are have given out tise osues o parties of undoubted veracity viso acr present attse lime uf the allegeýd offes-. and %viso can maire i clear 10 ail tise aorld Ibai tise ahole story is false. .Our cotents say are are dragging outsiders loto tise matte-. Il tise Gazette man waere charged w'itis mus-dca and .vas obliged to bring forarard several reliable witnesses 10 ps-ove tise basens ef tise charge, would h. cal! tisat dragging re- spectable people into a marder acrape? Ms-. Newton and tisuse abo as-ie bis squibe must isclieve tise people are fools 10 acccpt sucis a viea of mottera. The 'Gazette>s uIt- repeaîed asser-tion tisat Dr. Rae vas ever ,asked to aigo a statement Ibat lte Smoo story aras false, or tisat h.erer refused any- one authonized by us te maire sucli a ne- quesi, is also a lie. Tiser. only remnains oee mos-e falsebood of the Gazette's to0 dean up ail its allegations agalnst tise CHRsONICLE, and wc mnigisîas wadi nail tisat as-y tro. It conlinually atates ltaI Mr. Henderson ovus titis journal and Usat thte present editon of tise CHRONICLE 15s a-- iisellng.1" The prsoprietos-s of tise CHRONICLE cach oaa ailf, as tbe pas-inership papers lu Mr. D. Os-mistou's poissession, made ten years ago, all showi. Mander of Fod Murs-ay. Wedoesday'a World glis lb. follovlng pariculars of the (acta brodghî out aItbte soquest In Teorcolo: -" That Hans-y Badgele and Bert Lyons, did viit malice aforetlsought maliciously kil! sud munder Charles Murray pu ,Aug. 17, anid that George Blakeley vas su aceessory before the (set," Foregoing la the verdict cf lthe jury aris heard te eri- deuce ai the Inquest bld lasb nlgbt by Coroner Johnson to ascertain boy thse yoang man Chas. Muray met bis death on thse z7bb must., lu King-street, near Blincos-stret. Mr. Curry represented lb.ý crovu sud 5Mr. Robineeas prefent for te p'isoners, George Badgeley sud Bert'Lycus. George Badgcley wva nrsed the day Murray -dled and Bert Lyons gave himself up yesterday. EIsrry Badgeley, 1aalut wbomi the verdict of Mortier vas gien, as got yet heeu arreste& Among ibose premat ai Uin.l I Seu ,vere the motber snd .1.er cf tihe deesdandIis. and Min Badgeley. Tise eridence u n as prely me ofuthIe *uSai salure, althse arlnsssaredIn thatXHsrr Badgekey strck theb. o r lilcIs eidop, Mfurray. mis. Hestdrýimitchel.zGSA47f1 ddestmet ea, aswllut vést lunKltag- gtree sud unitsary 0sdigeIeyvand Bert syL o anM to adly"Wlben Hea 00& t m b ot«,a a h . S I I I I I I. Excursion te Oshawa aud Bowmanviiie. In connection arlth the Colurnbian's excur- sion from Torousto oext Saturday afternoon, parties may go from i elher Whltby or Osh- awa tu Boamanville and reluru for 25 cents, Parties may ride to tise city on Use relus-n trip for 25 cents. Labos- Day. Monday, Sept. 7th, is labor day, and a statutory holiday. Ail business places viii be closed, tise banks inciuded. Those lîav- lng obligations falling due on that date yul be slloaed anotiser day to pay them. Titis holiday alays cornes on tise fis-st Monday in September, but it is remas-kable boa many holidays have fallen on Monday tis yeas--the Queen's birtisday, Dominion day, civic holiday and Labor day. Tisose abo maire thc almanacs neyer make Good Fr1- day laul on a Monday, but every other holi- Cos sîksoutofsigt n thià,sale,ý. if saving is making moneythsfcraiycoixgk Dont fil o sarinu he bargains- ofthé' (*RET (EÂTK[NG SALE AT CFSTWR LIST TO,, HE0F PR EE Um spWIlace, Newr York, -jS bornMe On vcTACROa vsku «ermother, 1fr. Geo. Wal- fLP. C. Graham, Kafthester, wheceed lso tow oaon Sunday ,and emained s 1ev MatrNorma Ham, son of Geo. H. HZam, Moatreai, * is vlsltlng with bis auut, Boss Ham. Miss Roeers, of Newr Yorke, la spendlng a portion of ber holiday, la Ibis tbau vlsltlug ÎÈts. Dr. Adams. D>. IL Todsa bread sud cakes are sold at T Ystes'. Give him a caUl when you wanb mnythlng nice ln that line. The fine shovêr ou Wednesday aalgbt vas mnore than welcome, -but noth iug the veather c)crk ecau do viii restore hlm tb grace on the ramn question. Mr. Wilmot Pike, ofîthe Armstrong Homse la off on hi. holidays, and genil BiIly Biac lu vine clerk aud general bouncer for the es- tabilsme0t. Min Au Brown, who bas been vislling viîb relatives in Port Perry during th. put moaîh, la ber. vlsitia.bher brother,-,Stàtiou Agent Broyn. Miss Thompoon of soutb vsrd, arbo bas becu s1dk for past four veeks vfth typhoid lever, his recovered, sud vas .cu - ét he firet lime yesterday. Tise sdult member, of St. John's (bay) church. aud memnbers of the bible vissa, had a pîcule at DeHarts point on Tuesday. A very pleasant lime vas speaî. 'Miss Ide Frances sud Miss Bessie Free- man of Markhsm, vere guests of bMiss Logan on Mouday, as acre W~. sud Mm. Patter. son of Perths during thse preceedlng veek. Mr. W. T. F. Tamblyn, B. A., bas fiulsbed a year's study of the dead languages aI Rome sud Atbeus, and arrived back: (roum Europe on Saîurday. His hcalth, vhich was lu a precarious condition s yesr ago, îs AUl must go regardieS of Price. Trimrnod Rats regular *,fr$.Trme$aln eua.* 5, for$.B our 25, 30 aud 50c. Sailr&a. ÀJl'ibbons, L&cS, Flowers o, vry loveamprice. b' Cil81ude6amfor the1. SS e our L adi es' B ot B u k es t only 10. N ew B o usew e r% & , " eg 1 0wuc. t g sr ce y b it g o a Haia wee SiterIl10.fliuo-W at Guu+ Du.. olu RalfaxTwed Sit ony *0. ~.BueSerge Suite ouly $12. Er Fine Black Suite a apedily. M Ths is tesOre for reat Bargains. Izveryting' ai Reduced Pric,,. They Just Camne In. C~E~ STEW4RT Là over 100 different patterns aud colora. They are elegant goods, rieh ini color and effeot, perfect in wesve and finished as only a Frenehnar a ea finish Dreas Gooda. We aregiu to sell thein for a good deal lem than their worth, just to encourage early shopping. Pricea will e g25e., 50e., 75e. tb $1 per yard, and~ $5.60, $6.50, 7.50 and $8.50 per. dres length. b 5 d .et. for 100 er 00. 58' oci Gr-est Suap to New Subscribera. Tise CHROINICa.E antis itises- lie Toronto iWeekly Globe or Mail frosu 00W tn Jan. rat, r898, g'r s 1.25 spot cash. Sixteen months. rTise Globe yUll be a r6 page paper nexi year aud not b. second to auy in Canada. Tise increase of four pages ai enable ils puis- lisisers 10 arrange ius departuients lu most useful and attractive forsu. Titis la lise besî ratel ever oftered lu this province. For genersal nears and select'rcading the Weekly Globe caunot be beaten, witie the CHRON- ICr.n publishes mure local ucas tissu any other ire papers in tise county. Tbe editor of tise Dominion Oddfelloa hunts Ibrougis ail tise local areekiies inte~ province every issue 10 secure Odfellows' nears for bis own journal, sud recenîly ise arote the folloalng editos-tai comment in tise Oddfelloa : " The Wbitby CHRONICLE is thse best local paper publisbed inilte Province of Ontario. Tise Osillia Packet and Picion Tintes sank equal for second place." A Pn.Uty Weddiug. The Globe cf Wednesday contained Ibis account of a social afiair iunlte city lu aisicit Miss Annie Hoarden, daugitter of Mr. J. D. Hoaden, postmaster, vas a participant : "Yeaterday afternoon a preîîy aeddiug aras celebraîed ai lthe residence of Use hride's fatber, Dr. Closson, 6u Spadina avenue, it beiug lb. marrnage of-bis dan hIer, Louis. Marie Closson, to Mn. W. l. Thomson, eue of New York city's popular youug business men. Tise bride aras aa.lsted by Miss Hoa- den, Witby ; utile Madeline Bell, daughter of Dr. Bell, Oshawa, acted as ma'd et houer, sud Wf. Thomson, cf lte Batnk cf Cosu mers.e, Miootreal, asslsted Use groom. The ushera acre Mn. Wm. Hyland and Dr. J. H. Closson, brother cf lte bride. The bride vas attired lu s beaubifi heavy cream-cord- cd siik dresa. Sitearas tbc recipient ot many gifts, one being a suar et pearla* ifrosu Use groom, Dr. Ray, uocle of lte bride, gave ber a'aay. The happv couple left for Mont- res! sud Washington, D.C., bel'ore returnlng dom puea York ct Msuuney Lock gare a garden'pai'Iy at bis resîdence on Mouday uigbt lu honor ut Wbiskey Wilson, ahbas been absent for a )ycar since be 1.11 here sud forgotto lquidat bis board bil! at Use Qîu'. imbotel. Tbie acre "i preseut at thete ardes party Sam- Siater vit Idebisviella, Joe Bridy maa s cf lagerab d s more hilarlous assmble f fOve macer mem together. The.,ft u bp on the we asaà bypfo«ce SOMeb tise ke'tlgeali couslted Of f#OSU% ,Itself tnlb. table snd thotu t puuoe s takipg gurus lu-0M'eirleproces - tu WVIlsonLock sud Brady,. 'Lo* 'vu 11 fint tecome-under itIe lnfismecf thé %m,* 4biptiàmt as.ud lb. aiZard keff .neu bc th" -- Balance 33MENS SACQUEC SumT, ina fine ail-wool Eanlih, Cana- dian and Scotch Tweeds, with boit afi-wool Italian liningad interliuings to match light aud darkr colora. Cnt ina the very lateat fashion ; being ba1aiüce of regular lines, with only two or three suite of any one lim*e. Bises 85 to 42-ira. chest measurement. Regular Selling Price $6, $7, $8 aud *10 a Suit.2 YourDhoi. CeSampIes of Suite will be in our South Window.¶IU FLANNELETTES . Best quality Englizh fIanne1ettes, 34-ut. wide, regular price l2jo. Reduoed to 8 cta on SATURDAY, Bargain Day.- Suthmer Goods of alkidnds at Haif Price 'on SATURDAY, BARGAI N ,çs I N. G . WALTE RS, e- - e Whîtby~ DAY,* AUGU$T. 29th, WM. TILL, ~very Week- oo W.receive a frelishipment of Sterling Brand Hama ant Break- faut Bacon. Thes goode are mild -ouredU (not funl of ait> sud are guarateed sueIn to any other brad on theo market. o Fumtr nIr STOP .LND -THII(KI Beforo you puréas your .it ,whil l~.psy yu~ ho cou ~toro for ~-mbo$ sh~... I Gond Wi~MsM.au.. amy miss- 1-.tri Farinosa -Breakfast ~~MM.LB~g~ Paéag. 15o.~~ M. 'ae Jol> Lots of Dreas 9oods 2,59-\36 sud SOc. ýweuced to it 15 and 2Ue. SeorPits Goua. ~w oloed repnsailnew, c s# ut , sold for I bc. our prioos Saturday 1 24c. regular 15c., for 1l2jc. ; be sure and M IbLn, ee our Flannelettsoa t Sc., 7c. and 15c. Miee Mhalina st 20c. regular 25c.Albumr ýWool Delair.a b be sold at cotan sd under. r than rtks in .u bbes- 'Tis rble, sd and ues WALTERS., W'hitby.,m,-lr_ý Svery à .1 t 1 1 a 1 p m îr îr )r .0 1 cvazd 1 - 10, 1210. Ail Nfew- New Bisk OrepM 1. : 4mmzý: No trâ* AUGUST 291h., 1 FLANNELETTES at 4C., wOrth 7c. FLANNELETTES at 5c., worth gé- FLANNELETTES at 71c., wOrth IOC. Gle 1 1 $TOP [ce Cresa Pars For tise beet Ice Cream, cail at f athlsou's, Dundas street.-23-tf. kpPreutice Wauted. To learu tise printing, one altowaoli tarn the business himsell, not one % wants te icara it to us. rho bout lu tl".d to b. Slaughtered. Tise Sîster boots a soes. Don't miss tise chance. Only lay at M W Collins' Est Side Sisoe Stoi 't John's cbnrch Whiîby. Tise Rer. F. B. Hodgias, B. A., of.j in'. churcs Toronto, wli ot1llcliate at bc ervices on Suoday oeIl 301h imat. At t inclusion of morning service thse sacrasue' ,fholy communion wili be adauinistcred. sceurtlons. Se. Stephsenson, Whitby, for excu-rsiq Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebe oing Aug. 28th tu 3ist inclusive, guod t ept. 2ist 10 return at single fare. AI tpît. ual and r5tis 6o day excursion ticke )Manitoba points -only $28.* Buy tise ckets fron t Sephensonu, Whitby, (opposi atci Brus.) MILLINEIRY* MILLTX«P.IRV lulothine at Ghmaf. L New Dres's Goodse CLOTHINQ FOR MEN.

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