Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1896, p. 8

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GOODS ]3OTTLING WAX,ai RUBBER RINGS k fruit jars. FRESH INSECT POWDER, POWDER GUNS, FLY PALS AND PAPER, TANGLEFOOT, (sticky fly paper. Dispenszng of Prescrz» lion. tand Family Recz/pei recetves ou r care/ul, personal allen/ton. -AT- Ryley's Drug Store, Simacoe St. south, Oshawa. OSRHAWA. ArT( 4 lff OSIIAWA PAGE Farmers will do well tn cali at M. E. Mday's for boys' ready made clothing. XI will pay any parties conteinplatirig buy- Ing an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Felt Bros., Oshawa as they wilLseil this montb very cheap foi cash. Genuine diamond 14K. onlv $%. They are also making some special ofers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and ilîver watches. Sec tbemn. FeIt Bros. Sale-Cali ai Murray's the tilon. Ho bas o fiue selection o! pantings, suitings, aven- coaîiags, etc. These goods muet and viii be sold by the yard, or made up, sa>'y below cost ai once. Termasînticti>' cash. Miss Alice Snider le visiîing frienda la Toronto. Mn Frank Curtin, Newv ork, is homo for s holiday. Mn Fred Collins, Toronto, speni the holi- days in iovfl. Miss Day, Toronto, is the guest o! Mn-s L C Smith. Mn Everett Fowke was iu toua for the holiday. Miss L Thomas, Port Hope, is viaiîîng her parents.. Mn P T Nicholson, Brockvibbe, lu la toua on1 a wheehing tour. -Mn J W Fouke is confined ta bis bcd and la graduali>' sinking. D Lick, ubo Sas beea iii o! tvphoid feves, is somneuhai boîter. Ernest Wilson, son o! Rev J C Wilson, le iii vitb iyphoid lever. Will King, Rochester. le home ta spend a holiday wvuS bis parents. Mn and Mns Giddonansd children are guesis o! Mn John Sykes. R L Munro vas la toua over the holiday, thc gucai o! Mrs J W Ells. M'isLoua Hall, Toronto, is Uic guesi o! Mn-s Ells for a summer holiday. Tis i lan unusuail>' bus>' season viib the Pedlan Moisi Rooflag Ce. Tise>' have a largo orden (nrom Es9ton, Toronto, sud ta get 1oit hSrn e are runuiag fions r2 o'clock mldoigbtantli 6 p. m. Mr. Pediar bas been asked ta put a cuasion on the six ton drop die for tise finit heurs of tise day, as ai dis- turbo Uic shumbens o! the aeighbors. Pansersansd othens isaviug business to tranasct ai the Oshawa junction yul bo glad to, knoW tisaiMnr. FranS Mdlot bas cons- peged bis nov hotel sud shoda opposite tise 6T. R. station. Tise shseds are eue hun- dfe cc long, sud afiord ample accommo- datl=r n homses, and extensions are being -- " m 'edtise hotel at a rapid rate. lu tiset «ud Mr.. Malbeit ilîl b. at considerabbo ex- -yeuse, but viii bnsucb betiorsituàted tban foramri. i Sene penson wusfron. Oshaua-cn-ihe. -. lakelthie Vladicaton lu sucS a nipetenleus way oee ould (suc>' bo orediath Ue public1 wîtb mmretUssu utural poséers Of percepion. Mo* isn body tknowho n rk«W t vises su item states that Bob or Tom d=m dit. or Fred or 8111 dosa tleoterslly-hjng? Ifsa man unites for tise public vhy ua« aake bimIf. neligible? If ho vrltU oui> for him»U ensd orne or twoe toibravho knov oband Tom sud Fred, tison viy'put 1: iu s neuspper te P 0pilwpope? Titis tous bho man>'liînge ta .psu ýCf;aMd It la seldom s touna Juba satsep 'pelt iait sdvitaes «bonter, vr' h lglop tedate 'and very' lUe lst lag te tender li&e6br. ra laue But ibore la y« OMMue tilgwbll abd »eeded»sai * adrbsslg nisa er ae tiemrer oS KIug1 sud Simcao streets.Ifsa - spj1ýnsg ef sst qutd becie u o~ m4*Wà'usldpead ,coupleofoSIudreedonmte w j- vltnoir tsemauin ereag i me of he tolphntnglg* GeoMîler sd W!.re*edfront tiseli isaV Remington sud Ma L Wilson, of irnp to Montreal On STtudsy asi. o oRte ae @idiig tho* tX>Ildays wltÉ Mn Bert'SomenviDe, TirsMr put and Uns T iiles KasX urlais holidays wvus Mr ndd"n T MllesJCx* Lyttan C Smith# EB£, bàbac!sdthe houer man. . o bing sppo4utqed chairisanove tise litera-' Mns Byers, ubo bas beois vlslinc iser * tà-tre sectione <i Use bard Qf examinerhata ter, Mnri S Gllddon, -returaed home on Sat- Ushe educaioual depirnment. id Urday. Miss Panton sud Miss KiClver vii lake a Dr Mns J H Builer bas retisrned home aferaboat cf the Richelieu sud Outarîie hue of feu ek'vatutsfiuaa ida u steamers a: Boumnvîlie on Monday for a Manilla, ih rensatLnda adholiday trip îo Monîneal sud Qùebec city. Ma ghi anae okedfeîd b Tise steamer A. J. ryýmon brougllt au e- Malleable Iron Conmpany at base bail Tues- cursion o! about 300 Irons Cobourg and Pont day b>' 12 te 7. . Hope Weduesday, sud the visitons spout a very pleassut day s: the park aud anouud -Mrs Geo HughaLon, Auburn, NY., bas ne. toun. mtned m, sAfiehn s roî' itvihon 1Mr sud Mrs Harry Hamilton, of Toronto, moihe, MrsA Jousion viseloti front Dunbartn to Osawsa ou )Miss Gertrude Gadsby, wbo bas beeon cîvic holiday sud speni Use day at Mr E syeudiag part o! ber vacation la Toronto Cansuell's. Mr Hamilton bas thc contraci and Wesîou, returned borne Tuesday. for furnisbing fine escapes for tise Ontario The Misses Gnabamn ors0 beeled to ladies' college, Whitby. S Qeavasudspe T u n vs Mr John The second eventinl the base baIl contre. Carter and uheeled back on onay. versy boîveen King sud Sirncoe sîneets S Mins Anna Armstrong, o! Kingston, ube carne oSi on Fniday lasi, snd resul:ed lu the Pbas been the guesi o! Mrs F Armstrong, left Sîrncoe mon defeating tise royaliste snd ne- Sto-day for Cnomdanagh camp arnong the gaining ibein bast reputation. Wheu tise Tbousand Islands. teamne liued up on the field 1: becamo evid- t M. Mecklenbong, oye spocliat, wiii be et on: usait sere bad been sorne culiing dovu, Rogers' book store ou Fn lday and Satuindsy, snd mon- cf more or lesm local renoun sub- ti Aug 2ist and 22nd. Have youn eyes îested stituted for severai uho had proved weais free, and have glasse. fitted properly. Re- mon lu the former struggie. The score momben Vie dates. shovcd 23 te 13 for SimcOe streot. The man " Dab " uho unites " Kiaks I Drouued iHumbr btp h for the Vindicaîoi, haq apparnaîy had ail Ernest Lang, an ex-Oshawa boy, youngos: the kinks tokea oui of hlm, and had boiter son of the laie Wm. Lang, vas dnowned ai fc go into permanent retirensen i viîbthe laie Humber Boy on Mondoy. With tua othen hi "Diogenes." The lime is very short bc- boys in a canoe ho vas sîtempting to paddle iveen the sunrise and sunset o! some brul- acrosthe bay against a high vave, whicis G liant liierary caneors. suampeil the canoe. Ho left the othen twa C The fine alanm sounded yesterday morn- cliugiag to tbe ovonturnd bark sud starieda ing ai 2 o'clock, and it vas found thai Mnr10e sini te sbore, but suaS about hall uay n J. D. Sioney's stable vas burning. The Had ho clung te the boat ho vould have engine vas rua doua to thse corner of King been saved viîh the oxisers, for îhey uere and Simcoe streets, and lnas very short lime rescued very shortby afior thc boat capshzed. hi the blaze vas extiaguished. The lssîil The 341h battallon band appears te bave amouat te $»o or f30o. reached that mtate cf pnosperity uhon A It vas the pnopbecy o! a great man), generai fussansd splii-up la uecesaar. Last people tisai Simcoo and King streets uould wintenr tht3' laid aside Mr. D. Trou sud gave P ho ia ver>' poon condition for a year or Iwo him a suppen ai Tod's to ansoeîh bis feelings afier the street railway vould be laid, tear- uhilst Mn. A. O. Geiger vas placed la bis in up of the îurnpikes ta lay the iracks siali. Nev man>' of the membons are la a Ml boiag looked upon as sufficient to desîroy sîste o! mutin>' and vont Geig1er nemoved the road beda.XIt bas been found, bovover, andTrew neiustaied. 1: is gaid that music- lui ihat thc remnoval o! thse heavy traffic from the tans are alusys cranks, and thse boîter road bcd te the irons bas left the roads musicians thse higger crsuks. Seldom does amootiser than ever. There le not a rut on an amateur band reach an advanced stage cither Kiag or Simcoe sîreets. before ît la fonnd thst discussion baq kept pneîyvedin va clebatd o Fl-pace hispogres. lu other respects, and prety wddig ws ceebrtedon ri*ai a certain stage stops lnanad swrek the day at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. D. J. Mc wholo combinaion. Iti w ta bo hoped thai ru' Naughton, Clevelaad, O., being the mur- the men of the 34th baitahion bond wiii bave À niage o! their neice, Miss Mabel Hebbs, ta sense aad ]tlo eeougb alone until they nei Mn. Fred. Koeter. Only relatives vent, are sure they can do boîter. * bui present. The bride vas attined in white hfdy organdie, and canried bride roses sud maid- Lil"C hld enhain ferns- Shorîl>' after thse noul>' ved- Civic holiday bore vas celebrated von)>art ded couple started on their brida] tour up aîcoly, the park and thselaite being each PO' the laites. wel paîronized. About sao visitons came 1 Mn. Frank Wiggins !ound it impos-.ible t0 vith tise Truc Blues frorn Toronto. The Sei maSoe bis bailoon ascension on Moudas procession took place at io.3oand vas mode wit advertlsed on acconot of tise difficuli>' . up o! tise Truie Blue lodgcs sud Orangeb infatîg h seil asagan a Youc _dfo brigades from Toronto, ail beiug pressed in n Wedlaegisda aiernooaan; but15e id gFoashining sud artistic negalia. Besides the ,W preveay aenion.; bthe wbdal bon ~34th battabion band, vbicb played some fine suchnenormouascenin. he infIn ,mus'ic, thse visitons !nom Torcnto brouRhi ht tiSes such a big fine ta funnish the bot aii thatitlus impossible la a brisk vind to keep from burning it before it can ho fi lied. The Toronto papere give details o! qs aw- suit la Toronto betveen Mn. and Mns. W. H.- Doti, Eglington, la which tise latter seecs Io have instruments sl aside uherein she deeded ta tben husband sorne valuable ciii propert n 'ga s8 ansd vbich abe vanta back on the ground -that risrepresentaiioa anc fraud were used to induce ber to sigu the deeds. Miss Clans Torry, Oshawa, is usmed as co defeadant, Uic properîy haviug been siace deeded to hon. Sorne person unîtes thse Vindicaton deciar- in& that Coun. Puashoa's cnamp uhilst bath- ing asat veek vas no jaSe, but a rosI gen- uine pucSo n luthe coda o! bis neiber limbs. Tht incident te one of the thingu vhich corne t0 one having the reputaîlon of a prac- tical joker, for i is state4 tisat Mn. Punsison vas seized vith a cnamp once lmstyear, sud ihat uhon rescued ho insmediatel>' siepped upon the hou of Uic boat sud pluuged head long 4'tothe botîorn o! tise so." IXis asaid that chickens corneborne to roosi. Lait vosis Mn. Robis, living on Llcyd -St. and uorking lba the Pedlar Metal Rooing vers, bougisi a cou nean Bowmauville. Tise cou vas put in pestant bore, bu: as-se vas separaîed Irons s cal! she gel eut sud vent bacS home. Ou Monda>' Mr. Robb gel a herse o! W. H. Thomwas' liven>' stable sud taking bis vifo sud three amall cildnen, thse oldest of visom vas six years, droveouon tg bning the animal home. Wisen aitise top o! Trennames hilI they met a rig dnlvlng lu Use opposite direction and lu paaing tsro uheelmen rldlug oa came along aud namu lie tise humse diven b>' Mre. Robb. *Thse home stop e ddeuly,, uhieh Ureu tise ai yearol dugiier (at-yard betueen tise fot whe sdtise box of Use buggy, dieu spraug foruard. .These cresu., cf tise cbiid ucre sonzediing fiigisiful sud seben aisevas released h vas fouud that ber Usigis banc vas fractuned.. Tise vieelman vas tht-eut but pickod iimself up aud dlsappearod in Dunlng the very hot, spolse bave exper. ienced Iately tise residets of tise tows have becs able toeostimate thse valne of the atreet railway. Ton minutessuffices te gter people (nom all qus*pr» sud land 'tisC.bçý- aide tise ooieng breeses aud beautiful waters of Lake Ontanlo, ubere the air lnani t auy perses could desire. A ton cent rare 1 tiste lake sud retura la a thlg i wiss u e eatu k re 'heypno go" go the take Uspt t rip wus am4« ples- santsud-bomutIfp, visite tise stayi tsere va* mu. ie asg.uent o et ulwaSyI îanAInm a ~___) _ I Mfiss Logan from Whilby lvis viing ficl 101e. lins. Hodges snd Bessie are hoiidaying as )ot Penn. James Hunibut snd vile speut Sunda>' ai Mn. &cTaggart'. Vour Scribe bas been very sick but la irnprov- Ig slowiy. Miss F. Ledlngham lisaia Toronto aince ber raudmother'a deaii. Miss Nellie GiIroy sud friead (nom Lakefield te visiting ai Chas.,iilnoy's. R. J. Campbell and Miss Haîtie Dovue>' are isicaiing ai Mr. Thos. Dowuey's. Messrs. Parks, Tarvs sud Rev. W. A. Ban- ads Mn. A. Carmichaci and Mis. N. Gilroy. ub< clava wiîwb typboid foyer, vo are glad te ru. Xl are improviug. Miss Eva Hall, of Oshawa, sud Miss Ednh CUriaS, of Welland, are speudiag ibis yodk ib Miss Lulu Scannai. Mns. H. 1. Broya and childnen, of Tononto, th Mrs. Deuyes, of Bellevile, vent visiinals M. Hoits as: veek. rf tw ieaddu bns n s ad oiaigwt their grand Parents, Mr. and .Am ag Pnaslast week. and ti week a P arrived at the park the Wilton's, Toronto, cenvig. plaved a basebali match with an Oshawa uMnr ?club made up largely of the Bowdens of HPIITLLUgIý, Oshawa. Ai the end of five innings the Western Lime, grey and white, and 5score stood i&a2 in favor of Oshawa, and the Blacksmith's Coal, at C. P. R. station, Sremainder of the game was taken for grant" Myrtie. W. LEDINGHAM. Y ed and left unplayed. King Eli fed the April 301h, 1896-3-mos. khoais ai bis tent and tbey ail declàred be CI gave tbem a finui cias dinner. After dinuer UMUCE8TEE Lthe Orange batlion froint Torono gave a MisGaofTrn, tegs f 5drill exhibition ini fron oi thse grand stand 'MissDralarks, fTrno siegeto 9which was reàlly a treat wonb ithe. pnîceofo isDraPri admission to the park.- The exosciso con- Miss Naomi and Mr Chas Bwers slent a *sisted of marching, formations and svord few days in Madoc recently, vlsiting their *performances. Thse Orioles and Bowdens ster, Mrs Conley. *had anoîber fly a: eacb other, and it proved Thse ladies' aid was beld this monts at to be one of the boa: matches played in the residence of Mr Wm Stubbs. The usual lown tbis 3-ear. The lbcal ivalry la as Programme vas dispeased with. stron as lever between theis, and each club- We are pleased to see Miss Jennie Dick- àis I:dbo todefeat thse other. Boue, the son looking mach improved, after spendlng 1soutb paw pitcher of the Orioles bas >oined a few weeks in thse braclng air of Muskoka. 1Bowden's and catches Powora, bis old Urne The genial countenance of Mr D McIean 1antagonist, who gave hlm a bad one on tbe was missing around our village last Sunday. 1thumb early in the gamne as a reminden of He wss renewing old acquaiatances in Glan. days tisai are gone. MifIs and Cinnamon o! dine. Toromto hold the points for the Onloles. Mn and Mrs jas Parkins and Miss Dora Thse game vas a hot one, wol plaYed, well took advantage of thse excursion to Niagara rooed -hy tise club follovers, and well Falls lust week sud report having spent an appreclated by the crowd. Score-Orioles enjoyable tinte. 9, Bowdens 5. The bicycle races were weDj At preseut fomersamar very bSsy lu the eontested, and were al won as nsal by 'Larvest, aud if tisis weather continues there Toronto scorcisers. Thse McLaughitos sudvi eosyanoasoahuoftebl- Malleable chewed ail thse afternom o<ver or heard suer tisis week. thein tug of van, but after severai balks finally got dowu to business, visnLhe Miss Medlia Defoe, of Zopyr Miss Hq-og Malleables easily dofeated thse McL's in two ermuan, of Mrkham, and Is Hyder, of itragis puls.Thecommueoisadlo usToronto, have. been spending a fov days at business weil, sud made thse day's levents a rDEHaemns great success. To tse credit of thse Truc Lait --Mouday -veek, Miss R Glasaford, mlues kt may 15e said tiat hsis onu viswo has been speuding a portion of her tisosaelves inua mautcor relleçtIng Crédit on holidays vitis ber cousine, returned to ber ther ode. Ter ar away afew wvisome mOOen Sud munst go dnunk, snd ibis elemnn was in levidonce Monday, bitItisoso in Truo Blne regalla kepi tamgk. Mr Ma Irtin aud brothor, jimes, , leave nez: /woek for Manitoba. Miss Mina Nocey la vlsiting a: Mr Johsn OM&bA BeDaIu DbOt7 Morris'. Leskard. a ri. VICMXK. Ybarber =" eM r David McCullough ln visltlng at M<r Thos Gla=com er Koadail., BROOKS'LIVRY I ie" Dn 1EMr TisasSmith, of Bowmanvilie, la sposd- WI. ROUE, hamen au sker Umm*com*et i. la fev deys Wltb Mounds hoem L B. 'MOTNUMSMUtoha, KIg 5W.a& MmsCban. -urand sou, of TIionbeag& DI,. pÂ&muaoa, D=MU; OMM over 1eu. a- vlitmgt ber s, 1Er L A rOamsby aUne. M ~~M isen«t Odeli, P#glc siollupco A.: ,t, for Nciumoan d wlt arevlstlga WuuJ. . Domin" on sd, - uIe Mr Tflas"VIdkT'S. ey idrlhg mmregot LsnSmv.ye,.0h11Euga.rNos IO 4&baY ut ju* below thse Iéel oi lb. froat au.. M&o.S bbb refeécêiast Tusday. eMmu njtio Otsq pb ImS of~ (omusIe a 310 0 = b o ta vi4 a u eu 4 à o wb y h ad at m us ent tr éete d t L b .e us t r 0> IL W=*.-OWWM or btIN,4 W81MA t été ut aor. site~.s Get Jly Sale Goes Mrdeily on son for' the buymng publie. «Mtoi ap Ge*,Hy:liiid. Votk,ý . î 1 ber"&L b4is Hegel &elee Of Teroute, 10 vlsitlug rWl». Punvis., Mrs Stbback ad dugbtr passed lasi week lu Toronto. Mré. W. McCaut o f Toironto, la vlslting at Mr. Philip Harper's. Master Rupert 'Baunsu, of Toronto, la vlsiting ai MEr. Bucklçn's. Miss Redmondi cf Detroit, Micb., ln visit- Iag ai Mr. John James.1 Mrs. C. Lyle, o! Peterboro, ln renewing old acquaintances bre. Miss EdaRolpsansuaiter are vlslîlug ai MEr. Wm. Richardeos, an. Master Charles Roberts, of Markham, le viuitiug si Mr. Wsn. Hobbs. If D. M. Tod's wagon dossot Sal on you, ask pour grooer for Tod's bread. Miss Ada Lumbers, of Tornto, la holiday. ing wiîb Miss Mamie Stabback. Mn. Wmu. Doubi, of Pont Penny, bas bees spouding e day or ivo uiîb friende bore. A bix aflen-hanvest plcnic from ibis section will take place la the near future ai tise lait. Qîsite a number fron. bore toois advautage of the Oshawa cîvic holiday aud iook a trip o thse lake. Farmers are rusbîng harvestdng Opera- ions nov, so thai vo uearly ail viii be thnough ibis ueek. Rev. H. 1. Allen is speuding bis hoiidays in Belleville. Mn. joblIs of Oshawa, tock bis place lasi Snnday. A daugbîer o! W. H. Ashton, Camnpbell- frd, while visi:ing at Mn. John Ashionas, ýas cofttacAed typboid feven and la venv ill. The remains o! the late Mrs. Taylor, of :reeabank, were intenred la the old Bible hnrisuan burying grouad on Tuesday aftet- IH Iow]O THEY FIT Your Shoes may be the latest style, they may ho veillsnade, their shape aud neat appearance Mnay accord with your taste. . I f=c you are perfectly satisfied with them exceptin one point-"Tqhey don't fit you perfcctly. "'No -need to predict the, resuit. Coràis of any description ,'aÎd>,at any stage are disagreecompans»ons. Never Sacrifice Co~fr o ~c Our stocke furàisises 'h.- ur experieuce aItlsbe trade îa pracu. cal. Wé know e ibe hae hoe yourfot, r qirts at ~auce.- .You v il&u'u pittk~gl effo n~ so pieas . .St lw a ys Pa g Asdélt Bessonsou je deason& ,~ And oik stat oi Jwelry to-,i Thes o!ue vithout dola7 To, because Our choice sDpM e Inc ues thse newest style.Ç~ .The Dollar cornes Our wa3'a h Our pnices are 50 very buw There je nowhere cise it part g,. T hatia the buyers say There's money saved in eve 3'ad And tisai e is ai bas alway made, Thse Dollar corne Our Way. Our stocke the mankets pick and lits qnality excites surprise D. r It's snch a big display.' No vonder we the trade c=m5ld Tise rnagnetlsrn of Our stopre 18 siMly this, sud aothiur' more ir treatinent every nay. Like vaier, Dollars run dawia hiiî To fin4 their level in Our til -1, - Nonttlwesî and Return. Excursions yull be rua (rom al Stains iu the Provinces o! Quebec aadOa on june 3otb, Jiily 7tb and Judy 2igt 1896, te thse follouing points la Masi. toba sud the Canadian Northwst attàg rates shovu belou To Deloralue, Man, and return ... 2 R esten, 44 4E .... 2 oo Estoran, Assa.,2 Mooaomin, sa 28: Moaejav, I ....39< Vornu, 4 ,9 30*co ?Oc fine Zephyrs goiug for .,b oolored Suisa Mualins going f fie Victooria Launs goiug for 1e Pnuted Lavus Wc Cbecked Gingisarn ge Organdie Muelins 5c Dreaden 4 O c P en sio n '« At This Our GrosLest Jn]y Sa 2 i 2 21 21 The 90e. kind for 60c. The fine black Edm[ntcr, ....40 m o n t o n ,4 0 0 0 Parasol, suice frasue sud handle, at $1.25, LzMrrS.-Tîckets viii be gocîd"**'o is selliig for 75c. Tise $i Çream Para- retura as under. sol sella uov at 75., sud al the stock re- Sold on Ju ne 3~o, Good uatilAUg. 29, !%J. duoed in proportion. July 7, Sept. 5 , îi Jl3' 21, Sept. is:,do. Above tickets sud ail information cas hë, Greait Bale of! Hosmey & GloVes obtained from W. P. STERICKER, athb .Oshsawa Ry. Co's office, Oshawa. Every Saturday Night. IR. C. Carter, Agti Ladi' and Mosses Straw Hats OiaaJe24h186 .i15C * 20C 20C 20c -25C lIe. and trimmed free of charge The but 81-75 and 82 flua Hata ane being aold fer -AT- '.E. ELLgS& Co., KING ST. WE ST. F BaIe's ?a Shees(ILOVuR iIULSthe iz OHAION IMOWI, ARE HE BS T. an~d supply parus, and repair MA CHINE WORKS,, Estaies, having bougisi al d patterns, forms, etc. IMID1P iu Stoclk Kuives and sections for nm any make, mower or. reâj Iron Pipe,. Steam- Fittit4 (brasa or iron). Rubber lting. Pi*ckng, (rubber, garlook -0 tiiieher Teeth Most ail kil Repair Bicyles, and su1 patsforisame. Engmnes and Boiler repaio (any mke.) neair Maohinery, any Àpiay 8uoppiest, Be"hi çSes . % s Ooeb- FoxmdaN W. ROJNDan W CHEMIST AND DI WETBY,- - BY BUYING TH- x Our Coal H . 1 Downi OFFICE MARKET BUILDINi IR N~I Mil House-cleaning t We bavea- larjer and betve -of uiudlov siades ibis have ever sboun befoi We use the best banc sisade cioth, uitb H2 rouer. Aise a fine varieiy Ask teo sec our latest acreons, ta fit any uinc Our baby carniages are ai . signe. dive us s call befaro pnrcl W. anc takiug special * egance vith eoe *-gouïeral ntiliiy. Our stock la complote lu H W. invite bayera to It viii Save mone.' LjeadiLng Undeltak IL je JOIE BROOK ST., WR * Esablihed 1849. - Whthy Steaw -larM and ,rldas St.-, 1HIB Yu iteyw The Joseph-. ffdýl,ý 1 Ius"t neceBs&I'y to t keep the purf, goods speak Hère- are some fre EPSOM SALTS. ROCHELLE SAI INSECT POWDI 1 1 1 Gcing rapidly a1tishe price aaked. Tise 75c. kind for 50c. The i 25 quality in pretfîy pinksansd blues- for 75c. Tise extra fine 81.50 line goea nov for $i, Print Wrapping. B Y ) * * The $i qulity for 5c. Thse btter RING STREET, WEST. cloUs aud Lnsmmed Garmeut, price Si.0. ______________ nov goiug for $1 eacb, ouly a few left, Dont delay but corne if your iu ueed of such a bargain. XX0 0À foi %.f bý7 JL.JL £ & Y Y £-.IL y 1 £-3, V M 0 £Il 5 1(3;1u. 1 1. 1 ý 4 r aH, àeph - n A T%ý ý A bad accident. voLe 1 Shht WM#î and Bloue. ý WaW Goods and Ignitlins. lumIs. Parao()18.

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